THE ASHEVILLE CITI Leased Wire Reports. Associated Press VOL. XXV. No. 308. AKHKVILhK, N. i, TUKSOAV MOK'MNC, AIHJIJJST 21, VMl PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE WEATHER: FAIR. ZEN. GALLS U TTROOPS TOPREVENTCLASH AMONG FEUDISTS Old Poirtcal Trouble In Mead vllJe Threatens to Break Out Afresh LST ENCOUNTER COST FOUR LIVES Son of One of Victims Fired Upon as he Sat on Porch of His Home NATTHKZ. Mlas.. August 2.1 Companies R anil C Third regiment state national guard, left here at 6.10 for Meadvllle. Sheriff Joins (if Franklin county called for the troops In anticipation of serious trouble to night arising from tho atrttmcpllll night arlsliiK from tho attempted as sassination of chancery Clerk Krinst Newman last night. Sheriff Jones notified Lieutenant Governor Munship, acting governor In the absence of Governor Noel, lute to day, that he did not believe he was able to cope with the situation at Meadvllle, as friends of both factint had been coming Into I he town from the country all day and were threat ening to "tear the town up." It was upon his earnest solicitation that the troops were ordered out. Up to a late hour today, there hail been no further outbreak since Sun day night when Chancery Court Clerk Newman was tired on as he sat In his homo and badly wounded in the arm, but It is feared that friends of the Newman's and the I'ritohards may clash before morning, in whii h event there will In all probability be more bloodshed than whin the father of Newman was killed a few weeks ago, at which time two or three other men were killed and the present clerk was badly wounded. Young Newman was recently elected to the office of chancery clerk over five opponents, as his father's successor. TROOPS OIV GItARI). MEADVIMJ5, Miss., August 2:!. With martial law in effect state troops encamped about the court boose and apparently masters of tin- situation. Slrai'ville tonight Ih unlet bul withal (Continued ..n page four I GOVEflNMENT AGENT'S FAILURE TO REPORT IS Feared That Ho U;is Mr, with Mishap iu ConHii t with Jap Scalers. SEND OUT ALARM (By Associated Press.) WASHINGTON. August utile lals of the department of . oiii.met ." and labor feel eonsi.l. raid.- mno rn because of the non ..f the re port of agent W I l.eml.l.iv giving the numter of seal..: u .-n the I'ri ibltofT Islands by the North American Commercial comp.tnv. which le.c-ws Ihe .sealing rights from the government. The report should have been re ceix'ed by August I a bul ii-.tlnni: has been herd from Mr I,, tol.key. Th" fact that there was known lo be a number of .-l;ie;ic M-iilo-; expeditions In th. viemiiv of the Hl undi! Is the chief cauw for the alarm . xhtblted. When Mr. l.embk. v w . nl to llo islands al the beuiuniug ..f la I s. .m son, he took with bint Iw mountain liowttwrs and a ipianiiiv of side arm.' All of his nu n were tlu.rouglili arm. . I P.alda on the islands have ,. ti nu merous In the several years and the Japanese were particularly dar Ing. It la said, just about the time the season olos.-d The n v. i cut ter, in that viicinity wa.s kept engaged in patrolling the watching who kept so clow to the island that unless under know n surveillance tin y did not hesitate to kill the hi-rds in ruthless manner. If nothing I bard from l.embk. this week It Is likely that word will be despatched by revenue cutter lo investigate. The government b-sse-s are not allowed to ''v o il an kill of fifteen thousand seals. For the past two years the l.-ss. . have encountered difficulty in obtaining the quota permitted by lb. ir contrail and the scarcity apjx'arx to have fm linldened the pelagic sealers KAILKOAIt NOI,D. JACKSON". Miss.. August 23, The Mobile. Jackson and Kansas city rail road ""'d under foreclosure at Decatur, Newton county, today, Uie purchase price belnfr J3. 200.000 and tieU A. Withers, the successful bidder. ALIEN STRIKERS FIND NO MERCY AT TROOPERS HANDS Driven to Their Homes And Mal treated if They Appear on The Streets. Those A t rested Drag- ed to Lockup at Horses' Heels. (By Associated IVess.) PITTSHI'llti. August 2;; -.-Three I ii inns of smoke floated lazily from tile rliiinnrvs of the Presseil Kteel Car inpany's plant in Schocnville to- night. Tlies.- mule signals fold better than ffli ial statements that the si ri k ing mploycs of the car plant had y. I to wait long to win their liglu against it was poinled out that such do li the car company officials for the plant .Miration at the present time only went was still In operation despite the wild towards agitating the sinkers Hurts of the infuriated m.d.s to xc;.-c off the imported worklngmi-n during the past twenty-four hours. Tonight the si riking men realized r the first time that their Jobs were i more, that the company could do without them and that they no longer were wanted within lb.- big gates of the ear plant. The women and cbil- iren of the striker grasped the sit uation a.s soon as the men. and the idea of starvation and eviclion Willi w inl. r coming on caused wails of an guish In many a sinkers' cottage. Mori-' Police on Hand. Forty stale police are on 1 heir way here tonight to augment the company of mounted constables now on duly at ihe car plant. Since last night's car nage these fearless ca all ' lin n have evinced a desire to strike fear into the hearts of the men who took their comrade's lives. The strikers realize that the mounted i-o..p. is are more than a match for them. Yet all dur ing the day these troopers have b. en subjected to abuse from house win dows and doors whenever they chanc ed to pass a strike sympathiser's home. In retaliation not a striker or I sympathizer left his doorstep today ' bul be was lipliaiid. il and searched, j Hesides the searching Ihe troopers in- j sisteii on examining Ilie hoili. s of the strikers and if they bore bruises or traces of being climbed, they were promptly arrested, as the troopers considered such evidence proof that the men had participated in last night's rioting. Dragged at Hornes Heels. The strikers' wives were- viewed with disfavor by the troopers today. .Several of them carrving large bas kets, Were made fo turn over tin n- teiit.s 1. 1 see Ibal Ihey were eari'ling Holding contraband 1 1 1 1 . . the houses Twout Mi e men w. re arrested and put into lie- box ear bv nightfall The HEREAFTER Dominoes, I'ool and Otliri (James Arc Nnf in Favor with Bucolic House. MQroK IS ANATIIKMA ( Hy ,.micr I'iths. ) MiiNTiiOMKUV, Ala . Aumi J Tarr.uil lull aiim-'l sm t . 1 lul.-, Which jiasst d tin seiiati lnlay. is In M ti hy the h'Mi.-f wlin li r Itis- il t otirnr in the Hrnnt- a tm-ii'l f 1 1 nl h. Th'Sf aiiicrnlmciM.s n inilt Hie j 1 :i i n if ihkiI, (("luiioi's alhl "tl)-r naiiHff In t IuIin ivlicic u.ii;pt ' ar' ii"! math, ami 'int!.H cIuIm (i'm taxalin up it J:iHia f jf j ( vaJiif. Th Tanaiit hill pm i-l h that n s'H'ial nr 1 1 1 r;i r cluh, or n n i.a I i ii of any k i i m I . shall hi- al 1 vs ii a char ter until tlic stat.- aut li'Titic.s an- as hii r- I. Iy hw p( n Mai ' incii t t ha t n- li'Mi'r Mill lie K'pt, si'.ii.l or ditrl hntf,l, nor Iicmic th list of it mi'iu Iiits are tih-.l with lh.- proUilt- jijitK' of the ciinnt ill ulin h it t-xiNt.-. other hilN pa-s-l hy th senate In clude; The Fuller ImviKi) corpn ra tion hill, which n'onlff for the can cellation of the Ii' en.s. of an foreign corpora t ion w h i h is ;tait horizi h Its charter in the stale of itM orniinl ZHtion, lo sell or otlp ry.iM- (liKjMc- of intoxicants. The hilt was am nle, hy the n ate .so as not p. apply to for int ilrttR i iii .nr:it ions A second l-'ulh r hill, allow in ur six hundred who ..prat' pharmacies, to hc-II or us- ai-oh'd l"r mediejnal pur wrses on I , witli the pro v i mj ti thai the na.iiit a of the purchasers ho lih d with the ppihate judKe of the coiinly as pasM-d. The I.aMa'd hill, cities and ("wns to orlinane-s to promote temperance a,nd to Letter enforce the prohiUition lavs wa.s passed The Kicc hill, to regulate -ft drink stands s-i us to liminate the possihil tty of their hecornitiK mearm fur the evasion f the prohthition laws , h presrribing the elimlrvatlon of wnt nf, booth and other mean of cutting: off the public view, wm passed. men who resisted were manacled to the troop, ts' horses and diaggcil through the streets to Ihe plant en Irani At noon the great bells of the Catholic cathedral In M. Kr, s Itock 'began tolling. Tills was k. pi up for ' o. er two hours. Then the bells wore j ordered silenced by statu troopers as I l.ale today sinkers' wives beselged I Lieutenant .Smith of the slate ,011- .stabulary for news of their missing husbands. The lieutenant bad ten hals gathered from "bloody corner" after the conlllet last night. Several of the women claimed that the hnis belonged to their husbands or sons and wept copiously over Ihe head gear. The strikers seem awed and gloomy tonight at the extent of last night's fatalities. The gloom over the little cur company village is also attributed lo the fact thai tomorrow a funeral has ben planned for the strikers wiio were victims of last night's riot ing. So far as plans have been laid for Ihe fun. ral. Ihe sinkers' bodies will lay in state al the Catholic ca llu.lral In Hocks during to morrow morning and beaded bv the strikers and sympathizers wll1 tie interred tomorrow afternoon in lh Utile cemetery Just outside of Sihorli ville. toveriiiiient to Investigate. The announcement was made late today that the Culled States govern ment will heed tile peonage charge against President !' N. HolTslot and I-'.. reman Samuel Cohen of the Press ed Ste. l Car company lo Ihe extenl of making a thorough Investigation of the allegations by Albert Vamos. who swore to (be charges before Tint ed States Commissioner l.lndsev on Saturday, if was announced today. If an investigation of the peonage charg es shows that prosecution Is warrant ed, new suits will be drnewn. making sep irate charges against Presldenl lloff.- tot, Koromaa Cohen and t he l'r syed Steel ( 'a r company, as a cor poral ion. The .b ath list, resulting from last nhlit's rioling still i. mains at six. tho iiili four men are lingering al hos pitals a I M. Kees P.." IS ROBBERS FOILED IN AN ATTEMPT TO GET AWAY WITH J JEWELRY STORE r lad $:!."),()()() in Loot Packed nj Ready When Alarm Was (iiveii. TIIRFi; (WmTKFD l N I N. August '22. Afi cvfra oidinary iddici oe. nr re-d li re to'tay A hunt t href o' I.m U in t lo- at ternot.n a wfilr liinai) named .Smith tit hlu- em ph.v of Mapping an. I, ntlvi-r smith-j anil Jewel- rs In heap;o.e f ion i in; t he Man of laiI an. I ;inl the Ioyal lIxchaiiK.. slruKh'd thruiiKh the door of the I, milling and fell in a i on.tition of collapse His r? m-s o alarm wie ;hi;.ii n h a hiimhej o roitsta hes who found that Smith I. ail hen terribly haltered about tin head Ahotii th,' same miii' nl four nu c rushed out of the store and ets-e.iped fu a cab. Six others tried to ,h ap' hut wif- ca pt urcl. In the meani i me Snilt h 'her;, me c'n s inH a nd was taken to a hospit a ' A -'-an h "f the mi ore showed t hat a daring attempt at robber v had b. en made. J. welrv to the value of J.V,,. 000 had :hcen p.irh'd up and phtei-d near ihe Mronr room in readiness for rem out I . Smith' a la rm . Im-v -e er, pre uid t be jobber f roni a;et 1 in p w d h t ( i i r tot y Sutilh lid not re.-fii r on- lous n" lit1 1 i I s en o't lot l this e e ii inf.: fie expressed the belief that the ro' - er entered the huihlirik' hy mea.iiH of a false kf y. "I was eattrnr dinner wboijt half past (wo o'epMk." h satd. "in a room adjoining; the slronj; room, when J heard f ootst ji A I most imni' diatel T wax stnwi on the head with a 'tinvm' and knorkod off my r hair. 1 V'Jih then dealt a number of hea , lilmvs and collap'fc-d Win n I earn" 1 o myxel f I found that I was 4xum-I to a rhair. hut I manajrd to unfast en thp rop. and wramhbd to the doir an.l raised an alarm. There were ten rnen eoneerned. All wer wrnfirtly flreKw-d." Smith's injurieH arc very .'cri'u- 7 h ree of t ft e a rreted nw n w hen pearrhed by th. ftico were found haw in thf ir pseion jewels ctf mated at a vaJue of many thounnnds of dollars. REPORT OF MONETARY COMMISSION ALMOST READY FOR SUBMISSION Senator Aldrich Will Confe r with President on It This Sunday Taft Gets Back to His Golf Games Nation's Business Go. (Hy Akmh-IiiihI I'm, ) ItKVKKI.V, Mn. Annus! :'.. I' Tuft'H Kt.isp ..ii tin. .sli.ift nl tin. Rolf i liili nntl Hi. ..i Mi., un linnnlilli. wuh fOiiKi'l-rn lily llrin.-r In ilay than ..n the r1 ins ( ovi'rnnii.nt, itlthniiKli In' found tlinq to kUiiicb ov er tiia morning iialljiBDU fow iiicHilnnM nf Htate with Ills wcrclary of tlir Iri-aniiry ami ua HinilfnKly anil unsialliril thrniiKli tin- '! lily IHijiiI- siii.iii nl' th.' tnKaiT iiii-n. II.. h;iv nu iHll'i! '- "( mipi'i Cum'i; nil - ' ii a del. j;al i"ii Irrtni lalla.. 1. xsix. wlin mail, a I . t jonrnt- t. .lil:iin th.- n lyifl.-ni 's . in.-nt In l.iiyili.-n In.s la In thai i il iinlfl tin- ni'.injiiK IlKlit l I.I In. il . 'I'll.' IN'iHt lllll'.'l IllIll II i V-H M Mi'lIlN 'it I hi' .lay r. I hi tlrflnllo Htal i-mi'lit IYcsitlrnf lusisls That Kiir flier KnliMiiienfs l!c Slttp ped for Present. (It V-Hlated I'D ) V SIMN;T' AiiKii.'d J ! . i:. t u in in j; ii'isn i ii'i i, h:t i ut; rt ( fct Ol) T ei r u i I ' t : .' MM'1) fof Ml'' I ' Ii I h I SlateH army i j up the ,t;i nd,M d estahlishe,! ..o and lollop n,- ili panic id IH07. ' -ph-nihd m.ii ml was ;iall;tfbh I -ni the r;inl. of llo un' in plo ed. Tlie autliorl' 1 lreMK-th ol He in my todav v .mi rm n e. In-1 . hee-'jdlal corp . ' e h numb r- :: '," mn. A.s th i -pis of . ni, iM. m I Ih- up n pi i no m . tm .i ' i lo induce dcNir . . iiM ii to re-, n M -. It w 111 not I- .. hard matter to n dllee tii,, Hlafidmt; linn , f n acrorda m " 1 I're-ld. nt T.i i .'. (Ht. the I'aus' for- 1 .,! reduction )h ii fliculty of .bi-t''i itijf '-'! hp i, ' I he real i .ih- -i. j one of ccojiorii Kvci y man r ii 'd im aii- a ,.ain- of roni) a " i I'd if the reduetr.n troposj-d re.i-i-. itrhl thotp-and ne n by July l'-t. ' the .,tal nrriuV i viny rl I a ' . ' to e jf, I m 1 1 ; ! i ear. I 'r ' ' Tuft fttu b. . n ,., si.-t' nt on r- n--. Xeees atv ' M'tion work of ,h klndrf haw b f-uHtonw and tli ic.uMtjon of - needful , nijipjm , i llUH lr t'M def- ' ! WAHHIMJT'i' rant for N'ort Ii . ''drH:iday u n' i to northeast n. ii(;nat 23 Fori alii, l air Tui'Hd.i; d; .moderate ihi-I, j Just Look at Master Willie's Face, All Wrinkled And Unkind. Look Again You'll Find a Trace, Of Something on His Mind. llial lliir.' winilil In' no illil'imoMo i-haiiK.'S atl.'l" rnni;ri mm ttln . x I (I aiiKal mi Thiirwluy f Kni-al.ii- Ni lNiin W. Alilrli h nf Ithmli' i laml. t" iIImiiikh tlm rcpnrt nf tin ni.nii'.v, and tho intima tion that tli mlnilnlntrijtliMi wa ir liared to defend to tha lust ditch, m tho lnl Imch ilalforni i"'ft, Hn Kicoril mi Ilie ni'i ni (arlfr Ii KlHlatLm. Any l. i.rt of linlni'illalii fllHUK. in H..I1H' of till' Ion lll I'llllniKHll'M Im ili i on i .iKnl mIIIioiikIi A mliaNMiiilor ltiil will .. n tin- .n s.i nl Krlility an.l .t'olial. H'-i r.m a few word lo av .;alilinK 111.- allilmli' nf thr Ciilisli i;io i Mminl tills 'nnn liv al I hi' ihimi'IiI liiiir ami II" wlall i'N im l.i Hi. ni'Xl A nu i li a n r.'irciMrntu tir lo Mir i. mil of Kt. .lani'H. CONFEDERATE GAMPS TO L lions of liciinion. (Itv Xssim-IiiK'iI I'rrm.) M.w il: I ,i: a.ns. Annum i-- Hy ..Mitiialiil .l ll'li. lal i 'I. niriil A. Kv- T I ... Ill Ml I II' I. I 111 (III. I ol' t III- I'll it - ' I ''..ill. . I ' i i ! . i lrranM, ami In hi - I lo l.iM aoltiial l. -union. Aitjol.illt :. ii. an.l I'lil. f of SI iff llllam Mo 1.1. IoiiikIiI Ikmii.iI a urn. -ral ; or. l. l .allium Tor III.- -.1.. r ani-r on : S. ,t iitl.i i J,' iiim, ..r Ih.- onr liu fi - J ,lr. .Il h ai.nh .-ihar "f Ilia lill lll of j J 1 1 .1 r' A . I in 1 1 a I I ! a ploi I S' iiiimcn of I lir i ' .nl. i il. til. h ii.i i Tli r- onli r ....u ' I ii'l. ml. i. .1 Iv ir. k...i. r In tlii- j aim ..I i '"ii I. .. i a. y nor Nailor In lt . no- .. '.i.ImI.oI.'.I an inil' li lo fanill- j i;i i i, I Ir InlialntanlM of I In- vlolir ; nilh th. VI.. rt. ami l.aia' III.' lla of, I I.. ( 'onl. .1. i :i I . hlal. an ill. I I In- , . inio'l of liu- .snrftpt-r an.l llirj , !.,!. , mi, i. Ill . I '.v a lln lit.- o . .it h j ,, th. S. . In I. Ill I 111' llfr of aril full of kIoi'iomh anion ami th--I illliil w.ty in win. h ..or Kirat naal ,1 :... I MMih.ilI. .1 all llial I' lx - Wll.'llirr a'j . I) in a . I in M II 1 1 . , at. I' H.anian or .la i oa: i oi.nol. I - roll. .1. .1 tin; hi, .,' i ii.-lil on Ihm alolilMM an.l al .! ! ' i -1 r . 1 . I In- . a mm- hr i . pr tt .1. I . Ml':. Il hollo! . aiift'.l Lr I . Il . li i noli. a nil II..- K II' l.l I ' ' "III - 1 1 . . 1 1 i o . oo ! . .i i ii. hi I , ii i h I In- v;i .) .,, . of t '.' t. r. ill'. ii, I hr I tm I :-"ii of ('on!. ,. rat.- Vrtrrnrn. TI,. I o.i. .1 I 'a u li Ii t . r ..t thr 'onrnl . x,. , .1 I 'I' I 'on f. I. I a I. .1 South, rn M . i ..- lalion. aiMl all kln'll. '1 .rir.n.l ii . 'i . to l...r mi. h a. tioiiH iim llu- il--. hi I" ' no thai tlilx day. tin' I n . ni , - .. . ,: I, ! Si . i. imIi. r, 1 !. Mm . i r I. m,' mo i ahlr in our an- Ull.l, HI lllti: SI'KIIKY. W'AXII I M IT' W AiiKUMt 2J It. ar .Imiral S. n who took tlir Atlantic Mi I on ili - t Ir'.in San I'Tanrln- . lo til.- I'hhi.iii. and tliroimll thr Sr. 7. ranal lo f I . i r r 1 1 . i . 1 1 ItoailH, will ! ii,. il on th. h i, l i) li-t Si pti rnl.rr ilr w ill Ih' n ha-.. r j' hrd thr ar ' Hlxty-two ran. Thr admiral u now on duty at Hi. naval war college a i Newport. ' ,,Wj) rf Week After Hard Day and Lets the tin TliiiiKilay Hinnlor Alclrlih, whn will iso ovit with tin- juriildflnt and Hi'crctiiry MarVi axh a purl Ion .of the n port of (Mr inonilary roinmiKiilon, It in iinilcmtood lht tlio report U In a mora romplnt form than even tha "prMlnVnt wtppctfid and It la pnmdblc llial It 'Will 1 10 In fthupo hy tha Itmo S. niitor Alilrlrh rotnriiH from Ilia four u. rli.t' U lp to Kiirdpc. llo will Kail front Nrw York Hatnriliiy. If tlir U'rMlrlll o.ii.. nl of tlir nrw lurllT l.lll rxprrl nIIi iii i tltim thr prfHlilrlll or i rrhirlaiirr on IiIh part to iIIhi una lis illffrrrnt provlrlnim, tiny will lr rtiHappolnliol. Tin' niliiiltilHtratloii Iiiim liiirnrd tin liriilnin and In ready und wlllliiK lo t'hntit any on nil Kchiujiilm. WALL ST. ANXIOUSLY (ircat Kinaiicicr Kcliirns Home Today Htill rok(!ii in Jlcaltli. (Hy Ashih inti'd I'rt'HM.) NU ViHtK. AiiKimt IM. An the Kalarr Willi. 'Imi II hourly drawn tirar rr In hrr pnr In Nrw York, puliHc Inlrnut In K, II I l.irr Iiiiihih rrtiitn KiiiWH iiriilr. Tim Hdirral Hiixlrty iim to hln hrallli hita founil rxprrHMlou In a gi'ili h or pulillHhi'd iipprri lalloiiH of IiIh piTHouallly and arlilryrmrntK hiiiTi aa proliHlily nrvrx Imforr ha lirrn un iirilnl a I'llwiti' lill.rn, Thriii Ik maiilfiKt dlHapiiolntniriil In Wall Hlrrit that Mr. 1 larrliriHii'M Hojinirn ahroad han not art IllTII up Jtufflrlrlltly lo iiiinirilliitrly rrHiinif. in'tlvu dlrrr tioti of thr Krral JrilrrrntM with wllli'll Ii im nanir in st-MKorlatrd. Toinorrow thr day tir Ian. Ik tmili thr Houlhi-rn and thr 1'nion I'u i III.: illrrrlorH air to nin-t Hut It Iiiim not evrii HUKKrtiiri) from any au thorllatlvr Hourrr Unit Mr. Ilarriinan will imikii liny atlrinpt to allnul IIhho iniitiriKH whlrh ni,. n I.-.I lo ih -rlar. illvi'lrinlK and d. al wilh otli. r liiiillrrH of tlniHirlaiiri'. A ! x ii n ilr r Mlllrr, Mi cn lai v of Ihn lliirrinian lin;, our "I Mr llari'l nian'M moMl Iriii.-.j l ul. nanlH, upokr 'of hlM I'hl. f to'la Willi a HI riOllKIII'KK an. waiiuth thai I.tookIiI Ihr fruia to I III)'. r.VI'M, I "Mr Ilarriinan.'' oild hr. "Iia l.ri'ii plitiin-d an an oki-'. it hiiKc pl.lrr, an o.toMiK--. You don't know whal a lil If it rt'-l. l.iK poulrd man hi rrallv- Ih I rail him today ihr l.lKKi-it. Ihi- hralnii-Ht. thn rnimt iiiirlolir wr havr "If I should I..' ask. -I lo name thr rhirf rhar.i' trrlwl I. H Ihal havr ron trlliuf'd to hln KurriH I Hhoiild aay: III wizardry wllh flKurrn. hl family fur KittliiK liiKlanlly lo thr krrnrl of la. Ik. hia JuiIkui. nt of rnrn and hln Innixht into and failh in tin; future." isij.wns sVAMX)vi;i vi. MKXH'O flTY, Auguat 23 Krrent !!-(! 1 1 h- from Ai upiiliv, nay that tlir people of that port believe that Ilie t 'lipjrrton Inlandi were awallowed up ly the Ri-a during the lant rarth iuak. n. No word of any kind ban come from the Ulanda. WATCHING WoNT LIB 1 16 CURTISS MAKES A SPLENDID FLIGHT INAERIALCONTEST Lowers Speed Record Over Course at Plains of Beth, ony by Half Mlnuto MANY MACHINES WERE ON GROUND BELOW HIM Came Almost to Earth Once And Then Swooped Grace fully up Again (Hy Asmm'IhuhI Prww.) KM KIMS, Kiiui. o, August iS. ill. un II. t'lirtiiui, tho Amnrlcan avia tor, and M. I'aulliani, rrprmentlin l iaiu r. dlvldril Urn honor of the arc ond day of mlutlon wcrk, the former wllh u tlulllliiH IliKlit Juat linforn dunk In which ho lowfirrii tho apucd record lor tho courso, which mraaursa ( 1-S inllra, to S mlnutrn, .15 2-S aeconda; Ihr latter making two Imprcaalve hliib iiltltudo lllnhla of ii and (6 kiln nirtron n aprrtlvcly In the endurance timt for tlir l'rlx de la Champagne. CuitlHn' porforniunce bngan Juit m lh time limit of the etart for the l'rlx dr hi ChnmpHgne waa expiring, whrn thn AinrrU'Hn enthuaiaata had ahiin. loncd hope of arolng their rep roM.'iilatlvo take the lleld. Amid the iinhoiindrd Jubilation of Ihe I'lrnrh aprctatora, Illerlot only a few in in ii tiis Iieforn hud clipped 14 BerondM off Ifibvr)'a record, made yt-Hlrrdiiy with hia powcrfuul Hghly hoiBr-powi.r monoplane. Buddonly at nne end of thn Hold a cry wont up: "Tho American la atartlng." IIhiI IVrfort Control. With a, prollmlnary run along th Kround of one hundred yarda the ma chine of Curtlnii' ro lightly and ehut hy tho trlliiiticH at a height of elxty feet. It wan going at a terrtfflo pare, with Ihe wlnifn level aa a plane. Cur tim niiide tho laat turn under the mia tiiken linpromhin that the flnlah line waa cloHer. Ho diia;enlwd ao olose to earth that many thought he touched. but perceiving hi error, he mounted quickly and eaally, csroMtng th line . majeatloally.- An inatattt later the algnal waa holalaj that he" bad made a record. . ('urtlm n Id that he had not pueh- fd hln inarlilnii to the limit . of lie nnd ItitiKlitngly dwllned to aay more, Kdiling that the moat Intereat Iiik inridnnt of hie flight waa the view he got of hia ration rival utrewti around the ooiira'. It la the Intention nf the American aviator now U; await patiently th In- terntrtlonal evont for tho Gordon Ben- i nrlt cup Hatnriliiy for which he la th ; favoriio. after which he will try for s the 'l'rlx do In Lcvixe, the final of which will he contented on Sunday. DEN FDR THREE HOURS I'okkc Wlio Started Out to Aid in Killing Boast Took( to J I eels Kaiiy. MiWKI.Ii, O., Augusrt 23. William H in 1 1 Ii. a Carolina hunter, nhowod hi limv.Ty when, armixl with a big k t iir, Im crawled yeaterdlay Into a dm of lynx m ar hern and killed th IriMlrr of ihe hand. Thn lialtle laMed lliirr liouin. The lynx wax alx feet in Irtllflll. I'm' Huvrrui monthn the lynx hav hern a terror tu the ivnumunlty. Thoy h.m killnl Ktoi k and alai kod peopln. Their di n was in a wild, rocky ra vlne and none larcd attempi to rout th ni Smith oiKanlzisl a powie to help hilm (IkIiI tho aiilmalH, hut he tiad barely gotten Insldo tho don whn the piiNni', f rh;titeried at tho growls of tho iinlmnlH, lied In terror. The bat tle Kim fouKht In dnrknem and the d. ii whh ho Kiuall that Smith waa un it hie to Htand erert. , WANT PURE FOOD LAW RELAXED liKNVi:i, 'Vilo., A ii glint 23 "'live un a uniform puro food law which may lie accepted or rejected by tin- I ri . I i 1I ii n I atatra, each according to lln need. A national 'aw ahould at tempt ni tiilng morn than th regula tion of the InterHtate commerce." Thin wa tho nloioin wt tonight for ' th" openlm; tomorrow of tha thir teenth convention of tho State and V..ll,.n,. ..I l..,l.u t - i' u,n, ,'U.l . ( l.'UUlll UC 'jmrl uieiitH. KII.t.FJ tlY K.XPIXWIOIVff . r r. . v. i , pwii,.'miiihi, AUimi: tu-vi-n k were killed twelve dangerouxly Injured by an P'oalon at the city khh work tod The exploalon occurred In the Purl Ing chamber, between the two prii cipal iranometerB. A large number i doctor annwered the call to attend the wounded who later were conrey. rd to the city hoeplt&l In automo bile.