1 i THE WEATHER: SHOWERS VOL. XXV. NO. 2')!). EIGHT ARE KILLED OF D. L R TRAINS More Than rifiy Are Injureo More or Loss Seriously In Tho ArUdent ORDERED TO STOP AT SWITCH. RAN PATS Scene of Indescribable Confu sion Ensued Among Passengers (By Assoi no, CllL-OKADo .-'l'i: I '., is, Colo., Au gust 14 Kiithi ii- .in'! fifty Injure!. cine I . ! ii! .i- a nault of a hwiil-i'ii colli-ion i.. i,i-. n train .'o 8, north bound, in. I u No I, iu'h bound, ii Hii I', iii. i am) 111.. Oruii'l at liu-led. tlmi nines north Colorado Splint-- the n.-ninns Tie trains boOi 1111111110', .11 t, 1 1 iitie :.p, i d jriet on it I'lir,. and iloii .lows had no opporl.unit - 1" ;i 1 1 Hi. oolli-ioii. Train Nn. v di.c.yu n. 1 in oiii'.iii--s t elcsev ped tho liaL't-I--. it in.) smok er 'Of N'o. 1 an. I -all tin e.nes Wi lli Into th ditch Wit Ir mote Hi, hi ("in 1 1 1 1 ii.l 1 i-tl 1 : 1 - m HK,p3 i-in I''' I a " Iho o. it- meiit following Mi.. '1 ' 1 I nt was in ilosoribalili.. All Hi- I'.im .' IIK' I'" W.-rc thrown III a '' nan mi: mass on III" lloorsi uf Ho " : ii"l many vye-i.- hart in the Ktampt-I,- ! .u"- The 1111 liurt rusln-'l I.. Ho ai.l of ilir Injured, Ibut w gn-.ti u.i- iho confusiLWii that II mUil lull in ' ' 1 'HI lo clear l.he cairs lii' Ii . nvielopcd. in clouds of steam 1 1 . .111 1 in- ciifiut-s Itlauic- Traill IVr. Reliel 11 am I" arniK iirKns nii'l nurses wen- 1 us-hcl In thi- Moene "f - f Die wreck a Ittl Hi'' wound'sl well '.tirouhi l" h"-il iHwpilalK. ' ' Tt Ik Niinl that Hi" "I'licials f I hi' road place Ulain- if 11.- wroa'k Upon the 'i'"W of train No. 8 who - UDiu .;bn.il bt nut! No. 1 sit. llu.Hteil. IN HEAD-ON CBA5H ""ft' tr' i&gmM "tlur ervW mistook a Wltoh enpinfe !rd cars for No. 1. and belle'Ve) tlw trri-l( waft rletar. The followitiK '' aiim'n.K tho hn.i: Frank M. Ki t il.-riok . SI. Lmiis; ' S. Brown, J.-trli Spring, M" ; .1 A. COKMiiKt'. Iliislotl, I'olo., Ilv. niail H K iJU kt-ns, 'ttlol ailo Ki liii;'i. J K. Parker. U'liM-r. .1. I:. I'nker. OtiieaKO, ntiil two nnil' ntilioil FARMERS EAGER TO HEAR Institute a Sl;t Alt i;h1 1 Lare Ciowd I'Yom Adjaeeiit Territory. TNTF.KLSTINO TALKS. SYIA'A. N 1', AiH'ilst 11. The an nual counlv ni-'ii'iic l"i iJi'ii'-rs w.i--. nd was lai--. al- held her,- to. I ended. Sllllll 11 lie litul- I been held r.-.el.lli " -"'i"' I ,1.. ,.n,l III II L I .bo I "I I 1,1,., , 1 ,y looked f.'iw.il'l i" "i'1 tup fanner- ,,f '" 1 1 "" Tw, In Me iml "I h'-r I hlblle.l I" j t-HT loads of in.pl farming mat. 1 : .1 show tb, lai in- ' their farms ,,.ul i I ,1 - ,, .. inn. h bell, I 10 , '. w il h up m.l -all. r Holo- I.. SI eV ' US, Of , L- "f Auri-o- il Arts talked to-date niaelnii , date met hod I ' the North Catoio culture and M, h interestiiifTl I h 1 : 1 ! ' ' ' teria in Trees " 11 I ftlllKUR of the b:o i.iosl nothing bn' h'. . !. i "-1 "Cac- .1 h"W the ; fi nn al- . , '.actoria 1 Itself was ultimal. n ! '- "f u e ..H chmls and 1 1 ! 1 ' - I Ilo ""ir. e from nhich the 'b--cattle a.s will a- b'"u heir to. The ebmni n teria wafl tlini-uss. .1 ,1 I . . WHICH 1 ibi:- hac 1 and th" 1. -t ions on also dis-I..W.-I bow farmers asked n--i b u 'i11' the subject Tuberculosis in . .ml - " ' ' ; cussed and Or. Si, ' i' 'o .' the same disease w.c :-.ii '- ..ls fv.'l'l ' ,'H , , 11! rael - d I lie in llUllia" t j u .1.. , l,,i id o ii- w hu h Blioweti .0." " er t li- is attracting ati. ni' .l. .1 t-:u ir- h country could I ,i, the p ,rl of the with a little car, - i"" ' farmer In takint: ' n- pig pens and like biiil'bn- " il"i'- their own homes lb -h-.w-l h" cleanliness was n. t t - "dim liol admork:he those I' pr o n Ibe I former to-fur-- ih' aUempl. i) to put i the latter Into effe, i. i (nl. (b-ore.- 1". Miller, of Slva. inc. yy-y, m,,m--,.. .nj!i-;t 11 hrn.l of lb'- J o ksoi, f-uiiO Kair a- nrtnv -f i;..u-hi. the Nrnn-lahl-socialion. took oc asi-ui t,, tilk to 'hf i slli,j... t ,,r u:n of M,,r., farmer on the fair to b. lo-bl h-r- I , . ,,.f, .,io,l by iini rial tr-.op lt-xt fall. Arrangements were tninlr a me.tinc t" 1"- li'M laler un.-n inal arraniji-m. ins win " 'i'""- event, rrnTTTm ciTTTTTirh a JLLJOLIC. yjlJLi'i-J- MISER INSANELY GLITTERING PILES Patrol Wagon Called to Cany Away The Load of Filthy Lucre MAS A HCitlT WITH SIX BIG POLICEMEN iflAr lli.LInn I lltlrt i hi', I I AllUl rtlUllIMIiy Wll'l' i lllivJ roi. His Case Is Report ed to Authorities (Sx-cin i,, Tho ili'. ii ) j'lTTSUl : Hi ;, Aui-usl II. - I'' l''1' I .i il.a ii. h, ii h i-iiiil In mi; in a ' I on iho hill.- back of A 1 1. lii ii- . " is Ink. ii in i Iihiko In Hi'- I o 1 1. i.'.l i-b,ca,i-o In- w :tt slalvim-, and thuunlil have K ih-.iii. Mom linn;,or. When tin- pole ,-, ; op i no d In- ;in offlo r l h.ni do- I 1 i ' I l'mnt of churill. k, . nt.-io.l !.- hub- homtj on the hill tlioy I1.1.I .lilii. nil'- In movjn? about, f'"' 1 i-' '''I ntvl iilver wa-' o -r v h 1 -. A parol a"li uas .nll.it lo haul Iho money, ainl il ina'l' moio than one ti ii When Ho- . ! 1 "f the K:i l-ll'iel-" lit'litiril .National hank iilil lor thfc il.ll 1 1 1 ivere III., I. Tlioy hail , oiinl. il $ II,IHIH 111 rol.l I .-, il ,r uhioll hail hooll taken ll"ili tin' home of the .thi Mii.-. r an. I lhe Inn. yet a lot of work ah, -.1,1, Th, -re are ali.oit lili-on bars of Kohl, sil.tr anil poiint,-., ,t iiinoiinl e,l. The aliioanl 111a ' ,n li $ I all, llllll. The polioo tonif.lit al o uilal ilinn tho hovel of 1 .i , ut I, on I In- lull, as they are not vol si 1 1 lit .1 that 111' 1 have all the moll. Hums'. a- .-iml worry "W v the Miii.i.le of his brolh. r An. how a year sine' are IhoiiEhl to hao tlriyon l.eiliaiuli I nsa no. I lt;lils Willi Sl IS.II. . im-ii. lie anil his brolh. r w. io herb l'e,l ill.rs on Iho North Shle for main years, anil nr.- iiii.it.ie.l lo have ii,,ar,e,l overs e, nl th.-v took in. Thin niorninii l', , r heeaine vi.ileiil untl attaekeil SMine little children near his home. aeeusinK llieii) of hav ing plucei a 1.1 I. of iKUier In hjH fiKiit yard. One of the hllilren rep.irtiit the affair to hpr mother, who mnt the. poliee nfter I! bn ueh . lie fought likr n maniac 111 bis In. lit yard until ov, r-,ov,-re,l by Nix officers. The ohl man bail taken no chances oil the police sttlinblillU oi r his K"l'l am) bo can i.-.l "ii the ball I, oiilsob- ( 4 'oil I i tl Ui'tl nn ifi f f 1 1 1 r. ) MR. TAFT WILL WAIT FOR THEN HUSTLE TO LINKS lousiness of !Htinj lh 111 Hole Main Tiling in Augusta. TIIL'KK CKNSl'S JOliS. ( li A--... la I c,l erem.) l!l-: KKI.Y. Mas . Aiil-.i I'll- M Ihoiu'.li I'l ,--id.-lil Tall had a ,ni,'; till: .Willi I '..si masl ' 1 ll'l.ll Unci I . 1 1 II ; sollo- ,1 ' a 11 le 11 11. , no lit -! "'iM '"' " ' I"1''''1 ' ' the 11:1111. s ! lb. I ha 11 I , ,, hull ' : M ' '"' ,r - v.l l.t I,,- , omtni- M.,11, il w ni w il hlo 1,1 -I boil"! row , olo lo I I e. ll 1.4 'II. I' I'lllth. in I, I t ion., I . .in 10 Ht . 10 1 II I I oil T'-v 1. t,n 11, .1 tins nil. 1 .con io I ilk ,,. ' I 1,,. pi . ,1,1, mi's I M, I 111 'inli T, vi next 1 111..I" r. It ha s 1,1 a. t :, ally I" , 11 .1.1 1. 1 -, I 1 1' '' 1. .... , ,,,,, 1 ,li.r I ,,. .,....), , ililoli:. Hll -t ,,. ,t 1:1 I'..- o A 1 : w,,.r, 1,.- 1 1 In :-'-' 1 of ar Dickinson Tb. progiam i-" Hi- p stop in A'lU-l.i '''. w i- a to. In-. . Ami . ic- 'I. a:-. ,1 la -id. ol -..in,. .1 inn I. Nowmbcr f.. Ho pr .bin w 1 I,. met with an n.l.l "!' "'"i"1' t ho rail was -'al "i and a Ion tie ' , n,no s ar li'l'b I d w ill f., 'I. I'ot I tt, 111" ft. If h" I, : W II. I e ,e ..ll ' .1 . many k.iiii.- I i I ml. r in pi- dent .,!,,( Siliinle e . mil-..- I h. I'l'sl'lelit ill male a ublie addl'- and ,,n Sunday be .mi i " I" Inn ' I' and r , ., numb, r of form i! , -ill. r-. I'l. id. in T ill I "ok bis broth- r jcbarbs p T.ri, .,f I'm. inn-Hi. ...it.-t.ii Iho I X colli in i lull K"lf bilk" I , , , . and "b, il him '' a f i.-!, I'l,- I. ,,. . . ,1 " ,.,"11, I I, ,1 lo ' . - llllll III Ml" I He ,001-,- ill :t.t. l'l I Hi ll Ills MIS ! cnptnr-tl lii-- eaniji and his yv.v- . jelii ,im4f '-m-.-i nsI to th. nod" i tains. .Many t,t ms i.,ti,ty. rs ar.- r, - ported killt-U or wwuniltl GLOATS AMONG HIS ASIIKYILLL, H: ff f H i - V p3 if H T f . 1 1 . V SCS. K ic jr9tm 1 -"""if . vw. , t vr-sl Siot-.-.. - :. -r I'lfsidciit I)i;iz, l' Mci(-(i, li MS OP THE SCORE Of WITH A LIFE FOR A LIFE lie Wilt. Took Life Lost I Own in M vstciioiis ra-red v CHAIN OF (MUM I imi.ti.Mi'I.'i:. 1 II New. rein lo 'I h , 1 ,- 1 ' ' m i ; ' 1 1 1 1 1 "in M ii,l,l Crunch. .Mont "iio 1 v , ..mil i t . ,,f I he 1 ' lo 1 . tb a I tot II" "li of a in' mI r tli.ii h;'ii .1 ip.i r - lit ! l-iti i'iH'1 in i M nl 1 h linn t- lli 1 rt ;i wrU ;iur. Th- W'hm v,ts- !l'ii.n I'ttnlr. :iil ll.l'. .in. I Mil atl- ti. (i- f: -I .1 .it h t" h.n f"H,,w.'rl I hi - 1 luilh-t U ni! I III ! 1 1 - - I illhl a hi, v on Hi. ii.'hi mdo lliai rrai.- nil , ,1 lb" si, nil This -.. is. pi-ohahb inlli I yy ii h .1 li.il- li- t . w hi. li yy as I, ,1111, 1 111 Ho I I'"" . . ....ly yl i I.. nil. I stl'lcheil , up.'ll il- bail. an. I i I. .Hi. .1 "lllv III nil- I. : w . ar. . Tie I n I I ha : a - '"" I. - alo slipi of ni'.ni y I tin n n, hay,- bt-, n in h is i poss, ssi'.n. ih. ' -. '. II li his watch; iml ,li:,iii,.tol nn -..- ims-iiiK. adds lo I h. inn I ,"o ' ih i I I "blo-l", plolllpl. ,1 I he I .1, f . Co 'I- ii, ,1 ' i I ab. oil a year ac... bin ho .-in, I hi w if.- li-. - .1 I- a. tic i .a,, a .- 1 1 1 1 i i- .--I-- u.i.., a da in: I' i.-r "f V i - i 'I ' ii- I i i 1 1 a 1 1 is. win, ,,ii Th or . I i liir hi ! ' Ton! 1, l "ii- l a -a ill!.-. I a I 1 i i II ib. .Mill; ..net y nlv. In I, n . I . . ,i i.-.ir "1,1 i ill,. Ilanii, Ii. r ii. ph. v.. A I, "Hi I 11 I'' ,.. , : I i-, , I ''."le o-y e, I h Hi v .In-: "i I . , I I o Ho k llhli : I'll a C 1 - DR. MELL'S RESIGNATION Ailniit His K'n-o 11,1 timiK As ti I )isriiliin- uf. tlie Institution, I lowe er. ' I I'.y -tM ial. ll Clo ) A XI l-'C.- .. . n,- "."' I I 1 lo- I", I I .1 ol ll. I I " I, lie "II I .- I i. all HI ll "l;- 1 " I i " , . . d I no ,. - "I ,.,!;,, I, ! I'L ... 1,1 C II M. II ho h u ,- "i bum i. d in .1 nn,. I en I u M. II, loot' '.. i . I, ... :i-;i I I i er . , mill -I -i-u;:" 1 l" .-n 'id" Hi" bt, aid I" I- i bo - -r Or M !l l.a - I.. , n lo o I ..' 1 ... -. h"',l ..r i . ll i 1 s His . i:-,i i I ;,n l',dl,e.y ..I a , o--h ill ll,- f n nl! . iii hi. b h. , hi in .! i he r.-. "I H. . "Ih I'e ', I"'!',,- I lie ll"!!, . :. Ii, liol Mil ,1 , ," Is yy , i f !,"! - i. I lio'iL-h t" (ft ',. itl I h, I !t, I ! r .. I thlnkiiiK h- I-; liieh. r in I thati I io. in i, lent A commit I, I triit,,-. ' i,-i,,r Tillman n- ' li.iinn ,:i ' ' ; I with Or. M il and m -h i j adopted the r, p..rt "f ll,, w hi , reeomrnt nd i nc cbarif.s :e Oil with i i ii - a 1 1 ' ;le I....'" , . .io rn 1 1 S 11-L-f-li d j Iby Die pn-idenl Winn m' ml" r ..f the board Informed In-, h-ll ..f ll,. ,i action tie tout tnem no iia.t u- ni.-.t t'i. retire to private life N. C, SLNDA l;l(i) is wilV, i-ahinet ainl ial;n sensioiis, and lli!'i ati'ii('(l wit DAY'S RECORD OF CRIME IN WHICH LIFE IS CHEAP, In Vitest of Motives and in the Innocent Wrath of Chil dren the De'il in Us Shows Ha nd. l'l TZflKCAM), 'la., AukiihI H. -Cosst.y today are c u 1 1 111; the mil -roiimliim country l i neuro who ut lemiited erlminnl n;,iult on Mini Dnlny Ptinwl nWouf'tWO "n'ofocli tHt nmrninif. The in sffn hiul entered the Kill's room r, 't'ltjli n window. 1 Awakened by I'.- rdse s',o 11 1 1 , 111 pi I to resh itrtsl I. 01, but bo ..iu;:ht lo , hv the throat a-i.l tried I" .boko I,, 1 The joimi; foill-h! M, It. lit.) . illliallv miei.-i" Jo .: Ill is'l'l'iio: li.-m her n-saibini be. I"lnin.. In I sLrpiii-; in t'l i'l k ' ' II 1 ( I (y tin Kill's fis-t R' ji rd . 1(' ;l l if liiir.; i: ( aptuj fil . w , - OHt. .-.I. , 11 '1 ' l.ill Ho 11,1:10 li ol . ruifiii led il ho-li a -el , ii. ci" Is . ill I MlilMoll i 1 1 ' 1 1 1 .-. I . 1 1 . . . . h , I '. in i",ln: in; lo II". in 1 1 i: WIMil i "A fi l l-: i : . i i .. tin . i whin , and hi.- I .. . ... . , . Klin, v Jail- M h. i . i -.lull li: A -.-, , , . i tie i, V. 'In i 1 ,1 yy n ii i i i Kir! o. mo i .-1 ill, .. iiK-i'ib " tlf llllll"1. "11. Ill' l.l , I n- 1. 1 1, . ! Colli II, l' x' ill,u: 1 1 -, il TI, 111 pi al'!"'. h, I ih I. Ill, II I. I llllll 'I III' 'Id , h Hi ' 'll TI,- i eat. ulna '. ai II, r hi.., . .Ilr ,. le ' ' . I lilt Mil (. nonl II I ' "Id ' , 1.'-., o li- ATE ME! i.rj TILL IT KILLED HER. ic I., in.- i. in .!"i.i 1 1 tiib i , n i.-snll ol , Iteil I'll'--.) . . . A .if... I I..!, d vv. ,m ... ll.il ,,d;,;. inn i ii -. .-1 1 . i oirhi I a I. -a oner, i - i nice p ,,-ai , '' ' ' I ll.l " ' I"'1 In. Id"' w n I ' I nn lei &H0WER5 j WASIIIV: I ii';iiot 1 I . l'i" o'lna . I.ot jil Kti'i ,y -Mom lay. hht mod win, U. !: ."'m - i nium-.. ' i-ratt- t" vana . Ins ,, pn. : I-all .Hid ; i : . oi- m i i i in 1 1 . lie 1 1 :;iih ly ic i i .. i . II n :,,. ,. I .1 ! . I : ' . - M ., , ,l,.i , l lai I , , h. , I i, lo I II .f -"' "" 1 " lain. 1 , .,! ,, I I ' I IIM.IN x i : v S. le. ll -I i I-1 ' .' il s' . ; the ll,,!" I :.; I S ,1 1 I i ' . I . -. . ' The in.,," ma n -. , .-- riTrmT VUJL iLJL Al iil'ST If !.. whose realm on the eve of lii H It invasion from this country. Ifiiur eaiiie from work. "(Jet up anil Mud Horn,- other ilace to nleei." mild Ihiiuc, Khukli him. "I waul to lie down." l''or iinsw or the hoy Ifajit'l to- hla feft. eUetl K aharn tiMeh"n knife from th tnlite anil pliiiifcre'litt lilt" his brolllel'.H side. fl!,l:i IIV III'. T. CI 1 11 1 ,1 1 ,i ;Ti i. III.. Aiinu.'d 11 Hell. ,,'l lo l,;.o I" ' II llrufll IIIK In III'- 1 ) 1 1 , 11 Ileal, .John I'.UMln I to ,!, farm. i- ,,f noi l h'-iirtl'Tn Mi la nn 1 1 , . . lil. 'l hll w il, I" -hi oiilllni; hoi throat and nlflflli- io.- 1 1 1 lil will, a ra..,r. Three of tlll-lr I Illldl'l-U yy ll" -A II . mte.l I he ,ii in, II. d 111 I nee 1" -.a . .- their 1h iv. Cic-iiy look n-liiii,- in a biru yy here ht t ll'-t (apliired y a ,s.;., S llllllMil: CI IN silt IT. ( ' I I A 1 ; I . I ,. "f I , S l A 1 1 .; ii :! II. ' i l . i i 1 1 .1 .1. Town-, n, I ol Iio s. liooli- t I .1,,-, ,h no w 1 1 1 1 1 1 c in .-.i I lo i . Ijoin I '.' l! 1 1 1 1, , , w io- slo.l and plol.n I.ly ncnlil'-. . 1 1 1 I i I -1 , ,i,,,ii" l. . , I,, I ... P"' I I- PI I", Hi o Ii ill;o HldWllW Mil t : ' I I : .-: i ' i i II ! ' 'nil- o i in I ' ..It;- i on, ... oh le -!" "1,1. - lone 1, ,n I ! ' I ' I 1 1 1 1 , i ', . II, yy.i . Id. . i Ill ii a I ' i i I. -. II. I. ol lii I" . l! 1 1 lv t .! I o. . -I I" le; .. !.. . i II.. ol N IM I'l I - mi cm ic I .11 1 el V -. . : - e : 1 1 I ', , , ,, ' .,.,1 I,,!.. I-," i h h; r 1. 1. n i I he i i id. "I i 1 1 1 ' I I .....I i p. -. THIS SNAKE STORY WINS FIRST PRIZE III ': ' , -b r nd , I . ; i.d ,. ,. d ...i . ! I . f I it - til I,' ' "I lo ,,'v hi II ' :. 4 I'.le, I'y kill, d ! . t II I- Illy" ll FIVE SHOT IN GENERAL BATTLE 1 Wl'. ' ' ' ' M. A'lio I It : V, ai I . li!.- v ' -Hlei ,1a ! I.,.,. , , ,d .I.ol, Tiibtt-on. mn ! cfNlful -no I i,' tins .- . i pari,, i; ' rt, w ,,-' troubi, -ii " ' lint- le t V. n I I and Tiih I - ,-,J ha.e not I,. n I- arnt il. re-elcetiou Ls torn ly tlin- Of REPORTS OF REVOLT IN NORTHERN STATES Minister of War Seonts the Reports as Heiiifj; Wild ly Improbable. IIAVK "NO KTOTJKCES. MCMi tl CITV, Ailt'UHt 1 i. Tluit tin 'i-o In niiy llkt'liliood or mi uprlaltiK in inii lliei n MiVMci beciiuHo of I he pr, s. m fiolilieal aellylly illKplnyed In lb, stales of roiihiilbt and Neuvo I.e. .ii. In cmphalli ally ilenl.-il by 'ofi'-riil Manuel l Jonnleii CohIo, mln-Isl'-r of war, vy ho In an Interview to d.i said 'Thel. a,, reason to lielievt. that t ho p, ople of these HlaleH WIIIlM mail a r,y ,,n I loii or ii , n a 1 1 , til t "ll- At tb, pn lent time, the federal 'i, iiiiiieul bai, al", ll;,- money, (un til t. ii i 1 1. , n. soldi-is ami iiililb-rv, and I yy on Id I.,- tnl. .nil. .1 ..I "in .- id liny j 'lis! in hii in e In old. a- In lake Ihc I pi , p. , -I. .h lo le k II ' j I : ! " I C ., no V I I I'- . mem her of I "I" I " ami a d. . 1 1 -. for the Htllte I i .ahull. i l-.l , i, . . n . , a tele I am f I "III I on . I le.l I 'anb-nnH. of I I 1". ' -lai.. -.1,1111' I hat ho Wan Ml 1 1 1 ! h I- I mile d I" I. n I. i hii reslMintloi I" III. hi .! I. .:. I.'lol. .'II lit xt Moll 'la-- an I Ih il .1 lliiio; yyaa In per il. ' . aln, ." :- in II... 'IP" i. poll j "I Hit, a lolled ii:rlHlllK t.' I ,y "," " I" i. " ill arlesl of wev ' I !' , a "i t T 'nit, ,1 Sliilot n i.i i t i . ' i .1 1 1 :nr. the neui rain , in -e I , a, . (., I . . i' m i -u I a H i,, in: ...ii in ill, i. " So lai an cm In :o i M I 1 he ,,,i . if there wa, am . ' ' . ,.!. i imi'i' .id., n - lh.,,ii;l, NEW TARIFF BILL WILL KILL IC INDUSTRY Ia i "lit ;it imi I'l'niii M i i - a 1 1 Miin-s ()cr Aiiii'i'icaii L'ii.kIs Will Vim. C-ase. M I iX 1 1 '( I .Ti nt .'. h. I. -, ,. .1 " p i '- bill "l . .lit- I, a 'li Si' I ! J r , lb ".; I li.il, '.oil.-i :-, 'mil of VI. r, ii IT", a ',1 II 1 1 i -I . . ' 1 1 '. t ' ,'.t ,11 I Ir. m, ii ,.( M lb !(,. Co. I e ' ! It . ..!, . y . . I . .1 u i .1 11 - The a .In! ol tM i ' .! .11 I'l . P. ih. I nib 1 ' ny ' h. no i !'- .", 1 1 I I V,l! I I.. liiiMii. ,ml in l i 'It'll. 1 I-, 1 1 "t 11 "I ,.! ' Ti I ll Mil I, : I an- u 'ia u i iri " m 'I Ih. da-. I I , Hie full 'I i ha rsro f nan I la 1 in I .on plutils I i ' --UI' I hinty lit! a ,' , ..;,ci; I loin-.'- "! Mi ' '' '..''! Am- ri- a n m-.il in.- vain,, of in. v A fair ave- ,e pl-'wllleed in eht a battb- wlthj Mcyi'OH d i;:i m;s iw :,() a fin. Af 1" -,f the t vy . rntn ! I- ' lli'- ' ',11 "f mininsf In rwii'l mil ar, ami when t'o ;l." ' fr.-'ubl ami t.-irllT Ib-mf ' nu n had b. n 1 " adi'islod, lli.-r, In h.irdlv left a s- rio.iM.fy Tin ! ,"i' '" nl l.alani . for fair h rcent,i!'e he location of Ilo of proM. .,iiii. of Hennelli b ,!io has been exporting about os of the unund- 1 "at lino tons of zinc ,.re luinually to tl,,. Cult.-.! .lutes. 21 Pages Today PRICE LTYL (MINTS. S FAILHREAND DIES Overcomo by Disappointment She Inhales Gas With Doadly Affect THE HELEN GOULD OL THE QUAKER CITY Had Protege on Whom She Vainly Showered Many Kindly Acts MIS5 SANTACLAUS GROW II (Scclal to Tho Clllxeu ) rilll.AliKLPlllA, Ajiiiat JlC llearllinikeii lineausn u youth whom "In- hail tried In reform w-uji convict ed of forjrtiry, Miss Kllzuhelh A. Phil bps. (he Helen (loiihl of I'hllmlelphla. whose dlHlributloii of kIIIh anionn th elty'H poor children every Christmas had en rued ir thf tit In of "Mlwl Santa i'Iiuih," enmmltt.-il sulcbU today by liiliulliiK kiis. Hliv wiih found doacl In I he fotirth Uory attic room which lii occupied at No. 1231 Walnut Htrent. 1 Minn I'bllllpH enjoyed aim out a na tional reputation by ruaaon of her work nt ChrlHtnian tlnin amonf th IMior children. Jfnr wepka prior to Christ inn h of Mich year Hhn collected ftlliilH which ulle expended In pro vldl iik for (ho m'pily, anil on Christ mas !vi shn visited th honms of th chlbben In a blK Bijtotnoblle. 8h wits ii finnlllHr fKiirw lu all the local m-wiipaper offices and was the aub Jwt of a number of special "Chrlst ITlBa Htorlex." tint iaiKu ClnuN" Mall. ' Two years ao, at hr request, air the letters wrlttnn by i"tilldren and) mailed to Banta Clans were dellvensd to her, and tho reg mints of th chll- i dreii. so far as posslbls, wrs oom piled with. Uist year,-with th Ob ' Joct of maklnif her charHabls worlC tintlnnal In xcope, ah aitksd psrmM- Hlon uf tll piuttmaater-aeneral lo : lisvf! all leltnrs addreaaod to Banta, - 'Ions, from whatuver source, sent to her lip re, but the requwit was refused. Miss Phillip had a passion for . charity nnd her InnuMiHrabla ata ot serfnaisririflii shatUu-wUi.ittHh amt . mind. FVir a year her friend tiotload ' her arnitual. ilwllnei. Wh tiev'er r i covered from tho blow h rrt-elveil Ov.- montln airu when Andrew M. Ithulc.a collt'iit, uradiiato and mem ber or u fnmlly well nown In Nei Vork Hlate, was convletud of for;r In this city after sliu had taken par tlctilrir pains to reform hint. I'r.iicKii nn i:Mrt Peiimait. IIuvIiik Hervetl several terina III New- Vork primus, fthule, a yiMinir, handmimn man, drifted hora pennl ' (iVilllltlllcd I'll pnice four.) T FLAG DOWN IN CRETE OR ELSE POWERS WILL ACT Coiblitions I'.etueen that 'otinf ry and Turkey He- , come More (leave. ! KLKOKT TO VOUCH I .' i I a '. AllKUit 14 I'll I pas in- piles with Ihc demand of I 'iii- ' and .,i the people of ' 'rrtrt " haul do II I lie I il , . k II. ik Which 'o bay, h,,,i,, ii,,- lour pi otect Ins; y , ' , of ' ! . , , 1 1 1 till C ia (a in, It iii i ' 1 1 i ' v 1 1 1 ' I I 'i am c will perform l.e o 1. 1 1 ' nn- !' ,,, ,. f ,r Tin ) ill. t hi- . of i joint lima r ,,d '., ll," f-oir p.nyert and pr' - "I'd ! Ilo TniUl'tli K'll'-riHlli'llt lO ia To he pi' p : I I e , 1 IO US.' folVI! If i -.- l" 'bid... th- frelani t, .a.l ... n i he ..bp... lion il.le tl ir, eacll ' i,. p .... t .1... lib tt today lo -tend ,e id. ,!,,.i b w' il-hll, to t'.njea, Did 1 il ,1 "I !l, Chin, I of l'i, I,-. C I, C AiiKi.il 1 I Th.. French . v . . "ii" iii ti id, i t'u. I r.-turi , , -i a to b, . . .., diiiKi ,- del.catei ,nd io. f. ,i,c ai bold c Ui tanllnopltt .ml ,v i In as i ii p,,i t.-d b, be warlike. I'lvi.e, r i . i -, - .1 I r.oi i i 'iiiii ;i. nay that i d, i , n ,i. r-1 of i ' t ' tan militia l-i ,- 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i - i!i.. ilii.'l, tlai; rai.-t ti by tha 1 nub i i. Many ai mod t,and are at -in .nc ii r.iii. ;, ft. no th,- mountains. Tto- l'i. in h aiiin-reil irttlyier Victor M.iV li.i-i I'C 'I "'il"'i for Crete. i' i:.. I'r, t. . AuiriiNt 14. Tho f'r-t.m e,.y , ri, in, -nt I , summoned, lb, , number of ,. puties to moot thi .,l, i noon. 'ivylili; f Hie refusal Of ih. . l . p 1 1 1 i . h to lorree to tb.. removal ..I il,, Or.-ck Hair, th ministers or oiii, iil. is. four lu number, will hand m their ri-sh-mi t hui.-i, Al 'lfl l-'ATXMTIKS. ci IK wcio. AuKiwt 14. Automrtblloa have killer fifiy-onn p. .rutins and In jur, ,1 1 IHH within the limits of ChJ i air" diiriin? the fliMt seven ntonths ,,r ih,- ye,r, nct-ordlnsr to ftfruree flven i.ni at tiw bureau of police record today.