THE ASHEVILLE CITI ZEN. THE WEATHER: FAIR. Associated Press, Leased Wire Reports. Vol. xxv. no. 205. ASUKVll.LK, N. i SATURDAY MOl(MN(i, AUGUST 21, VMK PRICE FIVE CENTS. MOB AVENGES FOUL IURDEK OF MOTHER AND LITTLE BABE Negro to Hide More Horrible Crime Kills Doth And Throws Bodies In Lake LYNCHERS GIVE HIM SHORT SHRIFT AT ROPE Sheriff's Efforts to Save Fiend's Life Circumvent ed by Neighbors (By Associated I'rrs.) FITZGERALD. Ga.. August 0. Henry Taylor, a negro csi-nniirl, charftftd with aasaultln- Mrs. JdhIi Vk-kers, Tuesday and ahen murdering her and her Infarrt, was this after noon tafcen from the tdieriff of Wil cox county, between l.umpkiiiH Kerry and McReo and lynched, ax-ou-ding to reports reaching here tonight. The crime for which the negro paid the penalty at the hands of lmllt;n.inl ever recorded In the rrimlrwul annals citizens was one f the most brutal of Oeorfcta. M,ra. Vlckers and her el;hit months oM baby were left at their home at Lumpk1nn Kerry Tuesday afternoon and that night when the lumbaii 1 and father returned from his work Imth hi wife and baby were misusing. A search revealed the fact that they were not at the home or any neigh bor. Soon their dJsa.ppeanuue, with suspicion of foul play, was known throughout the neighborhood and search for them was immediately commenced. Thursday afternoon the bodies were found in a pond not a great ways from the Vlckers home. The woman hm Neii assaulted and then choked to death, while the liahy's skull had ben crushed. Negro IHsappcared. Henry Taylor had told of seeln? Mrs. Vlckeire, with her bahy, go i, the direction of the pond In which their bodies were found. Suspicion ai Irn medlateiy directed toward hmi jpon the finding of the bodies, tout h 5 bad dUfePjpe.areit. Early today Taylor was arrested; "WbW 'Hill county, near Lumpklns Kerry. He was taken In charge by the sheriff of Wilcox coun ty, who Immediately started for Fitz gerald. Finding that his way was blocked by the presence of large num bers of aroused .people, a circuitous route was taken. The eituens. Inu- (Continued on page seven.) MEN FIGHT BATTLES WITH TROOPERS TO i Throw Rocks at Constabu lary Until Officers Have to Use Their Clubs. PLANT SET OX FIRE (By Assminted Press.) PITTSBURG. August I'll An al leged attempt to set lire to th" plant of the Pressed Steel Car company, at McKees Rocks early today followed by much disorder when the striking employes of the car company lired several shots at over a hundred new men who 'were being taken into the works about noon, kept tin stat n- stabulary and deputy sin nIT.t on the alert for twelve hour today. New cars Bhlpped away today Indi cate that the company Is successful in operating the works at bast on a small scale with the imported work- Ingmen Charged with aggravated assault, and battery'. Troopers Wolf and lhivls of the state constabulary were ar raigned for hearing before an alder man today The case was dismissed on account of conflicting testimony. The women strike sympathizers be came excited during the afternoon ant the amaznna numbering about five hbndred gathered at the gate of the car plant and threw hea.y pav ing stoneg over the stockade A detail of state troops dispersed them. The women later gather, d near the car company's restaurant and resum ed their stone throwing Inside were many clerks and office employes Again the mounted, troopers rode into the crowd of foreign women and played their ilot clubs lustily. Late today a brick with a not.- at tached was found outside of the car plant stockade. The note read in part : We want tn get out of here Can't you help r ?" Early today bundles, of fagots soak ed In oil were found lighted near the paint house of the car plant. An in vest igatlhn will be made. Tonignt conaitions anout the car plant were ominously quiet. THROUGH FLAMES PASSENGERS ARE SA VEDFROMDEATH Thrilling Incidents of Rescue of Forty Souls From Burning Riv er Steamer. Captains Cool ness Prevented Loss of Life. (Hy AKMH'lalrd rrewt.) PKOIilA Ills. August 20. Th steamer Fred Swain. Captain Verne Swain, of the i'enria and Im Salle Packctt company. with twenty-live passengers and fifteen sailors aboard burned to the water today after the flaming craft hail been piloted Into four feet of water ami the occupants had estaiH-d to the bank of the Illl- ...1. .1... uli..niir u'ns Oois river, up bound when it caught lire. No lives were lost but Joseph ('as rider, the engineer was burned about the face and Charles Ueiehberger ol IVoria suffered a broken arm. Tbe loss is 3r..000. Several of the passengers lost their IwdongingM. I The escapes from the burning ves sel of the passengers most of whom I were women aim wn..i'i. - ---citing. Fears were partly calmed a.s the burning steamer drew nearer shore :md scores of row boats were seen coming to the rescue. (lung Plunk Afire. The e.itic plank was lowered to the water's edge when th Hle:iiner bad been beached After two row boats 1 1 ..... .....! fnr sliore Will Iia.SHen h n.i.lank cauKb. lire hihI fell away from the . iirieen nersons. Including seiei.11 wo- ,', ,.1,1 ii the water. ln.'ii n'.u ........ cr,,..., .1 Powers of Peoria and Iv A. Caron 'of Worcester. Mans., who on the plank when it fell, each sa..e.l the lives of two children. The others who were thrown into the water by the cnllaitse of the gang plank were taken In boats to safety. Those still aboard the steamer man to let out a new gang Will The fire started In a s-tate room ami ; riiiilrlK Cantain Swain, real oe1 ' lzlng that the vessel was doomed or-1 dered the pilot to beach the boat and ! Instructed his crew to noai "ui preservers. , , . . Stack to' nis' Tost. Engineer Cassider after attending lo the boilers to guard against an explosion went to the pumps, remain- ing there until the flames licked his , face Severely burned and almost ! blind he turned to escape onlv to hud that a row boat btl lor h iio j i.'-.M .ilire II.. col into the boat, bow lever, and beating the tlanic; from bin- Alter Arrest. Tells Orue .sonic Story of How lie Killed Her. nf:vkr told his lovk (It) Associated Press.) IXiUOI.AS. !a. August ;c-le-claring that he had rather see her il.Miil than married p. another. Wil liam Alcloixl. a farm hand, today (vjii't'cKscd to Sheriff l(i. ke,rton Lira he murdered Miss Matlie Graham, a wiallhy and reluied young woman whose body was vest'-rday discovered In a swamip mar her horn, at llokes boro, Coflee connnty GoiiKT into eveiv detail, bis sbue inent is that he I. ft his work and went to the house l fore dinner. Not w-dn her he asked for Miss Maine and being that sh- had go in fo le-r In Id for a lie Ion. h- followed and found her Polh .started back towards the house side by side Coming to a branch near the I1..11.- be M lo r pre cede him. When ,Tt li-r back he caught h.r by the bit arm and cut one side of her throat. She turned and bfiked him in the fat e and 1 xclaiined "1ord have nierev," ih- onlv words she ever spoke after lb.- atta k. Th.-n he finished . lilting her and cut h.r in th. side a; sin- fell H. slamp.-d h r In the face, w.c-h-ed the blood from his kiiib . face and overalls and 'i'-r, dry went to the house and at' dinner. His onlv mo tive for his trune was that le bad r.iih'T see her d-ad than t" s h. r tifcirrv H. rd y. While be loved her. be said, he hail never told her and if she was now alive no motive could lnlu-e hirn to harm tvr. Hm only feax appears to bo of Urlng lynched. lie does not show any remorse. and rowing hard reai li'd the shore lie wa. taken to ., hie-.ul il Miss Furbish, a cabin gii, who .lis covered the lire, said I was at work dusting and hailing a stateroom in uhh h the lire sl.irlcd The- whole room was in Haines, tin smoke blinding me. 1 g;ne the alarm md rushed tn inform Captain Swain 1. M. Swain of Stillwater. Minn niii-i 01 me oilmen .-.leanier. in he Avery Manufacturing coinpam plant nt Averyvilln, a suburb of IVn- la, near which the steamer enii.'hl die and) he aided in ri.-.uing tin iiassengers and crew His .son Verne captain of the ess. I was th,. ti letive the burning ;hip. Futile efforts w. re in.i.le bv lb. Peoria and Avers v 1 1 1 hi. depart inents to save the hull of the boat. The steamer built, nine ear;i ago, was on,, of the finest on th.- Illinois river. FIHK IN PIMM'SMOI III. NOItPOMC. Va., August ill. F My. " oumouikk, in, tuning two gio.-i v Mi.oes,, one nalicry ilnd a war. house destroyed by fir f MIMH' li-il learner, letting'" "' '"'" 01 cue smiiirran teiLemelll lli.'itrict i.f Il,,rk II, . ......... ' rouay Tbe block Intituled by lMike, Islington, Hiigblon mid w-lslr",,s "ilR wiped out ;1nd the tlano - al" "I"-"""' property adjoining s OI'I'H'KUS OF It, I'.. i ;IIANT HAPIT!. Mich., Augirst ::i .lames MvKlnlr of ltoaiKke. Va.. "as I elected wcretary of the Inl-rna1ina! " min.i in- i.ugineiMjj hi last night s session. (bfurge V. llorton, Paltlmore. wns rlifwin president. NEW MUTHKKN 1.1 MO. r "WINSTCWT f?AtWMl.""W.'' r.. August 20.--Th.rc Is a well founded rumor curi-'ht fo the effect that the negn- tlnllen ; are In progress .wherein the South rn raiilwav plan.s to Iniild a rnilnnd from North WilkeMlmro to SI Paul. "a.. a distance of oyer I wo b 11 1 dr. I miles. 1 ..line, t ing Willi ,1 -dirt I line (iriin the We.l. Pr. Mill! ten-' "urv vs Imvc I.e..,, mad.- MAYOR COTS OFF GIRLS' DRINKS AND IS ALMOST FORCED TO Marion (Jirls (let Mayor Dvsart on Run Recause He Signed ( )rlinaiice. PAKKS TO THK WOODS (SM- la (o I hr ( lltj-ii ) M AIM' N. N. Auk. - 'I h. t- is warping and K"UKhiiif; "f tcth in Marfrmi t'?;iy ;nri'iriK tht; yMiiiK Kt-t arnl Hiiiniiiir vLsitors. Tli- "flhc i Mayor In m:i it has lfM.Kf'1 lik- a ha-r-fm all d;iy an! yonut; woih-d, iniridl. iigf il Wfin-n iin'l idfit rs I.ewlKeil hitn duriiiK Uh- ilay aiul lhr-at ii"f Hi' overthrow tt thr pn-Ht-nt ;a th i ni -t t a - (hut Mayir Jiynurt Iw lt.r -,i lo,.- 'I hiH ifTic- ami th- y-'-n .r ijm lif wa rnakiiiK f-r Murk cri'-k, a rtitantH of nin- n.H'-s, wlnTe h' J -clari'H hf will Htay for H'-vt-cal l;iys in trw Hutk cr ok iuiit in; lub hunK t- Ari'l it in all b--aus- the ia.t itp i ln of th. fily f'iiiri-il pa.-wl ih.-faru-'itiM hint- laws which iH-ctimi fec.tlvc Kurt'lay. Tli Murnni'-r RifU kti w nothiriK nf lh' biw.s tuiti! Hi' full t x! of th-ni v;t puhhliij Thiinrsilay hi th la pajH-r. Th--laws pi'ivi'h' that all kImm-m a-rn) t.ii.i-x-Kh fftahl Ish mTii s h- fhs'f Sun - hi Th Ktrls dil ti -1 e;irr (or 1 h i hut wh'M th- rouiK'il prtihi( thai 'Iruc utores woulil ri t he iilhiw! t- I i if t ilrinkK, ca n'i . cr n rti ft'-., (h'-ia- caim a. h-iui fmrn th lalr s.-v. Th- iunim'T seam itv Is a,t It-h'-iuh'h aiwl htimlr'nlK f iMt-irs ai in t't wn. utwlay is nM v rirallv a wry livlv day atnl thT-t r th' niHKT fl't 'have ('ntrr'ffat"l in the 'I ni-K storey ,-v, ry .StindHV afo-r i, ari'l I14 PI ict- ( rai.m and crandy partp-H. v Hut that is all fivT now, no m-irf crt;im or candy pafrti-s, not 'vcn i cod drink to tj-n'h f hr hn rn -ing thirst arid ther- aro wars and ru mor of w-arw. Mayor I art , n en-ta ry "f 1 he M an u far t u u rors' - u h is a. v ry p -uhtr man, )ul hiH Kpula.rit tiirat -'ns to tn- f-rv h'rrt-i ved. After the (Continued on Pae Seven ) 1 .'"yl 'jr. - J" 'X t-aii V I iKN. MCt).Al) WMI Who Is umpiring thAfar numo U lw Ion town. "f; DWKERSON DECLARES THAT HE Created Something of Sensation by Saying That if He Hadjpaid His Debts When Able He ould Be Rich Man Now. Thi. .11 root v ma , X ti.M T . .V and IhLm --rikfyM-(ii'nrinatloii hv Mirdri-t A(t(iriM Hohmi ntM with llr a-l y tii'irtneni of (tnint in ihe aiiernuoii Hitn-'Ns wm.s niiii'ii'l e. a in ihi-i I (' . distih- aHorih hii detail': .f iP-nt-:i pp' ai m:.-. oM iti. hank's N.oi . ft,- ivarl lll'.)f'.;e .- n ) or 1 1 1.1 1 I n t" i h..c, im( .. it- s , i.(. in i'i many eaes, and ,-,.is iilleil on to ph in vv hy it n . d" ha.d :"i i in i IP de s of Hc'fh n! ' I Mill.-' foi hi i n i f he i,,Ml not ni. .Mit I.. , . .-is, i ii. OJII d roll' T . " ! i I )1 I ' l I 1 1 . I lo intend' d to ,(.,.,,. iMi on- ho ' h i I'M t in mii h ii-1 i" ;i ii I '' : en i I 'en la ml h.i il i I h i in h Is le t i -.'. Iiik from Ih. i ir.i, .veil- heoi, l. 'r r ) u i re ni' ni Mf I lf. ef - o-. h.l I Ira. inn lie ... le n i i d -aIix, i: I" wi lt bllll'l i lit I i.l ol .is Ii : i nt. .il .. t Ulle In lie ei W.I III .1 - III I . I i-onvlil ion le I ' net I '' ill i " I b.lll Hot .. el .... .1 lies OA, .1 il. I . ) fit i.l Ullb .1 He i'i ! I.IIK II. .1 hindtii:hl -.,i ' ! r Ih.m f t -1 . 1 1 . j :itwl I but 1 1 h. I... I l"iie I hi.-, b. ......i. I. now b, ii re Ii ill--'.-;,,! o ., i::i.r; Mini be b .11:1.1 I. I II I HI IS ACQUITTED OF His IM..-I .,1 Stir )cl'-i,.- ii: Killing ni ' W illi.'iins Is 15c 1 WAKHIN'.'I' AilKUKt 20. K". east for Xoi ii. '.it oh im Fair ;im) pom. what ...-.i'i Saturday; .Sitel.i-. unsettled, moil, u.e north arid norf h-i i aj't winds i ll.'V.'.l. j A l.ile.l l-res-.) ' i. III. 1,1 ATI. N"l A . Ati;:iiM : '.. I. . . ' ,, i i Mill M in ' 'f'l.tle.l ,it I" IT , .., i I Ionian Ih.- I'll II i , l i.i Stlje t e .1 . . ", - h. mill .' t ..: I " i o ';. III... in- : ' ' , ..I in . n . r i f . 1 1 1 1 . i I l i .- I in ' 1 - .i a-- tine n , n ' . t ( , ill-; Im- I ti. t i I '.' i 'I a I'i "in ' " ' ' i ' ( in - u I,, le . ; .i Im. l,i.-u .hi'.- . , who! ii ni I i 1 Im llw-'. .1 no I h t I 111 .1" V- h 'I' ,1 I -.. th. ..' h. r. I, i I I... .. i-, . '" l . til.i; I ' i.lsi .Hid li-e f..r v "t .1 '"d il v. .... i i ei - "I' I" Ii" ...C .- , ' ... ,11,:, in ' - -i fine : i - ' ' ' lliiin lli.-i;, I '-'I I til' hi"- f '"" ' . "': ' i , ' i i v J l ..ll .iJ ecu the It.ds and Ulues Around lloi IS A BEGGAR 11, - . . . .' .. lll-ireMi be. Hreene nrid I'enliilirl emit, I bin.- I . I the biinl.'s ilebtM lwi lime I V I f. lore t lliicsscw. II I', nl.iii.l. . .mi. r c.'iNlii. r. le. I .hi. i in 1 1,,. m.liet ne nt iv Illl lt e. an. I I I,, ih,,,, lo,' I ' no' I 'i.l ill b, .-ill. .1 l. le in '' I A H le .... I In . nioi iiiiii.'. "rile Kv ' Mi M n i h i : ii 1 1 1 : 1 1 . hi . .1 i limn bei- .1 t.e-. v.ho mil I'-sl il a lief l .. ' '- ' '" ' ' im I"'1' 'I Mi 111" llllinb ! I 1 . i tin I .1 in. i I ii i, iii ' '.iiiin I roll r '.'o M 1'ili'ii ii M.ijoc Hi, . - I" l lie .1 . ' ' 1 1 n 1 1 1 I I,, to iiiv or I be I line.'-: .Ion. in lie- biinl. in lo.ttion "I I... 1. 1. lie; I., i i, . III. v .,,.., ..n He -Ii' Ml' f .iimI I'. II. lii.ibiim win. !:' I" 1 n l'-'ii ' I L-. lit i . - i 1,,-i on "II" A.l. I I I ...'.-- lo l.oll'os 1. 1 fife ' Hill "I on ti"l ' III. I'I. b (it I, - ' I : i ll" .'. I Hot III' III.-- I"-S linn ,1- i.i II , ... I. -.11 i . n-ible b.l'llllli: Se-o. 'Hi d ' . II. Hell loll of .1 I "I I i I t,M.r "II I i II" C' ,' : 1 1 f 1 1 . 1 1 eel .1 .I.i I ' 1 III. .1 I hill I I 1 ' "ii" 'I "ti . iir- lour, i COURT IN SUTTON CASE l)i ' I.i it Ii l-ii.'ir.l All Tfs liiintn Imt 'I' I.l I 111 Jill' '. ii ii )in- 'riioii'v. i n. 'il I .''i. A. . 'is- 1 "' Hi.) II : I ', V. Il " Il in ' I h Hh ..I s I I,,. . -I i n" i ' . .-..-I I on I nn . .1 sin I' s . "I -ntiifiii llom iiu.v.-ii ' I ' ."'.! ' 1 1-1 J III .Ti v ' ' t t ,i i 11 I.'' ,i i il" -I . I I l, "I . X' 111' i I t ' ., H .'. h,. ih In- com t ' in i'i, , .nt ' l. .11 Im. I I" ol: I '!: ."It. or .'IH l " I . I'i ' o I. ',.',. I I o- ,M I'M Sli . I lb. II. ltd "I leer III il I ii- I".! i l-,ii . -, I i ..".'., ,, ,. . ....; '" Ill IW.l Ol n ' "C'le t I le I- - 11 In. Me. I III.;. . r ' I-. I In h,.-i ilnl y ;n II" I . !"iil i.ror.o- '.. .Mi ll.lliH n l I b.- . null ! . . "onl In il-. "it -. .. 1 .hi'. Iv oblit- .l i.-C h ." Of HUl.'i.l ' ""I. Ill" . x. be .-.Hie I velf-lirilllete - th.- ' - ;l:iiii t Ion nf I... .i. ".nit Sutton u nib ' Mr. le -nt toll ' fr m ii I ,- on n r, ": . ; 1 1 I In- lxlh Ilnd be h ib- Ure.l thai o '. a r ''.kHt h..t ' -. .1 " nli'-r, b'-bf In ""-I lir.1 by biin- ... If. ve-ille -. '". .-lit i-on .if any other l,.ne! h . i. ii. thai If I.l-u torani A.I.,.ii.' f .:- 1 1 . r i f be tr'ie, ".rlvioulv lb" tfainJ elxit 'vtn,i not lirwi fr'wu tin. Colt revolver." STRANG IN BUICK ICDUNTERFEITERS MAKESNEWRECORD PUNNED TO Ml ON HUNDRED MILES 0UTHUGES1IDLE No Accident Marred Automo bile Races at Motor Speedway ZENOEL SMASHES - TEN MILE RECORD Great Crowds of Spectators See Drivers In Mad Fro lic of Speed ( It T AtUMlllll 11-riwi,) INPlANAI'iUdS, Auiit 20.- St run k iuul ZctiK.J mIiiu'iI tht' hiHiorii f the dec on. I dy at ihe llllt.illu.bibl wee in.xt mi Hie new IikIIiiihijx.IIii nmlor ietiwy. Stru,n wm -th fiwlil one hunilriil mhleM ever held In thin country, while ZeliK-l emab llHhtvi a new ten mile nt itrd In 8.23 J-10. No m'liiu accident nmrrcd the Iny'B nuliiK. The only Injury r- Inirted wits a briilwd arm Kumnlncd by Harney obllleld. Mointi lH.OtlO w)-i tutniB i rowded the Iwu blK Hi a nds und hundr.ilH of au- imolHIeii lilted thi) inukinv Bpocea. The ctuwil wiim tvuMlderiibly lanrt.r Hum yextcriliiy. The feuture ijf tho tiny wan Ihn eimy vlelory nf HtruiiK vvilli a llulck In the nt. liuiulred mile nice, tin' tr oveait of the di.y Htttinit led all the way from the ntart and won try about ten. miles in lho tn- ceplhural tinro of 1:32:48 6-10, At flrttt It wiia thought th lx wan a new record for thin oi run try, hut the offl- clulM an.ivoum.'ed thM they hud chi ld.! in ttlliw the mark J : 32: IS H-10 mado 'by Chevrolet In tho Unit ana hundred mllea at the 2li0 mll riKO yewterday to stand, leitt 'net that Chovrohit 1M twt nnlHh the race. Hiilek Wait -oml. licwllt, In A Ilulik, llnlMhed wctind In Mtnin In the Ion if iwu In 1:41:33 .1-10 and Mil l man In a Miirmon wm lhlr1 ih 1:43:87 8-10. iturnmn In A Mtrmrai w tho ntily other of the i.v4i Mtartrv tn nnwn. t wiim (ChuvTofetl, Marion Mni), t)4 the raj'. KtrnJiK mver Ktnppi( mice dnrlna Ih. one ihiindred mllea, bla ear wtirk Iiik perfectly nil the way III jmx-e wiim iiiitfonn I ht-miKiioiit. lie In- reai.'il lil'i lead nil the way Tbe nijy mile nice wn a wnlk- (( -.nil Iniieil on iiik"e four.) LIKE FLOCK OE GREAT Aviufoi'K Seoul in Around in Tliciu as Lightly an Birds m VViiitf. ACCIDKNTS H II i ;l MS, Aiinl 2H. AcT'ipliuiea IIvIiik In Hlriilbt lined. mukliiK w bbi tlllllH or WtleellliK lll.lliliy, lraveilllK kIow anil rnat an. I low iuul IiIkIi, was III.- MlllklllK Mpeetaele ollerell 1 i.,ot i Holn-t Oil 111'' ll' l'l ol liein. ii." '.- day. Two HllKh; lu.l'b-niH oceurreil. M I linn, meat, drlvhiK an Anloliielb inii . hlne caiin to the uroilti'l HldcwiiVM in. I broke one ..f lb. runin th of bin ... i...iin. and Mr. 'ioffl"V. In an iiaiill-l'. It'Tle ni'iiioplari' 'Iuul iiiooih lilirh.d a ItlKht "f a k 1 1 . 1 1 ru -I i - r wb.n the mat bine struck a lielKe, il. uml i biiof IU irtiHilb r. Thin wax the weorid bmi pratlc' today la fore til" cfiiuii' Ii"' H" '' "f Ih.- prize. tllK'htx of milHloli w- n. ih nil II. t'lllli-ii. tbe mil Alio rl-i-.-in who Ih lo . oini.el" In He r.e ee wax Klv. li an oviilion after a hijccckm lul practice llluhl "I f i'ii mlnutea. IIiiIm iI Ijilb.ilii ,ili" we- a-pphiiKbil for a up. elaeiil il Ibcht ..I I' ll 'lill'- ,le. Illl. I the ton. I I""' ' ' rheer- iliK iiv M, I'.h iC't. "II I . ink' a. amall foil', horn, poi-.'i ni.,ti'..hi ne, niii-b' i h' i H "f rf ul iiiaiiem . id. M Solium r, who r.. iiily, tbouich mi.. II i iall . , Wilbur VVrlitht' re el . for .biriiii'.n "I Ibxlit. sp.-mleil a row ib. plat' "' 'i'liini-' il"; aft. r li. -.11 and w.-i I" i-lls'bt ill the haw. II a.- Ihouilbl In bad de- ,.i,i. , but mid. I' i.iv be re-.iearod. b, n le- landed In- aiilionncMl that b" hod innde a vovime to the village ..f innv and reiufii. Tlnre Im now a tolaj of twnnly . li-bt ma biii-K on the Kroiuwla, but not all of tln-m 'r' ready f.rr IliKhl Mr. Ciirtiiw Kin not n'icUly anr prii.e. when informed that the W i it'h t brotber bad brouKht irnit airainat the Aeronautic, ,Hocle,ty of New Noil-., alleitina- thut the CuirtlBH ma , dune InfrliiKia certain of their iat , nt Me atud he hal known for omc- time that jrrri-thln of this na ture' waa contemplated Had Already Printed Million Mexican Notes Before They Were Caught SAY WALL STREET MEN BACK OF THE SCHEME Intended to issue Counterfel Stocks as Well as Green Goods (Br Anmn'latrd rrew.) IM'IHVIU.K. Ky.. AuKuat 29 r'ollowlng the dim every yiwUM-dny of tho entMiUTfelt 'imiut" t tlutroda ertH'k, thh cimiUy. and ttm revelation Ui Win jkMIih! by V. O. (Hlrn Ha broker of J. M. KoMer A Co., of th nil M Ion dollar counterfeit ortarprtae. Mr. OhIhwiw today bwued a MittmiMHit In which h aaiil that Mftrkm Roberta told him tho huadquartera of Ut gwif waa In Wall atrwet, Now York. I'nllcn have put behind tha bara all thtwi) auuiMxmod to be Moittlflad her wldh tho ejiUM-rie. John Hubert, wlvo wtw In chart nt ttm makln of th apuctoua llviri. can money : Marlon HoIhnHa 'John's brother, who hnmlled the murathvbl end of ft; Nimle Harp, Mrlon'a houaa kooper, and Wilt Kwne who eon d to liavttHff prlnt.rd tho not, were all arretted. M r. Harp mm Koenlg wx ro rekuiw, Koentg undw a 11,500 bo nil, and Mr. Uayrp on htr own reeoBhlmnee. Had UrtMil Mum. ' Motb HobATU brottiarf are tn dur ance under 111,000 federal bond ewtii auml Jnhn haa atready wmkhum4 Ii i wlU plui guilty la tha' Fediw oourt. Tim rU tfuiU of tlia pwlndllnt .? plot exi)owid try the fkilli and J. It. broker upiwont-hed by Mnrton Itob erl. hw that the ihma of th broil. em eonteinplittod "fakltvg" even fltiM-k I rtlibiitiw of mUroariat auch a the I.uiiIhvIU.i and NltWhvHle and th I'enunylvatila luaiilnif counterfeit mon ey to pay for them and ootuhioilna; an (Continued on pascn aeven.) POLITICAL RIVALRY IS IN MEXICAN STATE Sale f Firearms Han Been Forbidden by Govern ment as Precaution. KFYFS VS. CARItOL (Ky ANMxIaled Preaa.) MKXIi'U fi'i'V, Aucurt 20. A p . inl diKpaieh frofn Monterey to tho Mexico I (ally Itecord ya: Not a weapon of any klrml could ' be hotiKht hero tiidny. Half of th in. ii m the lown are cArrylne ewn eealed eaion. Ijorlge of cUuidea iine miuKiiix, who riM-onnize General llejea iih chief, are prcfiarinif a dem oiiKinuio.ii at Alaiinidiu Trvwble la I eared. K."ciil illHpntelKW from variou tiarta of Noilb. rn Mexico to different piibllcatlonn In the rapltu.1 all a (free that the Kltuatlon throiashoiit that re ifloii l one of KTtive pollllt'Al unrent. buriiiK i be paat two dy trmopi hav been moved to plu- a whoro they will l.o moat needed In r&Mt of dlaturb ain ea The Kovcrnrrvcnt hae the alt nation w II In hand, Tbe trouble tenter aout the per winallly of Uenoral lkrnrdo Ileye. ifo.ernor of the ataU) of Nuevo Ijeon iind former mlnlmiT of war. The an-tl-iulmlnlntniJ Ion party has named Key.M na a awlldite f'w the vice-pr.-Kld. ic y In oppoltin tn Ramon Carrul. the Imumlient, who haa been n -nnminatcd by the admin let ration party. Y.-nterday H'y-n left til aunimer home for the ranch of a friend. HiinultaneoiiKly detachnncnls of fed eral tri w.-re aeit to tho moun tain and iteyc I jsald to be ootn pbtely Hurroundod by filnral force. Thla la I llt-ved to 1 but precau tionary move on the part of th ted erul Kovi-rntnenit. One of the Tnnet duJURtomu ele meiit rf tho ultiiatlon, according to Ihe Kiw.rd dlpathi'j, U tho aJie( ..I iae meeting or all the clandes tine bKlxee of Matrons thnxirhout tho .Viot.lerey " tlon. It Hi claimed that theec wir atylod Maaona hav pledged thoinaelve to auppnrt Royoa. (len.nil 1)1 a., prealdent of th re pidilic. la a thirty-third degree mo nn of the nco:nizod branch of Ma sonry of Mexico. ,