THE ASHEVXLEE CITIZEN": VOL. XXV. NO. 286. ASIIEVILLH, N. C, MONDAY M(!;1N3, AUUUST 2, VMK PIUCE FIVE CENTS. ass SHOWERS nnCQSworn Dariyr DUuu Average for July 'iff 13 1ITT0 STATE : ! WILLBEAS DRY AS U SAHARA TUESDAY : A fc ;',ust go Through Purgatory of Temporary Prohibition Be- fore Real Thing Comes ; HALP COUNTIES WILL VOTE ON QUESTION Dry's Worked Smooth Came of Politics so That Dry Coun ties do Not Vote 1 (Br Associated Press.) X COLUMBIA, S. C. AugUHt 1 Oil Tuesday of this week Houth Carolina will be added to the fold of state-wide - prohibition territory whii'h now em braces well-nigh all of the Southern states However, the drouth In this 'state is to be temporary unless the I voter In the twenty-one wet counties that are to hold local option elections on Tuesday. August 17, declare for , perpetual dryness. I Due to the strategy of the prohibl- i tlonists In the South Carolina legis ' lature, the drys have all to gain and ' , i, nothing to lose In the approaching contests. Literally, this state is "half - .' and half," twenty-one counties being ' already in the prohibition camp, and --.jj exactly the same, number being offi : daily, engaged in the sale of Intoxl . cants under what is known as the ,s , j;county dispensary system. I I I Double-Crowaetl Wet. f The law enacted at the last session of the legislature took no account of te territory already dry, providing only for elections in the wet counties to determine whether they should re main wet or join their sisters of the white ribbon camp. Further, that the folk In the dispensary counties might have a taste of prohibition before de positing their ballots, the prohibition ist had it provided that all dispen saries shall close two weeks before the elections' and remain closed until the result of the election Is known. Will Be Dry Month.'n front- Um - wta 5, when Attorney General Lyon dellver- ed an opnlon to the effect that the result of the elections would not be ;'known" until officially declared by the state board of canvassers, which .means that county grog shops will be closed for at least a month. As ''Governor Ansel has concurred in this opinion, it stands and any attempt to . open the dispensary before the vote ? (Continued on pa go four.) T E SERIES OFEARTH0UflKES People Living in Tents Ex posed to Elements and Continual Rains. FAMINE THREATENS (By Associated Press.) MEXICO CITY, August 1. Details which are now beginning to arrive from the state of Guerrero, show that the recent series of seventy-three earthquake shocks in the valley of Mexico and along the Pacific coasts were the worst experienced In many years. It is now certain that the towns of Acopulco and Chilpaiielngo have hcn practically destroyed. What the earthquake of Friday failed to do was accomplished by the '.Ktrongcr one of yesterday, which either level led or rendered uninhabitable every building In these places. In addition to the ruin caused by the earthquake. Acapulco now faces a famine. All of the markets were destroyed in the shocks of Saturday and the country people are afraid to bring more pro duce into the town. The people are camping in the public squares. The few buildings tha.t remain standing are being levelled by dynamite, as they are little more than tottering walls that- are constantly falling as new shocks come on. People; Are Suffering. During 4h heavy shock yesterday the water ' In the. tiarbor receded a distance of thirty-three feet and then rushed back, covering the dorks and piers. The people are sufferinng consid erably, not only for want of food, but because of their exposed positions. The tents In the public squares and streets do not serve to keep off thi heavy rains which fall at this season. Funds aro being raised in Mexico City to relieve the distressed of Guer rero. In Mexico City the shock of yes terday was heavier than any yet ex perienced. As th- work of examina tion conUaues, mora and more evi dent-of -damage is found. But so far as-laArgxwn.BU lives were lost in he last-agitation,, Many tourists who were (Continued en page six.) NEGRO DESPERADO LEADS POSSE ON AN ALL NIGHT CHASE Keeps At med Men at Bay Dur ing Six Mile Pursuit From City to Craggy Station. Finally Sur rounded in Thicket. Pursued by a itosse of determined officers and M-oile anntd ultli shot guns, revolvers, ami rilles, harried from one hiding phut) to another, but coiiNtuiitly keeping bin pursuer at a safe distance- to the rear ivitli bis own pistol, Will Oar In ml, alius IXrt Simmons, a negro, ewcaed the slsits fired RfUT him throughout a long clmse down Hie. French Broad river but HIM llnally brought to hay about mldiliglit uear Craggy station and was surrounded, ami hemmed In In a llilckct. In the darkness the officers thought It best not to try to force the dcer ado from Ills position and milking sura Uiey bad bliu safely liemmed In, Nat down to wait through the downpour of rain until daylight should make either Ids cairture or worse poHstbla. The report of a pistol shots on the Southern railway bridge across the French Broad river late In the after noon first attracted attention to the iegro and caused considerable ex citement in the river section. No one was seen pursuing the negro but he fired back of him as if to Intimidate pursuers. Several persons went to Investigate the shooting and the negro turned his gun on them firing several shots and then took to his heels. Officer Baylies Notified. The chse began about six o'clock when a telephone message came to Policeman Haynes at Riverside park from some one, he does not know whom, asking him to help in the pur suit of the negro who had been shooting at various points along the river. In company with Otis Daven port, an employee at the park, and several others ho went up the river j When they arrived at the railroad I bridge they learned that a few mln-t utes previous to their arrival a ne-J gro had stood on the bridge about fifty feet from the end and fired aev era4 hotl tmcht want, the - city If to frighten baek pursuers. Nearly a doxen people hnd gathered there In the excitement. Th officers and 'his companions then went down the river and met Mr. N. H. Turbyflll. an em ployee of the Bingham school. Mr. Turbyflll Informed them that he had en a negro lying down on the side of the mountain with his arms crossed over his stomach as If In pain. Mr. Turbyflll also said that ho under stood the negro had gotten up on FAILING TO GET OUT OF ASYLUMTHISTIME, CAN TRY 10 INFINITUM Will Furnish Diversion which Thaw Millions Can Easily Afford. EVELYN TO BE CALLED (By AsHoclatctl l"res.) WHITE PLAINS, N. Y.. August 1. Harry K. Thaw's bgal light to prove himself sane goes on again to morrow before Justice Isaac Mills. District Attorney Jerome of New York, will begin the session probably with the presentation of more alien ists' testimony and the Introduction of reports made heretofore in support of the contention that the prisoner is a lunatic II is likely that Kvehri Neslilt Thaw, who has already testi fied against her lmslNind. will be put on the stand again by the state When Mr. Jerome is through. Thaw will be examined by his counsel and Justice Mills will continue to aHk the prisoner pertinent questions. Kven if the present habeas corpus suit Is denied, I he Thaw case will not be settled. If he loses he may begin a fresh proceeding on a new suit. In making another petition he could say he did not deny that he might have been insane at the time of the latest decision but that he was now sane and accordingly demanded his release. This can go on under the present habeas corpus system in this country as long as the Thaw family cares to push it. K. OF C. PREPARE FOR CONVENTION NEW ORLEANS, August 1. Pre paratory to Tfi'e national convention of the Knights of Columbus at Mo bil", which will convene next Tuesday the board of directors of the order and the supreme officers will meet here tomorrow morning to give at tention to several preliminary matters of Importance. Most of the officials arrived here today. The principal matter for discussion tomorrow will be the proposed Investment of an ad ditional tion.000 of the surplus of the organization. sight of two or three men ami firing two shots had pressed on toward Craggy rapidly. It was then about seven o'clock. Ifc-puly Sheriff Notified. Mr. Haynes and one other of the party then returned to the park while Mr. Davenport and the others press ed on Id pursuit. About one hour af ter this a telephone message was re ceived asking that the deputy sher iffs Join In the pursuit. They were no tified and Deputies Mitchell nnd Jor dan drove out to Craggy where they Joined the rest of the posae who had collected together there hearing of t'he excitement. Tiler- were nearly twenty-five men In the posse comsed of farmers In the nelghobrhood and they were well armed. Two policemen from the city also Joined the posse at Craggy. Garland then took to the woods for saking the road and mude every en deavor to elude the officers and men by dodging from one part of the woods to another and climbing the mountains and then dashing back In to the valleys and hiding among the laurel thickets. Posse Surrounds Him. As they neared Craggy the posse which had been keeping him well In reach spread out and began to sur round him. Hut Ciarland by his won derful ability as a sprinter and his constant dodging in the darkness was able to keep the men at bay. He had a liberal supply of ammunition and he used It freely but nobody was in jured. After an hour of this chase In the midst of a heavy woods and while the rain was coming down In torrents the negro took refuge tn the center of a dense thicket. The? heavy rain hin dered the chase somewhat and the pursuers were compelled to slacken their, sneed. - Many of thorn were not familiar With the topography of the land and the trails were almost Im possible to find In. the dark. Tho only way to detect his exact where abouts was by the crackling of a twig or his falling over a log. About two o'clock this morning the report came Into the city that his hat had been found In the wands and a hole had been shot through It. The (Continued on pae three.) PRESIDENT TIFT READY IE Shipping Papers and Docu ments to Hummer Capital at Heverk'3r. WILL CO THIS WEEK (By Associated, Press.) WASHINGTON, August 1. It was stated at the while house today that President Taft does not expect to at tend the open-air pageants at Olou ocster, next Wednesday. The president had accepted an Invitation to attend the celebration, contingent upon the adjournment of congress. Mr Taft will not leave Washington until af ter the tariff bill becomes a kiw and no one predicts the passage of the bill through the senate, prior to Thursday night at the earliest. After signing the bill the president will leave for Hevvrley where In; will havo a stay of sonic thing more than nvte weeks before starting out on his long trip through the West and South,' The senate having retained the BPq propriatlon of 125.000 in the vfrger deficiency bill for the president' tra' citing expenses, only one obstacle ie" mains as a possible bar to 4he rip. That is Mrs. Tall health, and 1- n continues in improve as gtead'y as she has since taking up her reeden'e at the summer capital, the pre!(l",,' trip will be assur-d . .' The executive Torce whltywt'1 1 taken to Heverley is rapidly f aking its plans for the transfer of lne scat of government from WiwhCKI"" to the Northern seashore, tiff' furni ture ami file rases filled W,h "'"cu ments which are likely to needed for reference will be shipp '1 '" , Hev erley on Wedncsiluy. Th president hopes to get away cjthc Friday 9f Saturday afU rnoon. TWO KIl l.l l) OX 'BACK. NEWBEKBV .VBEKBV. S C.J'!"si i s Williams and V"', tal,k were killed near f' ,niH ' n bv being struck I"ssen ack on the Columbf. N'cwber- Charl night ternoon ger track on tlx ry and Iaiirnt railroad The men were walklnar on the tr sk and did not notice the approach ' ,n Both were horribly mar"1- train. Making SPAIN MEN A E VER Y SIDE ADOPTS SE Leaders of Revolution Imprisoned and Executed by Scores Citizens of Fighting Age Compelled to Remain Within Kingdom to Await Conscription The Death List at Barcelona Grows. (By Anaorlate: Pre.) LONDON, Aug. 1 Tel.- graphing from Cersbe, Runday, 4 Thu Timea correspondent says the revoluttonarlM are the 4 masters of all fhr village in Catalonia having poed the authorities. He gilda that th 4 republican flag Is een ralaod" at l'ahifrugeil, twenty mile southeast of Oerona. CBHEBE, France. Spanish Fron tier, August 1. The latest news re ceived here from Itarcelona is to the effect that fighting between the troops and the revolutionaries continues fiercely. It Is reported that forty rev olutionaries have been shot wluhout trial at the Mnnijuoh fortresses, among them lielng Hmllllano Inglealaa editor of The Progreaao, the organ of Deputy Itoiix. chief of the repub licans in Barcelona. The situation in I'alamos, the cen ter of the cork Industry, Is reported to he alarming :i nl fears are express ed for the safety of the foreigners there. VICE CONSUL'S MURDER . Bears an Kvil Reputation and Has N Kriends Even Among Own Race. NEW YOISK. August 1. Wong Bow Cheung, as h has. Been Identi fied, or Matilda Woiing, as tie insists on Isdiig naoe'l. the undeisl.el Americanized Cln"'1" cook, who sle.l bis vice ronsu'. Luk Wing -s- ter.lay, was -.rr .itie I before th cor oner tc.dai' "id 'ommltted to Ho tombs li await result of the In iiuest t' be loll Wednesday. lb slept H.iunilly aiel well, but si-einn depressed and n f-ses to answ r qiK-'lioin, if las friends. Ci).ieu on in m ! p v na ne .has n. lo i ijj at" no oni What seamy Information the p-d,' Can gather about Idm Is wholl io hi discredit Tb- .'verago Is frugal und in d'isirloua, but vVoiig hhd the repute':"'! In Chinatown of being a hard dm I -r, an unaiead worker und cb . cash Wngshlu H lb sul here, cannot Wing, whom to gentle and pam i treated th- pi i anything to excu-- i"y In want 'he Chinese -,.. o'-v that Dr. "w aa the n,oi 'g of aide, -v-r ' harshly or did he assault. 8HOWER& WASHINGTON, Ang. 1. Fore r a. si for North Carolina: Showers Monday and probably Tuesday; light to mod erate winds. Hay While The Sun CED BY SEDITION ON OFFICIAL DEMAL8, PAK1H. August 1. Although offic ial Hpaln in I ni mines the Catalnnlan Insurrection and Insists that the re volt bus been crushed, a fur different story emanates from the frontier. Kefugma and travelers declare that trto revolt is still rampant and that desperate combat contlnus at Ba calona, wtisr nfty vavolutktnarlea are reported to have fceen wounded tft conflict which occurred aa late n Hat urday night. Information concerning the actual situation in Harcelona and the rest of the province Is rarer tonight than ever before. Although some of the news from the frontier Is from revo lutionary sources, and therefore open to suspicion, morn naliuble intelli gence leads to the belief that although Hnreelona Is calmer the Insurrection ists haw,, tuken to the suburbs and the outlying country where they are sow ing the seeds of revolt and Inflaming the populace to maintain the strug gle to the bitter end. Sllnnlloii Critical. Barcelona province Is In the hands of prowling bands of workmen, heav ily armed, who occupy the railroad and hlghw.'ivs to prevent communi GETS SOME RARE PICTURES Made Specialty of Immod es(y of Women and Used Tlieiii in Sermon. (Sy liil in Tin- Citizen.) MINNKAI'Ol.lS. August 1. If doubt luol existed in the minds of manv as lo li in currying out threats mad-- seeia day ago that he would jdiotot-raiji women appenrlng on thu sli.-ts In kiiboos. It wan dispelled ttlien tlx it.-v (1 I.. Morrill delivered Ins initialed lecture In a theater h. i. ibis morning The sermon was heard by u parked house, mostly wo r 1 1 n. At bast twenty-five pictures of Minneapolis women In Nlcoliet avenue were IliroAll upon the screen. Homo won low necked dr-ases, while oth-ii- w-re shown with tight fitting - lollies. Kxpomirc up t' the knees by . v-ral who were photographed was ih inoHl Hliiitllng part of thu lllus iiations. Or. Morrill also threw sren- H of .m ral animals found In i In London zoo and compared the women Willi them. "Any woman who Is Immodest eriooi;)! to hold her skirts up to her kne-s on the principal thoroughfares of Ibis cllv should be placed In the Kiime category with these animals," In- paid. "It Is Indecent exposure at best and ny woman who cares so little as that about herself should be considered no better than an animal." Dr. Morrill spent mist of yesterday afternoon securing the photographs. He got i veral of his subjects una wares l'r-ouent attempts were made by men escorting women slated for an exposure to demolish the camera and on- barely missed breaking the b-ns. The pantor was threatened by several with prosecution. Shines. VER E POLICY cation and who refuse entrance to new comers. Casaan de la Zelva is In the hands of (he revolutionaries, ami at Paliimo. where the monastery was fired upon and the monks tortured, the situation l described! as alarmlngf and the lives of foreigners enduti- L Th opinion In aaml-ofnclat Circles hr, cmcerntnf (Spain's Internal lt nation Is pessimistic, and the belief Is expressed that the trouble Is not yet over. Official Madrid announces that Barcelona Is tralnqull, but qua! Hies this statement with the words "this Is especially ao In the center of tho city." Stringent Mcsumrca Taken. From Melllla comes the news of another ambush and several officers bolng wounded before the troops suc ceeded In extricating themselves from the attack of the tribesmen. Rumors are afloat that a general strike will be lituivched tomorrow at Madrid and that a strike Is being or ganize In the Blscayan region. All persons subject to military duly are forbidden to leave Spain, nnflor grave (Continued on page three. WOULD "SIC" HAIRWORM ON THEPESKY MOSQUITOES New Orteann May Try New Method of Exterminating derm Breeder. (By Assoclati-il Press.) NEW OIll.EANH, Aug. 1. A nf method to be employed In the cru sade agnlnst the mowpilto, which In sect, accredited with being the means of spreading yellow fever, has been fought unremittingly by Nw Orleans for the past several years, Is being c tlvicly urged "by Councilman Krawley of this city, -whoso theory Is to set an Insect to cati h an Insect. He asserts that this principle has the bucking of the United B lutes marlne hospital service. t 1 i h l-" "It has been proved," declared Councilman Krawley, "tbaf what is commonly known aa the lualr worm has a family fued with the moUlto. Wf. should confront tho mosquito with this worm. We should convey the latter In large) ijuiintlt ! to the swamps, morasses, gutters atd cistern and leave them in soak to wait their hereditary enemies." It remains to be seen wthcther or not the councilman's suggestion Will meet with practlial acceptance. NEGRO RAPIST SHOT BY POSSE (By AsMM-lati-d Press.) NORPOI-K. Va.. August 1. Will Blake, a young negro, who Is alleged to haw criminally assaulted Mr AlUe Jermey. sixty years of oge yes terday at her hums In Norfolk oosinty, was captured thin afternoon by a posso which has 'been on his trail for many hours. Blake was hiding under a s hoolhouse when captured anif In trying to escape was shot down and fatally woundod. Threat of lynching were heard but tonight Blake Is kxtfc ed safely In the county Jail. The n gro Is about twenty-five years oM was recently released from the pen Herniary. . 4 . . uHEKMOliEAfiD U ST FROM TARIFF BILL . No Disposition In Senate to Delay Its Passage Through That Body , DEMOCRATS WILL EXPOSE ITS FRAUD Insurgent Republicans' Will Also Voice Their Oppo sltlon to Features Bjr Associated press.) WARUlM.iTON, August 1. Unless something happons tu provoke heated discussions of a polltloal character the new tariff tdll should be enacted I ,1 1 .1 1 .. ... .. .1 aHn,lHnt. - - - slon of coittrress adjourned before the end of (he present week. In quiry among senators as to the adop tion of the conference report on th IMytte-Aldrlch bill Indicates tha de bate will not be eo extended as tt threatened to he before the conferees reported. Tha senate will meat at teu o'clock tomorrow. The session prob sbly will begin at that hour each day and will continue until six or 'seven o'clock dally till the report Is mdopt od. If It is found there ere 'mora senators to speak than have already given notice, It la possible' that ssa Ing sessions may tie hold. ' Awlrttill In Itaate. ' ' Senator Aldrlch la determlimA hat tha conrerencs report . shall nnt . ba carried Into next week, lie oes not expect to occupy vary; much tfme himself. Ms said today he would not speak longer than an hour or td and other members of tha ootrtraltte would occupy comparatively, HUM time. It la probable that senators who were opposed to the placlne; of hfdea on the free list will have aome Hiiiiiv.1.1 mi nit that aiiblm-t .and., all . 01 the republicans ,wn vowa against the ! bill when It was on ltgnaaaa Intht sanait wilt tk occasion to fWm their iu)tlon,. on tJh senators will vote for the adoption of. tho eonferoncs report and ot them are expected to vols 111 th. neg ative. .. , , r No rillbusterintr. Honator Culberson, loader "of tha minority, is authority for the 'slats men t that the democrats wll debate the conference report thorougtity,. bul will not filibuster against luC'tfdop tkin. inatori Daniel and " fifclley; members of ttw committee on' finance, will spk at hrtigth against the adop. tlon of the conference report Snfl take the lend In voicing democratic oppo II Ion to the new tariff bill. Borne of the senate leaders predict a votir will be had on ths oonfersnc report as early aa Thursday nd tha' special session of congress can M brought to a close on Friday. V ) II Not Known Whether lie la Short in Accounts With" Fruit Company. , in CIIABLOTTE, N. C, August t.- The liivestlgatlon of the affairs pf, tM Cltlw-ns' Bank and Trust company t Bout hern Pines as far as It ha prog ressed" shows that Cashier Oeorge A. Kimball was short In his accounts at least fifteen thousand dollars.. How" much more the directors cannot say. A notice was posted o the ' closed bank yesterday giving the status 0' affulrs. It transpires since KlmbaH'g departure that he took With him th books of th Niagara Orape " Krult company, of which he wag rlettsurer, and whether Klmballs spec ulations hae extended to that con cern is a matter that Is worrying ths directors. Kimball was last heard from a York Beach. Maine. He has a wlf and several children. His crooked nisn was covered by means of a loose leaf ledger system and he is said to have lost th money In speculaXJon. ENSIGNAHCEN'S ' BODY BROUGHT HOME NEW OBI.EANH. August 1. Es corted by guards of honor from Unit ed Htates naval and army forces, th body of Enalgn Hugh K. Aiken, Who lost his 111V m an explosion ,n bunkers of the cruUer North Carolln st Naples, Baly. on July 11, wJH b interred In his home city hers temor n,w. The body arrived here tonight from New York. ' JUDGE BRYAff PEAl. , ROANOKK. Va.. August l.-Jodg - . - . I -1 Uw.,am MihA Mil OTB4I'. Ided over the Boanoke polkMJ looort hero for the past six years, ana wn . was one t me mayor of this city; die today at Northampton after , an -tlr ness Of several mvmu r J

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