VI 1 TCHif WE ATHtIR : :; SHOWERS THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. Associated Press Leased Wire Reporls. VOL. XXV. NO. 2H8. . - Asnr.viLi.r., n. c, wkdnimw m kn i x j, aimi'st -i. num. ritici: fivk cknts. TIREO OF DEBUTE TELL Who'll Father It? DEFEAT MOORS III TWO BATTLES I SPANISH TROOPS MQB1LEWELC0MES OUSTS SENATORS AGREE MIGHT! HOSTS OF aVOTETHURSDAY CATHOLIC KNIGHTS Little Interest In Further Dls- (cusslon of Tariff Bill In I Inner I louse WESTERN MEMBERS CEASE OPPOSITION Compel Agreement to Extend Reduced Duty on Leather Goods by Resolution (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. AilKUKt 3. The comph le a ollame of all Important t pnstion I" h conference report on tin- tariff Mil was .villained loilay when Dim enate narrcd to vote on Unit mia.sure at 1 o'clock next Thurs- dn v. Half an hour after unanimous eon sent ha. I been Kivin for the adoption of that coiiihh, a Kan., ral disinclina tion on tile part of senators to speak brought an early ail jouriiinonl until noon tomorrow. When the renato met today the llK'k Of interest In the priioocdinliK was very vhh lit. This hail he.n caus ed by an agreement on the part of tile Western senators to ote upon the eonferenee report, and to eorreet tile hide and leather .x.healulc to which they objeetid yesterday by means of a eonriiri eiit resolution to bo acted upon separately. i:tends i:iiK'iion. The fi i'ii of thi- latter was aijre d upon in an informal conference to day. The change will make dutiable at 10 per cent boots ami shoes, the upper bather of yihloli is made whol ly or in iii' I value from the. lildeH or skins of cattle, Including calf skins." A (similar chance will be made in relation to harness, saddles and saddlery The effect of the amendment is to make the reduced duties on boo td and shoes nd harnefiwes and aaddlery apply to such articles as are composed of Wather from the hides and, skins of cattle and calf skins. In stead t confining th- reductions to, articles made from bides which have hitherto been dutiable. The rause of the reduction is greatly lm tensed. llrlius nils M.-cliiiK. The simKcsllon an amendment to vote was made in the senate by .ill- Hiiihy. repres. nlini; tin- minority ami was at e c unci in by the . of the finance commit- Dor Hi-ld ;is Wiincss Is Kx Jifi tt'd to lili lllilV Nc JJTO Ui I si 1 1 ' I . BKLON(iS TO HIS (IIUI.. (Hy Associlitcd Press ) ATLANTA. Aiif.ut S. four law yer., a -Im i i fT. lie- "i six .b put i.-s, a neRio wi.ntaii and a baine.l jn.ltv Hie taiiKl.d up in an a r; 1 1 men I .. . r one Ib.H inoni-.i I d"i'. l ,r ' - U writ of bale , . . ..I p.e w as sU,,r,i out here to.lav. Tie- dor, is know o as .lour and Is held as a w llm " an assault raw. TIm- animal .s I . . 1 1 I I., ho (be one Who vwi" nli 'Hi 'I'l Webb, a nem ... Ion he a a nil-. I XI r. Kxii HroMli. a o .no' "bio iioman lib narrow Ii ap.-.i I n. luin;. The vic tim i.lentilie.l Ihe doi; and tb. Stat. ordered tin- d"i; I". I.."l up 'i"til the filial II loll he Will I" eV.e.te, t" dentin W.bli hi luiiiiini; o' to In, ii coiilt. Grace Haws a ic vrcss Iii. ml if Webb, olvns lb. doi: ami she hired ifcwjeis to g. t the ,ImC out The p. tit ion re. ites that Gi.o' 's a "ti-m.iie C,nus Aft 1. alius ' thil 'do- is Ihe owner of the iloK". Hiat the sheriff il bgalll and linla n f ul K restrains tho t'iK of his hlielti In tioans of hempen rope 'the petllloli tilllber ie. dares that the 'afoi.s.n.l canine i--,.f tenoVr ace, mob r -av liars, is uneducated and knows i,..lliilu; of the Foleninity "i" iialutt. of an oath, and therefore, could not I." a compel, nt witness in any ei.i.l I'.ntb.r. Un said canilo has I.e. n t . 1 1 1 ! . I .. thr. sipiare m.als a .In and llo- piiiilr-e of hunliiiK tfesli ei-es in llio lolL;h borho..d " Th. sheriff did tod . .m-i,!, r the writ a j.-ke and I.e. .n't., ,,-ri ani:r. The ordinal i of th my lias erant- ed the n t it and Mill Ihe case I . .morrow A(.IST Mi I.KMNIV, (Hi ss.n lalcd Prissy.) ATl.AJSTA. tin , August J -Tiie fienatf today llv i i.,i.- of 2 1 to IS refused th recon-.i.b r i t a lion j.i rwmnmiMidiiii the disnHssal of cStatii Railroad Commissioner S. G. Mcbcti, UOD, "7cTilai on pace r '.'!"' .J WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS REVOLUTION SULKS TO RESTORE DOE TO HIS THROUGH SWEDEN CLOSE Succor Arrived In Time to Save Detachment In Half Finished Blockhouse DON JAIME HAD NO PART IN RECENT RIOT Declares he Will Never En danger Spain or Cause Civ il War For Own Ends (Hy .ssm ialcil I'rcss.) M A 1 I i 1 1 August K. ill.- cabinet is considering a plan lor extending the time for ihe pay mi nt of r nier- cial papi r which lias Im ' n affected by the cessation of commerce durinc. lire iiiHiirrcction in r.arccloua. General Marina, reported this nf tornoon a, sucocsslul Spanish maneu ver against the .Mo. us He set a trap for the Moors. While he maneuvered several battalions In front of the Moorish position, the battleship Nu lo. no la tinned down the ,,,;-( ,l take the cminy in tin- i.-,ir The Moors took the bait, moved torwnrd and at Ollie fill II IK I' I' the cnlla 1'lal lile of the imi and Nuinancia They re treat, dead. d in di n.lii, leaving many Attack lil.s k Mouse. attack upon a block house in of const i ii. I ion bei;an lit inid .u Monday, A lata?., body of The course UiKill Moors stole out in th- darkless Irom the foi.:hills of Mount Guinea ami rained bullets for three hours upon the half completed I'ortiesn. The miiall Spanish contingent if. fended the l.... k house an.intly ami then a Spanish column of six companies hur ried up to the rescue and succeeded in dUporsim; the, . ucm. A lata;. numU.'r of tlieir dead were .allied off today by the Moors in the r. mat. General Marina has Issued urr.eiil orders lor the completion ..I tin block house, wbii Ii is ince.ssuiy lo assure communication. balloon was Bent up today ami observations werw made of Hfty-fmir Korges and ra1iies on Mount Ouriiirn where thousands of tribesmen were se n preparing for a ureal battle. ii:isom:i:s i:i:i.i:si:i. It A I ii ' I'M ,l IN A. August :i. A lari;e ii it it 1 1.. r ..f prisoners who .t.. held on boai.l Hie Spanish minhout Telloralio b.le been liberate. I. I'olll- ON HEELS OF LABOR WAR Lock-Owl of Kin'lity 'rimii I s.iihI Men 'riiri Mtfiis )i. ; Overwhelm Kinn'tlnin. aijmv in im;aihm:ss (i: Assocliilcl Press ) i lIVv Asm,m iated Pre..) STiii'Klliil-M. AnmiKi ::-:' d'li , ' 1 1 A I : I .'CI i:. N. i'., Am;ust :i - a ats to I n lb.- i. no- ..I an no- 'Tl '" n inie drowned and three l.,t,,ir ,r I ale loO M 'III II "hel ' lll't II It I O IV eSialH'S llllile at- a- reported that tie ml... is .- t-n.tin. T tioii i' ill' "Ii. oi,... ul. .1 lor the war to b. i;iti. I n si... k- holm a miniature teioh.ti'.n i He f Ol III il threatens t develop .III... The eliipl,....,- of I h- SI . Ii .la. mimicipaliti- and Ho- slat, i , . r . , , .li linemen ha v. loiled He -i.i but the Kallwav Xl'ii" m 1. . - clin. d to do so. The i. resent sir.,. .,. I . . will a-t'taial. II,, I, . 1: . . nt.. Merrile rs ol II," jo.nm . it party a I . st i ii on; to ' ' ' 1 1. I" in. lit a rci o I ii , , oi, a i , . I. 1 1 i - ' f i Hie tjoiertiini ail w i ' i" -I '!'., I ' ' 1 ' eal campajen i . l: . . 1 1 l; u, i, in. , ,, t iltle h.'IS t.ll.el, ' - I-. 1 ! t'. peeled ili.sol .1. I Hi 'b I'd The aulhorili' h;ne ih-. id. I it l fir.-t sit-ns of i nsu ' ", I , .,11 r. .!'.,, Hlockholm In a of . The l-lll ire sl'l 1 1 l ie i hi . . j K a - I n iH n-atly f..r , M ( , (, 1 1 , , S.-Mi. nons of s!. 1 1, o, .....i i K inK flu..' i . m. inber:- of .a and a sp. . l, I -i.J p, I I . . I I If. at . .-li o r capital ' ' ' b , Mi. I 11 , 1 o St o, I, tl ! Ill I .11 of II .1.1 i: pr nit in 1 , ,-, I .... i . . I I.. 1 orKam.ed f ' I h. I ' i ''I I I t , , , ' III. Haul, .1 in. I . a l. I ..llv Kii.i l .1 I. 'I'll,. 1,1. . r ' ", !!' i a I 1 1,.- b..l I- on I his I rool.i. on.:, .1 mi a .1' - p ( j. "":il "' :' 1 Ill 111'' llooietl ..Il.i tl on I o i e r li a ' '"'"c-t'e- ' ' "- ' ' "OH We.e I...I.-.I ."'I. a.1.1 "111' r ,1,- J I" " ' 1 '"" i"io!ii -I j lltlt'l I - le'-iai II... l:ii,.,,o. I-' t. d-r- 'ti.'li de. iai' -l a 1 I.out ..f tb. T-.n I foun.lri- hand-, n u in b-i , it c aboil .''U.IMMJ nu n A total of XO.nOO men were report ed lo. l ed out l. a-t' r.lai an 1 their numbers arc incr..aing lupidly. Archbishop Glennon In Open ing Address Makes Plea For Religious Freedom RAISE ENDOWMENT FOR THE UNIVERSITY Healthy Growth of The Order During Year Shown by Report of Officers (Hy AssiK'lMeil I'rcss.) Mi HI1. L, Ala. August ;. The t iventi -sei onth annual session ..f ihe National Council knights of Coliim bus was formally opt iic.l here today with a lur.:,. .1. I.eal ton present. At s o', ,M K lln toot unit; ill tho ''alio drill of the I in ilia, lllil I e t'nll eepiloll I '..til ill. a I bii;li ma's WHS . .1.1,1 ale. I. His Krace. Archbishop .l.'hn J. Glennon. of SI Louts, pi i a . he. 1 the s r in. iii. The cotriiluiii.ii ,.f lte llnlled Slates, he s.ii.l. i' a eualanlee of re ligious lihorli, and Ihe lime ha-, cine vloii ii. . '.i nf men .an array Iheuivily.s ac.ainst lie- relinlnll of tli. ir . Il.iu . it i.-us. The loyal American ('atholic bfls sbove his isuttilri's st a n. la id and his heart's de votion, no symbol higher save that one alone that has niit-it to America Its . oust it ut ion and to the world Its civilization tlte symbol of dlvlnltv. The most important work befor council, said .Supreme KnlKht K.l ward I. llearn. at the ojh nhitf l.usi loss session is the raising of $a(ta null for cKta hlishinir s. b.ilarshlps in the I'aiholu- t'nlv. rsll of America. Cardinal Gibbons, lie said, asked the Kiiihis of ( '..1111111. us to raise this sum. Ihev and eva-ry kni;:ht should respond. He recommended 1- a iik oral inn I. . ttir.'H to noli Catholics. He . raised the tiiKbls for their sue .'. sm in scourim: fiNmi conijresN reco'.r 1 1 1 1 1 . . 1 1 of Christopher ' In haiiiK October li! recofcnl.ed legally as " 'oluinhuH Day " K-tmrtM KutwHklfxl. Kariomil Secretary Daniel f'oln submitted his animal report, cm. tin:: Ihe past eighteen months. Imrliii' that period there have been add. .1 1 11 new . ..tin. ib and 4i;.i:ifi in n Tliembeis, the total membership belli;; r.!i:. '.".!). National Tr. ,'isur. r IV .1. Itrady submitted bis report sh,.,uiuir til-' I ' 'out iniicd on (inRf two ) GAVEUP THEIR LIVES IN VI ATTEMPT TO SAVE THREE DROWNING MEN iM'i'ry l.oat Toi-n 1'roiii Its C;tllc Is Nwi'pt Away Iiv Swolleii liver. TWO ISCArKI) IHIATII I ' Ml .' l!i; In t f 1 II-- I '. . I . T iT -I ! A M 1 1 I 1 1 ' I'M.. 1 hr'' 111 I lf f f 'Mil i .ill' r I " 1 1 ii, Aii.-itii f mi nf , thi" :i 1 1 r n.ii.n Tiie "l.-.i.! in .ImI-- Snimrs, I I i v m.i n ; 1 1 a rl T' f n 1 1 nhi m ami j ' ' "'k b "list, i "i" "f lb- cable" con t roll I n ur th, !f..r !..! palled and lis passem,'.!' 'former I ; . ; o s n I a 1 1 1 .- l.iiile. l:e hiooiel CO mil. his unci. . S. I' ; XI a -. ' Memphis. T. mi., and Siiiikk I pfcip, I into the anmy ua I i -.. y i i 1 1 1 v v w "Hi ii h' hi-a y rains. 'I -mi!im "ii anil run."!, v. h'i n't r( Vei.ilk i 1 1 1 t'd nwr dank, w-iit In ihi rHiiif in a i w I" i:i t u hit h w,, t ;i iri-i anil h'i!h ww-- ill i.u nt il. Snuw);.- wan ui;;lil uii'I'-r (Ih- li'ial anil lr w n I. i-ut I. !(! :inl Mwrs !)iiiil:Ii . i 1 l..i imi - Ii Ihi m t r ' 1 1 1 p , fiKilwiK' l Im r;ilili - ! ha m; i UK liruln arnl hhvmI I I I i 1 1 1 n ' Twii a I u.i In it .-h hf- 1' " f ' " I - i U It- Wtr i w ' pt a u a v a ml ut..vwi. - u i.. i r a hi tui j. i r-.ii n m- m. WANT RANSOM OF nc rru nrT nmTrtntiv j ST l.'il lS. Aiicu.-t ?, - After irl'.r. ! Ibai, Iii. in four hours' of unremitliiiK' s.-at, h. til-- St I,., ilia p. .lie,. IoiokI.i nan i; im, , no iani.'tiiie i le'.v 1 tlo ..el,... .1 ..f II... L.;.l.. I ! , ,'", ,, ,. '"'Ol' il.ra.e and Allolmo ii.inu, n ho ii . t lute.) from Hoar lo-no ot. nl a c. The ,1 1 -O r. 1 1 I . .1 r , I a I 1 wt of tin- in it. Iiik ihildi.ti a..- noii T. porl.-.l -lo b. .b - m.m I hv th. ab.l,,. lot The ',.. j, (. I , M I , y ;,,reMe. .1 h I l,o. h,H Wfl. hj ,,,,,11,,.,.!,, ;.,s.i l;i,,,j., T,. ,. u.r- . .a.l i ,,.r . ul lv,i-ui,,, i. .-1,11 , . It is said thai Samuel Tutri-a, who CI alb S-il t'l lime I ...II.-.I the ebildr.-li awal. lias Keen Ml I'.'il-'a no:- to.Cie af- t.-r tb-' V idiiappiiig, accompanied h two children, VVNSNNSs,v J vmrm rSri t7- can THIS IfVWR djteM nv CH,LD fefe Sir ' wi X:- ?1,'-. . .. in Sri WOMAN SHOOTS OLD SWEETHEART IN CORRIDORS OF WALDORF-ASTORIA Weapon Used Was Littte Pistol and Bullet Glanced off from Fountain Pen Harm lessly, Then She Wept, Is Wife of Prominent San Fran cisco Man. (It) Aswx llllrtl I'rcss ) Ni:V YIIKK, Aiiuust :. I here was a shooting affair In tin- Waldorf-As torla this nflernoon In which it wo man ord a man flKtiriil. The woman did the shnotinig: the man's life was saved by a fountain . n, w lib h de llecled the bu'let. Ik'lth c ha l act eris -tic feminity, thn wtmaii lined a calibre i. iolver and (he hull' t, after striking a silver fomtiUn pen, iultict jnts' a sliKht llesh wrninil ia ilropped tMrmtMmly in Tiie principals of the affair, which caused tpilie a stir III the crowded Waldorf, are Mm Mury A. Castle, thirty-six years "I.I. n le. l.ledli e,,, look I in; matron, ami William 1) CrulK, ti la n ye t . CASHIER BLAMES IT ON AHcr Am l Monry and l'ii;nd riiciks Found Stored in fVHar. AN'hMIISt iN. S. ... August 3.-- rdllwMin II. if i . 1 n lnry ,-iih) uyh ;int .ir-hi. r i! . Orr Ciiifim Mill lifrc, wav :in '"I Unlay c-hrirK'l wil l liii'.n h nf I ' ii Kxprrt 'tmliini Wlin lire ; !: IT llif txrik it II IHHIDi't'i! Ihnl ' ' 0 0 WUH IllL-'Mlllp?. I hi f'riH, u Ii i Mofially proiniiH nf. "ays I hr a pi' ' ,,; Khnrla' v ill t f'Mjmi iiu. (. ' r al frrorn. In th 1 1 'inpuny'H vault, th. between eight und ;ir In old i h. . ! . r w hu h had b. . ,, me of it for . -1 . 1 1 1 .lly foripilton 1 rhei i.k had h." n ' lit r,,r a. i oiiiim and uppaieiitly shed. pful ni.'iKt. r "f Hi' : and f.u uu r ol I'yihlan lodi... II, "Id and wan inai IIKO account int.'. nine thoii.vnc curreiicy and .1 In 1,,, i , :u s and a . Sonic of 1 1, fender, d in w il h the . o ; bad m yi r I.. Ilarrln i local Mas-. 1 1 hocr of lie ii thirty-:, 1 1. .1 a f. ii , RAILROADS HELP BUILD GOOD ROADS i HATO.V I 1 rlnor Sa lee by th,. ;,. H Would I: to ! , Public loiilntr ti. roadH pi . Mate !,,,! empouoi . .1 to haul riii or v o '. AuKUFt ?,. :.. im Informed ... , 'hern rnl!r..,id t , Of (OHt UN llli' l lb" const r, ol , on , I lyotlisla n.'c I ;,l lil'l li W WiliHloli ..,d the ulata inillon of a to. ,.l , ,. f Do bo.itd .f arl, olbire were il Louisiana. it... i. ),r. - nl. t ai.d llo- a'l 'b blubd lay mmlsHloii t ,T, ,,t , v ; , , . ,,. ibiioial T. v. lib Lett and IrofidB In the, ': J I ; .. ; I I . - Huti. ..lerial ut r. du. , , - "y 'tunc...' 'pfiDrMPW finiTiT SHOWER& " W'ASI 1 1N i'!..'. . Autcust 3. lore cast for N'-.i'l, Carolina: Show.i. W...ln. s.biv. and iiroliably Tb.u -.,1. .. warm, r 'IT i u i -lay; luoalet ul a- i l w ind.1. CralK, who Is a of the Al i hi ii I ii I it cliili. uhhh has a suite of rooms 111 lb., hotel, was oil Ills nay to the club rooms to dress for dinner Mrs. Viiic, who had been uailliiu or him, tried to ibl.tlii bun, but CruiK shook her off and went to the delator. Mrs. Castle Kepi pace wllh him ami as he w .-ih about to step into Hi.- elevator, she shot ul him llllell Ihe nill.ze of tile little revolver was within an Inch or bis coul. When (lntecllveH arrived thn Human on Imiimw wm-plnit hy- tirli'iilly. Taken t a p.. lice still Ion she said she mis an insurance tiq.-nt and had a brolher. Captain Henry Scott, stationed at fort Moiau, near Mobile. Alabama She poinhd to CralK. w ho was slanduit; neathi ami DECLARE INSPECTION LAW WILL RAISE PRICE OE OIL iMioi nevs fur lili H'iiilcnl 'iiiiii;inics I'rc Court lo Annul the Act. i (ll AmIii. (I rr. v) itAI..;n;li. N. j'.. au!,i-i :: ici er 1 1 .liulee Ib nty ii I'oiuior h. aril Ul'eulnciit y..-, I c 1 1 1 a y In lie siill of Ihe li. d l' I ul Co., anailol tb, Htule hoard of aurhuiiure InioliioL' Ih ii'tilu- lioliallll' of tile llllllniliatlllK oil In spection act. There net,, many afll daiili, Ii,,iii oil .iperl. .1 il- t IIIM 1 1 i H 1 1 . -1 1 cheuii.lH and ..tie i b. aiiiiK on the r. aon . bleiu ss of the i-e ii la I joiis iitid Htllll.l.l I I of totd de I I ' d 1.1 I III boat .1 of IIHI la ' II 1 1 ii i , to b. a,,l, d lo oil off. r. .1 r..r "ale Iii Not i ii l :,,, lilia. A slslflilicint f. at nr. "f Ho- ., ffl.l.l -ill-' an. I ateim,. i,i ..1 ,.oin,ol f.r the oil . oiiipaiiu s u.i" II, al Hi, "tanilaid of . ;,l i- .,ill. d hi II,. th . aiolui.i ho. n .1. if piimI. lined I. , i lo- i .oil l. Would fol . I !, pi b . of Oil I O I be . i.llH.lltl. I Op !.' let I I ' . ' II I 1 per Kall.-n '.lllbool r.i,-u,K lb- .'alolaid of rtalely ol the oil f . . f.lf h '1 Hit'.' ,' ffoio .(.1omoii i- cot,,' in, .1 The af- llil.l , I I y of tlo off i, . I . of III Lb -p' II .1. 1,1 i ..mpalil. ' al.-o ,b . ... i d I toil I he l, e,,la i ions a adopt. 'I hv I he I l.o aid of .111 i. uliiii fa'. ' ii 'I '.. I j de- i " I be Manila nl ml '' . w In. h hah In I ', i f,' 1. d lei pal . . I . I h..t I In I,. M la A . Jt n a a ione illawii oi.l and h'-t'y , on I s' e . I ,i i e ,, uc a t aid, In til' It I tl e ... I , o. ;,a ,, o v. t . t pi . . ot d I.-, 1 i -' i o , i I , i . r ' 1 1 a y It. A , o- I; and ' k - IN GIVING JOBS en T.Oifl:': A,:tuHt .1 - -A ine.t ni( t , a, a f.r it- "f the .'! '.00 Ktrikert of Ml I ' d .-Pe l Car ' OllipUlll p, ,, , , - I, . 1,1 lib s 1,. (? held to ll ;X '. ' ' ; ,1 llo to. 11 b ,pc to . oni. lo at, an, ,!!' ti 1 1 i enia-lt t flm'intf ttcfi, .1 a teirard lo returning to w ot k f ,r tl. c on ..a ill". Tin- kith Mil opinion 'i ii.- to be that the Htrlk u ill ...... i , h. -.-1 Ileal. A j , ' of Ih- pa :,', nl M. Kea 1 ; .. , 1. t,.i, r, , , i-..,l t-Ai-nty-rt..,. n affidai'l. ,-, to hv pfnka-rrt ill,-, state t'let ,l. ., paid Hums r'tni'irit: to I', to fofiio ti of the Cr. Ifsi'd Htaa-I 'a r a a . iii p 1 1 b. fol I lo I a on Id Hi-' tl f e pbiiol' The . WTe J, '-, llf. aj lo company i pi -' i . as tiftcr pha.lliiK for him In foiMlie her, Maid, "lie Ih thn cause of my trouble, lie has thrown tun over." Cralu said he would press (ha charge MKiilnst the woman l.'r. ib rick I 'can, to w hom Mrs. Pas tie sublet her apartment In Hlxty seicnlh street, Interested hihiHcf in her .as.- IoiiIkIiI He lollferiell Willi the police uud sal1 that Mrs. Castles home was in San Krauclsco unit that alia wuh the wlfn of Neville CasHe. who la well-to-do and In tnivlllnn at present in Alaska. Hhe ami Cralu, In- Willi, were friends In Han I'Tan clsco us children. She wiui not nr m.Ikio.I in ,,, nldn court, hill will have a hearing toiuorrow. Mr. Iieati, Ih it lawyer. WIFE SENDS SYMPATHY TO Holh Arc hocked up .While Injured Man Is in Criti cal Condition in I loNpital, i (lly Awtoa lnicil I'redH.) ATLANTA, AuKUHt il .Michael An 'iblHoli, mI.'wiii.I of III,' AluKOII Hotel. wan slpit ami HcrlotiMly waiumhsl on thai fifth floor a,f thai hotel 1 1 I a till alla rnaioii by William White of Nunh itlle. ii tiaieiltiK man. who with IiIh ulfe, was a Kuant at the Arnijon. Mr anil Mm. While warn liiken ta thai pallia a. slalb. II .'Hid Allil'TSoll til it Iiob- Ainl.ison Iiiim not ba-eti uble lo llltll.e a The sliool mi; aid Hi red lMt outble Ihe looin which .Mr, and Mm. lilt1 ha'.o i.iMlplcd fair Hi-laral ma .ii t ii a) past . I toin Ihe polb e Klatloti. Mrr U bll. S. III the lolloH liijr Hot., to AlliblNaill at tho hoKpllal: "I slnc.-iely rert th.- horitbla- hc i oh nt and truly hopa- you aia not sa-rioosli hurt I nm now al Ihe nla I ion. for hat I li loci not ." W hile ib . lineal to n, al..- a Hlatao m.'lit until afla r ha- had lorooiltial an alloriiei . I'.a'Toie ba Inir aipira' d on tit tlo hospital loni-ht. And. i oil Iliade ,i HI. item, nt v. lie h W . .y. iM lo ,,i III'' piaa IP of aiffla'a-rw While llo purl of the statement ..a:' ;- . ti out. I b b al tod t A nab is - I'd t hal till' shaaaatlUK W-l ilalm. ...te. Th' la I toll Kll' I, Il a.i ' - ! ' W bit. . I, Anala-r...!! a lailos that an. soapi' loail. Hi l r Hull 1 uir ta, loin y. rone, uiotly.s ri irariliiiK lb. a. I on-. ,,... Mi. WbllB has b. . ti a. cue I al I if ho u n fo.i to e,. While .i an bT:ad up at Mtalioh for tlo nil: hi and Mr A ' Ti poll. Whb. r belli; h'-bl thole 'n 'lo Iiiattolli room, a a mat. rial wlitu Tin pM'd wllh '.a. huh the sboolil.r Wilt alon. Has tat -u from lor by the of li. a-rs hll'l h a n ' oh- Illda-'l OI'M)M.H COMMISSION. ilh HaHaM-lalcil Press.) M''.'Ti;aiMi;i;Vr Ala.. Aiiitusl S. la ri W. Touihnwon. ayf 1 '.I r m ! ntrha th. tb.rial ab-rnoa rat le ro rn in 1 1 1 , .-itl'i 1, i. t,ed Mo.itjroriiary tonight. i',,i,,i' r Ito- .xfiraaasad purjaosa. of ilii'l' : tiie bill pen'llnir In Ho bay.', -I' ,a n, hi. h pro'. Id. n comrnK'don in of t. va. rn rn- nt for rbeipdiod alt. of the stale Mr. Toinliii'on a. iresa that' the maivernerif uu. le to .rati.' 1 1 d s( ul b " and will be the lirst flap to th.- diHaolill Ion of the "walhl . . I .It. a .... THAWWHAT CLASS OF FOOLS HE IS IN Superintendent of Mattedwan Says ho Is Dangerous to lie at Large IS BADLY KATTLED ON THE WITNESS STAND One Alienist Kefuses to Say Whether Christ Was Paranoiac or Not (Hy AttMM'IfltiHl I'reii.) WliriT.: I'IjMNS, N V.. Atiarimt 3- Thr f thiHin nic, Ileal men known an ulietilslM, who hii.. I ouin Much familiar part a.f modern ('rlmimil courl proci'ilure, null., I In thn Hu llli'lliii court today to lllutic It utp phamuit . r llany K. Tluiw, who killed Stanford W hite and v. nit d ludh'i'd Innune, lull now ilemi.nd his leleasc from 'be Matte ilwuil ylum a t ti mentally normal man. All thnifi tcKlllled that he a In HiHie. ami wlo-n Thaw took the Htand In Icily, uftnr some dls. oii. a rtlnK te.i tiiiiiiny, be was plainly ruffled, ami nervous, hut Mr. Jerome dlsmliweij Ii 1 in after a few cotupui tiliiely uu I n 1 1, 1 1 1 ii ii I ipient bitiM. or thn tilh'iilMlR who teHtllleil, fir. Auatln I' lint. Or. W llli w h and Or. Am ota T. linker. Hie lant nallHtil mivo ti'Mtlmoiiy nf Ihe linpur tiiitci'. lie Ih uctliiK Hllpel lull ndelit of Mat tea w an ami uppcuri Oai a wit ncsa without ( ompelii.alloll, (lit only uIIciiIhId In Ihn case wllh thin J1. tlitilloll. Justice MIIIh ciilled attun tlou to thin fad ami took u hand la nucsllonlnn him. Or. linker mild that In Ilia opinion Thuw wan not only Inmiiiij now, but ti ihiiiKviumt licrnoii to he at larga, 1'hnw Wax Nervous. , , Hlimtly alter ttils, Mr, Jeroma (liilckly culled Thuw lo Ilia aland. 11 wua pale and apparently ahaken, Th dlinrli'l attiirtinr iut nom-ntM in .'ohcr. nt notea wHllen hy IK prlaonef in evidence unit auk nil him to iplala Hii'in. After iiMrrlfii hack and forth ami labotbuifi exphitiall.iiui hy Thaw ax to thai ineunliiu of curtain wrltlnga, lie saul: "And I want you ti Ktniw. Mr. J roinc. Hint tunny of !lcc mi lull JOU call HUKUcHtliina wcrti wrilleit at tha reipioMt of my lawyer." "On yull lllallll to tell UH, Who oh aervud vmi in both homlelda trlala," otikual Mr. .l.-rotiiH, "that you did not bttlltivn yajii knew imiru about lh cami thuri your luwyrij did?" "1 do,". wiiN Thtiw'a Ulck raaply. Ha ailmltli'd that h did ofTnf mime suhki-mUi'iim to Ilia lawyura. OaircucraUi I'ttrauolua', Thow wih excuiied afla r a bit mora or thin ordeal uud Or. Auntln r'Hnt whb calleil. Or. I'llnt deBerilmd ara iiolac a " n piTsoti doniliiati'il by car tain abdiiBloim, whnao imnlal ud ph.mla iil ulute mltfht not oilierwlH b aff.ilaal. except 111 fur U tlla di liiiibiiiH luiliience him. "I'liranolai'ii." he concluded lriipre alvely. never n aion r." Or. Illrm-h viiilail Ilia' K'-iii-ral vr ,11,1 by ib , tarlnn Thaw a "aleKcnairata puru malar." Chat leu Mortachauncr, Thnw'i attor ney, ullaa lia d thin leiillmoiiy wllh v ery la Kill cxpedh nt. In Or. Klint' case he cnili-avored to uliow that ha had Klven coiiiraallctory leirtlmony In i wo pioviouH aei wliere he appeitri-d s an expert. He ciuih.iI Or, lllrurn (a 'otilinueil on pane Hire.) FI IN PEACH BASKET C.illetl out Two Fin- Com- i,uiies, hel.'iyed Ti "iiii and Caused case of 1 1 vteries. ( Ity Ash.,, lllli'al I'rcss ) ATLANTA, Aui;,i I A lire upon l . .f laldetl of th' hi' pretty ; tr.' at tb" I ma-n itation , ii, moon, (alia--1 out two fira Il.a.- .HI. a S' ore Of ontpa at l. s. iiiiii,.: au.iileiir hi.tii.-ii, ita-binn a ! ,,.t i,, in and destroy... I alxiiil 13 .lotth ,.r linery ,i.on lb.- peach ha- ... I to,. sanl 'lb.. yoiiliK u orient, n Tlllte ftn s'. .... y.,'k, iii I'd int" ihe Htatlolt I a , it, i la, a .t Iii p lying her , li.., ; nhe im .to- Ihe .'. lion tul I o to the co: it- lixbia r. In an in- taut the or. hard which adorned It u, a mass of very atnelly II im"- A I iii. r-klnnail waiter turned In tha in,, .'1111111 and . lely available mala uuet t tried to rescue that u flair, thera- I..,. a .ray ina iuir Ihe wearer, who knew ht of the roiilhixniiloii, that Sha had blundered Into an Im-ane any" linn. 'ITie train wai h. d a feyv iulnut til the ylctim r. .oyerall frniii an t , k of mat hvvta rl. s,. when ah .li dy pel milled il to pr.aClfard, Ji . im: v rit lo a lew personal upiniuu clear bt-htci" In general nd ' one in particular. ... -'

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