THE ASHEVILEE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: CLOUDY. Associated Pres3 Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. 296. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY MOKXIXO, AUM'ST 1'J. 1!m. PMCE FIVE CENTS, j MID-SUMMER HORSE SHOW WILL BEHELD ON LAST OF MONTH Guess That's Going Some. E FIRED SHOT THAT jULLED HIM Plans Announced to Hold Anoth er Exhibition Here in Connec tion With The Show at Hender sonville. 1, IVY Expert Says tt Was Impossible In Position Described by Adams Goorgla Lawmakers Adjourn After Having Added to Gayety of Nations 13 V l Y" you I VVJ s , f ! "V a n if (..W.M.') Tv i in'- I JIM TTOII COULDN'T FHEAKLAWS FAILED IN HOUSE OF THEIR FREAKISH FR IS ft 7 K- Vf GRUESOME EXHIBIT AT NAVAL INQUIRY Material Witness Never Call ed Until Newspaper Man Hunted Him Up r" (By AHHOelaleil 1'resn.) ANNAPOLIS, Md., August 1 1 A gruesome feature was Ihls afternoon introduced into the proceedings of . the court of Jnijulry Into the death of Lieutenant James N. Sutton, Jr., of the United States marine corps, when the legal, representatives of Mrs. Sut ton, mother of the dead lieutenant, brought to tha witness Htand Ir. Ed ward M. Schaeffer. of Washington, an expert on gunshot wounds. The peo ple In the ;oom crowded around the table and gazed with the keenest In terest at the doctor while he placed upon the table glistening skulls to the exterior of one of which he affixed In little lumps of wax, steel rods intend ed to Indicate to the members of the court the courae of the bullet in the skull of Lieutenant Sutton, lieuten ant Adams had given a dramatic Il lustration of the position of Lieuten ant Sutton when the fatal shot was fired. The doctor was equally dra matic as he stretched himself upon the table and showed how it was finite Impossible that Lieutenant Sutton could ever have tired the shot that put an end to his life. Couldn't Full TrlKKcr. One of the polntn upon which the witness dwelt with special stress was the Impossibility of Lieutenant Sut ton's being able, under the circum stances described in the testimony, to exert sufficient pull on the trigger of the revolver to bring down the ham mer of the weapon upon the car tridge. . . Dr. Schaeffer stated that he had had much experience in the examlna tlQn of gunshot wpund and had per formed" many autopsies "upon bodies upon which such wounds appeared. Illustrating upon himself, the wit ness assumed on the table the posi tion In which Lieutenant Sutton was described to have been on the ground tium ui-njun rim - r - (Continued on page four.) KILLS ELOPING WIFE li THEY STOLE. CHILDREN Pitiful Tragedy at . Results from Wife's In fidelity. HUSBAND GIVES UP (By Associated Fre-.s.) RALK1GH. N. C. August II. A special from Manteo, N. ('.. says: Al Thompson today shot and killed his wife and wounded W. II S-aman, the man with whom she eloped recently. The wife and S aman had returned and abducted two n in Thomp son's possession, an t to regain jhis sesslon of the . hiblren lie shooting occurred. The report is that Thompson, upon learning that his wile had returned and secured his childiui armed him self with a revolver and went and de manded them S. aman nu t him on the porch and refused to surrender the children, whereupon Thompson shot him down. In the meantime the woman wa seen trying I" . scape with the smaller child In her arms, and Thompson, with the weapon still smoking, shot her dead. At a lato hour Seaman is still living, but the physicians have not been able to ex tract the bullet, wnleh is lodged in his breast or shoulder Thompson hunted the sheriff and surrendered. The women was well connected in Dare county. More pity than censure Is felt Tor Thompson, who declines to make any statement further than that lo loves hi children and would rather die than be pa- rated from thrni Thompson is an xpert mechanic. PASSKNtiKK Still' MISMXti. (By AsM lan-d I're-s.) SIMONS TOWN. Cape Colony. Aug ust 11 The Itrilish cruiser Korte returned here today after an unsuc cessful search for the steamer Wars lull, during which a distance of 1,320 miles was covered The Waratah. a British uteamer. has been missing since July 26. when she sailed from Port NataL She had on board ninety three passengers and a crew of 27 men. A.sheillle is to have another hoise show. Several horse lovers who never tire of talking horses, seeing horses, and exhibiting horses are now perfecting plans to organize the Asheville Mid summer Horse KJiow association for the purpose of giving exhibit Ions each tyoar at a season when there a thousands of visitors In the city who would appreciate the. entertainment afforded them by such a show. Kor several years there has been consider able agitation for a change In the jca.soh of the Ashcville Horse Show association's exhibition, but the di rectors hale clung to the spring sen- sou in suite of the fact that many of them favored a later dale. Now new iissociatiou with strong backing anil embracing many of those who are most intimately int. rested in the old association have almost finished their plans to have a midsummer horse show. The project has gone so far that the dale is announced. It uill'l.e held August 31 to September 1 at River side park. Will He a tumble Show. The show will be given in connec tion with the I Iendersonville horse show which Is to be held August -d, 26, and 27 anil the exhibitors will come direct from the "town down the road'' and bring their exhibits with them here. While the two shows are really one divided into two sec tions, each will be under separate management and will be entirely dis tinct from the other. The purpose, in having both hold in connection Is Induce exhibitors to bring more horses and better horses which they can easily afford to do with the chance of two exhibitions Valuable Frizes. The promoters of the show haw arranged to give a long list of prices which will be part in cash and part In cups but mostly in rash as Is now done at all the more advanced exhi bitions. The prizes will be of suffi cient value to Induce horsemen to bring their horses In from long dis tances. There will be thirty classes of ex hibits at both the llendersonvllle and the Asheville shows, besides several new and entertaining features de signed to brea k the monotony for those who ennnot hnd enough pleas STREET BED CAVES IN AS EIPE EATS INTO WOODEN FRAME OESO.RY. TUNNEL Big Hole Under Lynclilnirg in Danger of Being Block ed Up Entirely. CAUGHT FUOM SPA If K (liy Associated Press.) 1 I.VNCIIHriii;, Va . August 11 ! The temporary work in the tunnel on 'the .Southern railway's new lout. through Lynchburg is being ilemrovcd by tire, which broke out this morning at eight o'clock, the tire b. ing lien menacing tonight than at any lime during the day. The crown, in who h there Is l.r.iMi.OilO feet of south, rn pine and oak timbers and fifty thous and cords of (ire wood Is on fire, and all will burn unless some method can be discovered to stop it The i T'l wood above the wooden crown, all of which was designed to I leased in concrete, rausht tire from a spark from a st am shm.-l. tin spark going through a crack b-iwii timbers which are twelve in. le s thick. l-ate this afternoon the ground al-ovc the tunn. I lagan to . avo in and tonight it Is f.are.l I : v .1 in .lit av nil' . the main thorotiKhfar- to a residen tial section, seems certain to caw. The street' cars hav stopped. ARREST DOCTORS FOR PRESCRIBING COKE SAVANNAH. August II.- Former Co,,,!,, r Ir II it. Stint' v and I r W. W. Ie, while and lr. K. M I'inckney. colon d. arrested to day as the result ..f stat' menis mad in the police court this morning by fourteen men and women, most I v ne groes, who rounded up as tin beginning of a crusad- on cn-aim-sellers. Dr. Lee has not yet made lKnd. but lir. Stanley and I'lnckncv gave bond of $1.(100 .-H'-h. The four teen other dof. n.hrnts were all bound over to the city court The phvsi cians say in. y wrote cocaine pre scriptions only to alleviate suffering, declaring the "fiends" had to have the drug. A score or more of the "fiends" were used as witnesses. ure In watching the noblest of ani mals as he Is put through his paces. .Some Novel Features, in the first place the regulation blue, red, while, and jellow ribbons Hill be dispensed with and a new de sign of ribbons will In adopted for the prize winners. In the entries there will also be several new classes be sides several features which will be both Interesting ami amusing. Among these will bo a pony race for ponies under 14 hands and also a mule race for mules under fourteen hands. In these it is planned to introduce enough of the comic to make them serve as a diversion from the more sorious entertainment ot the stow. A class In color will also be Introduced in which prizes will be awarded for the best colored bay, grey, black and chestnut horses regardless f size or sex. Will Hold Tournament. At llendersonvllle the show will last three das and there will be events enough to till all three. r'eat Ules of the show there will he till! polo pony race which proved to be one ol the most inleresiinc icaiures of the exhibition last year. On the last day there will be a horselMi'k tournament and a fancy horse back trill In which many expert horsemen will take part and as a climax to the whole. Hi. re will be the grand coro nation ball at the Hotel dates on the last night when a ipieen of love ami beauty will be crowned by the knight who may be so fortunate as to win at the tournament. Tlese two shows will attract crowds of summer visitors from all the sur rounding mountain resorts ami will really be the social climax of one of the most sin e, sslnl seasons the "Land of Ihe Sky" has had for many years. With a double bill there Is every prospect, too, of making the show such a great success that It will be come an annual affair In which the two cities may Join to their mutual pleasure and profit. . . The officers of the Asheville Mid summer Horse Show association will be elected as soon as the incorpora tion papers are ready, and then an nouncement of the present and fu ture plans of the association will he. f Continued on p-.;ge six ) GOVERNMENT'S LEPER IS ENTIRELY WELL BUT CANNOT USE HIS NAME After Keeping Him Impris oned a Yea i' Grateful Re public Cuts off Pension. FAMOUS CASH ENDED NKW VoUK', August It. John K;irly, thr man who (or a yrar wjs cnnlini it hy t h 'Vf-rnm'-iit awl health authoriti' s f Washington, who i hartt"l that hi was ;t vwr ami who later wa.s liisrarm-rl frni t'lintmly, ha foil ii 'I a rrf iirc In New York city. Willi Ins mother, wife and their wn small ihillrn. Karly in living in the sulHirt'H of Brooklyn. I'ri'h r hi ini'hlU' tiame, havlriK lrnji''( the Karly, he Ih ornipylnn n cuttaav- K'mif distanee from the Bt.i tion nf inn; of the lines that nin to th. ea h. Although it ha now l.een tt hnit' ly (I'-t'TfuiiH'tl that Karly h not a 1 r ami never was, th man ami Juh family f' keenly the mHltfon In which h has he. n placed. Thfy fear that when his identity lienimes known In will he pointed nut upon the stcet . that the family will le oBt ra- in d and that the little home will he broki ti up Via. I am Karly.' he mm hi yrter day. "There i.s only om- thing ) would ask . and that is. pleaju- do not print the lN-ation of thin tvftisp. We are. here and are happy. I am not living under my own nam, beranwe if I did the people in the fiel;hhorhood would nhun me. "It is tough to have to fo through life se-kifi work under another riaun. loit tiiat im what J trnwt do. Should I nei'k work under my own It Won ltj Im refuse! inc." ' Mv h us ha ml lie v f r had leprosy," said Mrs. Karly. II- werked in a pa per milt in Nor'h Carolina, where they uMed the KtiofiK'tt of acid Sev eral of the men were affecte! hy the at ids and had hlood poisoning. " hen my husband aked a doctor in Washington to trat hirn. and th doctor did not know what the trouh was, my husband atd, 'Maybe l have leprosy. 1 1 Raid this In a Jok". The doctor called In a board of health phy sician, w ho detoriTiint'd It waa lep- mm J I There wenj four love matched made, aud they were all bench in the reriielerv. New Bern Sun. MINISTER MARRIED MIJSlT OF MONEY, ASKS AMPLE ALLO WA NCE OF ALIMONY Rich Wife Tired of Her Violet Tinted Romance When She Found Her Preacher Husband Was Only a Piano Salesman Who Wanted so Much "per" ; and Wanted the "per" Badly At Any Old Time. (NlMi-tal to TIk- flllwn.) WASHINGTON, Auit1 1 1 --N. wb has ln''ii twelve. I In WAMhlRfftun that tin1 Kev. Ki'ltfHt Orowll, r..r nieilv pastor of Cumni-rilii Ktitlwrii chiirrh, Twentlpth uti.t ( atreet, unit now of Cincinnati, Ohio, hu In en de nliil a petition tut alimony lllinl analiiHt lila iecnnit"wir; whom he niarileil after kavlng Waabicgton in 1894. Thla news also ijMiught to light th fact, uaknuwn to 1 forftfeVtwrTim- lonvra In WaHhliuftnn, -that th'lr fnr mer patnr ha twice bo. n th? le ff'titant In lh..rr. nuttn (ileil liy IiIh wife on thf r.Miiul that lir iliil not mako enouKli iimiii- y to snfp.rt hi-r- leaving WantiliiKtou Mr IrpwItz lt ihe ministry to a. piano sHlfNiiiHii, while ein.,vi.. liy tho Afollaii emiii'any. ol I 'im In iih 1 1 , married Mrn. "(iIhi wealthv- widow, who wan n-pnti-il to ti worth our $500,000. Iti.lh sinl.i for itlv.o.'e wire denied on tin cmiiiikI that Mi. Hrw Itz know her ieiMl-.ihd wa.-i not weul thy when sir married him The Rev Mi Inowil. wan for nix yearn pantr ( ' 'niK'nrdla cliuri'li arid was one of 'h' Im wt kin.w n inlniHterH YATCH FLEET SCATTERED BY CAPE CODE SNOmTER Only .Six Out of Twenty Ar rived ;tl I Mid of Tempes tuous Tiiii. (liy As HOHTON, An "anorter" pi". llKhlly aiMirre.. York Yacht i to coi it 1 i'.i i' land coat. It I'ortland, aiei of a Biiiulr..ii olily it Hcant li In tho hail."' rent of the !! torn, are ha I-. Iht! eoiust, or . miles i.n Hlie,' tO MtjhHllle. it Will 1,1 fore thu lull known, f..r n ti'tnpi-Ht noun m yachtlnif orn.n The KchooM' iniiKts off 1'" KP anor wan IlKht, the m ). liowsprit carl. and the m . . i . hack Into V i her lop iiiaM boom and t: .:: . lined lrn.) t 1 1. A Cape 'od i ' "i much .r Hi. Iita of t he New II et In their i If.irt ''fT the New KlIK- V meyard Haven l- - maet tonlnhf. mit iimhu tlian u Her.-, I -Zen lay at uie h-.r I deatlnatlon The me battered and j.' .ti.'cteil bayii il'.v. n ' II tuinbliiiK ale. lit ting for the aoan lyH, probably. b -of rhe run . one of the rre.Ht i lory of tlo i,,p M f i) In the count t . ma lout both t..p- I Kip, the Hi,,,,!, ii ted off ("ape ('. el Muriel had In r ay off tho Cap. . m.i waa t..w. .1 I Haven with. ,ut ' vlth a split iiuiiu WASHINGTON Aiiguat II I'ore raat: North Carolina: Partly cloudy Thursday und Krld.-iy. moderate varia ble wind moetly cant. - thai i 'A I, In Vahlhfttn. Hlnce h left the i ap Ital to HKKiune a etiurgo In an ulilo i Ity very Jlltle haa hi.fn heard of hlin, .'i v .if IiIh liiriiier parlHliloin rM knew that Mr Drewlt Iiiul Jpft the iiiIiiIk Iry iintU the netVH of tho illvoreti mo It lirotiKht by hl wlfs attrart.'d wide at tention and roaehed Wa-thliiKton. Mr. DrewlU'i flrt wldi died In Washington., Aftor ber dDaUi ha airf farttd k liervoua bfeakifowR. od thli wn larRcly re(Knllllo oP 'feV iuk nis nnxiiniKion cnargo ana wwr for loavinif tho inliilnlry. Iln waa km Hei oinpllxht'd muKletaii mid nttrm ted wide atlentl'.ii here hy making line of his imiMleal ahlllly III iiiiiiieclliin with his ifiinlHleiliit work Often he played I he piano at hla own aerleea and he wax uIho known In miiHieal elrelen, lieinii; a Irfipient I performer al reellala lie coinioed a. ! iiiimlter of rellloiiH anilieiiiH. t After a hr. f ervee In hi WeKlPrn I field he left the rolniMlry to ai'enpt a pohltlon with the Aeolian eompany, I of Ciiii lnriai I. It wa.s w hile employ .l with thai 11 r in thai lie met Mr linden, a wlilow, whose f.irtune la i at more 111.; n t:,00.llon Ilia inarrlaK' with the widow wiih the enl- CLYDE LINER HELPLESS; SENDS M. D. MESSAGE Slic Nad Many Passengers A hoard When Accident Oceiirretl off Coast. HKAI'I' i HT, N I'.. Aimiiiii II The Hleatn.HllIp Arapahoe nl the Clvde line, fur Jiii'kH'HH III. and K.i i aim.i h. If. mi ,Vw York, broke p.-r tail haft IIiIh all. rn.ion ai i.n ..'. Im k mid i. ported h H llm M.ili'.o al 4 ..'. ... k sin v. a.i dlllllliK lielpl. SHly The hlp at the time that xln- Hand. ,d In r "' U I'" wa lAeriiy mie Inil'i HoiithweHt .if 1 iiaini. ml Steal hht mIiI.. The wind if. wlr'.tiK fr-.m th' n .rlh .ant and Ik ditl'llni; Ih' Kino in i"lior . Khe h Ii. aillv ..:id"l and hai .idiI". a number of i ..i m- iikih on l".anl The rev. mi. i nil. r .11 1 1 r 1 1 1 r i if t . T l . N. ', i." NTI'.lk. h i . o .lllii d. us have tux jloiii; (lie eo;ui, ..n. many ol tlivm ale now n .dins on in find the dual. led xhlp and rcii.pT aid I' la e.t 1 1' ' I ' ' I lion Home of will i . a ' ii III.' v. c li.-l.T" Miorri li, J Msnl' Ihe XllollK IIOI I III UHl u j '. I the . .1 I.- Olod.-r,, I e I I.. Ile . l t ha t a io.oii a.-i li... eonii on aoundJUKM, will anchor, u.i here fire rcaKHurinHT tin tin In . .', I'ai'liu th. li,lp and f.ul I, im in no (rn' danK'T. They . i .1 nt that Him will have a tow .1. I t. :..oil- that the Htcamer h- 'l I line, arrived to ;.;i ho .. i i; p rn Tli f 1 1 j -...In. a ..' and poHHIblW will ':. ...ii... in tow and thus , : a,-, i.dl. TOOK Itnl'i: KOlTfc. (It V -s" IllK'll I'rTHH.) HOANOKi: Va . Annual II Henry I'. I'iunk.n farmer, co-cm tug- front a if -! day afternoon I l.y a n 11'j children. a ITanklln county ft..! Mul.lde by hang- jn h) orchard ycMt'T lli ,.y waa found eavm a widow and ton KfUft1 5i ipv! if S 5 ft v pnt ot 1 I ;r engineered on one certain niliiMllon of a romanee Unit Penan when Mr. Orewlt, ployed Ihn piano for Mrs. OKdcn while" mIk wan lying mil.iUHly 111, JaimlliiK ehonlH noon intirrrd tha harmony of the Drcwltx lioniv. Twliu Mra. Drew 1 1 him nind for dlvonn and aat, iviH'k a Utlott for aliiUottjl JUoA by Mrv Irewlta wa rofuae'd. fiiiAtitb ;;hwrlnf ot tho piil"n laat week Mra. firewlti teatlfloit that ltllr hoiieyrnoon waa apent In a violet lined .ipei lal ear on a lour throtiidt tho Month. She aald "lie payed all thn expetmeH of thla trip. Shu hint malu an expeiiHhe city eHtalilmh im nt uii'l a ronntry estate To thla Mr. In-ewllB had free ' hut ho preferred ho rrmrh wr per week or per month or per any old time. JiihI Ho the "per" eiiine at atuted Intervali) Mm. Drew lU did not e It that way and III" petition for nllmoiiy followed. At the hint hearltiK Mra. I'rewlU urouned JmUki- Culdwi Il n Ire l.y refer- (t'ontlnued on patre four.) Woul.l Nave Them Out ol Kail road Trains and 1'uh lie Schools. (Ity AHiclaleil I'rfHH.) It A I I ; 1 1 , N ('., Aim II Iln it ale hoard of health bcaaii thla w..u to piiHh the tight aKalUHl public . It ink ii.K ii i . m In railroad Htallon i mil 1 1 1 1 II ' , pnlille Hcli'Mda and 'I'.l' v 'Chi hoard will ure the mho of Individual ilrinkiUK copH itiHleait A vendor Ioih Ih .ii pbn d In He li. alth office which dl p. c vv ..i p. r paraffinn cupa. e.i. h in tie I'iiiii of a driiilviiiK Kl.i 'I! nr.- open In form Tie v nc lor a iurtiey In a lalho.el I folded .itcl i.n ic iiolle.l pocket or ..i-c. i. ,l,. i, ,! Tic ant horll I. point iiiIciiouh drinking I. peopji'. Ulllli'illt ll . aii'l I one cyp I a. Ik in i i . -1 i ii illptb.'t i-i. i'i.' Ol h'-r Ilia t tlM'.llie 'I I ' ' have prohibited tin o- I Hint pro ni ill' 1 III lli , out ol - ' ' ,! 1 .f I II In 'I l, -i mon I.I , a Ic I Sollli' il e ol ( olillnoli that til" lo. al ii. Ii action .-I' Ml, It. .11 illKO e tupH and It i.n fall lualth official,, i,,v..i The Norfolk K K Ohio nd I', n n.. I v a n. i railroad" are now fiirni ohIiv id. oil drink Inn cupa throiit h .'i...r.i at a p. nny a cup. lKt I.IM. ItK.II I' TO VOTK. (It NOlialCll lfM.) WASHINGTON. A'iRiiat II. - Wash ington p. ..(il may riot ibi ldiv them M-lv i-h whether lopior may Im- moPI i.r Klu-n away In the dlntrlct. If the dw tllct i ommlH-loiiera have anything to mv al.oi.t It. The hoard today for warded lo cniiKreHji an unfavorable report on the bill authorizing- clti jciih of tho dialrict to oto on the excise law. t -'(Avf J.' . . W ''W v'u S" fV' ilHY .IV.t DID NOTHING AND THE STATE IS THANKFUL Extremists Gould Not Agroo Upon Tholr Individual Eccentricities (lly Akmm'IkUmI PriMM.) .ATLANTA, On.. Aifiiflt 11, Th il.iirKl.v ni'iieriil naaeinbly adpuirninl tonlKht with nilxeil fwllnKS of Mre and pleamure. Thn lexlHlatnra rexrelc ted that tho coital It ut tonal limit nt the sewdon hail 1k(ii reached; tin Kinernl publlu rejoiced that tho n4 liad come. The aewhin Jimt lermlnateil will probnibly iro down In hlxtory tha om- in which biw real work for th public wittt Aooninpltahfxl anil mora frrak lenllatlon throutenod thn any othr In Uui misnmry of tha oldeat in habitant. That much of th Itttof waa do roiled waa duo to th (1 lupo id tin. n tho awiemJily oarly dlnplayal to diKputo ewry hill lntnxltic(1. , , Tf of thu tnoaauro which roeelvojf the bi ron nest upport uion tho part of the moat adwneoil pcopla, rxivuf reaeheil n hoarlnir In oltllof botuw. f tliMMl McaMurc Iwt. Orui waa tho conipulory etluratlon hill. It provided that each child In the atato under tho ago ot fourteen miiMt attend Bchiuul at leaat thro month a year. Thla hill iwa fnugh.ll IroiiKly hy nprtaln Inflnrnrra. Thor are over 20,o0 i'llternt In th atat. Thn Miiwt (-ffrHitlve argument tUftA iiRliiHt tho bill n nd one which pmn ably It from 'tlinir a hoarliK, won the -"wHor lino." Th pponntii of the hill chinifed tlmt it would foroa the nnirrn Into tho choola. lva tbm a ntter eiluxation than whltd an.l make thorn mora Quotee than vr. , The ntlwr meaaur Wrongly emlnrn d waa the ono to ultmU a mitltu tlonal amendmont to tha paopl, t.i dn elite whAlMit.iW'i'lH1ihav''tifMiatwr linit(nd t mneflhr MH af, alirtltlil timet only in each alternaln yar. Thla waa aduncated hy linaiiiewr nr gnniziillona all oyer the ataLp 4iut u criis'tlviidy opxnd thy th polltlotan. A resolution favoring a eunatHutKinal ("onllnue(l on w four.) RIVER LEAVINGITS BED OVER WIDE TERRITORY Many Liven Lost and H.'ort" of HniiifH Arc Swept Away liy Flood. j KAMILIKK LOST ALL (lly Aiilaleil Trexa.) VIONTKKKV, Mexloo, Ailgoat l l I'i Santa '.Tbirlnia, rivor Iih i"- lurn--i to llv mr.ka today leaving ... ... ..I del, laifcta and d"Jtru)iort r. ih. Hi.iith. in part of tho city. Kour- I'.o liv , are known io have b '-. .1 tod . 'I I In. lit on J.laee Ihe nuill'ier i IhkIi hliy. The n.u-l ftciii.i ...ill iiev i I." kivwn o,i ih- Itai-rio of i.ui I .iiMii.i, whoro nniat "f th dam- tiii. il, la Inhabited b tha pn r- i l.c'-e . mowtly and icLirfrccupt' 1 I, hi . .f. WHHhcd away. fiver hit lioiidie.l limine hiive hi Kti waide 'I ,i i v o ilu-i one dkorict and pnv II ,11. .11 ih. in- '"ft. Mlahdiiiir are ni' ! or I. il.i oiJii'.d. Th-' pinple reture , -I to Hie rttr.i h'-n dl.itrtet to.lay aid ,. i,i i:i. iioi. .a cleanlio; the d'" it t unci Iroin lie lion.-. Many tan - it,. ) h .v. I .nt nil their IHa-.;iioiii hi, I i t lo tn. Tin it I. i.u II I i of tic . is Knit, i itix ainocj nil limiM1 V-.l r a 'n i ic.- man io it I.IK mw iioiolnir poo). l lio '.id. -euil t Id '-. r eel Ions were Innndat-d .i'i'! t't'l for. . d to lie v '.ut. TO livrlif plant v. a 'i.. in i-''d. a a.. . i h,; iron, r plant th" xirect r.. I vac sviti'in. Tli." rainw wntlnii .md .mo 'lor l-i ckp'-'dinl In tha S.mta 'atrirloa loini.rr'oy. 'Hi., rnt:riil i mn ni" tl' d up on i- -- ..out "f v:i"moiI'i n.irih and wvnlh f iln .ity and re tratna havo arrlvait lo r. )iii' .- Tuesday. - Itltol I I'- IN lltt.INT A. WIM '!l .:STI-;i!, V.i , Aueunt It. The nr. .il corn li' ldg of Northern Vir. itlnia nr. hitrnlng up The severest drouth "f year la prevailing, and for more than itlx iveoka little If any rain hen fallen In thn Shenandoah and I'aKc valley. Ktream arc lower than , !'.,r '..nm and many are dry. Tha . urn rop will be almost a total fall lire, while all growing- crop. are cut hurt. j