Tin: ashkvm;lk iTiZKvn'M).v, ArnrsT ri, iooo. t 5 1 i Ut SOCIAL (El PERSONAL I il .hi.! .Mi 'I. II H 11 I '.I I I .,1 ., I. . I . v - .1 'i 1 , h lit p. i I . i J ' ' ' I j, .,111 .li oe : I ..J.i lit llio illfclil .ilnl Joliril, ) llii.S III"! ... tl If III Hi-'H' -'li 1 1 , on T"X;i vv ny t , - ii. Mix. liiun.i' .- "I I', f ; . 1 I , Ml -i M HI " HI l.ul H IitiiiMiit, mill .,-.... Jr. I M mn Ijiutil mill Ml.- KiK't'li1 It-'Vvo .' 1 1 ii li. i nil., is "I .i. linn-' p.utV; liriiiK i nii-i T j i tii- M lv I in ii' M -li r iinil lr. nil. l In hivv, Ml inn I Mm. A. ,l Try, lit tii. huiiiiiiii" lii.iiii' ol the hit ter. Hint ( '..tin.-!', at iti'VF"ii I'll.. 'I'll!' other fuxlH lire, .MihH l.llll.in Allen, Viiynenvillo; Minn K;il In i'iiic ll.inli'V, (ililn; Mlfs F.mlil" KUko. I lurli.iin . ills liii.i ll I'llnu'ie, I Ml hum. MKi Martin I-amore. Mm l.ul I'Yv. Mix-. Iula Iillliiiir. . fii.soli C!. Mr- T. in i l.- A'. i'. i l L' .'111 it... t.l if Wuml- : in. I nil i. ' ' ' fi i.i i ii will take j.i.i' i : i . ., i iiii' i i ;.. i.. .mr liiki-ii IN I'.i' ,'i fi ill. o hi. h 'i "in I ."M til lie I ' j . iii"! ; . r i i - j 1 1 li. :l .'..ii ill Aslie- ,11.- I.I in.ii, v v -'I -i i . 1 1 I tic Iiii ih k'i '. ' ri i -' i i u i v I - r ( 1 1 1 lil i ' ii, thcr -..ill lie iii.tiiv j"-r.itiii h. .-ii .'ii'iinint .r tin.- iiimikiciI i 'I.-1 i hi i ntf i.i 1 ti e i hll .(i. ii. The ,M;i . .,il.' ii ii.' . unit other f , i . . y .hi in h i '. Itit- . lnl.li -n will , . I ii I In ii - i. 'I 1 1 J i,. r.- II,.". . 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i - I lln' 'I'h'' return I . , I ;i I I I. 1 1.' II". In .u,,l M IH.'I I II I. ii i '. f.ilu. M i .Ml'. Kil.vin ir in. a. f. niiir,. ,,l Hi,. I. .ill. It has tint h. .ii . i'h .1 ! !,. i.i" i ii,- I. ii.ll will i.,i... (..,.. in il,.. ilMi i ni.iin or even Hit.', I.j, ( 'f ' h.i hi v I li" t .l rni'T, III ni ii i-.'iii Hi, ? ,,n-milk- i ifi- t of i m 1 1!" l.-i I lu-l't will hli'ii.l ih.' . i ml ti tn. I ..I il.. Iit'l' I iiml l.mi'M with tilt- , v , r.l.i l,t I'll' LHT'iinKl J J Jt i An "I'I f t'tii'.n.'l ' liiini (Inure" will I... iv'ii Hi, -i i ' iiiiik liv Hi" JSattery Park li'.t'l. f-.llo-.ve-l I. y a wuler- I iii. .ii f. .il. 'I ll" only inutile, will he jtl" ,ihl llin" iih N.ilii H pliivcd liy a n I i ml. mi -fiddler." yjii- danc- u.ll J" . ailed hy a romjianlon of t aiiihiii, i 'I, in It, it,-' Mr William Kl ,.,.. ki,..v,ii.' Mr l P I'.i.n uflU"' f 1 . 1 1 r- iiml II In expected the Tln New and Observer atari, "I lt.il- 1-lKll. Thi- mrty of intii(f pi-opln lm havo been pIhiiiiImk a trip to Ml. Mitchell lnv this nioriniiK for Hlm k Mountain anil from tlniB will maku the ani ent on mules, a pip k mule carrying their tents anil ii m KIihih The younir people will relurri Mon day, and are Mlsa Kvnlvn Hull". Mlm J.ucy iritilniun, Minn Freilorlik O'Kellly, MlHg Siiulo Pennlmun, Mr Dullols Hee. Mr. Iluurh Vlnient. Mr. Reuben Armstrong. Mr. FrlilJofT Het. Mr. Lear, or New York. Mm Charleii J'onnlmiin will iliupiiiuiie thu party. Mri. Thnmo Kolllim enlcrtnlnei with an Informul luiuheon yexienliiy t her home on I'liwlinil Blie' l, In honor of Mm. O. II. Uuloii, of New ttern. JuiIkb and II ih. (iuliui are In the city for a furtnlKlit. nd inu stuy lliK at the Hattery Park hotel. The table wu prettily deeonited with yel low flower anil fern J Anrthor nioiiiituln party h iivia to day with t'hlinney Itoek im un ob Jei'tlvn point. They will upend iiev rraj days. MIhh 'Mary MtlkfrpiiTliBf, Mlaa Kotn'i a HiiyliMn. MImi Kli'iiunr ljunbortnon, Mlm .leanln Hllkeleather, Mian CrMtmhaw, ot Hiii(leron; Mr. Perry robb, Mr. (Jlrnn I'mwell. Mr. W. Q. Bornt, and Ur. B. F. Hull arts In the party. Ji J Mlm Mildred Overman, of RiiIIh bury, who ta vlaltinic Mlrni Virginia and Mlaa KlUaVietli WIUIaitiKon, wuh the Kuoat of honor laat evenlnn ut an Informal porvh party and liunco, glv n by Mrs. M. K. Child at hr resl denro on I'onrnon'a drive, flnpper waa aerviiil at atnull taUlea on th ve randa which were later .removed for the danco. Thero were twenty-five or thirty Buesla nrnoiiK whom were, Mlaa Overman, the Ml.xea Wlllliim mn, Mian KllKnheth Olveii. Mlm l.ur 1nor and her Kne.-t. Mliu Kleniun l.yle. Ml Kva llorinr. Mlm Hyrd lletnleiTiiiil, Minn Kllxabcl h Holt, Mlm Janle Junrw, MImh KIIii liet h Murphy, Mi-iwra. HiuihilKht (liven, Kenneth Given, Kvurm Haxter, Nm luiin Itnxter, ('!uii1i.h M il I. nihr. John Minor, Caleb Ctirli-r anil a number of ot hem. M .4 The mixed fniirnouin Rolf loiirnii ment will be continued thin afternoon t the Country i lub, H eiither permit -tlnK- Tea will tie .n rved by one of the member of the , hit, an, I II Ik ex pected that many of the ilub iiii iii bura will be out for tho afternoon. J The Informal dance at the Hiilten Turk hotel bint -eiiln; ;is one ,,f the moMt siii'c.MHf ul of the Kerli-H. 'I'lie hi iiy stoim of vi-Kirrtliiy i I, ni',-,1 mill cooled the atmosphere, which prolm bly accounted fur the ummuully hi'Kr attendance The will,- ,ruiii1u.i v.i. ciowdeil until almo.-M mldniKht "lib tin- Kueet.i of the I'M'nliui and of the hot. I. The hot. I Is .ilin.ist full ami 1" next ., k MI he taxed f,.r in -i i'liilili.. lath. us I I,,. Koanou bus be. n M- . -. sl'ul iind one of (In (invest In the hlii, i v ,.f tl,,. hotel. I'lilll the '"I "f tl" S'lttiln.r .s.a-ii.n Ih, re will ' ' i "i '" "I' rut i i ta in men ih, hallN in -I 'Illl'.M. Tb.' hotel Mill i-lve a - ' v '-ii;' Morse Show ball at I be end iiii i'i Ii ii hi, h b Ih i. Ihal . f (he -.pnuK V. 'b ' "I 'Il "II- 1 III he I , , t .1 II," 1 Ian ii a ml i ' 1 i .ir.il ii ol I .. ba . e il ti ' " --.' 'the annual eiiiii,i, lalie-i '" ' "' 1 nlliu v.1.1. Ii 11 1 II be e I" iiii n,i , '. ,1,1. i,.e...i h,. , l.iri;,'!' ' iiii.' former wjll 111'oimn much aimiMement bv bin iiu-ilnl illrectloiiH. 'lbe youriK people are IooIiIdk forward In the III' 1'imloii will! Inleri-Ht, the ln:loi niallty of li i-Ik bi-diiK tho apcclal nil traction. ji jt Mrif I') '- Waddell. Jr., a'e a din ner laat 'Vcriin at her home on Urove ut rect. Ji Mr. R. T'. FnHier waa hosiecs nt an Informal tea Klvrti yexterday after noon In honor of Mtn. O. II. ijulon of New Hern, at thu residence of Mra. K. A. Hull, on Houth laln alreiH. There were a number of Kuctita. Ji Ji Mm. Locke "ralf entertained with an Informal bridge party yeaterday afternoon at her home on Montford avenue Tin- flrat prize xvna won by Mm. Kll MuNtlii. There with Kb ta bl.'B. Jt J Mr and Mra. William Lounnran of Norfolk, Vii., are the Kuesta of Mr. and Mra. Frank .LoiiKbriin at their home on North Mam street. Ji .4 The nucHlfl of Victoria Inn were en tertained w ith a mi bacrlpl ion euchre party laat Ninhl, eli:bt tables beliiR oi'i uih il. The ludy'a pi l7.e w aa won by Mm Jotn-a-l-'iiller, while M,. Kd wln TlellK captured the tfeutli'inan's prize. The immolation prize waa awarded to Mra. I lunula, ilofriah tni'tila were aerved. Mlaa Hettle Owen, of Mt. Htcrllng. Ky., who has been apnndliiR aeveral weeka ot Haywood White Hulphur MprlnKM, will upend the week nn-l with friend In the city, on her way to Toxaway. ' Mlaa Alberta J'rlcu, of New York, la vlalliUK AIImh Lula Moore. Mlaa Mary Wood, of I'hiliulelphlH. la In Aabi-vlllo for a abort at.ty. Mra. It. M llllamn and Mra. Kd wiml McKay and children, of Max Inn, N. ('. urc HUcNta al tbu Buttery Park hotel. Mlaa li'rancea Wbltlb-r, of Tuilii llc. K.. la expected shortly and will Mpi (ill HeM'tal IllOlltllH In AHhovllle. Mm. 1'" It. Ilewlll iiml family left veMordav for Virginia. Heacb. Mlaa Nan Miinb- nnd Minn Mar' Meade left -icatiMxlay In nin tiil hcv,. ra.l wwk.i vlailliiK frleinlH lit Klchioond - ;i ' s 11 l)n Slldie aim Heeler Itoberta bine Kune lo I Ixl Springs to vlnlt Mrs. Mbba. M l.'i-i II. lis. Hi ll ml M ism i 'hi'Ster, of Snli?.lun me isitini; Min .i,.riti;.oti on N'oitb hti.-et. horn- of lier parentH in Cambridge, (. Mra. l.i iiiiirH wa.i aei oinpanled by her abater, Mia ilollowav, who will i.pend a few wei ka -.'. ,tli .Mr Hint Mrs. !rlrne In their ti'-.v riorri", Mi-rrJ- iiiiiii, avenue. Mm John Jay Abbott of bi ai;., la pend i iik inviriil (in lis at the liat tery J'ark hotel. Mr. and Mia. J. W. Caiinun mid family, who haw .spent. h v.ial wi. ka at the llattery Pmk hotel, I, turn to tb. ir lii'inu in ( 'on' "id lu'lay. Mm. It. I.. Kiupatruk and MIsh Lola, Flt.palilik haw shortly for Heal He. uluro they will visit Mra Kitpat rli k a aon, Mr. Oale Fitzimt ri, k. Miaa F'it'patri, lv will enter tin. Statu unlvtiHity at K'-allle for tin u inter, Mra. Mary Willlamann and Mian Luia Oav 'illiainwon bavf nluine. from il lJlt to Kenlii' k y, tbiir for mer home. M ln.a i 'I ,m 1 (H isll ln Mra. W HIih iiihoii. Mian Conevb ve litoun riliiiiia to day from Montreal. Mr nnd Mr. I. T Jhiihh. of Wln alon Salem, ale .apendiliK aeveral daa In the city. Mr. and Mra. .lul'-a i 'asaa nl, of New- 1 1 r b-t'ina, are HpendiiiK v.lne (nif at Hi.' Hattery Pink bolel. Mr Ixiran A. Kerr, of M, li. e, s ('., and Mr. Klli.a II, km, of 'l'ippe canoe, (), urn In town lor a few daja on bualueaa. Mr. A. .1. I lilln i ll and a.m of Spar tanburg, apeut yesterday In the , ity. M iaa Kmma OudKer bavea In H week or o for Atlantic City. Mlaa Mabel (loaaelt baa returned lo lli-nderaonviile after a visit to Miaa Mary Stlkeleatlier. Mr. and Mis. Albert Wrlffht and children, of Havana, are vialiliiK Mra Wrlght'a mother. Mra Thayer, (it the home of the bitter on North French Hroad avenue. mm Mamie J. Kzhinrh and Mlsa Helen MelHinuld, of Columbia. are vlHltlnff friends and relatives In tl,. city. CHIEF'S RESIGNATION IS LOOKED FOR SEPT, I ' ' 1 r- M ith;iouT:ii iiixt r un i i iim- HKKs w II I, - KI N rri'ur. i,i final, ITa ir- Hie I;, a- Mlll (.IH II b I llli I ,,' Hi- Action. i" r line '-I III il" II,- II I ,1, I ", a I -I n :'" I ., il li . I I . ' ', . I'" I 1 1 Rev. ,T. n. Arnold haa return irom iiia vacation and will reaume aervlcea at Hcthel church tomorruw MRS. D, HILLIARD BUYS "HALTHENON" V.IA'AI)IjK IIKAIj l'STATK IS CONSL'MMATKO IK.I Aiinouncenient Mado Tbnt a Number of Offtcea In ItiUldlnK win m, Jtc modeled. M is.a lletll.l Sltea en V e I i tail I" fi leiiila in Know oily for l Misa I'lsii- White baa leturned from a 111" Ii i, i ll t 11 Visit to frieiuLl In the east i in pat t of t he Mat e. Mr. and Mra W. M Marlovv. who hive In ell m-eiidlnc .several w e.-ka at their cnuiitrv cnttaire mi Hiltinoro star i"i.ie. have leinrued to their li.-llie on H, . 1 1 den a v en ue. A real estate transaction of Itit ureal which will bo made public today, l8 I ho tranafer of the Halthenou prop erty, formerly owned by Dr. Paul l ipiln, to Mis. Duftlcbl Hilllaid. The luucbaac pile,, not Minted In tin. ileeda, which will be reconbd liulav Tho llalthenon bulliliiiK on Haywood street haa been occupied by Dr. it. s. Cnrroll'a Hanlturlum for aeveral years Dr. Carroll will continue utnlei- tl,,. former contrncl, which la transferred to Mra. Illlliard. The properly la val uable ami will be further Improved by tho present owner, who will re model a number or tin- offh . a in the building which are Independent of th, aanltarliim. The deal la one of im porlance owIiik to the value or the properly nnd the prominence of the liitotcMt.il parties. Mrs. Illlliard owns other properly In Aahevllle. to which the nriiilaitl,,n ,,f the Ilaiilienun bulldliiK will be a valuable addition. The lep.irt of I hi- putehaae of the Halthenou una miili i I bv Mr,,. nn 1 1 1 1 1 1 last 1 1 i k li t CONFEDERATES ARE ONCE MORE IN CAMPS 1 ' a. t , , I ' i' .'. , I I : i Ii ,,,"! , i;.iii.i i.ui, n,.i. Mi-. ,1 W iii I IV lilt' i In , in. tia 1 1 1 -a m t on K i.'.'ta at the 'liiilied Mn mil to Ihn -I'licv ;ii'c 1 1 n- l.'ilol I'l'i. I I Ladies and Miss es Skirts New ly Arrived ItOVS IX CltAY MKirr IN AXM AI lU'I'MON spiil a I Si-rinon Will He Pnai lied t Vrieriiin and IVIemla Next Suialay. I'C'il iin- Ml l.ilii ii- ;niil il l ulu s,V""iii ,, s'J. "i.i ii i. 'Him I .'i li.i iii.i, linn u , ., - In Is, ;i in '"'I il t he lil.'lill ! IliI 1 he IiImiI.-iI si li s: ' 1 -iun. Alt rulers i'' '" b in li .-.I i ..iife.b ial i. t' tans vv.ul Into eauii' vi'Meiil.. , ' 1 1 1 1 1 ' l,.i , a b.-ut h oit inilea I t "i, tl"s , it v , nai tin oil water vv.o I, Th- vi'tti in-, have pnpaied an In'.' . -t i, i; pi . a: i.i in tor Hie lour da-. . " 'iinti. Tonight there w ill Ix- m . i , in ro, nr. I lie iii.'itil'i-ra will i. "I" ii i iip t - all th. ir friends ti..a Ih, i' vv ho may deslie to atteiel I hi Sun. lav I!" t will be a s;...', I 'n.-li plea, he, I (,,- the . amp I h 'ii' ii'U "I tin. vel.r.lli.a ate ii .;(,,t l I i! the . .nop. X Utrol.lv I Vl l KMi IMS I S. Milnv toui'iMta i-allle f r--liv Nor ' -' !-i.iy afteni.wMi on t ii S.-nihei ', -'.'' Ial trip, four extra . ".i he.a b, r iii.ubcvl to tmln No. IT. Although 1 any dulinlt Hie matter. by iniimki that Chief . "'Ill relSn i. It ia also n ; baa receive.! that effect : i "r of the '"'ii lookln.. 'le timhl I 1 'iiambera. .' receir t'iff Chan, "iislderlnK on.- of pri i has not !., ,, t. nt mri by , . . ii- chief ,hf : lateil at ll ,' u"l aought , KiVTIl to 111", Ify the K. i, Hint the p. !,. inn new a i . .nit in. ut ,. s.,in. man H'llh police V .i I. 1" . Several m,n ith this qualm, an.,n an air. inly dis ii.-wd by it'll friends, but no d.-fl nlle Intlmilt as to the identity of Dm fortunai- "in i an I,- obi. lined Coming Attractions I. ( 'I,,, nil.- r.s a,h. I I I" U,ll,i-.-l"ll ll" I i I ",U Hi I ." i, "I lie In. iti i , 'I, i,.n, a I r.-a.ly i!" ;. li .,r avall-.- ss,,i lo Mr. , I bv The i itizen, . a Ins reason for -oll.il)"ll lb" pre.s i.'iis !" Hlinh he I (in proper at t Ins many dutie " . depa 1 1 Inent lb . I"". Ihal he bad iti"ii vv in ii it vv a i il piil.li, it ia thought 'liiliils.sn.li Will Kive The Tented City. When ni'si of the town are still slumbeiilni! Hn mitfbly Haag Itallro.id hIiovvh will nine here on their own upociial trams of care and by the time III" Nlwn Is awake, there will be a teii'teil i-lty ."iiiiilele In it.self. liaviiin ailirunff up in ibc nlnhl. 1 ho teiili'l illy In u.i coniplele a.a any city of inmlern tinicw. an a visit to the show croumla will prove. l"t fnjirhtv HaaK i-aiilis,ad abowa have the lie. at uniuc trained aniiiuil ai t ever .fir"'l in i d. citn.pose, of bea ponied and h-bn- fam-d monkeva Pr fesaoir Chas. Duncan, Who ba.s crealed Ibl.a at-t i.v a vviilwiut doubt lliele not nnother .o t In the woral to e,ii il it. The blue-raced ninnkeya wbl. l ate uaed In Una act are a, great Hpeci- men of alllllial llllelllen.e, beillR aear th piiamif link as can lie found Worda Will not exreN the many n markable iiialitle. ,f 'liumau Intelll riiico thAt me hIiow-ii by these bin. faced monkeva Thin act In only one of the many f nature act.a with tin- lulglity Haaj liailroad abovva which exhHlljtl A.-lhevle soon. - - i'-'- 1SLACK SKIUOIIKLY ILL. The inoKAHlon 'if Wiley Black win vv ilh brought to the eoiinl y (ail reeli. Iv fPiMiil tfloi jramr on tb" r.-ada ovv lii(r to bin physical condition s vvora,. than at anv u. vh.us time. Yoate.rilay afti-rn ."ti I! be. ain.- neeca Rnry lo cull a pbvsician aa I be con dition is.ime iilarininu'. P-laek'a bus are Muoiir-n to jiinuit i , h iln ir nor mill ai.e nnd -hla vvh,,le 'ho.tv is in ,, aerious- condition Vaihnis opinloiia have been given as I,, the h, ..t rem edv- for IUai-k. M.inv .se. in lo think that If he were ba.k on tin- roads when- be OXMlbl be out of doors and have lir,ht w'ol l t.. do be would heller The coin ,n sua ,,i oniio.o, ma I,. In- Dial . oiiKHeineiil will n Inipi-ovi' hla oiindii i,,n mul nouu ni, m inlist be ,m.l"V",l (,. , ban.:.- hi.s , llll,n. m Qig Cut on adies Today we will sell our long silk gloves at an unheard of reduction. If you are looking for bargains this is youi chance to get an exceedingly good one. Our fall stock is coming in-and we must get rid ol these summer gloves. We have executed our part by these big reductions now its up to you. $1.2. Black long silk gloves will be sold at 75c pair $1.0 Black, Tan, Champagne and Sky Blue long silk gloves will be sold at 1 1 98c pair S2.00 Black, Tan, Champagne and . Navy Blut long silk gloves will be sold at $1.24 pair ov) prices On .Jill Summer goods If V oU Will lea I II to e.i I le 1,1 all. I lake proper cxerrls, your tn.lu;, s thui will soon disappear I i . . t" . li.i bet t. Physical Culiurlsi. A.h lanb- Rbli:. JeII-0 Ice Cream Powder Makes Ice Cream at cos! ol l cent per plate Rr in 1 one pk !..m - J, n o I. ,- Crr.ni I'o-N.f.-r, one bottle eulk ,,x fr,.t.,,. V 'ih,,,g more All ,p, .,, in ,,, , C .',-, Milt,". 1 I u "Is ol I'jit . Deli, . "e. I. e Cn-.u: ITS A Ciinii PLAN' Til visit all the sah'srooma available and not de ciilc vv lib it piano to buy until .von have aeen t hem all W"ll take oiir cbaine Hull on your buyiiiK a Stieff Tli 1msI Vintio (i ho IiikI fur m lilllo moixy iih ii inn IMauo 4fn ho I Mri ft from mkiKit t iscr, uitlnntt jiKfiit'H or tu I (1 l 1 f nuiii H profit. -. i-ry c f nt of the prii " you i;iy in itf C'MI 1 1 1 f(l for in tin' insl ruim-ut itynlf. II'IM.I. s. I... k . k.- (' ' parks;' h tu ' .v : A Jdft sN. It ixeyx Parr f i d.. ( Hov. V Every IVcsnaa , UmlU tbt w.-ii.lcrful kMARVKLWhlrllngSpray lit WW t Hiin.i fyrtm. It-iit- It ciin VIS i-lSu5 m KM M AK TOWnl nrf-t for tt. M h i- i.. irv'pt nc (.'...' u,.i UJ .i.mn fur I tMIn.i. i lakJPlf.l It tW r ,; ! '' nlum tlnTN'tiiM'ui In- t 'w.i . HirtwCKW Vohk. Chas. M. SOelt Manufacturer of the Arllstlo btlelf, Shaw, and Stiff! Ki'lf-pluyer lManos I WILL YOU BUY - j COAL NOW I liilp von can cl if for Irss, or wait till wintt'r (oiiics and pay higher ju ice I 1W & W INDIAN COAL Is best for all liurnin )iir)osos. Carolina Coal & Ice Company H. A. Miller Mgr. Phone 130 Paralysis Anticipated. T K S T I M ONU This Is to certify th have received three tr lneiits from Olaudlus Miller, M. T. V., and r theert'ully recloiim the treatment tAi t who suffer from linpr circulation of thevbloi My address, 34(i I 0 Avenue, Tampa, Fl (Signed) R. li. BR(M July 31. 1909. VIJilTOKS, SAVE SlOiVEY, by having your teeth attended ba Always up-to-date. Painless Kellable. Crown and Bridge wo apeclalty. Popular prices. MODISTE M M H. LESLIK (JUAfJG Weddlner Trousseaus and Kvemn downs a specialty. ! IU. MATTHEW'S DENTAL F. Shopping done freo. Clans In Ore-m- i LOUS Making. j 2;i-26-27 New McAfee Bldg., mmiwt : t oiiegu ami spruiw, opp-wlte Jst, . , 'IM Cliurcli ami near tknir it A UiiANCJS TO BUY J itesidcixe rhon nl SOVTUl.HN WAllEHOOM 5 West Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. t . II. WII.MOITII, Milliliter. (Mertlon this paper ) COMFORT HAIR WAVERS iivc a beautiful iiiaictl ,lt- In llli' hail'. Sec MISS CRUISE. " 1 Sl LADIES I 1 i.i vt' ii IVw choice EVENING CAPES that mti now he lia.l ;i teisomit,! Itooiii 15 M KON AI.IlS l I'ntton te A 100 piece dinner set for j !,!..'). See'then, ( js , ICE CREAM at 1 1 io ' -AND The Asheville China Co.. c. , BUTTERMI N. Nonli I'mk s.,uiirc. riione :!SI.: Nil J li It'tl at SXllJ tJlUC - leonni-ctinn Avith our sy kviaii, :ii)ilk delivery. Absolve for a shout i iM,,; )N Y j cleanliness features ' w The wuh, riioto 29 I'atiiinhiaiiilliiirr of our nroduet. I Avenue vvill mnKe their r-Kiilar la.no1 per dozen Photos at .( u(i per doz- vn. CHher work In proportion. Ann-, tetir work flnlMJieil. i Asheville Pure Milk J - ; La Grecque Corsets lM WEBB & COMPAl ; x or every t3npe ol figure : ! GREENE & CO.. ?! muwj imoru i i 1 i.i' Vllium Otieei. j No. Battery Para ITaoe. mope )PEERLES3( HIIVIi.mj V. a ri i 1 1 1 ii'.i ii i I, niai K, nine, rn-y, and I.iih-v. you w ish a sciai'al e skirl nf ih.- iVeslie.sl a latest. 1 1 1 esc art- for ini. M. V. MOORE Womhvs vi:vr.. 11 rATTON AVE. woman who reiet 1 i I .., ill liet ll mill r-1 111 ll" 1 il i,,r the Kurt three i i in,' ehil'lren hail ' .',iattinK" in tlo- r i.-iises. In Ijvmlieth t ucli l.ousvis vv hii-h lui - ilii. hy of Corn" nil. U'l l !l,-i 1.- .she rent l f , 111 lire 111 vert,-.! ini peop .1 i 1'ei 'ultti'd to occupy the pi ices nr.! I the premises arc ilcllHc i.-.he,l. The only skeptic in physical cii!:ine is the one who has never pnuti.e.l It. See Prof. Herbert. Adelaide liuilding. I i i I i AIR FIOAT TiiriiH ! iniivuiiii Take a package of Fine AIR FLOAT TALC Home with You " is 'nun .1 riKht li- re in ,-tein -Norlii ('hi,. In:.,. ,,, lnJ... in J-.i.irt.'a ;l.e v. -;.; ,' (... u FUlil.lMe f,r t-.llet put p., yes. For Sale Everywhere Our Hosiery Slock lias lieen lately re lien islied We can show you a lit I'l- 'i'ii'l .'initiiicnt .tl Ladies' ,,se iu JUack. T.-uil nd . nlnrs at ''"ii-, :;.")c, ."Oc ,;,jr in, and Cliildrens' Hose at lOi."),- ali-1 -: Miss, jiair. Big lot of Outings just in. Neat little stripes 'ana . checks and solid colors at JOc ard. 5-V llll,'lwl,i'-J'".llil-,lllaf'1'