f THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: FAIR. Leased Wire Reports. Associated Press VOL. XXV. NO. :MK). ANHK VILLI, N. C, WKDNKfciMAY MOliN IN1, AUOl'ST 2 VM.l PRICE FIVK CKNTS. CQIVED BYTYRANNY OF REPUBLIC THEY T .1 t Foreign Strikers of McKees Rocks Tramp Through Dust to Bury Dead INDUSTRIAL KNOUT HAS DONE ITS WORK .Pennsylvania Troopers Treat Bodies of Dead Wlih I Scant Respect (By Assts-lntc,! ITcss.) PlTTMHUHt;, August 24 -til. mm 'covered the little ma mi Ian tiring vil Jlages uf M.K.cs' Ki.cks lik.- a pall. J Long funeral processions, pitiful in their attempt at propi r 1 1 .--' 1 1 iti . : wended thdr way at timer hours I from th.- ijreck Catholic church to j St. Marv'.s cemetery, a small burv ing j plot just outside Si h. m ill.- Stllk.ls ! and their families . i..uded m th.' an of these funeral teams, tllfss.il in their finery and hearing an air nl S deep Krlef. (in. hand m . i T 1 1 1 mn : Bioians furnished tin tune:; to winch v( the strik rs trumped in du.-l and , grime to pay their respects In the ! men they look upon as marly rs to a now lost cause. . TrxMM'i's' Sinull Sm ui 1 1 1 v . The finding, late today. ! I lin e ;i more bodies of terribly health strike .'sympathizers was also horrifying in Alls ghnstllncsa, for troop, is who win .detailed to the work of searching for j dead and wounded, made liltle effort to spare the feelings of (In- men who gathered about them when Hie bodies, two under a pile of railroad lien, and one under a culvert on the Hacks of the Pittsburg and Uike Kric railroad were pulled into sight. Tlie corpses, hardly recognizable as those of hu man beings, were hnstilv piled Into a morgue wagon and turned over to I the rounty officials. With the burial of the dead strikers 1 and the finding of the uddillonal bod p les, cam -a truce to hostilities. Prom 4 dawn to nightfall not a pistol shot Was heard; neither was an arrest made. Debs IHdn't Speii k. The striking in. ii ami Mair svm pathlzers during the day kept .pii.-t i-and even gave u a mass meeting planned for (lie late at t. moon, as they bellev.d any guHn-ring of ill. (Continued tin payv four.) SKY PILOTS MAKE SOME FLIGHTS W PBESL FALLER1ES High Wind IVrvciil.'il M,,st MacliiiH'H from (ioiiig uii in Air. NEW UFA 'OKI S MA OK BETHANY AVIATluN ITI'.I.O. RHEIMS, August J4 A in., i v . I. .us. prolonged high flight ..f thiitv kilo metres (IsC. mil. si in a t vv . n I v knot breeze by 'raulham and tin- estab lishment of a new vv. old's l rl f-.r ten kilometres nt Ho- rate ot l-.rtv-pix miles an hour In I'.l. ri..t. was th. features of the aerial race meeting today. Owing to the high winds there probably would have P. en no Ilight except for tlie visit ilns ali.ri n of President Kallcri.s and his .ahin.-t. The president w as a. , oin pan led also by distinguished oliiciis of the French and Itritisli ninucs. Ids pres ence stimulated the sky pilots, and a dozen mncltiin s w.-r.- hr. night ..nt on the field, hut a maj o ilv ..i I Ii -in w . re unable to battle against th. winds. Young Kuiiaii V, nulla. however, with his machine plunging like a ship on a stormy sea, managed to navigate the turbulent air currents for one round. Then Paulham, who alt-.-iidv had won a reputation for i -mirage ami en durance, began his thrilling (light. Me made the tirst two rounds at an alti tude of 250 feet, lint, as.. aiding In front of the tribune as In- entered the third circuit, he readied a height of hetw.-eii four hundred and liv hundred feet. The spectators gav.ed aloft in admiration, mtiigl.it with hoi ror. for as th.-v Wat. I.. ,l. the biplane struck what seemed a dangerous an gle. The machine swav.-.l in the wind hut eat h lime righted itself. DIt. Ill NTI.H li:l. PflAHI,' iTTE. N. .. August 24. Rev James Samuel Amzi llunler. for twenfv-two years a missionary of the Associate Kt fornn .1 Presbyterian church to Mexico, died this morning at the home of his daughter in l is tonia, where lie was taken thri-n three weeks ago. He was sixty-two years old and is survived by two sons nd seven daughter. UNDERSTAND NO NEGRO RUNS AMUCK UNTIL HIS CAREER ENDS AT ROPE END Ran Through Streets Firing Wild ly at Everybody he Met, Wound ing Twenty Nine Persons In cluding Prominent Citizens. (Hy Associated Press.) M'l.MtnK, Ui . August 24 Anger ed, it is ielit-et. lie i a USe t W O tif Ills 1 1 lends had recently Is .-n shot by pnli.o oflicers in this city, William S nth-, a negro, today ran amuck on tin- principal business street of Monro,- with a double barreled shut tun. shooting tirst at eyery while man In- saw and then tiring indls- i r i in i ii :i 1 1 -I ' at every tlhjecl before I. tit. re him. Tile lire was returned mid the in gin finally f. Ii dead Willi a bulbf through his heart, but not before tw tin -nine men, three of Iheni mcmilters of his own race, had been noire or less seriously vvoiliuhd 1,1st of Wounded. The serimlsly wounded ar.-: Mueii I'lgger. pole t- ofli. . r. : -lint in abdo men and thigh. IIUIV ille; 1. II 1,11111. lepulv sheriff, shol in lot k an I .i .ast. may die; Simon Maiks, m- r haul. Tusl -.gee. Ala , shut in breast 1 1 1 lace. limy tlie; Coolge Mil',,-. iiacl- mnhng.-r iiinhita l.uuiiier ..iiipan... West Monroe, arm sha:- tt red. Slightlv injured are: 1 )r A. A. l-'ii'- sthe. mayor t.l Monro.-; I A llr.anl hanker; Kd Strong, c.-i.shier Southern - .t . olllpan; Steve Hill lie. tele graph operator; Joe Thompson. ill pa 1 1 1 1 1 - r ; A A. iln-nlt-v. lumbtrmali, Manuel Alironmrt ilz. t h i k ; Alluei l Marv. meri lianl ; t' K. Hynnin, slen oKia.her; .1 I.. Keudall. t la i n mast i-r Iron Mountain railr.snl; H (1. TroliH dale, no reliant ; .1. W. M;irryinan. e press n g.-nt; Artitahd liner. -lerk; I . Kns. ll, traveling Hulejiiiian; 10. II Ha i.-s, clerk; M. Braun. 1 ilae ksm il Ii ; ov fisher, meswiiger J.x, 10 Nd w a ids. stea nil. oat man; I I.. Haas, merchant; Merman Ahioiies. mci , hunt ; H It. Ifoss, del k ; I i . d Mr (Inith, clerk; three negroes shot In luce and body Body llllllged untl Itiirned. Watle's body was publicly iburn.'il after It had been cut down from a pole on wWch it hung for half an hour or more after he wa.i killed. All Invesllgall-.n by the police this afternoon showed that when Wade purchas, .1 I he sln.t gun a ml a box ! shells .1 leW minutes before lie opcll- ,., hre mi lb.- Iir--t man that tier. was nothing unusual In his inanlei ,,r behavior. lUli.-r n. i'.loes who wn- will, him in lb.- in. .ruing say that h had let I" drinking no'' did h ALABAMA LEGISLATURE State Is Now Closed up so Tiulit Tlml It's All MT with Booze Fighters. somi: OTI Kit' LAWS .MiiNTilu.MKKY. Ala.. August 2:. - The sp.il.il s. s-ion of tin- A 1 . 1 1 a n I a legislature vvhh ll adjourned tonight after tw.tityt.vo w-oking days ac coin pi ishetji the chi.-f purpos. for which It was called hv passing tin most tlrasin- prohitoi ion laws ev t emoted hv- any stale and cajij.ing th.- laws l.v SIlhULitllllg to the peo ple an a nn-ndini nt lo tin- loiislitu thin pi .diluting til.- ale ,.i- mauutac lii'e ..I i 1 1 1 . . l .inls in A la I. .una The election W 111 he lid. I Hi,- a s Week ill November. 1 1 is . oncei.., that the tiim.it 1 1 iii'-inhers d the legislature r. ina inc. I p.issi I h i oug le .ut . h. .1.1 -i ng to the v.i .-vv that th.- in ore r.ol;. a I i In- pi i, Uil.il e.n legislation. the v...,iior the l.i.vs lid he r.-M al- cd. 'I'hlls It vv as I hat little ,,pNi.sit Ion fell in I he vva v of t in- di lie la w s ovs-rnor Coiner in his call h.r th -cm , ,i s -.-.ii.li ill g e . a i on, pu Isory c.l -is , I 1 1 ,ii law a nd the sal. in r-si. .a of a constitutional a ni. n. 1 in. n t for ilti-cn-ui.i .sessions ot tie- hgi-la!uro and 1, i-ri-M t ioll of lie w . olllll . s Tiles three Ideas failed, Ih.- ..hi. it i. hi hill iiii-l tin- ... unties alien dm. nt belli-: 1 1 e I . at. 1 1 and tin- l.i .-iim;il session -pi ..p. .si l en not In ing ihlt-odui-eil. t h a-t t en pi d t : on ne-asii r.-s if. re p.is-eil I n,h r I lo- is -w la .v s a p. rs..n may not h.iv- liii.,rs anv where but in His h.-me New pure f 1 and drug laws w r - pass. .1; Ho- state is l-h.-ii a coiup!'-!.-h II- vv jury svst. in. .1. sicli.-.l lo al t prohibition prosecut tons, ,-in.l many chang.s vv r.- nia l. in Ih. . ivil t ode Th.- tlrastic prohibition hill of Mr l-'uller was r.iiirn.-.l to th.- l.gi.-la-I nr.- todav l.v governor Coiner Willi tiiiieti.lm.nls- ..rrc. t iug its phras...! ogy which wn- appr.ive.l hy bo I a houses. Th.- conference i on m i t I Ce iifmied I" consiiler alio in Inn nts mollifying th. Tarrant lull aim. -I ut social clubs ported in favor tf th'- amend men s ami the rt port was adopted. The amendments allow g'ameH in clubs when rMt lave.l for iiminy ami v enipt cluibs from taxes up to J2.00U. show any ev id. -in -e of havljyr, taken cocaine. Whs ii lamallc. Wade tain.- to Monroe receiitlv rrom Pine HIiiiT. Ark. He vva a. -eomjianieil by sev. ral other negroes anil they comment i d to make I r '.e for the local police s.win alt.r tln arrivid II was allege. that Ihev were meinhirs of a sm i. lv in Arkan sas wbich has as its ,,,, cl r, v. ngi tor Injuries done tin I. la. k la.-e. s a result, these negroes t la dud with the police on in.mv ... i asions and twite lecellllv tliev h.i.- ivdiangel shots wjth oflit cis It was alb g.-d that Wade was heard to say that no white ina.n iv.-rt going to shoot him. No lilolv attention was pal. I I., him. howevier .until h. .siail.d oi Ins will rampage totlav Wiinlctl lint ksli.it At Ille Slole While Wade hough! tin hox of shells Hi.- clerks savs that the negro ask. d lor I. in kshot. Mi gave hilu bird shot bv mistake This mistake proliablv savid tin- lives of a score or more of tneli. The negro, all.-r purchasing the gun. look a position in the aicnb- of the hank of Alone.-, at ;rinl and liesianl sir. .Is. the most pioinineiil corner in tin- tity. Mis tirst shot was directed at .1. .1 .Ionian. ashler of the hank, who was approaching the building II.- missed Jordan, but In load struck (leorge Met nrinaek, who was close enough to the negro to have his arm badly shattered, in spile of the small shol The liist shot brought ninny mer chants and clerks out oh the struct and the in gro then b. gan to lire Into their direction. As fast as In- dis charged his gun, In- would step back into the ureade, re-load, re-appear and renew bin lire. fatrolman Filg-dt-r who had been attracted by the shooting ran toward Wade and was shot down hut arose and emptied his revolver at th. negro. The negro continue to (ire into tin- ci-ovvd. wonuillng many of Iheni. when Mayor I'.il'S'. Ilr , Manager lOdward Slannald ..f Ih. I... al West.-rn I'nioii ..ITiee. anil Hani. I Mi I.cihI i ai ip ami relurneil " "1.111111111.11 on page six. I NEGRO SHOT DEAO AS HE ASSAULT UPON A WOMAN Screams Brought Aid Just ms Unite V;is ( 'hokiiitr Her to I nseiisihilit v. NKOK'O OF i(X)) NAMK HISONSi iN. Ma, August 21. At tracted hv ll creams of Mrs. Il.-eky SlioWib-n, ..I Ibis plac who was lighting a desperate battle with Steve Itlow ii. a le glo who had attacked ! and was choking ln-r in an effort at criminal assault. Hart l ain loth, a I while man. sht and killed the negro i today. j Tin- al I n k of I he n. gro and his I .h all in n d at Mrs. SnnvvdcnV I horn... I'.iown. who w a -i married amll had s.-v ei al elrlldr. n. and w a - l - ga i . h d as lived In ar town a bard working ll. gio. M i s. Snow. . ii had a huge gal.hn in wind! sh. glows v cgi-tahle.-i and tin- n-gl" w is a. oust, .m.-.t lo buy I r.ui i her Tin t-ai.leri Is ipiHe a iiistaini- from tt), house and when In was t h. re at. aie wilh h.-r, lin.wn caught Mrs SiiHU'lrii Ic lie aims Sh. s. reaiiied, cl ing on l "help, m ii r.h-r," and t he in g t-- ha u. I . lo-c'l "ii If-r I hroat. Hi- oiler h.unl was pressed ov.-r ln-r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M t s. SlioW't'li stliiggh-d di s p. i a ; . h h -1 1 was no ma I di lor t be in g i " lint I III 1 ' ' I h . Who hell Id M IS Slew l.-l,' ' ' I. -.tin lati to her aid. Th--log lo s.i ,v III 111 and talt'd lo ,1111 I ,ni l"ih . ..Med to him to hall and win u ih- n. gro k. pt running -h"l al him Ih... nines with a pi-iol. killing liitn ili-tanlli. Mrs SlioWib-irs arms and thlo. il ale s'.V"M n and bill.- and h'.-.v th-- m irks of th.- negro's hands. l',.i a lime follow ing the killing - clt' lnellt III le Was lllletSe hilt u- niglil all is iiiii-t. Silt STVI'ION lUlltlUh. r: a i.i: 1 1 : 1 r. n c.. August 2t suii- statmn No 1. H the Cab-igh postof hce. corner Salisbury and Jones streets, was broken tip.-n earlv this morning and quantities of stamps, small change and the superintendent'. f.uty-four calibre revolver taken. Als.. a iiuanlilv of tobacco, cigar. lies and other goods from the stock of gro ceries. The safe was not molested. I &0Ur" LANT(- j IVE ME A LtAGu PERTH IN l.'MT' ' THE J A L LY " M ii '- ( i'') ONE MIMtR l- 4 SIP- U Hli .IMI - T - COURT'S RULING MAY MARK FIRST DISINTEGRATION OF In Restraining Order Fixing Such Broad (Ity AswH-uUnl Pn-ss. ) t'HICAtio. August IM. Manufac turers and protlucers gen. rally of the tetritory lying between l'.uffalo, Pills burg ami Parknrslnirg mi tin. east anil I'he Mississippi river on the west are regarded a the greatest henellcl arleH by the majority deelMlon of tin; United Stutes Circuit court here today permanently enjoin jtm interntute ciunmeroe ronimlvsfnii from enforc ing its seaboard and Missouri river through rale In the famous Missouri river rate ense. The opinion of Judges (irosscup and Kohlwuit (.linige Haker dissent ing). If sustained hv the Supreme court of the I'nileil Stales will great ly curtail the power nf 11 m- missloii over traiii..i tatlon rates ie striefing it in a s.irt of poll.,- court adjudication of specific cases ,,f al-b-geil discrimination The rat, making MARRIED MAN ELOPES WITH GIRL IN HER TEENS! I ubli.' Sentiment IIijj;h( . . ... . I Against linn and Willi Suffer if 'autrht. (Special to The Citizen.) I'l'lUIAM. Aueu-t 24 - l'pe r Wal.. and lower llui-hani .ire lilletl with en raged neighbors .. ie. are on the frill "f Milman High ..I luirham. who i.in away Saturday .'.III the 1.', year-old tlaiighlur of Jain- - Markhnm. a wdl I now r tob.aei ,, p: :i- r An un. I . I . S Itlow n. In town -lord. ly. said lli.-r-v.lll be illl. k vv-oi.. ,.l High d .aught The girl is his .- .- and lln-lr un thinkable infatn.il, .Ii has el us In d Ih. I'.irenls. Among the no iligh's brother, v hi'ihina; in si.,. lion against MiPi I Ut I lie most III learned of th.- : m ill by the n.in in. .lids ' Irov ,-, i -, . K, anil thev hav Though the .HI; Wake, Sheriff 11 . Is intense in th. h aves a w lie a c I separated from l! It, a bout VI v . a i . nfiiriat. . ii it - ri i, . says he ,v iil .le i die i (.-morisl r.i -- High. othiii- lllets . onld 1" ng r.'laihc.s A Wilson, ,. h . I -'' 111 in st' iiua f"l I bee n .seen H 1 1 1 IS I Ollllllifte III trd says f'-i-liiig ghhorhood. Ili-h 'lid here, hav in : : a ycir ago I,. Mits. vol t-i'.v sn:s. i I.KX I N'l I'l't iN I-: . August L'4. -Mrs. Ilonrv V"i,' w lfe nl the onlv man vvlio j . n ' - ing Ht-nti-ii' f-.i com 'h ii v in tie 11 fder "f ( hi v criior illi.im (;.. I ::' !!. has ..it r.-.l in it for .In.trt i i papers were hied , in 'liesf. r. X WASH INOTI .N, AVIKUSt Fore ri e rally .iiojt r- east for North Carolina: ; fair Wednesday and Thursday, ate east winds. Here's Hoping He Gets 1 I '.inv. - - t V4l?" i -. -:r . - s v.r- Railroad Rates, Declares Congress Never Gave It Powers Judge Baker Files Strong Dissenting Opinion. I power remains In the lunula of the I railroads. The Order Iteslralned The coniinlssion'a order of June 24. 1 lids, reduced I he rale on first class fniglil from the Allanlic senhoard (east of Itiiffado. Pittsburg and Par kersburg) to Missouri river points rrom $1.47 to II UK. Th Im order was Issued upon representation of Missou ri river manufacturers and Jobber that a. Heiihnard rate of tl.lfi to Min neapolis and St. Paul was n discrim ination against them in as much as the Minnesota cities, using the cheap er water rale of the Mississippi lioaH were aide to undersell I lit 111 III their own territory on articles i oinlitg orig inally Iioin the seaboard. According to Jobbers iii Chicago. i.(rot and other i cut nil iraltic i lilts, the order was a d iscri in i nat Ion that would ruin their industries. Judge linker KKsonlisl. In their ..pinion. Judges Orosscup and Knlitsaal held that eongress !ij TROOPS KEEP GUARD TO KEEP FEUD SPIRIT UNDER; X.. fresh ( )ut l.reiik of Mead-! ville Trouhle Althouuh Arrests Were Made. (li Anm-IuIimI rrHM.) M i:. I VI i.l.i:. Ali-s.. AitUMt in. N "I i I fist -i imI i njj if r i us r 1 1 (itui h jim ! wh.il rniht t in sliniil'l a-i urn M ! in, ft. , .M. .m! ,11.- i:- in.-t ldrni;lii ("ll'iWiii-; th- l'rlt;lriK -l ;i f-(rin;t! t)i:m-i- of .!,... mil n?i-1 li.itl-ry with I n ' -iii I " 1. 1 1 1 ;i K'-t in-1 two i m-fiH, Itm I I- ll;illMt. ami l-'c I MnMh-t-m. in n i 1 1 m will) tin' a f t tin pi -) ;ik- M l: M 1 1. I t . i tl S 11 1 1 'l.t V t! 1 1 t "I Kl'll'-Hl N'-'. in, in. hjni'ir i li K ainl a I -; i I r if in. ' winiiii :nfi'.!i in Uf fViitl I II,.' ,r.in;ii! ;i ft th- f ! t ' h a I J f. A i u t i,i I ,m "fill f.r- . ally, fat I r '.'.m i i f 1 1 , 'i ii i n i ;i yf m t.j' t h. rtl t tia f I 'ft, ." : ir .i" mi r f ,i r .ri'l n i"ns In-ll' :i I , ami i . I t iii.i i ii ' di tin!-, until i Ip- pr--l.n.ina r ...ai n, la..n h 1m I-1 ' i 1 m ; 1 1 r j 1 i , v. h ri it M n I lei p;i t - 1 fp . 1 1 i d ' ii v. 1 1 1 t ;i h n ell rn.i . 1 1 i it-.nl vv i -4 arr- sir. I 1,1(4- t.nln v anil (i- I.I tj ml. i a l.fi.f uf $ n ,iji,i ii (df - ,i in i na t fnniwrdW !. !!! I'-n, at a (.lr (i'mji tonight, liaH r.dl I, , n ;tl J. , , M.U ..f III' f r I' f.y nf t he S w i r t . ir- .. il h t hp i : urn 'if I hr I ! J r Ni v. r-, in hr ..I her ' I'r .-ni Nat. h t hip a ! 1 1 r i; iii , I'M f - i t hr 1 1- liniiit-s In -I'll- : m - f mii -if Ih.- i'..tjrily. May- r 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 j i ' r? j 1 f , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! . Ah ;nl I Ih' t-i.la' . 'I In in.i . ..r hd v.-Mtrnhi v w h. n hr- ...iK- yt i.ifi that amlif I'iha I !,'" .St s . n n v ,v I., mil aj , , Id. -h- i ill .J..m h. MUST KEEP GIRLS AT HOME ON FARM H AI.KMiM, v. , ; i o m i ii g tin North Carolmi the A. :,n, M V c . August 24 In n'th annual session of t i r ii , i rs eenv t-nt ion al ..liege imjav the com- is-islii-r tif jigii- uh'ire Insisted that tin- greatest iie. iU for ( arolina agri- illiiral Infer. -Ms ar- farm home con .eiiicntcs that will stoii the migration .f farmers' ilaughters p business col- g. s for work as stcii.igra phers and : k-keepers arul doser attention to soil conservation. I'reshl.-nf A. I.I l-'rench dec-lared the greatest need -o i In- a big ero, of li.tniei piacLi.al fui- mers, It. COMMISSION creating the Interstate commerce clm mlsslon had not Inteiuliol to place a power In the hands of a few men to hulltl up one community or to ruin another. They held Unit in ordering the through rates at Issue, the com mission hail greatly exceeded Km pow er. In dissenting Judge Maker dlwussed thtM iHitut. at length, declaring that fh commission. In ordering the through rales had done nothing more than the railroads have always done. "If congress cannot const It ullonally make n general declaration that the rates shall be reiLsonn hie," Judge Ha ker coiil limes, "ami not unjustly dis criminatory, and then trust mii execu tive body to hear evidence, the power of congress over rains would be worthless, for It would he utterly impracticable ror collglcss Itself to make enactments to cover specific In stances." ATLANTIC CITY OFFICERS DON'T WAN 'T WANT THE LID ON Refuse to Co oper.'ite with ' the Reformers for Uplift of the Resort. (lly Hts-lii.( I'ress.) ATLANTIC 1'ITV, August 'H.Ak lantlc Cltv's Sunday tlosing contra virsv was coin pi i- a t id today when leprcsenlat iv. s t-r the Htntc Law 11111': 1 irth-i soih-tv seivi.t a m;tndamiis on Judge Mai tin K. KefTi-r. of the cltv police oiiiii, r -i oiling him to show oaiiMo at once why he should hot ac c pi complaints of violations of Sa.h hath regulations broughl by tl. It the ..I the re fi 11 111 organizations. Th' n a ri. hi 111 us was Issued by Justice ,ir rison ol' the Kupteme uourf. More than a wo-lt ago Judge K ' f r idll.-ed t'l I'-ceiVe JV . o 11 1 1 1 1 . 1 i ll t s loi mrriK IIoiim "f lb.. Sabbath III .vs Ullless they ...Cle l f fill I . I l"Ugll I ll. of Hie f hh f Of I'lllll f W'lOll- i ntr. ( hlcf WliOilriirr lefllBcd to . " oi- crat. with the i' form bodies In an.' way. If the i a i. . in in us s . r - - I Mii inn Tiling Is mailt- ji-iiii;iii' nl be Th '-'iiirl, the pasloi-s' allium e ill J- In iomIioii. it ih sin. I. lor Ih" 'us' lime in years to louiied ah', Im,. dosing a iong I he In at It f I '"it Although h, v. a - " rv .1 .villi I he slat. attorn, v cieril's nlMmutllm veslerday to infoni I 1 1 " Sundav clos ing laws ngali.-t sixn saloon men, Mayor Stov todav .p-ni.-.l lo- b.ul reed-, .-il anv foi iii.il le.lii" atpui hi en -fur. . t he laws. Mavor Slov has tin di v s In wlilch In i,b. v lie onh l of I In- allot n v geneial If Ii. still I e fusts fo accept service at the e x o ni 1 1 f thai time he Is lable t.i pros-. ution. imv'K liiisi: . limit tiiwx. ;i iA NOK K. V:i . August 24. At n local option di . Ih.n today llarrls borg. Va.. "t. d -wet'' bv a mBlorlly if forty-three out of a total vole of seven hundred and fourteen. The campaign was very exciting, hut was iii.-tly t on. In. tetl. The Anti-Saloon hagiu matte a whirlwind finish with several addresses by Hon. St aborn Wright, of llomt . la. There was no demonstration over the result and there Is no likelihood of a contest. HUNDREDS D R LI IV N AS II STEAMERS CRASH TOGETHER Passengers Were Asleep In Their Cabins When One Boat Went Down WOMEN AND CHILDREN PRINCIPAL VICTIMS Many Men And Almost All of Steamer's Crew Made Good Their Escape (Hy .'sm-Ii((' Itpwi.) MtiN'l'.;'ii:ii, tiruKuuy. August 24 In a driving rainstorm about six o'clock this morning the Argentina excursion steamer Colombia, and the North tiiTiiiiiti l.lovd steamer Hchle slan, collided at tlie entrance of Montevideo harbor. The Colombia was entering port and the Hchleolen was outward hound for Hremen. Th Columbia's how wan crushed In And she sank almost Immediately. H t wis n H.ii and 200 perso na were killed or drowned. The Colombia carried about two hundred passenger and a crew of forty-eight men. Most of the pas sengers were asleep nnd panic fol lowed the crush. Almost Immediate ly small bonis put nut to the sink ing sleaiu, hut the work of rescus w us rendered very difficult by the high sea. About seventy person were brought ashore. Most of the dead are women nnd children. A majority of the survivors are men. lining In Fetn. The Colombia whs ru trying excur sions from lUiciios Ay res to a festi val at Montevideo, nnd the disaster has caused the keenest emotion. Th. Uruguayan government In conse quence has postponed the fetes ar ranged for the celebration of the In auguration of the port. The Schleslen which was only slightly damaged, has been detained here by the port authorities. Her commander attributes the collision to the wind and the high sea which made both steamers almost unman ageable. The chiiiuinl Is now par tially obstructed by (he wreck of the Colombia. Most of the survivors of that ves sel were taken from the masts, and many of them were Injured. While great numbers of women and children were drowned, almost every" one of the ships complement were saved. Scoii s of Isulles have been recover ed ami are now lying ut the custom house, hut many of them have not been Itlentllled. The slorm still continues, crippling telegraphic and telephonic comifiunl ciiilon between liinrioN Ayres and Moiilcvhl The Colombia was art old steamer of 1,200 tons engaged In I he regular passenger service between this port and ItuenoH Ayres. ONE OLD VETERAN HEARS "TIPS" SOUNDED UT THE Two Thousand Are Expect ed to lie Present When Sessions Open Today. AM, WKU, CAKKI) FOR (Ss' lal lo The tltlwn.) I 'II A K 1,1 IT'IT-:, August 24 --A very sad t v. nt o. cured In connection with the state i- union of Confederate vet - inns h. ie tonight. In tho sudden death of one or the old soldiers, J. 1. W iggins. ..I 1, 1 1 . v II If. In th eastern part of the stale, who had come to Mils cltv lor the reunion and was sitting on the porch about 8 o'clock, nt Im- home or bis will. J. U Wig iiiis, jr., when he was seen to fall lorward and linn to Ih.- floor. The v tt ran had answered the hurt call, wit ho ut so much as saying farewell. Mis death v.a.s noon known to aJl the ,1-i-irg v.iirans and the new cast a daniM-r on the entire body of veter ans here. The i. inalii'i of the de ceased will be .s. nl liome at t o'oloclc Wednesday moinlng for burial Th ,et ea.sed wa.s ii- years of age. At the reunion henlqirarters In the div hall tonight nearly six hundred veterans have registered and un ec.ual number Is expected on the late night tinins and by the opening of the first session of the awociallou tomorrow there will be present nearly two thmiHurnl v tenuis. (ii J S. . 'arr nnd ex-novernor J.nvis arrived tonight, while Justice Walter ( lark Is expected later tonight. All these sp'iik tomorrow morning. The keys of the city are already In the hands of the veterans, and they are receiving a royal welcome on all sides. Hy ii systematic ptu-n or organ ization the local committee are plac ing every veteran In a good home a rapidly as the old st.dlers reach tha

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