X v ' 4 5.- - ,V ' , nmnr S . CITIZEN'. ; THE VIEATHER:. . i Associated Press! Leased Wire Eeports. VOL. XXV NO. 284. ASllEVILLK, N. C, SATURDAY MOUNING, JULY 31, VM). PRICE FIVE CENTS. 'i jwtmmw wt ?T Sr"fH '" . "i . ; . ... .... . v; n t i EXABSERATED EGO Emphasis Laid Upon.HIs Dis position to Handle His Own Case SHOWS ENORMOUS CONCEIT OF THE MAN Alienists Will Testify For State That he Is Still a Paranoiac ' (By Associated PreM.) WHITE PLAINS. July 30. It was the Judge, not the prosecutor, who ruffled the insurance of Harry K. Thaw on the witness stnd today. Ex aggerated ego, "the" insane delusion that the possessor Is a person of su preme ability and Importance" may prove bar that will keep the doors ef the Matteawan insane asylum closed on him. When District Attorney Jerome fin ished his cross-examination today. Justice Mills put a series of ques tions that in the Judgment of many Were more pertinent than any of those asked during the twelve hours That hait been questioned. "Exaggerated Ego." "They are going to argue with me," said the justice, "that all the way through you have shown an "exag gerated ego.''., You have had' the as sistance of the ablest counsel, one o( the leading attorneys of this country, but 1 have observed you constants Interrupt him and make suggestions. In your former litigations, you have constantly changed your counsel. Why don't you trust Mr. Mors chauser?" Thaw was non plussed. "But I do trust Mr. Morsehauser," he replied. "Why didn't you trust your other lawyers you 4 man unlearned In the - law?'-' oontinuedutfcav' court "HaVBt"V?l 'ic'J tB way through thasrou1' were better able to conduct this case?" 'Kb," answered Thaw, "except per haps In the case of Mr. Hartridge." Thaw Explain. Thaw admitted that it he had in terrupted Mr. Morschauser, It was only because he wanted to make sug gestions Hoarding tne evioenco mm (Continued on imgc four.) GEORGIA AFTER LITTLE BROTHER OFDEMONRUM WITH Kliy SHARP STICK Other Methods Failing Will Try to Tax "Ni-Beer" out of Existence. WAVED "EXHIBIT B' W (By Associated Press.) ATLANTA, OA , July 30 The first bill to pass the house of representa tives in the fight on what In known mm 'ear beer" went through this af seiaooa by the comfortable margin of M to T8. It raises the tax upon the Initiation of the amber fluid, which the wise legislators Bay Is not Imita tion, from $600 to $1,000 for manu facturers and from JJ00 a year to $600 retailers. Each dealer must also give a $5,000 bond to obey the law Housewives who make wine for household and medlcmal purposes are exempt from the act. Alexander of Dekalb, the prohibi tion leader. Btartled the house by dra matically waving two bottles of a fa mous brand of Milwaukee's favorite and exclaiming: "I sent a man to get a St. Louis brand and he went to the most re spectable place In this city. The pro prietor said he could not let the St. Louis beef leave the premises, but he did give my agent this stuff which yuo alokln 7890$. .123456. .6. SB you all know Is not near beer but la the real stuff. And we cannot stop the sale under the court's decision that a drink to be Intoxicating must contain four per cent, of alcohol. But we can tax them and If this measure be killed It will die in the house of Its friends." Alexander made strung appeal to the friends of temperance to rally to the cause and he won on the vote. The bill will have to pass the senate before it becomes a law. It is not thought that the governor will veto it despite his, pledge not to sign any li quor legislation this session, because this measure Is only a clause in the general tax bill which must be vetoed pr approved u ft whole. SEVEN CON VICTED, ISEVEN ACQUITTED IN LIQ UORn CASES Eleven Days' Trial Ended Yes terday With an Cases Appealed to The Sup erior Court. Ouilty of selling or procuring whiskey. (In every case except one) and not guilty f selling beer in seven other case? as the verdict of Judge Cocke announced In police court yesterday morning In the case of 16 defendants whoso arrest had been caused by Detectives Hub bard, Adams, and Brldgers, and who had been on trial for five days. W. S. Bradley, Otis Styles, T. J. Harrison, white, and Henry Pearson, colored, were found guilty of selling whiskey and sentenced to serve each 4 fourth on the roads, appeal being taken to Superior court and bond fix ed at. t2C1 cash or JItOO Justified. iFrink Johnson, white, and Will Hulllvan uid James Henderson jfll ored, were found guilty of proiWTng liquor for others and each was fined $100 and costs. Hulllvan soon con cluded that he had enough of legal combats and paid his assessment, the others appealing on $100 bond each. W. H. Bush was found not guilty of selling liquor, the court holding that It was not shown that he authorized the selling by his employe", Pearson. X. Ing, Charles Miller, Doc. Craft. Garfield Wood. D. R. MiKinnon, Vance Wells, and C. Sweeney were fount not guilty of selling bi-er. 'Such was the close of the trials which have attracted more attention than any ever known In police court history and which commanded in at tendance rivaling the highest stand ard of the Superior court. The decis ion was rendered In the preserce of a large audk-nce which, If one may Judge by representative, opinions, ap proved the Judgment of his honor ai Just and consistent with tho evidence. It . was. certainly the concensus of opinion that the court was guided solely by the evidence andih,d brought to bear on the consideration of the bases a fair and unprejudiced mind and a cloew attention to every detail of testimony. That this opin ion was held by the prosecution on the part of the Good Government league was Indicated by the fact hat Judge J. D. Murphy, though tho court had held against him In a slight majority ot the cases, com mended the court for the discrimina tion shown anil the thought given to IN TWO SEDUCTION CASES PROVES SATISFACTORY One of Defendants Has Mar ried and Left County Sinee. PARTIES PROMINENT (Special to The Citizen.) STATKSVILLK, July 30. Two se duction cases which have been pend ing for some timo were this week settled out of court by the attorneys in charge. The caae of W. H. Brock shlre, father. Miss Vera BrookRhlrc. against R. Lloyd floanlnger. charged with seductlng Miss Brookshlre under promise of marriage, was settled by floanlnger paying a certain sum of money, unit both criminal and civil actions against against him have been abandoned and withdrawn. 1oanineer. who married another young woman and departed for parts unknown soon thereafter, has real ly never been placed under arrest, the warrant having been withheld, pending the expected settlement of the case out of court. The other rase is that of Miss Mas gle MMIsaps or BlonmfleM, the so burb on the west, against W. L. Smith, a civil suit for $5,000. under arrest and hall proceedings for se duction and promise of marriage. The rase was satisfactorily compro misod and the FUit against mlth U withdrawn. He lias been under a $S. 000 bond for fwim' time and the rase was to have been I ri.nl at the next term of court. CASHIER GOES AWAY; BANK CLOSED (Special to The Clllscn ) RALEIGH. July 30 The Hank of Southern Pines closed today by order of the corporation commission pend ing an investigation by Bank Examin er Houghton who went to Southern Pines tonight. There Is. according to discovery Just made by the directors a shortage of 115.000 discovered in the absence of Cashier G. A. KlmbsJl who Is on his vacation. C. B. Grant Is president of the bank. The capital la 110,000. . . .. , "Even Break." the case, in asking that road sen tences be imposed. The Court's Opinion. The gist of the evidence and Its character and the reasons actuating the court in reaching a decision are set forth in the following opinion which was read by .'tidgo Cocko yes terday In court: "This court Is called upon to pass ttidffment unon 1 ft defendants eharir- ed with the violation of the state 11- ' quor laws. "Patient attention has been given to all the testimony adduced. .Some of this testimony would perhaps have been Incompetent In the Superior court, hut this court has been anx ious to ferret these matters. In all phases, to the very bottom, and ha8 allowed to be turned on even the side lights. The evidence In these cases is voluminous, and the court h'ui sifted It and applied to the Individual cane such evidence bearing upol. It, and has reached conclusions whl'.di It believes does Justice between the de fendants and the state. "Perhaps the most difficult convic tion in a court of Justice Is the vio lator of tho prohibition law. Thi Is due to the fact that tho violator com mits his act usually In the presence only of him who buys tho liquor, and who will under no circumstances be tray 'him. The hope of conviction lies outside the evidence of tho trust ed patron, and when such evidence Is offered it. too, should be carefully scrutinized because it is of Its very nature seldom ever corroborated. Es pecially should evidence be scruti nized when It Is from those whose business It Is to go from place to place for hire to apprehend violators of law. And yet seldom do we find voluntary testimony offered In a criminal case, especially that tor viot lttting the prohibition taw, i!aa 4heae M. Bush, c.harg. ea with selling liquor, the only cir cumstances connecting this defondant with tho sale of a pint of liquor Is that said sale was consummated In defendant's place of business. But the state's evidence falls to show that the defendant connived at It. knew about it or In any way was a party to the sale. The mere passing by of the defendant at tho tlmo of the al- vu-.-u-uu':nr ir irir.'., 'i (Continued on page four.) y.M.C,A. PRESIDENT OF BRISTOL WANTS LICENSE TO SELL BOOZE INT Not for His Own Personal Use but for His Club. KNOW HIS POSITION By Associated Press. BRISTOL. Va., July 30. The fact that tho name of Henry Roberts, president of the Bristol Y. M. C. A. Is signed to a notice that tfie Holston club of Bristol will apply for a li cense to sell liquor has created no surprise here. Roberts traveled forty miles to vote the wet ticket In the I onllon election. It was In the face of his known views that he I was elected president or the associa tion. The "drys" struck another snag to day in their effort to take depositions in connection with the local option election conec-st case. When they con vened at the Virginia court house and re-called a witness to the stand coun sel for the "wets" contended that th'ey had no right to proceed with the taking of nVpositlotis Tor the rea m.ui 4tiut Ihfiv VmH adtotirnefl to the Tennessee aide yesterday and had not adjourned from there back to the Virginia side. Counsel for the "dnn" decided to ptwt a notice to resume the hearing and the case was ad journed till August 0. CORPORATIONS MUST FILE THEIR REPORTS RALEIGH. July 30 police 1h glv en by the corporation commission that all corporations in the state that have not yet flk-rt their annual reports with the commission are liable to a heavy penalty and that they will be proceed ed against very soon now if the re quired reports tt which ample indi vidual notice has be-n given, are not forthcoming. It Is understood that quite a num ber of the corporations have not yet reported. It Is from these reports that the commission makes up the corporate excetw assessment after comparison of the ' reports with the real ami personal property listed by each In their counties. Locate the gentleman who MODERN MERCURY WINGS WAY TO THE HIGHEST OLYMPUS OF FAME Orville Wrigth in His Straightaway Test Performs Moa t Difficult Feats Ever At tempted by Aviator; Vast Throhgs Cheer Intrepid Inventor as He ' ; ( Alights t.teei3P?X Ireei (By Associated I Tew.) WASHINGTON, July SO. OrvlH Wright this evening attained the tilth of hard-earned success. In a, ten' mijo cross country light lu the fa-; mo'us aeroplane, built by himself and his udder brother Wilbur, and accom panied by Lieutenant Itenjamin D. Foulots, an Intrepid officer of the army signal corps, k not only aur peaaed the pd requirements of his contract wKh the (Jtikwl tte go. Vrnment, but he cxompllshed the most difficult and daring flight ever planned for a heavier-Khan-alr flying machine. Incldentully he broko all peed records over a nwasuned course. And he established beyond dispute tho practicability of an aeroplano In tlmo of peace and In time of war. IJ J'lvo Huiidml Kent. ills spued was mr forty-two miles an hour; ho made lb ten mllo (light from Fort Myer anil back in 14 min utes and seeniids, including the more than twenty seconds required for the turn beyond the linn at Hhutor Hill, the southern end of tho course. He attulncd a height Jn crossing tho vallty of Four Mile Ilun, of nearly five hundred feet unci tho average al titude of his pra'-tlcnlly level course was about two hundred feet above tho ground. President Taft, who has Income an enthusiastic spectator of the aero plano trialK. although two years ago when secretary "f war he is said to have expressed to officers profound skepticism as to the accomplishment of such a feat an th.it of which todav he saw thn completion, arriving upon the parado ground at Fort Myer JiihI in time to see the aeroplane land and to participate In the wild demonstra- ET PASSEO EXAMINATIONS Teachers in Western Part of State Who Secure Ccrtifi cates. (Special to 11 RALEIGH. Jul Cltlaen ) ') The list of then, w ho pas 't ' I nations for huh . i -year cert iticali - i " I tcaohers' fiv year 'i the following from I of tho state: For high school i cates: J. H. Beech. an, Waynesvllli ; ' Ko k; H.,wIIiik' H " E. E. Haw kins, Hip Ponder, Mars Ihi! -nolr For a.al Ian! hu'l' Alice Haworth. A in recent examl I teachers' three Hie state school i Ideates includes ho Western pan rlnclpals' certill- nolr; A. B. Brj -y Day, Blowlm; Wayneevllle, Hie; Hassle Lou - l Wilson, Lc "hool teacher: evl'lle; Josephine macates: A. L. Thomas, Lenoir Vr five ftear Smiley, lirvson ''it SHOWERb WASHINGTON. July 10. Forecast for North aCrolina: Local showers Saturday and Sunday; light to moder ate winds. . ' r'J J x I Puzzie Picture. doesn't havo to go to work for tlon which welcomed the triumphant aviators, lie aent n off loer to bear hia congratulations to the victors. ; tMtrtoui Favirt-ahlr;. . A terrlHc wind god rain storm ear ly tn the af teraona aeemed provlden- i tlally provided to clear and quint the atmospheric conditions In preparation for the flight, which was delayed on ly by the failure of . the army field telegraph line trem Tort Myejr. tu Hhvaer ilUh It mm toil out of crtm mlsMton when Orvtlln Wright," aelitliig the moment of tho beat Weather con ditions he had yet had for the speed test, had tho machine placed on the starting rail and gavw the motor a tlliul test. The engine worked perfect ly, and the crowd seemed to retillseo that an epoch making moment was at hand. They pressed forward against the 11 men which held them back, breathless. Intensely watching every movement of the aviator iiud his ma chine. The HlKTiiil corps detail hoist ed tho great weight in the starting derrick which kIvks the machine Its Initial Impulse. Win a Tense Moment. Orville Wrluht Inspected personally every detail of preparation Wilbur Wright wulked about nervously him self Inspecting each minute particular of the mechanism upon whoso fidelity depended hlH brother's life. Miss Katherltie Wright, the devoted sister, made little concealment of her excite ment. Indeed she was one of the group Vhich crowded so close to the machine us the crucial moment drew near, that Wilbur was coinclled to ask I hem to step back. Lieutenant. FoiiIoiiIm. lithe, wiry, brown as a berry, In his khaki tint-j form and liKglugH at a nlgn from BANKS ABANDON HOPE OE GETTING CONCESSIONS; Corponil ion 'liiiiinissioii Shows N Disposition to lie liCiiicnf. (special lo Tho Cili.cii ) RALEIGH. July -i'l -'Mie latest tall. about I h : f.ili- li I that t li' banker., ol til. t.i. h.iw al.oilt come to the coin lipilon that tln-ie can ! no sue , ill lillKatloli .it this liin again t Hie ruling I. v the oi porat lot, cornrnm-ioii that the slat and other H,ll-l,i,ll.. not I.. ; ! lunik s'o' k taxalion a this si. ill In I.;. Ho But Ho-' bonds ln ld by hanks shall .led ftolll loe villle of tlo before thi I" assessed for h.. I. t ri the pruetti e in -r many veaii under ru! a 1 1 oi in y k re ' Hh. in.. I thai slats offlceiij ar. at least mi'l of moral ot 1 1 1 l;., 1 1 the. '.Irongest sort lo allow such de- dintion f i im stock for holdings In th" ri"ti"l li-'n f r Hoiith Dakota hnnrls, wlii' ii. the banki rs holding them in.-i t. Ilic "Him il of slatcguar ant' id should '" fee from either direct or yi.dii.'t taxation. It learned that Mup bison National bank of Wilmin. ton i on" "f the largest holders of tn ' a t of bonds In tlis state. The slat" officers do not seem to be Inclined to msi t lhal the corpo ration couinii jioii grant even thl concession which the bankers ilccUre they were glv. n every assurance should be done If they became pur- Chasers of these bonds. two eutiro weeks. Orville climbed. Into the passenger's eat beside the motor. Wilbur and Charley Taylor, the Wrights' mechan ician, took their plf.eee at the propel lors. Orville. turned on the aparker of the motor, and they whirled the bladca around. The motor picked up the Impetus, Orville turwed 'tin the speed ,,ind. for the Aral Imo Vh"; prq pvllora of the Wright aeroplane were whirring at their maximum capacity. TIm smooth and evtio aong of the engine aroused the crowd to cheering. Orville clambered Into hi seat and gripped the levera. Wilbur, at a nod from his brother, slipped the cable which reh-aeed tho weight, the aer plane shot down the track, rose be fore t reached the end, and skimmed over the surface of thu ground for a hundred feet or more. As If drawn up by invisible powers, the white winged man-bird rosu high er and higher, reached the end of tho Held, turned at a slight angle, and faced about. Hats and handkerchiefs wrn wav Ing, automobile horns were tooting, somo over-wrought spectators even wept as the groat white creature turn ed again southward at the starting tower, and everybody In the crowd seemed Intent upon giving her and her daring passengers a (lod speed oti their perilous trip. Starts oil Journey. f'liinblhg up as k were on the air, higher and yet lilglvr, Orville brought thu machine at great speed once again fully around tho field. Then with a short turn hn swept about and (Continued on page four.) LUMBER TO COMPROMISE SUITS Prefer Not to Take Ki.sk of J'inaltit'.s Aggregating $1 l,(HK),.XMr. NEW ORLEANH, July 30. An ef foil will he made to compromise suits r.enilliii- In the M issl w.l I'I'I courts tu p.iiali.e the Retail Merchants asso daiioii of Mississippi In Hie sum of t M, 000.000 mi the. chars" of vlolat Ink Hi" antl trust Ihas o the state This de Moil was ri a. tied here hit today after a storm session of th members who had (-J.mposcd Hie as Socialioll. It wa dccUred that thn allegations are unfounded in iml, but It was agreed, in view of the 'fact that the association had disbanded, that It would he best for the individual mem bers to subject themselves lo lines which It. Is th.'uclit will be nominal. rather than undertake the expense of carrying the push to tho lederal courts. NO EXTRA SESSIONS WILL BE CALLED (Siei lal lo The t'ilix.'ii ) RALEIGH. July 30 There has Just ciurie to Governor Kltchln from !h- t'nited States secretary of state a urtllled copy of thm resolution by congrees for an amendment to the constitution providing an income tax. This will h" held by the governor for transmission to 'he next session of the general assembly. It Is not thought that thene will bo any extra session of the legislature for this purpose as the next regular session will bo lo amplo time. . Iff JOCKEYS TIE MIFF BILL AS IT C I STRETCH hi Gets In a Few Provisions Which Give It an Appear anco of Honesty T VIRTUES ABOUND IN A FEW SCHEDULES Old Vices of Dlngley Bill Per vade (Measure In Every : Other Particular (By Aaaoftated Press.) WASHINGTON. July 'SO. Entering) Upon the last txagea ot tta'nonaldor r atlon iny congress, the tariff bill as reported by tho conferees waa sub mltted today to the house by Chair man rayna and ordered : printed: la! the congressional record;. , Discus stun of the conference report will begin at 19 'chwk tomorrow morn. Ing, the Indications being that bu a hty wilt suffice tor Its adoption. , . The republican broke Into loud applause when Chairman Payne pre, scntod the conference) report, as he, did a minute or two after the dousa. ' convened. Under the rule It 'went over until tomorrow tor printing In the record. p v. Attendance large. Three bund rod and fifty ' of that; three hundred ttnd ninety member. were In then scat when Chairman ' Payne passed up to the speaker's ' doek the bulky document which had " tccuphid tho attention of congress for four and a half months, and then the republicans tbroke Into loud ip ' plause. , Mr. Fayno will op tomur row's tiropeedrnga with an exhaustive -statement In explanation of the tilt. : Witbj th conference report out ef T the way tor the time being, the house for nearly an hour and a half wrn ' lid. wer aomet Tpaolutlons Incfreas- Ing the olorloal and laborer fore of ' the onpltol. Adjournment VM taket at l.ti m. , j ) ";, r Prrftlnt Taft VrmmA Preeldtnt Tsft 1 prNM)d hlmtflf teday as Immensely pleased with the ' tariff bill as H was finally agreed to ' by tho oonforees laart evenlnf. It l ' known that he Is not enllrtly satis-, fled with all of the bill, and he told several ot his eallsrs today that It would ho tho greatest miracle of the 1 ago If m tariff bill could be designed that would ploae everybody. Without attempting to go Into tall the president today declared that In a great many ways the new tarltt law will bo a. marked Improvement; over the Dlngley act. :S Tho president polntod out as great forward steps tho enactment of the, Philippine tariff, the corporation, tax, thn establishment of a customs oourt, tho adoption of the new maxl. . mum provisions, thn establishment of a commission to advise tho president In tho operation of the maximum and minimum clauwn and on matter gen orally connected with the tariff. v All Tuffs Pollrteg There. Practically all of the admlnstrsittv foetures of the bill which were adopt ed In tho senate were aorepted by thn conferees. They Include a new maximum and minimum, tax adopted toy tho blouse, ttuthorlxallon r a bond Isstto to raise money tor build the Panama canal as well as numere ous other features. " Tim maximum and minimum pro vision prescribes duties In acotwdam with the rutin named In the dutiable list until March 31, 1910, when' twenty-five per cent ad vwlorem ! to bo added automatically as the max Imum duty. The prnsldnt Is au thorUed to apply the minimum rsteaj however, to Imports from a country which gives Its best rales to the prod WWWWMWMWSSSM (Continued on psge threO UPFORSELLINGCDGAINE Heavy Shipments from Hia Town Attrarted Atten tion to J I is Store. J (fcH"cll to Thn Cltisen.) TIIOM AHVII4.K, July 30.-' For th alleged Illicit sale of cocaine. Charl fl Ihomas. proprietor of ths "Cor ru r l.irug Htrre" snd ex-presldent ofl the North Carolina Pharmaceutical association, Is to lie hald befora Ksiilrn J. ". f.reen Saturday next. It seems that the officers havo known of frequent shipments from this place and hsve kept a lookout for the guilt parties. Tho chiefs or police of botW Halishury and .'hurlotte, were notl fled of suspicious packages going out from here, but they did not seem t look Into the dellwry of the goods M by the express company at elthe place. It was left for the Wades boro officers, tn connection wit Thomasville's wotchftil chief, to get . MtiMencA. I'hnmnjtvilln has been Klve't a bad name on account of tho sale of cocaine. It Is shipped, trf express. In nearly all cases, to negroes who -found whore to get It while double tracking for th Southern. , ,. .,,