UNDAY CITIZEN 21 Pages Today H N SHOWERS i PRICE FIV10 OK NTS. J AS11KV1M.K, N.C., SUNDAY MOKMMJ, AlKJUST S, 1!HW. VOL. XXV. NO. 292. t: JOWAWAI FATE III A CELL AT r Cearlng In Supremo Court In 1 Habeas Corpus Proceed ing Comes lo an End IE ROME WINDS UP IN QUIET MANNER Counsel For Thaw Treats Evelyn In Merciless Man ner at The Close WHITE PLAINS, N T , August 7. In a cell at the White I'luins Jail, Harry K. Thaw awaits the. decision that will hohl him sane or declare him u lunittie. The hearing in the Su preme court in the habeas corpu pro ceedings against the state of New York ended this ainlcrnooii when his attorney, Charles Slum hauler, sum med up his ease. District Attorney Jerome preceded Mr. Morsehauser this morning. Justice Isaac N. Mills eald thai he will emit. t or to hand down his decision Thursday morning next. Mrs. Mary Copeiy Thaw, the pris oner's mother, with her daughter Alice,, the Countess of Yarmouth, and her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joeiuh Thaw, will remain here until Harry Thaw's fate is settled. Thaw':', mother, brother and sister have niri missed a day in court since the hearing begun, and Mrs. Thaw's statement: show that if this case much against her son, she will !"se no time in trying to free him hy other means. While habeas corpus actions like the one Just closed are open to Thaw indefinitely, it is likely that if Justice Mills rules agulnst him, he will hang his hopes next upon the Court of Ap peals. No Outbursts. The addresses of District Attorney Jerome and Mr. Morsehauser today were alike free from the outbursts of oratory that characterized the two homicide trials. Of Thaw himself, Mr. Jerome spoke pityingly a "that poor boy." ,. Onlytwo- wiUieeaea among sewraJ 'hundred? tet-tlfiedfer Thaw r hr trials" And .hearings were ptcked out" by Jerome ' for rebuke. .. These were Evetyn Nenbtt Thaw and Ir. Brltton I. Evans, Thaw's chief alien ist. Without raising his voice, hut in the frankest languuKe the district attor- (Continucd paue Seven . PRESIDENT TUFT HIKES TO THE LINKS AS SOON AS HE GEIS OFF TRAIN Summer .iial ;tt Beverly Will He Mostly Out on the il'oiniil. WILL DO LITTLi: WORK (lly Associated I'rcss.) BF.VF.KLY. Muss... August 7 -K- e.-iger was president Tatt to resume bis favorite sport that a few hours alter he joined his family this Jiiotli tngat the summer home of the Ta's lu re, lie starti d oft for a round of ,,f over the links of the Myopia Hunt club, six lull, s avv.iv. lie ba.l as tellow plave Mug" R Johnston-- and F mann, both mwnlins of tl as well as the Clu v v clue llo Mv. club Washington. The plav.-is found My opia suffering se.iilv from the six weeks' drought, and vvliitr the pnttiii.; greMiis were n.s keen ami aji true rt ever, the fair green was baked as hard a.s a board. The pre:idciit who arrived here fnmi Washington at S 3(1 o'clock this morning was particularly delight! I" find Mrs. Taft much Improved in health and able to come to the sta tion to meet him. He barely allow. ) the train to inmie to a standstill be. fore h- hastened to the big touring car in which his w ife .and her nisi, r w'.-re seated, aiwl fairly b aped in; I the car. The executive offie.p wilt Is located In the txiard of trade budding in the center of the oitv. S. .r.-tarv Csrp'-n ter and Assistant Se. r -tary For:-' r found that Ihev would have a rsmi modlous room in which to r e'v. isitors and trnn.sact lui'-inevi afT:i:r It is understood that president Tall will pay as little attention to official matters as he itfisf'ily can. and that he probably will noi begin actual work on his ro-wvige to congress un til he begin his long western tour on SV-ptcmls-r 1 S. The federal cxpre-s. m which th president caim from Washington, nlso hrought A car full of horses, ns it Is the expectation of the president to do aotw riding while on the north THAW NQW AWAITS IHilEPUIMT Chore. OFFICER SHOOTS GUESTS OF BLACK MOUNTAIN HOTEL Claims he Was Called in by Pro prietor to Quell Drunken Dis turbance And Shot In Self De fence. Both Are Prominent. John Mill Hunting, a t fa v ellint:, man of Wilmington, N. C. died last night about midnight at the Mission hos pital, and Paul Cameron Collins, cashier of the Hank of llillsboro, is seriously wounded at the hospital fro shots which were tiled by town officer F. C. Wat kins, of lilack Moun tain, about 1 ::) o'clock yesterday morning The shooting; oceiirtvd in a room it the Clndstonc hotel tit Mlack Mountain, where Mr Collins ami Mr. Bunting were guests offi cer Watklns came into the eii v es terday mnrnln.c surrendered, and was released under $l..riOtl bond lo await the result of the men's injuries. Mr. Watklns claims that he shot in the performance of his duty as tut officer and also to defend himself ne a. Inst the attacks or Mr Col lins anil Mr. Hunting. He savs thai he was summoned from bis bed about l.:!lr o'clock and ask. ,1 to hurrv to the Cladstone hotel to riuell a 1 1 i t ii i ha nee which the two men were making. When be arrived, be says, he found the two men In their room drunk, cursim; and threatening the ladies in the hotel, who were m a state of ter ror. W hen he attempted to enter tic room to make them be quiet they both attacked him at once, tie says, and then lie shot in Self-defense. Mr. Collin's Version. The stories of the shooting are con flicting. While the officer maintains that he shot in self-defense. Mr. Col lins has made a slatemrnl to a close personal friend which is withheld from publication for the present and puts nolle another light on ttie imnt- ter. Karly yesterday Collins telegraphed for of J I illshoro, who is or friends to come here. mornlng Mr. Mr. J. C. Webb e of his closest Mr. Webb ar- lived In tin' city about noon and Im mediately went to the hospital. There he heard the other side of the rase anil he said last night that when Mr. Collins- vertigo ,,the ahuutln la told. it. will give the cae quite another as pect. He ' further declared that al though be has known Mr. Collins for many years and has seen him under all conditions he never yet saw him Intoxicated. He cites the fact that the injured man recalls every detail of the shooting perfectly, and gave him minute directions for looking sif ter his belongings at the hotel as ; BILLS PENDING THIRSTY ILI i'ii Mobile, the One lllii il ( )asis of t lie Slate ( 'lose up Shop. SI NO I NO IN MlSKIiV I (Hy AsMwIaled I'reKs.) MoNTlioM Fl: V. Al l . Aui-iisl 7.-- I There are m.w live pii.hibition m. is- I II reS llelore tile CXtra Session "d Hi'' Alabama I, gi: kitute l ie Cai nie ba. l or basis bill of Ho prohibitum scheme will be sign. . I Moiobn The constitutional proll ibil ion lull pas ed in the house should r :ieb the sen. lb by Tuesdav Tie- prolnbil ion ,,f lock er elllbS bill and til.- tWel'.e lllous'llld word liill.r lull, providing Im rani ing. -illlei it loll and dest met toll ol contraband liipeu s. vv ill I,.- t.ik. n up ill the boo iio later lb. in Til. sd,i or Wednesdav. Tin- till bill is . op to control solt drink lands wbi. b In" Hut yet been reported mil id commu te. Fvblen. ing the bcli.-f that the Car mi. ha. J bill Will be . ff. Cllve W U1I il Is signed n.-xt Mnda b tin- gover nor, saloon in. n todav kept up a cara van ol moving lepers. Tie- officers of the law I. t il known that of- f. ml. rs w ill have no i.-nh in v . moiiii i; .oi:s itltv. Mollll.!-:, All.. August 7. -Mobile, sometimes call. d tic ..asis in the pro hibition ib sell of Alabama will bi as dry as the hoi Sahara aft.r Moll day n. xt. Tod.iv i h. proprietors of naar-beer places b- nit moving their stocks to their hones and ware houses f..r sti.r.ig' . The C.irmielia. 1 prohibition bill P is" -d by the w-nat. y.-sterday was tie ause. Hares will bi closed in Mobile that have been in exist, m e since ;. neral l.aFavette isit d this it on his tour of the Cnited States. The niiir-l.i-.-r saloons todnv were crowdeil with nun singing songs, the most popular of which is entitled. Let's get Die last one; for on Mon day things will be as tinht as hell " Cot. A. S. Lyons, head of the lar ge ol brewery interests In the city, and a member of the; legislature an nounced here today that further fight ing aitalnst prohibition is hopeless. not drunk Friday night as Is alleged The wounded men were brought to Ashevillc on the early morning train after being, attended at Hlurk Moun tain bv Dr. 1-andis. At the Mission hospital Mr. Hunting was operated on by Dr. M. II Fletcher and Dr W. I). Milliard. Mr. Collins has been in a serious condition as the result of selnl-conse ions state as Hie result ol a wound rrom a bullet which passed through the body above the stomach and below tin: heart and emerged near it'lie spinal column. rxtranrdlriarv Case. The cafie is regarded as an extra ordinary one. The officer slated yes tenia v morning to Tin I 'iti.eii that a he approached the hotel, women call ed to him to come ;;s last as fie could, that when he reached the hotel the two men were cursing and using vile language, threat-linn: the women in the house, m, the other hand the wounded men are. re spon-dde citizens of Muniliug in their communities, well connected, I'aul Cameron Collins be ing a grandson of I'aul Cameron who is one of the leading men of the state, a in phew of Judge Thomas Hill of CioldMhoro. a cousin to Mrs. J. K Thomas of Wa nesville and a rela tive of Mrs. Annie Hill of Weavervllle, men whom it is bard lo credit with such conduct as that attributed to them. Officer's Statement. Policeman Watklns who was in consultation yesferduy morning with his counsel, Hon. I.ik ke Craig, after his bond had been prodded hy John K I'ntton and W. M. Mill, spoke free ly to The citizen of the occurrence He said that he was home some fill yards asleep at his from the hotel when about 1.30 o'clock in the morn ing lie was awakened by F. K. Manley of the hotel who told him two men item terrifying the guests of the houu..ni, jask'ed him to -quell them. Yhe frjor said that he dressed has tily, and went toward The house. As he approached, hrs.iid. ladles at the house In their night -dresses called to him "I.ord have mercy, run as fast as on can." lie went upstairs to a room itidici ted healing the men curs lug and using vulgarity and snggest- iContlnued on page four.) FRENCH AVIATOR HAS WIGHT'S OP-IN-THE-AIR RECORD BEATEN EASILY lie i nail let I up Seven Minutfs Loii;i'i' Than American hut Time Not Official. IS UNI NO LI I'LANK (Itv Assorlalcd IVeNH.) Mi il'llMKl.uN I.I-: CKAND, Fram e. August 7 -The world's record foi pi-ot.oigeil flight in in aeVoplaue wa btok. u todav b llog.-r S.imuier. a Fren. ti Aii.it.ii', who I' liiained in the air tvvo hours, I a i n t v -si veil itnnutes and tifteen --i ..mk, breaking thereby lb. record in oh bv Will. in Wriglil at l.e Mans. Flan..-, last D.eembir. vvlu-ii b. dav.d alott u., hours, twin- I V I I I 111 II I es .ailll llM even Sel Olllls. It Was a lilloil IH ed. however, tllllt Solll- tni i 's tune vv not r.-garded as off l . la I Soiiinier. who is a pupil of Henry I'1, i r ma ii. has owned bis :itopl,inc onlv since July 4. His tirst light w.e iind.-r four miles. He gradually In creased his ili 'tam es until he attaiti. il bis r.-eoid of todav. Yesterday he won. on In half of Farman's pupils, a prize of $1M", for a light in a closed kilometre. So miner :t irte, at ?, H o'clock this morning in lie- bright moonlight In the beginning be tiMv bd slowly near the ground at el. vatioiis running from ii to thirty yards. After the ma chine hid become limbered up, the aviator increased his speed and ma neuvered about easily. When it be came evident that lie had beaten the duration record held by Wiighl. and the assembled crowd cheered wibllv and as Smium r came to tne ground at 4 1 .minutes and 1. seconds past five he was giv.-n an ovation. Me is using a bi-ptune of the Yoisen type. faoiu.i v ;mi: lwv. (By AxHiK'latod lress.) ATLANTA, (l:i. August 7. After three years effort and much discour agement. Oeio-rgki s-ms im a fair way to hiive a game law- The bill pro viding a e:imn warden nnd assist ants, for hunting Inwx. (s,unly war dens arvl Vk'ens, wrus paswsl by Lhe senate tjlay and If It can get a hefrring in the house, will probably Iasi that body. proof that lie was ; "v vv, 01 A KE MfM ") .J , . I'll W : ( n;:ii i i i - ii r.t i SECOND WEEK OF BANK CASES District Attorney continues to Pile up Evidence of Mani pulation of Bank's sources Intricate Mass of Detail to Be Sifted Out by Jury, Con fusing to Casual Spectator. The Hreese-WekeMon efcue ended Its second wenk Of trial yesterday wllh the prospect of continuing tWO Weeks longer, the day Mug markud by the Introduction of proof of claim show ing the debts ot- th bunk; evidence of dU idetidH paid on the bank' stock to defendants, the tracing of how credits came to he given defendant on the bank book nd testimony re lating to the Bap tin church .notu. Something of aururlse w(i apparent when District AU 4pMT lHon tn- nnunced thM'' t8"hoWT Ihut the I2S.O00 el note nnd the first deed of trust given by the llup tlst church never liecnmo effective de. spite the fact t hat it Is aliened (but defendant are hiirged wllh hypothe cating two of the 1.1,000 notes with a Charleston hank The dlslriet attor ney claimed that instead of thi- mort gage, one given liter to tin old Dominion liuibling and Loan associa tion was used. A smile of liicrcdiil- Ity ptlSHed ov ants' counsel The Among ih identified yi'ii r il,.. faces of def. n.l it tins. Nvc Claims. niiuiv pioots of claim . I 1 1 , V W ere I lie Cell III - 1 1 is-, led to the widow 1 ,'v. Co. I.usk. who itin-ss stand Iden I i I ylng ,H is lied Octobcl 17, i ci nl, and other for f , 1 1 1 1 1 i x- fi. IH9. I, . ar- cuti s of dep.. )f the lute , WLIH on the w one for J I e IS!)!,, tor r, , f:,, 0(1(1 dated T CASE OF BRISTOL DRY'S1 ('.in M;ikc lint One Objec tion to 'niis Cjist ;ilil That Is Nun Residence. llltl.SToL, Pinion today igusl 7. - I n .-. n Ixell.-V of tin siisiained ..ti deiniii r. r in t In- ' ' oiliest ease and ! el lleelllieil lo dis- Tin court d. - - uri-l eel Hin d ' .1 be gone hack , : II 11 f I of colli- St. institution do,-, "diction in kiii h 1 ugh b-glsla 1 1 -. Corporation . ground of the local option e, v i rruled aiiol I: miss flu- drvv e id.-d that th. llsl of voters , , f to establish obllne Ihal not give the Instance, ex e,l enactment, aid h statute now I xists. Tin- out. nl i demurrer that -rlty lo sign t le rs and that said 1 1 red to sign In !' d, the conn on that point md not essential d list of voters attack upon tie coun.md had je, names of the j, petitioners vvei (icrson, wits io holding Unit 1 1, was only d,r.-- i 'I'he t reasu r.-r - being irnmtiii. allegation (I,.,: i lid not pay th irl", leaven the drv j h i II taxes in but one gr-om 1 test, and that ! s which to con dent voted. SH0WER& WASHINGTON. Aucust 7. Fore cost: North Carolina: Showers Bun day and Monday; imskTat .as: wind. The $M,00Q Reservoir. ITol.l TFIm to It. AND THE END NOT Ing fl per cent Interest, both being signed It was said hy IlreeHe and Tell ium! as officers of the hank. Many other claims of loss hy cred itor were Id'titHlcd, the notes, certl lliateH of deposit attached, ate, fet ing curiously Identified by witness a being in the handwriting of th offi cers of the hank. Home of thu notes to out-of-town hanks hud attached as collateral, note signed by Leonard, lUte, liickcruon nntl other makers pf net allegCi) toHjnwjlvonVf;,, Cor. I.usk KiriTlmt ho mlit wnnt to correct his testimony of the day before as to the Idcnfllv of lots sold under tin Taylor deed of trust. In re pl.v to a .ill. sll. hi by the Judge witness said that about 1 .1 0 0 ill cash was nil the inonev which was tinned over to him as receiver and most of i 111' was In tagged paper and coins with holes In tin in. From nil asm Is In- n sll.eil, he said, not over 'i.0llll. On cross exainitial ion by Mr. Craig witness said he thought that in ISII7 lots at the corner of Montford and West Clu sl nut ltd! by -40 f it were worth i,00 each. Counsel suggested smilingly that when witness came hack to cor rect his testimony In- would do well lo multiply this bv eight Mr. Taylor Tesllllew. W. D. Taylor leslllieil thai he was the sou of M I. Tavloi and Dial tie latler In Sn7 hud no propertv and NEW TARIFF III MOT! Lettefs L! Inst ruction .Sent' to All '(.Hectors Tlimutfli out Count rv. i (I! AvsoclnU'il I'ress.) ASH I M I'l'i iS. Ai.e.cl V. -I.. It-r- I d lie I l ie turn .v i .- .ii w ii de l Iii'Ij I. , tie ti- a in ', d. - 1 1 l no hi lo . ..I .( t-.l : o i 1 1 s I . 1 1 I ., 1 1, ,ii,: I . .: il 1 I. ll loll.- f-.l I II' II glli'l ill I II- Ol ' II, , I, , I I .1 ' C .ii "I lb I',!,. I I I 1(1 net. I life I. .. s ol He' I r.v ill, adv I, el I,. C, e, I lo III, COlb - lol - Il IS ' X- i,,ci, , ihal bv Mo ml i , "I Tne-d.iv of j ni xt we.-k . prai In titty rv col I. .1 or : at th.- la, fj. poi Is vv III b. i nun an In Id rogut Ion point npe. tin:- phases ,,1 th new Uiw. S ( lal att- ntioii Is paid In re In- sli .,. I Ion lo I I 1 ' i I i ' s VV I I e (s trim I In I'l.il -i . prov i. b d l-.r In I he ! Philippine tal tfl hi'..-. Collectors h.lV, , h. ei, in i r ii. t. d to ad mil all a ri ,ci n I , II .... I - , a le N free ,,f dill V. ' X - ,,,, I :., iinld 1 ill III. T II. .Hi e i a . . i ,ji nr. i e-i o i r. , , how . vi r. t .1 ,, ;,,ri tie- lii.isurv depHltmi ltt r,- n.ol ! I i , . id i 1,1 i. h of sugar, in- I . ,1-,,, . wo i ha t a precise I,.. (.. -pi - n -in Ii Importa tions. Th. ! I'liui's th - fr.e entry Into this , ainlr. Il -III the I ' li i II pp I II' of sugar lo hun-Iled tholisilllll tolls a . a - . pound-' :i .'fOfl.OO'i i i ,1. - .. to 1.000,000 .. ,,; m- pp. r tobacco ft i t- a v dr, and cigars to I r.it.ofiu.ii"'' i ir Collet no ii ! in" tax on corpora til, ns is lottg.il vm'Ii Hie commissioner of internal ti ' "in" Fntll the re cently appoint, d t -.:n misslotier. Hoyal K. Cuts I! ol I:,' bmond, Va., shall assume th. .lui,-, of his office about September 1st. liitb. If anything, will be done In pi pa ral Ion for the work. M large part of today's payment was for du Lbs on goods brought by the liner Pennsylvania, vvhhti ar rlwul the night the new tariff went Into effet. ' YET IN SIGHT Re- that hn never took charge of tho lot bought by him from J. H. Adams, nnd for which he gave the $8,330 noto, which turned up In the hank. H. T. DOWtHt gave u list of divi dend payment made hy the bank In 1HH6. Them) Included $1,447.60 cred ited by th bank to Ilreuno a rtlvl dendod. $816 to I'etilund on .128 hare, $40 to Dlckertion on It share. Then came a pertexln;, ttt the peetator at least, racnrd of aharef at at'iu,.iransferrcallli' . pron t whom the transfer w made In many case not appaarln though wltnexa said that this could he determined by the number of the certificate isued In the new holder to lake up the old certificate of the person transferring. A considerable number of Iritnsfers of stock by Hrcosc wa re shown anil sunn- I 10 shares appeared to be trans ferred in llreese. The July 1. lSr' Kcinl-aiiniial dividend of $4,000 was shown to he iippnrlloiicd as follows: It It. Itawls i; on K. shares, J. B. Dlek. rsoii (14 on HI shares, W. K. HrecH. $l,!l,ri2 on 4 KM shares, W. K. Ilriise, Jr.. :iH4 on 21 shares, $200 to M. C. I -ti In ti I on fiO share. After I'ris'wds. The trail of proceeds of credits was resumed and 'witness .test Hied that February 20, ISli:,, the Merchant' (Continued on page four.) GREEKS RAISE FUND TO 1 AGAINST TURKEY lif-ol I. laclx lives (M) to I!uy (inns For Use in T'ns sililc War. (Hy AsMM-liilctl rre.) ItF.1 : 1 .1 N. August V - -!. rmiin gov rune nl .inles I' liiinl Ihc situation I.. I v. . . ii Tin k. v a inl II reec being In a most acute -luge. fl-imaliv ha, mad i .-pi . .. nl 1 1 1. .ns to Lol Ii ' '" Ktuutinople and Alru-ns. uiginr. the lie . M.Mly of a pi a. cable M..ii;ioll of tie ( 'i . ta li i ii si ..n I' TTF.lt SON, N. .1. Aiigusl ' -The small but patriotic i.,..nv ol (Ir. itks in Ibis t in bin c -n' ribtiied ':, to a fund lo piii' ba niotli rn finis for. Ihe Or.-. I aitlih i . Thir sum w raised u.oii' ivvth ix e-i sons, mostly unioaMi. .1 no n 1 '"' proprietor r a boot hi i,-l pla. - g ' ' $2110. Action w.i i laken at Ibis Inn in view of th'- strained r laliotis I" -lvvt-1 II lilffi mid Tin I v Hpiro Mo. Ice a. - v. althv Cr. ek. who has tra... I1- d I ' lilt.f'i years raiting ilioti. v I he "" inueii', start, d lie ii!..v 'le id ''''"' 1" N'"'v V..rl. and el w le n n.- has raise. I I ) li.Oiili r. t . nl! . FAITHFUL DOG HER ONLY COMPANION RilFNSWIcK. Oi . Augnt 7. Th" howling of h. i pel dog. whlih for three days guar.l. d the body .d Mrs F. A. Littleton, who died during Wed nesday alone In her cottage .in the shore "f SI- Simons Island, caused the discovery "f the woman's death today The llllle animal's howls had bet n heard during Wednesday night. Thursday nnd Friday, but n" atten tion was paid to them until today. Mrs. Littleton was sixty years old. Bite came here from Tampa, Fla.. but her former home was In Aelxandrla, Va., where a brother, Walter a. Cash, survives her. loses his mm ANDHOLDSQFFTHE OFF IK OF LAW Young White Man Fires on Deputy Sheriff With Good Effect LEFT ASYLUM ON A 90 DAY FURLOUGH House Is Surrounded by Fo-j lice And Arrest Is Hour ly Expected (Hy Associated I'ress.) AIHIUMTA, lu., August 7.R. B. Duuiiliigton, n young white man about twenty-seven years of age, and a for ntcr llimulii of dm Blute asylum full tile Insiine, who Is now serving a fur lough at home with his relative, about font mile from Augusta, be. came violently Insane yesterday af leriioon ami I at this tlms barrlcadeA at tils father's home defying the offl ceis of the law. A a result of an attempted prrert thi afternoon, Dep uty Hherlff M. Clury Whittle, ot th county constabulary, wss nrd upoa ami several bird allot took effect in his Isidy. Kuniilngliin win let out on a ninety days furhiugh and at the expiration of the ninety dsy itsi-med to be tet tlng along alright. That waa about twenty day ago. Yesterday on of the negroc on hi father's farm fail ed to saddle hi horse, and he be (inmo violent and chased the negro with a shot gun In hand for about two nillo. Ita'fhHl tlx WuTirf. ill brother matin application to the ordinary : , for a wrlt .o lunacy, and the herlff sent officii", to his place till rooming to make ar rest. They werp wared by th Ins sane man not to approach the house, who aiated that ho would, hill th llrst man yvho did. A auddeti death tared 'the officer in the, face,, "they, wera unable to make the arrt.," ' . It waa Uunnlngton who wrote an aHh-1 for one 0t.thal(ailJt Oeorgia weckllw araint the niunacsment f tho asylum, making auch rv churges against the official that an Investigation was ordered by the gov ernor, lie nnd (leorge 1MI, a for mer state polltlclun and later an In mate or the Institution, both wrote letters iiboul Ihiv tuiyhllll. Hell, on lh day for hi furlough to be up, committed suicide. Tlie officers huvn the house ttr rouivded, and will arrest Dunnlngtun If It Is possible tu do so without kill ing him. He at one time, fust ml for llfly-oiie days and he defiantly elated to the officers today that he would fust that long again before he would submit to arrest. Ills parent fear that he will commit suicide rut bur than ta he arrested. 7 Nl;ir ClL-unlit r Mciliotl.s f N.iv;il ( '(nut, Invoked to S.ivc I('iul;ilioiis. LnTIlliK HI 'IT Kit (Ity Asms la led Tress.) .'Afiil. 1:1. Md , A UK ust 1 -Th' I,,, o d ol lii'iuii y which Is In- , t m ,m e.-rilll ,l LleUlrliailt N. ;iii' id, of Hi" marine e,irii c i a ; .. ,. lioui ..-K.sion bidiltid !(.i', tied adjourned until ... li.-n, ,1 . 'iiilajlinc. d, t!" A N iHv a I v. vi .lame, t ..lav .'low. I M i M . I ; , le ,11'iui. ,he Id 'I lie , il airaiii i- tbr.iv. n ..pen t.) .-loll ii.- Mr t .-allien i i.u- the pur-Suit-. ii. mo'li lu i. nird to l.-tl.-i., i,l.'.l Mi- .vi-.t" Id I III 1 '1 V lllcl. ..I. bail.' I .. e II ..If , f tin- Hiiro,, , ol .H. -it ll'e ti u x i 1 ahers. nil v.lil.h tin ,1, nl.iv si hi be ad- li e but ho' Id nit b anrl M Jor L onard at.-, had not finhshel .'tiile,n. ai..l i boai I l lib d v c iriltc I In evldo r a. I m op. n r the judge a.!'.'.. m.-r i '.ca t inu: Mm. Sutton In regard ,., ,),, . tt.-rs when the adjournment was tal... i todav. It waa Md. Her own ni L: i t rnpiest that the examina tion I ntiiiii. .1 publicly m .Mtindajf and th.- '-ont.nts oT Ov letters, tor I he mo- i p u t. he nuuto known at that time was not determined as to thi. roll sewslun. t ommaiidor llootl, prealiiing officer of ttw Isiartl. - nJoirMsl all the Inter -este.l parties Nslay from dlm.'uediK the letters out of court. It Is know.i. however, that tiiwy contain blttr and point. si ,'Uleiratkina agalimt aume of Ho. voiing off of the mrwlrie corps who are now appearing a de ft tidunts in tno case. , Itesldejr Mrs, Button, her daughter, Mra. Ilose llutlon Parker, of 81, Paub remulus to be tiamlned a a wltn