4 THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: FAIR. Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXVr. No. 310. AS11EVILLK, N. C. THUKSDW MOUNTMi, A U(U TST 2(i, 1!0!. lMilCK FIVE CENTS. REEMS CREEK MAN KILLED BY YOUTH Pity The Poor Rich. E STREETTIMOROUS AS HARRIMAN GOES M01W VETAKES T N CL05 i; i WTO RETIREMENT Shuts Himself up In Palace at Arden to Take The "After Cure" HIS OPTIMISM IS NOT CONVINCING udge Lovetlls Picked as His! yJZT'lu Successor In Manag ment of Roads (By Acllel Ires.) NEW YOKK, August r, Two vel at N V.. thousand -feet above Hit- sou I his country estate m ar Ardcn. Edward II. llarrinian is resting In si' tlusion tonight. Shielded rr. .111 busi ness cares, barred from visitors pruo jHcally isolated in his i i 1 1 ri t u i 1 1 bom,-, lie disappeared (rum the public eye Jin a manner no less il i n tun I if than his -(display of I it upon lii.s arriv al from f?urope yesterday. Willi tbe click. SJick of the automatic railway that bore him Bcatcd in an automobile t Jpfty home last night, he was whisked from view like a stage mannikin; in B toy automobile V Then the curtain oropp' d, and news Of K. H. Harriman almost ceased. It was learned tonight thai there was no change in his condition. Mm Aside from this he Is as far away trom the American public as he was t Bad Gusteln, Australia, wit ii Hie tlantliPocean between. f All reports concerning Mr. Ilurri fnan's health, his ssNoclates made fjknown today, are to come from his f offices In this idly. Tvlr. llarriman has retired In the truest sens,, of the word for his "after cure," and noth ing Is to disturb him. Market Is Weak. Just as the country eagerly read Ihe ables from abroad concerning the financier's health, debuted thereon, and bought and sold stock according to Its Interpretation, so It has gone km since -the brief glimpse of him ycs ; terday. After a weak opening. Union and Southern Pacific together with New .fork Central, now classed as a llurri- ftan .stock. underwent declines at the oulset under rather heavy selling or ders. Firmness followed the lirst k.sHfs, but il was only temporary and JUIS followed by evel s trading continue i great, I. and r del by lines noon ; (Conlbiued on page I w o ONE KILLED AND MANY OF CHEMICAL ENGINE Brevard Eiivmcii Hurt in Responding to ;iii Alarm " of Eire. WAGON OVEK'ITIiNEI.. I (Special to The Citis- n.) BREVARD, August L'i,. -While re sponding to a lire alarm this morning- shortly after seven o , lock the '.chemical engine exploded, killing one -negro and seriously injuring se.eial 'other men. The ea, I cause of the explosion is unknown, but it is sup posed that it was due t.. the breaking ol one of the bad pip.-. ,,u the - ''j glne when the wag. v.-iiuiiied. 1 turning a sharp . ..i n, i f When the tire alaioi w ,- ..unded j calllngr the engine to a lai . ..no i of the city, where a mgr.. .ottai-.e w.t ' burning the ni.-ii i.-s...ii.le, tpiicklv and the wagon was crowded with many of the fli-muti. On rounding a i i the wagon overturned and the . x plosion follow ed immediately. The sh.uk ciu-d the dearh of Jim Asiken. a well known colored porter, who lias lived I here for many .v ears and seriously j injured the following p. i. .nv i Mr. J VT. Chapman, laundryman. v leg broken in two places Chief Calloway, of the department, ji seriously bruised. a Mr. J. v. Smith, barber seiiouslv bruised. Mr. o. n. Wilson, clerk in the drug i store, seriously bruised. , Some others Were Mightlv injured : hut n..t at all seriously. The tour ists canie rushing li.nn the different hotels her.-, and ...ii a large crowd hadj gathered Aiken lived lM,t a short time aft r th cm len. e l'h - plctans were suininoned and ,-verv-thing was done f,,r the injur,-,!. At a late hour last night tli.-y were all reported to le r.-sting with no serious complication already developed. Aiken is a well known purler In this section of the country, having servied as a porter nt the different ho tels. He was well-to-do and had the respect of the great majority of the i people. I i NEAR BE A VERB AM Found Him Rummaging in Fath er's House And Shot Him Dead When Intruder Attacked Him With Razor. Jn- rapps who iiv rn-t ft .section va.s hIk li'n Mm i is, jr , iiK-tl s In the Rooms I aul kill., by eventeen at the ear l av crdam it 11 wlnl ittack hi. .hi lino Capps was making un with a razor The Hounded man tiled within a f.-w minutes, having !,.:. shot, through the fao- with a load of heavy sliot. 1-ihI niKht yoiing Morris cam,, int., tile ,it witli his tailor and brother and surrendered ,, the sheriff. Ac- j ",,i,oK in ine siory loin n young .viortis nr., tiler, who r.p, -Hie, 1 what Iter Morris had told him. there be ing no witness t,, Hi,- shouting. Capps was riiiniiuiging in the kitchen and made an attack upon young Mor ris when he tried to ilrlv. him out Brother's Stor About liv.- lock ill the arternoo.i. according to Ihe story, .Morris b it Hi,. hou.-e and went to the stable to fce, some puppies. lie was Ihe only one .-it home at the time, his brother Will Mori is and bis father both being i'l the , ity. Alter a few minutes he iv tinned to the house from the stable and went to the back door II, saw dis.be;: being thrown from the window ami : mashed on the ground. He then went to the door but a man inside, whom he did not know. .veiled at him lo slay out and held 1 he door against him. Hurrledlv he run around to the from of til,- linns' and got inside before Capps could rea'ize that he had entered. Clinic at Mini Willi Itaxir. When til,', door was opened in the front of the house. Capos Ktarte-I I from the rear toward Morris 1 lley scuttled lionr the door for a time and finally Morris vva able to break I.hihc from the man and pushed hlui. on the porch then as he came at him again with the razor he atepiM'd back and pulled lb, trigger. The shot went into the face anil Capps ftdl back onto thu porch -where he died within a few mlnu'es. Morris then went outside and wailed until his broth. -r crime back from the citv. When Ihe brother. Will M.,r rts. i, ach. d th. house lien explained to him Ihe shooting and they earn to the city where tiny joined licit' fatln r the -ah The Ihr I them went p riff's home where lien gav. hlm. II up. The sheriff kepi him r, custody last night until afler tin out PAULHAN PUTS FLYING RECORDS ALL BEHIND HIM IN LATEST EXPLOIT Elew Eighty-three Miles and Came down Wlu n Gasoline Gave Out. MAY MEAN THE I'KIZE. (H ssiH'iiiKl l'rrsfv) 1 1 1 T 1 1 1 1 N Y A ' I AT ION I'l K I.I , UHCI.MS. Atu'ii'it L' . rn.lli.r h u -P-J t inn;t - j. l,.it wtl.s ;t,iil.'.l to I ll- in;irvls t ;iviatiMii v k Im);i u Ii. n I'ltiillinn. ih'- j I it K Priiii-h avi;itir. I'm K i- I - v 1 1 'li I 's r i ' 1 1 r 1 1 in ,i rtiiiiliT. fill HUshl t a h-.iiiw. tiil (hut iiiiiii'l.-s aiil tiM Mv-f iiir . . i.n.N I hi nii t v . n t -. nt in ii t i- f ' h' lin: -I'ai.Minn d.'i'l i U'.t rrtin ami w iin sturrn In i t 1 1 1 1 -1 juviiu.-t Tin- 1 i cis mI!i. i.il r.-c.il.l f,t- tinii' in ili. ;nt in.i-l. ia j l f ii U'n-lit :it I,. Manx. .-iu'lo r :M . Il'.'lir' . tW'cljlN ItlllltllO! ,. I . I II I f. S -Mil-Is. P.j ii I h.i if- ii- x r--i iir.l for ilwi.tp i a as a I "Mit 1 .: 1 k il - -m I f - s. t hi Ilif--' mi U- If.- ni:i.lf i Ii i i tf n i ir i I Ih- c.mii v. . A Ii- w as - 111:: 1 1 1 II' ll'.'IM- I i'l I'll I ..r I 1 1 - lat Iim-- Hie -in itfil'lf. ('..linifj Ii- ti ard, ;t nifart-i to th.- ,c tv. tI, p. -in K tx v a ma jh ir.il I , t ii ' .iiu' h t In hiih. I- of th- . ii o (I Ii. mo si 1 1 1 1 ii i in a l - I -f i- iii it -hn j sh..rllv I- lor.- l.mr ., . ... k ilh :h. , m vn a 'il i ii t i-ii t it n of co ii i (lift i n k Mm j . i ft k il.nii-tr.-s h.-l-ri ri," ..'.-I,m k t h:l r It 1 1 1 1 1 r - in - i a ,i I . h- if-iir-il t. await alni-r an. I'.n;)h 11 not oiih a-coni ! ) il hi- nriiitri Miri'i.st . I. mi it; t ; n ii'l t" ' ir l- 'li av 'l lin until hN link . a - III'T iH e C . , , h. i, . .-!,, , . r a.,-. par-..! h a hiL'h wool sU'l.l.-r.1 broke, th,- intrepid pilot .lid not I n t.-r lb- ball I. d in I lo- lo. th of t in ra In and wind up ..ne len-:'h of th curse and th.- lIuiM-.l spectators watched the sirngL-l, against the e. . menlp in spell-bound ad in iral ion Going down on Ihe wings of th wind. 1'aiilhan made up for th, time lost iii lighting against it. I'ortona'elv the storm was or brief duration. I'r.ulh.m is not an aviator l't simp ly an op.-rntor. who tonight has taken rank as the world's greatest prof. slonal. The belief is unanimous that (Continued on page two.) oner's inquest which will be hel tills morning In Drunken l-'mixr. Late details of (he tragedy learn,-. last night Indicate thai rrapps had been drinking lie was In the city eslerday. and lies,- who saw hlui saw that he was under the uithlenc, ol honor, but was not drunk. otfl- i'ers who went out lo Heaverdam last flight found evidences which practi ! cully confirm young Morris statement I of the killing. Morris did u.,1 kn,,v 'Capps, and when he found him In lb I h,yise he Ihi ugli he was a tramp It was not until the hoik was brought I Into the city last nighl thai it was j Identified by Cnpt. I.yda as Unit of ' upps. Capps appears to have he In a drunken frenzy w hen he . nt, e,l tne .Morris house II.- pulled open the drawers of a cupboard, scattered dishes and everything In the drawer all over the floor He also found the razor with which he attacked young Mortis in Ho- drawer, and removed it from Its case. The razor was found by the officers last night ,,n the ! v round a few bet from the hodv. open. Near it was found tbii'lv cents which had fall.-n apparently from the man's pockets. In addition lo his ransacking the drawers, Capps had I torn up a step from Ihe house and hud pulled out on,- of the posts sup- porting the porch roof before Morris j came upon him. The dead man is well known In police circles In the city, lie has been arrested several limes for drunken ness. W hen not drunk he Is said to be a peaceable citizen. He Is about thirtv-llve ,-iirs of age. The body was brought Into the dtv late last night and left at a local un dertaking establishm nt. Coroner Morils will hold an inquest over It at noon today. ruiRnnicnsiiAi.'K.v, August The airship Z'ppelin III wllh Count Z'-ppelin will begin a voyage lo Ber lin on Tliursilav afternoon, made a hig'iiv successful trial Irifi this af tern,', n. The , mini himself, who left Ihe hospital oi,l three ,lavs ago was Ho- win .1. Tin steering gear has been improved and Ihe manner In i ' l, it worked on Ihe trial trip do- d '. U II I Zeppelin PuWERLESS TD CHECK IT Gov. Willson Tells Bar As sociation of ( 1 Hid il ions In Kent in k v. COELI) NOT INDICT. ( ll AsstH-laietl lress. ) I'KTIiiilT. Mi. h. August Z T, The evils of legal argument based ,,n mis conception of liinony were touched upon in tlo- address tonight of Justice William I., i 'up, 'liter of Michigan, on "t-ourls ,,l Last Appeal," before th, Aru. ii.-. ,ti H;ir asso. iati..n, now In an nual , oio. ut ion in ibis eilv. As a lusli. .- Carp, -liter urged j um, a !-i.,r.- allenli ,. at- I -mi -I ill mm- ag. law-- j t" iit.il,. f ur M.it.-meiils. TI:.- .el.h. -,i ,;.,eriior Augustus V .11 ! K- I.I II. k oil "The People I'l l I !e It I.-IW." H IS III.' leading fe t o I . . ! t te- I , V s pl . ,; ra III ': i ii, a i) i - on in li,,.,si rig as h is l vt lie- 1 1 . i i "f I lo- I 'nil.. I Stales oil i.- . nt in the ,,f c,-,,w h , Atlanta spec, h if ,. list i h I i-j! ia ic en that 'lil.Mty is Senator TiJIu i..' i . n i -.t i i. I'd li.eiise to act accord- I "f 'be state alio- ! -ii' own will," , nt, red into j i ri 1 ion nivnor ' n .... i f the K. ninet y i lnr- ! Ih" n. gio. .. 1..- i. i in I ii..- , aiis. s w hi. ii I.-. I up to ; i'l time r. si.l' 1,.- r. '.oi "iiighl n.b-i -' troubles In 1 hi' M it- atl.l III Tellllesse. No l iar of IkltoMils. I.'-.! Aing the Ii. ,1,1 which Ihe Ku O' ' .-'Il .,e V..,,:. I, .l. 0 l - tu.kiari". in- I'd up to the tobacco t w ii-, vviii. h produced "night riding." f Hel this l.e review, d Ml . Ilgfh. He' ! breakers on I lopkinsville, I'rineeton i,,nl I ; iiss- 1 1 v ille. lOnruekv. and r,a,l 'hi. f jllstiie's adlriollltlon to t).e ! I ' "Von had better burn every barn i'l tic i ornnionweallh than with uplifted hand In the Jury box profane our duties .-in, I r.-nder an unjust v.r li. t in the nam.- ,,f the law." The governor t,,h how this chief 'until . nt a conference which Mr. Willson had called of the tobacco growers and buyers, had deprecated ihe use ,,f soldiers In the night rid ing troubles, declaing that "you tan- (Conllnued on page four ) s ,V'- - - . gaT tO CAN GROW I " Btttoii rutin k 1 11 xB&t&S&jJ fx V PROUD HORSES MAKE THEIR MASTERS PROUD AT HENDERSON V1LLE SHO W Successful Opening of Second Annual Exhibition Featured by Large Attendance and the Superior Quality of the Horses in the Ring. Local En tries Get the Honors. (Special to Tlie 1lleii.) HI3Nlii:U.SONTU,K. August 25 Wllh brilliant sunshine, a large and happy crowd, a good number of ex hibitors ami general good fellowship prevailing, 1 lemleranrivlllc opened her nd annual horse show vestcrtli, . everybody was there, and Ashevllle faces could be seen all over the Held. And Inside the rlnfc Ashevllle horses came in for a fair sharo of thu rib lions. I.oiyf before two u'rlnek the crowd began to move to Laurel park afoot. In n.utoH, street cars itnd ciirrlfiges. If there had been ii'iy airships hamlv they wotihl have l.-. ti called mi,, use "nt near the park outn. ni. nt ;i;nl friendly trees enaihle those who didn't haw the price to g, through th to see miK'h of III,- show. N'.-v less, the park an, I gr.amlstaiifl gate ItllC- full pere And sin h 1 In ofll.ial .lav ! Il Wilis - , IV I II. Il.-il- I hat weather man ha s-om,- entcrprisiiiL dersonvllle show w.-iitlier saved fi packing. Of con silting on a tin r thought the w . , the cool, classi. Iark there was i sired. f .real That the in st ,1, I l.c n l.i ..fiiclal of th, t" open a i an of in t lie a rl v Hp! I ng' if you liad been f. you mlghl have ll.-r warm, but In "hides of I,aur.l -ihing left to be do. Success. i of f lie 1 lenderson- - Ashevl .! il;i' hIhuv was T EDUCATI THE NEGRO Says They Will Soon Pe Ahle to Master Ballot and Out vtiii- Whites. (lly Asso. iaptl I'rrss.) ANiiicit.si i.v. Addressing an today, at a i- A tig list L' 4 . - - e of I II. Illlil I,. ,',' ii ..f th. 'i:.. ; sti; W I . -I. , I . f tile slate f I . . T I , t-bagg. I-. l int -Mho .n ,1. . I. ii. d - "the I.,., I .,' a " and t h i, I h. ' lit of , . II -11 1 South is loll a its Lo break th I I In- "machine" It f i o m r:i r r i ti g expressed it! Ins j eWin t no n. w i. I political m. i, ho, Ihe negro. -s and ''d Slat,s S. o., that I'fesld.-l.l - gr. at polite al i- pli-sldelit's ap en u in- ra t ors in forth, ran, ,- ,. h "solid South " I ; is preveiiilng M out his intent,,. riled the people . om fin Isory ed u - ' W oil Id pl'. pa I e 'allot ami might h,-m controlling a i ollnn. was featured bv " v . ral thousand el.et ions in S..i Tile r, ii n i on a parad. in mcmhers of i)i I Shirt" brigade-- d fl fl'l W ' a I I lie, , ''I shirts. .M in lh" par:iib '" omen look part "FAIT? WASHINGTON'. Migust 2a Fore cast for North Carolina: I'alr Thurs day and Friday; light variable winds. cj airy V huge success Is an ndmittr.il fact. As Is generally known, the Uendurson vllle assiN lallon. working In harmony with the Ashevllle Midsummer asun clntlon. which gives Us first show at Ashevllle next week, had but llltle time lo mnke pretn-rntlon for Its sec ond annual show, owing to a number kf -unllorseen 'cHrcumstances What was larking In time, howewer. was ,4ji4,ip In, j:y, and tho orly j iiawn oi rucstiay lounu tn ttfttctnm of the tissociution chising up the lasl idctiills of today's rirogium. Kvery- Ihi.Iv worked; rudlwKly shilketl , When lb,- Hrsl clouds of dust on ihe "llcndi-rsonv lllc pike" announced the coming of several lasl -running autos from Ashevllle, tM' directors of the I Icndersoiiville show with en couraged Til., big cards didn't come in hjiiii II quantities either; they came In bunches Later automobiles begun to come in f rom all dire, lions and tars that vv . re nevier seen before on these streets llmsl up In front of the various hotels That summer visitors In I his section will flock lo something that promises entertainment nnd di version was apparent yesterday. Interesting Kvcuts. The judging of Dr. !' A. Campbell of New York was favoiublv comment ed on bv I b. , i ,, w ,1. The ha i d. st . lass to decide was Ihe galled saddle In thin Whhh H. flarkfH Dtauioin! CEREMONY IN ELK LOOSE .oadol Cartridges Were Mixed I i v Accident With Ihe Wanks. (lly AswH-lae l"resN.) Al.lhWV. C.'i., Angus! :". Inning .111 IIMIhltM.il III Hie KlkK' lodge ,ee I ,11,, '.1,1 I "I- V e OX ,T p.olllill. lit I'.lllll' I.il who was 1 1. 1 1 I n r ' -Old 0. t He n: lii't .il, was sh"l through Hi' I'' h . ..;i of the h g'u llll a .'!.!- alll.le P., II i -o, :i , a r 1 1 nice ih,! wis though! t ' i l.l.'inl: 'I II- tl'M.I ,'f III. !'.d,'e fo'lll! ..1, . lo II. ill . of s. '. I II hull. U II! ' d 'l.r I.' iii iliitia'lon. A i, lip s'lg.ilioti aft. r I in- a ' . ' I'ii l , . .1 the (el I I, i I in Some iiioe ...i i' .Me iirin!,. !, ..iii rlridg' -' ! ! lo II I lis. ,1 in phoot ,g g , il. r. - h.el 1..- HO If.!- d '.' llll I he I, I 11,1. i : i I ' .'!.'' I I ,11 .1 il. 1 1 J " I , J. 'I'l,' 1 .. t . r i -i, hurt i- lly som ni oi.' 'I t 1 1 Ir- l oom to ai lend Co- i j.n-d .in Th- sho ding gal- '" I- r : i , ! - -n I .r tile a e - rid" id I". a-., d ,,. iii o.-Ti hi. I.Ian k c.-i r l r ide, s 'hi' ' 1 ' o i 'T.-r ne.. could seal, ,-lv b. , . 'o- l:-li d. Tic a.-, j J. i i i .-..I rniuh egiclli' m - - ri f in tlo- P.).-' raon and put an iid to Ho ju 0 ... t ,n . v . i I'li'.f I'llOMDI s I I M UM, I'lvtST. M;w V(,;K. August 2 5. Five j hundred dollar- for a d utier "with j liquid refreshments" to he served at iii-i funeral was among Hie bequests in Ihe will of ih- ta'e Albert II. Karutz, lib-d (slay for probate To make sure thai his wlsii-s be carried out, Kami siipuhited lhai heirs who failed lo attend tlr- funeral banquet, should lie disiualilled. Hqulrrel look the blue, W. M. Fisher, of Hpiirlnnbnrg gulling second. As usual I ho Jumpers proved a strong at i rue 1 1 on. The blue ribbon for this i-Ihot went to the old Ashevllle fuvor Ite Jack, now owned by (1, Harris. He was ably ridden by L. II. Holder of Term Hauls, Indiana. In the, sin gle harness olaiw there, wera ulevan entries and It was productive of rare Pm4. aivd atyla, D , Ov Harrla q nret'nnfe'torflr'IITst, ft. T. Mill of the same city second. Mrs, linker Kd wards third and Vlclor llurglss of llrieiivllli! took fuurlh In (he single harness class Joseph Kaelln, of Ashevllle. driving I r. II. II. llrlggs' -'Capliiln," dlHtlngulshed himself by line driving. Mrs. llrlggs took two blues, a yellow and a while, driving her own horses when she look I he blues. Waynes H Hay took one blue, tvVo retiH and a while. The children's pony class brought out live entries. Miss (jhnlys Itrltt of Ashevllle riding (Jay (Ireen's llusler lirowu, took Hie blue, Kuthyrlne Smut of Ashovllle Ihe red, anil J. I., "rr, of (Irienvllh:. Mis Caudle driv ing, the yellow Although the. crowd today was far beyond the expectation!! of flic man .igeinenl. tomorrow will prolsibly " even larger itsjicnihlnijca of penpl, ( Nint Imu(1 fin piiHT four.) FIND LITTLE EVIDENCE IN PEONAGE INQUIRY Not Likely that; President of Pressed Steel Car Co. Will P.- Tried. j (lly AsMM'hilcil I'ress.) ITrisei'lfl, August zr. The gov , .a n no n t Iii v est Igu I Ion Into Ihe din t g. s -f peonage swol'n to by fl man who had heel! emjd.eil In t,, . '," .. ,1 :-..l Car company orks at S. li"-ii-.ill. was continued tonight an. I now , :! Is predict. . will extend into ll.-Xt ,..k. j A'- or. ling to unoffii lal Iii I ! iii di-.n lio trae, 3 of employes b, lllg ll'T I III th.- plant (ig.-iliist then ui.n a' anv t line Siliee Hie III", pi loll oi ' In . it II : of Ho- thlrt-h..- I h- -I n.plo.v, i of the plant w as !!, . i n I l.i . , He gov el III!,, Ill oft.. III." I il O'g I" ell.lt atiy assei'l ions froin lie 00-11 ,m- ' ploy- I inside Ih- , n 1 that lh,-v . ti.i-1 le . ti sobj. c d ! . . ,... 1 . w h 11 ' they asked p, 1 nil- I 01 10 'I'.ii H" Ir work or had I" ri lo l-l on Ho it Job j after th. V had .1 k d f..r 'lis. halge. I Hpeeial Agei.t II -1:1 1: i .1 n I 1 , present ing tlo- I'd' I 1 go . I line I. ' toMlghl I refused lo inak- puTdic Ih, C.-Illt of jtod.li S IllVestlg'lllOIlS Id! II IS fl'eely predl,..l that a p. .nag'- suit will n, , - he c-ght iii . in"! I'reshb Id H.,ftH,.l of Ho- 'r. sr.c.l Steel Car , ,,!, l 1 01 11 or anv ..!' ids loiperlntend- , !ltH. Th- Mrll -. ii maintained an attitude of si; ih rim - s during today when their houses w re S' arched for guns and rilh s hi deputies srinod with loaded riot guns No violence was manifest, however, and the sheriff tonight an nounced his search for lire arms had ended. 10 LAWLESSNESS Band of Kuklux or Night Rid ers Makes Terror Aid to Righteousness WARNS UNDESIRABLES TO GET OUT OF TOWN Gamblers. Loafers. Blind Ti ers And Well Dressed Black legs Must Move on (SmsUI to The. Cltlwn.)' DA I .Ti iN, Oil . August 25 Wear ing long black robes and masks, a blind of Kuklux or night riders, it or 30 strong, rode tnto Hulton Tues- lay morning to tnk the Hrst steps lownrd ridding the town of evil-doers, so 11 luier trnnsplred. . The body scattered when they rsach d lown, and several of ihe. membsri lode up to Ihe resldencs of B. I- (leratslll, editor of The Argun, who lives on King street, and wok htm up. "Are you edllor of the paper?". the spokesman of the party asksd Mr. ilearlslll. He replied that ha owned The Argus. "Well, we have rnee- siige here to some people In Dalton we want you to prmt, and then give lo the ulher paper." I'ubllr Warned. The warning was as follows: "owl Hollow, th Moon, AX. 'When In the course of events It hecomvs necessary for us to Vialt ertaln section for tha protection of women and children and (rood so lely we are ever ready to aniwer the all, and whaumevev we purpose that we do. Won unto the guilty wretch who disobeys our orders. "There am certain evil existing- In this city tHat have got to atop, Blind tigers and gambleri, lewd women. street loafers, and vagranta must go. Kdi Whllaknr, U dartell, Jesse House ad several others t their color; also sevanit- hlt men .whe- are engaged In the same business of selling whle- Juy, take warning. The appeal of wo men nnd children who have been made lo suffer on account of the In fernal poison ou sell has been heard and by the Kternal they shall not b Imposed upon any tnui. The gam blers we know, also and this Is th hrst and lust warning you will re ceive. Home of them are married men and have rnmllles who have our sympathy and need the money that you are gambling away while you are- ruining Hie young boys of the town. This thing has got 10 stop. If It does not ami your doors meet In the center of the house, remember you have been warned. Don't utlempt violence or make any threats. If you do remem ber llie cross beam on tha foot bridge (Conllnmsl on page four.) TO LI OE IMPENDING DEATH Wild Hoax Had New York' Papers Up in the Air for An hour Or So. COI.'ONKIi WAS BUSY (lly ssoel(iiel I'rcss.) MOW Vi Ut K. August 2 New V,.ik wis siaiii.-d shortly after mld nighl P.. lav l a report which orlgl- niii.d fioi me unknown lUrce and via. . omih'iiliieitted lo Ihe roro- 11, r s ..Hi. ,-, th il Alf red (lwynne Valid, 1 1 1 1 1 liad been shot at the d an. I I n, ..ii hop l, nt Kurt ,' second Mr.et aid l-itk avenue. The enro ll. 1 s , 1 I II who received the friV'H- i.reoii ml o 111:1 1 i 'ii by telephone ni lihed c.. 11, r Sh.-ildy, who immedi ately 1 tail-, I for liell.-vue hospital, :tiei" it ',.is understood Mr. Vao .1, 1 hilt had he. n taken. Hei ne go ing, hoy.. , r, thu 1 oron'T telephoned It, ll. viie and b arneil Hint Mr. Van -dei-hlll. in not th.-re. Subsequent i ni ill r v at the (.'r.-iiul Union hotel show, d that Hoi,- had been no Hhooliug Hi. -re this evening. The b rk n t the hotel said that the Mrst Intimation that ho hud of s shooting r.-irno through an Inquiry from ii New York morning newspa per. Th!i was followed quickly by Inquiries from nearly every other newspaper in lb.- city which had In Hp- no aii' lin' received tho report. Th,- lor uier quickly found that he had been duped and as lb" (.rand Un ion liobl appeared quiet and normal when the reporters arrived and It was m en that thero had been a mis take, clinching this fact came a laconic telephone message from Mr. Vandcrhllt himself, or at least on who said ho was Mr. Vanderhilt, who called up tho coroner's office and casually remarked: "I understand I havo been shot."

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