THE ASHE VILLE CITIZEN". TIll WEATHEE: r pair. Associated Press. Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO 279. ASHEVILLH, N. C, MONDAY Mok'NIXU, JULY 2(, l!H!. PRICK FLVK CKNTS. J WRIGHT BECIMS BLEIT'S FLIGHT PLEflSli TO HIM American inventor Great Ad mlrer of the Intrepid French Aviator BUT THINKS HIS OWN MACHINE IS BETTER Some of the Official Test May be Pulled Off During the Week (By As-soclatcil Tress.) WASHINGTON, July 2&. On tho eve of waking an aeroplane flight Which he believes Involved greater dangers than Blerlot risked In erod ing the English channel early to day, Orvllle Wright expressed great pleasure when he learned of the suc cess of the Frenchman. "I have said all along that Bler lot would; be the first to make the flight across the channel, once he decided to attempt It," said Mr. Wright "It was a great flight," he Added. . That It was a personal triumph for Blerlot, however, rather than any In dication of advancement In the art of flying, was Wright's Idea of the significance of the accomplishment. Ha spoke admiring of Blerlot, saying that he was one of the most daring f all aviators. Patterned After Toy. - "Hia type of monoplane," said Mr. Wright, 'Is based on the principles of he old French toys and on the ' mod Is used by Penaud, to which Professor Langley's machine was also similar. The monoplane, however, has not as good a method of control as the tbl-planes which we use." The Wrights are loth to discuss the comparative merits of the work and the aeroplanes of others. They take gTeat pride in their-own machine and .believe that It surpasses all others. in speaking of Blerlot'a flight, and VMhH praising the work of the avia tor,. Oryllla Wtlght today eald: "Of coytrse none af, tour men were " ready "t make- the flight or they should tiave done so. Count Lam bert's mother died recently and that made it necessary for him te give up the trial temporarily." His Next Flights. drvllle will not attempt the official apeed trial until he has made the official one hour endurance fllfrht (Continued on page seven.) IN LOUISIANA PARISHES Cattle Have Died by the Hundred and Malady Is Spreading. NO KNOWN ki:mi:iy (By Associated Press.) LAKE CHAKLKB. La., July 2 5. Charbon, a deadly and loathsome dis ease which afflicts i-.ilil" and which has killed thousands of valuable animals tn I.oiii-i ina. It. is attacked human beings now. and many men re Under treatment. In Ieeaburg, the county s. at ( ' ion parish. eight humans have l. .n stricken. Cp to date no deaths haw resulted. Charbon has sfflicl.-d cattle for cen turies, but has seldom visited this country. It was known to the an cients in Egypt .m.l oft-n scnurRcd the Asiatic and Oriental countries. It is caused .y a germ which enter the animal s skin I hi ..n.-li an abra sion. It multiplies anil causes in flammation which turns Into tumors or cancers, which terminates in blood poisoning. The d first made its apliesr ....... Jiii.m i. in Southwest Biin Louisiana along the Mermeniau river, near Lake Arthur and at Iowa, near Lke Charles. It was not detected In time and spread rapidly over neigh boring parishes Oernis from the dead cattle InfeRted the ground upon Which the animals had died and were thus communicated to other victims. Government Takes Hand. The United States government, alarmed by the Inroads the disease has made, has sent experts from the bureau of animal indnrtrv to assist local veterinarian In fitrhting the plaugue. They are urging cremation of Infected animals and the vaccin ation of all others Once an animal is Infected, there is no known remedy, but vaccination seems iff etlw In making them Immune. Strict re pressive measures were successful in several parishes, hut In Cameron, cattle dead of the disease, were al lowed to lie nnburied upon the pral rt unit In the marshes and swarms of flies and mosquitoes carried the (Continued on page four.) FRENCHMAN FLIES ACROSS CHANNEL WITHOUT MISHAP Blet tot's Big Bird-Like Machine With Motors Humming Arous ed Dover From Morning 's Sleep Landed Safely. (By Associated Press.) DOVER, July 25. This sleepy sea port town experienced the keenest thrill known In a generation when at sunrise this morning a white-winged bird-like machine with loudly hum ming motor swept out from the haste obscuring the sea' toward the distant French coast, and, circling twice above the high chalky cliffs of Dover, alighted on English soil. A calm Frenchman, Hleriot, a portly and red mustached man of thirty-seven, de scended fro mthe saddle, limping on a bnndaged foot which had been burned on his previous overland flight. Immediitely two compatriots who had be n waving a big French flag as a signal for the landing place, fell upon him enthusiastically, em bracing him, shouting uudptiundlng him on the back. They, with a few English soldiers and others who hap pened by chance to be on the scene, were the only persons to witness the finish of a most remarkable feat. Took Half an Hour. Kleriot left Leg Haraiiyes, France, three miles from Calais, about 4,30 a. in., on one of the smallest mono planes ever used. llu crossed the channel in a little less than half an hour, twice as swiftly as the fastest mail steamer. Ills speed avjeragvd more than forty-live miles an hour, sometimes it approximated sixty miles. lie kept nbout 250 feet above the sea level and for ten minutes, while about mid-channel was out of sight of both coasts and also of the French destroyer'whloh followed him, with his wife and friends aboard. The wind was blowing about twen tw miles an hour and the sea as chop py. The aviator was swathed in a single garment of drilling, impervloua to the wind, which covered Mm from the too of his head to. Ills feet, ooly his face ahowinff. Me wore also a cork life belt. Made Kasy Landing. An eye witness of the landing thus describes It: "Very early In the morning a wire less message was received from Ca lais that Hleriot intended to make the tight. Then in quick succession came the news that he had left and was fast making Dover. DECLARED NEGRO SOLD WHI5KEUHEN HE DIED Succumbed to KlTect of Poison Before He Could Describe Negro KUICI DM POSSIBLY I CHAHI.OTTB-. N. C July 25. Will Cash, an operative at the Highland l'ark mill, returned to his home shortly alter 10 o'clock last night, and going immediately to his room fell upon his bed and expired within :. minutes. His wife hearing him en ter the house went to him and asked him if he was sick. "A negro gave me carbolic at Id for whi.-key and I thank it. I am going to die." he said. Cash save up his Job at the mill yesterday, and received ti .25 before going home. After dinner, which was at 1 o'clock, he went to the barber shop of I.. T. Horton to get a shave, and until he returned to his home last night his wife hail not seen him. Dr. J. o. Simmons, who was railed, reached the home after life had left his body. I'p.m examination he statetl that all indications pointed to the 'ruth of the rlead man's state ment that he had taken carbolic acid. The lining of his mouth was badly burned but was not raw. When Cash entered the house from I he hack door, Mrs. Hargett wilh whom the Cash's lived, was in one of the rear rooms, while Mrs Cash and Miss Fannie Hargett with Mr. Will Dye w.-re sitliiiK "n the front porch The dead man ' walked as if he were drunk." said Mrs Harnett, 'but I ilidti't go to his room, for, his wife left the porch when she hear. I him and then mi daughter went to him" Miss Fannie Hargett said that Cash told her, A" negro gave me carbolic add for whis Kev anil I drank it I am going to die." "1 asked him," con tinued she. who the m-sro was and he said "I don't know, for 1 had been drinking before I met him " Mrs. Cash was prostrated from the awful shock and physicians were with her most of the nlf?ht. Mrs. Hargett said: "Cash had been married for two years. He and hia (Continued on page two.) "Hastening to the cliff, 1 arrived there just a moment before the airship which was flying fast, like a gigantic hawk. Hleriot swooped ov erhead, glunclng from r Ik lit to left and then turned his machine to the east and came to the ground In the meadow. It circled with consummate ease and niuile tho landing graceful ly, but even though It touched the land lightly It was slightly damaged." By his achievement today Hleriot won the prize of $.1,000 offered by the London Dally Mall for the lirt flight across the English channel, and stole a march on his rivals, Hubert Latham Hind Counnt Do Lambert, both of whom hail hoped to make the at tempt today. His Own Story. Hleriot, who speaks a little Eng lish, described his remarkable tight very modestly. "1 arose at three o'clock" ho said, "and net t to the aeroplane shed. Finding vi.rytlilng In order on Uie trial spin, I decided to make tne flight The French torpedo boat de stroyer, which was in attendance, was signalled and it put out about four tn'les. Then I rose into the air and pointed directly to Dover. After ten minutes I was out of slKht of land and had left the warship will be hind. For a few minutes I could not see either coast, nor any boat. I tried to keep at an averagv height of 250 reel. I might easily have gone higher. This was about the right height, I thought, to clear the Dover cliffs safely. "The machine dipped toward the water several times. The drat objects I saw were ships off the English coast: then I observed Deal. I veered to the southward ,. toward. .Dover Caittla'and then saw friends flourish ins; a flag In the valley suitable for landing. I made two circles while les sening the speed, anil then dived down, but I came In contact with the ground sooner thap I expected. Hoth the macchlne and Vrywtf wire badly shaken. 'A few persons ipilckly assembled and I was helped out, as my Injured (Continued on page seven.) E HER HUSBAND HIS NOT SPOKEN IN FOUR YEARS He Still Refuses to Speak Even to Defend the Ac tion in Court. NO CA US ft IS KNOWN (KMrlal to The Citizen.) NEW YOKiv. N. July 25 A sphinxlike, wooden impenetrable silence, broken by a single word In the four years since he mumbled the responses at his wedding is the rea son Frank .1. Heekmaii of Anbury park. Is being sued by Mrs. Lizzie llei kman for divorce. For four years Mrs. Beckman has tried by every artltlce known to wo man to make her husband talk, but in her testimony before Itcferee Char les J Parker yesterday, she admitted that she had failed. At first she sipic.zed his hand and chucked him under the chin, hut the only response she got was a stony stare. The I'.eekmans were married In 1905 at 7 o'clock In the morning. At the wedding" breakfast Beekman, after murmuring what was taken for an apol.'iiy, hurried off to work. When I..' i am.- ...u k in in,- evening his Oi itie met him at the door with an affec tionate smile. Hcckuiaii returned the smile and hurried into the house, where he sat down, Mrs. Beekman -tailed the conversation with a re mark about the weather From this -he bd up lo a iiievloi of what he would line for dinner, but she got no answer to anv of her observations. At last she wepi. hut even I he tears failed lo melt her husband's silence ..r to abate the stony stare. Why H.-. kman has not spoken Is a mv-tery to .v.-rv one in Asbury park. A dozen neighbors testified that they had riot heard him utter more than a curt "yes" -r "no" in the last ten years. How Beekman managed his court ship is a inil'Tv In Asbury park, aj thoiiKh Mrs It.ikman asserts that al though he was not loquacious It did not s. em to give hint pain to speak. Mrs. Beekman may have f.-ii then that she was able to do all the talking for the pair, hut after her marriage (Continued on page three.) SPEED-MAD MOTORISTS DISPUTE CROSSINGS WITH ENGINE, RESULTS- Two Are Dead and Five Others May Be Cripples for Life Remarkable Similarity Between Two Widely Separated Tragedies With Reckless Haste Behind Them Both. SAVANNAH, Cta., July 25 -Three men were Injured, one perhaps fa tally, when an automobile moving at thirty-live miles an hour and tut en gine on the Seaboard Air Line railway met at right angles Just outside this city late this atftorndjon. The in jured are: J. W. Judaon, elfetrlclan, shoulder ibroken, ankle broken, many abrasions and cuts, and terkapa seriously in jured Internally ; f- Peter ,yubyi! (sonduetor. badly bruised and tu4 (mm Injured Internally. 'F. Von Olsten, badly bruised. . Three men were the only occupants of the automobile and were speeding out the Augusta road. The engine, mowing away from the city,, also moving rapidly was hidden by build ings and trees, until within n short dlstnce of the grade crossing towards which each wen- rushing. The engineer and Judaon. who was at the wheel of the car. saw the dnr IS IN IDE TOILS AGAIN Dr. Cline Caught by Chance in West Virginia Town Is Held for N. C. (SlMM'lal lo The .Citizen ) WADESHOKO. July 25 The notor ious Dr. A. E. t'lli.e. who kept things lively In these pails a good part of last year, has imain been heard Iroin. A few days an" he was recoKnlzcd at llluton, West Virginia, by Miss Emma Hose, of this pl;e : who has elm rge of the A'eslern I'm m Telegraph (.mo at that place rime at first denied his Identity, hut lab i owned np and begged Miss l;..y not to expol-e lilltl. A short tine aii-r being recognized by Miss Hose, i". was arrested on a charge of I . ; . i 1 1 y and Is now in Jail at Hint. .n. H is not known how many living iu.- he hits bill it is probable that Hi number Is not le-s than half a d . r.. Nl;;lt) KIM". MOTIIEIt. MACtiv c..i Ii Iv 25. While seat ed at the dinner table today Adolphus DaillelK Shot at. I Killed nis molliet. Itachel Itroittilii 'i and faintly wound ed his step fail. . Major Hrouchton All parties at- lored. ITALIAN Ii' ISKK IIKKK.. OLD POINT ' 25. The Italian -ed III Ham). Lo. I.' proceeded to V i lired a salute ' she approu. le i fortress rehje.n MFOUT, Va , Jnlv 'ilser Ilrurla arriv 'ls today and lulei Ik for coal. She i enty-one ;-iiiiw a r tress Monro. The as the l-a.lriirla passi wm WASHINGTON July 25 Forecast North Carolina: l air Monday; Tms day partly cloinlv: not much chain:. In temperature; variable winds i. Getting Ready For Fail Business. ger simultaneously too late for either to stop, Tim enr wns caught by the engine pilot and hurled thromrh the ttlr. The occupants were thrown out anil the cur wrecked. II AM MOS'H, Intl.. July 25. As the result of a collision between a rail road train nnd tin automobile at Minister at eight o'clock yesterday morning two lmys are dead, tint of whom was cut to pieces, und two men aw sortowtly injured, '-'''''"'f The dead are: Itlchartl Flagg, uge fifteen. Hills dale, Mich., cut to pieces. Harris DU rhardt ( tine sixteen. Mis hawaka. son of owner of auto, died In hospital. The Injured arc; E. l. Eherlianlt, vice president and general manager of the Woolop Man ufacturing company at Mlshiiwukn, Injured by Jumping. SUTTON'S SISTER WILL BE CALLED TO STANO Is Not Vindictive but She Wants Justice Done Her IJi'otlier's Memory. (By Associated I'resw.) ANNA I't IMS. Md . July 25 "I am not vindictive; all I desire Is to ilctr in v broili.-r's name of tin o sun l.le." So spoke tonight Mrs. Itos" Siillon Parker, sistt r of I. It iilenaiit .Iiiiiich N, Sutton, of Portland, Oregon, the Ii Cllinslailies of Whose death the colli t of iinpiirv will continue to luvesllgaie tomorrow With tin- "pcl.lio; of the s, . olid w..k of Uie iu est i,-a ! ion tomorrow, die pendulum is ...iid to H.vnic, and wiln. I will le called on "the Other -llle" lo f flit.' I lie . ol id suicide, Mrs. Parker will perhaps b" tic principal witness In lhat rewpect. II'''' l. -llliioliy Is exp. il. il lo din. lo.- s. v -eial inipoitanl poini. in ivf u I a l i:i of the filicide Ih.'.ll based on the fails ohl. illicit bv In I and lot riech. t in llicit ind. fal lira I.I. w .1 i. iluriuv: tic ,,. ' I . .. ',.,ii-, '.-. h I. I. i .. ii 1 1.1 In I h I . -.p. hi n of lie . a . -In" will I ,!!... I i let I . -1 if'. 'Ilil'l the I'lll.lill- i'i- t u o ..r !hr. til',., wi'ick" on ii id nr. .Iispos.-d of. I'roli - or . li ber' P Coleman. oT 'le .N.i v 1 1 Acade- C , IIMl I.C lltell.lflt Tell, p III! , I . I'mIT. ji ol III. inalille co' ;. f, v.lll pl'i'hah.'v I,, v itle ':.."-. lolliof row. Tli. 1 1 1 . i n i r ',' in. hi-.. I v t,. ocriipv I w o or ilir-. .i. now, iin.l lien adj. urn oll'd ll 'ii 1 1. W h II S.IMO'OII I'. C i-..l I'. S N.. and I.I' oi. 'limit Harold If I tl "t id.' tn nine corps, who have I."- Ii !-ail. poena. 'I a w Itn.-fis. s,' at . . x " ' ' . 1 lo at rlv. M III l l K'll Ml IIIIITl. KTAI'NToN', 111.. Julv 2(. The body of Mi. IImuv Johnson was dls Ititerred this week afb r having; been biirj. d in, a ' I ; t ht . months and an autopsy rcwab .1 that the woman' skull had bi-'ll fractured. title eve was l.iai I., n d and there were cuts on her hand- and arms. Following this finding. Johnson was arrested on a warrant 'hatging murder. John sou, who i: u.aliliv, said he found his Wife dead in be I and he denied knowledge of how she met her death Arthur Carlson, nge twenty-six cliittilTenr. Mlsluuvaka. hack siirlneil The accident was due to a collision with the Chlcngo-linllaiiaiHillH limited on the Monun. The train was laic ami going tit a terrlllc speed. Mr. HIm rhnrdt. who Is wealthy, had been nl iJike Forest, III., with his son and tint I'lagg hoy, and started back to Mlshawaka In his automobile early. At MunsleT. llx miles south of Hammond, th road crosses Oirt Mil- runtl tracks lit a deep cut. The au Utinnbtie was mnnlnir at high, speed toward the out when Eherhttrdt saw the train approaching rho rut at the snme time. The machine was oniv thlrtv feet from the crossing nt the time. Mr. F.horlmrdt nnd the chauffeur, who were In the front scat. Jumped and were saved. The two Wmys wjr entcri In tin. rear sent of tho for, ........ auklrh wns ii helivv leather cover. This prevented thctn rom fcettlri out nnlckly, OF ITS1ATIC FURY Washet 1 Them Off Deck and Washed Two Back Atfftin Three Drowned. PKNSACOI.A. Fla.. July 2G. With her rlKKliiK daniHKed and her suIIh tout iilmoit to shreds, the lishlurf schooner Mlnnltt W., urrlved In pelt toiilKhl and reported tho lout of three ol In r lew In the Kiilf hurricane of last Wednesday and the miraculous escape of Iwo others. Those tltowiicl were Italians. The master of the Minnie W. re ported that he was bound for home, l'i liai ola, iiavlllK been to the lisllllli; banks about one iiuiiilreil miles wc. of Calveslott, when he noticed tile dlidiirhani e by his lowerlnK barome ter He alletnpleil to steer out of the term but evidently K"l 'atiiihl In the i.iy center of It. The wavvs ran mountain hlxh. and for an hour II"' lev striiKkTed on deck holding to lb,' mavtH when the decks were aivaslw A" ItnMTvnse Hvave wtruck line vessel, ejomplctcly KUblllcrKlm: Ii. r. l ive of tin- no II Wclc w.lnliel from their posillotis and went over liard. A wave follovvlnie cast Iwo of the men back aboard, but the otht i lhr'c were never Seen iicain. Temporary r-'palts were m.'ido to the vess. 1 wh. n llu- fury of the storm had abated and she stalled for home. Ill a i i.l . i ! a ill. I l ot ..lie I 11 1- U .known to have b.-eM at the iitK banks. Itelwccn a dozen twenty "!' r, tit and nothing has hem d of tin in. IIhIi aiut been nnTritiriTinci m a nti I VylJil r Xj IV XL. .CO IfLAUZi ! NO HEADWAY WASHINGTON. Julv 25 Allhoturh t hi tariff conferees held Iwo sessions tod.-i',, one ftoin 10 a rn . until 1 fi. ; m.. and the other from x p. m.. until 'i p m . llu- hide and leather situation i is Just us hadlv entariKled torilcrht as )l was wlnn the conferees adjourned 1 yesterday. , k'i far an the conferees are con cerned they nrit fluhtlfiK wth horns. i Tutu the senate members are assured of Hiirflcient votes to adopt a cotif.r nii e report cairyinir hides on the free ll-f, thev will not iK-rmlt this question to be brought to a vote. The house members have exhibited no sluns of vveakeuini; nnd many of them have ussumcil lhat It will be Impossible to reduce ieulher goods below house rates. PRESIDENT FIRM IE IT Maintains That This Is Typ ical Case Underlying The. ory of Protection PRICES WILL CO UP AFTER BILL IS PASSED He Does Not Expect Any Rer ductlon In Cost of Liv ing From Revision (Ry A'sis-latil Pmw.) WASlllNUToN, July 26. flundnn brooKlil no cessation of President) Tuft's turlff iictlvltles. llo had a con ference wlih house und acnat laad ers w hich covered practically the n tire day. Kven th cuslomary Suit lay nrtcrnoon rldn through the park wits cancelled. Although he admitted frankly tn sew Tit I of hia callers today that tha situation was not all that could b d sln d the president c pressed the h ; another twenty-four hours would miff Ice tn slralBhlen out tho tatiRls In the conferencB and that th ruport of tho confereci would b prosentsd In the house tin Tuesday Hunt. , It furlher Is hoped nt the whlts housa that the report will bit accompanied by a deflnltn plan of action which, will he nculsced In by the house and senntn und that conirress may adjourn by thn lust of tho wwk, . Irl(Viit In Finn. ; President Tun, It wtiw learnml to tiny, has not rocitdnd In any way from his demand fur trm hides. Ha la authentically represented as regard Inn freu hldea as a typical ran tin derlyltiB lh whole prlnclpls of dawn ward revision and If frea hides thoultl be lost, llllle of eitrournifement U tha rear rilslonlsls rufnalna. ' Juat how thn huub shoe and finlehad leather schsdule In tli turirf bill ara t h r-vUed, whin there ara no diN fiwmoas betwavn ha hoiaa 4 an at fr th eonttrtm to aot upon, was ono of thtr nuvnilnv snbJecM un der tllMfusslon at the whits housa to day. AlthotiKh noma of tha housa lender are loath to astablish tha pre cedent, they hitve informd tha prU dent that It would be etttlrrly poant hl for th ronferei-a arbitrarily to clmtme thn leather whediiln to tha lower prlcea asred upon In tha bar gain for frea hldea, and lhat tha) c limine ontilil ll prntwtd : In " that house BHaliiHt an Inevltitbln paint 0 order by tho adopt lun of a rule pro viding that polnla t order ahould) not ll BRfllnst that particular Item. i"t Will llrlng No Hellef. It ran dellnllely be statetl that thai president' cbiaf eonnorn now is a ta iJT.'i.n.riri.-in- - ------'."" Cunt Inued on patta wsvon.) FORMER MISTRESS OFl WHITE HOUSE DIES AT E Z.icliiiry Taylor'H DaughteB Wih Nt.lcd for Ikauty, i in Hit D;iy. , , WAS TWICK MAUIUEli (It)' AhuhIiiIciI rresm.) WINCH KMTKIt. Va. July U5. Mr Klljtl.h Taylor liandt blue, dauKhlr of (leneral Zaihary Taylor, twelflhi preshli-iit of the United States anil ! ti r-ln la of Mrs. Jeflernori Uavls, du d ul her home 'hero today, afpnl -ii; lit y -fl vo years. ' Mrs. I liiiidi l.l.oi was th thlrit daiiKhter of Oenernl Zachary Taylor, and was horn nt I'orst Hnelllii. Minli. Dealh was due to hear failure, (ol lo wiliif a lotlK period of lllticsu Hll wlil b" burled hen- nexl Tuesday. II 1.1. IlulellldKe ...iw.l lei- nU cation In Philadelphia. At the atta of nineteen years she married M.'i)oB William W. S. lillss, who wa.-. a mem ber of her father's st iff In the Mexi can war, and who later became III private Kccretarv. After her fnlhsr'a Itiauifiirat ion. Mrs. liliss, or "Mlsa Petty." u-c fli wiim iK.fittl.iiTy called, became mistress of the white house. It w.LM said of her that h "did th honors of the etabll"hineiit wll;h tha arth'ssiiess of a rustic belle and tha Kruen of duchess." Nhe had a wlda ac.iialntnnce with ptibllf men of tha day and was noted for her it.cauty and charm and tho splendor of her en trrtalnments. ' After the death of her fathe, al)W teen months followlntr hia fnaoitii riulon, and the death nt her huabantf In 1S53. she upeht several yeara II retirement, later marrying Philip P Handridirn, a member of a prominent Virginia family, whose death occtirred twenty-elKht years ago. "J - 1 Mrs. lnilrldR-e Idest alsterr fiaraht Knox Taylor, was th flrst wife of Jeffenwin rarH, prenldtnt of tha Southern Confederacy, J S Ell NO DUTYON HIDES