THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: FAIR. Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. 311. ANHKV1LLH, N. C, F KID AY M K' I i. .r(!l'ST "J7. l!M-!. I'WUT, I' I VM OKNTS. 3 VMIi STB EET BEARS USE HUN TO Effective Raid on His Issues While he Is Shut up at Anton EPORTS INDICATE THAT HE IS BETTER Would go to Work at Private Railroad Building If Doc tor Would Let Him (By AewM-lNted iVess.) ARDBN, N. Y . August 2. Whatever the prognosis for Mr liar rlman's recovery Is. it is evident ti nt his family has determined that lie shall make no further Macrltices of vitality lit the effort to re as-sur,- tin- pnVic anil buo up the stock niiu ket. No armed guards patrol his estate, but for all effective purpns. of human Intercourse. Ins isolation In hi. mountain top Is as absolute as any devised for an Ka-tern polen ta e. Except the selected few of I. Is Oivu immediate entourage, not a soi l s. cs him and no word from th out world reacnes to his chambered olitude. His "reht cure" is alio inc. jr. I.yle, the family physician, h 'dged the Rap today with a hil.fl account of his distinguished patient's ; prosrress. Mr Han-inum he said had been cotriVneil to the house for the by the rains that shrouded all Hip 1 r.ampo mountain, but his hirit In qulsitlve mind had been busy wICi the. construction work still In pro grits In Ills new home. Here 1 'r IjVEirai i l;le laughed. If his physician would made the sensational charges of Hi n?imlt Mr Harrlrnan would be nultdav. He said he was brought her On the Job today boas-inn the finish ln touches on the Inclined rallwn hiiTtrelf. Dr. I.yle said: "Mr Jliirr! man passed., a good night and ate a h-arty breakfast at ten o'clock this morning., There 4s nothing he needs Bore than, absolute rest," he added Consults Subordinate, Judge" Robert R I,ovctt. who ha hi en mentioned as Mr. Harrinutn s n.Tsslnle successor, came to Anb n thl. taftenJoon for another ( r i- Judge Iovelt reliised to d!:. . iiss the purpose .," bis i-,its H is thought, however, that wilh his tir.d bt atenant so iften at his eiiM.w. .Mr. tianlninn cannot be wholly Hit of, (Continued on pane four ) HAVING SETTLED TARIFF ALDR1CH NOW READY TO REVISE OUR CURRENCY Does Taft Honor of Con sulting Him About. It He fort' Sailing for l!nrl'. HELD CONKMWKN'CK (By Associatisl Press.) BEVEIti.V. Mas . August L'fi Continuing his series of confen n, i s with liarly b ad. i s and i;,,v . rn iio nt officials belore stalling on bis lonr trip to the West and South. 1'resident Taft had a two ami a half hours' talk this afternoon with Senator Nel son Aldrlch and Sccretarv of the Treasury Mai Vrnsli. Senator Aldrlch luninK jii-( em, rg ed frm Hi" lone tariff tirlil is about to takn up the important tn--k of RijjUHtlllR the lllolletaiv sstem of the country, and It was ii nneciion with hiR work as chairman of the monetary commissi, n thai he was called in confen -nee b lie- president today. Mr. Taft was anxious to ascertain whether or not the nioiieiarv com mission will be ready to report its recommendations Ibis winter. II is tinderstood that a definite answer was not given today. There has been talk of , allintr con gress In extra session in lb-- fall of 1910 to beftin consideration of bcis lation looking to the enactment of such changes In the monetarv svsiem as the commission mav ,e,-m chmI lent. Mr. Aldrlch said aft. r the c,.n. i -ence today that matter had b. en dis cussed only In a general wav Mr. Aldrli h w,.ul,i nol ,ii- nss Hie subject of. postal saiims bank It is Trot b ed be is altogether op posed to Idea, but he frunkh told the president at a former conference on the subject that lie th,uii;ht the question of estahlishiiiK u.-h banks should await the enactment f the monetary legislation. The question of bond Issues, au thorized in the new tariff bill came Up for eonsliierati.'rt this afternoon The secretary of the treasury was authorized by congress to isoie bonds for $40.0011.0(10 to reimburse the gen- (ContinueJ on page two ) PEONAGE CHARGE ASSUMES ASPECT E Witness Testifies That he Was Held In Car Plant And Forced to Work MINOR OFFICIALS MAY BE PUNISHED Strike Breaker Who Was Brought In Under False Pretenses on Stand (By AsKorhttiHl IMvkh.) PITTS HI ' lt( I, August ti. -The t 'si in m it - (iftVirtj in the tmU't a I m -t'rnim nt investigation Into th- rhiirRi'K f ix niniK'' ugaiimt nfTK'luls uf l h I'rt'HHt ii SttM'I Car coinpany in Siliorn villf, who.M. ;i,r0O empltiycs art on ttrlkt', in which It wu.s ailt-u 1 Uircc wan um-i t compel Itnpurltil woik iiiK'ncn to work, uV MjnmJ iatc to dav. Tin- Frt HMt d Sltl 'ar .-i.i-puny's atturn'.v atttrnti-tj to hoM llif man who testified that h- wa io:nl to wni'k against his will, hut tin: auh consular attorney and t h . asHislanl con su lair attorney ami t h assist an I f cih'ial (list rlct attorney. All testimony tak' n today in th.- form of affidavits. if the trt dozen witnesses call.- little Informa- base peoliagc I lie Witnesses declaring that bad and their t i . . i upon which to eharg.s was elicited, ''or greater part their food had been 1 1 ea tmenl rough, bin ollng no dcflniti1 persons as being responsible. I'uli' Pretenses Charged. Alexander I'riednian, a Hung irlan. of New York, was the witness who rnteen days iiko Willi one hundred oilier men from New York and al leges they were brought under false iniprensions. He said the workmen were given to understand there was no strike at the works of the Pressed Steel Car company lie said he was Jn the plant before he learned of the strike Friedman alleged that the car luiliipmii plcki'iJ out the Hlrongest looking unpolled workmen and made Kiiauis them. He . ."titled these jitu'irds I, an, IN , I l he m. in a ioiikIi manner. I I'l i. slated Dial he had been at worn in iin- plain a n-w oavs nen he rtMS nskeil if he did ll"l want to iiie.l on page four ) RICH SLAVE DRIVERS FIND JUSTICE LENIENT, OTHERS PAT PENILTT President, Commutes Set teiice of Head of bit; Lum ber Corporation. MCST TO PRISON (By -khim laled Press. ) I'KNSAi'i 'l.A, AukiisI L'H -The ac tion taken by President Taft In com muting to si months each the term of iin pris, hi men t imposed upon H. Harlan, manager of the Jackson I. umber i ompaiiv. S K. lluggins. and 1- iv Hill, .ii. of the comp.uiv. who Wele iMllli, Id ill 111. federal Colirl here tin,-, o-.irs .i,, on charges ol . ..iisplra, i I . emmit pcotiai;.-. w is tonight , , ,ti i in 1 1 1 1 1 , it' d In Attoriiey- llelleral , kersh.l III to Spe, ill I A istaill Allot II. -' IcIO fill IteeSC "I t )) is cit - Tlir ait oi'in-v-general in - -drii. ted that the Supleine i It ,.,,. ,,, III, e as. - be tiled imme dril. lv and that the sentences be ex e, ,ite. without 1 ii it lo I delay. I jt , v i I that the I'll ileil St .U. s w.ll leave ..t the At lanta fed, imI pre "ii Motid.n w ith the thtee prison, n.iiiod as ell as I r Hiace and C. ' la I la K h- r. two otli.r olfi, els of the Intnl.. r companv who coinicl.d it the Millie 1 1 111.- ami Whose Sentence-. llllpoSe, 1, e Colllt Were tl'l b'-'Ne'l I"- eeilVe a.-t ion. Harlan i one ..f the .-all hie-lt and in,. si proinlto hi I ii hi I" ' ni. -n in I he S. . I I I I I I 1 1 I is 1 II, I'll' W of I'lllled Slater Supreme Curl .lu-ll. Harlan. Tie- .-nt. i, -- "oi I by the trial cult wet. foil..' llai Ian. .-ik-lii. 'i months a' hard liliol and !' too- i;al!i"lo-r (jfl.-.-n month - at hat. I I ib..r and J Id lite-; Huge,, is, Hilton and Hrac, tlrt.-,-n months at h ild labor and t 1.01)11 line UliOl I II I VII Id IT(. A X 1 i K1:S 'X S i' . August "0 A 4 1 I U I 1 1 wliell wl III tiVf dll.V: ago. is .au-,ii ...tlon to rust ami leaves at.- , hopping ,,fl rapidly. Kortv thousand hal.-s are produced in .fi-" ders.,n cotititv animallv and leading farmers announce that the crop now b ing damaged at the rale ol Jf.O.OOO to JTU.O0U dallv. SOMEWHAT CRAV CHOLEOA SPREADS AMONG CITIES OF NORTHERN EUROPE Recent Outbreak In Rotter dam Causes Concern In This Country ONE SHIP EN ROUTE WITH DISEASE ABOARD Government Taking Steps to Prevent Introduction of Epidemic (By Associated Press.) liOTTKKHAM. Augiisi L'ti. Several Slisp.-cleil casi-s of cholela have been reported In li.Mterdam .since the dis covery of Hie disease her.- yesterday. notably among the occupants of a barge on board wlii, h a child had died pr. lousiy. All the suspects have been iitiaranl ined At todn.v's sitting of the municipal council, the lturgomasier announced that there had been four deaths from chol, ra ami that out of nine suspect ed cases now In the Isolation sheds there has round to be lnl,c.-d with cholera baccllus. ST. PKTKIiSHI'liH. August C6. A violent outbreak of Asiatic cholera has occurred at Vitebsk, which Is the capital of the government of Hint name, situated on both sides of the dona. The outbreak exc Is In In tensity that In SI. Petersburg, there being twcntv-slx cases and six dentin) loday, mid 114 cases and forty-two deaths in lite past week U ASIII.NHTON. August nr..-- That Hi. Hutch ship "Andk" is en ionic to the I'lilled Slates with cholera aboard Is inferred Horn a cahleijrani from the American consul at Uotier dani. r.-ceived by the maiine hospilal servlie today through the stale de partment. The vessel Is u slw steamer and Is not expected to arrivt. oft Cap Char les! until nhri'lt September K. " Surgeon H.-tieral Wytnan of the public health and mnilne hospital s.rv I.e. tonishl cabbd assistant Sur geon Kob.-rl A. C W'oll. -tilling, sla tiolled at Naples, b, proceed at once to llolleidam. where chobra has ap pear. .1 I., assist Consul I -lulu. In ui.ingihai tt-easiiri d -pa it ni.nt I ,-l, ul 1 1 ions regaiding chscIx sailinK for ' ie I'niied Stales are carried out. ASHEVILLE MAN BARELY ESCAPES DEATH UNDER Southern Mutineer Knocked from I lis Cab by Water Tank. IS liADM' CIT n (SM. lal l he illen.) s I VI I.S II. LP. Angus! :!:. Mr C i'. I lo.-iii. ol Ash-ile. an engine. -r in the s,-ni,- of tb. Southern t.'i'i v . y, was s.-ii,.iw iniiireii on ill- i , , I r:,ili,,.i,l ,ii,l-.- ,-st ,-r-lri y aft-r-i ,,..ii about r,.:.'n i.'. lock by b.-lne kno. Id- I I mm the ,-n I, ..I' a locotiud i v I l. i stntidpipe. He ,s now al tl..- I 'i 1 1 1 nesiev hos,ilal. wht-le "k -.. i- i.ik- ii ..-h-.rllv .ilt,-r In- was huri.l'1 t,.i I. -.'time Hon-- as well a , ',1 i I ,- . i ., I. ,1 U bile his in ho i.-s a' 1 , - 1 1 I I - S. lo,., t, ,e Ho) ,0v-i,,.d r,c s.n il v ,1a uger, uis. Mr I ol'fiin. has b.-.-n ll'Te sever. i' , a- . in - h.irg- of the , ,1 dnllli, n -; ii. ill the al. ll' e of the regtila, in !,.-. i. .vie. i- lihing his vocaL'.n II, hid in d bll In- o ,v ii . limine .. no i. .,. ; n Hie i,i ,, boat ,1 in-.- t h- -a l I -in '1st hoiin-l Ir- li-hl win, h ! w lo.'l' Lu b i in- into a siting. II I i not m io i. anze ii, .v. n.-a r tie i ' Ho- "it, i statidpipe. wbi I. I I'ranklv av.-i'- s'.llnl-. near th, tt:ok oil ..llich Co j ,,r H , I s train vas nioviiig -1 rk. I In v a slrn, I j.ording to bin bv th.- st.ilolpipe and Ihlovvii lo I 1 1 vv 1 1 1 1 .-vervth,, i r-. rid. hi- lo-ad landing within . a , rinteiob nt - ir. I ! tw of Ho i . 1 1 o, .vhi.h Hie !(,,.. ,),, ,, , l.-Mvy flrtv in wheels vs- r,- movlrir 'i.d,,. ., il,. H, Ion lie had tillh lo ,,,-.,.. beinj.l ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, ,,-,,, I of cuts,- by Hie fall. , ,,, h'tii! was eanglit under th.. cvlinl-i : ihe f tigiio- and h.- ua ; dr-ig. - d tv ral f'-.-t in tin- condition i,, ,,r. ' the , ngine could be Nt..p," Wh.el :.-.:id up bv hi- fellow trainmen M ' I ..I mi was appar. i.tlv d. a I and w c ,l. eding j.rofiis. Iv from a ,,.,niber ,i scv re frrtslies alsuit bin f-,c- -,n.i load Physicians wire hurii. '! sUM-iieitl.-d and p' nding ihi r arriva, bis VVollllds were bathed with e,... ..t. r. II.- regain. -d . ons. i.oisii. .o "oine extent within a I, w iiuuili -mi was able to s i t up to -.'h..v th--temporary bandages to l pi o - ,1 .- ta'Vtl lily tM-itd by the phv ician b.--f.Tre'' U'ing taken to th.- hospital. A thorough examination ,.f Mr I r,'-,m's injuries, at Ho- hospital. ., (Continued on page r.iur ) HENDERSON V1LLE HORSE SHOW TO CLOSE TODAY WITH Second Day of the Show Featured by Largest Crowd Asheville Again Fortunate I in Getting Ribbons Children's Pony Race Proved to Be i (Ss-lnl to The Citizen.) IIPMiKllSoNVII.I.K. August L'fi litiire.l with Increased attendance and greater enthuslimin. the second lay of HendersontMtl.'s annual horse show closed today with the icrand championship clam, In which Cash Hoy, owned by Ml' Frank Iturgess. of (Irei-rs, S. C. ckrrle.l ofT the blue ribbon The award was a popular one, since Cash Boy in the various events wherrin he';wan entered swept all before him. T!hb horse has been entered for the Asbrvllle mJd-summer Ulnar which nrwwf tit Asheville next TueBday, and he Ir picked rot a fre iuetit w Itiiici-, uni"s. .i liner, but now un known, samp!,- ,,f horseilesb sliows up The Hend. rs.iivllle .-h.,w villi close tomorrow uriernoon with v grand llorsebai-k lournam.-nl and no -eltv races. Tie laHer evenl will plane almost trong a drawing ai d as -the loin tia nirnl, lor v bl, h a number of i-tiirl. horsemen are en ter, d. The I, oil II i llletlt clillicH 1, it Ashellle last nighl for an o.-rjin,l Hip to ll.-ndelsoi.Mlle. Cm It lug Knees. The event on loftily 's (aid will" ll aroused lie most , nl huslaMii was the chlldren'H ,,,l I. ICC, SeV.-ll ftltll.S racefl away on tin call and made a double clri mi ,1 the ring, while tin crowd rose to it feel and i lie-red lustily. Ilessi. . a llllle sorrel mare PREACHER DID NOT CALL ! HER "DEVIL INCARNATE"! Of if He I oesn't Worth. I iil Jury Says Ii Mailer L( ),))( I (By llileil Pres..) ATLANTA. : Augusl L'ti. A Juiv In the Sup.-ii, eideil thai II, .lonesboro, did K.-aii a "devi! lull llere todav lb- -I C. Atkinson, ot l call Mi.. Sadie A ,'lia(o," or that il gilt. Neil he! v.e , irv no ant Ie. us the o th. I . hill, ll ill III. ' I bt, eight bv M I lid. II wav knows what I verdict in la. Jollesbol,, M suit for JL'O.ii" Mean. It was las, A I k Inson pr. w ho sou e.l ,1 i an, termed if Mrs It. an. a enib, r I hai It, v ' I S 1 III "II . ,11 t 1, 'IIS III the Illlt'- I i ,1" V I I S j , .1 t II t ' , .her Of Hie II e c , ref. Ild lo b- I 'I'll,- , l-l .1 ,1. .1, -I , - i.,irt. iilarl- but lo '.at he e, , lipid, n ,1 , -illg fief, , h, A, t holm ht llo- and hh-d the nun me. II " had found be foillld the ..up Sohdav Seho-.l !.., loo Ignoiant. Hi ga i .- h. r to i , ladies ,,t I to- ,i Id iv.' Hie A. I '.. C,'. i festivals. of giving ('A.SlilNi;T, ,'i AtiKiist 20 For. - east North f ' .r.diiia . l-'air Fridav and attinlav : I ht lo mo.ler.ite va rljbii. west win !- No Place For Him. the Exciting Event. rhbh n by W. R. ration's yduim son. led cnMlv for the first round ami would probably have won had she not been ". nl .,(!' and run Into the fence. Miss Oladvs Hover, riding II. T. Iirock's giay. sailed uniler the w Iru Mi si ; f 1. 1 lil i.-. ridden by Miss Alum Ldwards. came second ami V. M. Loll s lllllv Inn, led -thud Ash.-iille enlrles were again fortu nate in the various classes. W. S. Kay leading the list. Mm. linker Kdwnrd of Arden took two blue ribbons and n led. Little Miss Katherlne (Iriitit t,,,, another blue ribbon In On- pons class with .Slav. Mr. It. T. MeKelth an ,,r I lai ling-ton. S. C. with bis fam ous pair. Onmbl, r and I't. achei. driv en bv V. II Snider, ol T. rr. Haute, In. I., took Inn blues and a red. Mr. V. V lllllgess. OT Hi eell ille, look th. blue In Hi,- harness pair with Hay llov and Male, and a tad ami yellow in the roadster class in the walk, trot and cant, r class : .- llov w,nl lame i In n he st I a K I chain .- of getting a ribbon. In the Jumping i las old .lack, own ed bv L H. Hau ls. ,,l Ashev ill. . again captur, ,1 lb.- bin,-, W . S Kay's "Fash Ion" taking the red. (.iMid .lodging. As on tb. tlr.-t da. the Judging by Dr. A. F. Campbell, of New' York. RAILROADS MUST ODET THE HEADLIGHT LAW ( 'oi )orat ion 'oinniissioii Dismisses Petitions for Ivvpnipt ions. (. ms la I 1. 1 Th.- illen ) K li:ih ii, ,. f . Angu! i Tl N", ili f 'a t o , , i a , ,,, j.oi .i i ion 'on, , lllWliWH the I" ' ll lull ol t. .t la in c I 'oavi l.iii, . , ho ,..l An I. no-. mile, II ,,l, .ollotk ,V Solllll' III. I I I i- to! '. .' I , "I ' , i (.'- , V - , ,1 A t I !' , 1 1, o i ,,,,, ,,f ,1,, , i ,,, it,,. ; .I-'''' i -. i ', o , ii ir , I - I , i !i. I ll : In s on lo, ii, o.l i v s ..r (..,! p ' .-' ng.-r a nd fteU'lit Irani-, lie c i i , Hiring thai on, -I oil! I 1, ,,r 1 lo !-,'' ii i r '- i in us.- 'liil! ,,. - i, ii i (.,,. d i , i , V. , He I ll ail l il- lh lo ol I ; - h - l b- -a I ,1k A S.,1, lb, i ,, a,,, l it,, , 1 , n' .- i ' -, -, - -1 I a . -.nt. -ml. d I a i i h. j , ,i , I' I.,.- hi a i . n- it b. , Ie - . i.i, i . I adv., .,!,'. on Ho ,i load.. I t.ii.. Tl.- S. -ib" -I" I Air I"' I ' . ' M j .1 1 1 - f I ! - ' r a 1 1 1 1 1 , i I ,e I o I I , , , - a lid t , I : e i i Ii' '! , ,- ,,,, I ii- , a !i ,. )i, ! a t '. , I in 1 1 So . : ,. , ,, -I.., Id Ie . . I,, pt unlit I '. I t , hill iliir old:; I, Ol. I I el. - . I o I , ..'lit b , a ll n , ' I I ii, tl '.: ', per ! . . : , i i ! on oi . iire a I r.-a ,; ) - ,1, -el A - I o II,:-,, llO e V , t , lb oiiiii, ,' on holds I I, , I the ,,ct i ,. ,, ,1 1 :-, .' ', , , iciil , , I t In not --.pi, ,,, : l -a I ni. I o :i- t passed. i,, s-, , i , ., i a ,c, ii i ii,--, s t in m , - ri ot .!,-.. Iiki.i T i. , on..,- h i .ri mad. ,,n old -i Ibis ;iM- rn , ,ti oi.t itibng Hie exc. p 1 - ,1 t I;. S',,llli, Ni r lihviLV lo ...ii' t- of tl,,- , ,,,,,--:,,,, for- pas--"h .-.-r a ml iim:,:.ii.. I ra nr , r find II C s lo :,. p.- oi i ! I a' I If Marion je'ton b. 'a- t't etn arid f'aro- llna, Cliii. bl Id K i il,,o two mil. -a f-,..,. vl .rO.,, ....I ,1a. , I mi. that Ibe Iruillll.M In- pioveb.l w, 'lull thirty l-.v s The r:,il. n cinp-inb-s ha'or u-i. . .I thai Hi. South, in shall but1': platform" in , on ,o . i ion-, with. the c i'. v.- n. station lint,- iin, I that the South, in ..ball pa on. -third of Hil ary of the agent. TOURNAMENT was favorably commented upon, many declaring Iliat II ranked wllh I lie best seen In Ihls section. Or. Campbell was painstaking In his work, anil none of his decisions were qucstlonm!. W hile lu. Campbell will not olTlclatn al Hie Ash, -villi- midsummer show, lie will ko I here for the show and re main several flays. Nearly all of the llondcrsonvllle entries will be seen at the Asheville show, In addition to a tiomber ot homes that did nut onler here, owltm to lack of lime for prep- a I III ion. I The handsome silver cup xlven by Mr A. A Hates of the Hales h.rtcl, ;i won bv Mrs, II. II llrlggs, of I Ashi vllbv This was the handsotn- ' est , up offered ill the show ! The closing of the Hemic rsiinvlllc show- will b,- followed by the gland coronation hall nl the (lutes hotel to morrow night, wh.-u Hie ipteen anil maids or honor will In crowned. A ! large niimbei or Ashi-vlMc peopb, at 1 i.-nde.l today's show, moMt or them coming In atitoH. Some t , -mat liable time records were made on Hie twen i iv -otic mile stretch between thin city I (Continued on page four.) WAR WITH MOORS IS OF I SHERMAN SPOKE K'eal l''iKlitin Joiii on in Morocco and I i( ihkch Hiive Itecn lleaw. ( By AsxiH-iiitcil Pri-MM.) I.ISK'i.N. Augusl '.Ml. -Special lle ' ,al,lo s ll-1 elved lu re from Melilla, Alolo, ,, say Ibe llglilltig is g.-ncial -oi tie Moio.can coast. Tin- n.-vv .sj.i,,,.li :.t l:H.i v hit-i wrought l.-i ri 1,1, h.i.o, among II,,. Moots who have lost In, Hi lion m lb- la-l thl.e days I',- Spa'nsll casualties ainolinl to . ., a A spanlih column him dcnlroyfd 'lii, , v ll lag, a near Itesl I llg.'l. A .Mo. .iish ileseitrr who has i omo ol -. I lo- Sp.ini.-h tin, , -I. lai s I hat Spam.-h pi is-un i s a 1 1, r I.- lug horribly t "l I in . d ami d .ie ib ' ii pi lale, :,,,'l Hi. It .1. ...I bod" lb UK nib. I hide Oil Moll 1,1 I i IO I OH- 'I ''IS boll IS a. 1 1 1 a ' - ' , I , I e - . . 1 1 1 , , , s 1 1 1 K io,,.,'S )- i i inn li s plee tin in, in in i ol Spanish Ii is.,,,, i s ,ii 1 .1,1,11. I'll. will, r I" III.' d "! I out to Ho Sp 1 1, i b 1 1 .lops I in-., lie tent The - dl , ,-is huv in He i l ii it' i . Un t t biM b. in. ii i .iiiii-.l a IT -I I I" .1". and .lll.cil b b. II . . I w Ie lining I 111 1st. I he I llllV , d! 'liil. I 1 om slUgllUIlt pooln. .VI a ii v , ii s ,, ,...)... niiig I r.-siili- ed. Already bflv no n have filed It, ,111 this ,ao-- and 1.0 have been .-.-nl to hospitals PINCHOT'S TRUCE WITH BALLINGER SI Nali -.', 1,1, :.TTI.i:. Wash.. August si; The oiiil i 'onsei a t ion congress, Ii ii had b- n predicted, would ess a colli I-.V el SV between Cllbf stei I'lnc li.,t and Secretary Bal r. opened pl- iisantlv In the Alas- vv I t II' l-'oi. Illlge ka - V .ikoii Pitcliie KxpostHon atiditor to.luy with Mr. Plmhot on the i :, tn plalf I ion. ,rm a pplnud ing a peace declara iin.l Mr P.allinger In the Kiltas H, li il l ilC l.T, miles away studying an Itioll J.roject. LATHAM IS REPAID FOR ILL FAILURES Makes Splendid night at Betheny And Breaks All Previous Records LITTLE MACHINE WAS GRACEFUL IN AIR Fought His Way Through Storm. Rain And Wind to a Glorious Victory (By AnsnclaUyl PrfiMA.)' HFTHKNY AVIATION FIRLD, Klli:iMS, August id Hubert th' am, the Flench aviator loday took glorious revenge for the hard luck w hich I x pel leiiced In bin recent attempts In cross the Hngllsh chan nel and his Indefatigable, but hlthftr- lo unsuccessful cffottii to accomplish -some notable uchleirement (luring th present meet'ng, by establlnhlng a new world's record for distance, tS.11 miles Luiluiiii covered fifteen laps In i! houi'N, HI minutes, S second!, and Hie full dlsiuncn in 2 honm, 11 min utes 9 :i-fi secoiuts, which alau ar world's records, Ihe flight being at the rni,. or about 6s ',4 kilometre an hour, as compared with 63 Vi made by Wright at u. Man and a fraction uniler fill innde by Paulhun yester d ajr. Kxcepl for the one hip (upeed re ords made by lllerlot and Curtla this week, and Paiilhan Mm record lu the air, lJitliam now hold every record for distance and epeed. Llk I 'ii ii 111 an he ilf.sci.nd,.fl only when th giiBollne tank was empty. I'fiiiKlit Attaliist NKirm. NothltiK could have exceeded th beauly und iniprcttslvencR of the pro h'liui'd lllKhl. In grace ot line no other aeroplane here compare with l4itham' munoplan. The slightly tilted plane from th long aktS-llk body Rive Jt teeemblano.when close, to a winged' ramie, whll sall log high up In the air It look from Ihe distance like a mammoth dragon ll y. 1'or an hour wllh fluttering wlngM, like a living thing, l( fought lis way against Ihe storm of rain and wind nt an average height of I Mi fei't, mounting higher an the wind rose, until during Ihe woret of the norm ll was up fully three hundred feet. The conlentlo.i uf the advo- J -ales of Ihe lil-plnne that the mono- . plane' would be unable to live In i slrong breeze has been amply refuted. Curl Ism llsMiMilll(lng. Liitlian. early III the day wl"h : nutrils-r "13", aeroplane of the Mine iv i.e. made a lllght of more than i ". nlv klloniotres and after he hud bn slietl In thci afternoon, -ount o (Continued on page two.) SutftfestH Many Improve ment,,! in llie Procedure of State and Federal Courts. (By AsieiHaUxl lres. ) Ii:TKd1T, Mich., August 2. A nmor which tn, inbeiH of the Amer ica n liar association, assemblufk In on' , i, Hon bere will iii-llh.-r confirm ,..i deny. Is lu clrt ulalloii tonight to he efi.-i ( i hat lonioriow Charles V. I.lbby, of Portland, Maine, will tie b eted iireshb-iffic. of tlni association. At the morning esnlou the commit tee, uppolnleil lf yeur.i ago lo con sider the matter of unnecessary cost and 'b-l.i - . in litigation, submitted, a " pott ,,, win, I, it advocated agrad ,il but sweeping i.loriii in Judicial pr... . lui-. Ti e ciiininitlen reported sit isla. t.n y progress lii bringing to the atbiillon of longrestt propisidi ,aivs to aulliorl.e tin- appolutuiuiit of "lie nil stenogiaphers lor Pnlted Si.a.s culls and Ii x Ihelr compensa tion, to limit tlm setting aside of ver dicts on . nor unless the error com plain. .1 of shall uppear to have re sullc.l in a miscarriage of Justice and io pel nut tin- use of authorized, print ed i,,,l'S of records in appealing eases inMead of written or typewrlt i. n in a nuBcrlpts. Purlin r, th commute outlined ib. g. n. ral principles on which It , i b r. d a re-organ7:itlon ot Stat , on i ts slio ul.l eventually be effected. "The whole Judicial power of each state, " savs the report, "at least for civil causes, should be vested In on great court, of wlili h all tribunal should be branches, departments or divisions. The aa well a th judicial administration of thl court, should be thoroughly organized 0 a lo prevent not merely waste of Judi cial power, but all needless clerical work, duplication of papers and rec ords ami the like, thus obviating ex pense to litigants . and cist to th public." j jJJilkili WITH MONDPLAN E

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