LE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: SHOWERS 12 Pages Today ASHKYILLIO, N. C, TUESDAY MUMN(i, ATUiST 17, 1!)0!. VOL. XXV. NO. 301. PRICE FIVE CENTS. PINCHOT'SATTACK STEELTRUST'SCITY WILLRUNRED WITH FIGHT FOR LIFE Ifl T TARIFF THEORETICAL GORE fl Tl T 1 THE ASHE VIL IMAGINARY FIELD FRANCE PROTESTS Oil BALL NGER MAY flWMS RAPIDS DISCRIMINATIONS CABINET Caught In Swift Current he Was Carried Struggling to His Doom MADE GAMER FIGHT THAN NOTED SWIMMER .".-. - a . ia j r i Further Than Cap. Webb Who Perished 1 here (By Associated Press.) NIAGARA FALLS. N. Y . August 16. : Augustus Sporer. an eislitecji1 year dM "boy of this city, went to his death floday tn tlx' v hirlpeioi rapid after -a frallant battle with the giant ewta-vee Mnwo the lower bridge and t!he pool. With three compan his Sporer went for a swim In the rlwr. He strunk out at once for the tniddSe of the Htrearn and then turned toward the tbrtutgcK., His .m-po ulcus called to Mm tv turn hack, for the current te very swift at that pisnt. but he kept on deoiwn strewn and was camfht in the great swep, the tirsi tweak from the umlootther waters to the rapid. The boy struggled fen- a time Bgnlnet the rui-remit but to no avail. Then, realizing IbMt he w.is itieyneml fcimmn hfJ'p and wan to carried through the r.Hd whlnh fm.k tin' rife of Captain Wld and wlil-h have resisted every human effort ill posaagie he delUberateely turned diowii utTeim' aind begun a grhn fight for life. Hcmarkahle Struggle. Not In all he Ihlstnry .f the river has suoh a 'hrave effort leen wit nessed. Although but o frair boy, lie Vent Into the raephta svvlmtmlng Mrongly and held hiH wn until he atl'uek the giant whicih curls up oflJxxrHe tine Old Buttery elevntor. Then he went under and for a aeicoiid was toot to Btgtht of the ai-ore of people "who stood on the lower arch AghT"nl fifra-ln he ritaippenred. Ondy to reappear, each time flg-htlng desperately gJnM tihe terrible cur rent. Then mlhen within three hun dred yards of the 'vhlirlool IiIh rtnpngth .gave out and 'he sank and was lost to view. Even then he had mvurm pcrbaps onie hundred yards furMicj- ilha.n did the great Engl'Mi .ovvimiui.-r. Cnptam WtHb. WRATH OF STORM GOD VENTED iN LJGHTNING AND WIND FALLS UPON CITIES Two Dead ami 01 hers In jured ami Buildings St rue k in Georgia CHARLESTON CUTOFF. ! (By Associated Tress.) ROME. On,. August l(i A severe fcleetiica.1 storm passed over Trion. In Chattooga county today and as a re sult twlo men are dead and live injur ed, and eruflly. fnom a stroke of llyhtnlmf. Uglifplng ak da.nuuged the de()ot of ttie Central of (orjrla railroad and a livery HtaHle nearby. Sam Ray and Clarence M'-i'ants were the men kMled while Jen M'an,s was seriously Injured. CHARLESTON ISOIyATEl), CHARLESTON. S C . August 1 li A severe thunderstom visited Charles ton this after-no in, riming no material damage In the city itself so far as has Ibeen reported, but .blowing down all the telegraph and telephone vir leading knito the -city so that for sev eral hours tonight the city was prac tlcaHy Isolated from the outside world The Wetern t'nlon has eataiillsheil tontgrit a temp.rary office fmr mile s from the city an dejepects to re-estaii-llfih a complete service early tomor row. CAR SHORTAGE IS EXPECTED THIS YEAR (By A.H-x-iatcd lress. ) WASHINGTON. August IK A heavier business than ever has been known in a single year is looked for by Chairman Knapp. of the Interstate Commerce commission, for American railroads during the present fiscal year. , The serious situation anticipated is that there may be a shortage of cars. The crop prospects are considered so briarht that the likelihood Is the rail- roads and other transportation com- panics may be taxed beyond their ca- pAeJty to handle the freight that will b offered to thim. BEGUSETTS OR! Hundreds of I hem Have Left Since The "Lid" Was Closed Down THE OFFICERS WANT LAW ENFORCED BUT They Had Provided Places For Refreshment of Their Men to Hold Them (By Associated Tress.) I1' "IIICAlii . 111 . August iii.--i.hihh era are deserting Gary, lnd., the steel t il v. In audi numbers a.s to threaten embarrassment to the I'nited .stales Steel corporation in the operation of Its big plant. Unofficial reports an that more than live hundred unskilled men have left the tow n ami that more are preparing to go beeau.se the "lid ' Is on tight and it Is virtually Impos sible to buy a glass of beer or a drink of any kind in the town. Not yet Is the cumiKiny crippled In its service, but the possibilities of the situation are giving much concern to those in charge of the operation of the plant. This In turn is stirring up a popular sentiment against a strict enforcement of the prohibition law in effect in Calumet township, in which tlary is located. Want I. Id Lifted. Some sort of movement Is on foot to lift the, pressure somewhat The better claws of citizens arc talking about it in whispers. What the lead ers have in mind in the way of re lief could not be ascertained today. Those who are familiar with the sit uation say there is no way to gel around the law except possibly to have drinking places out In the lake under government license, one other method Is to win over the assistant priwccuting attorney to a more len Itmt attitude toward the places where, liquor was sold illicitly before the "lid" was put on. Mr. W. P. Hodges, who happens to be this assistant prosecutor for Caiume township, de clares he will see that the town re mains as dry as It Is now until the people, by their votes, decree that li censes for the sale of liquor shall he granted. Provided liars. The Gary land company is a sul'.' id iaiy concern of the steel corporation Mr Norton has general charge of the (Continued on page two I CRETAN RULERS SWEAR FEALTY TO GREECE IN SPITE OF THE POWERS New Developments jn Near Eastern Sit nation Be come Threatening. WILL LAND TROOPS. CANEA. Island (if Crete, August 1 fi The proilsloual administrative com i miltee, to which the administration t ( of the p. land was entrusted when t li-1 Cretan cabinet resigned Sunday, took i , the oath of allegiance to th king un'l kingdom of Ureece today. 'I lie action of the provisional ad mi ni.st ral ive committee in Crete In swearing allegiance to Orcece appar ently indicates that il is not lis inten tion to meet the demands of the pro tecting powers to haul down the Creek flag and that, therefore, the powers again will be forced to land troops to insure the autonomy of the Island. WASHINGTON. Angu t lfi. -.Mr. I-anstein. the secretary of the Amen cafi embas.-y at ' 'onstantmople, b.is cabled the state department (hat h situation there in endanger,,! owinir to the pressure which is being brought to bear 'in the Sublime Porte to de mand fresh categorical explanation" at Athens regarding Crete and Mace donia. While the possibility of hostilities is said to be b no means remeive-'l. hopes are- expressed of a pcaci-fiil s.i liitinti of the dillii ul t i's. TO ESTABLISH HOME FOR AGED PRESSMEN (By Ajk dated Press.) KN'oXVll.l.K. Tenn. August 16--A ieniiniissii.il re-prc'-ntirig the- Int. i natieeiial Pri'iling PressiTien's rnie.n ami h.a'l.d by President John IP rrv of Indianapolis, is in Kast Tenrics.-"' for tin purpees.- of Insjiect-ing preipose-d j sites for a bom, for the aged a ml , ineligent pressmen. Thee reemmitt.- left this e ity t'eelay to visit Hales Springs, a summer resort In Haw - kins county. It is proposed te. estab- lish a pressmen's institution similar to the home maintained by the Inter- national Typographical I'nlon at Col- orado Springs, Cot, When Armies of The "Reds" And "Blues" Clash In Struggle For Boston FLEET IS ON ITS WAY TO ASSIST THE ARMY Is Sailing Theoretical Sea And Will Hurl Invisible Shell Into Commons (By Associated Press.) BOSTON. AUKirsI Hi - THie Ib id ,, (he 'war game mow 'Is-img plays! ! sout healcrn Mass-ae bus Its las-am iionstidcratbly enlarged tonight -w in. n It was annouciel that a tlioorcllcnl Act of lMUtlHliis and smaller cra.lt was on Its 'way to aisiwt the Invading urmv of the lied by a s i'im of night at tacks on the ItoKton harlsir defin s. The lumbor today ri-'inl rcinfWrcc nienta when the Iniiisip. en Stunner brought Mix ooeiu.pfi mica d artil lery fiitm New Ytirk, a total of 7-0 men. Tlw two il niPinli in the sfcmtli- east, the RfJ conmnanil il by Cener.i1 Wins and the Blue iby (iotwral W llliaJii A. I'ew f tllie Washington m.ioiiIi er miihtia drew iliw tiget)er duriiiK lie' dsiy and tonilg'lit tllie opsing camps were t'KMiti il by a few iiuIch only. There wi re various sktrmihes duriii); the day In twccii outwt.s and a iniiii- 1ht if ia;pt ure f svout-s wen- -ITeci- etl and there were a sciwre of minor thuoetical cas-iraltiies, but no gi-ner il iVgageniont wiia fiught. The first real clash is looked for tomorrow. ROANOKE WANTS TO VOTE ON IT AGAIN (By Associated I'ross.) ROANOKE. Va., August 18. The "drys" of Roanoke today presented petitions hearing over Blx hundred hame or freehoblers to Judge V . It. Staples, of the corporation court ask ing him to order a local option elec tion for Ibis city for the latter part of .September. The court will an nounce bis decision within the next few davs. Roanoke .ded out the sa loon lasl llcecliihcr but the elei-llon n-.ri set aside by Judge Staples. Cn dr the law the ,eci-ion of that court in nth caM'.s is linal. CUPTISS' AEROPLANE IS PARTIALY WRECKED IN LANDING AFTER FLIGHT May Not Be Able to Parti.-i pate in "Avation Week" Contest at Klieims. AVIATOU I N.I I' RED. ( I ly ANNoeiHled KFU-;1MS. August urti s. Hie Anoiieaii III lake p.'llt ill Hie ' III sl.j Mia.le t , . i .-m' Press. ) !. -Glenn H aviator who a la t ion v eel." i e-sf ii I 1 1 l ps in in: a. o plane Ileal lore loilay each of a few minutes duration. Hut at tin , ,H ,,f bis third flight, which lash- I font mimil's. l tirti:s made an abrupl landing ami hn ina'liito- was sligbtl, tlaoiag'-l. rndlsiua cd, Curlisn at otjee s t about repairing Ins flier. e t. t IMT th ! 1 he rriti h inn n-f-i i httl tnnuiK up L- jti p rl ' 1 : 'i i t x Tl npel ,ltt'll. i . ln( was duo lo a l'l-ut Wltnl i hlflK I hi aK'.;irn- r"S . iin-1 litusifiR it f .trikt th pr-t'iii'I h.tr'I ! it hmI. It i tt;it1 flf1t III'- ;ki '(.!;( iif! w;rt tlain;iKf rtMtci tli.ni nt liit a (h-h red, and It j.w f.-;ir''l thiit if pairing it P'ikmLIv w i ) ;i 'pi r;ition nnl fcti rn:tv t 1 1 1 1 1 Mr. 'ti rt i f i" i pa i ri in th "I th- iii'fctiii Mr ' u rt isf in .mi (Trr inn f rum nhnek an-! hnii-i's. thunsh hA c'ti'litinn y ret t l"UH. GAVE A DECISION WORTHY OF SOLOMON (By Associated Press.) CINCINN'ATI. .. August 1 Th. Natieeiial Raseball njiitrii.sieeii, in ses sion here foelay re'teb-red a ep-eisioti in the- case e,f Pite h r Jainea 'atigbn, of th' Macein. Ga.. cbib, who was chcimed by National ane 'ine'lnnati arid Ht'.eeklj-n the- New York American league clubs. The commission decid ed that v'aughn belongs to the Louis ville Anv-rican ass'.ciation te-arn. The Cincinnati team purchased him for the Louisville club with the un derstanding that he wa to be turned over to the Cincinnati club whenever called (or. i ; s ..! '''' - ! m i I ,;Lii' , I ':fi' ilfv j ' "'Ititril. I ' 1 .imi:ciss:idor Juswi'rund of 1-Vam-e explain the intrh'acliw of the new tariff (math s. ' , i ... LOVER'S QUARREL LEFT HIS MIND PERFECT BLANK Son of Massachusetts Librarian Acted Standards of Forsaken Lovers and About Sleepless Nights. 1 (Spis lal to Tlir ciii.cn.) KKW YORK, Awtiist It; Some disagreement with ''his sweetheart Is belle veil by the police lo be 1'enponsi ble for the strange tortious of llerinau Flel.sxhner, u translitor of languages for the United Stab government who was removed frrirrf ihe twyohopathlc ward In Hcllovtic hospital to his home, In Boston, yesterday by a brother who has been hunlitig for him since lo disappeared from Ills office in Wash ington, D. C, about a week ago When found by Hie police Kridav nlKht Klcischnei- . Hiked m. ih'oigli lo bad not slept in many nighls. 'l can't rem-uil.er anlhin-,' since Illy sweetheurl .It-missed 111" . " sa.s all he ctiuld sii v w In ti asked a- lo v In re he had be. u u bib- his n-!.ilii , s and' friends wen ...arching lor him. lie repealed lliia o,. ami over a;;aln and Ills inim I appeal, a to be- a lolal blank as to bin ino in. tils. The police ..,. Hie pho, ,ej-a pit ot a girl in bis ; sought lo r It. so bard that it He pressed it l tirue ami ac.iM was till la- ha. A le kel t liov. , b-avnig oil III waa loiind in h . I. t . anil u h- it t lo- lam ol il lo pi. .oh-. I ...is lelHIOe.l lo bim Ills 1 1 pa ii ml r marked that tile ,hooj.;rapii I l. ii lo ( omiorl him. Dial Ic intended Minmlialia l.rd.iv ,1 pock, t. h le I -s lu ,1 h I a I I I v ... I U'b. n t'l B. L E. ASSEMBLE IN F Convention of lrol lii'ilnuel and Aiixiliaiy .llr;nl.s I uW'V ( 'l 'imI. SA V A N 1 1 1 i . Augiisl 1 1, Ne-a rl v a lie ' 1 meoi In t s . . I lie Urol loi -hood .- I. omoli.. f.uy i ami the- fo.nei I ' f Ha t Ion. 1 1 an i''.il. al'. in S.ian.i ' 'eaelv lor ihe e,i.-i Se s-i.ill of Iti I' lla.vs' I mih. iitiuti eef. the- two ' ia':oliS Ioimmiio.v morning. 'I Ii ' ventlon is a union meet inj,- of i le '' herhoo.l and A i lliarv ami i .-I he e a use at t !. Uriel l. I h I ' ' 111 I ilelivilili .il tie auxiliarv if- i Punt si m..i( v. :t: Ho- llrot I, , i l Tlo pr.,gi a oi a eeril pie p el I 1 1 all ope Hi- d:i tonii,rrow' ifl n at a loe.il ..p. t. air theatre . r t se ssion m i,. moiiiifij at! I - 'our bouts' itoh temr in Ho : "i are on lie t. . . oiul ila , si' A da v a I T . la ' lie ae h will. ' 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 in. ,1 1 ni: makes up tl " 'I 'lay ami th. la t elav will he d with ;i .,.fMon at Kat;l. v Hall ... ste amer trip e,.,t ., se-a, re lutni'.. t(bt. 6H0WER& WASHINGTON. AugiiHt IB fore cast f'.r N'erth 'arolina: Hhowers Tuesday, Wvdne.'day partly cloudy; moderati.. to brUi. wort Wiuda. lias relumed to his country lo bill ami its effect uiui l 'o in h Up to Best Wandered lore lo lak. le.-irued some dlsappeaitiuci bim home the poll. of the ill-tails of bis lie Is t Weill. v-tlve yearn obl, ii. graduate of Harvard and the muster oi seven languages, ills lather Is stale librarian of Massm hum tts. Three years uku young Klelsehner. win appointed translator in-thanavy de pnriinrnt. He waa hlghlir reifarrtetl by hi superiors About a week ago ho disappeared. Search was Instituted among all bis IrleiiilH without results, ami then the police wen- acquainted Willi Ibo facts, .ahb, Hie slate . I e ., 1 1 I 1 1 1 e 1 1 1 that the I'rhlay night Lieutenant i-'unaton re eeheil word I't'oin Major Hylvesler, 10 ad of tint Washington police depurt-ni.-ol. Ihat I' leisehni r hud sent a tel egram lo his sueiih.art In Ihat city ami w as wailing tin answer at the 011 h e ol I he Western I'uloii Tele graph coiopanv, No. Itii, ((roadway. In lh- Ii legiani hleiM hm r bad bid lh- youmr woman lai well arid had wot tie. I th. no ssage in mii'Ii a manner as in give lor great alarm. 1'olle. man Hail was sent to the Iclcio a h offti e and bail no trouble In n cog n jj ng l''. isi h to r, who was pac iiik up ami down Hie floor in a ll'-r ...ii.: iti.it i. Hail lold bun there vv a a I'l.itim lot linn al police 1 1 . . I.. I . i o a r i . i ... , ami be went along .vilhoiil asl inj; an-. ipict.lloUK. CONTRACTS LET FOR WORK leinls ol' .Seventy Five Miles W ill Conner! N. tt W. and A. C. L. (Ill Mlllei S'l ' e. N. ('., A, w. I . lo.l.r, a Ii ai lie S- Press.) U 1 1 il I ) I leen - a ,..i I for Hie S on blxeeiind rail Sal, in to Wades- an v II . '. The t ...l.i W ill be bllllt leV e t'ol I a 1,1 U . si' I II a.llel A I la II ..a I an- fadwa a iin'l Mill eon o.in.d. with I 'harle atop, K. C. ii k will I" 'f ii'ltl Il ; e miles el W t J Will la I II il-l etpce. I i-d 'h .l ih- graelilig and m;l- Wlll h' e..lfde I' d HI'I ill' . I . .-d hv June I !l I il The 1 1. 1 e . .nti.i. i.us a t o li ini hurt i . .nep , ic. . port smo ul b, ' dine, nets, S ah i m; I on, I . C; N.ive I : m p i n ', , I 'orturnoutiti , i da I T. I.- M I-. no. v ' 'eaist i' ti ed e,n lee j .l.ll ' V -I , l,l. k 'cll- mpiitiv. U"an..ke, Va.J tiKtru-'lon cnmiKinv, N--vr oi eompany, falls Mills e i .le t me t ton ''inn sin v , l ,i. ... i H iieu Vol I ' ; ' ' Marion K tmx v ill.-. We.rl a. i-'s-.s : .1. l: M' I i'jwc-11 Co , .). T. He-niiitt, lan- tb st 1 viaduct lees the lece-n ill pl'et- Penn-iylva nl.t SOMETHING NEW FROM BEVERLY (K, -e,ctali d Press.) HKVKItl.Y. Mass, August 16 prisiibrit Tall to. lav played golf In a elrtzzle during the late feirenoe.n. lunched with John Hay Hamimeiid at the tatter's villa, ami took a long automobile rbbi up the north hure vtlth Mm, Taft. bo But Government Officials Maintain That There Have Been More PRONISION MADE 70 END THE TREATY Other Europoan Countries En tered Into Similar Com mercial Agreements (By AHMN'hileil Press.) W ASHING TUN, August lfl. If Ihew has been anv diwrimlmUlon against hi. line In the application of Ihe pi-ovh Ions of the new tariff to thai country, officcra of this govirn moiii are not aware of It They are unite i oiilhh iit that the Impiatislon wlilch Ktsnts to obtiiln In mono ipi&r Icrs In l.Yuticc that nuch s Ihe cause la fotindisl ihioii u complete iiilsunder- staudliiK "I Ihe facta. Thw may bo simply slntisl from the point of view of the exivutlve bnuicb of Uho gv crnnniit. l'Yance, together with HwlUorlamd and Hulgarla had ixs'lpron lty u.rramro- nie.iits with Ihe United Ntates under the lertiia of which certintn of thidr products wwe lldniltt.sj to this coun try ut coiwddcrahly rediu-etl rtUea. Oilu-rs In Same l-'li. other countries, mosUy In Kutvp', followed ilnlo slmllair n-clpriHrtty arT ni,iicmnntx with the 1 initial Hlatt. In their cane however the position wua taken to state in the body of the treaties or arrangement the exuet (s-rlisl of the lefral notiiH'B required to terminate them, tt. cotune not follow ed In ihe arrniinTcnient with Kmmvi, Swiltfrlaml and Bulgaria. In enact ing the new tariff conirremi) directed tlx- proirtdent lo have reifitrd to tttp ulaled porlod In trrntlimf lti the re clprtH'lly arruiiinMn4i wtuhi the V rlou ountrle ami alen trovldel that where nT wu txi Ntlpulaited term rtx nnotitha from AiiDI 30 waa to be regiuhsl as the date of termilnatloti. TIiIh iwtlon wn duly wimmunltod by the stale deptirtmoiit to France, Swll.orliuid and Hulgatrlil. It 1 UiUi ed tlml ttlie president Is entlroly will ln to consider any reprtwreUitlo-nM In the nature of a protoM that may lw made Indeed, there la nMn to 1"' lleve Ihsut exchanges on the dubjec.it already have takon place. STOLE TO KEEP LIFE IN BODY DF jlSJlflNG WIFE Man Who Had Seen Hotter l)ays CotifesHcs to 1 1 1 Theft When Caught. (By AM-lalcd Press.) NKW VORK, August 16. William I. Mam her, a man of forty-five, who said he hail seen belter day and had belli driven to 'lesperalleeli by Ihe need eif bis eh lug wife for nourishing food, which ho had been unable) to provide for her. was arrested today charged with breaking into a moat shop ami stealing a riuaiitlly of beef. ' f'eer si-va-ral iioinths," tul ilancbel . "I have My Wil been unable, to e.btaln wairk. is a consumptive ami sh.wl.v 'Iving. and I bad no way te get tie nourishing foe.d she needcei " Tin' man's stary excited Magistrate I'.ie en's sympathies ami be elclaib d a probation offl r tei Investigate Ibc e use. CALHOUN TRIAL IS STILL GOING ON (Bv AssiM-liiled Press.) tr.aluce.l in the houae to protect metn- SAN KKANI'W'o August IH - TheP"t- "f Ihe legislature from llW-ga,l ax. Iilih week of Ho- 1 1 la I of Painek Cal-'resta and prewrlbe adouate punlah he.uo I, resilient of tl,. fiuteel Hail-.m""' violation of tho riRht r'-a-lH. H--uKf- "f it"' -rnpti-il hrllnry Iii'f t't'lay with oiilv Mutative )ti 1'itrn in th'- hnv. JiiIk' LfiwhT hK,jn 1h i'x;iirtiriat l"n -f ih rnMnh-r!n of th'- h-v n t h vciiitt 'if tali-Hilled hut ni jtroKMH: tDanlM nhtalniinf a Jury mut ma-h'. SEALED VERDICT GOES FOR REVIEW (Bv Associated Press.) ANNAPOLIS. M'l . August 16 - The- Suitill coorl eef Inepiiry cess lo- ebtv after tvve. s'-'rel senslons during hie h the. testiimenv relative to the d.-alb. October l.'l. PI07. of Lieutenant Janus N. Hiille.n. jr. C H. 11 C.. was goiiet over theire.ughty. abbi:sti:k mmk kkw. ATLANTIC CITV. August 1 8ix arre-wts of .-a.fe and aaknen men ar-cu--d of HurKliay rum wlHng, but not Included among the' arretted by the agents of "he Ixrrd'a Day Alliance', were mioU by iwarrant Imued by the gemd ciU.enwhl. IonfUu and the re form of the city today. , Serious Accusations Atodo Against Secretary of Ir.terlor at Spokane ROOSEVELT CROWD RISE UP AGAINST HIM Further Public Airing of Con troversy Deprecated by Both Sides Ss-inl to TIh ClUarlt.) WASHINGTON, AlMtllfrt I. Of all t'lK controvei'ak effwetlnir HMwnfcera of 4Uio rtwUnet. and they hvie tKteO nuinlin-ouH dunlnir recent years, that over lira ctMiaervatlon pollole ot Btchr ard A. BtJKnger, aceretairy o( th In Uiniir, it the utraturiwt. Although it Is referred to as ttw I'inchot-BaiUlnnsr IWfhl taij trover niniMit forester, Olf ord Tittwiot, bia nibda no cfhtyfea iMraiitftt Uie etTetary except by tin plli-atlon. No ctliargM mfnlruit Mr, BaN Mnger have 'becn filed with preaMmit Taft no iftur da n be Irnd here, yet the advocate o( th advunceri hh of oofmtirvntiton renreniu4 b l'rehb it Koosevndt eoluitantly fill tlnj nlr Wllh. lurk ijuhita IhM atwrtllnif dlMcHonutrea w ill ib forthotmln next wek and that 'Mr. Buittnror IWtll b lcll out. I The tViwt aillewtilon ttuat truai "gmMbed" iiramt of "tsh iwuter fnower mlteM on iMIoiitAiia after 'Mr. Batttntnf laud restored t omtry Hie land lw4th itraiwn ftr conMnrvwI"n purpoe by the Hioivlt atmln4t ration seemi to have thoen twbolly Htprovd lr malivinut fcwuod In rury BaJHn ainr'n 'belitaAf yearterdny. The newnia Her aynwltarte wlnkUt io ftneeit In- vcstlgntilii ynd(tiona In th Went ana iwMi flmt txpoincd fir on th ' Ww rjor ,d"tuuiintjnt t9l Bternon ihid liHtvna her a dMttMten vnm npoxait latllMt that.tMP. VofA ftJPIIW v,. www or CaHftrwl.4. tim rouml- lv erltlWherf Mif. H. K. ehwrti Hi woneral lanyl offtre. Air JiJ dn(tl if the cltarw thmt pmwr t ilxn hwitd by !ha HeitxJi trust In Mlontana.. Aawo ttmt H fMerta ttMll oommlttee of the kriieatlion conrcM al HioMJie dnfiwjtod (nmtina ' t eonwiiont Hucndairy JnHlnar in ro- MMIW'MWM'll'.'l''l.'"'1.1'1111 (Continued on fian'a two.) I r WITH POLICE OF CAPITAL t Immediately Introduce Bill to Make Birmingham Seat of (lovcrnmcnt. j MONTGOMKRY, Ala., AUfurt It, Govornor Comer thnMa.Un tt thwart the plana of newwpaperw wh desire, to defeat the aeuUott Of th .'u Ib-r hni pioblbltlnif newspaper from publlahlriK advortlnenienU of ln toxicant. Th bill will be Conld eireel by Ilia senate WesllMWday. Tin- Mil prohlbitlrux newapatper fioin prlotlnK the tminea of women on wbom asunult havo issn attem lit is I or i i.minlHe.l waa Indefinitely poiiN pone, by the senate today. It ha pass, d the houac. A bill wa lnro dui'si In the Kcnau: suggewtbn that the- M-eitl. of Alabama vote on taking the cap! tol from Montgomery to Blr. niliigham. The bill arlaea from th fiat i bat mi-inls-ra of fihe nervate feel humiliated ixcauso of Iho rret of on. of their number Friday night bjr the local peellce A bill Wft alMO ln- mail in section fifty-nix of the con -.nation, which make them Itnm'in from iirn-nt for mlwlemeaiwrr. Tin. commlHHbm government bill was plajn-d upon the lliouse calendar for teiiiHirrow. Ll.iis-d " phyaictana who retail elniKH were given the mm rfffhAN t pn-scrlts! alcohol for medicinal epur Kis ma ar! g1v-n regtilirly licensed pbarmaelsta under the prjhlbltlo lawn. , , , OPERATIONS TO CURE CRIMINALS (By Associated Pre-. ) HKATTLK, Wash., August 1. Th American Prison association spent most of the opening session today In heated debate on a paper written by fir. If C. Sharp, formerly Burgeon IB the Indianapolis reformatory, on fh "Imllana plan" of performing surgi cal operations on hopeless Idiots and confirmed criminals. E. F, Morgan, superintendent of the Virginia peni tentiary, delivered his annual address as president of tho warden's assoolw tion. -.

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