SUNDAY' CITIZEN THE WEATHER: FAIR. 5 24 Pages Today VOL. XXV. NO. 306. ASHEVILLK, N. C, SUNDAY MoiJNlNG, AUGUST 22, !!)()!. PRICE FIVE CENTS. t: IN itminu unii OF GRAFTERS ROB For Years Have Been Farm pg Out Contracts For Large Rake Off WORKED THROUGH IMPECUNIOUS DUMMY Several Departments of : ity Have Been Systemat ically Worked MONTREAL., August 21. Testl mony showing that the city of Mon treal has lost millions of dollars in contract work and thai official posi tion of all kinds have been bought and sold for yeare, has been brought out by the Investigation Into the city's civic affairs begun by the provincial government several weeks ago. The Investigation covered the ad ministration of the police, fire and public works departments, each of which Is controlled by a committee of aldermen with an administrative chief appointed by the committee, (.raft In Contracts. The public works department sworn testimony showed that the lowest bid ders were Ignored and the contracts awarded to higher tenderers, who had a pull with a certain middleman who cohducted negotiations between the aldermen and the contractors. The excess price paid by the city for paving was 8houu to average six ty cents a yard. On contracts lei this year totalling 6R0,000, the excess price, it is charged, amounted to 1130,000. A man who swore that the total1 value 'of his plant was less than 1100 that he kept no books and could produce no complete set of check stubs was shown to have had con tracts this year In excess of half a million dollars which he farmed out to sub-contractors at a handsome pro fit. It is estimated that these trans action have cost the city from $ 2 r 0 . -009 to $600,000 a year In one de partment alone. S-rtal Election. Partly as a Bjesult of the revelations or Ui. InveUguUorT and partly as a movement for civic reform .generally an election will be held here Sep tember 20 on the intention of reducing MOrJlHEAL AT WILL J. the number of ald-rmcn by one half and of establishing a hoard oi com missioners to administer the city's affairs subject to the approval of the council. ' HAPPY FAMILY PARTY IS LEFT MISS OF CORPSES Carrying Son to follcr Proud Father Carries Him to Deatli. MOTOR CAR TO BLAMK (By Associated Press.) NEW BRUNSWICK, August 1 1 . -Two memibera of a prominent Chica So family met death in an automo rdle accident near here this afternoon George A. MacLean. Jr . whie?,. par ents, were returning to New York af ter having made arrangements for Ms entering Princeton university, was almost instantly killed His f.iili r George A Maclean, said to ! a department manger for Marshall Held and company, Chicago, was m m i i ousPy Injured that he suei urnl" d In a hospital here tonight, of a parte of neven. Including a n gro chauffeur, none escaped Injury. Mrs Madan was injured Internally nd is in a pre carious condition. Miss li,rothv MaoLean, a daughter about twenty years oM, had both arms and both leigs broken Miss Jeannette and MJiiJ jIBarflet jMicDontil.f ni'. s of Mr. Madman, also of Chicago, wire also seriously Injured. one of them had her thigh and arm brken The MacLoans came on from Chi cago to Instal young Maclean In Princeton and were making the Jour ney to New York by automobile pre paratory to leaving for Chicago to night. Near this place, while the car was going at a good clip, some thing went wrong -with the steering gear, the machine dashed to the side of the road "and crashed into a tree. All the occupants were thrown out violently and young Maclean landed on his ln-ad with such force that death was practically instantaneous. MM Jeannette McDonald's condi tion is serious. One of her hips is fractured and It Is feared her lungs may have been punctured. THREE M ORE ADDED TO DEA TH'S TOLL IN SPEED CARNIVAL Opening of Great Motor Speed way Has Been Deaths. Race Two Spectators Were Killed. (By A.xxoclateil ItvmO 1NIHANAPOUS. August 21. Three more lives were aHcrMiccd In the mad speed carnival which has inaugura led ttie great lndianaH.lis motor rpeedway. One mcchanicUtn and two spectators paid the penally of tlielr lives to satisfy the extreme desire for speed. The fatal accident ciune when a National car driven by Charles Merz In the three hundred mile race, lost a tire and ivushcl through a fence ln(o a group -ol spectators', spreading death, and de struction in the wake of its wild ip lunge. The dead are: Claude Helium of Indian, u.oi.s, me chanician in the NatloiKil car; Ora .bdleffe, Trafalgar, Intl., and in unidcntlfiied man. Besides tht; three deaths, two sc- rloiiB injuries resulted during tin day. Henry Tapklng of Indianapolis was seriously injured In the fatal wreck, sustaining a cojiipoiind frac ture of his right arm. a 'broken nose and several scalp wounds. Hrucc Keene. the driver of a Marmon car in the same race, crashed Into a post shortly after the National wreck and was badly cut albout the neck and In ad. i , ,c.t After the second accident the olllc ials decided Im ca.M off the three hun dred mile race when the hading car a .laoks-on with l,co at I lie wheel-.- had covered L'.'.r, miles Kalpli !e Piilinii. in a Vial, .was s.-coiet and Stilliuian In a Marmon was third. The race will be declared no contest and the great Indiana.polis motor i tflicilvvay trophy will be raced for again. Driver Not Hurl. By a strange freak of fortune Merz escaped from the terrible wreck with hardly a scratch. He fell un der the car when it turned a Hotuer smilt through the air and il.ranw Into a gully near the side of tbe track lie was In knmiuent danger of be ing burned to death tout by extraordi nary luok he- was aibk to shut off the engine and thus saved himself from horrible dnath. Kellum was burled out of the cur and landed in the gully some distance from the twisted mass of sled and iron that once bad h'-en a speed ma- hlnc I IT OUT ENMITY IN TOWN STREET WITH KNIVES AND GUNS Resulting in Death of Out and Wounding of Several Others Serif nisi v. WAS RLOODV HATTLK CMA ftLOTTi;. N. C, Angut 21. As the result of one of the liercest feud fights in the histoiy of Mecklen burg countv at lluntersy ille tonight. Keece Uncles. a prominent young fanner of Croft, lies dead at St. 'Pet ers' hospital: Lester Ilucks, a brother, Charles Cox and Oilrcath and Batle Oavis. neighbors and substantial farmers, are seriously cut and shot and several others slightly wounded. The tight took place on the main street of 1 1 iintersville In front of the postofflce and was witnessed by a large throne, events transpiring so iiickly thai bystanders could not in terfere in tini- to prevent the car nage. For a year there has b. en bad blood Is-tween the Ilucks brothers and the Coxes growing nut of thi shooting of a dot belonging to Batte Davis, a friend - f the Ilucks broth ers, by Charles Cox ticncral I'lglil. Members and friends of fam ilies attended a farmers' institute at Huntersv Ille todav and Batte Davis an. I Charlis Cox met in fr-.nt of tbe postofflce and renewed the trouble over the don. Cox W.IS getting the of tie hi; hi when lb- Hueks brothers appear..! sod interfered This dr.w the c.x faction into the row. which lvaine rrn.-ral. Kd Cox is said to hav. done all the shooting, putting three bullets Into Ke.-ce Ilucks. who died a half hour arter being transferred to the Charlotte hospital, shooting lister Ilucks In the back and his brother Charles, hv mistake, in the arm Knives were freely used by the combatants. After receiving his death wound Reece Ilucks arose from the ground where he had fallen and grasping a chair felled his assailant, Ed Cox, with it. Marred by Seven Called Off When The three deaths today raises tin toll of the speedway to seven lives this weok Wlllla.m A Botinnie sn.l his -mechanician. Harry H.dconibe. of the Knox racing team were killed In an accident in the :::i)-milc race Thursday; Cliff Littoral!, a Stoddari I'aylon mechanician, was kilhsrt bv : log lilt Iby a 'big pacing machine while on tbe way out to the speedway, iin Thursday l'M'iner tiramptmi. a six year old Iwy. was killed by the auto, inxbile of Or Clark K. Pay. of 1 1 1 1 city, while the latter was on his wuv to the stpcishvay for the lirst day's races. The frightful penalty paid for a few broken speed records Is greater than was 'bargained for when Iiuilan adis threw open the gales of lis "greatest sia-cd-vvay In the world." Coniixalod from Crowd. The fatal accident todav occurred on the south turn of the limmciis ellipse and near the open stands which contained more than five thous and people. The thousands In (he grand stand did not see the accident although they knew that one of lb cars had crashed through the fence and off the track .. Tew minutes af ler the smash Merz was brought to the officials' stand and a mighty shout of Joy vi'il up when it wnis seen he was sale and it was not for some time Ihat the majority of the spec t.ito's realized the grnvlly of the sit nation IIHOWM.II IN PANAMA, ATLANTA , August 21. Cordon Burton Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Smith of this city and nephew of former (imernor Hoke Smith wa drowned yesterday in the Charges riv er. Isthmus of Panama, according to a cablegram received by the young Man's father today. Smith whs twenty one years old a.nd had been In Pana ma a year. The body had not been recovered. STABBED BY NEGRO. MAJUETTA, (ia., Aug 31. While aiding a policeman to arrest two ne gro women tonight. William Cooper, twenty Ihree years aid. was futnllv stabbed by John McAfee, After his assailant hail been placed under nr rc? i a in.ili was formed and It was wit', gnal difficulty that the black was placed In Jail IN OPERATIONS IN THE W. VIRGINIA COLLIERIES One Paymaster Shot. Down and Robbed Another's Wagon Fired Upon. ROBKKRS PURSUED BLl'Kl 1 1)1,1), W Va , August 21. Shot from ambush by an unknown as sassin whose motive iiniloubK dly was robbery. W. II Oakley, paymaster of the I tanklin Construction company of Hock. W. Va., died today Just as his assassin took from him t'l, 000 in cash which Oakley was preparing to pay to tile company's employes. The murderer lied to the moun tains closely pursued by a posse oi tifty men determined upon summary vengeance. At a late hour tontght word rea bed here that the fugitive had been captured and lynched but this report lacks confirmation. The shooting occuurred within five hundred red of the express office at Bock. Several persons saw Oakley fall, but In-fore they could reach his side, the slayer had left his place of concealment by the roadside, had rob bed his victim and had made good his escape. It Is said that the unknown man who did the shooting was ri'oKTii.ed bv tin- witnesses as a supposed trump who had be. ,, loitering in the vicinity ol Hock for several days. Another Attempt. The presence of mind of a negro driver thwarted the attempt of t. n alb g. d 1 1 ii I ih ii highwaymen to hold Ui th Pocahontas Consolidated col- li-ries company's pay wiuron contain- ion iin.'.uu iieivveeri ."NorioiK and Sbaniokin collieries this morning. Tie robbers opeii'-d lire on the wa gon under cover of ihe coke ovens which line the mountain road. The drlv r fell backward In the wagon to escape (lie tire, but before he did so. he whipped up the team of mul-s, causing them to win away. U hen the robbers saw they had failed to stop the wagfin they fled In to the mountains but three of th'li number were captured later at Anna wait, W. Va. A large posse is In pur suit of the others. The captured men now In Jail at Welch have been Iden- tintd. In Texas WELLMAN'S FLY After Flying About Thirty Miles Lost Ballast and Shot up into Cloud, Series, of Mishaps Ensue Culminating in Explosion of Balloon and Utter , Failure of the hole Adventure. r (Ity Associated Press.) CAMP WKLLMAN, Spitsbergen, August lti. via HammerfcKt, August J I. Walter Wollman's second at tempt to rhII over tlmvNortih pole In a balloon has resulted In failure. The giant dirigible ballunn America, In which Mr. Wellman ami his party of three set out upon their perilous main loimy invi mm a uusnap arter It had proceeded bout thirty-two miles from the sturtlnjf fjiirtnt, Mr, Wellman anil tit pirty auoeerded In making a loadinr u)tHtrt Injury to any member, and rsfurnexl to this point on hoard 'Hip steamier Kram, , which also towed In the disabled bal- i loon. ! (.ol a f.fx.d Htart After a " I'" wa.ii- , lug for favorable weather. Ihe op- proceeded slowly southward lo tlu l.ortuiiity came today and Mr. Well- , eilge of (he p, k Ice wh. ie (he steam I chiIv in the morning to j ,.r Pram was anchored. The Priim make the start. started lo tow Ihe airship to Hpltz- At ten o'clock in the morning Ihe herger. The strain was so gn at how- weie cam loose, ine air ship i.-M-cMiiiiig noaiiiiimiy. win. cnglw IS SAFE IN JUIL INSTEAD While Husband and Cousin of Murdered Woman Are Also Held. MCHAi:, tia , August 21 Henry I'aylor. Ihe mei , .barged with Hie .nurder of Mrs .tosh Vlckery and o r infant at Iiu1.' mi's Kerry In Ttl alr counly, wa id ly nched, but Is lafe In Jail hi i is are also Josh Vlckery, thi' hu i.n.d of the imlor unate woman, aiel Sambo Hobinson, t cousin of Mrs i lo-ry. The negro a- i. i tuken from the iheriff of Wilcox " .nty. Sheriff J. D. Williams, and Deputy Oldi'ldge of M.'l; h anil others cross d the rlviT ale! ;iitured the negro it Kvergr. en Tb r.'liv night, brought ilin over to th- i-e of the iniirib r, lad an Investo.-;, r ,,,n and the general oilnlon Is that II,.- negro is not guilty if the offense. The negro an I a Idle men are now n Jail here and ill denied any know 'edge of how aid wfien th,. crime was ommltted. Th- i..i;ro was especlallv oud in his prop Miions of innocence in il said he i.mi: , j.iove an alibi. When brougb' w the scene of the murder, feeling . high against him md threats of h n. hlng were made infl a rope was le 'l around his neck ind he was t.. i i" nmfess, but 'he doutly declared ! - innocence and the ;.eople tslievid i in after invrsliga ion. Vlckery aim I t mson nre being held on account ' "Ihged contllcting itatcmcnts the, I made. WASHINGTON, August 21. Fore cast for North Carolina: Generally fair Sunday and Monday; except showers near the coast; moderate, to brisk north and northeast winds. ' "77ie Deadly Parallel MRU KPpr r LlrW 1ii : vty JI j II l' v-J cm SECOND ATTEMPT TO TO POLE ENDS IN FAILURE were set In motion and everything seemed to work to perfection. The big air craft was headed northward nnd net out at twenty-live miles an hour. After having Covered some thirty-two miles the leather guide rope, to which whs attached a llious- ind pounds of provisions and stores broke away. This was Just as the air ship was Hearing the pack Ice of north Spitsbergen, 'llowe to (lnt Height. rtTteIeed frmrn this reht ' Weight th.lrahlp shot , upward at , terrllltf pace until It was at a ereat tlMffht above Ihe clouds. The pilots suc-cis-ded. however, in bringing her down near the earth, turned her admit and I set out lo riKt their wuv southward iigallisl a stromr wind 'Ph.. r.lri,o. ever, that It threatened V tear Iho icar to which th rope was attached to POLICE SAY ATLANTA IS THE MCEST CITY Han Put on tbe (Janie so One Can't, Kiss One's Own Wife. (Ily Associated IVess ) ATLANTA, (la , Aiw;usl .'I Kiss lug Is under Ihe ban In Atlanta. Its unhealthy and embarrassing to those not taking part in the exercises. A few months ago, tiny convicted and lined a traveling man who kissed his wife on Hi. street as he arrived home from a trip. The Judxe announced Ihst there was nothing personal In the case, that he would Mv, eii lined Just the same bad he klssi .) some one I'lse's Wdfe. And now Ihey have called out the l-olioe and the . e. trie light company to put a stop to reckless osculation In Ihe public parks. The el.eirie light company Is to er. el lights ev ury now and then In Ihe parks so that Ihe kissing sipiad mav catch aid ar rest Hie awful violators of the law IVople who live ii'.'ir the parks say that ih.y are driven from ihe veran das every pleasant liik'ht by tbe whole sale love making under their very noses. Ko the word has gum: forth. No kissing gm s. oui coM'KiiKitm; ii:ai. NKW OKI. KAN'S. August 21 - Ma jor ll.iirv Itldiard'on, a rnein'ber of the M iKsissipp! river cornmisKlon, dl'd here toila.. lUfed sixly-elght years Msi"i Kl'hardsf.n wi '. J as a staff officer In the army of Northern Vir ginia during the fvll wr. id; was a natlwi of Maine K1IJ.I I IN MIIHK. 1'ITTHItl'Hn, August 21. p:nglneer .1. H Hobinson. of Alliance, fiblo, was killed toriig h f wh.-n his train, known hs No. 215, on th.- Krle and I'lttsburg division of the Pennsylvania railroad was wrecked at Yourtgstow n, Ohin. The train op. rates between New Castle, l'enn, and Alliance, Ohio. When near Voungstown the engine left the tracks and turned turtle. No one except Hobinson Injured. In AshevilLn pieces, and Mr. Wellman finally de cide,! to bring the airship down to Ihe surface of the water. This was effected without mishap and the car rested on the surface of the water until all the members of the, crew, the dogs and the scientific Instruments could be transferred aboard the Kram. A fresh start was then made and the America was towed back to the land ing s1ao and within a, short distance of wliero the mart was niadu. , Mure Itad I(wk, Put the Ill-luck of the expfedltlon woa titt yetM aa nd. JuM M thB airship had rencheil the landing tage ami everything looked favdra-blfl for lis rescue without serious damage, sudden prust of wind raiight Ihe big Indated bag .brimdshle nhd snatched It nwny from Its low lines. It was carried careening over rough Ice hammocks for some distance, and then it exploded. All the mattered purls of Ihe airship were subsequent ly recovered, but the damage was so great as to preclude any further at tempt to fly over the pole this year T AUTOMOBILE; MAT DIE Yoimj Woman of Raleigh Only Victim When Ma chine Went Over Bank. H A l.l'.luli, N. C, August 21. Miss Musa Klllson, a popiilar young wo. man oft his city, was caught under a wrecked automobile this morning, four ribs being broken, head and Hinds bruised, collar done dislocat ed and face scurred. In the atitn modlle, a .I.dliO-poiind White Hteam- r, wen also three young men, one of IJiem Harrison Hoffman, of Penn sylvania, a blading member of the llab-ldi baseball team ri the Kastern Carolina league. He escaped with a few bruises, as did Hubert Wyatl, who was driving his father's ma chine. Miss Klllson, It Is said, hao only a lighting chance to live. The front tire blew out and tho driver lost control of the machine, whlih jumped an embankment, go lii down the slope fifteen feet le low, turning over twice. Hoffman sal next to Miss Kllison In the rear seat and ilh the automo bile made tho Jump fn tiled hard to hold tin young lady but was thrown twenty feet across tin dank. YOl'N MAN SI'ICIDK. JACKSON. Miss.. August 21. Frank Ilallarn. Jr , aged twenty-eight, son of Dr. Crank Haljiun, shot him self through tin- temple with a thir ty! wo calibre rille at tbe home of his father this aftern-sin and lived but three hours He was found waled In a rooking chair before a large mirror. No reason Is known for Ihe NUppo"d sub Ide. f riends ff the family claim that the shooting was accidental. F'IjAMFS TllllKTr: MONTT7HKY. MKXICO CITY. August 22 Word reached hern after midnight to night that th central portion of the city of Monterey is burning and thai the Federal telegraph office l on tire. All telegraphic communication between (Monterey and this city and Laredo has been cut off. FIVE YEAR 0L0 TOT E POINTJDF PISTOL famous Incubator Baby of World s Fair Has Another Weird Experience MOTHER TOOK IT BACK FROM ADOPTED HOME After A Long Suit In Court Recoverod Her Baby 0n ly to Lose it Again (llj sH lnlil I'rmnv) Tul'I'.lxA, Kan, August Jl. flBorn In a hospital five years ago, exhibi ted In mi Incubator at a world's fair, tho cause for several years of litiga tion and kidnapped today, ar th dtperlcnccs which have alreAdy com to little Marlon Ilkikeley. Hlia was kldnniijicd this morning front th homo of her mother. Two men nnd a woman wr en gaged In the kidnapping and th child wnjr obtelncd only after an exchange of shuts which, however, went wld of I heir murk. Tho kidnapper fled In a bugigy. '11i0 pullce wore notified Immediately ami a posse was toon In pursuit Mrs. Charlotte Mta&eley WtiO u awarded the child by th federal courts twv yeara ago, lived with her mother. She -worked as a enof rapher. I'lml on I'rotcictor. The little girl, who I flv year old, has lieeti carefully ruarded In Topcka nnd oonntantly wi tithed. Thl morning, a woman, nateiutbly smiling soup, appeared at the lUakeley horn. A half an hour hit or a- buffigy tit which wer two nten nnd the MUTis woman, appeared at the house. one or tho mxn had alighted and entwed the yjf whre t)4o ctllld wa iilaylng with a young tnan In whom charge ahe had been left. A KIDNAPPED ATTH the kldnnrrpor ran twrd her, th , young tnan .t tempted to Interfere. - The kkliuippor ht at him tiut mUiif ad. He then Itnocked the man down with hi rewolvnr, carried the child to the 4nay xlrov alt A, large iiowvm anon lit purnui. v.I , Short Stormy Carofir, 1 Marion Hleakley lis had etorniy ' career. She was brim tn a hlwpltal at St. I.nuls and was planet) in on of the Incubators shown at tile exposition , there. While there, lite waa form ally adopled by Mr. James 0. Bark ley. of Mollne, Ills. Mrs. Makeiey , stoned a release hut' all afterward:, sued to recover the child and wa successful In the Illinois court, flh . brought the llttlo Mir to Kansaa dtii she was kidnapped from the mother' In Montgomery county but later waa recovered. KUlNAPPKItH CAUGHT. ' '' KANHAH CITr, Mo., August 81, I, It He. Marlon Hlakeley, who wa kid napped at Topiku today was taken from her caplors by officer here lata tonight and two of the kidnapper were arresled. Mr. Kdlth Barclay and John (ientry were arresled at the Hurllugton railroad bridge In thl city. Tim man, woman and child were passengers on a Clik-ago, Burlington and Qulncy train which they had boarded nl Atchison, Kansas. OFFICERS OF PRESSED STEEL CAR COMPANY ARE CHARGED WITH PEONAGE Strikei'K Fijxht against Com pany Rrings out Darker Siile of Case. MAKING OVERTURES IMTTSIU'ldi. August 21. A charge f i.e., nag" was formally made late 'd ay against I'rank N. Hoffsot, pres ident of tho Pressed Steel Car com pany and Hamuol Cohn, head of the service bureau at the BchoenVlUe plant. The spocllk' charge Is that the two men have violated section 6628 of the revised statutes of the United State In having "arrested, held and return- d the romplulnant (Albert Amos) to a condition of peonage. Amos, who claims to tie a resident of New York City, alleges he wa irought here In Ignorance of the etat of affairs at Bhocnvllle. On August 16, be avers, he made an attempt to scape from the plant tlrst asking permission from Cohn to leave. He alleges that ho was then beaten, be ing Injured so severely that ho had go to a hospital whence ha wa released on yesterday. Before appealing to the United States commissioner Vamos solicited the aid of tho Austro-Hungarian con sul, whom In turn Immediately start ed an Investigation regarding the al- eged Illegal detaining of Austrian (Continued on page six J,

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