THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: SHOWERS Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. is If j VOL. XXV. NO. 289. ASIIKVILL;N.C.,T1IU1SPAY MOUSING, AUdUSTT), VM). 1TJCE FIVE CENTS. SENATE ORATORS A Drawing Power. E TO GRAVE DIGGERS C0E5JMSIME T MILLION MORE IS WSDELUSIONS ALL SWEDEN EVEN ADDED TO RECORD MUST BECLEIIREO HAVE N0AUD1ENC OF EXTRA SESSION UPBYHIS COUNSEL 0 HEAR ORATORY Urgent Deficiency Bill is Al most Doubled on Its Final Passage DEMOCRATS MADE SFAND FOR ECONOMY New Jobs Provided And New Automobiles Swelled Amount Far Beyond Estimates (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, August 4 Carry ing an aggregate appropriation of $1,100,000 or $666,000 more than as originally reported, the conference re port on the urgent defliclency appro priation bill was adopted by the house today. Bitter opposition was directed against the provisions of the bill re specting the establishment of a cus toma court and providing for the pur chase of automobiles for the vice president and the speaker, but all at tempts to send the report back to the conferees for amendment were de feated. The bill as passed made no provision for the payment of salaries of Judges and officers of the court. Objections from Mr. Macon, of Ar kansas, forced the house to tako a re cess Immediately after convening to day In order to enable the committee on rules to bring in a special order to enable It to consider the conference report on the urgent efficiency hill. Incensed at this turn of affairs, Mr. Hughes, of West Virginia, declared that the business of the house should not be delayed but ("simply to humor some whim of Mr. Macon's." "I don't appreciate any such gratui ty a that." said Mr. Macon, more obdurate than ever. The republican leaders after being In session seven minute, mustered up enough votes to force a recess for half an hour in order that the com mittee on rules mlgnt bring in a reso lution covering Ihe case. , Democrat Vote ', thirty .nJJwtejuwfefeJtelsall ottered Title "under which the con ference report on the urgent defi ciency bill would be taken up. Tho rule was put through with a whoop, the democrats generally refusing to support the Arkansas member. The report appropriates $25,000 to pay expenses of the proposed customs (Continued on page four.) YOUNG CIIIS PROSECUTE STEP FATHER ON CHARGE E One of His Wife's Children j Driven Insane hy Worry. THE OTHER A MOTHER (Special to The Oltixen.) SHELBY. N. C., August 4 The principal case to come up before the regular August term of court which convened here yesterday with Judge Jamef; L Webb presiding, is the crimi nal Indictment against Shuford Ran dall, of Patterson Springs. The I charge is f,,r HCRal relations with his Step-daughter, whose mother died fabout one year ago. The oldest girl Is about 18 years of age, and since thc facts in the oidrage have become known, sh ma S( n,,r mind from "worry. The oihcr girl whose aire Is '15 years recently gave birth to a child, and the neighbors in the community In which Randall lived are pressing i the Indictment against him with all i possible vigor. r Randall has been married twice, but no chBdren were born by his lirst wife. His second wife w u widow and had several children, among them being the two girls above mentioned. Their mother died about one year ago and they have been living at the home of their stepfather. Randall is a farmer and has ac cumulated some property. He had many friends before this crime was known puhlk-ly, but after the arrest th neighbors protested against any one acting as bondsman for him ami consequently he has been In Jail for several months awaiting court. The people in that neighborhood ere much Incensed over the affair and there Is no possible chance for Ran dall to escape a heavy punishment. MONCMENT TO LIVE ONE. FRANKFORT-ON-MAINE. Ger many. August 4. A monument to Count Zeppelin was unveiled today near Oppenheim, on the Rhine, to mark the spot where Count Zeppelin landed In his airship August 4. 1908, during his flight from Lake Con stance to Mayance. It was erected by th state of Hesse. , State Finishes Presentation of Its Case Against Whitens Stayer ANOTHER LUNATIC DISTURBS THE COURT Likely That This Installment of The Famous Case Will be Ended This Week (By Associated Press.) WHITE PLAINS, N Y.. August Tile state rested In the Thaw rase to day, and from now on it devolves upon Harry K. Thaw and his attor ney, Charles Morschanscr, to off-set the testimony of the state's alienisis who have sworn without exception under eross-cxamlnat Ion of I'i.strict Attorney Jerome that Thaw is still insane and would he a menace In the community if released from the asy lum at Matteawuu. Dr. Carlos K. Mai Donald, the last alienist called by the stale, was fol lowed by John 11. (ileasoti, Thaw's original legal adviser. His most advantageous statement, from tho prisoner's standpoint con cerned the dropping of the law linn of Hlack, Gruber, oleott ami Konynge and of L. K Hi lalicld ami the en gagement of Dcipliln M. Heliuas, us chief counsel for Thaw. This had been done ,'it his (Cleason's) orders, he said, and was not due to a whim of Thaw's. Monk lOuslMiaii Delusions. Through Mr. Uhason, Thaw's law yer 'hocs to show that Thaw's alti tude toward Stanford White was not due to delusions us the state con tends, but was prompted by what Thaw knew of White's practices. Mr. Morschauser tried to prove the charges against White today by read ing parts of Evelyn Thaw's testimony at the trials. Trying to clear Thaw of another "delusion." Mr, Gleaaon presented a report - o( detective regarding? an al leged attempt on Thaw's life on the night of December Z4, 1903. The wording 'of this document was not made public but it was Introduced to counteract the stales contentions thai Thaw had delusions concerning the "Monk" Kastrnan gang which he be lieved had been engaged by his cue- (Continued on page four.) KNiS's PUN TO HECf Elect Officers for Ensuing Year and Choose Quebec as Meeting Place. WILL AUIOEI.N TODAY (By Associated I'ress.) MOBILE. August 4 At the second day's ses inn of the National council, Knight.-; of Columbus In annual e, in vent here. Quebec was selected its the place of tie ne.vl annual inc-l-ing ill August, mo. and officers for the ensuing yar were elected as fol lows: James A Flaherty, Philadelphia, supreme knkht; M. 11 . 'armody. Grand Kaplds. Ml h.. deputy supreme knight; W. ,1. MeGinley. New York, national seer, Is ry ; 1. J. fallahan. Washington, national treasurer; J. H. Pelletier. IN'-lou. .Mass.. national ad vnete; .r K W Huckb-v. Minneap olis Mm" . national physician; Rev. P J MeGulHV. Middle!. .All, I'ollll., national chaplain: P. ' Mclaughlin. Newark. N. - national warden Washington will "r "" tenants fr Ho nil convention, nt Which time it Orooosed to dedicate the mamr nciium- nt to ci.n to,, her Columbus, which is I" erected on the plaza opposite ll.e union depot ,n that eltv at a cos. or $tnn.i.00 A testimonial of .n0 was elwii retiring supreme knight Kdward L Ilrarn. of N-w Haven. onn. The new position of national histo rian, which will be .h copied by re tiring secretary ! ' 'olwell. rrf has served the order eont.mtallv for twenty-seven years carries with it an an nual salary of $:'.r.00 Most of the .lay following the elec tion of officer!. ffls devoted to the report of the .oinmiliec on laws. The matter of the Call. university en dowment will he considered tomor row. The convention will adjourn to morrow afternoon. COI.I.EGi; HOYS WOV ATLANTA. Ga.. August 4 College athletics won a victory today when the house by viva voce vote over whelmingly defeated a bin to prohibit football Interest In The Tariff Discuss ion Has Petered Out Entirely INSURGENTS WILL NOT VOTE FOR BILL But Most of Them Will At tempt to Tell Their Con stituents Why (By Associated Iress.) WASHINGTON, August 4 Small interest was shown in the tariff de bale In tile senate today but a night session was necessary to allow "pro gressive" senutors an opportunity to express their views on the tariff bill. Most of the speeches during the (lay were heard by only a handful of senators, while the galleries hacKljut a sprinkling of visitors. Interest now seems to center on tho voto on the conference report, which will be taken at p. m., to morrow. Conferences among sena tors were numerous. Several times Vice-President Sherman found it nec essary to call the body to order and to Insist that conversation be discon tinued. Effect of Hie Terms. The effect of the maximum and minimum provision of the measure, as agreed upon by the conferees, was the chief subject of discussion during the afternoon. Senator Heverldge un dertook to show that Senator Aldrlch interpreted the languoge us reported by the conferees as practically guar anteeing all the results that could be obtained through the instrumentality ot a tariff commission. Si-nutor Hale argued that exactly the opposite pur pose was In the minds of the house conferees whoso views had been adopted. Ho Insisted that they care fully avoided "giving any authority to the president by which be cnuld gath er information on which another re vision of the tariff could be based. ' 1'rom tho committee on finance, Mr. Aldrlch reported a concurrent resolu tion by which as soon as tho confer ence report has been voted on, tho hide and leather will be corrected, it is intended, to meet the views of Western Senators who demanded f Continued from j;iKr Ihrcf ) FIRE OF RESENTMENT ( iVivcniinnt Relaxes Re pressive Measures and Life Becomes Normal. AMERICANS SAFE (Hy Associated Press.) MADRID, Augu t 4. Spain Is now tranquil from the bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean and the crisis li. the country is over, according to an otteial announcement today. The release of Senor Iglesias, edi tor of K Proeresso, and a certain relaxation of tile censorship an con sidered I lie best evidences that the danger Is past. The Spanish trans- Allan) le steam ship co!npany lias offered three of ll- hi ; l Vessels to tie UHed US b'mpltal ships for (tie troops In Morocco. Senor HolortcKa, a republican senator, ' ho has arrived hero from Pared., aa denies Ihsl Ihe recent movement m thai cilv was separatist lie savs al Oiat the revolutionists during the two days thev were mas t rs of Ho- city did rod commit a sin,-'!-- a.-.-.a sinalion or ait of cru'll'.' A new i-i 1 1 governor of Harcelona lias he.-n a , pointed. The pKMication of a letter from Don Jaime, the pr' tender to the f-'pani-ii throne, ha' removed the np prehensions of a. Carll'd movement. Several gunboats have been dis patched to Morocco to in used espo-i-illv In stopping the landing of con tralmnd. AMMKICtNN KAFK. TiArtCKIIN'A. August 4 The American consulate here announce that all Americans In Barcelona oi In the affected districts during the recent disorders arc safe. Life In Barcelona today was normal. The only evidences of the. terrible nigh mare through which the city passed last week ere the ruins of the rrn vents and churches and torn up pave ments, the stones of which were used for tho erection of barricade There Is, however considerable disquietude for the future. The ter rible repressive measures of the mil itary authorities have left among the masses a deep Under current of re scntment JOHN D'S VIVISECTION FARM Women of the Town Leading ing Upon Dumb Animals. Are Bred for Rockefeller Institute. Racket Keeps Natives Awake. ' . ' - (Hy Associated lrcss.) mfvv vntlK. AtiKiist 4. A mystery thai bim Ioiik nilKZled the citizens of the village of Clyde, N. J., Is likely to be cleared up soon, when inu statu board of health has hearing on a petition which was sttdo to It yes terday, asking tbM "Vivisection rnrm." a strange lBitltutlon near Clyde, bo suppnused. 1 Tho farm is known M tne properly of John 1). Kucksfefer, and is said to be a part of the BwckefelUT Insti tute lor Metllcal Bearch, of this elty. The mysterf ik'Srhethw or not vivisection la prac(.Ied on tho farm. The complaint mdo hy tho Clyde people yesterday was to the effect that between seventy-five and one hundred dogs, of all hrwds and varieties, nro PREACHER ASKED TO GET OUT 0FJ1 IT ONCE Feared His Familiarity with Negroes Would Stir np Race Trouble. (By Associated Press.) ETHEL, Miss., August 4. Indigna tion was caused he today by a des patch from Cincinnati quoting Ilev. Krank B. Kngllsh as saying that he was threatened with mob violence and driven out of Klh. I without anything to eat when be iae-3 to take the presidency of the Bust university ut Hollv Springs Leading citizens of Klhel admit that Mr. Knglisli was lord to have the town Iwcatis. le was seen sousing hands with mgi -i and acting fa miliarly toward He "'. which they be lieved would escit. tho blacks und tlr uii race sliii" They say Iimoo, that no mob was formed and that no threats were made. They say Mr Knglish became frlgblenod when told that it would be belter for lilrn to I avc. POWER CO. ADDS TO ITS CAPITAL STOCK . HALKIGH. A-i:' mi'iit Is lll'il i! stale for the cbai Tennessee I'ow r North Carolina " creasing the capd J5,000.fl00. W. T. An onler wa1- i 4. An umend tlUM secretary of r of the-C-arollnu-mpany with lis at Murpliv I" from 1200.(100 to irch Is president, ole today by th' cm for tb" ri -ti the Valla Cru I Klk F'ark Tom i'oratlon to applv Is for a ion-ld- to lmirov-mi nt ler Is In suit In commlssion bv and Wautaui:a cororalion cfr- dlll tion of tile t els, Shnwancha.i pike and for lh' the receilds fro erable period of of Ihe road Tb stitoleil before citizens of Mil' counties. II SH0WER& witmrvfSTOV August 4. Fore: cast: North Carolina. Local show er Thursday and probably Friday; light to moderate variable wind. ""S f" T"tf OMITH.M DISTURBS JERSEY a Crusade Aganst Barbarous kept on tho Itocknfoller farm, and make night hideous by their howls and yelps. Tho villagers asked that measures Is- taken to relieve them of this nuisance. Besides dogs, there are horses, pigs, rabbits and other animals on the farm, it Is said. Thes not being noise makers, are not complained of. Hut they are all rclscd In largo num bers, the Clyde people declare, and are shipped to New York ullvo and nuver come buck. Vot months th nightly racket has. been goimt on. AH t wtttnr sounds, from the whining bay hound to the sharp bark of terriers, have as saulted tho eurs of eurly-retlrlng Olydltes. Hcvcrul attempts have been made to visit the manager of ths HEARINGS IN SUTTON CASE WILLBE RESUMED Two Important Witnesses for Navy's Side Will Be Introduced, ANNAI'OLIrt. Md.. August 4. Mrs. James N. Button, of Portland, Oregon, and her daughter, Mrs Hose Hutton Parker, of HI. Paul, Minn., with Henry 10. Davis, their counsel, arrived hum tonlghl from Washington, determined they said, to light to the hitler end to remove the stigma of suicide from the name of Lieutenant James Kultoli of the marine corps, Mrs .Sutton's son, when lbs naval board of inquiry rn suiiies l lie Investigation of young Hut ton's death tomorrow. Lieutenant Harold O. IMley and Surgeon I' rank O. Cook, w ho relumed Tuesday from the Mediterranean "ii the United Slates cruiser North Caro lina, reported at the Naval ucademy tonight. They will lie the principal wilncHses for the navy at the con tinuation or the healings. When the inquiry wax abruptly ad journed a week ago in cause of their H liMenei, the alignment of the entire proceedings was changed, and Lieu tenant IMley and the others officers of the marine corps who have already I testified were made parties defendant, 'instead of hop ly Interested parties, at the request of Major Henry Lon I urd, the Judge advocate ipTfinna nn ham auk TO GEORGIA ROADS ' IC'i.Mi). G.i., Augu i I il' uiling from five das continuous rains, Ihou s.iuds of doll irs in properly damage w.ii- -off' nd in tins .. Moil today- Klx In : II. , and bridges were washed out on Si I mi- 'leek Kallioad traffic was iii! i if-1 1 cd with considerably. Jut" this afternoon tie l,ii; concrete dam of the Massachusetts cotton mills at r .1 it'l l i , i dynamited in onler to prevent pos.alde inundation of the foundations of the mill, fSLUSOAHD PLAN AI'I'ltOVED. PLTKPHI'.tiiG, Pa. August 4. A meeting of lh" stock boldi rs of the Ken board Air Line railway was held here today, pfnidc.l over by Judge l"gh It. Wans, of Portsmouth, Va. The adjustment plan Incident to the company's n oi Ion hi ap yfroved. as w re the authorizing of Ihe new refunding mortgage to secure an issue, not to exceed $125,000,000 of funding bonds and of the new mortgage securing an Issue, not to exceed $25,000,000 of adjustment bond. VILLAGERS Practice of Experiment farm Peter Uorhsrdt snd his wife but no one has been able to get be yond the gates. The residents of (he neighborhood do not charge that live animal are operated Usm at the farm, but many of them half believe, they say, (hat such Is the case. They are sure, they declare, that tho dogs and other ani mals are raised for uo other purpose than to die In the cause of science. Mr. Hponcer T. WVurt.' Wife of prominent Jersey City lawyer, is led ln(f tha fight Kist , "Vivisection rri, Mho lind the other complain- nt have engaged Attorney Oeorg Berdlne, of Now Brunswick, nsr which city Clyde is liHalml, and they will force the plure to keep mors quiet or will have It removed. PARIS MAY AGAIN ENJOY PLEASURE OF GUILLOTINE Immense Crowd Gathers to WitncsB First Public Ex ecution in Years. I'AHIH, August B.A sudden of ficial announcement that a public lie headlng would take place at 1.30 o'clock this (Thursday) morning In the Boulevard, fronting tho Kanto prison created a scrisuUon In Paris which hud not seen an execution In liflecii years. Immediately Immense crowds gathered at the see-no but wero kept buck from the guillotine by heavy details of police, and munic ipal. Puollc sentiment long has been op posed to public executions, for In the past I hey wero accompanied Iby scan dalous weiies of revelry. Neverthe less parliament refused to abolish the death penalty in Franco and In view of tho revolting rrimo of the mini executed this morning President Knl lieres refused to com null o his sen tence to llfo Imprlsonniiit. The vie tltti was one Duuhemln, aged twenty three, a butcher. In 1(08 be staltbed his mother and this not resulting in hr 'death quick enough, bo Mulshed her by struiigultlon. Tho motive for tho crime was robbery. FIND THOUSANDS LYING AROUND LOOSE AN'KKHKON, H. C. AiikihI 4 More nilKlng cash of the nr cotton mills was found In th- lompany's mult todav. The dlwovry was made by auditors who aie Investigating an alleged shortage of :,0.0l0 ill the hooks of As-i-tant Treaauii r Calhoiih llitrris. Aisiul IKi.miO lias now been found In Ihe vault. Harris says that errors in hoidf-kceplng will account for the entire alleged shortage. He was released today on bond In the sum of $22,000. SHAH TOOK TlUi JKWKI.K. , TKIIKIMN, August 4. It Is under stood 'hat the government has offered Mohammed All. the ex-shah, an an nual pension of $75,000 on condition that he will deliver up the Jewels enumerated In the nationalist Inven tory or Inform tho government how he disposed of the missing gerns. It Is believed that Mohammed All will accept this offer and his departuro is expected within a fortnight (or Persia. Prospect of Clash Betwcon Labor And Tho Em ployers Classes BOTH SIDES GATHER TOGETHER ARMS Whole Industrial Life of Coun try May be Choked as The Trouble Sproads (tij AKiclalcd Press.) STOCKHOLM, August 4. Kor lh purpose, of maintains- order In th labor conflict lit Bwoden which threat ens to become more acute, corps ot workmen, everal thousand strong I being organised, and the people gen ii rally, bankers, merchants, etc., ar arming themselves for self-protection Tho gun simps of the city are praotU cully denuded of revolvura and small arms, All tourist have left Stockholm snd the number of visitor now In th city 1 smaller than t till oaon for many year past, . The railroad men have decided nnt. lo strike but tho government I taking the procaullon to guard the track1 with troops, fearing attempt t blow up bridges or Injure the road. Quan tities of dynamite are reported to hv mysteriously disappeared (runt th government store. 1 NUike is 8irodlnjr. - Although the rank of th triker are considerably swelled th general strike called for today ha not yet be come entirely effective. Many erganiV nations, although sympathising with striker, hesitate to join them actively. Htreet car employes and cab driver stopped work-today. Strike leader ululm that the end of th week, wlUV see a - notable, spread - of Ui moww , mont! that the railroad, postal tele graph nd telephone employe and the printer sIH ."av JolgMMI ! Il'sh0.fh4jritiwUl r . filled with Idler whn pnwnnad back and forth chaffing llio volunteer street cleaner, many of whom belong to th bettor class. The strike I by no means general in the provincial town and Industrial center of Sweden, In most places, tho street car ar running snd th city employe are at work. No dis turbances have beoa reported. The itrlker total about 45,000 men of whom 8,000 are t Malino, Th loading of hlpa at Gothenburg wher 10,000 men ro on strike I being don by th troop. The grave digger employed in tn Northern .cemetery struck today. Those In the Southern cemetery r still working, but aro Mpected to join, tho trik movemont later. ADMIRER TO MAKE HIM Now She's in Jail aud Re sists Her Tearful Plead- i ingH to "Will." j STICKS BY HIS KATE. (Hy AsN'latPd Press.) ml-iv voiik' Aniriist 4 Mrs. Nev ille CUstltt, the woman from Callfor tila, who ha a difference 01 opinion with Mrs. W. it. Craig as to whether Mr Ct-iilir. whom she shot but did not seriously injure last night at the Wal dorf Astoria bus pursued her or sn hi in, found no mercy today In th man who shn says loves her. Nor hud tiny one gone on her ball tonight. Craig refuses to dismiss his com plaint ugalnst her and when she laid tier hand on bis shoulder In court and pleaded gently, "Will, please drop it. won't ynti r1' he turned brusouely snd left the room. She was held In $3,000 hull for further examination. In the matrons' room of Ihe Jeffer son Markot prison tonight Mrs. Castl gave out a Hlatcmcfii. Interrupted by bursts of we. ping, fn which she In timated that tier negro servant could glvo testimony In her support. Tells Her Mory. "Tho night before last," she said. "Will, (Mr, Craig) called at my houa about seven o'clock. Homethlng nc currcd that I swore I would punish him for. I had my servant put him out. He said things which he id he should tell somebody. I said h shouldn't. If yu had sisters you would have told them to act Jut 1 have acted. "Last night I went to the Waldorf to make him retract. I told him It would have to be In the present of the negro beeao" ho had been In th room and had heard. When I mt Will be said, 'I wish I wa dead, that ui.iLH.ii LfLari.ri.rii n- --i n' - ' ' ' (Continued oa paf four.). ,

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