THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: SHOWERS Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. 297. AXHKVILU:. N. C., FRIDAY Muk'NIMi, AlUiTST 100!). PRICE FIVE CENTS. L E T1TJF LIQUOR He Who Tastes It. Touches It Has It. or Advertises It Is Taboo DENIED THE RIGHT OF BEING PROPERTY May be Stolen, or Disposed of In Any Way Apparent ly Except by Drinking ' (By Associated I'ivs.) MONTGOMERY. Ala., August 12 It 18 expected that the hill drawn by Representative Fuller and design ed to cover alt loon hole s fur evasion of the prohibition arts of Alabama, will be put on IIh passage tomorrow 11 the house. The measure is declared to be the most radical prohibition bill ever drawn. Declaring possession of Ihpiors, ex cept in residences. Illegal, the hill provides that such possession shall te prima facie evidence th;U the li quors are kept for sale; It prohibit ing companies from advertising in toxicants, prohibits such advertising on bill boards and excludes dodge or other printed matter advertising liquors from the state. The pO.She-.s-Bion of a federal license to sell In toxicants is made prima facie evi dence of violations of the law. When liquor Is delivered to any public place, the delivery Is an evidence of sale. Broad I"owitx Olven. Officers are given the right to break open and raid any building in which it is suspected liqtlcVs aru stored. ' If a drunken person Injures anoth- jer in any way, the person who sold fthe liquor which produced the nnm Itpnnnu lea liultle. fnp da ..j au . . ... th Injured person. Witnesses In liquor cases arc com pelled to testify or be guilty of con tempt; servants may not be excused from testifying against employers. Sheriffs must publish monthly In newspapers as well as by placards, In large, black type, -the names of per sons lh their respective counties who possess ttnlted States Internal reve nue licenses. Prohibited liquors are not to bo treated as personal property but ad- (Cont ilnioel on pace two ) SOLD MILLIONS IN ORE FOR PITTANCE OF S500 UNO 0IE0 IN POVERTY Robert Womack Who Dis rovcred Tripplo Creek PasseeS Away. LOST IT GAMBLING COLORADO KPRINOS. 'd . Am- 12. Robert Womack, I; .1 as tie ilscoverer of Cripple Cree k, elj. el he r esterdav In peeverlv. iniitl.-i nig the iKSt of the new tie-hls he ho,.il vt t'e find te replace- the t'li million lnr claims he sold for $ .101 Womack was the- .seen e.t a T'oitv niner." Robert Womack, sr.. !" in the latter eighties had l-fl I" his son the heritage of a elre-ain - the eld which the father had sought 111 vain for forty veals would he- r- ve,ie-. n-ar Cripple Cree-U, It the son kepi up the seare-h The fathe r .toil, young W'eimark took hi-s pi as .1 pios- I -e tor. and in spite ..1 1 1,. .-.-ri 'ihers. ranged about Ho- e'r-c-k "iintry with sb'eve-l and divining rod - for twenty years. Then one day In lUdl he hit the yellow ledge His fri'-nels told Him II "vhs ' fool's gceld"; his terofh. r-en law snd partner took it to the ne-ares-t as av- office only after davs e.r prot.-i He came hark with a government certificate to show that He- ' Unci" av eraged H.ldfl lo the ton. That news made Hob Womack cm elay and broke him two day.s afte-r-ward. For. after staking cent, every lalm throughout the length ami breadth of the gold lead. In- we nt into town, spent all his nugg. ts over Un bar and at a ne-arhv ronl. tt. table old aH his claims f'.r f.MUi more in Jcnrder to make a final wager on the -ed and a week later was digging jold with a shovel for the man who htti bought his rights !.. one eef the greatest mines the- world has ever ikneiwn. nit. .iacohs itirrTFix. WAi5HIN"OTN. August 12. Rev. Pr William V Jacobs, a well known PteBhytcrlan clergyman and eeluiator "f Clinton. S. ('.. who was thought have been latallv- iniured bv being r-r down hv n team e.n Penu.-vlva-nl avenue eevcrtll days ngn, win re cover, according to the atte nding phy sician at the Emergency hospital. GAR A IfJ ALABAMA IS TH THA W IS SENT BA CK TO MA TTEA WAN FOR THE PUBLIC S GOOD Judge Mills Finds Him Hopeless ly Insane as When he Shot Stan ford White Believes Theory of Sexual Perversion. (fly Associated lrt'ss.) WHITK PLAINS. N V . August I.'. Marry K. Thaw's latest aiiempt to gain his liberty nu t with cuiiipli 1. ami disheartening defeat today when Supreme Court Justice Isaac1 N Mills dismissed the writ of habeas corpus, and declared that "the n h of the petitioner would be dangerous to He public peace and safcl.v." Tho sign ing of an order sending Thaw hark to Matleawan Is a if that remains to complete the failure of this late st ap peal to the courts. Then is no crumb of c.eiule.rt for Thaw in the 7,0110 word opinion handed down by Justice Mills todu. All the contentions or iMstriet Attor ney Jerome are supported, ami it is declared that Thaw is still insane, and sill! as much a paranoiac as on the lay ho shot Stanford White. Thaw Not Untried. Thaw, waiting in the White Plains Jail, at tin- rear of the court house. Where the decision was llled. received the news with outward calmness. The members of his family and his attor ney seemed stunned hv the thorough ness of their defeat. Thaw declined to give out any cxreiieh-it statement ntinting himself with tie- assertion that his next efforts will l. rente re et upon the Court of Appeals. through which he expects tee n. e Hie a hearing before a J ur in li is ff"tt to have- his coiiiiiiilineut 1 1 . .M. '.te avian set lusble. The ease be fore tile' Court .ef Ap peals Is eene which has uinler Consille'lal ieell feer Some time. Ills Opinion or Thaw Justice Wills ill his opinion today reaches three formal conclusions: That Thaw was insane w he u In killed White ; I hat lie has Vet le -. eeV e reel ; that i .1 1 1 I i - peace and salcly wnmlil ndangerrd by se tting him at large. He upholds District Attorney .J ro !in? in his contentions that I ha .v still cherishes delusions regarding inn practice of Stanford White and his associates. He characterizes je.vetyn Thaws tale of th,t ftlajjison Squunj tower room and similar stories about While told at the sanity hearing, as "wild and grossly Improbable', evi dently t" any normal mind grossly exaggerated." He' a snorts his belief in the testiuieiny eef Susan Merrill re garding Thaw s all. ge el pervert pra. - liei's. and point rent the contrast bo- ARGUMENT IN SUTTON CASE WILL OE HEARD BY NAVAL COURT TODAY Keport of the Court -Must Then Go to Navy Depart ment for Final Action. ADAMS CALLKD AGAIN (Hy Associated I less ) ANNAPOLIS. Mel . August 1 Af- te r an lnc. ligation extending eever " pellocl of more- than thlee- wi-e-k.-, tin naval it "I ni'iu 11 v ni'o the deal h of l.leUleUant . I lilie s I eloll. C S N- , . (,, ,,. 1 lob. r 1.:. i:m;, tin sh the- taking of I. ..Union-. O'.iav p. now the- si, milling 111 ingo mctits ai' t-. I" mad' - I,, rl ll tin '11 pie-pHle- IIS re- ami I.elW.llcl II '" th.' II.IVV eie pari men t t fed bv Hi" " P' Maii.r I eii .1 1. 1 nid-:. :Icm at-. Stale .1 th.ll ll'- Weeeild b.l - IC 0"-ll- ,g a.l.ll.-s to ne.el.e en h- I, ,11 of the K.,v-'riiiii. nl unh s .,. 11, u g might . said that v. 11 1'l t.eiii'ie ..lana- t ion eel I'- h I V The pes- .-N c ' 1 1 01 -I I" M S. h.c ff. r. "f - hiiig'-i' " '' ' " ,., as ;.n M.' 11 en g-'C h-.l nnds. va- liinslie-l lb. "i ' llvi.otl,.tl. -el I ' ' lions tiL-or. ! 1 I"--1 I'- 1,1 tie. 11 hv M 1 Hit I e , 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 a - I to la. -ll ,01.-1, A.l.ini-I-. ill iit-l rate tenant Adam- "i ' a'1''"' was again e.illeel ie.- e, t the movements "I S'H'"U Iiroslrnte on the gioijei l lal night. Or S. ha' ff' 1 a. he- lav ,n lie- fa . - - n. I - is iem was that mob r th- eon-leti-.n Lh etc leant Sutton e-.uM i."l have- shot! hims. If. CnrmVP flHT OUltUlJUn UUl TIRED OF GAME Wll.MINOTo.N In I . Aug 1 - Iiis...v.rv was mad. to.lav that s. - r - geanl Mav Hloe k th. c oa--t artil-l l.-rv. .stationed at f-'ort Hupont. had! comnuttuel suirlele la.-t night by shoot-, - - ing hini.-ilf with In, 1 ille He had! MAlHilt), August 1 - A '1 '. ie . s r. -propped tin rifle .ucilnKt a wall and jeelved hen- fetaie that the Moors t-.-tie-d a string tee th.- trigge r which j day attiu-kecl a company "f Hpanisli he piiMcel at't.r placing his body I 1 n la ntrv while it wan changing its against the muzzle Mon.v losses are ! and that in the lighting two believed tee have causeel Rl or k to k 1 1 1 j S JeJ ll i n nl Were wounded. The en - himself. His home wa-s in Morgan. my. how ever, was driven oft with a Alabumu. 1'jos. IUe. TIl.lUS I'llll all ella .lit le an .1 plotcileer eef VeMlUg A 1 1 1 e' It . .1 O WO (i It. .. .e I ami hi:, In, Jush. e Mills . pr, - ., .1 ,1, . , n mp.l- , H for Mis. Murv f.epley Thaw. Iln pi iseener's ineelher. ami her . XpoMll.ill "I Hie heei rurs of Majtte ' on the staml evidently preempted Ins I. .0111- iii'iielation that Thaw b.- allowed gre ater pri il.-g, s at that institution May Help l iclin. Not the' le-asl stglillie alll Se-nle ne e- ill Justice .Mills' de-vision, in the ..pln- hell eef lawyers lleTe. IS OIIC U ll It'll ee- clares that Thaw's delusions lial I i tVe olile- 1 i A. I i ami pl'leir tee the tune- eef his marriage. It Is poiul eel out that this s nt lire inai. it ,e- -ll'e . pl'eVC grollllel. le,!' pl'e ee ei'i I I gl hi .Mrs. Klelvii Thaw lor He .lllliul 1 11 e 11 1 of he r marriage Thaw was visited lale- i e 1 .1 , hv his attorney, Charles Mien hause r ami hy his mothe r ami sister All..-, the lorni er countess eef Varmeeiith .Mrs. Thau's Klaleit . I -a 1 1 - tonight Mrs Thaw, att.-r talk ing eeve-r the- situation with lor seen, wrote out the teellowillg S-1 . 1 ( I 1 1 1 lit pir Till' Asseeeialed Press: "lad no one iiliagine' for a Itleillle lit on nueliiig' Ibis opinion of Judge Mills' that it nne'ltis a victory tor the district atteeriie-v tor the roiinly of New Y.erU. "line hy e-ne the eleliisiotis with u hie h he anel his alienists stal le d eeut were proven, curb lev the- inolllhs of Sicml WlllieSSt-.s, lo he St llhlee em facTs that Wllllhl Hot eleeWII lit III- hieeg 'Lvcrv preep was lake-n Hoin iinde-r that arrogant, iuelictic pe-r.-e-cut'er of a sane, ariuit't.-d man. "See buttled was he' that when ho rose- to piake his eleesing sperrh tteer argetnieut it was not 1 he had ineei-e- the appe-arunrr eef a schoolboy ceempclh-d to say a ph-e-e than the- some-t i nies eeeurage'ous, Iniltlire- Hoplliwl Willi elolll- inates the- courts of his Judicial dis trict, exce it when wealthy male-factors are under trial. Sounds I'lilH-althy. Tox. "It is impossible to fmlHirn the wnrkihgs of lh' human mind, and so the- re-amon fer this totally un, xprc-t'-d ami cruel decision eef the trial Judge niu.'-l remain a mysle-rv. "Meanwhile my son. my daughter an.l I have no alternative hut tee take- (Continued on pag1'- four.) WAS KILLtU WAS NUWILt BUT WAS A BIGAMIST Man Who Slew Her and Her Paramour Had Serv ed Term for Same Crime. rniLDKKN TH LI KS RAl.KIOFI. N C. August I J A pecial flcuii iMane e,, N" c '., av ; ' The- preliminary exa initial ion eit A. -pbeim ).son this iiieeining t-.i the kill- lllg eef Ho Woman Vvl,',. Ile'e hailllng thai lie 1 marriage t-e Th.eiiiesou w-.os feuant-eus. elope-el ami loairie-l S Seaman aiul re-fuiicd lore, .ilti-miet lug tee gel the two 1 hihlie 11 born while living wllh Thorn pseell, faihel to cllSel'eSe OIIC element 'I ell ee(e-,e I In- l'sllllioiiy was to tie e ft.-et that Tll'-mpeSofl VVt'llt t'e tile- ll-oeis-e- vVlle-re lli" had Mopped and le. gan sbooinm w ii leiiit a word. 'riioni is' en has not long -iii.c- in-ish.-'l a term in the- Viigmia .-t.cte lec nite ntiary feir bii:aiiiy. II app. ars ntirilv nnconc . 1 ti'-el. with friends about lh- shee.luig Sianiau is -till living, but is in a critical con dition. GOV. SANDERS ON ROAD BUILDING (R .HK-lttl-l Pri-H-.) RATON Rol'Ol:. I.a . August 1J. Adcire3Kini? the- lycnn.-la ,a Oooel Itoaels , onvention here tccclav. Oovern-.r Sun- 'le-ls ail II'MI llf id that there iK ll'eW c-e,risicl ration a ir. .posit ion to dispo . .ef all hut one .,f th. statu I p. nai Millie, nil'! i-i eis. mi e -.nvie;i I large-lv ill road buil-leng. -The na- "',ni'! ?'v-rnni..nt Kh.,, construct I national roadu -onne ling 'v. rv stale "! " '' o.-.r ;San - .Is 'Th' stale -hoilhl .-.tlstril't ' r '-- ' '.I.e. ting -v 1 v ntv beat ith iv.jrv other cutitv I1TTLL WITH MOOK.S. hot Weather Thanks. -p-o riV L L. A (Anroot4 JM1) nt ftnr,0, 'norJr' COMPELLED TO BUY BACK CHILD THROUCHTHE COURTS OF RUSSIA American Girl's Ambition to Shine in Royalty of Europe Cost Her Sad Experience and Good Sound American Dollars, WWch Will Support Her Roue Ex-Husband. (SMcial to The Citlcn.) 1 Cllc.e;ii. A ugiiHt 12 -Th.- Rus sian court yesterday roc e-tveel a suin eef --4 -mi -r.-i I tbo-iiMaucl francs troin th family of Ihe (Nciintewa of Hi.vrkl. of! 'htra,go. and 1 1 to vmir tuw Jii.ule- liJlalj di-oree, anuoiniltig rhtit the formet , M'Ish I'leanor ttteernon be be given : Imincolialely the ciiHlmiy of Iot child. This 1h the llrm tVma In tin- mMiVrii hlHtorv of Ian oi an royalty- that a gov ernnieirt Iiiih vlrtuM)f ls- n paid to rccsloro a, baby to lt Weother Tie-XL-nteMiViirent nJ.- 1 cMHd tw' nt the mwt rcvmeH-rkiuhles rmnnitm Mrt do mestic Bchlxjms in the aJU(ff ttcf natlonnl marrlaiff.. Misis KletfiiHir .tccrsc.n. rtftnegthl'-r of one of Chicago's niche -i rwn- Ko' e it W PalteieMioii -mi'l ili tVmnt Ci.v-c-M In Waslklngleon in t'oit. anel tn,,'--I-" d bun there. Ib i e,rcirtH . . 1 j. . 1 -eel, and nhe vwaa warn.el Ih't the- mid ec--agel ieniiil she- evils making h- c hlfs-halnl hail higtl life records li.een Prdc-rsrliurg to Ron Ihel hIioiiI.I se riously llleonvenleih e- lm,, n suitor Rut the stcH-lc-tv girl only I.., ine the more dclc-rmiic el in .crept bin MIRACULOUS E Engine Went I vn llni Ib'Uikment of Tin rt v l'' -t antl No One W'.is Killed. to One ( 'ni')or,'tt ion. (Rv AsMM'Inlecl l'n-.. (Re, A--. liiic-,1 n ) MRIS'ltiL, T, mi , A a,: . I I- While I N V I U.K. Va . Ang.i'-l I.'.- A down grade at He I lie id l.ilv m. i g, i ,.f lh, Rive mil, c ..lion mllli miles an beeiir. He- u .,si,iiig,.ii ami ami lie- Inn lll'.ei Pow.i and Manu- Challailoog.i . I !! h- faelellileg . e.Mlp.lllV. I "I the l.llg. Si hound h (I the Ira. I Sonllnin ,,,lt-.,, mill , ,,i ,., i a I ion s in He South, railway two mile s .-. I -I Midway, i n.-e I. d h-te lo.lav ,,l ... p.uaie Tc mi , at 1 e,-( ,klh e" re ll Th. ,,,, .i,ur ..I Ho -I .. I I,. I 'I le engine liiliied ov. r .ll.-d thirl- name -.f II, . n- -,, will I-- f. ' down a haul,. hv Mo- 'h l.'n.l'l.h and le, In .1 ' ' . I c . . 1 1 mail and l.aggag, - - i.r. 'ai.-. mill, who h will I,...- . I in expi- A.s H 1,., a lima, le t i was killed. I .1 .d $1 ' '" i p- ' p" ! hilt te n pe..,b- . "'el. lie. Iml ' " ' "el H 'ilphi Th- ii. g Kngii r S.iiii.1. '- "I Kne.x . ie."ii I i I'" mil V ill. . w ho is I .- 1 1 - - ' b. fatally hole-. hint He bad a . . bed and a lb. !..-. mill- lo re hiev. b- . u lira. hole cut III hi- h, a -I 1,1 'N sea s le ail . . 1 1 1 r . . 1 1 . . I a ml op.-l ll. d I.'. Ihe R injiiii-.l ar. lie- ' . a. s. able. I. sam. n,i-.slw, th, . ,ll . , , ., ,,-1 .In, . John I; Shi. ,s. im ss. n.-e r, h ,ng th. eii'i- Th. '''-- mil hint internalli . l a. I" - '. p. .Mill! I 1 ' apil.ll l"l III He. Rl.-lteld clerk. , rippled. Mai, -' ' paascn '.n.p. ihe .ai.i,i nelu nv, i- i- gc-rs w. rc- Kh.-iler, i ! received . h - for Him .in-l -' half million hruis. y ami -an le s f rigim- and pel -n -I -Ik i t ' ' "' -- k in He four . ars are a ...rn; ' v reck. Th.; ' "opar.v a., .,i.,ng o.i. It- s were irll i ele-rs with- Hi ' i" of th, no igi r Improve- oul -erioiih!.. injur, i,. -f Ho- pus- u-m- -.1 a-,l,i.,i,, that will cost singers Th.- in,,, I - v is split In ,,h.,i' - iiuia-a, -l .ll.i-- t,..w in two ami He llc.r I. forty fei-l i.e-r'- Mi- biin l:i..r plant into a to -hi with I'-- ' " R VV I l: hi' Id will continue as limit ami I-av IT,- - ging lo It pr -. -1- i ' II R. "g- .aid a-i Til. I.C t that Ho .... . Pent r.llle.l . . ' "e'l-UI. I :t the .Oll- Mit ot th- wav- o! e 1 Uman ears I !!-' I o I prcehahh a,,o,,,ii- . - c-wape nt so p, s,, wrr.-k H FIRE STILL BURNS IN kui.i ,v.r .j.., . n.g ran SOUTHERN TUNNEL V ASI I l.NtJT' IN Aug'i North i "a r , ill: I. rs I'riday and Strda 'Hi heiw- moderate iast windu rjetcMiiirig vartabltj. 1 for. ff HA&ryrtXJ WLDlHiac. It Ax-. ON tit POO priepoMicl when 'ob,"eita.'ei'H we-ry th-rcvwti hi their way. and tin- l'iiltcroii fam ily. Iinilly vleldlng. made Hue ccre incenv ami tihe- knot nihere suiiifetiious tlrat W'aHbiiiegleeii had kn-eewn In .vents Tin tlplr went lee live vnrlouslv Intel ll.'ltl. ellll I taw Wl flllleeMi'e HglliUst 'h nua. The ilfiilgbtel- l''eliehi. Icoin ttii'c-e- vears ago. broughl trouble from the Ih-wt The e-i.unl a gnsij t'tnl.-r of money, had been Indulged Hy the peuttcrHcou fortune up to thai lime.. Rul wltti the blrlh of th,. chlldi. C.111 ceieuntcHH .declared oft IiIm alleow niu-e, ai Unit that nmt part of btr ru- mafnlficg turtuna hmill tm mmm tew the benefit of the baby. TbereiHHen the 1 nuiit siieel feer hc-i nniteeii and alimony Tin- c 4cuiite:fM brought counter oiit. A . r c M. -1 ,f; div er."' w is grant- .1 Hut Hi. count hurried off In. in Parts wil'h Hie- child In his peeks' Mshin and cnrrleel her tr) St I'llif-bum. There- b. bad been keeping 111 r freclll Ilia fol llie r Wlfcu eve - sine-e. The count wm liegati a 1 i-uia 1 kahle 1".'lllle tl gcL I ell e - k IWlSSlHSloll "f till' liahv Coeirls leallci-el b. 1 for a year; LARGEST COTTON MILLS III SOUTH ARE MERGED Riverside iiinl h.ui h'iver ( 'niil)i nr ',iil;il Stuck in- (III s-e ml I'rcss ) I.V ".I UHII: . A 'it-iis t 12 - Tie '.' in tie , I,' r r, . nre-l. A hp !l ba.e. Hire , : --.I'l'lav has g.elt.le I.o fre-s' t,. e l ' ,' ate tofpiy ,,ml ' is tlK.ei.'he ee, 11. ,1 further ss will b. le I.. ! Three hnn clre ! arid Mftv ( - I f 'he Work has been . ha neloTc d I ',- I'irrw anej the . rr ,rt men- ic i.. ..oi. e i the nine hundi'l f-et tr lh i .-Hi of the tiro. Mor.- than two I, amir- d le-et hnvf fallen ;n slncci ye.-t.r,lai arid rrtoerfc in ec(fMi,d to fall The tunnel had not U i n turri'-d e.vv-r t . t e,e Southern railwav by the evin'ra l'rs the fi re hiw not Interfered vvitu thn rall- j road's tipwratloa ntei'tuitlotial law" wa linjNfcHcd Hfra-lnst her; when Mhe appeaksl to her f.w inc r hushiiiiel and his fanilly I here were adiiuiaiil anel ahe wiih not even al Icewccl t.i hi, the child i,il hJio wii.s a nl' of former Am luis-a.lor Itednrt H i.M.C.rmlck, mid through this illidodcal cIonc friend cA Wle rJll the tlle.tber wnu llllall" able hi 'li'lng her pbM betoree Nlch cehia lilnisi If. ItusKlan red (ji.h- and Iln- sieiful llilluein'e id hwr fotllier huHlHUul' fiuiuly tHilkoetl wen title cur' eflEtirt In her boUaJt tut ttotie, Jo thn md, hnrrvrt, tin Tmnthrr unci tfhc- niouarc-h I tiunifeheeil. The .nr lb.. Ig-iied the desree awdnlliiK he'i c u.-dcMlv .ef her d.cjiiglite r. anel tr. Ilge (, g.eVC rilillie III ottle al of Rllh e I - la t h. ha lev was t'lisloiecl to the lol llle r e eillliti :! .lust how th h III Vienna, nillrtielll liieelity Waie paid, b wtlii III It eiaa ebellialieb le w hat use- It throne aee-rt, be dlvlllge-el an enorit.ouH Mill lee put Is Ml 1 1 1 a . and w ill predrablv lie v or 'Pllllt tile cSillllleMM pileel sum, however, Im do- lure. I iipecn 1110.S11 re-iiubte reeorl. ODD FELLOWS ELECT Tin (Jr.ind l'iie.iniiiieiit 'o(e.S ft. Meet Next Year ;it J''.i velfess ille. IS-cl)ll to The IliM-ll ) SAU.-illl'll V, :.. e- Ailgu.'.l I 1 The- I.Jd 1,1, Heal . e ii Hon ,,f the '.raliel paie-aiin (,,,,, ,,r I. ll. ft. ', o' North c.irolliei, ,vi,i, b io.-i with llo l-' e lie a in ,,,,, (,( Tuesday, ll'l l"iir iii -I i.'Ki, i ,1, i v alt.r lidding tin. c I' CI. The lie-. I mj. He le- pri-cleb -I Oralel Call lai. I, W , .1 il iii ini-loli iii, ii -v a e a full at t ' le la le e , , , , ,, , ,, l,l n pre -e-llla I ,e ,. It. vtl . ... ,,. . h'.-KII as t lee- . I 4-1 e - '.( lie . I Ii.; all, I I I,. foll'i.v if,.' '-Ill' ' r .-, . i , h - I I I ; I a red pat t la r. W I -1 ' .ill, ot I 'ill ham , gland hlgn prieejt, V C. All. ti. of Wain. s. ,11. rlan.t i, ,,-,, war-hie It I ' c ' 1 1 o ai , , , n "I V iic.l-.on. grand s. nl.e. l; l (;,, ,. -ie- i -i;,i lotl. , grand le..,.,C, S..s. v WlllfcirilH ot l-.ll.a-lH Hi e .e g r a ml Jellilol u a i d. ii I .e . el I ; i, ! , f I a ',. tic V'lll. . g. ami I . ,r . ,. o I . I ' I VV I, Smith. 'lie -' I ' HIWl.ll le e tc, I,ll,l,' I i I- I p.. n iiii.'h. W I. Smith Tb. i, . ivaml lealrlar. h til. n : t . : . i r e t . . I t.o f.elb.,1 I uc otTle e-i e ., ,,, I i I C I-' Leiliewbu. ,,f Kill- ,gh, r't iiet -'ll 1 1 1 I . K h. nelall ot II, ,,,. Olllsid" S'-Ultlicl J t K.T '. ' rinth. 'I'lo'ic wcr.' he l .- n c.rt,,,,.! ,a ilehg-aUs arel oftie . r . tn a 1 1 ce-nda in ' , th. italoritv of a. h -m teiuimel te, their hcoii.-s t"iiii.',t DR. WU TING FANG RECALLED AGAIN f It v srf-nied l'ri-.H.) WASlllNd l ' iN Aei;;u-I I:' l't nc-ei.n'l tim.- In hi. el,..'oi.-i t e cure-er Or. W Ting l-'ang. He r-iiri"se minis ter to the I'rilte d Stllfe. has been r, -Cftlled. It Is eV,t,e he Will !' a.-.- Hlgnef-d t'e othe r 1-. orl f r Wu'k sue. c-Msor will be Onirig Yin Tang, kmecin as a "iirogTi-nnl ve" In f'rilm-se eeffajirss. ajucl a rruin n ho has s,., n dieloriiatie wrv-Ir-e In India I.ngland Thibet, and In the Cnli--d Stat. s. Minister Wo is now In Peru to w"hlh place hu also U urjcruditt-d. E MARTIAL LI TO PRESERVE ORDER I STRIKE Police Utterly Unable to Cope Wllh The Excltod Foreigners SEVERAL WOUNDED: SOME FATALLY HURT Canadian Pacific Had Agreed to Grant Demand When Report Came In (lly AcwoclKtcrd rrrftn.) I'lUlT WILLIAM. Onl., AtiRiiHt 12. - I'eerl Wlllln til for the first lime In Iln history. Is under inartiiw law. A thousand ilock lulHirers, itrlnclpally tlreeks, llungiirlaiiH nuel lliilliknii, wbet havo been on u Hlrlkn for a wAk, nn riiKecl by the ar rival of npeclal Cnnacl Inii I'll, lllr iiollcc from Wliuilpeg wcru Incited lo riot, and three hinulrml of thoin engaged In pitched lull tin with the police at noon today arouiul tbi Canadian 1'uclllc Irelnht bIiimIh on Mr Tavlsh lreet. Two doxrn men Wtcrn liijiirecl, three ill leant filially. Includ ing chief 1 In 1 1 . of thn railway com pute. 'm locnil force unit two (ll'oekil. I'lvti of the wounded ttro Canadian I'arllli nieclal police, threo .are tln-ek, one ii reporter, tlaonti" IHcklnaon. Olhot-H lire He i-gc-eiinl Tuylor, icf thn eltv iiollce force, mill John I Jin, a butcher. Constiiblp Carpenter of thn Cnniidlun I'iicIIIc fnrcx- had a l shat lered mid Chief Hall was shut In thn stomach. The Ninety-ninth regiment of mllllla was railed out after Mayor l'elllor had retnl the riot act. The Htrlkers hiiiii twenty-flve rail way eoimtables petitind up In the Ca nadian I'm Ille- railroad hunk house ami Hindu have Ihc!i hoard all after- neeein Soldiers ale KtuirillliRi the dis trict The police die part me nt Is ailwulia- un.fhlc to copii with thn situation. . . Cuiuidiiin 1'ai-tlli; railway officials hail aitrui'd to grant thr damands of the mini ami nut ,thmm .to srork un der an ttwrntwml acsJe. An mgrrn- ment hud Jut heen approvad at tha city hall when the report was tele pbeeiieel Dial rioting was In progress. The sin kern tonight threatenixl to burn the Ciiniidlan I'ai-lllr uraln rl-vatot-N and the night promises tin ha full of .lunger. ELECTION IN PALMETTO STATE MUST BE RELO Supreme Court Refuses to Deeliire L'iw Ordering Vote in Wet Counties Valid. (lly Ahw.iih-iI ITrss.) CdLCMItlA. Angiiiil 'Z. The stats Huuie i nl. Killing liric, todiiy re- fu'ei to declare Invalid thn liquor law passed at the last wsalotl of Ihe leg-i. Inline The lest ot the law was luaele on a pi Hlh eii brought hy Thom as .l.llho eef Char leidein, for an In lomiioii re-training tho CluirleHtciii ,, Mini-, i ballon ..rilelalie fr.irii holding th. honor i I. . Hon lu that roiinly on Align I I c 'It,. la.-. ,lo'. hle-M fe,r elfeetpeim In Ibe e. .111,1,, llo.v ll e I te,.H VOllllg o, le,o, lo I. o.e Ille e Kpen Sfl I I e 4 ,,11,1,1 1 he- item pi el loll.lly In use-. TI i, . I il ,,l i . . 1 1 . i lit -, iif the la'-v w n ,ii,-.l .a, tw.. ground" That the .,,l,j, .1 ,t th. ail was met slated til II. - I -1 a a n'l thai It Is special b'g 1 , a I 'I eoiiti will later hand down n ,,,,, n -i.,i,ng Ho- re aHolis for Hi t I . e . o, Ot til' I l. ,. SERGEANT SKIPPED WITH GOV'T'S CASH c ilill.i;, Ala. ugeist I'J Qiur- teril.e-lei S'lg' till I ' ' I lc e p ll t ,t 11 e-t ., lie Cut.-. I Sill.- artillery battal ion elation, -d at l-eeii Morgan, will v.- ilire-.- v. ar Iii. the government p in te iiiiarv at loit Leavenworth, K .iri .as, lor I h- . m le .leine-n t of JHOt) tcooi the eoinfianv e oiirnl-Hsrv The hndiiig'c ..f the niHrllal wera mad, pul, lie nt the- fort today Hunt .1, appeared froiri tin- post early In ll.ii and showed no a month Inter it I' .It, I, 'I . i.l ... , I Hilling he ll.'iel hee-n drugce-d tltiel reebbe-el GEN. GRANT BELIEVES IN AEROPLANES l'ITTSI'.(T!;. Aug I 2 Thn third davs komdoii of Ihe reinvention of the Army of He Philippines was marked Majeer Kre cb re k I). Oranl, command .1 'ef the clepartmeiit of the lakes, whe, sahl "I candidly hellovo that airships will be the deciding factor In futura warfare. The war department Is watching with Intense interost tb development " "ie aeroplane Tol my mind them' air crafts will bo the most imporlunt part In war times to come."

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