.-aaaBaBSJaBaasSSBSBasSSBSSSSSSSaSSBasSBSBBai I THE WEATHER: FAIR. ' THE ASHE VILLE CITIZEN. Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. aw. ASHKVILLE, N.O., FHIDAY MOUNINd, AUG VST 20, 1909. PRICE FIVE CENTS. HEAVY SUITS ARE deathsatatthe WHEEL 1SS MOTOR RACES IN INDIANA FILED GAINST 65 IfiSUflCE GO'S Prosecuting Attorney of Ar itansas Asks Penalties to $65,000,000 CLAIMS TRUST LAW HAS BEEN VIOLATED Alt Insurance Concerns In State Will Have a Rocky Road (By Associated Press.) LITTtE BOCK, Ark . August 19 Alleging .that sixty-five insurance companies, representing a combined capital. Of 1156,000.000, doing husl ikh in the atatc of Arkansas, enter ed Into a rate combination on De cember 18, 108, 'prosecuting Attor ney R. B. Jeffrey, -of the Tblrd Judi cial' circuit, filed wilt against these companies today for pinnules aggro (Tatlng1 J65, 000,000 under the slate anti-trust statute. The suit was brought at Newport, Arkansas, In ,Hhe Jack son county Circuit court. ' All of the companies sued are rep resented at Newport. It Is alleged ty the state that a cranbiimtion was ejlected before the law was passed and that subsequent to the enactment if the anti-trust statute, the combina tion,, dominated Insurance companies organized here. The agreement, ac cording, to the charges brought by Prosecuting Attorney Jeffrey, exist ed ,2 .days, expiring on August 17, 1901. Opening of The Hoosier State's Speedway Marked by Tragic Deaths of Two Contestants. 'C FOUND $1000 IN ; : PILE OF RUBBISH , (By Associated) Press.) . CtnCAOO. August 19. Posttofftce Inspector 'today discovered a letter containing a check for $1,000 payable tot the Mary Thompson hospital, !n a pile of rubbish -beneath the flooring Of station U... a depot ub-tatlon of the poetofflce, With this letter were a number of others, each containing saUr . -checks. Th, discovery .of the rolBfting-TrwII" followed the arrest of one- of the employes at the sub-station. The.fMVrtofflce authorities declare that many letters have been rlflled by the prisoner and that those found by him to Contain checks and no money were not forwarded to the Qwwmers, but were hidden. INDIANAPODIS, Ind., August 19 Two lives were lost and two records broken during the inauguration of the Indianapolis motor speedway today. William A. Hotirque, driver of the Knox car In the 250-mlle race, and Harry Holcoinb, his mechanician. were killed in the frenzied carnival of speed. Harney Oldlleld, driving a high- powered Ren., covered a mite In ..43 1-10, breaking lie Palmate mark of 51, and Ijouls Chevrolet, in a Huick, negotiated ton miles In the marvelous time of 8.66 4-10, cutting Oldfield's time of 9.12. Hoth of these are now American track marks. Huick Wins. Robert Burnian, in a, Huick car won the "iSO-mile race, the feature of the day, and the contest which cost Kourquo and Holcoinb their lives. The winner's time was 4.:)K.57 4-10 slow because of the many accidents that marred the race. The tstoihlart l)aytm (Ch-menUO was second in 4.48.01, anl the National (Miry.) lln- Ished third in 4.62.39 7-10. Another National with Klncald at the wheel was the only other car of ton starters to finish tile long grind. The death of the two men caused the American Autnmililc association to Issue' an nrtltnatnni to the owners of the big track that certain changes must be made by tomorrow, or Hie sanction for the races will le with drawn. The association demands that the track le freed from its many dan gerous ruts which are claimed to be unavoidable in a new track, and that every Inch of it be thoroughly oiled and. tarred. Today only a short po tion In front of the graml stand wits oiled and the dust on the other parts Is blamed for the collapsing of two drivers in the king race, lioiiis Chcv rolt and Fred Kills who were blind ed by One ctonse white due that eov erod the major portion of the track. ' Cjr Swerved. The Knox car driven by Bourque was" in second p.lare with Burtnan In his Buick loading. It had covered nearly one hundred and fifty miles when the crash' carhe. Coming dnwft the home stretch, the car suddenly swerved and tore Into the fence at the left or the track, turning com pletely over and pinnlni? Its two oc cupants boneaith It. Both men were alive wHien fatten from under the III- fiUed machine, hut Heiirquo died In l'.mcrgeiny hospital. Holcomb lived a few minutes longer. Theories as to the cause or the ac cident vary, and no one will ever know what really causod the car to swerve from the track. According to the story told by Pri vate Frank Hrandocr. eonuianv II.. Second Keglmcnl, Indiana national ward, who was nearest the scene ot the accident and hud a narrow, escape from Injury, some thing caused both men to suddenly turn and look be hind. As fhey did so the steering wheel slipped from Houmpie's hands and he threw his arms helplessly In the air. Then came the crash. looc Axle Nuts. (Hie of the roar wheels was found a few hundred feet from the scene "f the accident and this 'has led to the advancement of tlhe theory that the axle nuts on it hai not been prop erly tlghtcm-d when the machine had taken on a new tire shortly before. The men probably felt that wheel slipping off ami after they looked lie hind they rca i.nd their helplessness to prevent an accident. Bourque was twenty-six years old and Ilolcomb twenty-two. Holh were unni.i.rr'cd. Albert Den 'son, the racing partmr of 1 ourque, collapsed after tlhe acci dent ami the services of a physicist! were required. The sight of the two men iying dead was too much for the frlcndj or both. l.ouis Chcviolet, the French liiver of the Huick. v as lod Into tho h& pltal aliiu.st t llmled with the tar an-1 dust fr ci Ihe 'rack shortly aft. Hie tw men had died. The Frenchman.! aim led during the early part Of the long race wan forced to give up. As the result of the two deaths, the Kinox company has wlthtdi-awm all its, entries fur the next two days and, II Is said, it will probably never again enter Its enro In a race. Tbc following cars started In the rtr-MheaHng i-rlml: Knox, Bourque; National, Kincaid National, Merz; Stoddard-Lmvton. Mil ler: Ftiilck, Btirman; Bulek. Htrinj Huick, Ohevrolet; Jackson, Kills, mil ritoiWarl - Dayton, Clements. Ktivang was t'he lirst to coin' I gilrf spi his car caught tire Is-fore ' NEW MINISTER TO ARGENTINA. 1. "WS C&arlea A. Bherrlll. recently appointed minister to Argentina. Is a Now Tork Wwyer and was born In Washington, I). C. In 1867. He la a graduate of vale where he waa a famous athlete. During hli course at the university ha ob aeven Intercollegiate championships. CADETS ARE DISMISSED FOR HAZING 'ROL' SUTTON Brother of Lieut. Sutton, Whose Death at Annapolis Has Just Been Investigated, Figures in New Sensation. Ordered by President. FUSILAIE OF SHOT E 1( BREAKERS Three Thousand Strikers Lin ed River Banks When Non unionists Made Landing STEEL STRIKE NOW AT CRITICAL POINT Mounted State Constabulary Makes Charrjo And "Reg ulars" Are Scattered the lhulance on tin- way to Ihe l Iml completed r.ne hip. MANSLAUGHTER TRIAL THE SEQUEL TO BOXING 1TCHJHITTLEIP Mess Attendant on Vermont Subject of Court Martial on High Seas. SKULL FRACTURED. WASHINGTON. August 19. David Williams, a mess attendant oh the battleship Vermont Is now being tried by court martial at sea on the ehare of manslaughter, according to a wire less message received here today from Rear-Admiral Sehroeder. commanding the Atlantic fleet. This Is the sequel to a boxing match which occurred on the battleship Ver mont off Prorincetown. Mass.. be tween Williams and another mess at tendant named Harrison H Foster several weeks ago. The latter went to his quarters, however and did not ap ply for medical attention until the next day, when it was found that his skull was fractured. He. died a few hours later. A naval Inquest was held over his body and a verdict was rendered that his death was the result of his head striking the floor and that no one wan to blame. The civil authorities of Massachu setts, not satisfied with that conclus ion mad application to the naval au thorities for the surrender of Williams to the stAte authorities for trial on he Charge of manslaughter, whereup on Rear-Admiral Sehroeder appointed a regular court of inquiry to make a thorough Investigation. The state of Massachusetts In the meantime withdrew Its application for the surrender- of Willtams and an Application of a similar character was made by the aiithoritins of the state of Georgia, but In rase of conviction he will not be surrendered to fieorgia until he has suffered his punishment. OLD SOL RELEASES GRIP HAS CHANGETQ BREATHE Believed That Torrid Wave Has Now Spent Its Foire on the Southland. BULLY RRKKZEH BLOW HEAP MICH WIND. PENSACOI.A. Fla . August 19 A severe electrical and wind storm passed over this city this afternoon, the wind attaining a velocity of sixty two miles an hour, causirrg vessels In the harbor to drag their anchors, while lightning struck tin- city power house and caused an Interruption in traffic of two hours. (By Associated Press.) NI'W '.i:l,KANK, AllKust 1 9 The l.i. I wave which ha.s held the Hoiilh M In itf crip Tor the pa.st four days has apparently been broken. Tonight those sections which have sweltered uni'er the d !ri4 heal. In many place iinprcceib riled in It-1 Intensity, were viMu-il by iiMilltig breezes. In some part. oT I . .iislana and MlntlxKlppi, tie; wind essnnn d al'tnoat the proportions of n i ale. in ma n v Instances accom- pan.id b electrical storms. Today ;lc- In at wave was central ovnr MtssisHiitnl and a portion of Louisiana. There was a decided drop in temperature in Texas arm) Arkan sas. In mini, puis towns In Mississip pi ami some in loulsiana the mer- ury soared above one hundred de grees. Baton Kouge, l.a.. reported a maximum temperature of 110 degrees and the thermometer reached 105 de grees at Hattlesbiirg, Miss. Both man and b ast have g me down before the torrid onslaught and vegetation in many sections ha.s with ered under the scorching sun and hot blasts. only one death was r.orti J in New Orleans today a,x a result of the heat, William Schlllenkamp. There were a .number of prostrations. Robhery Ts Said to Be the Motive of Midnight Crime in (Jeorgia. EFFORT MADE TO ENTER TUNNEL l.V.Nt'IInrKfi. Aug. "19. An effort was made today n enter the Southern tunnel which was partially destroyed by tin- last week, but It was found ti be IiHimI with carbolic gas. Bev-ral workmen at one end of the tunnel were overcome by the gas ami one of them nearly lost his life. There seems to be no doubt but the (Ire la out. but the tunnel cannot be entered be fore tomorrow. The deadly gases are being forced out tonight by compresn cd a,lr. HER SKULL CRUSHED ISKOXTON. (j , August 19. New: has Just reached here of the murder or Miss Maltle Cra'hum which occur red Koine time diirimg last nk','ht nnr lor bom.' two mlle.s north of llokes boro In I'.ilTee county. The woman vas dragged to a branch half a mile frem her house, where cv Idenees of a desperate sti-UKgle ensiwvl. The body was beaten and the skull crush ed. The object of the murder waa evi dently robbery as she was a rich wo man. An autopsy, however, may re veal evidence of a more wrloiis crime. Wnv vv.ui prominent and highly con- l' cted. Miss ilraham wits one of two maid en Kisicis who iN'cupicil their himic alone. The other sister wfis away rri'iu home at tin- time ipf the murder and Ui, re is no clue to the perpetra tors of the deed. .Shcriir lwive ICieketson wa at once notilic i and in company with the cor oner went to the scene of the crime. HOKKIItl.K DKATH. MOBII.K. Ala.. August 19 News reached here today of the horrible death of J. W. Ilarrlll of the Ijowcnv Lumber com(any one mile east of F.l lisville, Mlsv, Wednesday evening. Th lisville. Miss., Wcdni-wday evening. The logging train on which Ilarrlll was riding went Into a burning tres tle, tlie engine falltng throuh. Har rill was scildefl anil burned to death. Knglneea Itolx rt Strickland was se verely burned In trying to rescue Ilarrlll. (By Associated Press.) WKRT POINT, N. Y., AugnKt 19 Fr being Involved In the hazing of Itolawlo button, n lirolncr of Llou- tiiuint Jiarnoa K.. Hvlton, jr., of. the iiniw Btauis mnrm onx. ayhnso death "at Anmt&ivffPyvatti 1w'hfaTtiTWmW!il' ' ln"l' ' lUtlHUW;' W just,Hocn ' Invi-slipUad,- neven West point cadets were dinmisscd from tht. United Htabv intllitary aadi-mv today by cHreclion or President Taft. The crndets or.leied to he dismissed are John II. I'miker, jr., of West f oinl, On., firsl i lass; Hlch,aril W. Mocker, Kansas City. Mo., third cImss' Karle VV. I nminuri', I'lh-a, N. V., third ( la.ss; Chfitihcey C. Devore, Wlus'llng, VV. Va., third class; Oordan Li f. livie, ltlihnw)iwl. Va. third claws; An.ert I:. Crane, lltivvjiiil' n, Iowa, third cIush: Jneoh 8. FoTtier. Oothati, Ala, third class. lljickiii Scott. The action ,.f I'resident Tall and Secretary I ie. inson In dlrei linit the dlsmlHSHl of the cadets Is HCi'pleil by thcofHcei-s of Hhn army and the civil officials it that department, as a clear Indication of tho purjKioe of the ad minkdiratloii to ful)y siipport ikjlunol Hcott, the su(ierliitondeit of the l!nl ted Htates niWitary amdem'. In hi haxfcug in all It iphama frum student life at Ihe acttdnuy. The text of the order f dlsmistul hits not yet bnen nule public, hut It l'i known who the eadits are The offense i hnrgeil Is Imnlng, or niiorn spenllically. violation of section i:mt article twhe of the regulations or the iiHllitaty ai'iulemy on the mornlig of June H last, cadet Unlando Sutton, of the.', fourth r phwbe h hiss, ireportod l;k and was ordered to I be hioHiilnl, badly hi ii iiM.fl and sufferlikg ureal pain. Ill' did not report for duly again until twenty-three days later and his case Immediately lecaime a mutter of con (f Vmtirmed on ja.gc five ) WRIGHT BROTHERS ENTER I SUIT EOR INFRINGEMENT Claim That Aeronautic So ciety of New York Stole Their I'afciif for Mat-hint (By Associated Press.) I.F.W Yoilk AuKiist 19 -Wilbur anil orvllle Wiihl, tlu: aeronauts, to day entered sue in the I'lilted Htates t'licuit court In r.' agaJnat the Aero- n.'trtlf sis iely of 'his city, charging infringement ! .;uent rights on their icroplune in.. . ins. Tim Wrights .'nilipltiill thai Hi' .Sis'lety procured from tin lb i .tie rtirtlsH coinpany and from ;. m, II C'urtlss flying n.u- hincs alli ed i infringn the Wright P'li-irs ami 'ii' d t urtlss to kIvi puhlic ixhibiij-Ms lor which an ad mission was -! rw '1- THREE YEARS ON SEDUCTION CHARGE (Special in The Illen.) CMAltLOT'i I Aug. 19 Kobe Simp son, or J. S. .M H. the name appear ing In both f..i ' yesterday nem the charg the relatives t he victim, si n i iced to ser In Ihe state i" by Judgs Wi I. "ii the warrant, whh .t fiiuml guilty on s. i ielion brouKbt in Miss Fay liliiKhaui. s stralvhlway s-n-, irm of three years ,,t ntlary at Haleleh HKAD-OX fOfIJSK). IlIltMINOHAM. Aug. 19 Fast south-bound 'Frisco passenger train. o. 103, ran heail-on into rrelsht train No. 136 this morning at Mil liards. Knglneers J. M. Horn. Fire man Bailey and BagMgcma.ster ltag:t dalc. of the passenger train were possibly fatally Injuurtd. WAHHINfiT'i.N'. August 19. Fore east for North Carolina: Oenerally fair Friday and Saturday; light to mod era la north winds. STATE NURSES CONVENE AT WRIGHTSVILLE REACH Arbiters of Life and Death Hear (lood Papers at their Annual Meeting. WII.MINIJTON, Aug. 19 --The sev enth annual meeting of the North Carolina State Nurses' a4ociutlon convoned yesterday morning at tin: Hotel Tarrymore, on Wrlghlsvllle Itisieh, ivllh a .Kmslly number of nurs-'-s in attendance. The lirst session waj priec'led liy n meeting of the board of directors at 9 a. m., and the cur'ulluient of new mi-mln'rii and the payment of dues. Tin- first session ol the convention proper oicni'd at 11 oYI'H'k . with a greeting by the I'M eli nl. Miss C K. I 'fold, "f Wins-ton-Sab in. after which prayi r was sffi red and Miss Henderson, seere tur.v inn li'in, roiid the minutes of the previous m.'.'ting and culled tiie roll of members. The report or the di rectors wart made through Mlfts l..)llle II Cowan, of Imrham, and the re mainder or the forenoon session was taken up with the appointment or commitlot'M and the hearing of papers on "Tin- Preparatory CtMirsc," by Mis., Mary I,. Wyche or Durham, ' 1 ii ectoi i. s nt Nursm." Iy Mi Cow an of Durham, and a n port on "The Me.finv- :o Minneapolis." by Miss Wvche. "f Durham. At 5 o'clock this arternoi.il the visitors wi re enter tain' d ai an afterri'Miri tea ami recep tion at tie James Walker Memorial hospital, this city. (By Assmlated Press.) PI'n'SHI'Itt!, AugiiHt 19. Three thousand strikers lined (he hunks of the Ohio river and nu n 111 the crowd tired more than one hundred shots from pistols when the Pressed Hteel Car company at McKees Hock, land ed fifty more Imported men from tho steamer P. M. Pfell today. A detail of ten troopers of tho slate constabulary In command of a ser geant, nil mounted, salllod from the plant as the bout milled near the landing place and held the strlkOrs In check and dispersed thorn. No one was Injured. Deputy sheriffs todny arrested nn Imimrtod workman form Philadelphia on a chars of breaking windows In side tho phtnt of the rar company. After his arrtwt the working man In fomned the aherih that his rem for Hires king the wlndnwM was simply to gnt out of the plant wry re- iiuest he had made of suiierlntenil ents to 1st permitted to ffo outshlo had been rofusml, Tho arrest nd man nlso said he, with two htinded other tnen, had been hired In Philadelphia hs well as about sevon hundred in New Vork and hald hern tHd thoy were to- work In an open plant as rivfttora. and heaters, On the strength of the chafgo mndo by the man. Sheriff .(lumbort of Alle ghaney county of Ileal J y investligated the justness of thO complulnt, The. rtrikers say thut they have witnessed the efforts f the Imported mwhimrnwij to pass tmartW Watlohod. at the gate of the car 'plaht and hav een ho Jmpqrted tnen hcaten ItacK xy ciuKr" . , T. :'; The sheriff stated tonhfht that his deputies were at the plant for no other (purpose than to protect prop erty. The sheriff also clmlms tha his ln VHstlgatlons of the charge of the ar rest d man pnovod to iw 'without foun dation In fact. GR0WD5 CHEER HIM FOB CLEVER FEAT WITH .KBOPUHE Aiiiorlcan Aviator, Curtlss. Adds Dramatic Feature to Trial Flight HE WAS IN DANGER OF BAD COLLISION ijy Inventor Kept Cool And Guld ed Machine With Unusu al Skill And Daring (Iy Associated Press.) " lllli; l.M m, August 1. The Amert can aviator llhnn H. Curt,' st sun down loduy, added a, dranutitlo featur to the trial flights of the affroplsniM cntorod n tlhe contests of aviation' wHk thy skilllfully guhtlng his ma chliui alsva another aerojilane and (iverilng a colllston la ths air., thai seemed Imminent. f Tho ifoat was accomlljhadj ' artien. for the fltxt Hum in history, thro heavler-than-air craft wwrs man verlng at (the soma tints AM svsra llylng tiapitdly whan suddenly Cur tiss saw II. Iumansot, In an Antoln otto monoplane approaching at right angles end on the same level with. him. As mih'k H I flash Ourtlsa rcallxed tho danger and. eJevattn hla plunes, tils imvchlno tnstanfly ' shot) upward ami soared ewfely over that I'YnnKhman. Ths thrMtsands ot W taUira who lltUMli the aorodromA watnlts ml the 'maneuver Mtflh Intted Ureath. but when they mm it aocoeawfany atitl brilliantly carried out they aprud4 tho American wildly. Ths IhlnM ma chine in tiho air at ths trims was thai of M. TIssaniHer, c (., .. The iwnd Whteh had been masted of- the aeroplanes for two days, sud clenHy died out at sundown and ths aviators rue hod to the Sheds and dragged out thulr msxihlnis . Vomit l) liambeTt. on av wrlglil model, was tho first, wf ths aviator to , start ami made a oowrflele clr cult of ths afryslironu. M. Tlssan- diet, atsoion Wright tl-plaue. fols towed hhrt. ' I Curtlss on DecV. : 1 Then ths i'uniss inuwhlns, Tnlns; smaller and ninrs oomiiMnct than ths) others, was tUu't in posttfen for flight Curtlss was still llrmdmr amt itnod in iw4klnf a narled' stlnlt 'huti llks M. nierhrt, wiio wfors cross nj th BtwHsh dhatilMil a hla rmonoiiOahs, MIWWIWWSW! iS (Continued on an four.) ' SHOT BY DEPUTY SHERIFF White Men and Negro Ha Partnership in Operation of Illicit Still. THOlHIiK ItltKWINO. MKXICO CiTV. August 19. Tele grams received today indicate a state i unrest ii the i.rders of Coahuilu and NcuvoL-'in -A-liU h is giving con siderail1e ,-iLl'ty to the forh-ral gov ernment, i ne nil Hernardo Reyes governor 'if tin- slate, of N'euvo Ion, who Is prominently named as a vlce prcsldentlul candidate In npiptstltlon to Ramon Corral, the 'Incumlwnt and administration candidate for re-elee-Uon, has left the mountain resort of Ca)ana Cor the ranch ot a friend. (SMH-lal lo The fltlxen.) C.HKKNVll.l.K, N. C, Aug. 19 riherlff I W. Tucker and three dep uties went out last night to hunt for a moonshine still near Hhelmerillnc, about Whk;h ho had received informa tion. The officers found tho still about slx.teii miles from OreerivHIo, and two white men named John Hrlnson and Frank Hutton were ruunnlng It with a nogru wno wa employed by Ih'-m. riutfoti and thn negro were arrest d, but Hrlnson, armed with a shot gun, delied the officers and one of tin' deputies shot him in scW-defense, as he w"ii In the act of llrlrwt, the shot proving fatal. I'rlnsoit was an old offender and had th.' ropuurtlon of I wing a doseo ati' characU'r. He had ligiiTcd In Inrth Klate and Federal courts for violation and unci! escaped prison while serv ing a siitcnce. Hutton ami the negro were brought here and placed In Jail this ariernis.n. Hcvi-ral ki' of aeh bnuidy and whiskey wore destroyed and the still demolished. Hherlff Tucker Is muking every er fort to luring the moonshiners In the county fo Justice. IHIIIfll I,IVK. Al.KXANDKI A, Va., August 19 H. llssll Wise, nineteen years old and Jomc In-an, I wi'tity-.rs yai old, W"re Imrli'f alive beneath a steep enfankmeiit wiileh aveil in near this city tiwlnv They hail no warning and were smothered to death under nuiny tons of eitrth. Scleral hours were required to dig thorn out. WICIJ,MAX STII-li GOIXO. PAHI.t. August 19 A special de spatch has 1ieen received hero from Trieste, saying that Bcc.rllng to a telegram received from tho captain of the Italian steamer Thalia now at Hammcrfest, Norway, Walter Well man lert flpltzhergen August U In hts dirigible lutlloon, bound for the north pole. He had a favorable wind when the start was made. DESPERATE GOillTS-w FOUEHT JNJPRISOS CELL Feud of Long' Standing R(H Hult.8 in Serious Injury toi One of Them. 'j (lly AsaoclAirx! Press.) 1 PITTHHUnO, August it. BaWIInC desperately, one to kUfand ths oth er to savo hJa life, two coovlcts of the WestiTn penttetitlary III a cell oil' Monday afternoon, furnished a thrill ing aftermath of th daring attempt at Jail delivery discovered at ths bis; prison luct Thursday afternoon. As the result of ths fight, tho termina tion of a long standing feud, convlot A 4 9 7 7 Is In tho prison hospital with several stab wounds in the stomaoh. and his assailant, convict tUS Is in solitary ounllnetrwmt, along with tw sliort term prisoners accused of dig-- King the recently dlsoovered tunnel Tho wounded man probably will re cover, i The battle, unseen by any of th guards, occurred In the victim's celt nn the south block of the prison, lioth men, Hermans, are said to havs borne hatred for each other for many" years. Number 6642 nothing that Ihe doors of both his cell and that of his enemy were open and no guard In sight, stole quietly to the neigh boring cell with a table knlo In hla lingers. Convict A 4977 was prepared for the attack. " The men struggled for ten minutes before guards reached the cells and separated them. t RAILROAD PAYS FOR FATAL INJURY FAY ETT F, VI IA,E, Aug. 19. Ol April 30th Mr. A. L. Guy, son af Mr, W. A. Ouy, while In charge of an A. c. J j. work train near Dllllon, 8. ('., was killed by a chain attached to a steam shovel, breaking and striking) hlrn in the stomach. Yesterday th A. -. Ij. through their counsel, Hnav1 M. Hose, handed MaJ. A. A. Ho Kethun, clrk of the Superior Court." a check for 15,000, to be turned over to the administrator of the estate ef Mr. W. A. Ouy, In settlement of a' claim set forth by tho estate of ths deceased, the Coast Line, at tho same time, denying the liability under ths South Carolina law. u i .a 4