ASHE VILLE CITIZEN. I Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. yoL. xxv. no. :;n. ASilKYILU; X. ('., MONDAY MOUXI.M;, Al'ljrST.lM), VM). VUWK FIVE CENTS. THE WEATHER: CLOUDY. THE qted mm i Count Zeppelin After Long Flight Meets Orvlllo Wright at Berlin CAPITAL GOES WILD OVER PERFORMANCE Three Hundred Thousand Turn Out to See Triumph al Entry Into City (By Associated Press.) HERL.1N. August il!i. The airship Zeppelin 111, with Count Zepp, lm ;it the helm, arrived safely at Merlin shortly after noon today. The vnya.' from Krledrichshafen, where the start was made at 4. 110 o'clock Fri day morning, was marked hy an acci dent to. the airship vvhieh cause, a delay at Hittcrfiold. There Count Keppelln met the craft and was greeted by the crown prince, repre senting the emperor. The emperor himself witnessed the arrival of Ihe airship here today. Count Zeppelin and Orvllle Wright met at Hqrlin this alternoon for (lie lirst time. They were introduced t" one another by Kmperor William The emperor expressed regret that he would be unable to sec Mr. Wright fly at Berlin, owing to other engage ments. In a talk with fount Zeppelin, Mr. Wright expressed admiration for count's wonderful airship. He said he would like to we experiments with smaller craft as vessels such as his were too expensive. From one end of Merlin to the other the shout: "Zeppelin is here." rang out. The people's desire to see the giant dirigible cruising over the roofs of the capital al hist was to be gratified. The count hud announced that at 12.30 he would appear over the temple of parade grounds, tarried Ten Iasrngers. The airship left Blttertleld early In the morning with the count, hi" nephew".. Engineer fincrr ami eight others aboard. Pome repairs had been effected but only three propell ers were working. Tin- motors work ed perfectly and Ihe trip was made without mishap. Wiitcnberg and Juterbog were passed amid the cheer ing of thousands. I'otsdam. ''in "f Palaces, was thronged with crowds t.i witness the flight. I'"i' some min- Continued on page four) STEADILY, HIS PRIVATE Mrs. Ilai'i'iniau iocs to Tin1 Church Hut will N"t IMs cuss Husband's I Ici It Ii.. was out on vi:i;.M'.. (By AswM lHtcd I'ress ) ARDBN. N. V., August llarriman Is l. tier. Vmi ma that Mrs. Ilarrimati and all i ery happy iTver tip stead im ment In his health -ime Ii Arden house. So I n m i the first authorized t I'V any member or tli household, and I am tie that it should be print . d J present it " This statement was n brmon by the !: v .1 lulness. Harriman I" 1 I In. Who spoke will, an dining with the Man una I l,ii a.b Hi ll..,,,. -...nil e ill..) llv . day "My position in litis matt'i is i sharply defined." said Mr. .M'Cmii.s.. -I am Mr. Ilarriman's personal , bap lln. He took me up as a mer- t,. v --when I was only fifteen and ! fe. 1 bound to him by tn s of the d- ep. -t rratltude. But I will make vmi a uieesslon. If you think an .inn-iiii"-m.-nt as positive as 1 can fi- V"11 w ould put an end to s. n-alional ru mors, I will do what I .an I" help on and I speak as a -hrist la n eb t l-v -man all thai 1 can b II i"ii is thai Mr. Harrlman is b-ttet rm.v and thai v e are all very happ- ' " All th&t wa.s Imnrd le r. p.. I r femed to echo eh- rful Pi'-n "f th Rev. Dr. Me,;,nm-s Mr. Ilirri man did not leave his ,! uni-l f-t-rnoon. when he wen' "ii tie stan di for a sun bath Mrs. Harrlman. a mpani- lor son. Roland, and hi this mornlne to St. John'- Id" bv lf,'l '' oal IRE INTRODUCED BY GERMAN RULE R hurch. Mrs. Ilarrimati .i" ' "oned after the .--rvi mernitig her hust.and'3 condition but --he r. -pli'd with a Bmile: "That Is a matter I cannot smak f f outside of my famib. She lingered after vhur.h and (Continued on page four ) SEARCH FOR DEAD AMONG WRECKAGE OF FLOODED CITY First Estimates Verified by Later Reports From Monterey And Property Loss is Still Inct easing. ( lly ,MM-int' Pir.) MM NT KICK V, M.'X AtimiM At noon tod,) il Mn" 'l r.nuum lor thf lust tiuif sin last Tiim-tlav af tt'ihoun ;in. .S4iin iilt-a "1 tin- Im-mmix of thf Hoot! i if Kn.lay night ami Sh.1- unlay eoijld he obtained It w ;is at lust report, il that eight hundred hves were lost in the disaster but tod:i il seems that the number of tile .pad will ! ail) L-'HI .-1 r 1 1 1 may he as iminv as IMKIO when tie- otic r towns ate hoard from The river has (alien con siderably and li i .1 1 1 believe the danger Is now over. Seventeen ;nel :i half inches of ra in lull is the ,.ll ,, ,., I r eord of Friday. Snlurdtv ami lodnv. This lain was a sl.udv down pour and at no time appro. h lied the -talus of a loinlburst. Conservative i' the propi rtv loss plaee the ngnics at $ jii.ilnii.iinn thtoiighotit tlie iiiy All through Ho- ,lav and up to l.iie tonight bodies Wil' l.ikell Irmil the debris and ruins in the p.iih o I Ii lliioil ami ,,v er In e hundred lia recovered. Ilrovtncil ill Crowds. The glealiM loss o h. ., Saturday iiiiiI'iihii: h.lvv..i. tie ht I'll !,..,,, of nine ami ,lcv . I... I, w Ion tli, large biiiblings mi the, t he fiv el" eomuielieed to i lltiflil fall. Manv of tin- lions. had leu to on,, hundred pi "ph "ii roofs and all ilisa ppeu red mil In one school building, mi lb side of the river, nimlv woimll a children wi'l'e drowned w In a Ho- w.i of the building i oll.ip,. .!. 'I In v. .me ' f the most pathetic in. id.-nis i : ih the II I. Tin- w omen ami lubln n Hod b. the scl I lor .-.I'etv but ihe water reached III. e. drove them Icon room to room until lb1 v w ere all olustero,! in one room. Two prie: l.i were witli them in lb. room ami while in tlm ait of blessing them the walls fell and the whole ntmty Kile swallowed UP in the Hood Saw Buildings Collapse. Thousands of people were standing on tho north hank of the river unable to render aid to the unfortunates on the buildings mi the south m b t,.r not bing i . mid have lived in i be en ri nl of the Si nl. i 1 ' i la i i na " bi. Ii was Honing it IV" rate ,,f nl least I w ill v mil' ; an bo i W.iL In I '. saw building:- b..,.. d w ill. peoph- ' oll.ip.;. allll tile people dl-.l , 1 lie VV ,l IT1 II V .is I It III II" V I I o be ot g,,tt. 11. I'lo el. , II i, light ami povv. I AUTOMOBILE PIRN IS ILL OCCUPANTS KILLED Kast I'assi'iicr Tram St ivw- ' c,l I 'i c Head Aloii-- k Km- I listaiif'. (iicorsn '!' rn;ri-;s ( lt -so, lilted I're--. ) ST I.iiIIS. Ailg-l.-l -"' It'' .ei I k tiled I'll, w Io n an t .mobib il, vv Im b 1 b. v w I I plmg w Miie I. -t I I"' ' ' lr"" ,, lb, , hi. ame I: I- I I 'ud and I'.. , ,, , nl.v.c, . -t -.I mm - -t .lloli. Ml. I,,. m. , ..uliiv AH vv t- f ' id, lit o St I,".,'-- h. 'I. id af Tie od'T. 1' Will' . II b.l. I W Jr. aged ll.r.. ... .,, , Mi, , .,! -:i'l.g- . M - llaley- 'ami. In H l r. I t i I. . W ill, . . . t I . . r j '. i , , I , II,.. vv , !,, 11 W- le lit 'titers .1 1 1 I ,al- o, tb. U If nan ,... pan-.. Mi Mm.:- i In if : -ist. I - I Hi la A. The pari, bad n 1 'r' w ' '"' "r lake, a r.'.-it tw. i.e mil- st "f tb. , itv . and w " ' 'lie - , at I ,v in n k, o I H b.r,- ' " i w . dl : dig tie ma.bilie. with hi b'-tl r heseb bit', Mr. U ft. ,,,..,, forty !" I.dy dropiH d ti t tain a l, igh t ii t, ,, I, and tit, w t II , a a . vv . r ' I - bl ' l, r M ,.. Tie- b'-V e Ton' of II: ,o,vn tb , aught III ' it I ,,ti.t b- oe r... ..g,i.n Tt I u ;'" ted o It. : r IV,,! I , , I,. , ,f;; to ! le..-,',: COMBINE BASEBALL WITH SUNDAY SERMON ,(, Wo, lilted lr-.) MlVNK.M'ol.lS M'-'u-' :! !', and t. -r !,. d Pa '-t '- when -le I:--. I- M-rnll 'lei , .,,,- M, at tb' AO" fe ....,, "a , '"";l i" "' ,h. gam.- tl.!- aMerne.-t ,. Minneapolis an! Kans 'Mj. home team won 8 to 0. T. b.v1, Thei of Loss of Life nmpHiiv h.itl lortv tii vti 11 -mil m) a! 1 1 11 -1 1 1 ii. ami of this total t 1 1 wvrt all that r o im til for work this morn - mtf. I hr t lt is without ilrltikitiK -t't'. and Mitel ar Ira Ah Ii.ih hoin a kitiih -tn-. The light power plant is .shut d ii. Of IliToKlll. M f I K-' nl'-r, .in A i ii in a n. n I n' n thi?t mtsoiin. A .laiansf c-Mik saw-l two lilt I- from h trcr in tlx mnltlh- th.- rlv.r alt.r a fiKht ot oht i h r hoiii-H In th u .hit Tilt- t vo n, s hint In-i-ii In Ihr Ii. in.m J 1 oi lork l ii.lav niKh until In. o'i Im k S.itunla rtnnwui Tin- lo.s! that 1 1i Ir fHth-r. Ul'ttln i. tv,( -.istt-rs :iiiI .ill U1H It- ha1 Im . ii tlmu ii. -.1 iu tli' tlo.l Sh'ps ;h t hrtll tak li to t ;iv for Ih, iioint l s, hut th.-n- ;ii; many j J I 1 h- . il has ! n . ;i l. , n to i aif for tin u n t oil u in t s many liiiirf in tin ,y Uii ni'iiitlis, thlM ht--WA thf Ihtinl llootl, to sa holliin til' a $ I , (Mm . (Hi o In-f that li iMrnrnyl in that mIIoi( thai ;anh Mt h.if hf l) icHth -iiaf anl Ii- lp nuiHt lf hal from olllvlilr j I . t'lofhilK I",., ;fl ii nun. ;ii n- cl- d .tint in fi t at Mmilcn t fin tin l intiuhtt I r tna ins cut ulsith- uorhl. ,lhl it II in lo off ,y rail Tra Kh art- is hihlK.H .(shed ay. n Ma tinif lit sf lit l,i r;i if tlif Ml na t ion ft t t If U i y nl 1 1 lilt', t h n .ilcn-- a ml I In' f"o I- u. Il railro.t.l . ut nil tor a w k. out can exag is II exists here A water famine I supply is very in m unicat ion Is as Is predicted, will assume se- mht ions luff i Ions proporl inns. (It Assoohiioil Press.) l.l:i:l"l. '1' vie. August :!!.--With pari i.i I re est a bl Isb im n I of cominunl , .ii mi, vv il h I he lb. oiled ' sect ion of Northern M' vi.o to.lav. previous re port a to loss of hie and property damage wr, iiuiiiiuied. Senil-offl-i i al advices state that four hundred ibind Imdies were recovered In Mon (en v al noon ( The propel tv damage is variously , im.ited at t i ..III f;,. (Kill. mill I o SI L Oii, num. last night In Monti rev was .,1 i ib a i b, i. solal Ion. da i k riess and ut t o vv Tie ll I waters ol the Santa ( 'ala- rii.H me .ml utile. I on their rampant , t b i . oic I t t le- night, and. to (Continued on jiage line. SUILT OVER OLD MINE ilaildiiiKs Wi'ci-ki'd and the i ii hi i m I Itsrll Made 111 jnai kctaldc l)AMA(ii; JS HKAVY o' I: A 'l Au.tu i ':'.. Fullv " 'I da m.ige w a i done to VV. : .! ' i anion pro, , I v to. la y bv a mine I a . 1 1, v of v, , i,, , ii , I,., , v. r - I I" ' I M b'l' ' .vol 1 ing of j ", "I ion; and I'.-.lli. , oil,, , v ' ol t t'" I "1 ! .' I, ' ! om;,.,,,y ,v b ,- ' I j I i . I op, i ., I e ,m I .v , lit '. v -a f ;,g ,l,l,l. ' . I o t de lull and an ' . bio. I s ,,l t brow mg le,,, .- I o , I 1 1 . II I ,, 1 1 1 1 I "i t , . , 1 1 . I mi.: an I ol h, , . : . v. i i m-igiiig luild ;. j ; '. fit,,, a II, damaged I' rn ilovvn. damagev are r t - ' ' ' 'Uf. ..t la p, .p. ,.,,,-t i, ,, . , ,,. on I ., irv ,. and ''I,, i t, lit , , f u- ami I: , dons. , it ,-, ,! wit!, a ,', ,v small store hinbl- to,. ,.' He be;,,., it. of .,., b-l ,,,!,' , le. I, ml ., I- ,.. I. , , rn.,,1. ,,. I tt , r i ' i ' , 1 Tie d.-t irbate. ti mat. d to j,,.,,., , I .. l . , ,v lb. -ort.i., j --ij r, . t"e .,, p i. to tb- sijrfa ,,d I It., I , t it.T',." at t h lops sin . v Mains, 'v. - in a numi-er of , f; .- V 1 h r I .. I ', t ere lli.'fl t ofl t lie I . r e.V t,. h ' i -id down the ,. , I u ,t v , , r v e v ' ' i f ' :i t I : - t I, f ., 1 1 n 1 1 1 g to t ,pi!. furtlnr -.itiing, pi- w . t i f urltn r 1 1 ling l bl lops ,,; t ', , . . 1 -i . , f ! H 1 are,, t.KOKt.l II s MKsllfl' ATLANTA, 'ii . Mlgu-d "l tb.r, a i us the lip,t o ropla r , ll , L' bt tn s';,t,. ,.f t;,,..,-,., ft. ti Kpp and Xiimt, M i ft . in a monoplane ..( tin li ve i onstro' t.'.t, v.-sterd... at All,- j... rm,oe ;, trial flight of fftv -.ird I ... ma'h'i,' bo.v.-vr ro- bul one '.,,, ;,bov. tte ground rind Aa-.vr-ake,) when it 'iimic-1 into a I't taee. The ma. him- was repaired to- .lay and another flight will i.e at tempted tomorrow. 4 j no'i n ONE THE ! -'SoQ Luck wont X fM ,f vr.r ! I ??:r:' 3 CURTISS ALSO SPEEDIEST OVER LATHAM American Got Lion's Share Tumbled to Ear IIKI'll ANV , AVIATION K1IKI.V1K. AugiiM.S!!. A twilight vis ion of I'aulliairs graieliil monoplane like a gnat white bird souring above the plain, so high lliat it seemed lo rise above the yi II. hai VK st uhhoi Jusl rising above Ih, distance hills, and the Heeling "golden llb r" it the Curtiss niachlrM ban been emashing another world'H record in the I'rlx de la Vllf. were tip- , los ing glories of aviation week. TIh victory of (ilenn 'II. I'lirllsK. the ..le Ameriean repreenlat,ve In the eon lesla. coining oo tlie heeln of hit great victory tn UMAiaiejriULt lonal cup yesterday, gives Ihe I'nlled Ulatos the llon'ii share of the hoiiots of Im meeting The I'nv de In Viletse o L'O.IIIIO fnincs (JfiKIOi div.ided Into lour prizes was d ist rihut.. to the four machines making litre,, rounds of the course, thirty kilometre as th. gre.-itesl spe, d. 'h. lust prize I,, lug won by I'urtiss -ivlll.' hamlilv iml w ithstamling iic- i enaliz it ,,.n. HIcrlaM s Mishap. 'illtiss onlv ,,,, -ed WHO I, I, i tile .ll pee, content ft,. IM Itl'TI'.l b a .mall margin Me eaptutod se, oml pla, e in ll, at event v. bi, Il i II, llll ol ten I I miles. raisiiiL' bi-. nings lor lb. a f lajies. be:-, b 1 I which goes lo tie ca . inscribed ,v a b As In vest. I I,. . idelit I le on' no t ,,,g i , , I was over imel ta s. i tola) mon , cling lo rnli Ii .' I Wl ll ll .'im, l n I national . il p A ero , I ,i b ot Alltel his ii. urn . 's o.iil'-l tin a, erioie, om ..t lie lib i lot lb. tit. i T WHO TRIED TO ESCAPE Both Were N 'rocs, W'oihk -d Man Will I'tohalil Not Surviii. l;i K'K II II. I. p, land Ste. h . ot 1 1 . r all, I , s, v '' . ;,i , "i - g, o vv 1 1 b , Was b' n ' to lie Is pla. e lot In III. .'do, ll.lde, I,, ,, e 1 1 , lljl 1 1 : , I , ellaingang fr'-ti eenv. was di ,i miles south ,.f mg by Ma 1 1 V, ' ins. at, .' lo i viet, ami his ' h ar. ,i . I', r getting w I the alt. n I n:- t. seian stales j S,e, I, l,,,d I.- ' 'II I In e I- I :-l and ilhis morn, tig '''i' "fi 'b' r.-i. under tie W ,1a ,, u, - w ;,. , the cook for i I - .Ilg. Iti :-", SIC, e got oo., bbertv . inn N i' him and gr.,1 Hh brnk-lmt "top. wh.. I, I. 'A lliiams lli.-.i , t in He I '"" has In en !, past. , nl , if till.- ii the shoe' WASIMN'iT"'- Aug, V. Knr- , ast North ' :-: na. I'artl- clou'lv probably show- 1" east portion Monday; Tu'sde Partly cloudy; va rious winds bet tmlng northeast. mad., a 'I ,-h bo s I, a," le d to - , 1 Men,;,,,, load, d : alb-, I on Mi i, to usi-l t., do .ml load, ,! t ,1- in g I ' St' , I v ),ea. ate I - ir a t r 1 1 '-' ' woo , . . . ng f"r s.-me lime ' t in Sharon s. t lion le tr.g Itiif.lo it' d a te n t o i . i , a , it , r , I - -1 f I .,.,, wif. do i r I 1 ,lat. that gt I b. School Begins Today. WIJSS PRIZE of the Honors at Betheny Plains Bleriot's th and Caught Fire Remarkable Details of Remarkable Flights. i, an's most dangerous competitor, lom to, lav M three hip speetl Cun1,t. Cb-rloi's ej-eape from deal h was a narrow on. II, had passed the llrnl turn in llie i'rlx de la Vitesse vvhell the rmldeti suddenly failed to respond. Tlie machine lurii ',1 completely over Ihr'e limes, landing with Hiich force thai the petrol tank burst and catch ing lire frmn the motor eiivclop il the ma, bine Htid pilot In Halites. llelore lilerlol could extricate hlmsolf he wa burned about Ihe face ami hands, hut fortunately not seriously. I'lwHtlug ItAev. With Rlerloi out of the eoniefirn'VWsfy tirtla will he defended, lailham remaliied Curtiss, only m il- j Me h as cabled the Aoro elub offering ous rival Tin race was Intensely , 'u cash sum for a gold medal to lie veiling Latham will, 'No l.i," piescnled to Curtiss by 'resident started only lour minutes ahead of iTaft. Any challenge for the cup must Ihe Amen, an who gave chase Cur tiss iiv ilmnl' il hllu In every kilo metre, I, lushing les : lllan four II il Ii - dt'd metres behind I lo frenchman. Latham's lime was Jii '-'.Z 'Z-l, and 1 'ni l iss' J 4 I I I -f,. The commiltc fit,,! p.edid Latiiam's iiiim with om tw, nlieil, p. ii,il,.,illon as -'Tr.l.J I ... giving Ciilti.s, the vie. led each other they rocked perrcpll torv. L'liliam. howevi. n fnsed to j lily like ships In a sen In each others in , epl d' Pal and brought out "No. wash. The wing from I leiagrange's ::n." Vlih Ibis I,,, Hew eomad; r.ihly i pi, ipellor while piisslng below Lal'hiim faster. Ii im time lelng recorded I s. . mi'il to create a vacuum anil ' .11 I :.. Tie lime, but noi the. j Latham's tna, blue fell forward, amount d p, na llzat Ion was ported i idungltig down a hundred feet. JoO ibiiti d. . lai. ,1 his eontidenee to I llH p rem heil (he ground, however, do beti.i in am.ihcr attempt ami de- in right, d. and amid a burst of ap elilid I" tiv again. Within two m I n - I phi uw Latham rose again ami sailed ,te h, mobile was out and hjciil- n. LEFT KIM ArciiM'tl I li e of Taking 1 1 is licloiiiiis Away With 1 1 r to New llollic. (Ill -sts-laled lrc.s.) 'li i : i .i .s i ' , n . s. I-.. August . , . I I I lo,l. al" 0 igbH ell . ii . tb. v, il.- ol .1 I! Ii oiler, a far le f 1 1 . low to a I I., I f t, If, Spa t - i n'.arg . . ','itit v . was Mh'.t tire I kllbd t noon today le, J"' I'.al. . a ehain- atig guild ol II,' ',IV ol ntai,an f tb, ,,iv of H(arlati- .. 1,, ,,. .1... I. ..I f .rioerlv ; . . n .m.,.' ' d as housekeeper. Hat -. , , I,. , of i,a . ink sold li s . ow j mi ,ln,..,. I of a lot of blank, ts I , ,ro. le oi sb.- I II I, im 'Ao j n, ,t,ib- nip., when she matte d a, it, r II. kill' -I in r today Jusl as -be ,,,,,1 In r hu.-to ml h;.d drive,, into ,1 W. I'. c,,y, ti r. la' I.e of e. r 1 1 e-b a t : I s , living In Mpartiiribuig. i '.., I, ' r ' d bv shot-, on p. two lab- I ,,,g , tb et on M' - lb. iti r but om of ).. baib'' -It, kit, g He pub- ddOgh- .. r i M- c.x and mil, 'tmg a ,n,te (..I AoU'id. DYING MAN PUT IN Q0MM0N JAIL fU l... f '.. A'iKiiMt 29 - I. T fri-'tri T-r i-:irx ha h'f-n M;iih 'i T fi' Na V-.rk l'n k r, ! ,.-fj j .iwt ,.? -,'( f h w n t h ih rri'-rri itiic ,,, (f, f.f- ) ,1 :if. r r 1 1 - p!ct-' few r ,iir' ;i't. r ti- v, ;t fouri'l a.par'r) t -, ,- (j i m m " -! a ;i f t- r i ; InitJt t Ih Ufrp,,tH of t!i .titf-. Mr. Waj-- i rilly and friends of her death m n l I f t j- airnies. wan- d b s arret tiv a policr.- man ar, Ih" tru. condition of Mr. r,.,. j ri which l-lt, for I.uyster. of Wals-man if tmt kriown until he ;, kv Mount, "old liy llaj-tford to as found d' ad m bis ',-11 For many Pittsburg, figured, as he was held vars he had b'-.-n viaiiing Florida In imdigibie in this I'ami", while Fay his paf r s Interest and was very etteville and Wilmington declare the well known throughout the etate. games wers not thrown out. TO THE AND BLERIOT Machine Ing uerosN Ihe line. He Hew higher than In- had over gone before, keep ing Ihe thrmiln wide open and mak ing each round swifter than In any of his prevloua effort. Tim time waa 23. 29. With hla penall.utlon, Cur IIkh' time stood at 25.411 2-5, and this guvn him tho race hy alinoat a minute margin. : Will Contest Again. Corlliuidt F. HlMhop, president of the Aero eltih. of Amerh-a. nay that lie Intend to link AmerkJtn. ltlu to lompete for rbo honor of holding thei,in''tlug wiier the International ho made before March III. each year. The Wright and Curtis muchlnes speed during CurllSH' sec ond Might, when he passed N'fehvre as If the latter were moored lo the ground. Several I lima during the lay colllttioiis In mid-air were uvobt- ,i and whenever two machine pass- TWO SUICIDES FOLLOW ROBBERY OF MAIL CAR Mail Clerk Kills HiniHclf Although Not. Implicated In tin' A flair. fl( Ashs Iiici l'ri-si.) Al'OISTA. I Aui'lisl JII I, A. I:,, lib .vim. . :n .1 lorty three, an ma, I 'I'tk ",, tli. Mouther,, latlvvav, alllUet lo V ' red ills t,eH( f 1 III. hi,, with ., rao.r at his horm here tins moo, Ing ImMo ,ad b. . n In ill ji'aui, aim n , -am ,i,i t,,s mum ''il ,i . illlti, ol me an'l I I.' r n v (-rui n in I n h i J 1 t fii 1 1 ll ti;i .m ri'-ff i Ii, fT:iil -I'Tk .n : Soul hf-rrt tr:tfi fr-.m ( 'Ii.p i h f ti 'n Miifft f M i-, r. !.it h n tin- ri i-r mm ( .1 r v ii ! i i II if ,1 ft -1 w if n t fi I r ii In r ;i - hf A i u u-t ,i He 1 1 1 f i u. ' r .wiM fotjri'l in ;i ' h' t. 'I h- hm" riwr ht im il that Im :ih kr'M U- '1owri Miiiwrtt fl mi ii ;iti'i f J n Ih 'K'-. 'i ( ) n in i-l.i -nuie-m' r-'itt, r in t Im n u ht "I if.' r-il.ln rv. 'nl his thr-it '- 'fi'iMtbs ,to. J)nic irlriM'Kl u,i.i.tTt ' Hi" v-;tx mn fM . t.-. .f tfu- ,. .!,.. r , . M".v-vr, tfi- fir--" . 'irh jr.t i.tUltif !' ti'-t 'ri r.( - t lit- k v. It li ! Ik- r-.!.li. r y, tut If In' a faM that ' fi" -t' t'" t ! a f"w 'i'.ivh iiK', Ti' ti-iii'-il hiin I' KurdlnK th.' ntv WILSON WON BUT CLAIM DISPUTED fH) M-lHlcd l're1 HALLI'lll V. ''.. August The L'a-t'M, l arolilia Has. ball league . a - son i oe, I,, ,, -uabbe yesterday rifbeiai tigures give Wilson the im,c but 'llmitiedofi ami Kayetl. v ill,, also elalrri tt TI,.' trouble arises fr,,In game thrown out by the dl- T QUITS, RESULT OF Roosevelt Crowd at Capital Keeps Stirring up New Trouble PKKSI DEN r MAY HAVE TO PUT HOUSE IN ORDER Hnchot And His Friends Keep Discord Roused up to Fever Heat BI':Vi:i(LY, Mass., August ! TIH reslgnntlon of oimsby Mellarg. as slMtant secretary of the depaptment of commerce and labor will be ae. cetled. Hecietnry Nugel, head of the department, had an extended confer ence with lTotddrnf Taft this after noon ami the question of a aiiccesaor to Mr. Milling w lia discussed. Hecretary Nagol received k letter from ihe assistant ocretary today saying that he must adhor to hla llrst Intention uf remaining In th department only for period of 'pig months. This term will expire Bept ember 4. and by that time Secretary Nagid hope to be ready to announce I he choice of a new assistant. Mr. Mcllarg announred anme time age) that ho would soon leave the govern ment service to engage In private business, in hla letter to Bneretary Nagel today he remind him of hla Intention to leava the aervlee, but snys that If a successor cannot he found by Kept em her 4, he will con tinue In office until October 1. Mr. Mcllarg'a formal letter of realgnatlon will follow. ItnWtoti IhtlletMrer Bow. There waa no one In Beverly today who would nay that Mr, Mcllarg'a resignation waa In any wlaa the re sult of tho Interview with him pub ished In Washington last week in which the assistant aerretary la ac- .credited with having u!d some ralh-' or sharp thlnga about former Presi dent Hooaovelt and his policy of for eat conservation. Mr. MeHarw haa denied making ftriy aueh raferencef lo Mr. ftooaevelt personally. Assistant Hcerntiiry Melfarr la aifld lo have grown unite bitter over the free mnnner In which some of the government officials In Washington, generally known as the "Koosovelt element," have been criticising mem bers of tho Taft adrnlnlstratlop. He Is reported to have expressed hla own views In rniher a forcible manner t mid the controversy started by Chief t Forester I'ltichot with the secretary , ,r the Interior, Mr. Ilalllnger, la da- f clared hero lo be growing to auch , proportions that the president will ' have to take a hand and put the government house at Washington In order. .,', Taft May Interfere. Mr. Taft Iiilh Ih-m reluctant to take offUlal eognlxanre of the controversy which starlet at Mm Irrigation con gress In Hpokum continued through the trans Mississippi conference at Tietiver, and since then has been waged with more or leaa Intensity at tin- nullum, I capital. Ha had Imped that Ihe whole affair waa a I e in m 'St In a lenpol which noon would Mlmtii. r down without any action on bin part In all matters affecting depart- ' mints under the control of cabinet officers It has been tho presidents policy to uphold the cabinet member unfailingly, 'lite president, while refusing ab- soliili ly to discuss the rinchot-Hal- llnger conlrovi rsy In any way, hag In- 'Inial'd to friends that he hope! that drastic a. th.n will be neceasary. SUPERINTENDENTS MEET AT HENDERSONIIILLE I Icails of ( 'iiimty Schfiols All Over Slate. Will Asscmhle This Week. HALLICII. N ''. Auguat 2. On not 'I'm ,, day. August 31, the Btate A iHoeiat ion of I'ounty Kuperlntendentg .,r I'lii.i e b. hools will meet In annual siR-lon at Menders., nville and Btate Sup. ririt" nd- nt .1 Y. Joyner, who le ex ofiieio chairman, says there la ure to he tho most complete representa tion of all the counties In the history of th, iisocallon. There Is a epectal educational fund that contributes the expenses of th" county superintendent-! In attending these meetings and on the strength of this the Mate law mule a n ttf lidiim compulsory, provi dential hlndranctii being the only ex , iim.. accepted. There will im four days of hard work In th way of spec ial study of the most approved meth ods of supervising the school. Su perintend! nt Joj n-r has accepted an Invitation to spend several days In Ibirke county right after tho Btate superlntcnd'-nts' meeting. He la to lake irt In four big educational ral lies, .Morganton, Salem church. Mount Pleasant church and Amherst acade my being Included. , CBN OFFICER BALLINGER AFFAIR