THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. ASlIKVILliK, N. C, MONDAY M( KM Ml, AUGUST i), VMK ,VOL. XXV. NO. 293. PRICE FIVE CENTS. j THE WEATHER: FAIR. J T. Watklns Is Retaken Into Gus tody for Causing Death of Mr. Bunting NO TESTIMONY AS TO SELF DEFENSE THEORY Witnesses Tell of Disturbance In Hotel But None Saw Officer Attacked After two hours of examination at the Inquest held by Dr. Hi R. Morris, the county coroner, yesterday after noon in which vv itnesHos from every walk of life, Including hotel proprie tor, a physician, dishwasher and por ters took part, telling their stories of the shooting of John Hill Runting and F. C. Collins, the coroner's jury re turned a verdict that Hunting m?t death from a bullet at the hands of Philetus Watklns, and Watklns was re-taken Into custody to await a hear ing on Wednesday morning. There was small attendance in the Superior court room for the inquest and the larger number of people pres ent were the citizens and visitors fioiu Black Mountain. Tells or Noises. The first witness was Mrs. Woodruff . from Springfield, Mass., who occupied a room opposite the room occupied by Bunting. Mrs. Woodruff test I lied that the noises in the room com commenced about midnight. The men were wandering around the halls. She said jhe went to the door and asked for Mr. Manley. A man re plied that he was Mr. Adams. Sho heard one of the men call for a bottle. They were then creeping from one room to the other. At last she heard the tramp of feet and saw the porter. She said she did not hear what was said in the room. She thought that Watklns was alone In the room.- When she heard the g jn and the fall she collapsed. She closed her testimony ty sayiny: "I would state that .the men had become Miss Martha Woodruff, (the riaughr ter,) wag the next witness. She de clared that she heard the two guests come In. but did not hear tho noise until awakened by her mother. Af ter being awakened she heard Mr. Adams knock and ask them to he (Continued on page seven.) L LOAFING PUCE FOR THE PRESIDENT AND FAMILY Can Take Choice of Half i Dozen Golf Links With- ; in Easv Keach. CORONERS BE fl 1 TRAGEDY WILL NOT WORK MUOHISKAKCIHMS FOR THEM I (By Associated Prc.) BEVERLY, Mass., August R. Sit-j lng on the broad veranda at tils sunn mwr home on Wnodhcrry Point. , President Taft Is In the very center of an Ideal pleasure ground for a vacation Secluded there in a te-au-tlful residence park made up of ihr---or four estates are many palatial cot tar, i The president will enjoy with Mrs Taft the cool from the ha; end ocean. Looking toward the sea the Island dotted waters of Nab-n hay are In the foreground and beyond are the broader reaches or Massa chusetts bay. Behind are th'o wood and the pleasant fields of Kssex county with perfect roads for motor ing. The president expiocts a mum her of visitors during the summer hu the calls will nearly all lc of social character and business will 1k taboo whenever pinwUble. Many members of the diplomatic corps have their summer homes along this northern shore of Massachusetts r.nd they will be among tho first of the president's calls. If the president cares lo direct his attention to fcnachUng .h -re sire a hundred littM harbors which he may explore or the bro;ut Atlantic is with in an hour's sail. Across Sal.m hav and almost within view front his ve randa are the Eastern. Corinthian and Riwttnn club houses, lo all three of which h-t will be welcomed as an honorary member. But pcraaps the golf links in the neigltorhood will prove the strongest magnet during president Taft's sojourn on the north ahofe. Wlfhin easy motoring dis tance ar5 the links of Myopia Hunt club, the Enocx Country eluh, the 'Montserrat Oolf club, the Todcan Country club, the Aibenakl olub or (Continued from page two.) TRAGEDY AT BLACK MOUNTAIN RETOLD B E YE- Their Evidence Officer's Statement That He Shot Two Men in Self Defense Community Aroused. The death of John Kill Bunting at the Mission hospital early ytwlcriluy morning following the doul'.il,. shoot ing at Black Mountain early Satur day morning In which Philetua C. Watklns, the town officer, shot Hunt ing and P. (.'. Collins, has aroused the whole community more, than any like Aceurnenoe in recent years. The ctowd of summer visitors at Black Mountain were highly wrought up over the tragedy and people In tb city took not teas Interest In it. True, various reports of the ;i fT;i i r which have come out divided setitl ment among those, who were neir the art-no of the Nhooling Officer Watkins has maintained from the first that he shot in self defense after h ,m(,n naJ ma)h attack on him when he was called in by the proprietor of the ilaIstone hotel to make them cease truflr loud and pro fane noise In their rouniH. On tin other hand the only eye witnessis of the shooting, two young negroes employed about the hotid say thai tine shots were tired before either Hunting or Collins had made any ad vance toward the officer at all. The testimony as brought at Ihc Inquest proves that the men had been drinking and that om f them sit least was using vulgar and profane language which was loud enough to disturb ladles who had rooms on the same floor. The evidence as gath ered at Black Mountain by a Cltlz-n reMrter yesterday, however, would Indicate that while the men had lie-n drinking neither of them was drunk at eleven o'clock! when they went to th Ir rooms. Officer Watklns who was uot on ball pending the result of RunlingH Injuries was re-arrested yesterday nnn will lie held pending I'"" hearing Wednesday. )t is likely that the grand jury which Is now In session will take up the case at once Inas-mueh-'a several witnesses who will he wanted at the. trkil cannot Ibe se cured until later. Town Aroused. When the news of tho death of John Hill Hunting from a bullet wound Inflicted early Saturday morn ing by Officer P. C. Watkins at the Gladstone hotel at Black Mountain, reached town yesterday morning will; the arrival of the morning pa pers, there were mnuy expressions of regret. Small groups gathered dis AGREES TO LEAVE HIS PEFUGE IF FATHER Will GO ALONG Both Disappear in Woods Leaving Officers who Had Watched in Anxiety ( Asvahiti-il Press.) Al'OCSTA. (la.. August S ft V. Pminington. the insane man who ha: be n barricaded in his home about four miles from this city, left tlo house this rnoriung about 10 'clod:, makini; his fallw-r aci onipany him lie has been in t he woods all da; . and has not been st. n by the offie. ts. No further violence bn :-en report ed since the nounding of the deputy sheriff. A strong guard was maintained n,.r Immune,! n all last night and there was no way for his escape with out being ib leteij. 1 1 ia father re mained in the bouse with him. but was unable to aid the oft leers per fecting his airc-t. for the insane man niever dosed his eyes one minute during the night. Mis father kept in conimiinioal ion with the officers and this morning notified them thai the Insane man wanted to leave the plane, and wanted Tim to go, loo The officer agreed to this, after the aged man had promised to aid l.i perfecting an a' rest. ATter they I-It the daw, however, they have lot been tvTi since. The people in the vicinity are wrought ud to a hi?h state of excitement. Tile ladies and cjtildrcn are remaining indor and the m n tire g ang arm'0 . Sheriff Clarke In, pes to lie able lo land the insane man smiie time tonight or to morrow. Jl'MPKI IKV IXU. (By AsMorlntcil lrc!i.) ANTKIWO.V. IS. 4'-. Aiwjrust . Warren (iuytoti. aged thirty-live, a baggage must'-r of the Atlantic and WVstern rallpMXd lsdween Athinla and Chattanooga, committed suicld at hi Nm here today by Jiunpln Into a well. He had been In health for several years. WITNESSES Does Not Suppot t cussing details of the aft. ii as they had heard th. in tin the porches of the stores and at the post, iff ice peo ple were eagerly reading the story of the shooting and the fateful events of that night in their own town. People going to church with their Bibles under Ihclr anus stopped tho passersbv to inquire as to the condi tion of Mr. P. I'. Collins, who was !the victim of Mr. Watkin's pistol. There is only one house In the town which Is Idled with summer visi tors from all parts of the South, where the subject was not discussed. Somewhat back Irom the main street surrounded by larce .-diadc trees stands the home of Philetus Watklns, who claiming self-defense, fired the shots which resulted in the death of one man and the critical condition of another. At that home there was no talk of the nffalr. The family did not leave the house. Surrounded by hi fuinily, Mr. Watkins out on ball, avoided the busy naunts of men where the shooting was being discuss ed. Ilolel III H tillMHII. At the tlladstonc hold where the events marked the ninht as the most memorable In t he history of Black Mountain the guests went In lo break fast as though a gloom had been cast over the whole place. Many In going to their places gave a passing glance at the table neanst the door of tho dining room when Hunting and Col lins enjoyed their last meal together. Subdued conversation was heard from all parts of the room Us the guesrH reading the morning paper remark ed upon the death, during the night, of Hunting. The waitress at the table where. Hunting and Collins had eaten togeth er asked after the men. Then she told a Citizen reporter how cheerful they had been at supper Friday night. She told how Collins hud imitated a clergyman from another part of the state and had said that he was one. She told Mow he had promised to hold a iiervlee In the parlor of the hotel 'tcrday morning at eleven o'clock. Then site slopped and said that he had been folding them. Her countenance changed as she continued in a lower voice. "And the next morning after he was shot when lie wa leaving he ( 'miiI ItiimmI ,n piico three.) THREE CAUGHT IN TRAP Tl Seven of Party of Ten Mer ry Makers Were Res cued hv Eisherinen. LAUNCH OVERLOADED fIVv Ai-soclaled Press.) T'iLI.Ihi. i)., Aiigw-t 8 I'ao men and one woman wfrc drowned an 1 .1 veil lion were rescued vvlth dllTi- enliy when a lanndi containing a gay party of merr uialo rs cadze( M Mauiuio. Hav live huiinrod feet off of the t'a-ano. a summer theatre, at four o'clock this afternoon. All were residents of Toledo Tin- (b ad ar Marry I 'ill, railway employe: I' lanl. I.cbaney. railway fimployi-; Mis. Main-I flndon, Ihirty eais ild. lull was lie- owner of the boat and look toil the party out or (en m.-n and w omen over the ear nest protests of his wife. Wlik-n in the deep cban ne of the iia near the tn.uilh of the Maur river the launch turn- d turtle fr-mi the wn-lghl of the party Winch had collected on one side. The woman was in the cabin and was unable to get out. lo Harms swam ashore ami all of tl. other men were able to regain the over turned iiat and cling to It except IMII and l-fiane, whr? Isdics were not recovered. The endangered rnen were rsru.d by llfhermen frrn the shore who heard their rrln one of the res cuers dived under the overturned craft and body r covered the woman's Kill's young wife jj restrained with difficulty from casting herseir Into the river at (he scctn; of tb. drowning. i.t lis ii:v. (fiy Ass.vluU-d Press.) M-OHII.K, Ala, August K -Ths Athelstan. ManaKsan, Kldelity aid Elks dull., announce that n.s a rerult of the parxagv of the. Carmlcha I state-wide prohibition bill by the e; tra ' i(vkin of th. leg.slaturr, tin have rniovl all lor-ker and stork. of liguor from their club'hoti and win observe th section of Ufe Itiw against lockers. Cc .1 U ' 1 WAR DOGS ASSEMBLE AT OLD POINT TO PREPARE FOR GUN PRACTICE Flower of the Navy will noeuvring and (Hy Associated PrcKH.) OII) POINT COMKOUT. V.i., Ancust . Tho Aliunde battleship anchored In two long llniw In Hamp ton Hondo off Old point was today a scene of animation, the prepara tions for deimrturc for the liwil work on the lrlll grounds south of the Virginia capes being cvldVnt on liiuiid everyone of tho fifteen big lighting machines. Contrary to custom, except perhaps In war tlm'i, the Sabbath wan violated by several of tho ships which were busy all day coaling. These vessels. the Wisconsin. Kansas, tksorgla, and Mississippi had IfencR onAiired to sail for tha target mint tomorrow af ternoon and it wa necessary for til cm to coal today. The remainder ef the ffc-ot will fol low them to tin drill grounds as soon as they jfet their coal on ilsiard. Tic record gun pracliie, for which the gun crctws now are preparing, will not begin until some time next week. T All F'eeiinse lie Hroke into Her House ;ml Stole i'ettieo;i). (SM-clal lo The lll ii ) WINKTON SAI.I.M. August 8 Sentenced t" I n 'I the rest of hit natnial days in ! penltcntla i y in .x pialion fif tin i "I." of breaking into the home of I. a Williams and sleal- friK lhfri'fruu claiinol wha tall a wailinr D Inhtitiiliiui (Ci ' i hp In wh, l 'i ;i n I thtyn ( Kv.i WIIII;iki i ni'ifiy has f'-f the m.m; "I of sevn IK'HJ for n!ly ' afi'l tin- -i!' ! ' wul'l 'a;i' for Im 1 1 thwn pat D 'l. iT'tll ll'ifirii f-v- . CHK' Went th' llrM parting ;i ' liirt Willi ti she iii $1.1, and now in I l. irtiire to the slate who have broken I' ll, a negro, a few it illt;, H. C, mai ricd i. omun whose le-di-li itt out from bun In tin- prfS'-fM uifts, many thrr tin' f'in li lt t id, in woman said t h v r f (r w ifM' , a n J until dttalli tii'l i llion 1 h. Kf at iiaok eiihI lull his i'tn. It wa th ir " jtihlt- la.;t parting. dim ii " m:;ko. (Hy SAVANNA I f Talking with'"-' arnat iim 1 1 ' -of Ih,i h ' nnlr tli mi i Brown Colon I l IwiiMf ! pi, i -Thf wiflH, i 1 1 m1f-hnlri, w ' i , August R. " r ' I r hit Hp-a k-rs a ' itternlp 1y tn' -m-h'-rt- t'nl;iv u f tin M'irrirt ''.!lf'g) of AManin ' n'-gro (MiucHtlnn. n. al if f i , ;ml frrv-ly prlnkl'fi throiiKh the closely in th -h ftnfl ronncft' tj HFAIT? WASHINtiTON. Aunut 8. For at for North t irolina: t'ontinued warm, (tenerally fair weather Monday and Tuesday, Usjht variable wind mostly west. GEC. I WOUIPNT TIUNK OF r-JssiNu THIS V'tnii r txv XX V WWII fl SSSf I 1 Oi?0.-,P -t ' to o Spend Several Weeks on Drill Trying Big Guns on Target tors at Roads. The. Ithode Inland will ! tho first ship to hHvo a try at tho targets. Comparatively few of tho illors of the fleet hav been lven irtiore liber ty slneo the fiet steamed Into Hamp ton Uoads on Huturday afternoon, ev ery man being needed on board for stMne of the multltudxi of tiukni neces sary to be iM-rformed before trolng to sea again. The Isttlleshlpfi will not return to the roads, for several weeks, hut while they, nre at i-.l communication with Norfolk and Washington will b maintained Iby wlrolcws and y means of the tend Yankton, which will Ply rgulurly betwoen the flag jhlp Connnetloiit and Oul Point. Th tun Mohawk, which also has been US signed to the nWt, will perform a similar service. That portion of tho fleet which will go to sa tomorrow will he ac companied by tile siiuuilron of auxil iaries which precv-ded them to tho road to load supfdles. OF THEIR DEAD SON Yoihik M;m Who Was Kill ed ad I IfiHlorsoiivilk Wan from Spnr1anliirtf. (Sm i lal lo I h.- ( illvn ) 1 1 KM H'iUSON VI 1.1 ,! :, Aniiit S Th hh-ntitv of Mi man who j WaS Jitll'-tl Mf KM- IMIIl';t'I fielKW ttMM I lovtl I ; ( 1 f-ia t iiffht y wee jt iifl-l Inloi il hi M r p-.rt. lo iu- fpfini ! A.nh'- ill- has l-- ti .Ma,l.lih--(l hy hlH ;rnn(h'-r eiiwI (alht-t, who arrtv'I dav and had th,- IxmIv xImiiik!. Mr. and .Mrs. Ilovdj i yijolil. art- th- ia ! n 1 1 h and th' . f m ji man who w.ia I l.tlh d; wa.i MrJ-r l;Vvhd. Tin , hoy hrid ;il a.ivm cxprt-jswd a d slro to volt his urn!', . .1. Wood, at ' Wji.vih ivilh . and Hlart,-) mil mi ' m 1h don. Ii- ii n :i i 'I i mi h'- iva s 1 ;t I HfMtfi jifid nio.t ,'anlally lann hy t h r i 1 1 1 iK-.H ami m a Tia I f - iori -s- ioti-t f-midilmfi ''onlliiii' d on hH Juiirm v. In n wtlhin a f A mil' k ol f I nd' ilh , vva t r U' 1( and IriMlantly kilho" hy On- Iw rp I 'hf on 111.' S hj 1 1 m r n Coinner Kirk h'ld tlu if n ii-Mf at the d-fiot. th" h-tdv wan h'-hl unlfl Um n xf n.ty wIh-ii II was t h ft wn in a h"l- tn t h K'rmmd, vra.prt only in a pifcr of oil -)oth, Kx '!'iw i ntr John ( ai -y K of K' Mi ( h i I'd I n,i . wdf In tin eii, novv hfiriif mad prlmi harn t h ha I nt !''-lcw hlni and iM-iy effort lh to 1,'iml le-liltol the tiirec men e,fnuili- (mtr th- iir;ault. Wit h f li h'iV';-i p.i r Tit ' werr t ran 1 '4 hi ol h r, m a r- m . , hi. zv nd par fit j, Mr. and Mr :jfi'i S. i M W'hmI. hI--i T Hjart.'i.fiiiiirg, wh r' Mr. Wood Ik an hn(l k'fier. Th v ii r on vi i'- "I tho IViy rn t hU d-:th ax a nult A foul play, ami th ir attorri-) hav Information ax t" tit" "! ntuv of th8; atlaf'kin him ;u Tc. "n GOT GAY IN AIR j AND TUMBLED DOWN f'llAl.nNS .'-'I'lt-M AI:.K. Aiiif. linger Souitoi i trie aviator who yes-' tcrday Ih w 'wo honiH, twenty mln nt'ii and iiftv-even WHonda In his aeroplane, breaking the world's rec-, ord held by Wilbur Wright, r-nwiyed , another MiKht today. He utopped liii engine too abrnjtly. however, and thn: miwhlne (truck the irround with mieh : violenc that It wm emaulied. Sommer , was uninjured. ' us . . An K 1 ... Ground off Hatteras Throngs of Visi- Ma- For the remainder of the week, thi fleet will mancuvier dally, but next week tho serious work of the crulso will begin. The torpedo flotilla In command of Oonvmunder Frxwrnan, Is xHctc4 to rejoin tho Meet In about two weeks and will ronrnln with the tliiwHhln for the remalnibif of tho iumnior crulite. Old IVilut totlay w swarmed with f am Mies and friends of tho officer, und men of tho find, nuumoniuU by thousands of cucurslonlsln, Tho weatiier condition woro Ideal und tho war vessel, riding Vtronly at anchor In tho roadstead, nrmentud a lM-aullful lht.-, ,., ... ... ...w The ttatiieohlna now anchored in rrampton ftoads are thm (!onnectl(ut, Vewtiont. Kansas. Ioulslana, New Hampshire. MlwdHslppl. Idaho, rjeor Rla, New Jersey, Uhodu Island, Vir ginia, Wisconsin and tihto. The Ken tucky Is due to arrive tomorrow from tine League Mond navy yard. WILL CHOOSE PYTHIAN Trustees hook over Proper ty Offered hy Uotli Dur ham and ('lay ton. (Kmi lal to Tim eill.eii.) OI'IIIIAM, N i'.. AiiKiMt 6. There la yet n dei Ision an to th location of the I'ylliian oi pliuiuiiKi.'. Tile bonrd of live !ni.-!!eeK of tho virphiuiaico fund h'-M a meeting ycfcrduy und alt nl iw -v-ra.l 'Jioiira H1m'UmhIiik the prvipoMil Ion, but the lemilt of the bob- imtlter ya that the hnul de- ifloll of II waa pul off till llexl TueH da y. " Oil day they will K to f'lay tn ami looK over Oie alte offoreit i.y that jda'-. and then afl-r u confer . n. e H ia i-M etc, I tbal they will fli.i'e (be ib-clHlotl iM-t'Ai.en the Jlii- nd'Cil l.v Mr 1'ro. tor lor ttw Our bam IiwIki- and the JohnMnn couniy loiaiion Tui-wlay, the bulb. Ik lb. ol the Klxty dav limit t by tin in- Ian; ut II' nib-rnonv .lie, wiinm vvbu-h tiro truBt.-c have to deebb on the location. And iiiiIcmx something iiiifinw ti hupe-na the ileeiion tc- tw'o'ii 'layton and llila clly idukI Im made. In yctvrdny' mietliiK Mr W . Yi-arl.y pr.,nl. d the off. r of iw. 'Hv and I'Ikc to the twiaul ami Mr, Oordiin whh there lo aft. r ''lav I'iii'm ItitcroHt, Th. moii. y off. r at lurha.m v.a- idiu'liilv lie r it'i yiv loriUiv. Tile tiiiMti'M wi re anxImiH to XI e JllHt boiv far tin- ,roei4. d Oiir- luirn kII'i WfiM Iroin a. u .o'l who .1 ami Vewl.-rday n f t erti . ...n 1)o w. i tak'-n from t.he jilaci- to !,. I.'axl lillrbam whlcb i. .. . iic t Ii i iik tear to and a half mil- " Tllev Will h'.l.l lln r next ineelin,; In f'laylon. Win Hmt or not thlx to-ri will rait" h- r l-!d for the InMI tufbrti iiaa not been slated. It I prolfablc. however, that, through M Anbb y Horn, who (h bai-kinu th movement t In i . that tiny will KILLED MAN WHO KNOCKED OFF HAT fllASKA, Tetin . AiikiikI 8. Joe linrnfln. aged tnirtv. .van Khot and killed today by llramlon McMuhnn thirty-five. Me. Ma lion In a playful mood, knocked off Burufln'4 hat. An gered at thin, Miirnlin attacked Me Mahon with a xtl k of wood, knocking him down. Whil- lying mi the ground McMahon drew IiIk revolver and fired three tihotg. One bullet truck Burn fin near the heart, killing him iiutant ly. Mt.VIahon nurrendered. SUPERVISORS OF CENSUS ARLTO BE SE In Solid Southern States Dem ocrats Will Get Half of The Jobs NORTH CAROLINA IS NOT IN CATEGORY No Judges For Customs Court Will be Named Because no Salaries Provided (By AkmIiiUv, I'rvxx.) HiWrciCMf. Mum., Auirurt 3 Iteverly vvtta hot today, but rresldent Tnft npnt a Inny Hundny and did not NCPtii to mind tho mioro thn ninety In the haih-. lie hean tin lirat Hnblvath of bin vueatbm by lng to tliu ITnitarlnn t-hureh. Mlaa Helen Taft and ,nptaln Arwhb41 Hult wero tho nly other momhtir of IiIn imrly. Through th anrly hours of thu oi'termoon the prerident ant on the broad veranda of hi wt tago ovvrUnkln tha nil-dotted oeotiii nmr red "Tha Oroatiinna and rcllnn of nonwv" by tho hlatarian Ferrem, who pnt a work at thtt white, houwe with Mr. K none, wit Niiir huik t th rrMildent took a long motor rhlw with Mm Taft. Af ter dinner 'ho mmln awight th tml of thn veranda. Mr. Taft ta gang lo dlHpnsa of then tnnttor of ceimun uiMrvlKrn throughout Ihw tmllr Itnltfrt Htnte thla wenk. wtary f ""omirMrro and IaIw NwtM aid IMrtt'tior of tho Cetmun pttmnd, ar oomlng1 to llflvwly tha littler pnxt nf ho week with a of Damn and by I ha tltnn thvy leava tha praldnl hope to HtinnutM-i! hl ppolntmnl,. lie for IVniMMtala, The prpBldent hB flxfJit ltrmn tha nolley, ho will foHww, with Tinfwne to rnnnMiM Inppo'riljiient from) tha Sou th. In (ho at at en which' ara anl Idly dnmocratln, th prclihnt, ? will dlviilo tho: appoint nnon fa , rvniy among tho domocrata anil rmibll cana. :Ha will Inalat thnt. tha ap llntem ahall rmt b aetlva partl un, hnwvvwr, 4ul -apW nvn, - t'rom tha DO -edited "Built rtottth'' tho preokhnt haa picked out North ("nrnlltm, Tenwiiao and Kentucky and MlHHourl a dilutable ntatvm and will (rent them on the aiuno footing n northorrt aUilea, ttlvlrnz all of tha ccimiiM joint to roiruihlk'ana. Ha will Inalat, however, that In the at ate, tho anmo irtandnrd of elTlrk'ney anl ehnrnler of men ahull ltaln. Th atnlea In which tho dlvbdon between denitHrata and ropublleana will ba mdo urn: Virginia, Until h ('rollpa. (Pont Inned on pg two.) AsKaiiKt'tl, Killed and Left in lli- Wood with Noth ing to Identify Her. ITALIAN SUKl'KCTED HCTII'iIT. Augiiat K. The badly nun II. tied dead Ixoly of a woman ab.nii thirty-live yean of age. wna found In a clump of underbrush In llanitrack, thi cuHnfy today. Tin ..minion of of tho body Indicate that, woman wax aaau'ted and killed. 'I'lie body wan found by Juatlee of th.- ). ;, c Miinek of Highland Park. Ii vva lying on It back with thin xlili-i iiiiclully drawn up our tha face. The (knit wui criiKhed and thn face and body wan covered with bruin Tb" elotliim; was dlnarruuged. A handki n iilef. Hilpponixlly beleng Int: to the victim, vmih found weveral I. et iiwny ji h Him alno lo r purso whiih find bc. n .urn open ami noth ing which might nerve to Identity the body bit in it. Tb,, ground for vatdn around va.s torn up and bit1 of IIckIi were in Ho- finger n.illH of tin- woman, indicating that flh nid a viiiant light for life before helm? .. r iow red. The clothing: It of cheap material tint wan evidently of, neat arrangement. Tho land on which tho body wfti' found In owned by uri Italian mimed Scrrlra Mark", i-nn of lata' had en tertained it is said, many of his oouu In mi'ii who set tueil to be Itinerant lie. Mien or laborcrx. While no uspl i mn attaches to Marke, the officers ire invcKligaling reKirta that the wo rn, n of the neighborhood have been innoved n-cuiilly by iini of Markea a ii. - I m. Mm. J. Sutton ay ahe watf iccoHted near whera tho body was found a week ngo by a man whom ihc thought waa an Italian. She eaya lc proposed that (he accompany him into, tho undorbruah where the body waft found and that aha became frightened and ran to her homo, a short distance away and locked tier-' self In the house. Hir husband 'tricl' tu track tbtt man but failed, NTH1SWEEK

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