THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. 303. ANHKV1LI.K, N.C., THURSDAY MOKMNC, AIMRTST 1!, VM). PRICE MVE CENTS. THE WEATHER: FAIR. F GEORGIA CENTAL- Allpn i-nn nmnnnfp Fair Divorcee Is Named In Bill as Being Responsible For Rupture THE DEFENDANT IS WELL KNOWN HERE Mrs. Hanson Alleges That Her Husband Called Her Bad Names ATLANTA, Ga., August 18. Charg ing her husband, Major J. Fletcher Hanson, president of the Central of Georgia railroad with infatuation with a Mrs. Horner ami truel treatment, Mrs. Cora 1. HaiiMon, of Macon, Ga., today filed suit for divorce In the Su perior court In this city. Mrs. Hanrnn in her bill, alleges that her huband in 1907, bet-am e infat uated with Mrs. Horner and paid her devoted attention, notwithstanding di vorce proceedings were emding be tween Mrs. Horner and heir husliarid, and that Mr. Hanson instated that she receive Mrs. Horner aa her guest in her home at Macon. Would Not Heccive Her. Mrs. Harmon declares that she as sociated with Mrs. Horner, to protect the reputation and peace erf the fam ily, hoping the major's infatuation would ceajw, "but knowing that the unfortunate relations of her husband with Mrs. Horner were already the subject of a great and grow-tlng scan dal and being sure a compliance with his request would mean disgrace to her husband and peculiar and insuf ferable degradation and humiliation to herself, she refused his rirpiest to continue to receive her." The ma jor' reply, she avers, was a tlhfeat to "giva up everything and leave the state." Finally she agreed to give the major up If he would support her. He wanted her to sign a statemetit to the effect that their separation was due tocreronclltable differences," how ever, she1 says, told thin she would not do. Called Her I.lnr. Mrs. Hanson Is now In California, while the major Is In the .Middle Vest. Mrs. Iflorner Is said to ho in New York. Mrs. Hanson ib dares that Major 1 1: n.nii called lnr :i liar; (Continued on png'e four) BIDS E OPENED FOR ICOIiSTRUCll OF II jWill Be of the Drca.liiauKhl I m I 'I'U.ill AllC Ship Nw in Navy. WILL COST MILLIONS (By Assoi Inled I'ri'-s.) WASHINGTHN. August Is. Low est bids for the construction of the battleshiips Wyoming and Arkansas were submitted today to tl ny de partment by William Cramp and Sons of Philadelphia, and the New York Ship Building company of Cam den, N. J. Tenders we,.- :ls ide by the Newp-jrt News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock company of Newport News Va., and the Fere i:inr Shipbuilding company of Qulney. Mass, The Cramp yard submitted two bids, one al 4.4f0.nui and another at 14. 475.000. As both shipss cannot be built by the sauo yard, the Camdi-u yards bid of 4.T.ri.0n( is eoiisidered as lowest for one of the vessseis. The Newport News company offer ed to build a battleship for I4.TSO.000. according to the navy department's plans. Two bids were made by the Newport News yard, under class two the departments plans as to hull and equipment but the company's designs as to the machinery. These bids were $4.80.00O and $5,010,000 respectively. The vessels are to h. of L'fi 000 tons each, the largest ever undertaken by the American naval establishment, the Increase in tonnage in this class of vessels being from 20.000. the size or the original American Hreadnnuchts. the Delaware and the North Dakota. The Utah, now under eonstnn t imin by the New York Shipbuilding Mm pany. and the Florida. now b,-in built at the New York n;iy yard, are the two remaining Dreadnsughts. their tonnage being L'L'.n'io WIMj votk MONTOOMKKY. Ala. Attgn-t 1. n fbe ires-nee of a sel.s t part) ol prohS1itlon workers an I l-d r. an -1 several of the W. '. T. C H-ader-flovirnor Coiner this afternoon sign-d the Ba-llaril bill, providing su-1 mission of the question of a constituthmal prohiblHon amendment to the voter? within ninety days. MAJOR HANSON 0 bUtU h UN UIVUKUt SUTTON A VERDICT CO UR TOFINQ UIR Y For Second Time Officers' Court Puts Responsibility For Naval Academy Tragedy Upon The Dead Man. (By Associated I'rctw.) WASHINGTON, August lS.-With the publication of Acting Seorctary of the Navy Winthrop's approval of Hie linilings of the court of inquiry that Lieutenant James N. Sutton Jr., of the United States marine corps, was directly and solely responsible for his own death at Annapolis iicdudy two years ago, the Iiuiiuilh Sutton caw be came a closed incident so far as the navy di-irtment is concerned. Counsel for the Sutlons in1ima.tcd. however, alter the court's decision had become definite'' knoivvn. that they were far from satisfied with the ver dict and tlirnt they probably would lake the Ikhucs Involved to cong'rcs with a view to having a full hearing of the case by a committee of that txxly. Mrs. Suttmi declini-d to dim-use the result of the Inquiry wlileih she sought in an effort to clear her tboy's name from the stigma of suicide. Acting Secretary VVInlhrop paid Wiat he hatl dissolved the court of inquiry. Kscnc All PiinisliuM-nl. Too much time lias claimed since the Inciilent, in the opinion of navy officials, to undertake any proceed ings agalnat the persons con duct in the case has Ih-cii made the subject of criticism by the court, but informal way of Ihcsc cril ieh-ins. which will both wive the purpose of an admonition to t'hem and of pre senting to th.-m the i'-w taken by the department of their conduct. Although Mr. Wlntlirop In his cn dorsoincnl spi-nks of tin; lax stale of discipline existing at the marine school prior to and at the lime of Sutton's death, he wiya that condi tions have improved, Oluit splendid discipline prevails at this, time and that lie is confident I hat the unfor tunate situation pieviously existing will not again prevail. The marine school of applb-atoin Is now located at Tort Royal, South CwoHnaunder the. jjtssctkw of Unu tenant Onlonel Cole, who In regarded as a very excellent and nihie officer ami wtho Mr. Wlnthrop feels will see that the Institution Is nni I refill tied at ;i high .- late of . fri.-i.-my. "I.i.-iit. rt;i lit Sutton Is directly and H.d.-ly responsible for h is own death whh I) Wah a. II inlli' le t. either illtch- tlonally or ill an effort to fdiool one the peisiins rest ralulic." li i mi. and Handsome Youm; Wmiiai Heroines Raving Maniar in Washington. WAS WK'ITIN'O PLAYS (SH-clal to The Cltitell.) ASIIlN'GT'iN. D. C. Aiu l1.--Ib-r mind temporarily unhinge, I In worry over tin- evils sin- found In vestigating and triiu,' to iiortniy mi tin- .stage Hie siK-ial III; of Chicago, Miss Matilda Marti a -handsome M.nim aelress. tv. nt -Ihree .-:'i ol-l di-rgoing tn-.i i no ni at Ho- mi. i n - merit Hospital Tor tin- Insane. The plusHians in ebarge of her ca.e bel.-M- sin- will reemer and In r molls-r. Mrs I'lisnlla Marti, of 3 ::;.. Indiana a-., nil' . ChleaKo. is le-re. ex p.-i -ting to i,e pei Him. ..- I .... .. .1 'Pli ,o daughter homo in a i-u ...... iS ,e See.nd Mine WllllIM III..- l-ISl llW- years thai .Miss Marl i has i-ien w.i io the strain ol .-la.l h. r mother states, but r.he coiitmn. s her w ... k and was en.gag.-, in writing a play when .he di.-aiM.ear.-.l Iro.n her home last w.-.-k. l-'roin tie in. ohir. nl account I Ihe young woman ca of her movc : in S'-a York iii. nls It Hi sh. for a day two and sto.-i won a friend. Mrs. Tillh-loM. t - '' 7 W'-st l'.rt -l-'lfth street. Saturday maht sh. was found by rolieeui.lll M-ldd walelering aimh-sslv around tie I nion siin-n. lb r queer actions e;iiis.-.l tie I '-man t" ask 1t what sh. was th-r.-. and In r inabllitv to kim an a. rt of ii. rs.-ir and aiipareiit la.-k "I I. in b dge as to le-r whereabouts raas.-.l the poli.-e-nian to send ie r to the I'i-nii'i- Cril tenton hone . There sh'- wiut .-xam-ni.,1 b on- of the poll., surge.. ii-. who said to bell' ved her tol.- J. - ranu' -I lir.VKY WINS IN KMI. SAN 1 -':AN IS' '' '. Auu-uyt l- -With but four pre, inets t.. I- heard from the nomination of Cram-is .1 lien. S al prose! I.'.or in the graft as-s. as d'-neKrati" candidate for dis trict attorno, is virtually conce.b ii tonight. CKICftBO'S WICKEDNESS DROVE YOUNG STUDENT i OF SOCIOLOGY INSANE SUICIDE - GIVEN BY his death was not caused by any oth er Injury whatever." This was the verdict of tjlie naval court of inquiry which verdict has been approved by the Judge Advocate General of t'hv Navy, and bv Meek man Wlnthrop, assistant and acting siHTetary of the navy. Conn's Findings. The court also finds: That Lieutenant I'tU-y fiuled in his duty as senior officer piceetit. in per mitting Lieutenant Sutton to run away and arm himself. That Lieutenant Hcwin, officer of the guard, failed ill his duty in not disarming Lieutenant Sutton hv force, while in front of his. Sutton's, tent. Thai Ucuteiiant Willing, officer of the day. failed in his duty In not Im mediately assKsllna; by force In help ing to disarm Lieutenant Sutton Uvlwii lie arrived on the scene liciore the fatal shot was tired. That the charges of willful murder and iionspiraey to conceal It. made by the complainant, Mrs. Sutton, moth er of Lieut-mint Sutton, arc purely Imaginary ami unsupported even by a shadow of evidence, trulih or rea soi.. Tile court recommends, however, that in iow of the youth and decld isl inexperience of Lieutenants t'llcy. Willing and lU ian, at the lime, and of the altogether unusual rondilloiiis of excitement, threats and daiugcr dur ing; the afore mentioned fray, that no further procis-ditiga In- taken. A litlli- Scolding. In approving the findiii-gH and rec ouiniondatl.rtis of the cwwirt and the judge advocate general, acting secre tary Wlnthrop says: "Hy Its concurrence In the opinion of the court and of thai cxpretwd in the minority report, the dirpart ment Indicate Its thorough disap proval -wf ttw lax state of discipline iihown by the evidence to have existed at the Marine School of Application prior to and at the lime of t!he death of Lieutenant Sutton "The results id' (his laxity have bronchi serious .User, dil let 1 1 v "in the otliiers diieeti r-s H , n-vi I .1 e f, li the , tTleielley of tin i 1 1 si 1 1 II I i . II bill ( t 'out i lined on pit'e lnur. l TF!T'f ARE INJURED IN CCLUPSE OF FLIMSY Was Closed I'm' (Repairs and the Injured Were Walk in"; Across It. TEN ARE BADLY HURT (Ity A.sMM'ltiOtl I'rrsH.) ('IIHWrO, AiKiLst 1 S Tin j." i wifi' 'in.iur 'l m rhmnly tvM-n l; "tlicrs mhiT'wIv csrjipf) l(nijlii W tied u Mi fc-( of 1 1n- Tw"M't h Ml re I hri'lpc rr the rivtir- (-Hai.s4i NiHi" a;i.-; kilh-I so f";i r i.s knvMi. T 'li'- t i'JK- .iM l't.Hcl on it v. s' m .irK h rr conyvt riict i'n ivirk tt ;i railr-unl i;i'ln t mnt'rti-;tt h. TU n ci'lciit oiMir n-) just jifO r a Hired i;ir Iwcl run )K.rt u;iy nir"H Ih mIiT'- h t'li irl ' i;ixycnK'-r.s 1 1 ; t r .iliKlit'fl to :tU o-r the flnri'K'ioii jM.rti.'ii Ut i.'ikf ;inotli.-r cur Th- i;is H'H were li ii rr t ii tr tn a h in J (IN l Kr(Hi vvh'-ri Ih'To was ;i Jouil runb JiriK. I'.ll'-'W'fl H ;i rrji;h, iifi'l th f ( -ot way fi nk 'liciu-H i h t In-m. nirj i n a many to tin- pits ln ! w. Many cs-aie(I by NritflM t yiH t ini? "Ts. Thcfe, v it'h I In car vrt-w . Um work "f r h U' ;irnl ni"st of tli" injur)! wcrr t.a.k-n out iH-for the i'4i-'' juii flibiiHTi'H lame s.- -cral sul'ff r(! broken !; aii'J ;trni; aii'l Internal itijurw-N Tral'hc on thr. t ii i lr bhIs watt b'la for an h ntr lh'" a'cHi'-nf. WOULD BE SUICIDE WILL RECOVER SMS-ial to Ihe Illell ) MAKI'i.V. Aug IX -The y.eing widow. Mrs. Leslie Shaver, wle attempted sun id.- Sunday night, b renting weji and It is thought sh. will be able to leave her bed by till latti r part of I tie Week She j in .-ry destitute (ircum stanee. havinK no money, or . inpay ment and hie ir.g been siek for n arli two weeks. It is thought that son. ,! tie- ehsritabb- organlmitlons here wll' take the matter in bond and look af ter her case. I ' " 1 I Hi' . " a. -Ji''K' I 4 'A $ 1 . .l' ' ie, rt 1 , irf IJEEKMAV Assistant secretary of the navy who h Court ot Inquiry CORPORATION TAX LAW TO BE TESTED IN COURT President Taft Warned That Constitutionality of Pet Measure Is Ready to Fight for It. (lly AssM'lard l'ress.) HKVKKLY, Massa Aug. 1 X. He- ports which are reaching Heverly dal ly from Washingloi and NcvV York that the constitutionality of the new corporation tax 1 l 1" teled Just as soon as uu effort t niudu to collect it, have not disturb! l'resldent Taft. The prcaidciit dwaVeii,thr were, all atltieipilcd. -r Mr. Taft himself a luwver of some eminence, mid falher of tin- -porn lion tax Idea, Is lllnfi High ly inllllllced that the tax will stand any test thai niav be applied b. it. Attorney c,ener al H'ickersliani. u corporation lawv.' of not.-, ami S, .r collaborat ed on the col Ipoii tax plici-aon ol I he (.1 X .ri islol, et I In l.ll ill bill alio Ihe nn aslire a . nacie.l. 111. h-ln v. will sal live any altenipl to hiillll'. It. To Conl'ei- on .Message. -h.- pi . hi. lent also thai un- Attorn.-v : r .-i a I V ick.-r.-li tin i- it. i- the Slo-rio.-iii ami trust law as coming to s. . i!i, in. 'nila p t.mds loday tin re is much to Ill Mr. W I. tsersh on has sorre pa rd.oi , , ,. ,., with . gillmale hiisln.-m. but cases upon wlieh In- d-.-ir. - lie- pi' s- .dial l. ant. llilltienl it ;m bo made I dent to act and he wonts tilt-o to con- , ., , ff, , v, mid Just Inst r n liient fer wilh .Mr 'I ifi is to a I e of the To hrim- about a coalition of the pl-ellliilna i . s In III. plan lor III. r law d e pa I I n I c n I s of the various gov orga ion of l h.- d ul us ol lie int-r crnm.i.l de pa 1 1 111.11 1 s which Inn to slalo .01:1111. i. commission, I - - amendlii. lit 0 1 tie- Shclman a'ii trust law an. I la im-iliu- I m , i -1 . 1 1 cor - : porallolis nioi, on. I. i I lie ; control of one l.i.wnh ol tin govern- men) 1 OFFICERS DESTROY STILL; ARE SROT FROM AMBUSH 'ii'ctl l'inii Ity SoUH'Mic ( 'nlicc.ilcil ill IJllsIics Al'tt'!' I!i'c;ikiii- up I'laiit. m i ' I : i 1 1 v . ' Sheriti,, i: M lo.atci and esterda lliol I ship. The dlsio idctl.e of I. ..p. -union. .N--1N- lit but all- was .1. si i . . ' liad start.-. I a-.i Were both sh- ! is not hart n da llKi rou si v clai in h'- will i be. u a rri st I Aug I ' 1 1. p. it . y and .lol.i, I. oc in ilh. il ih I, IP i 1 1 Hot ..u , tow 1 1 a as ii lid- l t ie- I -1 "lies a ltd w a . Ili as found in has- Itsi il b I- with I.. . i Co IT. V all. I is. ii.:- om prcioi-o s t !i 1 ' i th. s K i 1 1 : it . Tf v is pr. i t hough siii l;. on - r. 'No one ha.: . I no cm MISSIONS. MuM'iln.MI Ma. Aogust I- , , rv 1 . vote t In li'i'i -' i in h h n i : postponed the Im ' I --ion form of ..v llllg .-it i. s of A I i - ' ul If Hi, I- r WASIIINT'iN'. Auit'ist !. Kur cast for North Carmria: chorally fail Thursday and Friday, light to moder ate northwest winds. Hy an loilm pros I'Iiicj n . rumen! for i I. a ma It i -lil conn ti;. ..'Tl. j WI.XTIIIM)!' las just approved the findings of the In the Sutton case. Its Enemies Will Attack The subjects will bo the prlnel- ! pal ri coinmeiidatloiis In the presi ' dent's message lo congress next De- ' celllller. m ' I III bis spe'i eh of aeceptunce, In his ; liiiiiigiiral addrcjw. and during his 1 campaign tours, l'resldent Tnft tlelln ! itely committed himself to, th un called VHooBevelt poclc" and de clared that the principal aim of his administration would bq to ostub,llh 1 flic- hTTeiisiiry miic-hlnery to It afore these laWS. Commission (vlTworked. j Areonllng to Mr. Tails vb-w- the niaehlnm r- to enforce the laws on the statute hooks is now- He hill. ,-S Unit Hie j 1 1 1 . IXl .1 1 rolllllleri . oiiiiolsvl''li la so o i ri rovyiled with work lhal the loiiu d. lavs incident to ii;. jiiv. ht n!.-it eots and .I,-, tslons under iMsiiim eondilions wmk a hardship ahl.e lo lie railroads and the coni- plainulils -. ith g r i e v a 1 1 1 I'M. ,!,.,! vvith railroals nn. I other luler-, ,. ,i p.,r.-i t ions and trusta .so us te permii ,. out. I, and .1- . Hlv. in Hon in ca-.. - o often-.- nga l ll -t I lie slat iiles, another ol Hi. tasks which tin pi. M.h ol ha; set li Inc.. If to. IRHEIMS FULL OF STRANGE ' LOOKING CRAFT OF THE AIR Kicltl Knilf ii wit 1 1 Aero dromes to I louse Artili eiiil IJii'ds. t ; I f f : f "vt . . Augii-t I - A vast I . i,-. I in..- :. I "in.- lly, ha.- M - u "it I'.. Iln li v I -la in. leal I .il . i T s in 1 1, 1 1 1 I . i j k 1 1 i o 1 1 ol alutloii -wecli , 1 1 1 Ih-l-Jii II' t Sunday find run II ,'ii lh. loll, .sing Saturday ,ni! 'U' I 'C V hi!' I. l. iils: of skill UU. I 1 1 : 1 11 1 1 kf I.-, a '.la I--Is ill fl .1 . I'-l I h a n a i I i... hit., s ,,,mI i. i on,i U t -, iii Hph.-ri. al ,n, iliik-lbl. billoon... -will I.. wit II. led Th. in r -' 1 1' -'no pi op. r is ! , diifeli-' .1 Hi' tics w-l'l. ulid . xienns : ,:..i in. ii., ,,i, Mid., and I :,iin I, II,. oil,.!, m.'LHtng a circuit of ,!":,! .' I' "Mil III. I re The f OUT U II : '. . ,: ih. --urs- nr. iu.u'ke.1 b !..'c . I ' 1 . i 1 . a ie I I .-, o 1 1 ii men :' I'(i mi-Is l.cAci r tic- l.-ld whih I'. 1 1 i , . t . . ; .la a- uli'-il-. a nd ot he i I,,,,;, I '..i,.-.-. lor II.. ilnlgibl.TS dot I III le i-.-'ll ' . Tf,. M.r.oit- lb- I 'ol inline, prcHl.bTi! ,.- in, i . 1 1 1 : i . 1 1 1 . - on a '. i.'t'lon. snl-l I,, ;,i, ill! toll IV .-.Oieerillllg ;ln ppi ..... I' in-' 'if ' ting: "All v. te il Is iripod weuiher and pali.-iw. 'lie pul'te siiould not be ,)ie. v d .:.ilcl. Is a fl"W wl'-lli I' ,.r,, ;, I-.,.,,, .teal of '-liltlirr .-liter-, into Kll-'h an ai.'l.i.eeein exhibition a a . ia t ion w .-ek .'id alio! d. ("I..(, .iiiiH- tin- American c. lator. is tun rig up blH To-!iIred machine and -in loan to resume thi I rial (tight..- I : : t . i : il I 'I ' ' I by 111 acci dent. M ' Bomiii. r tb. I'icn.-h fly-r. !: pi. inning I" tr.'iv. I fr.,m llouy to lllieim- n his niii'iillii. Ten fieroiKinitH will take part In th ru ee for Fplx-rical balloonc whl.Ji como off August !. OTTERTHANEVEB BLASTFROMHaDES SCORCHES SOUTH Unparalleled Records Were Made In Many Mississip pi Valley Cities MANY AKE OVERCOME BY INTENSE HEAT Weather Bureau Promises Relief From Three Days Siege of Slzz'e Mblti; TI MPl.ltAl l ItKS. ASIIlVILLi: 7 lullns, Te HI I'ort Worth, Te j Nhrevcsirt Ill) .lackson 5 Nan lien 05 Mobil,. o Little lt.s k 101 New Or leu us oo Mcksburg lit) OHOHUHt (lly As-oM'Inled I'ress.l MWMl'lllH. 1-nn Aii(ru--t 18.- Three ihMitliis, twm ut Ultllo lloc-k and Urj otliitr pit Vlumkwm, Mltw., were cntuid tvly by Ihe tntenwc hnut wuve will bill CH.ntliHKn to bold tlllx eclliill of ttMi Kouth in 11 gitiiMp. Now rer orrln were oroated 1y tilw i-Unvblnif mercury Mi-roug-h MiMrs-slppl, ljnul Inrm ami Texan, aiul llttbx hope of rellnof Is M lt. The hlghent tnt(r cury reiwlwd here tliiy wttti 94 rte groen mud Hnwarda n1ht it ln-ee-, iiffo.rded m nine rellinf, tint it wiui only kK-al. At JnrkJton a Tt-cord brekiin-- -mark nt 198 d'KTis-i wax eHiUl'-ihed. at Little Hock tthc mercury eillmlnyl to 101; at Muti-the. AIIsh., It wwtipl to 1(15; at BlureveiHirt, rord tnurk of 110 d-rre- waa r-iK.P(hifl ; Kurt Worth, TV., nifpt-tiMM-wt "'kef and lhi neniiry nn-ircd to Omi it mark i at MwrmAh 10? dotcmo -wan rwiMU-rrd and th. anaiiti 1 w-rk ait rithw-iiwi act a riwonl for the T"ajt twtiy-ilt'e yeitra. All re-iynnl-ii were broliort at I'nllam when lit desrreca twtu re-i"liej In .mld-nifto-rnoon, WOIIWK AT NK.W OHIK.N8, NKW old, HANK. Auuunt IH .Wlint is llielli-vi-d li.v Hie I'm-iiI w-s-ither bu ll an ollb-lals tti nave Ih-cii thf. eMmttv lo a -period of 1nt-'iiMely itnit iwenther In New i i leaiiH whh rmt h'-iil nt S o'clock this afternoon. At thai hour n tciiiiMTiif urv of orw "bitunltwl de-rref-s ivviw re-glstered, the higlicMt. ... Ith 01 xecptlou. r.sior'ietl In New OrletniH during the laat thirty ye.ns. The record high l.-jii-ni.t tire Its 10'! (Continued on pug-e four.) E TO CLOSE UP BIG DEAL K. fx.H Is lie Man Con trol of (lie New York Oil tral. (SM-Hnl lo 'Ihe l ltlcn.) MOW VoltK, Aug IN.-- K. II llar rliiein haw Miid'h nl decided to reliirn ll'itlli' two WeeKM eiirller tllllll he bud planned, according to a reporl cor real In Wall .hi r. ei yeHtcrdny. HIm i t l hi n u :i, Maid to depend upon bin ildlil to get hp aiiiHhlp accommodii iloin At bin oflli'.. iiolbing wiif Kii"wu of Hut change of plan, hut He Mt.oek mill lo t cA.-lled a-t iln- announcement n.'irrluuLn'N r.tutti in iindei-Htood lo I,.- In connection with tie New York Central r. organization. I'nion I'.-.cilic ih b. wi-ll known. iiuretiiiM.I control if New York C.-iilral. partly by lak ng tin- Vandei hill holdinH and part ly in the open market. Official an- IWillle Clin III of Ih. la.'t. however, hail en withheld, and Wall mrnt ex pect thin to Ih- mad. on HarrlmairH rrival. fn the ltt lix iie.nlliH ridoti Pacific hllM Hold t"ciH It o.s le d III other rall- roailH to tic- amount of about fl'.O.OIll,- OIMI. and ha put Ho" - ah Into New York Central "im I-. Hum gaining n trol It i i I 1 1 i 1 1 1 .i ii ' m Intention to merx. th- N'e. York Central, I'nloli I'aeilic, .S-oitbcrn I'a.lhc and Chlcairo ,t- Not -ihwettp i n Into oil- company. 1'b li will give him a IrniineontlfK-ii- lal railroad. . Ho i-Ihum w-r- dlHchwed liijtt lie. ember, w hen onlere were glv- n to th. archil.-' tn to provide tor Colon I'aeilic oifie.n In the llmiid i ntral station now being oiiki ru. t. d Tii in d. al b I Inrrfniiiii will be the moat Important, from the point of w of mil. -age and inorwy lnvoy-d. r put through In Ihe hlHtory f Wall mr'-t. It will Involve more inon. y than wit pant ny r ranee ai the end of Ho- war with (icrmuiy. I'll.- Kt.M-k and bondK to chunge liunda w ill be greater than thoau of the eteael trust. SHOT HER LOVER RATHER Til SEE El Young Woman After Her Ar rest Hoped ho Would Die of Wound FIRED ANOTHER SHOT AS HE BEGGED TO LIVE Love Run Mad For Seven Years Ends In Tragedy In Augusta Al'HUfclTA, Align IH In a fit of Jealousy thla ufu rn-oon Klvlra, TV-dd. a youn-4 whbi woman alHiut twanty two yeurn of uife, tintfl-fKt Cho offlca of the CeivtrtU of (JeurKlu. ifnelght da sd ami probably fatally ahot Catih ler IJ. lilcliiird Wataon. The you lug winuui claltna tluit ah hita for the pant aeven yeara been In ratuatml with Wutnoii who to a, youtifer man. Mho ckilmi thnt ho hald out a ray of hop for hop until a fir diw iiKi, when h "throw her over." In a Mtwteiinent rivon out tonight aha any a Bht ah lnvil "Hick" and oould not m?a him murry an other wnmui. The Mhootln-r oiitsurrod tn tha main oftlee of the f. eight departtnant of the rood. Younc Watann'a offlca la jiiNt limkU- tbo bulldln and after flr- Ing two ahota from oulaldo of th building, through a window, ah ntada her way Into the building and to Wat aon'a nffk-e, Hcnlitv thut WMia oor . norud, aiml twvitig no way to prntnot hlmaelf, Wabaiti atum.litnd to cot In aide of a I ax aw Iron atft, but wa unable. At thla time, the craaad wo man galtu-d enlranco into tha offlca .: and began tiring. ; f lU-itKi-d fu lilfe. The flnrt ahot' went wild, but tha avennd pnnetrntod hia collar and graa ctl the Adam'a apple. Tha nest ahot -broke hut right bg Juat aihxv tha kn!, uund from thla wuutiid Waiion . foil to fhe flnor of tha offkMs; . 1I bg a(l for hia life, but atamHn- dlrert t aw hia prtwtrated form,' the tajt rartrldga in tha piatol vaa flrod, which rnteresl hia tiheat Juat about n Inch above the h-aart. riho aimed at hia. heart. Thla bullr-t panvlratffd the hft lung and inaned out of thn body throuffh the ehottlder. hlaiko. Tha ahwitlng ttw done with thirty-two calibre -platol, nix ahota being flrad-,-three taking effect. , t. Wad-urn wu hurrb-d to tha elfy hoa pllal where he woa tajven aurglcal at tention mid the unfu-rtiuutitn girt put under arreat. When ahe waa arraati, ed ahe Btild: '-j . , "I love the ground Dick walka upon, but I will (( let htm marry another woman, if Imjie J have klltd htm.' Hhe in being held without la-H Young WutMon'a eowlltloti la cotuttdorad very critical by the linwpllnl aurgnona. 7 T THAN THE OTHER LOONIES Ks-v)t hy OnlcrH Will Hav to Live up to the Hules of thi! Asylum. I M A TT KAWAN, N. Y .. AlMTIMt Harry K. Tbuw ale bis auppcr tonight ut the Matteawnn atato boHpllal for lh. criminal liiaane. Mo arrived at lb. InKfltntlon b n iiilnutea boforo aev en o'clock till evening aftr a trip under ewort from the White I'laJna Jail where be waa fir-l to leave af ter ocral days' reapite following tha iidvcrxe ruling of Jimllcw laaac N. MiIIk on bin applU utlon for releuae on a hah can corpim writ aa a Marwi man, I ir. Aim T. Itiiker, aiHltunt aup erliitendeiit of Mafteawuii and two at tendant brought Thaw tau-k to tha :icluiii from which he hiut fought a liur.l to .111111111 hia releaao. Al both the White I'Uilna and Tar nt mil Btallons a eurloim crowd aa .. mill. "I, hoping to get a glance at Ihe young! mlllloiutire. but the prla oii' r paid little attention to the dem otiHtratlon. I'.eglnnlng tonvirrow the slayer of Stanford White will rwmine the mo notonoim routine of the anylum life. Kux-i-nt'ndent Ijimb of the biS pltal Hal. I tonight: "There will ha no rhnngea at all regarding Thaw' lncarccra,tion Twre. II.- will Ik mibjo.-ted lo the aame rule a tut telore ho left to go to White IMainf. "I ilid fad lake It from Justice Mill' decUlon Unit Thaw wu to hava lui.v KpcclaJ prlvilogca We will fol low the court' ordera, however, and If Thaw Ik not aatlafied he can appeal to the ciiurta. Ml-ONSIIINKU K 1 1, LED. HAI-Kinil, N. C Augunt !. John BririHon. a mooimhlner who reatatad arnot ami atarted at an officer With a gun when traptx-d at an Illicit dlatlt bry n Pitt county I art night waa ahot and kllh-d by Sheriff Tucker and deputies. Ttrlrwrm wa an tUS offend er. Twi others r,ptured at tha attll (were landed In Jail. , ; , . . , ,.: HIMwEDAnQTHEH