I THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: SHOWERS Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. .VOL. XXV. NO. 298. 1 Supervisors or i JTHEGEHSUS TO BE EQUALLY DIVIDED I ASIIEVILLK. N. C, SATURDAY AlOUXIXO, AUGUST 11, VM). X33 riUCB FIVE CENTS. Jotti Parties to Have a LooK in For Some Nice Soft Jobs 'OSITIONS WILD PAY A SALARY OF $2,000 president Declares That Sup ervlsors Shall Not be Active Partisans (By Associated Press..) BEv tRLY, Mass.. August 13. At an extended conten nee tonight with Secretary Nagel of th- department of 'Commerce ana lannr. Postmaster Geti- jertl Hitchcock and L Dana Durand. Hlrector of the census. President rTaft approved t he appointment of the census, President Tart approved the appointment of S;;o supervisors f the thirteenth census. The 11 had een prepared at Washington fur the sirealdent and the qualilii aiions of tv- ry man Inquired into. There ihaa been marked discontent inong some Southern republicans liver the decision of the president to divide he census patronage In the Solid South. " Each census supervisor will have a ramendous force of innumcratnrs un ler him. The supervisors will re elve a salary of J2.000 and their rork will extend nier eight or ten ilOJiths. The slat' s where the .super visors are divided equally between the 'democrats and republicans are Vlr gllUs, South Carolina, Georgia, Klor- .11, Alabama. Mississippi, Arkansas. elUllaim ami Texas. In most of the )te supervisors are appointed in fa congressional district. Presi Ifc Taft. It Is said, laid down the It, especially in states where a viswlon has been made -between imoNirats and republicans, that mervnWirs sh4 V not be. active Par ian s anj'1 that V 4 attempt should he fede tO iaUd V Ypolitlcal machines it ot the censul ytronsge. Jthe time of thf president's visK to f.ton Kouge, l .a., nas neen nx-n. lie II arrive there at 8 p. m . October k and make an address from the fecks of the. steamboat on which he 4111 voyage down the Mississippi. e.stop at Haton Kouge will neccssi- HENDERSONVILLE POLICEMAN SHOT B Y UNKNOWN PERSON Bullet Fired From Ambush Takes Effect in Zeb A Idridge 's Breast Bloodhounds Sent For. A telephone message to The Cltlz late last night told of the shooting of Zeb Aldridge of the ipollce force of Hcndi"itnv.ille whil leaving his home aliout 10 30 laat night. Ac- cording to the remrt over the tel. - phmne Aldridge had been home all evening. I ho house 1 Ia-k Imm the I reel a sbort distance and the yard s .lark, and there is no light within short distance of tlie hnu.se, On tho Hide of tho yard there arc clumps of IiIk and trues will, h make possible the concealment of a person wlt'hnut any uetection nt the same time affording a view .t the entrance to the h ousts AMridge aliout 10 30 started to biave the lioiiHe 'by the front door tor! a few minutes before retiring When! the dor opened tho light from th" hall placed In clear view tihe man In the doorway. Aldridge hal mopped on the porch and proceeded a few steps .barely reaching the edge of 'h porch when the shiot was fire.1 ftom thte diarknesjs on one side of the yard lie fell 'back on the porch with the bullet wound in his 'breast. The fam ily rufmed "ou( of tho house and car ried him Inside and the physician serious, fei not regarded s likely to prove fatal. Ah soon as It became knrwn in the center of the town people gathered together and Hs-gan to look for tracks and marks of the l rson who fired I he shot. They wee. una Id- to find any tra-e of him, however. Sever 1 1 "f I hem returned to town and tele phoned the sheriff's oftke here for the bloodhounds. After examining the wound last night the physician rnorted thai he diil not think the case fatal, anil that the chances for nvnvity were good Kvery aid sissi'lde is being given botli for tlie pei-oie.ry of AMridge end th. apprehension of the would be murdcr- 't. Several parties have Htartcd out looking for him. and ewi y possible means of escape Is being watched. Aldridge, Is well known In llendei sonville as he haw -teie.n on tlwc polh- torce there for .many years He Is about forty years of age It Ik sup posed that the gniilty person Ir a criminal who has tx-en caught at some time through the efforts of AMridge ami is taking that method of ven geance. At two o'clock this (morning It was rc'Ported that Aldridge was ii The Call of The Wild. fi ST6.ff was summoned. His wound, while jstlll alive. NEGRO HANGED FOR CRIMINAL ASSAULT (By AiHMMiated Prrws.) O EOKO ETOWN, S. , Anoint !3 John .Jenkins alias "Slippery Joint," rol"r, was IiHRRcd her' tnny fr assault nitli rriniinal intent mi a youriR whitct woman of thin imnt. Several days a?o Jenkins contiss'' his crinio, Kayin h' wa,s mnv'i to do so hy a dream in whirh tin Lord told him to confess. Tli is is tlie firM exeetitlon iiniltr the new aet making attempttMt erim lnal assault a capital crime. STRUCK BY AUTO SOLDIER IS DEAD (Continued on pagv four.) (By AHModsred Irrss. ) CAMP PER ft Y, Ohio. August 13. Privates ('. H. Powell, of company F.. tenth l'nltcd Plates Infantry, sus tained iniuiies which repulted In his death tonight when he was struck by an automobile while mar the camp of the marksmen who are here at tending tlie national shoot MAKERS OF "PHONY" CAUGHT IN THE ACT ( By A K'Ih I ed IVpsh. ) N K W YitH K . A UKUHt 1 3 An a 1 -loped counterlpater'n den on the FOawt Siih whk raided today hy Kederal kmc ret scr ii-c men win arret -d t wo men. KinishiiiK touches were being put on a lot of newly oaHted ten and fifty cent pit cea when th Kivernment officers a p pea red, seized t Iih ImKitn coins and the planter moulds and oth er money n.anufa.rtiirin-K parafdierna lia In the place. The men arreated wi iv held on $5,000 hail each for ex amination on Atietist !M. FIFTH DEATH IS DUE TO PELLAGRA o ENGINEER GOES ON HIS LAST RU WITH RECORD SPOTLESS Huroic Employe of Southern Has His Time Marked up For Eternity HAD NO TAINT ON HIS LONG CAREER ADAMS9 COUNSEL THINKS HONOR OF WOMAN LESS THAN AN OFFICER 'S Declares That Mrs. Sutton's Efforts In Behalf of Dead Son's Name Are Merely "A Woman's Ravings." Attorney Davis Scouts The Idea That Lieutenant Sutton Shot Himself. DURHAM, N. C. August 13. An epidemic of pellagra resulted In the fifth death here this evening, that of Mrs. D. C Mitchell, a native fieor- glan and the wife of an extensive lumber dealer. Pliyslelaws are not able to n-sslgn anv cause for the disease. There nae neen eigni deaths Horn pellagra in II. is town and adicetit territory. WOULDN'T SEEK YOKE OF MATRIMONY BEFORE TWENTY-FIVE SAYS Ml VTorld of Gossip Set Agog By Miss Stanton's Latest Declaration.' V ' fOCt YOUNG IN 'TEENS. it (Special-to The Citizen.) LONDON, August 13. The action ff Miss May Sutton, the foi nier chain pln women tennis player, in hreak- ng her engagement, on the ground :tha t no woman shnubl marry, before "tie Is twenty-five, has provided tin Ppers here with an excellent -subject 'or midsummer discussion, and many Interviews on the topic have been Printed. The most interesting of thc:-e is liven by tho countess of Cardigan. ho was married In IKSS to lieuten Mt-general. the earl of Cardigan. Wo of Balaklava,, and tin- carl, hav died in 1868 Ahecame. in 1873. the "f of Count de Lancastre Saldanha. Count Lancastre died in 1R9. '!' Cardigan and Ijnntatre Is twice -Mow and entitle to an opinion. She Is also incidentally the patroness ten livings, and haa estates SECOND "MR. RIFFLES" MAKES APPEARANCE IN GOLHAM S CAY CENTRE ALABAMA'S LAST CUP IS DRAINED TO DRECS BY THE FULLER BILL Smartly Dressed YountfjNo Imitation Liquors 01' Man Finds Burglary ; Any Description Wliat- Prnfitable. ever To He Tolerated. WHAT POLK'K TIITNK. AS TO PIIYSiriANS. ctershlre, Northampton and York lrp, while her amusements, faith fulh recorded in 'Who's Who." h"r her exact age Is glossed over, f riding, fencing, music and paintr "Mv opinion," said Tady Cardigan. ' that no elrl knows her own mind In her teens. At lea.t girls did not hen I Was voung. It is all very ro- mntlr and charming at eighteen, but no girl really knows the heart of "iri until she rs In her twenties. A man at twenty-eight is forty-eight in lperlence. and how can a school- Hom beauty permanently depose the Morable he who has rilled the happy Wuthful years of this man's life? "Cynics scoff at these turned down Pges, but. believe me, they are the lost aacred of any. "The perfect mar riage comes when after year of dls- Polntment the man meets the one oman who ffentlv'' knits tin his lost Wea onA Hl.1. him fnreet. TJnt thatLsee i-ha.t he caVrlcd In hia valise. w. ..i. What they saw convinced them be NEW YORK. Aug 1 I. -1 lost mv position as a clerk and could find nothing to do. II w.ii starv.til'.i) on one side or r..bb. r ..n tie .illo r. 1 took the latter rourw. Kul il does not Jiay. 1 have never mad.- more than my meals and room rent since I begun rdbing. and today, which was the only good day 1 had .it the gam. , I was caught '' This statement was made , Magis trate Hrcen ;.tenl,iy in the Harlem police court by Itichani Cirlin. a young man arrested for da light roh b. ri.'S. Th- young fellow was o dap per and well dressed that al Inst the detective.! who were following him wen- disim lin-d to believe anything wrong about him. The police belies e that 111 Carlin they have tin i-al "gentleman burg lar." who has b. ili gi ttmg away with no end of loot on the upper West Hide and lower Harlem. M- was caught yesterday through the work of Di t dives Ski ban and llyan. Iouis Schnlt7.li r. of No. ?, St. Nicholas avenue, Identified th- pris oner as tlie partner "i u . 1 mond. a burglar, who is lew serving two years in prison for robbing Schnilzler s flat wv. ral months ago. Carlin denied being i.amond a part ner. He said he was formerly a clerk In a wholesale grocery house, and that he lost his position Kobberi-s of flats closed while the occupants were on their vacations have become frequent of late. The detectives followed Carlin for some time as he entered various apartment house At last they demanded to was tblet, (Hy Associated Press.) MONTi ;o.M Kit V. Ala. August 13. Hi a vol, of C lo :fl Ihe boll;-H' to. day pass-il I h- I 1 1 1 J r bill pi onouiK-eil Ho- mi:-1 radi..il tFioh jhit ion mi-asnri iw'i' iIi.iaii. When Mr. -I'lilhr call-d nr. tin bill lie ,r..du. ed a n n imra r ol amendriiciits aO.ling about twenty th.us;irid ioi.1m o tii- a.lr"ady vol n in n i ii ou. do. iiiii' iit He explained thai he had added to the prohibiten ad -I (tomem ull ;.ietures of iHtttl-t. purporting to contain ll'iuor or ot hrewsTi-a or distilleries Another amendment waa to allow 10 I'li-H-d physicist ns of towns wlier tlo re '.ver- rui regular llcen.ssd phar macists to disn.-iiKe alcohol Tirr m-d- 11 in.il purposes. An important addition was lo mala it -prima fa-ie evidence of guilt It li'iii-.rs alleg-d to have ii-en solrl are of like color, ofl'u or La:-te of prohib ited I ii iiors All of th- amTi'lmi-nti preserit-d by Mr. Fuller were adopted. Ixit-r in tlie oS'iy t.be bouse fia.s-d the Hnll.ird hill after a heated de lis t n. Thks bill Is n covrpendiom of th' lutl-s of sli-rilTs In th- enforcem-nt ol prohibition la ak Tt ;rlv-s nhrr ifTs an exlra exiM-ns allow'an-e f.,r ferreting crime. It mak-s tlw- insr lions of all Ruspfter drink stands compulsory Th- bill provides for the impeachment of sheriffs and soli -itorji who negb--t any one of the nu merous added dutios imposed. A-ld-d to th-ie tr'thibettin mf;i.i ores Kne a favorable r-fiort in th iious.- t'Kl-ay by the temperance com mittee on the Maynld bill. -which compels every person coming into fioss-ssion of any prohibited lirjuori in Ala-bama to keep a memrrandurn of who sold, presented as a Rift or disposed f same to hhn and upon wTitt-n reHiet of any officer of the law the peraon hall produce uoh memorandum. (By AsMM'laled Fress ) ANNAPOLIS. Mil., August 1.1.-- At Ihe beginning of the last day of pen sessions of the Court of Inuuiry investigating the death, October 1.1. 1907, of l.l. ntcnant Jarae N. Sutton, ir., i;. s. M. c, the altractKm was the umming up by Henry M, Davis coun- el for Mrs. Sutton and A. B. Hlrney, nuns. I for Ur-utenant Ailims. Mr. Davis' argument led the Judge Advo cate to apeak briefly. " The court will alt tothorrt la pri vate for the purpote of ilijruwilng the ilndlngs, which will be furwarded to ihe navy department at.tVaahlngton, vhence the announcement of the re mit of the J,no.ulry will be nade Mr. Davis In summing up went back to the coming of Ueutenant Mut ton to Annapolis and alluded, to him is a "mother's offering to tier coun try's service," and argued that evi rv Ihlng tended to nogath- tin- Id. u iti.it Lieutenant Sutton ronlrtiiplatcd sul Ide. Mr. Davis said the tragedy did and other matters should never have been brought Into tho case, lie pointed to the, marked difference In the testimony of Lieutenants Adams, I'lley, (ifltertuau and ol tiers. , A. K. Hlrney, counsel for Lieuten ant Adams, compared the honor of an officer to the honor of a woman ulid declared the young lieutenants Involved would be relieved of all ro Kponslhillly for button's death. lie aid the ohftrcea wera base.4 nttraly on the "frantic raving of a woman." Ho denied tlie possibility of Lieu tenant Sutton ha.vlug been beaten to deat'h and then shot to conceal tho crime, which, he said, Mr Davis hud charged by tmpiilHtlon at h-ilsl. He attacked Mrs. Sutton and de clared she had pursued bin client and his n.tsociutos with malevolent hatred, not with evidence of maternal sor row us Inspiring her. nihil Him Cimnril. Hrandlng Hut ton as a rank coward Mr. lilrney strongly praised Lleub il- not follow a drunken brawl, that Kill - lant Adams for his bravery, when as on's alleged former escapades shed he had testllled Lieutenant .Sutton llr no light on the case, anil that those led upon him. He fully Justified the treatment to which, iiccordlng to hia client and his brother officer, Lieu tenant Sutton wita subjected mid aald all variations In their teHttnmny aa to what had occurred were fully Jim mied by the conditions and that If they hud ii g recti fully on all point, they would have been open to suspi cion of having conspired to prepare a falno account of the uffuir. He aid, the only fair Imputation of any criminality at any time during the night of October lt-11, ?, muat rw( nwn Lieutenant Hutlon lUmaulf. "'Major Leonard, tho Judge advo rate, said h came hern with every good wish for and willingness In help Mrs. Kutton and Mrs. 1'urker to bring every evidence poaHlblit before the court. They hud not, us th-y should have done, given him all the evidence In their posse riHlnn, but this he blam ed on their counsel. Mrs Hutton said tonight that If the findings of the Court of Inquiry, declare a did llu of the former board of Inquest, that In r son committed suicide, Mlie will carry the case still further, though In Just what WHy she Is not now prepar ed to say. He Loaves Valuable Estate Estimated to bo Worth at Least J: 00.000 NO WHISKEY LICENSES UNTIL FIGHT IS SETTLED So Announces Jwlfre Kellv, Who Is Sitting On tlie Bristol Liijnor Filit. "t (Hy Associated Press.) BrtlsrrOL, Vs.. August 13 Kelly of the corporalc iiinoiincril frjorn the vould not Issue w ho I'- my one until the In. .1 !es Is- disposed of. II vK-r. that he would .I. niitter the first M-r term, and In th- oeive a favorable . ;i.llit 1 1, ense.s imiii'd He fiverrulivl th,- Irys for a re-heaiuig Ion of the finality of in treasiurer's rtitl-. list of e;i O l - Me hi, iver-rule,l h.- obj I .n f Ihe int. continue th- (akin. delton.. ipon the ground that th-y deemed (tie treaurer'a list I . final upon 41 poliiLs Judge ourt tod.iv Il that he llceri--w o 'ption i on stild, hi.v 'S' of lie S-MI III ' !,l t h,. u. : i'"ii )i- ,m1 'u of th-i.-ii t he fli s STHIKKIW IHstMKI. KOKT WILLIAM The on.lv developne i.1 'anadian I'acilie do. k Igvirous sti-ps taken o under Col st-lil (ti h rs. Those ho reit- lall There may Ik- i tvwc-vr. when I'd start to work tomorrow August 1.1 ' -day in th. i e were the i nuilitia nlng Mlrik . -re put in r- trouffde, bri-ike.-s ENRACED WIFE TAKES I Iiilly Arts (Quickly ;ml JIurrics Hvr to Hospital In Kffort lo Save Her. ATI j N'T A. Aii'iHt i:: l h r 1 1 ii.slui nl i iv r muii- t r iv in I f a rn II rl i ;-1 1 1 f Mrs. A I : I lr l tnj;iy hap! Iowp ra (iH.iiitMv -f :ir ni lit pr iiu- "f h'T liu.il-.iti-l liiH-etl nl hurri'-i ( ;i ri;rl.' Hmji; hhh- I n ii r I mi n 1 1 h i' h. I.' f'.r.. hi." .'.if'- I') .-..il'-.,. ;if(-r vv, . -hi in in-()' 'I an .i in I"! ii' nrnl t h- ,. -fln;i n rifln l t -1 II' i i .ia liu l-ital Ir m hIm- n.vr ;i!.-K h :r h- li i'l rn Mit lit '-:f.. imiii (h- iM.i,n vtlh mu f ! I.i I Inli n(. huf l"' hri' -l l flu itKH Mt farrnh Ir-.uicM. ).- r:ti- u lfV bv- arn' ffiniK'-'l lnrlnf an ntnntini Ii 'M I .i f tr lireHkfa '-t nl it f uim rir "I hT i r 1 1 rit ion nf cii'lin it nil hy tak ing tptlvm. DROPPED DEAD IN ATHLETIC STUNT WOMEN SHOOTS AS SHE Takes Shot At tlie Air Hut Lodges Bullet 111 Negro Servant'H Leg. f 91 V A-erfs-hlteil ;i:i:i-;-.'.-H'U Whil. li ing Ioiim al i I' ! o V"gt HII ein '!"-- ra Colli I', "ti.' b ad He I. i 'I lo lift a Iif i - head fifty ton' ; 8H0WER& WA.SH1NQTON. August 1 J. Fore- east: North Carolina: Local showers Saturday and Sunday; light aouth tnda. 're ) l I. N c Augu. I It I., i.fil t.lS e.,nin- nlri-nglh today. Tony i of Ho Pomona Ter- ni .ir h-r-. ilrojiped i-el;ir. d bin Intention and weight alKive his but on th- fourteenth stl-nipl his i' ngth f.iile.l him and h- f' II to lbJt""'ind. dvlng before li physician v ho had b-eii called, could reach him GENERAL ROW FOR A BOUNDARY LINE (Hy A "O" In led lres. ) Wl VKTfjN-SALKM. N c. August 13. A"" a reult of a dispute today between Lop Henm il and Jack Tlllot son, farmer, near King. Stok-s coun ty, regarding the location of the boundary line between the farms of Hennett and Tlllotsor.. there was a shotgun battle In which several friends of the two farm-rs partici pated and aa a result Jl-nnctt and i iii'iioiiii miu lijittc uuici n ncie I wounded, two ferlously. fHy AssiM'Inteit Press. ) WINKT'lM HAI,l;.VI. AugiiKt I J The proverbial iriaccuia'y of the fnm In In- aim waa re'4poiishble today foi tin wounding of lh- bbw:k maid of Mi- r'aith Charli a. wife of a local Itl.'H Mrs. ''Iiarl-s sa s she aiiot only to fiiKhnn bei serv.iul and wan aa niu-b Miirpriicd, if not as much hurl, a lh- uiald. when the .bullet, aimod In Ho ;iir. found lodgi uu-nt In lb- In t -ti r b g. A',-,,rdlng to Mis Charles- the nwid, under the Intluence of a drug, I-, time lliso'jirit an-d threatuiilnK. d' ciaring nhe would iult. although In ln-r inistriW debt To subdio- lor and Kilng her fo a ral taction of her ohligtillons, Mrs Charlos flnvl. Th maid will re. over. HKWrrcil'K STATKM ;T. NBW OULKA.N.S. August 3 - H-r-re-1ary llntter'n ulali-mnl of the vorl.'s vinWd- supidy of ii.tton l-Miiod today shown t h- total vl-.ll.l- to b- 2,l.-,H.7!t against. 2.2 8 fi. 1 r. last w -. k nod 1 - S i . 7 G lasi year Of this the total American cotton is I.S07.7J7 against 1.7L':(,459 InM week and l.njtt.Kfl!) last year and t.f all oth-r kinds, including Kgvpl. Hrazll. India. et-.. H 52,000 against f,r,fi.00() laat wi- k and 80S,- 04G last y-ar Of the world's visible supply of cot ton tb-re Is now afloat and held In CJreat llritaln arvl coiifim-in,il Kurope l ,r,77.00fl against 1 .If. T.fl'iO u,M year. In Kgypt f 0H0 against 70,000 last year: In India 233,000 agalrwtt 43fi, 000 lait year and in Ihe l'nltcd Btates 280.000 against 294.000 last year. (Hy Aaaoulateil Ire.) ATlNTA. Oa., August 11 Paa- u nger who Wera on ths Houthern train wrecked near Rrlstol, Va laat evening, arrived here tonlsrht, bring ing tletalla of the bravery of Engineer Samuel Hush, of Knoxvllla, Tenn., who died toikiy a a reault of hl In juria. LUinh waa slowly and Dalnful- ly working hia 'way out of th wrack of hi nnitlne, scalded and frightfully bruised, when) the few paaaengeri who retained (hulr aenaea, dug Into the mass of twisted and burning Iron to meet him. Il waa lifted out upon the ground and a hurried call for physician resulted In till dlacorerr that there was not a doctor on th train. As tho passenger mu ' hunt for whiskey to stlmulat Mm . and were breaking open suit Cases in their search, liush asked for a laat look at hi old engine, as hopeless a wreck as was It engineer. When they came tu hjm with Ihs liquor, h begged them to look after th com fort of the passengers. Told that no' passengers had been Injured, h aald: "That's good. Hut be for I take this whiskey, I want you men to smell my breath and testify, If need be, that had not been drinking when this happened." Although suffering horrible agonies. the brave engineer would not touch the stimulant until four of th men had sine lied hi breath and promised. to near witness to bM ohrlttjrk--l "All an engineer has I hia !,' " he said feebly, "and he oannot afford to have anything against that," and L'ngliieer Hush went out oif hia last run, with his record spciUM. h.vi :i $100,000. WitlHTOL. Tenn.. August U. Kr-. glncer Hush was a natW of Bedford county, Virginia, being m member of an old and widely known family In that section of the state. II had been In thn service of the Houthern railway for nioro than thirty years, lln loaves an estate valued tat 1100,-ooo. IS SUED FOR MILLION BT WEILHBAHEH CO. Charges That Practices of Trust Have Injured It To That Extent. FILL!) AT HA LEIGH. Hit. TIIOM.tK 1KU. DBIITNIAK SPRINGS, ria , August 13. -In- Hiram W Trwimas of Chi cago, one of the msmt fromlnent mln IMora ajid tbtlf"rrn. lecturers In the country dtod here last right Th fu neral will be held, In Chicago Mon- (SM-olnl to Tim tltlren ItALKIfill. August 13 Hull wii tiled hi re today with the clerk Of tho I'nlt-d Hlan-s eliciiit cmirt by tin W'-lls Cramer Tobacco company agaliud the American Tobacco com pan wh-reln damages to the amount of mi.- million dollars are claimed. Th- plaintiff company, formerly of Wilson. N C, but now of Norfolk. Vii, claims that it has been injured to th- amount mentioned "ttfhe al leged trust practice of the Ameri can Tobacco company whereby It crush-s out competition. The ult was fll-d by Messrs, Woodward and Danl-ls. the former of Wilson and the latter of Uoklrtboro. FELL FROM WINDOW AND DIES OF SHOCK (Hy AstsM-lated Press.) ACOCHTA, (la., August 1J Ar thur Ft I on k Icy, one of the leading dry goods merchants of Augusta fell from a window of his flat, third story, over his store, to the sidewalk this morn ing, about one o'clock, suffering broVen leg and other Injuries. Ha died tonight at a local hospital. Death resulted from shock. STII,Ii COMING IN. ItoANOKP;, Vn.. August 13 Re turn from U.st week's democrat state primary that Altered In today from outlying- district added to tfh Trjajor ItyA'f Oeorge W. Koimrr, incumbent, for the nomination of otato cornnls sloner of agriculture, and Immigra tion owr J. T. Brown. In tin last three days Kolner has pansed Brown and tonight leads by mora than on tlvouoand vote. Wythe and EVanklln counties, . at first reported for Brown now give subeusntal majorities' fur Koiner. j (Continued on pag tour.)