w THE WEATHER: SHOWERS VOL. XXV. NO. 191. MANN'SVICTQRYIS Tl Prohibition rorcos Supported Him Against Tucker In Primaries NEITHER SIDE IS PLEDGED TO CAUSE Nominee Also Had Solid De mocratic Organization of State (H.V Ass,,, ntfil I'ri'v. ) RICHMOND. Va.. August r.. .Willi returns from the democratic primary mill 1 1 1 - . 1 1 1 1 I . . null. an. his tonight art thai Judge William Hodges Mmiiii. of Nottottat. has h t-n nitiiiVial'-il for governor um r llar-ey , 'lr Tuck er, ofRock Hrlilnv, iy u majority of er, of Kink Hridgr. by a majority of 3,000 to 5,000. J. Taylor ICIlyson, the present lieu tenant K"' linn dan lie. n renomi nated without doubt ami .samii. I U ,' liams is the party's i hohv lor attorney-general. Indications loiiignt point atronply to Hi., defeat of li V. Kuiii er, the incumbent, lor I li- iinmniatum lor iMimmifF r ol ,ii;n.iilt me, hy J- T Hroivn The .ally returns were favorable lu Knincr. No l'ledre on I ii nor. There is no siirn ilii .1 n i f In the 110111- Jriatlon.s lor t h- house of it l Kat-s on till ligllol' tU-Htion as this issue did not enter inlu I lit- contests in Hi.' a rlous districts, h is. predicted by democratic loaders that If a state wide prohibition 111. .1-111.' is oT. r" I ill either Clall. ll of Hi. as - iiihly il will be defeated all Iioiii;Ii 11. .1 a doz. "1 of' thie democrat i.'. iioininesM are Iilwlpetf ell tier wat. Judge Mann lia.l Hie support of the Anti-Saloon League during his ram plOgll although I "Mi lie and Ills oppo nent went before Hie voters a.s favor ImK loeal opium. Judge Mann indi cated, how-., ter, thai in- would sisn atate-wlde prohibition hill if passed by th' legislature, while Air. 'I uckei on the olhei hand hid said that he would veto ueh a measure. Mr. TujL'tor .rria.de a strung IlKht hy reason i'f. a larger personal following lmv.inri far?ely any organization while judge Marine torces wei.- well . irgn i i.ed. VoIP Whs Light. Opponents of .lii.l':-' Mann .h clam I that tllw light vole polled helical, s that hillnlreipi of . I. 111. .rials delibo:'- ( l '..nt intied on pai:- lour. 1 CHINESE TONGS SILO ELSIE SIGEL S SLAYER By lUIEiS OF THREATS Attempt Id Illtilllitl;i1e lll tel pl-eter Wilt) 1 las Keen SerN'ill OlTieers. STRANOM TUAOKD1KS (Sieeial lo The ( ilieii.) NKW VuHK. Align t 1. It was proved vesterdav that the int'st erioiis I'hillei... Nirlet -orii-tlrS. ol toOl'.K. j this nty are e--m I net lug a .,mipaii;n of liiror to si,.ji th.ir . 0 nut it men from pi os. 1 111 no; the m.ii.Ii t,.r the flayer of l-'.l'ie Suo-l. 11 Is tirmly hi-heved by the pohn that those high binder bands were r.s p. .n-i bb- for the kilhni; ol til" 1 'Inn. - t 1, . -, ,.n-n. I'h.nin Luk W ing. I i' 1 Sitindat. and r.u 111 least tw.. .lh. 1 minders with in til.' last f.'W Weeks. The . f ol I Io n alb mpls to frightm off the .11. h.-rs for evi dences in Sigel tragedy earn.' through guiti 11 k Nam. lie ('him -so inter preter of the di'trirt .attorney's of II, e. He Inform. .! Assistant District Attorney Mayp.-r v. ,t, rda v that his life had been threat, n.-.l by several Chinamen, win. had ealh-.l mi him in his hollo ami had I..I.I him lli.it le would be punished if he did not eease gltmg aid to the polo e in til- inves Mration of the kilting of the Sigel girl. That tragi. It- has he.-n f.. Hotted by a number of .tiangr 1 rimes, all of which Perm to be rh.srly connected with the death of Hie pretty mission n ry. Soon ftr the b.,,-ry of the girl was found packed in the trunk, l-cc Hung' San. lb.- weallht proprietor of n chof su. y r. staurant at N... r,s:l 1'llltOll Street. III. ...kit n. wis found flam In his plan- of 1 .1 1 - in, ss Another Chines. . Cng Y .w. pro prietor of a laundry, tta" found .lead, his h.ely half immersed in bis tubs. Ilrt wa.s said to hate b. .11 a witness, or, at least, to hat.- inipoitunt know-ledge of the killing of tin Sigel tirl. Then came the stiooting to death of the vice-consul. Mr. Wing, in his office, at No IK Uro.i.lw at . The po lice f.el certain 'h it lb.- slat--r. W..ng B-'W Cheunp, unmisi.ikablv insane, was induced hy members of one of IL (Continued on page two.) THE ATTEMPT 10 MAKE Mayor of Virginia Town Had Elaborate Scheme For Holding up KK. WAS PROMINENT AS LAWYER IN STATE Erratic Notions Sound as If Shingles Were Loose on ills Dome (I!) Associated I'l css. ) RICHMOND. a., August 0. Ahrani 1' I'.Lv. mayor ..f I'.ni ke ill", lawier iind eotminssion. r in hank rupl. y, who is under an. si in I'hila delpliia. IM.. on a charg. of devising a w In-nie lo defraud thi '.in;h tic use of tie- I'nlled Stales mails, and who was caught after I'lvsnlnit Mei'r-.i of the I'cnns.vli u niu railroad had re e. iled -S'V 1:1 1 I. 'Her threatening de si 1 11.-I it'll lo ill.- etilire railroad prop erty unlcs $l.'..01'i was int to ii writer, is well know 11 in l!i. htnon.l. w lo re In- on. .- pra. tie. d law. Ill- was the author ..r .Halloas to t he code of Virginia, which w a.s eon si. h red a ery en. diiaiote wort; amonf; lawyers here and whieh during its day had a la 1 v, ii . 11 lal i.m anion:; til.- melllhers of the hal. II,. married a daiiKhl. r ol r. Aris te,).. m Mi.nl, i r. 1. a w .-II k no-.i 11 ihysi. ian of this .if. . hut lived w il li her only a year In fore ,-y were 'li V-u.-ed. K!i .it is sa id on. e had an id, a that untold tli a- ure , as hurl. . I 111 Hollywood . III. 1. rv. the -I. epin,; plai f Jefferson I : 1-. I 'll.liu :n l.i' and other " 'onl.-.h 1 ale lo 1 ... -. and he attempted to I'.nni a eoinip.nn lo search for tin., joihl None wa formed. VI.HY l .1 Ml.. 71111. A I !: I . I 1 1 I A. m;is 1;.- l'n rulTled hy tile si rioils ehai';es ai;ainsi him. A lira ill I'. Khy. the mayor o: llurkeville. Va., wiio was eoinniit t.-I lo Jail eslei-.lay in default of $10. 000 bail on tho eharRe of ,nd1iis lottera to the president of the Penn sylvania railroad t hn-atenllift the de slrtntlon of railroad .property hy means of hlh i. pl.e;i es unless $-t.r.,-000 uere paid hilll. refused (,, mak awa from the h.atinr; N'esl.-r.la s' ,1 !. pnty marshall de. dared today Klij m ur 111 11 red that the railroad-' lia.l 'out inue.l ..n pat:e three.) ONE TOUCH OF THE DEVIL T lAltst u ll.is SIlKli.'il t lie Sitlijet l Finds Smii.- 'r in Tlicii' Ft'S. IS xri'KR WOMAN i (SM--ial lo The Clli'ti.) j NT.W V11KK. August li. "It t iki -1 a toii. fi ..f the d- til to make a p t- . fecf V olll. ill." S.l'.s '. tor D lilellll'.', 1 s. 1 1 1 f 1 1 . , r and d'.-ign.r of the new l.ilirojll oil.' relit Oere. ''.Hid lir A met n an t ..ma 11 has (list t oin h of the drill." Mr. I -: r nn.T' was .INm -sing his a;t in liis - in. ho. ai No. I I I K.i 1 '1 vteiin eighth si 1 I. I ! di pi i" -I a t il in ..r v-.i " , .1, 1, 1. n I., i si 01 .it work, and lor w In- li. he said, th" Jttpi.al woman ot Aiihii-.i ,,.is the lie pi rat ..n "I'tier. is the suj.er-'.i .111:1 11 . " lo said "'I'll.- romp, lling !-. alllt of t.o ttonirn "f ''ii' - .1 1 1 1 1 r II. " in the e.v lUessh.n .1 Heir ei'-. n v worn. ,11 ton mat in." t the ra 11.1 1 pass.-i I. v t he ti 01k ing girl, t h- 1. I ' snl -ail j t ilal spark of ii., :i' m.ilii t burning f i 11 their lie- I "i ine s es thit tie- Aiii-ii-an w 1 ; man is not .n!i lie1 nmtli.-r. the housekeeper. tic linn. Illlk" r. lilt th" generator of i.h.i . 1 d t a le m. :i' and ib v.'lopmi nl I hat" tried to catch Dial 1 v.r. .n. It is nnb..i ical. 1 beliee, ,.f Mi, fuliir., ttom;in the ilnughl' r "f th- ::r, it woman of today The h Hill 1 11 i zing dash of devil, w itlvuil w hi, h no w ..man i ctiinh'te. is tl lilitt in Hi,. Aim - I lean wonian whi h link- the Venn. ; and the am:, I ai In r and pi o s lo r lab. no tli oltor wi.ni.-n in th.- uni- ! s rse." Mr. I'r. nil. r " 1 Tl n r. e of I:u -ia ! '.villi earn.' to Ann ilea as a h .t. w n' to - 11.lv in Pari", and kit. r r. turn, d ! her.- to e-tahlish him- If. Sei t-'tary of the Treasury M.t Veagh annonii'il toilav tint he had deci.bd to hav.. the minting of th-new- Lincoln pinnies stopped r,.r th-pr-scnt. and that new .li-s will h" pr. pared a ....n ns pns-ihl. -. . I.in, nating the initials of the d. si-n. r which now appear so fir.imlniitl'.'. PENNSYSTAND AND E M IS FOILED (Continued on page two.) ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. A!SHK UAA N. PITTED AGAINST Sutton Inquiry Develops Ten sion With Both Sides on Defensive SURGEON TESTIFIES AS TO FATAL WOUND Says It Would Have Been Dif flcult For Dead Man to Inflict It (Hy Ahh lale.l I'ress. ) ANN AI'i il. IS. M.I , Aueiist The re-appearan.'e on the witness stand today of Mrs. James X. Sutton, moth . r of Lieutenant Sutton, I'. S. ,.M (' of Cortland. 1 ire . whose death is he iltK invest ieati-,1 l.y Hi. no till hoard of In.iuiry h. i.- was tlie .signal to:' a heated I out t ovel sy h.lrte, n the lav ers on all sides whi. h . ud.-.l In a proh.ne,.,! eotif. r.-ii. ..t tin nn-nilkii s ..f III.' hoard behind .l.e-ed d -s. ami hroiiMht the dat's 1 e.iliiiiv' to an abrupt ending. S. A erat tvil 11.. "--yes bad lo 1-11 dispose. I of during the dat wlo u .lu.le Adv e eate l'oii.ird 1 lib d .M re Sutton to the stand. H.-fote pro. . e. ling with h.r examination Maioi l...,iiai.l of fered for Id. nl ili. al i..n ami t.. :l,- r.-ad in et i.l. me set era 1 Lib 1' 1 u li nil he said Mrs Sutton had writ In 11 inn lainim; serious and .1- Urate rharr asainst the voiiiig 1.1'fb ers of the ma rine . ..I ps w ho apH-ared a.s tl.-fend a nt s. Mrs. Snlloii It renins I low 11. "The rnibd Stabs has I n p' to a lai'-e eypinse in bringing tvil n.VSeS hell' f I'. Oil .'ill p.'lltS of 111. w.nbl," said Major I nard, "and il I.e. , .lll.-S 111V paillflll lllllt t'l offel lll.e,. letters in etl.leni'e lii order to enlighten this . ourt as fully as pes sihle on all malleis pertaining to tl.i in.iiirv." Ibnrv V. Davis, t'imn'i'l for Mrs Sutton, in oh- strenuous olij. i l Ion at. the ground that Mrs. Sutton was 11 . 1 presit lo make any aeousalloiis, ntu' Hint the letters ill uuestlon were Ir relevant lo th Inquiry nnl of n. pr nnnl and liieoiiniM lenl nature a.s ev! ib in e. Mis Kntliin broke down and burl. I her fare in her ha rid k err h le f diiiln. Mr. Hat Is' remarks. Honor of an Officer. ' I would bate Mi Dat is reniein b. r " Major l onard laid, "that th( '-.nl iiiih il n i:i.- fntir. Wlii.-Ii She Thinks Fntvcs Tli.t! lie Was nt K'Diie .lei'Dine I'ii tnres Him. SKVKUK ON LAWYFlt (Hy AisM'laled I'rcs.) WIHTK PLAINS, N. V.. August f, - 1 1 1 1 ry K Thaw s late I struggle In rig 1111 his lierihoo will 1 nil I'-nioi lew 'lb- ''iilniii sion of Irstimiiny 111 Ins h, a ling b. forr Jusli. e Isaar N Mills 1 I e.l I hi all 1 1 11 and nl' that r- niains is the final aiuum-tits of I In- al tin in v . ,1 ,isl iee M ills will file his ,,-, isioii with t h nt il'il. h.r. "ii tin iiioiiniig ol 'i'b in ,0a t , A11 .Mi-I 1-' S'l'ial pie-ibil it 11 s cnfiont Vhaw Th ort 111 it gr int bM ph a and uial-.e him ahsoluti It free. It nun d -. id.- that In- h is not .-1 ihlelo d hi' sanitt and relu- In inn id re. is w lii. h ease t In , i.it- ant horit i.-s will proii.ihlt s. n,l him I..11 k to Mall. awan ine-1 11 lal lor fit. 1 11 in i 1 1: 1 1 1 usa m-. Hut .lustirr Milis 11:19 fuiiher dis irrtlollllt poW,-i. lb- Uiav feel that th- to, nig mans meiital i"ti,jlion n, villi 111 .bnibl and for that reason delay- a I011I "id-i. in, an w bile paloling 'I'lia'A 111 tile ClC'l.id. of some litliCIl ,,r po- iblv on his ..wo r ..gnixane. m th-- .are of In fiinib ( ir. to- mat d. i la 1 e that Thaw is insane, lint m..t- - -I bt his inoibi-r's . ..mplailit regard nig his siirrionidings at Ma t t.-a w .1 n. si lid him to some other state hospital not n op l-il by criminals. Tin- i tiilen. e fin senfi d in behalf of Thaw . losi.-d to. lax w ith a diamatir outburst bt his mother. Mrs. Mart fop. It Thaw, th.- li 11:1 1 witness. Her last words were a denunciation (, Distrii t Altornev ,1- r.ini.. Larliir in the day she had read a list ..( ii iini;. 1 1 i s 1 1 11 g 1 1 i h . ! in N.-tv Vurk s. i-i Tint w.-le the gin si . she said, at a dinner she gat. in New- York which Harr.t attended before his marriage In concluiling her ti Htinion' 'whe re ferred to this lint of names. "I brought in the names of those who attended that dinner to tnv son" he said, "becanfa- of the statrnonts of Mr. Jerome regarding th- Com pany Harry wn accustomed to keep. (Continued on pagu four.) OFFICERS Hill MQTHFRS ANIMUS C, SATURDAY M(t,'MN(J, Wfiere Hope Deferred Didn't Make The THANK j A . p : ( . FINAl. CURTAIN mlliKv 'T'l " r-r rS) ; BANK EXAMINERS TELL OF THE CONDITION OF OLD FIRST NATIONAL Col. Burgwyn Declares That He Found All Major Breese's Statements as to Sol vency of Endorsers of Notes False. He Believed Statements Then Further Details of the Ancient Smash-up. Yesterday's session of th- "bank '.'isa'" in I'l'deral court was coinoara- lively brief, court ailjoiiining f,,r (hu l i t at I o'clock in the ,1 ft. a muni but il was lengthy fiiough to etialil- tint llslrlct attorney to , K, In evidence which he will argue to the Jurv. dis- dits of the truthfulness; of Mujor llricse, and shown thai ut the time hu wan borrowing money from the bank he did not own (he property which It has been UBetod wuuU cite made him lliuniially respoiiHi- ble There wajt also evl denes iiitwt- 'd to show that axiiscount trnnaana Hon f i'IatlnK' to "tiro of the Href-Be notes for $3,471 mis covered up and not properly sh-mn. Judge .Moore and Mr. Craig for tin- defense. Imwenr. securing from tin witnesses' slair no tils that whih Hi" Iransartlons did not apprur mi lb' dlsrouni register it did appeal "ii the rush book and by copies of llir mid fhems. In s a.s well as bt , nines ri'lalni.' to the proceeds. Tllel. tV.'lS also r,.i, ,e relating iu i, .;:.i. M J. s. Ad. huh unlit in respect to tin- table iind amount of encumbl.nn - nil the bind sup posed to 1 the note assigned without rec.o, I-, 1,, the hank. Idled In Pour IIoum'. The distill 1 :it!"!iicy rasped again on the alleg. d tt nthlcKN notes bv hat ing Col. . s. I.nsk, former n - iter of the hank, to nil of their tinamial rin iiiiis.iih i of the makers iml the colon, I , ,r ed sum.- to stare when he saiil ih.t "lie of th. sitMiors f Id-ink Ii"! . .1 f Matthews, was 111 Inmate "! 'h i""0- hous- Ib.oieli CONNECTICUT REPEALS OLD PURITANBLUE LAWS So Far RelaMs Sundav Oli- servaiiee ,i- to I'einiit liasehall .it Sabbath. (SMHlal 1.1 ILkTiii!:i. , I In' ClliWII.) A ill' iisf 1, ' ,llln , I i, ut I, gl--1 lull I -p. a I nig 'it's" relating I.. - hili foihnl , ri-creatl ui an I O' laws. Willi tl ri d, ai, 1 1 1 1 s law git ing ho. I , Mil Is short It ad prohihiis all tltitles "1 xeopt '-d by lie. i-ssitt as ar. i.,r He te commiitilt t . ' 1 01 ides for file 1 violation, t'n ral w. Ifar, or lay baseball is d the advocates the ('ourts must UK In s.'t.ral Holh lions, , , 1 1 latllle toll.lt p the so-calh , 1 Sunday obscn n. 111 ost every f "i secular a. fit 1' hat- h- r n s, hi of enactnien I s I of I 7 L' L The new So.) defiin-B the Sun sports and s, . n such as are l -and nn ret an 1 general weiru Th- ficna I and iuifirisiiii 11, ' d. r the w ,.. I h- 1 ' 1 1 1 n n 1 1 1 1 ; 1 ' firobablv jii 1 in 1 1 of th" bill .'idirii interpret the plaees. 7 SH0WER& pl WASHI.VCTDN, AiikukI S. -"or. -cast: North Car l,"' Hhowers Sat urday and probal'l. Sunday; moder ate variable wind". Al'dUST 7. l!Mi;i. at what date he could not Hpeelfy. The day's proceeding begun Willi Col V II. S. Itutgtttn, for r na- tionai liank exutuiiier, on the stand, and he bb ulilii J reports of the bank lioin March ISilTi to May H. 1 K 7 . these being Hlglli'll by Itrecse. I'l'll- ; L1111I and DickciM.ui. He also hlru- tllle.l in llresi . h band wilting 1! cer tlliciiteM ..I depot Issued to Mis .1. M. Tiernan. one of May 2:t. I Mm; for ft,0(lll, and one of November 1!!). Dfllli for t,100, tilled In and BlKiud hy limoao. and Pen land. Ho lio blon tittud a letter from Major flreems Jjj Mm. Tiernan respecting the allow- 11m f Interest on the deposlls In which he said that he bad Hold his pla. n for t::-'.Hiii. The deed from liivi sc lo II. W. Mitchell for the place at $.'::, titid, dated April I, I Mill, wan 'alvo n ad. ( roHN-lstiiiiilnfilloii. 1 n i l'iisi-i'X;i nilnal Ion Judge Moore asked wlftiiNs if Itie hanly liooks did not show (hat enry dollar r.all.e.l 1 from the sale of tin piopcitv tv. nl lo jibe bank. Mr I h.lton olijei led to this ! line as not piojn r ..u 1 ross exiimiua- tioli and Judiie Moore said dial If the court thought II put the defcllHe In the position of hiiro'luclng evidence he would Wilhillavv th- lUeHtinn. Mr. Craig said that ileii'inlants were charged Willi lb li allllinu the hunk by misapplication of hinds and If should be compeleiit to show that this money was not misapplii d hut w ent to t li 13 hank itn. ms said be ...ubl not say. II' said III reply to a ii.stloll that I In- ma 1 1 -ra 1. l.-i 1 , .1 1 . . plainly a p- GASTDNIA COUNTY SEAT OE GASTON COUNTY NOW III Second Klectioll Defeats Dallas by More Than Six 1 Illlull'ed Votes. (Sss lal fo I be ( Illi ll ) O As li iM . A 11.' 11 -t 1.. I Ii" fit I n ol 1 ; , .,',,11 . ,.111,1 1 v. I. rd iv t ot, . I f .1 th" ln,i,l time 01, i,.. ,,i,i sii.iii of 1 1 - 111 . .1 1 ol t h , ,,,11111. r,. ,11 f 1 . on I la I la1 lo la toiii.i and i..iiti,i,i w oi 1 , 1 tnajol dt ol 1, .."i. tl,, v I . -1 : 1 j V'Vi for miii. .tal net '.: l..i. ae.nnn.' 1 1 1 1 1 1 I e 1 1 ) 1 1 s I I 1 li , I '.'! 'I ,,n - i j lis ago 1 1,1 i la , v , m : -, on I lit. J Tile eh 1 I Ii, li i i" , u I' t hll' Hi" int.', IS the llllsf MM po h -I III the iily. Tie r i 1 it as n ' 1 1 1 -01 .te r m 1 1 "li til- "f ., n v kind al an. toting' I . r 1 in. I ' 1 ia -I .,ina s off' r ol L!.u'oi! .1 again -t I i.illas' oft, r of I J I .). i 1 1 ' 1 - sating thuii-ands of doil.11 to: 1 ' i.. t li T r -- "f tto rial nt ' Ill j t" ha t 1" .n the ma.n . .m,. of th j I ! r e I ' V I- t-O t . Ill id.ine- w i'h the a. t of the' I, . 1 Inure railing the el-ition tin ! 1 "'in' 1 r in 111 1 1 I "In r- will no ,v pi ' 1- J ri,,t 1 , IroM at OaFtonla a. court i lions, : , ,.,( not hss tlia ti I (0.000 j nor mm than ft'.. mm and .1 Jail to r-wl n a i' - than Jlo.OOO nor more ( f han I ' 'i'"'. ! M ;p, in n. II I i. r .v . of Wa-h- ingtori. tt . ' a ; . . 1 rn d sometime ago :i ar to' ' ,i!"t hae wnrlilng phlii ri.'ld , f- I I'" ' '. till' r Tile llllil l- i til's HI' t" I- -. m ,.. 1. .1 bv Janilaf. j 1. Hill. i . ri Oast.inia will become the count. - n. COWMTS ItlllvtK "I'KX." SAVANNAH On . August A Thr. - long term ninth 1h rHcaped fron chathnn ..uiitv guards mar In re today, but on.- was shot down and c.aui'hi and ni'.th. r wad caught by bloodhound-. The third ia ut lih- ''' f H Heart Grow Fonder. peared on the hank hooks without effort at concealment, but he had noted the absence of eiilil.s which should have appeared on the hooka. He Instanced as tin example that I'Vhrnury ::!!. He.nl llrcese discounted two ii.deH In the hunk Jor :'.(H1(I ami Jl.l,l, and he did not Iind a record of these on the dlNcount register, but they did appear on the cash book. He and Judge Moore entered ipilte a di'siKslon on the point of whether a discount regular ivaH esmiillal, M'Hire itaktiui If an entry Ue niaiie on ' tho ralih book unit 'the note or copies of the notes he kept WHH liof thin a sufficient record. Witness was understood to say that in each citae where a nolo was re-dlHcounlinl he found a copy In Its place, hut he could tell only about the notes that were In the bank. Witness wuhl the hooks w ere not In the hand writ lug of HrecHo or Penland but of rinks. What He Kcllrved. Col. Iturgivin wuH asked If when the hank failed Ilinse had not an Hivci'eil all his ipieatlons frauklv ami concealed nothing. VVItnesn Kaid he thought HO, bill When linked If In' Kllll tiiought. ho atiHWcriil emfdtat Ically "no." The eotiri 111I01I out a- crowi examlnlng ifuestlon If If was not rutt toimiry for I hose connected with banks to break tin- rule about draw ing more than HI per cent Mr II. .1 lon look up tli- mailer of coin eiil inoiit, and asked about the llrcinc tlnli H for $.!,llil() "f Hepl. niber sg ( Cont fnuei pagv four.) FOUND NEGRO SITTING ON RER BED, CUT HIS THROAT Poller in Hotel Filtered Room of one of the inests Alter Midnight. (Hy Associated I'ress. ) i;AIM'..SVILI.i:. II. 1.. August .--Ldwui Matthew.-', iiil.in d. night par 1. 1 al a I,,, al hotel, ..nit 'hi . morn ing had bis thu 1. it .111 ny Mis. Mamie Lavs'Oi for 1 til. ling let i"iio ttiioogli a ulti'low l r s I .a w -on a 1 It - d la -l n ,g 1 ' I rum Ji.ff. 1 soli 'i.l . and t 1 ' ! to lu r room. Matlliewa l-n.g 1 1 r ' ' 1 . I hy I li" nlglil. 1 I, r i 1 - 111 th. Inl v. Lil.r M.i ' 1 to-w . o - i 'I 0.1 I h" door a ml a l d lo .11 to " a bou 1 a key, . fi i- ) h- 1 t M r La w h. 1 no- urn . " rl 1 Hi.- negro h ft '.n l t.i-t. ' ' n-r door S' riir. lv, th. " -li b i . n : ai (nl I ii rly. lleiw. . n on- i nt . I I- ' h -inornirig she ,t.i. ... ik-o- -I I- e-'iii-one Hilling on He el" "I h t b- I She itml.'ililly hi" d a knife ... lis h she bad plan, I ini'lM ll'T pill "W and cut the in Kl"'a 1 1" ".il, Intli' t nig a H. rlous " ouiiil. Matlh.-WH v a i I In n . art i. d to , h count V Jail v. h. r- he w a kepi un: -I j three '. lock thi-. afternoon wh'iij j,-u t! Sheriff (low . an! .1 him to Allan! ii ,'.ii f..r saf. k". pmg. Iii- n s. f.elitu: ha -It".!. big beill li," ti'. r. .1 bv tli" ti,t;r a' t ion Kll.laLI) OVIlt WINDOW I'WK. (Hy Assis iaicd I'ress. ) M A It KS VILLI-!. I,i.. August r, Wad- i a.isscin-h, a prominent mer i hauls, n.m killed in a duel toda-' iih Sidn. y 1. in. .ine, eiglib n yepr" obi at M annira. a email town 11" mil. s from h r- The breaking by voiiiig l-moine i,f ji window pane Ir ill.i . -. o.-k'sj store k .1 to I ha ilinicultH I Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. riUCU 1'IVIS CKNTS. CAPITAL WILL SEE Will Atako Such Sweeping Tour of Country as no Pres. Ever Attorn pled SOUTH AND WEST IS IN HIS LONG ITINERARY Will Put In Two Solid Months of Travel Broken only by Short Stops (Hy Associated I'lesn) U'ASIHNUTON. August 6. -Off for hln Huuiin. r home at llevei ly, Mass., I'lCKldi iil Taft lefi WashlngU.ii al &.H5 o'clock this iifternoon. Ho occuplm! the piltato "Olyinida" attached to lbs regular Icleral cxpteHs oter lh I'etiiiM.vltiinIa and N.-w York, New Haven and Hartford rallroaiR H will not return to Washington until the middle of November next. R. nuilnliiK ut Iteverly with Ids family, until S. pteinber Ui. he will Mart Went Hint day on a tour thai will c-mbraco all but. eight or ten of I tin muttta of the I 'nliui ami Lot Ii of thu terrltorl" In the far youthwent. Hcoren of na torn. r. presiintatlvc ami government oITIcIuIh Were at white honm today to say ii brief wont of good byn to th prcubleiil. So great wuh Hi crush thai the urnial Friday cabinet meet- Ing was ib'hiyeil morn than an hour. Capital fct' AliMuf. urloiiH uiembcTH of thn cabinet will vIsH. Meverly during th aumnirr. The president hIho expecta to hava Hetel'lll of IiIh ciiblnet officer with, il "ii ul different lime during hl Icing Journey through the Went ant! Mouth. Heeretary of War Dickinson, tor liiHt.'im eH. probably will he with t ho f in. shield during practically all of tha Soul hern end of the tour. Tlie president waa accompanied to lleverly hy Heeretary Fred W. Car penter, Annuitant Heeretary Rudolph . Korater nnrl fnptoln AJlcRltaJd 8ut hlH military aide. ; Kdward W. Hmllhera, chief of th white houseteiegrupli vorpa and a force of executive clltl'kn Hlllo Will b fllkcll to Hcverly. Swing Artlulul Country. It. fore Ids departure, tha president made public a tentative ouillnn of hi trip through the Went and South thla fall. It will he a wide awing around j practically the entire Unlleil Hiatal,' mhriii'liig a journey approximating' (Continued on page threw.) II till Kven Social Clubs Close Their I )oors Afraid of ; the New haw. NM'.KKIi DUIVKN OUT (Hi AssiM'InU'il I'rt'H ) Ml iN'D P i.M LI! V, Ala., August 6 Th- i '.null, in, I prohibition tdll fur nci- di a a 1 1 , thin the present dlatu t"i stale - wide prohibition law ..huh i.."'.o the e. nate Dili afb't- i n b v i nl, of V k I., ;'. a ml win. Il li,,.. I. nl, oil. t li- signal urn of A 'a- h.iica i i-i"hi nniu tei uliw bef"i a law hal aNo a f.i'-r-a-h- Ing .ot l -' fir as I he ..pel it loll of I,,. 'Ii . r Int. a i,d to ar b... r ... 'o nl .1 l 'i no all p. il ls of ' Im i port s i hal with t ti- in- ' I ol th. 1 1 i . i,tc of the i 'a rni I h n'l to' I. n, ai i-. -r itooas. and (luh. w ficre'ii n.,ii,,i !, i .. U . a dl-.,- n. .1 I" tii'Tii -.e mot. r th- I , i l-. r si nil va" ih "ii ,1 I ri, :. i.'ght th. .' 'ale i . al- lit"-1 . h lit- ii i it -till eis r I.'. In M .mc un. r r'. .i '...n il . lobs of I ,. hl.-b. -I ' I .. . .- l.- en eh, I (1 ml . i ' i o t i : I . i ri-... ii th- n. i r- h, . r In- .', I - ,- I t to r " 1 1 1 1 1 i of 'ill I- Inl.a' I. i I in llo ir pi i. . Wi'h . "ii-dl. i a 'lo W' iruo a f.-v, ot t'.e s ilo, oi. a i. dlst.i. .Ing of oeional I ... 1 1 1 ol t'l- -loll.." fb'id of tha ", , , ' 1, Ir 1 h,,t '. , II I I) .SO of 1h i n, hh ss O i' ' ;il" . ylremelv C'l'l- f (in-! a at 1 . mi l i il : lo CIHO dl III .. - a !.! '. I r Co'iu-r will pr.T .M'.' not r'i,;. ire I hal until t .nday !' 'i h u"-. M ud . urned ! V i, lav. shot iv m:i n mf. Illv ssHlall Pre-.) 1 : 1 ! I :'!'' ' I T' liii.. AugiMf ! t Hrwln. T. mi . last eve'ii'nt p..lonion T-M wards was sh it iind kllh-d. his son, V A. Kdwards M'a.q woiimb.l. tim.1 Crank Miller received a pistol hall in hi i breast Frank ami .Tatie Miller, hioth- ri. nre c hars'sj with havliv dee the rhontiiur. Both atv In JafU The trouble anise over a game of card?. j A UflFTIOillE FOo MANY MOONS c '