ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. 10 Pages Today VOL. XXV. NO. 302. ANI1KV1LLK, K. C, WEDNESDAY .MORNING, AUGUST 18, 190!). - PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE WEATHER: CLOUDY. THE LIFESAVJNS GREW SAVE SEVEN SOULS FROJVI FURY OF SEA Captain Mistook Hotel For an Ocean Liner And Went Ashore Inform SUMMER VISITORS CHEER RESCUERS mkcd Their Lives In Pound 7 g Surf to Reach The Schooner (By Associated Press.) NEW VORK, August 17. Long .ind llfesavers after a Mix hours bat- f added another victory aKninst the to their long list of remarkable ues today when they brought itely to land the captain and rrew Haven souls In all from the three- muted schooner Arlington, of Hos- which wont ashore early this kiornlng In the driving rain and fog ff Long Bearh on the south shore of oiib Island. The. eighth member of ie erew. gladden I'ier.son. a Swede ut off from the schooner on a raft Ith the hope of reaching shore with m line, and was swept out to sea and fst eight or. it Is believed that he rlshed Thought Hotel a Ship. The rescue from the schooner was Itnessed by cheering guests of the fs'assau hotel at Long Bench and by undreds of cottagers. The hotel was tidlreotly rcsivnnsible for the vessel's light, for Captain Ira Small afti ivlng" lost his bearings mistook th limmering- lights In the structure for lose of a liner in mid ocean, and has misled, ran aground. The schoon- heavlly laden with anthracite, und from this port for Mavuort. struck a sand bar. rounded by heavy sea while a terrllic easterly e was blowing, she began to yield ed lately. Thrilling lie ue. e captain and crow climbed out the bowsprit. Tho life savers ached the scene soon alter daylight. hey worked frantically, bin in vain lying to shoot a line to the wreck. he high wind and soaa nxki thia Im- psalMe, out' after six fntrle attempts ney succeeded In getting a surf boat krough the, breakers to the lee f th.. reck and the rescue of the Imperilled tailors followed. Aside from a broken ankle s-uslaln-by the cabin buy, and (be suffering idoVnt (o exposure which all sus- Ined, no one was seriously Injured. The Arlington will be a total Iocs. T IN THE RANKS OF LABOR resident of Auxiliary 1V I minds Them Thai TIh-v Arc Laborers Still. J OPEN INO SESS ION'S II 'th Porter. (By AsHtM'Inted I'rcsO SAVANNAH, tla, Auko'I 17. arninsr tuvl was struck b.d.iv for he irM'neJit of the Hrt lc-t lu.l oi o omotlvp Knxincois imia ineeiini; here by Mlrs. V. A. Murd.x h. of Chai norrg&. Term , wlin for tivnly-lioi has le(n prei'd (it .f the rlrrnd nteroatimnnj Auxiliary th Hrolh rrxvod In an wpen nil t limit re i-eiine Mri. lundoch warn! tih nelwertrs they hu -t rjAwr fVret that 1h y nr.. '"rcrs" that thoirer.h th.- lr..Mi-rho..I f IyconiVt4ve l'"nineeis i-; rer.rilcd s the "artsHoxracy of l:i.lir." it has come Te-nKnivl flu-cause i:sr piMrTxr Imvp Blood tethcT for h-. ir "rights aw lalmrcrs." SHp tnld bivrt that once they should for. t heiir portion In the lalwrinc world lv would suffer f':- 't and 1is Heir ad"drs vn t'he feature rrf the f nin session this afterno. mf tto. ("nvention Alderman H K. Wilson. n hchnlf of the etty ,eteided . "nl une to more than 1 .00 risltor 'Vm 1he mi'iinc 1pulTt to ,i n h. -while AttoriKT FVrrnk M. o'j !'kr poke a welonm' on hohlf i-f Sa.itannah "IrainhiT of enmiwri" 'rKWise for the iwvrfih'-li'wHl was hade by V. A HotchMaa. Assistant r.rartd Ohicf IV A liur f"f or the ord'-r. of ""b-x eland, is "T-cte! in Savannnh to tn'kf chrip I' the union meellnB tomorrow morrr- when the firsrt sfrt ssfflon wrll heW. The hmt hcrli'WKl tin A nx uiry will m't spiam,teh' ut r-lercn lock. In the aftern-oon a troliev tie with a Rijppr dt Thundcrhoit clH rhp the program frfltirr A hunrdred or more visitors. jOiuht V iM'hirwi nchodule. vtTaiA.1 im . 'nvannah tonipht in trmc for Uie 'fist txisdnoas wsainnf the mer-tln; 'ut too late for the opening oratory- SOUTH SITS IN THE SUN AND SIZZLES AND SUFFOCATES Mercury Climbed up Yesterday Until There Was no Room at Top A nd Made New Records In Many Places. somi; tkvi i-i :k ATI' KKs. niii n.u: hi I'ort Worth, Tex Ill lKnsMrl, Im Ill) t f Deiilsoii.-Tcx I( Utile llk. Ark Hl." Nalchc. Miss Ida Shreicport. I at Hl .lackson. Mfvs Hlt f Vlcksbiirg, Miss ! jNi'v Orleans, la 115 (By Associated Press.) MBNfF'illK. Term., August 17.- The heat wimc which swept the. counlry from coast to coast Monday Is slili rampant and today new records were stubllshod. From all over the south and southwest come reports of intense heat. The cotton growers arc rejoic ing over the heat wave as they claim that it Is rapidly destroying the boll weevil. From reports reaching here to night, Fort Worth Texas was th. hot test clly in the South or southwest. The mercury climbed as high as Km degrees in many olher Tcxms cities. Not since July 1, 1901, has the beat been so Intense throughout middle Arkansas. At l.lttle Bock a temper a.ture of 105 was recorded and two prostrations, were reported. All Tennessee is in the grasp of the hot wave and the weather bureau thermometer here today recorded a maximum temperature of Ha degrees at four o'clock. A cooling bree,e starting late in Ihc day gave promise of relief before morning. Many towns in Louisiana refiorte.l temperatures of more than 100" de grees today. At Ix'gansport the ther mometer registered 110 at .1 o'clock this afternoon. In some local ities 'vegetation was withered by th hot dry winds. FORT WORTH, Tex., August 17 With thn wathfr TmrettiY thprmome tr rociftlorfriR 111 df-ffis frtvni 11.15 to 3. 1 4 this afternoon ami frrrt ther inoniftcrs in thi- hn.sln's liftrU'ts r- r-rdinj; iL'tt if-r-'p. tixlay wan lln' liuMt-nt in tin- history of Vrt WurMi yn I a i ;is ilwrr i a n v rcciKI. Suf - n-ruiK nf man ami I .iM whs IrilciiNCj and iMi.-im's.s Im a l;ti :' vi nt was int4-rfi l w il It 1 FUTILE ATTEMPT TO Ei LIFE WITH St nmer ('tunes i Marion Willi Little Child and Swallows Laudanum. X I ' IXANCIAL ST R A I TS (Ss lal to The fli.cii.) MAItlo.V. X C. Alimisl 17 Mii 1e.stie .Shaver, axed twenty vars. al-:terupt-. suicide In Marion y.P i ill . at a boarding lrou:e on .stale street. I ilrinking the corrii-nis of a ten. cent bottle of buldanurn. and - us onlv sjiccJ from (ieatth by tile licmie . f forts "f Ir H l Aili vi I li. Sundav eveniirir: Mrs Shaver wal!. ed into a l.N-al druc slore and ask. d for a bu o-nit Initll.. .. l.nid.inU'Ui to ine a ".wc tot ha.iio; At lln time one of the clerks- sari fliat she was r-ry pale and that the inns, ley in her f.-U-e WIT. t It II I I V dr.tAII. Sill- s eursl itie la uda nirrri and walked :o ill r iioar dirij-' h-'UM on State si r e'-r.. Puiih I'll- h.use she '.iil I" a sprlrii' alplt on.- P- l distance and d-railk tile cod. nts ol tile Lottie. She wk d is.-iM-rel t. .I . ..ii 1 1 llac fh n. Me s-rrx-ll'-d the drill; and Ihen rflie Hold hmi whalt stlw had done. lr. ft 1 Ashworth was lnirricdiat -ly sirrrBirioned and it was oiiy af'cr hours of iork that In- lir"iiht ;h 'cn:in to (-ens3cioirs-nesss. It is said slie told th.-" at tie le .Is-i I. that then- was no use to sa - lor as -Uo- nas d.-P rrrii I to kill h.-r-lf. She il-c larcrl lio vvnlil unrip Ii'o-oi the I bridue on M:un wtr-.-. t p. th. Ira o t h- railroad lo-w Tin- .e-mail carrn.' lore s.(!.il moiiilis from Oi.envil!.. S -n . !Nik-hl a sma'l liild a In ml t v. years ol ae -.v 1 1 h let and said that her bu.--lMiid died a short time ,e-fVvri- she left that cH At one ?4he wti.s i-mpNi."l a.- a ututri-HK m the FlemimirK; hot-1 and while ihere It in wid that she a t t.m .t e,l sulcnl. by drinking a t ent -h- . nt b.-t-tle of I'apudiire. The ranrw of the n.-i is unkmun, but it is fhUKlht thai siiilc (piitr i ie i her rxmrtkm at the Fl.minunK hoi.-lj thM she 'has lj-cn in financial slrads, and in need of aseistance I ni"M rinn ten wiriiis swv. plug aeros the pra.lri'H ad.b d much lo the gen eral discomfort but no prostrations were reported .tim:k ikt on h. 1)KMSin, T, .. August 17 All Insrit rcem-ds wete broken here today w hen thermoru. I. r reached nf,, (),. Iiighest mark of I . . - war. not f.M)i, m:itK. NATCIIl:.. Miss., August 17. -Local Observer Weir ropnrlcil today the holies' on ivconl in Natchez, the maximum HIT. iloi";-.cs being record -ed at if.-O. Then1 were no pnwdra tions. MAY si;i: im.i i. wi:iovn,. SIllilOVKl'i H!T. I-i.. August 17. With thermometer at ItM dt-grces at four o'chick this at i crn.ion, Shrvvc- pol't sucltcl'd jn the hottest weather recorded in eleven .ars. The wind was stifling and vegetation wilted. The intense heat is expected to de stroy the bol 1 w eo 1 1 . IIOTTFST IN YI.AKS YICKSHI'lili,, August 17 The mercury was '.lit a( '1 o'i'loek Ihis al'eni.,.n, the hottesl for the past seven years. No prostrations have been reported. AT CHTl ltV MMIK. J ACKSti N. Mix, August 17. lai cal Observer Frank I bint, slat. - lb. it today was tile hidtotd recorded b. re in two years and thai h- has no records hc oii'd thai The in. Ten 100. There, have been lions. registered prne-tra - tmiM'r;iliir- (imI.iv a "m s (Ickhts. somi: muki; nor i;s. KANSAS t'lTY. Mm, Aijku.sI 1? -Sovrrf' warm wisitlicr t h nnit; hmi t tin1 Hoiilhwt'Ht uap way t' a limitfil tf-nt tonight I it 1 1 m in r""liiiK )ir'.fH 'JlK' day w;t.s tin- most trying Kansas, M iMfnirl and t lklahonia hnd fxpori- t-iit-ed Xor ytir. Two deaths were re corded at KansaH City today. In Oklahoma, Kovrnm'iil (lor momi hTS at MrAh'sIrr I'islrinl lit at Vinila I 1 0, Ardni'rv Ml. n., hi hniiii 'ity. Onlhrir and Tulsa in; KiMin Kansas jMdnls 'Mm th- t .m.. that tin loat I ml ta ma i.-1 nu kit ion 'dv. lifTi-nt hi -a v I a iir (nit it in Km h K(M'I (-Iihm- that lln i is' "nia"d-." T TERM BEGAN EXCEPT THE I'ei iiliar Mixiip in Ouilfoi'd I tiic to Faulty I ndcxino Aes of Asscinbly. NO .ll'RY WAS IH.'AWN SpflHl to 'I lie i llicn.) OliKKNSHoliO. N C, Auk. 17 mwuik to the fact that the Huillord mi ri t bar and hoar d . i ''liniil Mull is dpi led ii.i'.m r mild tie middl. d last .ck thai the last eK isl a t u i e hankT"! the liu f holdinir I In An- i;um lirtn "f Siiperi..!-' '' from Aiiimixi 2:: lo 17, hi in I" Kim- two weeks instead of tin- regular one w e: lerm. Sheriff J one., was for. .-d in an- riourie.. to itie eoiiir yr-lenl:iv iiiorn iilK re. ,iur lyd l..n suioruored to app-ar until te xt Monda;- arid .ith this state ot affairs licfore lnm .lud.--ItlKKK. after lloannK I'Hillnli; adjourned omrt until n-v M..iela a.l oiirrioierit .I'-lin N. Wil son. at'orn. for th- county cmrtii.1 siomrs. slat'-l thai It" would hi- to t-iv a few leml- in plana i e .ii ol I 1;lt bo.h lb .-tat. d licit w Ie ri tin commission, rs went to draw a Jiha for the August ! riu of court llnv found no . h.intje in the c..uit for liuilford iieinti indiealisl in tie eap. lions f th.- acts of the general as -s mblv ..f I'""''. They ih.-n examiie d the Suprt me I'our t ab-ndar in 11'' siipr" no- I'onn r. ports and tie r. th. f nirel r hat I ;uilf-ir.: r .. ,i w as An -gu-M J''." "tie w. k .iil P mi Th.'. then dr.-w- a j'ir for lln one we, I P rm. I" ginning ViK'ivt - ' he h i n, vi .U.nd.i . ' I lim! sine. emi homT. tha' under tli. nid. v I'i r son and'- . .uritns lie law Is i hang. , So as lo civ,- ;.ii!f..rd a two weeks' term. b ginntrig Aug-Uht 17." HKNKV lli:TK. SAN" Fl: AX'"ISf i August 17 lb lurtis Irom th' nuiM'-.-pa! i-i -ra' . 1.,-tk.n held today ;t..i. at Ih. I'tiari'-s Fl- kc-rt. tor dislct. t aH-.rriA' U riinrinfi- far ahead d lYan-M J H'-iiey frt- the r'f"'' '1 n-a n noriunatl'.n Thirt --eiirht prMiivets out "f Z.'i givc Fkkert 98 3, ll-ney -00. -t i r Us Dlst rlct Attorney Jerorde who Is made to feel the enmity Harry Thaw- mother bi'ars lowurtl him: hi her verv CURTISS UNDAUNTED IS EAGER FOR dmping on Cane He Repairs Ifis Flyer. All Sorts of Machines Assembled at Rheims for Great Event. (Wv AsMMlntrp llf.) ItllKIMS. August 11.- I,, ailing heavily on a cane anil tuifft ling, 'IioiikIi uneoinphiininKly, from a lirutsi' on his righl IcB HiisTtHiie d whi n Ids a. roplane fell dining a luiii'tlcc -pin .vcstcid.iy. Ilhrin II. liirlitiN. (he American aviator, today 8'T intend ed tin- repairs to his dattWKctt nui hlnc, and tonight hud ttM mUlHfilc llon irf toeing it entirely Ktord and ready for fllKht. t"tniir,fiii Milter lo start immediately vvlit the trials, hut his friends are etideflVoriug in lissuade him from taking an trances, ihilaring that he Is lik.iv io augniciii his injurs which would nlir. Ij disable him ami il'i'o n! In: pa tt i'i pa t ion in j. , Hh,b b gin n. t Sunda-. ' Mr. I'urlisH desH-nl.. .1 ve-.leida n-i -iili-iil as Ik ini; primarily due to ,i leak in tin gia.solilie lank hi' h 1 d I In- motor lo k,ii. Afl'T In.. rosr; i iiri enls of uir I . . r . 1 1 him lirji '!' to the ground PIECE OF BREAKFAST 'ook Watch ami I'ollar al Point of (inn ;ui ia, Hack Fift v 'cuts. (l; ssm ialcd I'll -s.) IN ST i ( S ,. VI. ''.. Alien r 17 - U lnl. th. Sourl nnhvic .- asl pa. ri.o-r tram N.. , a.s:-jp' e, n;; abaiL; at m, r,,i. nlty mil- - in hour this morn in: - -ein Mon- oe and l, riclil,u-t; n. a-gin'ia. I "Id liigth.. a ma n ,, ' i rvn..-t I III. lend ol lie- II ..n lilid ..r- I'T'-d 'hiru In "sbejl ,,,, The Ma- m.'ni pas . d over liks ... h ami $ I .0 11 cluing. n nuarl. in;; ! 1 e hod not nio-t Ie i i in 'I'I,. , , Iisi nd, -I ,;ic I. h f ! '. M ills so 1 1 , atri ret ut I" take the lust i . i uian h IS " h. n :,m r. :icied I,. :i K .l Diet ti'.in. m .i'i. I tin- i-ol.b old oil ind cs'ap.-d. WOMAN RECLUSE FOUND MURDERED (lly ssH-iatCl I." s.) ri:i;i:i:i,i.. Texas, ist 17 - With her lo ad eru I and t he ::iiii- 1 . i ii on th. i-. the body I Mm ;. orge Uraih llffv -two ear-, was found tod,,. lot ro-ur I'" I' t" I A butch' i- i urislaln- I, v;i:i lying l.esid, r dy. Mm. r:id- was a recluse ., I is pre :rri' d. 'hear nig a re-i - he prom- s last inciit , o: : lyo-tigat" ind w us as-:i ulr.-d an: WASHINGTON, A. .gist 17 Fori -a.-! for North Can.; ma I 'nse.irb-.i Wednesday and Thursda probably r.nri near lb'- mast, rioi lle ast wind, rotxibly im. reusing. it 1st s" . ,x ' id- ulb'rance. AERIAL RACE Tim ii thousand spectators were at the ucrodoinc p wiiness the tuning up lllghln tod.t of the Flench cn l oiitity dls usary sisl' in Imllciite chine. Ib-w' for three, minutes mid hh followed lininodiiitely by Mr. Ijctfvtf, also In ii Wright bl-plnne, who rosi in th.' air without the ue of a derrlt'R anit Biniii around tha Held for twnKe mlnnii M 1 M-leKrnnire. wltii a HMM lot ftf.Yrrrtrito ni nlso wureeftfli-tl 1tirtiMr"''1,w''l,M'M' 'tt- lug a In lef (light niter having: made a lalso start. Moili limn spcciaculai and mlen- lili. sla ml points tin- i-iiob are ixpi-ci . d to mark nil epoch, and as far iih tin I in s of ael oplam s are i oiicerned lo ib llluir I late the resieelUe ValUI'H ol ici'iioplan. : .ind lu planes. I'i, id Killu-i os. accompanied In I'reipler llriaud. minls'ler of us- Il-alhoii. Minister of I'ublle Works Mill, r and M iiiisb r ot Win- Hi .in. i , M'eeled I" wltll'SS tllC COestH Wed :i- -.:, I it and Thursduv "f next wick. 'T IE CAN CET TO THE LINKS President Tall Ooes Out in Storm to May iolf with Unit her ( 'harlie. IwM l,llC I'l-CS-. ) I : I . I ; l: I . V Mass , Aug'l 'l 17.--I'r . . el- ill Tall bra ' d a nor t least st, uni .nel a downpour of rain to pi. iv . u:hl n hob s ..I goll al My opia with clonic! 1'. Tall, his brother, ami Sarnie I t'.irr. ol Hoiton, a i oualn. as ..pp. ,n. nt Mrs 'I ill ! lur ri to health has progn : s, ,1 so fa r th .! r si b-r. M r. Imi, .Mere, of I'lttsburg, who has In . Ii lei' i onsta n I I p:i n ion since the reivoiis- l,r c.i k.,. wji in Washing Ion. will I- i '. . I aili 'Oi Monday ',. ..perid tic la: I end ol III' summer w II hie I ): I..I rid. I 'I 'd iba . , at Mid ,, !..r, 1' ,1 .Manic Ai I. i i- : a. i I detail -. ,.r : I a pi i : iderit'- V iS,ll . I , ClIlilIlK (IM-: W re l. . d"l upon pr. s, I, a I i ' il St , i ' le klm tial p. Colon, i On ,c ,mi,, r 2. Hi. I ' la y f - r r a I hour r Mi-j- . in. I. ii thplai e of W; I ' i mson. Mr Ml lie ill I, a l lln I : rnr AirnltiK at ! I :' ;, a rrt.. He- I't esld '-ri! , i ,, .1 at Ian- h, after I ., ,,,,.; liarb- i ue. al. wi'l I , ' M ' 1 ' ' i I ' 1 1 w in, Ii I,. , I - i ' tin i;,,i,' ; a , in At ''II.:' t .1. He p" I- ' ill . '.' II ho! cit , p.,-' and I i i m I ) r : t lo ' - ' At Houston '! ' pr sid. nt a r rr i n -r. ma i ing iirdil '.' a v I; from t ' lion I .mi "in i" i: tl l a 'id vi ill r Of Ii ,"l ' hildrr n. . ' ' . on November r r i i r,K . a l '.,.' p : ., r , - ,t en at I he - 1 1 a ie., , a r a ha n- ' ', iob. r 3, th" - 7. i 'i a ni and in w:ll m.'ikr- '.a, ,.i. of ;,.-e . , ., a r id- 'hrough , . w ., pr o. i-Hsion MM I! M.I, SIATIA(i:i. HA 1. 1 I' ilf. N C. iigiwt 1 7 !!. A Kl: ill ! f.. ii ii me -o'h- I' r "t in, Souih, ru I'm -- Cit ia-ri' I's.iikln nd Tr.lsr crop,:,, auk a.r raien.s! at Canhaire imla, on charee ol crnlM vlemenl ald fasiting lioks. If pleti'l'-.l guilty and wa.s wnn-ii o'l th. i-iiitctitinry fT three yea i'i. He will begin hig ecntencc ut once. PALMETTO STATE HASSQMEFEWWEl SPOTSJLEFT Ii IT Three And Probably Jlx of Twenty One Counties Voted For Dispensary CHARLESTON FOR IT BY ABOUT FIVE TO ONE Election Passed Off Quietly And But a Small Vote Was Polled (Hy VsNiH-lHU'll lris.s.) t'UAItl.KSTo.N', S ', August 17. The unofficial returns from Iho elec tions held in twenty-one of the ho culled "wet" counties- of South Caro lina toduy for the purpose of allow ing th" voters uf each county to choose between prohibition and thu county dispensary slstcm Indicate that the prolilliitlonlsiH have won .vic tories In fifteen of these couutlen. Complete returns from Home precinct not reported tonight may change the retuilt In two or three i-ountlcn, hut the prohahllltbv am that prohibition has curried In Abbeville, llamherg. Hurnwcll, llcrkeley, Calhoun, t'ulln ton. DorChcdtiT, l-'ulrlleld, llumpton, Kcralmw, Lcn, I.exlntrton, OrungeburK. Muiiitur ami WlllluiiMhtirK eountlci. Tile illHponwiiry hrm won In Aiken, Charlerrton, and Kichlund cnuntlc anil Is leadlnif In Florence, Georgetown, and llcauuforl eountliN. Small Voto rolled. Tim eli'ctlon wan without excite ment or upeclul incident In any coun ty and a sniuJI vote wan polled. Tim majorities fur prohibition according to the present return, which urn In most enwa practically eoinpletii, range from fourteen In Calhoun county to 882 In rwtigehiirif county. The largext majority for the 0I pensary in In ("hiirlenton county, where It received 1,525 vote ugalnnt 30b for Iirohllritlon. One-half of th Htalo wan al road. v dry and the act un- lor which tiMlay' election wan hld wu a s(mpromlM mMUiure nd opted at tha ltuit aoaalOB of th lairlalMur wnin pronintllon. riio Kenernl lienor la that the prohlhltionlHtn will again nioic the paaage of mien a law ut the next legislature next January. Tim election frailly was on the qucntloti of voting In the dispensary, prohibition having been decreed since August 2 last under the bill pi'mlding fur the election, which perinillist tin- count leu then "wet'' lo vile hack their dispen saries f they so desired. SUODENIJfi PULLMAN Death Ik Alt rihuted t an Overdose ol" Stychiiinc Found on Him. (Sprs al lii The ( lll n ) OKI-lKNHItflltO, N. c . Aug. M7 -- Ths. M Huffman, a lawy-r of Mick ''iv, dropped dead on tin I'ollmuiii at i.i. -he pi thu Uah Igb train ysioiday morning, Jus4 as lie iiaiu was r ajly to pull nut at I 4 lie had iuru',1 culler In the night on train No. 12 and had ap'til the tunc hi4wccn trains In strolling up and dowi', the station Jatfurm, a.p pai'litl In good healt.h. 'fin d'lul man is a medium ni.'-d man. with small black miiHlai-he and is apparently about forty yearn of age In his pock' to was found '.!H H'i and a sanall box or .Hlryehrilnc tiildcts, and it Is to this Ilia his do, nh is ;il , -d Or . I a cm w as summoned and he nil,') that while In was unable to make a thorough exumtnat ton, th. iitptoms show, d MtronKlv of (. W.u ing II Is thought that he took an e.erd"1' of rftrvclllillif before p i liriv: on the train, deal h rcMulting im ili' d lately. PLAN NEW INDUSTRY FOR CITY OF MARION ma hi on. N. f . Aug 1 1; w i: Harnarri ot Ni w Vuik, Is fig.iu in upon hUi hhsh I ri g a larg' w o, .,!.'. or I--llig plant at this place in III- rear fu ture. Th-pliant will enwt s-ef al hun dred thousand dollars and .Mil em plo about thr . huridr' d p. opl. . Its annual pay roll will l f,.ri thous and dollars Th com . r n w ish.-a lo locate near the great llmbtr lands re cilitly o ne.l up bv the Carolina. Clm hli'-ld arid Ohm railway. The Alaniifju t tin r Ii.ik de-cpb-d to Ishuc a handsome tiookhl ,(titit for tli th a'Karita,i of Mar lon as a good IoclIIoii for manufac turning untcrrrli'' ami aa a rejiidclit town. MUST I1WK M)I,D. vn.Ml.VOTfN. N P., Auut 17 Tlw fltT Ink, of tin- n"-w- crop, uf North flnroiina cotton wa.s uld today ut Morven, N. '. It wax cku-l n k1 mioVlllnir and trouifht fourteen cents per jxotKl. MONSTER IN CRIME CONFESSES TO THE Took Ills Money And Had a Good Time on It While It Lasted WHEN MONEY WAS GONE BECAME FRIGHTENED Then Waylaid His Aur.t And Almost Kllhd Her And Robbed Her IIAl.TI.MOIti:. Auguat 17. Ollwr Harris, ihe oun man who soma daya ago uckiiiwlelel having: nuirdvroua- ly auulUl hlH aunt, Mra. t"lra Hr lis, thin afternoon ronrcMMcd lhat on July t'l, hi mursbieil his cousin, Ilan- aon ronle, wluwt) trrrlhly i1(Kmipiil hotly w-ua found on Haturxlwy after iiimiii in u clotict In IIhi llttlJcabln In which ho lived Jonu near Ilbckvllle, Moiiiinory county. The oonfaailon, which followed two hour' awatlng by llaltlmorti rletmdlw Harrla bay Intf Ixu'ti lirought hero lanrHy for that purpirw, It I nald wna taken down hy a Ntemufr-iphcr and a typawlrttdQ copy of It wna alocned by Horrla, In iihoe Ii he aiiya that ho went to Poola'a cab in about flvu o'clotk In the nwrninR, July 'I'i, to buy nimi wihbikejr and that a uuaiTid iu-ohu over the queatloit whether ho or I'oolo put wutur in tha liquor. CIhIiim Ki'lf-I)finati, Tho ronfi'iwlon vonilmiea: "Mo ciime towartl mo anxl I knock- . ed him down. When ho got up be grabbed for the ritlo. I than (Tabbed the rllle unit ahot him and hit him with a hummer. I did not want Mm to make any nolae and draw any crowd. I ihot him twice mmre while he was on the rnattmtar. I thoit drug ged Mm to tha cloact uxl ahut tha door " il.ttrhi further a hi that h took tw.o iiuarn of whlttkey anJ IJ In mhtiey which" Poole h4, toffether with hui lw ya, aivd went . away. Unban- rlumly, h went to a, fair at Rock vlrte. &ud to WMhmiriraftllM'c--fr money taken from l'ooh waa apent. fvmie not (having- ben Bonn for about throe wtHrka. hla father bm-anna u:i- fmy ami on Humlay boran tha aenrch which emlcd In the flndlin; of tha body of his von In hi honw. Ibihlml Ilia Aunt. While the Ktolen money liuftnl, liar- riu neerna to hava glv-n no thought ! the pijiHlhlo t'onaiur4icn ci the crime, flmtlly reallr.liw aotnathlnR of his piiltlon, hiwvr, and needing money with whb'h to get away from thn m Igliborhood, hla tluiuRhla turn- a to his aunt, Mta. Clam Ilarrli. Ha knew that uhn usually kept aoma money at her home, 1ml to) It It wltSl her w hoiiover who left there. H'n. ling her word lhat a relative was ill anil nocded hor, lliuria way laid h. r In a, Held and oJnioMt killed her. KobbiTy alone waa the motive for thin crime, llnrrt aaya. Mre. Har- rla wan Hind, and beaten very much ( ax wen I'-ool" This and the fact thtat Han Is appiTurml to hnvo been the laat IM'rxftfi to wp I'oolo alive threw upon him th" nulclon which Ihla after- iii-uii brought out IiIh confinailOTi. It la uiMleiniood lhat he will bo taken , back to Itockvlllc tomorrow, I'YIls Him with lino anil lin n U-di out II ih Brains with Same Weapon. (Hy AssoclnU'il I'ret. ) CIIAKNo'lTK, N ', Antrum 17. Ni as r. aeln-d here tonight from Ban ner 1-dk. a rouioie Hcction of Watami county, of llo- killing of Alonzo Har din by Mar y I!' nm-n, a mountain Aioaz'.n. The woman felled Hardin with a boo and thin beat nut hla brains, the victim living until nine ..'clock this .n--n1ng. There hud been bad blood between the two for eome time owing to Hardln'e testimony In a tragedy In which Mrs. Bennett's son wan the victim. Hardin pasaed Iho woman's liousn yesterday In a drunken condition and hurled noma eplthetx at her and tho Human at tacked film. i . . VIRGINIA FIGHT TO BEGIN EARLY. (lly Associated Ires.) KOANoKK, Va Aug tint 17. Cap tain Wiihuim r. Kent, ropwbllcan can onlae for pnirnor of Vlrginln came hr-rc tocrluy ami v tflied the. etate head- luartura He najid he Would prob ably open Mm ciimpakgn at Richmond on AugtiMt 30. He baaea hat opt rmlsrii and iKrpe (or nwcim at tho polla In Novoinbor on the 30,000 democrata wh dul not parOHm.te in tha recent dom'Mimtlc primary. He aaya the ?e-publ1'-nM have never had ajich bright proijui for victor jr in Virginia, f 1

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