THE ASHEVILT.E CITIZEN'. Associated Press. Leased Wire Reports. THE WEATHER: SHOWERS ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY M K'N I N1, JULY 23, 11)0!). PRICK 1-1 CKNTS. ! VOL. XX-V. NO. 276. PRIEST SAYS THAT 1 CAR PLANT IS DEI OF VICE AND DEATH Men Are Persecuted And f Wives Foully Abused by The Bosses A RARE STORY OF MODERN BRUTALITY Men, Says Father Toner Are Given Less Considera tion Than Dogs PITTSBURG, July 22. The Rev vfatlher A. F. Toner, pastor of St Mary's Roman Catholic churcH of IcKee's Rocks, Issued a startling Statement today, regarding conditions of former worklngmen of the Pressed Steel Car company plant, where al- most 16,000 are now out on a strike. Father Tomer has been at McKee's , Rocks for nineteen years. He charac terized the plant as "the ulaughter house and a thousand times worse' "Men are persecuted, rubbed and killed,'' he said, "and their wives are bused In a manner worn 'than , death all to obtain or retain posl :' tlona that barely keep starvation from ;. the door. ' "The place Is a pit of Infamy wrrtre i men are driven lower than the de " gradation of slaves and compelled to sacrifice their wives or daughters to f the villianous foreman and little boss ies to be allowed to work. 1 was al- lowed to enter the plant at my will rv a few years ago, but I saw too much vi me malicious crime perp-e 1 niieaj daily, and the gates were closed on me. It Is too horrible to discuss. No Kmpert for Dead. "It Is a disgrace to a civilized country. A man is given less consider - I atlon than a dog, and dead bodies 1 are simply kicked aside, white the men are literally driven on to their death. The grafting or stealing by the f bosses and other higher officials is 'Tor a few v-ars after the plant S was opened members of the company m irfAlfM 'MA MiVrM.alh fa. .1 'M hfe..! f and wis were on the most friendly term. But men were being killed dally. Their bodies simply disappeared and when I began to make some com ment I was denied admission to ihc grounds. "I asked for a pass to go through the plant and It was promised me a core or more tltrfes, but It never (Continued on page four.) DAUGHTER SEEKS NOW TO SHVEUTTERFHOM POLICE .Under Pressure Widow Tells Story of a Young Girl's Avarice. IS EXPECTED TO DIE ' CHICAGO. July 22. Suffering from bullet wound inflicted yesterday, it is said by her own daughter, Mrs Gertrude A Minkley, a wealthy wid ow, living here, tried for hours today to persuade the p. .lire that the shoot ing was accidental The police, who learned of the shooting today, are seeking for Mrs. Mlnklcy'a daughter, Mrs. Marl Mayfieid, whose huahand is said to be In Mexico in the mining business According to the story finally told by Mrs. Hlnkley she is interested to the extent of J3.&00 in a Mexican min ing project, having Invested on the novice of her daughter Her refusal to purchase IS, 500 additional stock in the enterprise is said lo have . d to a quarrel and the ultimate shoot ing. Th shooting was at Mrs. Maytteld's home Mrs. Hlnkley's chance of re covery in said to be slender. JUDGE H.ITOSON. GREENVILLE, S C. July 22 Joshua Hilary Hudson, of Bennets llle. for sixteen years circuit Judge of South Carolina and to the day of his death one of the leading legal men of the state, died today at the age of seventy-seven at the residence of his daughter. Mrs. W. A. Wil liams, of this city Judge Hudson was born In Chester, this state, in 1832. OVATION KOK NEGROES. TUSKOGEK. Ala.. July 22 Km matt J. Scott, the negro member of the commission sent by the United States to investigate condition -in IJheria, waa accorded a remarkable demonstration on his return here to dav Booker T. Washington, presi dent of Ttiskogee Institute of which Scott la aecrptary, expressed apprecia tion of President Tart's action in se lecting a negro as one of the mem twra ! thltf comfpission. STORM TOOK COSTLY TOLL OF HUMAN LIFE ALONG GULF CO AS! Twelve Dead, jut ed And Sixteen Seriouly Hurt Result of The (By Associated Press.) HOUSTON, July 22. Tim West Indian hurricane which swept from one of the Texas gulf co. sts to the oth er yesterday claimed a toll of twelve human lives, fatally injuring four others and seriously wounding six teen, according to the details of the storm which began to arrlvij here late today and tonight. Whole towns were devastated and the wreck and ruin to property will amount to hun dreds of thousands of dollars. Trains from 12 to IB hours late crept Into Houston today tfnd freight trains are lost throughout tho strick en district. The details of tho disaster on the Southeast coast of Texas are meagre as wires were stripped from the poles and railway communication is Impossible. The loss of the pleasure yacht Merlam, reported last night in the Houston channel, was denied today and It Is reported safe at Morgans Point. Bishop. Safe. Right Rev. I). 11. Avcs, bishop of Mexico, who with Rev. Sears of Houston was reported last night as lost at Red Fish Reef in Han Ja cinto Bay, arrived at Morgans Point and telegraphed Houston friends of their safety. The territory aiound Bay City seems to have been the centre of the. storm which moved southwest from Marvtrstnn. For four hours there was a seventy mile wind swept across the country carryinp: everything before It. Velasco, a small town near Ray City Is reported demolished but with no loss of life and none Injured. Kvery building was unroofed or partly de molished and the town tonight Is In four feet of water. People are escap ing In boats from Colorado river, a mile away. Reports from the special train on which General Manager W. O. Vanv leck, of the Southern Paclflo railroad, left Houston this morning Indicate that the lower coast country suffered greatly. The loss will total thousands of dollars and In some districts re ports state that the storm waa worse than the disaster of 1900 which de vested Galveston. Kagle Iakn seems to have suffered on a parity with Bay City, but very few houses es caping tlio fury of (he storm. The same situation is reported from Lisslc, Nowatan and Kasl Bernard, PITCHED BATTLE WITH Sons and Daughters ofe Ro many Rye Object to Being Deported, CHILDREN ARE HURT (By Associated Presi.) NEW YORK. July' 22. A pit' lied battle was fought in Brooklyn todav between Immigration inspectors ami a band of twenty four gypMcs. who were being deported to South Ameri ca. The trouble had Its origin In the refusal of the gypsies to board Mo steamer Verdi, which was to take them to Buenos A res. In the le d of the melee s. veral children r.t Tin hand were injured by reason or ih.-lr parents using them as duei.L. I " several instances the . stent - pu lo -I the bodies of children against tie in spectors who wen- trymi! to dine them from a tun to the steam, i. on' little girl Mas uneonsi i"ii wh.n Do vessel sailed with th" kv I'M'-?. The gypsies h.-li.o.-il th.-. w.-r.- to be returned to Bu-sis their horn', and when the r' lllZ' d that th'-v run t go back to South Am- rira. whe h country they had Just I' ll, their rage knew no bounds. The women fought with more furv than the men ore dame us-d an iron camp k't'b wlon-ver -de- K"i within reach of a hostile n-fl'i. it,. v.rHi Kiled h- r unwilling pas sengers were nursing hdr wounds PLEXUS NOT (UHIV. NEW ORLEANS J-il.v -- -'u" H Ingnim. jr.. former trust of, r of the Hlherii... Bank aid Trust cm pa nv od,i eiit'T'd a P'-a r'"' glliltv in He- . distrl't .'"in here to an indi'tment charging him with forgery and eirihe.zU-ment "f the bank's fund.. PRISONER CREMATEB. SOUTH riTTSRURO. T'-nn July -2 Earlv today the city prison -her was totally destroyed by lire and John Henry, colored, a prisoner, was cremated. Four Fatally In- Day's Doings. i though there no fatalities are report ed. Station Inroofiil. At (illdden a round house is en tirely demolished and a well derrick is scattered over the town. At Wll Inger part of the railroad station and office was unroofed as was the Wel lington depot and Kaat Bernard sta tion. It is Impossible to estimate the total damage. Along the Brownsville road from Klngsvllle, in parts, the desolation was nearly complete. Corn fields were swept to the ground and harvesting will have to he dono by a hay rake Tho cotton, however, withstood the storm well. At El Campo, the electric light plant Is wrecked, all levators are bad lydamaged and almost every church In town is either demolished or wrecked. In the oil fields around Markham, derricks were hlown down and walls stripped of their machinery. The Iron warehouse of the Markham Mercan tile cotnimny, the Brown Grain com pany, warehouse and the Enterprise restaurant wire entirely demolished The new building of the Coast Tele phone company was lifted from Its foundations and probably will be a total wreck. I'HItKK SAVKIL HOUSTON, Texas. July 22. Un ronsclous. Captain W. NefT, and his wife, of Galveston, were picked up on the beach at Texas City, late to day and a man named Graff was found ut Morgan's Point, all encased In life preservers. They will survive. The Neffs were In their schooner In the bay, which capsized. Graff and Professor Hlgglns were fishing In a frail boat In San Jatilcanto Bay and were rapxixed. Professor Hlgglns was rescued ear lier In tho day. I,ONG IMMERSION. LAPORTK, Texas, July 22. Edwin Wolf, of Galveston, and an unknown mm -who is legless were picked np at Morgan's Point tonight after having been in the water for more than twenty-four hours. Both were In an intensely weakened condition, but It Is believed they will recover Life preservers were their means of salva tion. Ray Teetshorn. of Houston, alo believed to have perished off Tarpon pier last night, was rescued in the (Continued on page four.) - - STATE TROOPS HIT BE NECESSARY TO PHOTECT ALLEN TANNERY PLANT Wisconsin Rioters Threat ened with the Arrival of State Cavalry. GUARDS CHARGE MOB (By Associated Press.) KENOSHA, Wis.. July 22 Hta'e troops at Milwaukee are In rcadine tonight to proceed at once lo this city in event of any re. urranee of noting which broke out here todav when the N. R. Allen Hons company rc-npe'ned Its 'tannery plant, the em ployes of which had Is en on strike Since the rioting this morning- in whl-h three persons were shot no se rious disturbance ha J occurred. Gen eral otto H. l-"alk. in . barge of th state troops, was on the ground and d" hired I hat at tile first nlgri of fur th'-r rioting he would order a. troop of cavalry and two regiments of In fant r to t he rv cle The rioting today began when On guards attempted to disperse III, sTrifer-i who gathered in numb.-ri-a'l'iit the entrance of the plant to tor at two hundred or more men who remained at work The guard drew their revolvers and charged tip mob, tiring Into the air. One of th. strik'-rg was Injured, probably fatal- iv The shooting souctched hostilities, j hut a few minutes later another riot occurred on the street The Mii'e had made an arret and were about to put their man in a patrol wagon when the strikers attacked them. In the rlg'ht that foUo-wed two strikrrv were shot through the h-gn. A large number of guards are dutv at the t.anncrv and th.-y and he t'rvnl employs are housed in th' building. , The strike w-as the outgrowth of demands made yesterday for the re moral of objectionable foremen and sn increase of fifty tents a week in pay. Both these cvmcession. the tan nery officials say. were agreed to wliereuiKin a n.-w detnand for one dollar a week Increase was mad" This wa retMsod. Nearly all the employes are Lithuanians, Poles and Hunga tans. The Next EVIDENCE IN THE SUTTON INQUIRY STILL SHOWING WIDE VARIANCE Difficulty of a Man Shooting Himself with Three Men on Top of Him Ia Presented Officers Seem to Be Combined in Defense of Each Other Strange Story Told. (By Associated Press.) ANNAPOLIS. Md., July 2. -The remarkable variance -In the testimony of some of the naVal officers, who are witnesses before the court of in iltilry which Is Investigating tho cir cumstances surrounding the death of Lit-iitcriunt James N, Button, at the Naval academy two Jrears ago, was emphasized at today's Rearing hy con tradictory evidence a I' 'he location of the bullet wound wkk'h caused the young Ongonlan's The question has Anumed, Impor tance in the face 4 other-vtdnc given, as It would ar,uir that it would have been a much flora difficult mat ter for Sutton to ve aht himself lying prone on the ground with thrcu men on top of him, If tho bullet en tered the top of Bis skull, as Hurgeon Oeorge Plckn II, in charge of the ma rine hospital ut that time, who exam ined Sutton's body, testlfled It did. Colonel Charles A. Bnvcn, comman dant of murines at that time, anil who holds th.- same post now, testi fied that h. examined Sutton's body immediately alter the shooting, f.dt the wound In his head, and lhat It was located on the right side, it little be hind and on a Inn with the top uf the cur. lo, (oi K.vldcnce. Dr. 1'kiw. thought Sutton might have inflicted the wound upon him THIEVES TOOK THREE BARRELS OF HEY Looters (Jot Hold Finally and Took It in Barrel Lots at a Time. SALIKHl'KV. : ' . July 21! --The trial of lp" - I vers and John I'harr. charg. d ' the larceiiv of three bands ..? tkey the proper ty of Mr II I h, has been p " t poned until So t It develop-, ' i the warehoii.i where Mr Tin-. red 67 burn-ls .1 whiskey Jau.i.- ' t when prohibi tion became ' In North '.u " Una has b. en i illy visited Ic thieves. Six ill f 1 times hat tlo warehouse been ken Into but on no previous- '' had the win key ls-e,i run-.. 1 larrel I'rts. Tie thieves linniii- er, however, on til Friday nig last week t)i took three I. ,ii . Mr. Thar-h ' " aware of th. thefts, w hich v sonlly commit 'e. I about tile last month, and ha - In his posse .... ts that will h.i - considerable I- : 'HI the case w h n II (oines to :i ' "g Saturday. Hi losse-.. m in ii he can estimate, amount I" '" n1 whlske. J ML 0HOWER& (By WASHINOT'i.' North Carolina probably Saturd.. n-d Frewt.) I'tly Z2. Kor casf Miwi-ri Friday arid mild temixraturu; moderate to brisk outhwest winds. ' 7 J J X ,ArU 1 Diversion of The Auto i -iaHeo.rt" self, as he described It, hut ho mudo an unconvincing and awkward dem onstration In court with the revol ver and a free right arm. to get the weapon In a position which would have sent I lie bullet Into his head at the point where he Itsilllcd II entered But Ion's In ad. Considerable progress was made at the hearing today and three more wit nesses were disposed of. Besides Burgeon Plcjirell's and Colonel ,Pvy' en'a 'tfttfttirniny, Mr. ftaVls counsel ''tut. Mutton's mother and sister, llnlshi'd the croHS-exaiuiiiHlloii of Lieutenant Willing who was also on tin- stand yesterday. Willing made sn obsti nate iind unsatisfactory witness The few discrepancies which Mr Itavls drew from him hy reading I he record of Ills description of the sci'iie of tha shooting at the former lti(ulry Wor readily conceded br Lieutenant Wll. ling with the remark that he lesillled from (lie best of his recollection on both occasions Mi. Kuvls tried to find out from all the u Hueasea todAy what became of Sutton's two revol vers following the shooting Colonel Khh- I'Iicin. Colonel I (oven testllled that he saw them and onbriil Lieutenant Willing to take charge of them, hut he did KILLED DT BURGLAR IN PRESENCE OF HUSBAND Woman Ktrnlinp; with In truder Shot Down Ijel'oiv Help Could Reach Her. (B Asmn-laleil I 'reus.) HOT SI'l: I Vi iS. Ark, July -.' -With her bii-i.ilid a wilio-.:i to lb' il l.o I. but Co . lit.-, til' -I I" aid in the si l iiggl'-. .in mi k no-Mi loin. .t - 4u in .i hlj ,i Inn gl.i r ii i l.f- I " t l'-i linn . it t.iio lb. gi -isi, ..I M i - KIM- I'. i..ri. I" -. ot ll' l. n. i. M . b"t and ,,l,. Th. woman In Ii- r apartment, .,1 a I I let. I I 'd l'. . l.,ri .,.. t.igg.l.'l llirolli'.b lb--,.nk. I'- d room and aoght h in wife a a sin- f' H. After bi u-fly telling "f the o- . Ill I'-lli . I '"I I ' I" ' cllllpse.l and lici been unal.l. I-. make a fur II,. r -'.it- merit. I'r. - s.i..pi ts have h. n arr. t'l. HIS FOUNTAIN PEN SAVED BILL'S LIFE i:- voirK. .lolv With . hi, II. . h- l. -ti the of til . oat cans. -I bv - Tie iili'il. be .iv Willi. no Mar' to ' rial estate d'abr. Ir.H'l' i(i "... : 1' l. i:-i t no- Hun. li ed a'.-l Tw.'if -to -i ..tie. t was arraigned b -fori- i '..ion. i Halhurgir as a iiihm t Us- doubt.- shunting ;if f,a . iii II..tI. in vesler-dav. In win' h );,,,-. -pp.- ; i l ano shot and f .italic v ouinled .! M'-llllo. ;nilll irio I i, Hi. ' .- lo death l.y .lack vu"- rit... who Ii. .1 and tia.i not been cap tured Martini t In his ofTI'i; w h' n the trouble T..rt.,l. A . OuLllano tired, m shot tru k i h that Martini carried in b'. b-fi trourn pocket and it v as 'led. . t. d -i (hat It tore the l.-h in in' 'high. The wroml I biilb-t hi! a ( "Hit iln pen In Martini's .mi pof k' i and plotiKheit through his ! coat so that it nuid-' seven different holes. The coroner held him In liOU hail as a witntss. Scorcher. not know what became of them until they finally gut Into his hands altho lll'lliest. It was apparent no one of the offi cers vaulted to assume the responsi bility of having the weapons about lilm Immediately after the shooting Sergeant James Do Hurl, of tho marine corps, the IhsI witness at to day's session, testified that soma offi cer handed him a reyolver with the curt command to "UJa this," Ma admitted that on tha night In question 1-liM wh ''slightly under the Influence of llipmr. Ho was positive, however, that he was not one of the men sitting on Lieutenant Hiillon and trying to bold him flown. Lieutenant Kcvan previously testl lled he was. lie was making his way to ciiinp by "a back entrance" when lie met Pulton prior to the shooting. De lltirt said that Sutton carried two revolvers u,lid that he, D Hart, did not stop to talk with him long. The witness .did not kinow about trouble Hutlon hud. had In camp hut thought something was up when hn saw two nuriH. Soon ufterwuril Do Hart heard the sjioln ami run back lo the scene of the shooting Mr. Davis hiul hoi lliilshed cross-i xitmliiliiK De Hart when ut four o'clock court adjourned for the dav. COMPETITION DOES NOT So I hwlurr.s JihIk Jwh Who Ilcai'M (Joinplaint of Uhl Corporation. ( Ity h4X'Ih1(nI I'r -Htt. ) M ' ' -T ' )"M Kl V, A Lt , Jills "1 u iit- t It in .1 i ih I I'iii t 'i t h i li't I i('lt, Ifcul Jl'l (r.V-r ' 'iHI' uf ,'.J -ti' i-rni r v I'm)jv .1uh' ,(nh th. I rut' i Slat'-M court, hivH 't'lvvri I i .rui' Iplr 1hnt ;in(M '( "H n (.mi', i r i ; i v i' t-irii a 1 1 1 1 1 i i I I 1 1 . 1 1' n k h I !' ' tin 1 1 1 n f I hi i ut HI I 1 Jint i.ffi-r 't lll'l' IIlNjl . t i(: ,!,. , !! i j r . . 'fnihlM" ' 'l'h l ( itil ' mi ti v vv.t t h- M 'inU; ' mji lytuht aii'l Wf(('-r I'liA'tr mm n n , . DETERMINED TO MAKE EEORCIA STILL "DRYER" Representative Hooper III t r m 1 1 i-cs a Mill Foi linl'liii'r, Mariiifaetnro of Syrups. fllv A H-iile 1ri-e. ATLANTA. Jul..: ''.:. lie!. I nun. d to ntai-' i;...ii-i.i drv that ev-n tin't ;, rii--. in In. h I b re la a 1 1 a. ,f iii' ohol will be contraband In On-, d.a.-. It- .i .- . n la 1 1 vis IfiHtper .l-an-d r inlrodii' '-d a real prohibition inea-oire in th.- hotia- todav It. ii-. t forbid Ibe man ii fact ore arid sal.; of near lieer, now sob!, but It '-xpri wi-K- provld. a that nil Iw'veraices eon tamiiiK Ain a traci? of slr-ohol Nhail n-,t be Hold in the state. A a roinilt the uoft drink people are alarmed. If the hill passes, it ts feur-.-. that even thi druir stors wla foun ulu will bo put out ot btwiiittss. ICIWDOFIUE PRESIDENT SEEN IN THE SETTLEMENT Dove of Poaco Now Flutters In Tho Aldrlch-IViy-ne Camp EVERYBODY GETS "A LITTLE BIT OFF" Dwlflht Says That Anti-free Raw Material Sonttment Is Strong (By AM'WMtalml tretH,) WAiil 1 1 N't ITON, July WUh th ffsct f iikikIc, Prnsldvnt Tuft hi hrotiiiht nlmt a tanffMilft sltustlon with reirard t tho tariff, whor un- certainty existed be f ore. Tisbiy wis oun of conferences, and coiiclud.xl with a nntillMtlnn at th whit,, hotiso tonhrht. prtlcrpld In hy Mm presklimt, Henator Aldrlith and Icpres,ritiitlve Iiiyno at which tha chief fxecutlvs wiu amurvd that a liiirnHinlous sotllomcnt of tha diffsr- om'oa cxistlnir i)wtiwn th twt brnm-lnti -of coufrcsa In prurtVabU. rrii,, scnutons opnnaMf to tha fraa raw nwitorlal prosram warn conaultsd t-oday by Hnnatnr A Id rich and com . mltlen rcrrvwnttns; th asm position n tho Iwuiso ah! hM a con furs nc with Chairman Payne. In addlttoa rim hms conferws nwt Ihla atornoon In travu tho experts of tho aemata n tMincn cmnilttw ordain tha awnata cbsnm In thn cotton achodute. Alilrldi Omftva, Hcnatnr Aldrtch lodajr mnt ft laraa ntnnlT of snmilnra yitto ara oppAacd tn freo hi dm, cot and Iron or and nn iencoura.onwnt tvus kiffitrsd f of tho placlnu of any of than n thn freo list. In faot, wara ' II pnsslhlo bo Ret thnas atmalora tn ylald, Hie sKuiilliin In tho bousa wwuld ha to ln vnAt wjlfli. , Tho "tariff lllsurnrntlf n tha taxi wiu B,r, 0-ppoaed fa f ra raw ntatarhtlt' nt Mln today and anloptad raaaln- tsms "prot satins; M&lnat tha pi no n Tt!prwnlatlv ,I?vwht . of ffnt YiHk, tho rcpubllcrtn nHirt of tha houso. conforrpd with Mrtiauw Aktrlrh Into this afternoon and InforthtKt hlnV I hat the antl-frna raw material an tln-nt in tho houaa wtl a matter ' whh'h reiiurrpd ssrkMie iMmaldsratloiu He saht that lis strcnttth had crown t forty-ftvo imomAtora. rVMnpntmlse Possible. ' Tho fulvocatiw of rtut labia tllrlt In both houses dnclnrit that oomBrom Isb Is r"sr.lbln Ibiit that t;hy cannot (vtisldir th placdng- of them article . on thn fnm list. eVVIth rcrfurd lo tha rVs rerlproclty provision nn cohI In thn housa bill lher also was a llrm stand. Th members I nl crest el In cobJ dadarsd that mn'h a provision would mak the sljimtion iwlth roa-ard to coal un tetwible Tor th oiwrsllvea and that ft reduction inhn senato rats without a. clauso for reciprocal frea trad was morn itorcptahl, Thnt a nomlrml duty on Iron ara will be attreed lo hy ths oonforsss, was the Indication tonllfht. No ds (''mil Iniied on pit four.) h'ive I' lshernien Mourned as Lost I'ieked up Wlieu Hope Hail Meeli A liautlonetl. ( C11ANCK I'Oli OTHERS 'i.M.VL.iTON. T. cm. .Tulv '."-'. Ai it !l on th' bottom of w a live of th '-ii in wi.-l.d v i 1 1 1 1 s troifi the Tar P'.n h.inni; r w. r'- pi. ke.i up aitv i.ii. I-..I.I -.11 It. -t I-lab r.-'if Hi Iha ii.i.-r t,.,', .ion bay bv tho launch Maii-I 'I lo- r H'-ued are: it . , '; r--t ih 'rn, oi it- "st-.n 1-.. - i i la u i., t-.i! ! 'id- i- al pisr. '. i i li p!,ii:, i ;-i: .-.. hi. ' John I -.11. al. i"t. d I'h irl- . John . ,. .i'-.l. Wild 1;.- i-j.-i- "1 tlie reneus of Un ne ii. hop.-, i ih K'.feiy of tha i. -lor ti - .. r:.on ' i- l-'.llo'"l much ..u.-iu-r, alilioiitili li ii lared tha -.-ii... ha.e j-uccuinb. i in i ho ordsal -.t i. nn iHur Iioiim In 'no water. TI ,l!ll unac.-oiinl. A for are? i apt 1 1 n K. L. II' tlison and wifs. c. ii. I ' : I-v. c lit ula'.lon manager of Ih. Tilt. an.. M i 4 I'narl. ! J .hh.-iri and a Tnaa p. .-aiimi d to I": li'-tn ep'vland, T i. , nut whoti'i miino could not ba l.ain.d. 'i h- M.imi muf bound for the Cedar liaymi and pusscd within a short dla ... tan"- "i one of th men who, whlla at the point of giving up, was still -able tn bans on to fileces of timber. Four other wcro found hanglnj on to driftwood and in an exhausted aondi- 01 . -. .-.J.,siiiiaitsv

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