THE ASTTEVTLLE TITIZ EX. MONDAY, AHiTST 2, VjO'.k I I f t I 111 I' IJ H I f I r GLEANED FROM FALLOW FIELDS f I OF FUV W Ff Viiiiiiiui Wm nliu.'. full m;ii,., ., ' old. Hit. cue t" a ' 'i'" 'l'M Hy pom :dk a i ' AdoU : hi.'- .',' I 1 1 ' ' "SonUcr' ilinl - ' The f-'al"-'. ' I ' i-'' a-', . !li ' ,; II I 1 1 1 H Uf III" - '" ' ' ' ' !t" n . ii"' for "i '; '1 II. Ui ll t"l 1 "i ',; n -i -.i i : i i i, , , . ' h.-i- ; f- ' III I'l'l'-i' '' -I- ii, . I un '!!' ' i I. hv ha ' I I , f . I 1 1 1 ii ; o ' Tin- I J' i"l " " l- !"' ' illl !! nil, I .1 "I,.:, i II Jli-k I ' . 1.i I ! rifT ' l'"1 ,.tlker'' I- I l In l! "Ill -A ll'' ll ''' ri , A r, Mil,' fll . "I - ' i ' ' nr.- nil l.llt.Bl- ! f 1 1. in tin- -1 " 1 ' 1 lather lame pi' Tfhamkatle !!' . r III" I trouble ;il""il "bungle! '' :t ",l i tignle Hi. " r evidenced I'. 'i" f editorial pac- 'We Ii. !' i t in tn the luiiutb i' ;j ' i 1 mi; A Ulg IV t .-."III.. and oak'' walk i'h a '" uucen' N"iil I" ii s I'v t'."b Tn.,1 up i' ' TVIIke.sbiiry. .ted ' n n I ho In laid by nn'l dd Roan H r.-f. ! mil ler clime 111.- mountains, we mr goln' ter start f'.r tlie Slab of AVilk Kouttty K." p n." I.mti:'!' i ' i 'nnker' nn. I Hi. 'mountain on. n' I li We Kit there. "V. . Our wife -.7 v "U needn't keep the mountain 1 1 " . f"r Ramkatlf uin n is too I f'-r u But we w ill !-!! v.- In r to hum'' A Wicked II v. A well knnwn f'liiirl.itl.- mmi. nnv The Obwrvr. wrll. ji h:i k from (In Dart of thii Htiit'- a litl.r full of thankMlvlnir orul rojololntt Ih iuiih.' li. haj found nno town In North ruro Una whi'Tc Ihf liliic lawn of .the Qu.'fn tlty lo nit pr.vttll. From hl iV crlptlon nf the wh ko.l thliiK" hi' illi on a crtnln Hahlmth It rnlnht lie Inferred that hf I summiTliiK here In AmtifVlIle. Hk miy: "Wp all trint to thiirrH Hunrtny lrirnln(t. On the wny hark homo wp atoppM In a t.ire and T hoiiKht n plioir, wimc olu wInK icum, li' cream nit a dtamp. After dinner wi- wont to a park, rowf on a lak and rmlr on a flylng-jlnny. What do you thlnl: Of lha,t? We also tiitURht andn water, eream nnrt clstim, and I taw hpr kujr poanutH, jwip torn, orarkpr Jack, rftdfc monad and watf rmflorm. and 1 nw a woman tolling fortune, and all thta on Pun day. Just think hmv jrond Charlotto la whrr you run'i tirl any thine on Hunday pxi'i-pt your nlmn ahlnnd. lt' triuiKP .thouuli. that whiU' W8 er tnJoylnic tlu-H" uwfully lnful prlVll'BM I miiiiirliturlly i-xperti'l a rollrnuiii to pla.'" hla hnml on my honldi r and arrest the whole family, feeing uaed to our' Churloli lawn." Thi fommrlit on the rlty'a hin- thenlum ahoiihl arouae the (limd fiov ernment league. o .. Catorlnjc t Oi'iiiHiub. TH latet Invention to hani! in tli family dlnliiK room la thi Kuril hour, I It l a Pint llttl circular hounl, plu' i or deciiralwd, fimt.'n. il to the null The name of ciuh of the fninllv I" painted on the I'ln-umfrrenee. an I marka the aixit where the (turn la to be left until wnnled. Tnld aavi'M ear rylng the mini to 'liil or kcIHhk ii In one'a ha4r or pwiUlowInK It in the nllit. It In ohvioiiM that the mini hour.! mippllcH a loiiir felt need and he who Invented the new fail will have the wishes of the yoiiiiK la dlea. Imrhum Sun. Mf'- Tile '), You" Xiilxnmv. The (Treelioro I'mIiIoI Is tired of belUK "(i. you'd " l tutu hi en "' you klil-eil. 'ii, 'oii poiHitni-eil. 'i 1 1 . 1 "O, you" I'Vi-n Ihini: . -il inilll it h nwe:ir' anil .oretl iiih iln- N.-mie nhl form of witti. ism whlrh ho Km s .t al tnelr.H oi ie;nhini; Hi.- fl.irlin point of the funny. II .niv 'Ini',-lv there must he ;m n. lilie; void In the rcKcrvolrx of wit ami Orlirlnitlilv wll.'ll the ihtii'i- eounfl','. parrot like, cati he .it s.nne snm h ; LINGERIE WAISTS FOR WHATEVER PURPOSE .'mm 2 fn $'J").00 ihe piirts r;iiiit. 'A I, $'J."iO ymi wu'ilil nol rxprt't io (iinl so sulisf anl ial and 7 trim a muslin waist as c can-y. Harmonious uso of several sizes of plain dicks mako a tasty even if plain lrsirn. The 'tG.-"(, .7.'H :m.l .S.(M) waists are very nu merous mid validated. Most any 1'aney could lie gratified from them. All the latest patterns. Homo arc daintily embellished with light color ed euiliroidery, hows to nmtrh. Dut. li or high nci-k ns you prefer. 't'he liiLrhfi' jtrici'd v.'. lists arc ni"iv or less gar- ish in line hirr or?ia ment s and are suilahlo for dressy u-e. Jvcquireinents in lin-rcrie waists must he a little unreasonable which we ramml furnish. M. V. MOORE, WOMEX'S f:ltIKNTS II I'AITON AVI'. OLD NORTH STATE i: fin ti unli iii-. i rir- ! Jl, I M. l-it l " I ' ' f.i ,'.ii.i . r 1.. . "iel it ii n- I ii I it 1 1 ; .ut nny ii s .ire lilwi ia - I. Tli- ...lllur . n Hi" nifhl .-linll ...ll of Mill" , lie Wii'l, llllle f. Illlll", m Ii i"l 'I i ,i I'l l ii I i I it,, i ,st, hi in k I o her fll'M. ,.'1. Tin 'I I ll. ' ,1 iHT klie W thai il.lti t li't Illl 1 li.) :3rd of 'hMeir:K a Motto. All He . ,li.n i.l Iln- Hlate lire work-ii.L- ..ut hie.HtliiK molt. i. n In th. ne la.-, n. .1- siKfi'-il t" draiv att.-iillon to th. rapid Klii.l.-M th.y are making ah.lllC the hot. dust; I'iiu.Ih of prolf- riim. harlolte h.-Kan II hy copvin Ki.llie ..tiler In-All koiii. v here Illlll Hoy ih- niiivirwi- l told to Mtand itlll with tt ti. I.l hPik.m ii ii, I 'Wall Ii I'harh.t" WmleKhoni winks one ami Hhrleks. "Wall h Wadi shoro W'iri." Ilui k InKhiiiii haa w rit Inri; nliov'e her portalH "The Itest Toiy of All." Hiiinl-i InlielK Iln citizen "Hamlet T'.iHinters," and ho It pn iin IhrouKh tli wholn at-ifory n enteh jirnwn ' thai are mipiKiwd Rel.e onto thn f miiKlnnt Ion and k each parlreulfir town In a pigeon hole of memory, A wait who wan watch Ing the banner home thrnuf;)i the treet here In a lilif pariKl- hy om fharlotte rwitera recently Hhl "IjihI time I wim flown t'luirlotte vsay I aaw Mcveral thoiiHiind people out on tlm .street wntohln " The Dickey lllrrt Say. Thnt young men who steal klnsi from young ladlea should get hehln 1 the door. That Home of TCocklnxham'A mer rled men are heet.rnlng more hal.l headed; that the tiigh prli-e of flour and prohibition niuat he the cause of It. That when the new Htylo of hats come Into faahlnn the poor father of llock Inghn ni will have another ran- of dry grins. That Itncklngham him more pretty Women, more ugly and lew red-head ed men than any town of lt ! In the Htate. Thai to enjoy yourselves ymi ahould . e Ihe hull guinea and watch th root era and and rotierlnen root. Anglo Saxon. Itemed y for Inwiniiila. Kecenlly a friend who had heard that I KomctlmeH toiffer Trom Tnao nla told me a sure cure. "Kal a pint of peiinulM and dilnl, two or three gl:inxes uf milk b. f going to bed, an Id he, "and I'll war rant you n nc naiecp within Inilf an hour " 1 did AS he aiiKKi nled. and now 'ol die lMiietlt of othera who may b affllcled with InHiimnla, I fed It to lie my duty o report what ha imeiied fur a I ii in ii hie to recall Ihe di tall. hirst let me say my friend was right. t did go to i ep very soon lifter my ret Irenient Then a frhml with his h-ad under IiIh arm eain along and asked me If I want-, I t buy hla feel. I huh negol fating wllh him when th- dragon mi which I i a riding slipped i. lit of his skin and left me ll'ialini: In mid air. Whll 1 w as conil.lerinir hmv I should . I ilnii ll. a. 'Inill w it Ii two heads i, i over lb- cile- of (he wall Illlll n. he would haul in,- up if 1 would llisi 'III ii.!' Up and r 1 1 a windless fur bin i as i .siiiinie; iiown the mount i In side the biaki man i anie In. and nsKeil hlni w hi ll ihe Ualn W t'Ulil ri acli ni' station "W.- passed Minr si ,!,,n f,,ir bun ill-e. I veins ago." be h-ai,. i-alinlv fold I'll, tuff 'io- t'.ii-i li;. up, I ih.(.i:i' ll int ) hla y?t pe kt-t. Al f! !- inn 'ur. I'i.' e..- n I'- ill! I' d Into tie . ' K ai.-l pulled ' ': -r, t r pole . r '' - .i,r.., 'i-i-v: ' lie '-III .n I n I i ;,! 'I i ! Up I: I -I" .1 .. ' . --a!"i I--io -. A.o t-.'ii.rf IMV-, f V ill . f '.''1 .lli!,ne !lu; ii . . '! :. 1 a '. ii, i ' in. I I h-1,1 a i - . j, ..Ine-il t. n ":',.' ,.. ,ik . '. . ,7. t!..-. M'mIi I ihiniary 'ih.- .-.I..: ,.f a ifiiintry pap'r r pi Al.,,1 I'tl.rfUl K'llll;! ii r ii . I il,- p'of mi'- pr. i Irieta of a '.' ''li' -ti-.J' J'.JHt lie.aUhe III'- ' : ' a - .; I :;"t writ- all the detail I -rv thai . ropped out j' '! '111 Were III, ally BlIlTieed w h. 'II , ' ; th- nrst . ittz-ria in Hi- t,i,-.n ,i. ,1 aid tli- f ollim mi- 1 r u 1 1 1 j u I ohi'u ! ''.rv ni.,i.-iir- ,i- JIKIi -John 1'rou'lpume, ff -i,lx i-iir lioi-as. il a a mild inanr.. rnj pirate, with a mouth f'.r In.k. ', arel an eye f,,,- h.,o.ll, . 1 1 run.. ',. r- at lil.'lil .villi .ne.ll. rn.iii if- anil Joined he . lull" h M the llr.t i han. . . You could In .u h.i priii, lMix lilm kd. He owed ns x-. il.fllaia on Ih- pa p. r. He ili,l lug 'J sum I'aid It All," an, I we Until: he is riwhi, uh he n vi r iald any thing himi'-lf. He wan hurled in an asht-Htos ra-ket and hto frieinlM Ihnw palm leaf Iann Into his khh, In inj; a pnu (leal ofT. rlnK." FUNERAL SERVICES OF MRS.RIORDAN TODAY 'ihe funeral of Mrs Helen Itnudan lilm died al her I,,, in.- on M..iitl,,i,l aM-iiui- on Saturday Mill l,e b. I.l iln--allernoon at the K.unaii ( 'at hole elliin ll at I :IU p. m. Mrs Hioiilan eaine here s. .111. 1 1 1,-1 ago from Chleago, while sh.- h i, I In id for nni 11 y jeiirs. Tin- Ih.iIj wilt In taken to thai i lly for int. 1 10. ill. t llll.ns ITXKIIAI,. The funeral of I'Mwiinl, Ihe .ii-h-teen moiitliH old Hon uf Mr. and ,M is. H. N. favlH won held yesterday af ternoon and Interment v:i.m made at KlverHlde. The little hoy died Satur day, night after un lilm kh uf two week.H. A i.V Fl M JIAI,. A few weeks ago there db-d In Cil ia a man named Oluiuchard, who hud Valued an .11111 in. mis fortune from tin tin- billions bouvre atore. Win n his will wan ii-fid. It was found that be had left comparatively little to char ity ami In his thounanilH of employe while the bulk of his fortune, amount Ing to about eight million ilullain. wim bequeathed to a woman who had boen hla friend for many years. M. Ohauchard had planned bin funeral on a luxurious, even royal male. The most celebrated voices In Franco xanff In the chorus, the heurae was drawn hy Hlx black horca, capnrlHoned In thie IrapplngH of mourning, and a squadron of culraaxicrH, several batal Ioiim ol Infantry, and three IhoiiHaiul einpkiyes followed the body to tin grave. It iviin what the French cull a "gay' funeral and half a inlllon la riaui ns stopped In their work to see ttw 'pa rade." Hut Inatead of regarding It reverently, 11.4 tlm French usually d tlie crowd biased, and lautbcil ninl racked coarae Jcsih. and n nmb of hooligans jostkil the oftlelal mourner robbed the bbr of ltn llower.s ami Iohmi iI them iihoni Kvun On- scrb.11 lllllldeil felt that the fllliel'al Han a foolish bit of ostentation, and would have liked It beller bad the late M Chaucliard been more modest In hi.s leaving of Ihe world. A lew yeura ago, Madam llouel aiilt. tho owner of 11 rival store, be qucatrtcr her fortune of io.niMi.niia to her faithful eliiioes and to re llgioiiM and charitable Insl it ut ions. Sin lid not have a "gay" funeral She dnl not in i d otic From .Success .Maga zine. SAW A I lsl(.. Speaking ,,f dr. .mis and 1 isloiis. The tlr-i nslwro lb . 1, i.l .savs- "S, .111. si 1 111, s v. 1 asloiiishiim thiuKU ''' '' I cab ,1. Tho billowing incident a haulm. 1) ti 11. and . 111 l- .i ,,v, 11 N ihe best ,, ,. i,, M, , . ,,1M. "' ' in I ' d. 1 Ui.- ,. 1 h. I., st K now n W- "111.11 ill 1 ll sU.i ., I,,. 1 bn. I her I'. M 1-S..111 I i ,. 11 is a r le was a hand ,,111 .' 1 1 ' ' . tri.l would 'I bt.H.k .ill 111 11 ' 'p of a h it. ll,,. liiibllng at Ibe 1 Io- a ;i, 11- ! 111:111 .nut n, a ,111 1 'll- i I- I.l l v, .s Mi a me. .t ., r. n ; .11.1. 1. 1,1, 1 ,, . . , I ! I I 'ill " " k in lite ' ! 111 v i 1,1,, a h. r b, a-t oil. I I.i, a I. s. ol I - it I I, '''I ,'.,'ii 1111a! ' I-a, e; time : I " I, II him -aid he I n. did. bill 1 ! n-1 She ' l k di"' saw 1 '. ni cli mil ' I and si p 'i -1 h i r turned in suddenly t bun in the ai . All ef ' -, , 1 it was a fun- h . lie. oil. I I .b,l 1, 1 I.l AMI, ' I 1: I . ii . I, : r ' ,,y. d futile, i" 1 h..s,. day--, , . ; nie n nd It ' m .niiaii saw I.. I . . ,; , ..', Mm,- a. I' ll, I'Ut ill illle t'dd tile Sl.e i it ill l .1 Ihr 'Ihy. wiiat wis : 111, ill,.,, 11,1, 1,1 - !lc it 11 11 nbs.'lut. b true 11 1 ' 1 he hmir c .' v. is it "ns for- t tins u .illlail ? ;n; tlii- .-.lot V is PI. IM, 1 1 KlldlT. ' s, v, ral weeks ,-ai her stor . t he ' r. ,t e t be ma c:i7i in. an 1,'irU' deeision. bad 'other irons in lit. ir. i . me M't'v i amc the ditor I Mi. lam- T liae r.a.l ,.iir st.ii-v. an, I lill.r givllu; it careful cn il i Ii la I 1 1 hi sboilbl llilvli.' oil to put ii wiih the other Irons." F I BURNS OVER FQURSQUAHEMILES OF JAPANESE CITY Twenty Thousand Houses De stroyed And People Home less In Street FAMOUS BUDDHIST TEMPLE l RUINS Supplies Are Short And Star vation Now Looms up as Newest Danger ( U j- Ahmo I.i 1 d I'r'fN ) ' e'AKil, Japan ...'. 1 1 '""iifii" " ' .-nil prevaila ' 1 - .i 1 Mill "f .-..1 1 11 1 day's illaaati :." 'I'lions uhIm "I p' 1 s are h h.- .hi, I hunger I i i n ug many p i.e A r-.M'-m of relet has he'll organ ized I iv the muni. i', .1 "I leu it i, ,s, but II n 1 n . 1 1 1 , i 11 ute 1 ,i,pu all in eils. .inl-i,le eitieg a 11 I l,,,ii. it., gener- ,,iis! sending In 1 1 1I111I inns , tip le-iie h s and dec ,1.1. 'I h- numhier 01 1 .1 1 1 . 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 s baa n d I led Illlll, ll. d', of 1 a d I tin- hu'i lie n that twenty III'' lb stroyeil, 1 been iletcrmli in mi -ed persona ui . ,. I'm!' 'I h. latest est In. il II, his. 111, 1 bUlldll.i; 1 ii. e ineliidlng I, .11,1. 'ha UK'-, the mum, hi III. stock ex oellllliellt edi- ll' IS and factories bile at present ii is impossible ac iiiately to slat,- tin l .stes. these are gn.-n roughly at sev eial million yen. It is feared that seme of the insurance companbs will fail as 11 result "f the lp avy Iomsi I bey will have 10 ,.ay. llurniNl linle lay. The eonflagratlon lasted more than t .1 cnly-tive hours und today tli burned portion jin-snni ,1 deplorabl sinni. 1 lie streets ol the city are very narrow and the houses were mostly of wood construction. L'nder 11 strong breeze, thereffife the biiildngs were easy prey frr the dam' h w hich Jump ed from one t another with great rapidity, once hope was almost aban doned that 4haH2onllagraton could be arrested. Ttl nrenicu (ought valiant ly against the) .Odds uf lack of water and the high Winds and many of them fell iinc.oiis'lQUa.i hil working brave ly at their pouts. Had not tin- water supply been curtailed by the long drought it is baUvved the fire would hav been extinguished without great loss. ; ! Saved Their Ilt'longing. During the lire greatest confusion prevuiled among the spinning girls in the factory nuarter, but I'm tui.ately no serious loss of life occurred there. The belongings of the people who were uble to save anything In. in then binning homes re Pitied in KreUt heaps along the railroad tra. ks ii nin Osaka to Kobe, where they u 1 re re mo. td early Saturday morning when the tire broke out. In the grey of th.. dawn of Saturday thousands ol per sons Heavily laden With hollsi hold ef fects, were to ho seen Ibi-lng across (In- numerous canal bridges and away from the lire When they root-hcl places of sabty the burdens were laid down and Ihe able-bodied men "f families returned to the city to as sist in lighting ihe flames, ha-ting tln-1 Id people to niiard their effects tr,,m Ibi. vcs. Al da lung Saturday an, I far into the mcht the people a.sisi.,1 the liiepien and troops In qui in hunt tbu Humes. 1 1 1 11I1II 1 1 Tenipli- t.onc. An area of eier four miles squar. cotiluining so in, of the city's halld somiest s t r 1 h lutes. Including th llinldlllst temple, tho largesi 111 tin wot Id. was eliln, .v bliriled. Tin- sin. k , xchange, one of ihe l'ltl inipi a taut in this counlr, was ntirvi ilesi,-,,, , , -phis loss, it is 1,. . Iievptrf'i ill n inl considerably 1,. ills lo.'ute ti, I. u nless of Oslia. which with It n. -inula during concerns, is one of t. ti i,f conims'rcial cilies ol Japnri. 1 1,1, u sigMs were ,i I.e pc'n di ' in' b rrllr- : I , thither 'a whom lat"i that co ,bi The n,,-o'.'i-r ti ,i that h. ' 1 tion to Hi, nellon u i i I I gins ft "in , StltlltlO' n rV Th' women i "I t.-d hither and r chil.trcn. some ,,r I I'll. Vy for food obtain. I ' for tbem s . lie I J ' oncei tied and it is . , v.-d e a generous dona fund anil tb)t bis Ickly lollou.ii ,v ible people i inl n. iHiMI's-no KctlNOMY Molli service was on lb h domes-lb- In ;be mington biiiisebolil. ,i doing c. tt iin ...Id ut the p!a,e wb-ri I ori'ii sic n i , , ii-'-ukf of earele-sn, UOUtld tile clorl-. "I w.ili bed von aivc it niilv a wind ifdtl't 'ill coniiilete hav n't forgot that it, have ye '," a.ik. I goin' to be (loin i gyrul's work'" t ? V ? r ? ? ? ? f y Y r y I'b hits of w , her nil-ties-her for . ii Yon Inc. Mnllle." V, closely, a n. I or t'.. the job "Sur I'm lea Mollie. nnny e' liar pet - The weighi ' -nicety iluc.d W'i klv. :,'or diamond lii hundred karats . uttints tt has In I " il karats. but be Parties contemplating lawn fetea. picnics, camping parties, and In fact ' any knd of outing, can be supplied j v with Japanese napkins at the ! 4t uorNTAiN crnr lacndrt free of cost on applcaUon. T.f Do You Want a Piano .for our own pleasure to paafl tin- lel-ure liour Id wectct barinoiiy to calm your ruf lleil soul, ami Miften your dulics when tired ami lonely? Do You Want a Piano to liaiul down to your little granddaughter as a priceless Miuvrnlr a plnim Unit will stand a storiu of usage mill Mill live. Tlien buy a Stleff, a long-llveil, swerl-loiuil Stleff. A tiling of iH'uuly mid a Joy forever. Chas. 11. Siicll Manufacturer of the ArtNtlc Klleff, Slmiv, and Stleff Silf-playcr Pianos RO OTHER WAHEUOOM Went Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. C. H. WTXMOCTH, Manager. (Mention this paper.) MODISTE MMK. LKSIilK (JRAGG Wrtbllng 'rrollssaus and Evening Hnwin a specialty. Shopping done free. Class In Oress Mak Ing. 102 Haywood St. WE MAKE HAIR GOODS From r.imhings and Cut Hair. Full Line of Hair floods' In stock MISS CRUISE 25 Haywood St. TJlnnrl 01v,nU r"v" uiu6Sw"' It falls to carry off the disease, hence the result Is disease. llechuno-Ther-aptic treatment given by me will put your blood In a condition to cxpcll this waste from your system and thereby anve your body from the ravages of disease. I give tbis trcnt mctit " rsonn lly. l'hune 671. CLAUDIUS H. MILLER M. T. D. I I North Spruce St. M & W INDIAN (Ml For winlt'i- use is best and riii' summer use is best. Kill voiir coal cellar now for the winter. Price is lower now than it will he in September. I'lione Carolina Coal & Ice Company H. A. MILLER, Manager X T T T "JMKVilj;.;, s..t (!re;it iiidueements in our K'e.ttly-to-We.'ir Department. All Suits at one h.iu' price. While Shir! Yl aisls Reduced 20 per Cent Muslin Underwear Reduced 20 per Cent All ( '(il-irt'tl AVash (ionds reduced to closing out prices Lawns,' Silk "-liains, Lisle Tissues, French (Jingharns, ete. All displayed on Middle ( '"-it. is. SHOP HERE TODAY. rr ; v ...,fc,t 1 i m.,. . . . j.j . J ..... M...m.m m.M . . . a . . '-v'l'v latlv in Ashe illc liest and must practical skirt gauge yet prod need. I w I 1 t ... ..J in iotlay and x -1 ')o ig cjale QUEEN ZENORA Gives truth ful revela tions in all love affairs, trouhbp, mar riages, family d 1 ff lenities, a.n.1 divorce. Settles lovers' quarrels and gives name 01 the one you will mar ry and date of marriage, how to win Ahe man or woman you lyve, etc.. ..i . No matter -what your life has been. I will start you right again; will tell you how to control friends nnd ene mies. Thousands have become happy by taking my advice. Without your usking one question I will tell you exactly what you called for, whom and when you will marry. Call and I will send you away happier, wiser and bolder than before; the sad and broken-hearted so away cheerful and happy. She reanite. the aeparated. and has Drought more erring: husbanda and wives back to their homes and senswa, and reunited more separated lovers than all other mediums combined, and causes you to be successful in all your undertakings, and no matter what your troubles may be, or what you want to know, call at onee, for delay often means disaster. TEST REAU'.NG 25 CENTS. 22 Aahlar 1 Avenue. STONE WATER COOTiERS Keeps your water clean and pure. See them at Th& AsheviUe China Co., North Pack Spunre ACTOMOIHLES, M( rTOKCYCIiES, ItlCTCI.EK AT SACHIFICE PRICES - All makes slightly used, and In first-class condition. Write for prices W. F. W. WHITTAKER. ldtl ltroadway. New York, N. Y. 1 La Grecque Corsets J J For every type of figure I UKJUENE & CO., : 12 Church Street : ke.eisieiaaiaieia Citizen Want Ads Bring Results FOR T oday should have :i Tu-isint Skirt (rioio-e The best. ? let .Miss Kite demonstrate this Special "19 10 Absolute Ocanlincss Prevails in the handling of our vessels and milk, assur ing pure milk to consumers. Dozen quart tickets $1.00 Ashcvillc Pure Milk Co East Walnut St. Phone 554. M. WEBB & COMPANY nilliery Importer Ho. Battery Pvk Place, Pbone 1044 SPECIAL VOR A SHORT TIME ONLY Tlie Willis Plmto Co., 2 Pattorf Avenue will make their regular $5.00 per dozeu Photos at $3,00 per doz en. Other work In proportion. Ama teur work finished. VISITORS, SAVE MONET, . ; ry having your teeth attended to by us Always up-to-date. Painless and Reliable. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Popular price. DR. MATTHEW'S; IENTAt PAR- 2.1-30-27 New' McAfoe' BUIk.'1, ' corner College and Spruces opposite 1st; Bap list Church and near Coui Houan. Phono BID. RetddeiM-e Plmun 873. Watches My Specialty. If you need a watch that will keep Hire, we have them, and at prlcM tiiat are right. Fine Watch Repairing. J. E. CARPENTER 32 Patton Ave. M.VMCIIRINO. Halrdresslng, Facial Masaagea, Scalp treatment a apeclalty. Up-to-date line of hair goods, toilet articles, switches, puffs and pompadouea made to oroer. Price reasonable, work Srot class. SKINNER ANP HUNTER, LADIES. GENTLEMBIf. 0 and 10 Parr iron Bldg. I y y t y y ? y y y y y y y y usetul deviec. rrice T

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