THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: FAIR. Associated Press Leased Wire ReportS.- yoi,. xxv. no. :m. ASUKVII.l.i:. N. C. WK1)NKMAY M( HJMNd, SKl'TKM UKll 1, i:!). . PRICK FLY 10 COTS. NSAfJERICH FIND JUSTICE'S SWORD m BEMRESTED Sentence of Miss Linton's Assailant; Commuted to Farm Prison HEALTH NOT FIT FOR CHAIN GANG SERVICE Case Is One of Most Celebrat ed lrt Legal Annal of State of Georgia (By Associated Press.) ATLANTA. Aug. lib Yii Iding In the pleading of his rich and i n ft i 11 -ti&I friends, the prison cuiiiinissioi) to day re-commended that the sentence of W. II Mitchell be commuted In a year Ht the state prison farm I'nun that of twelve months upon the chalngang at hard labor. The Mitch. -II ca' is "tic or the most celfhiatcHl In i;eirgia. One day last fall, a Miss Linton, of ville rocelvid a note telling her that her brother was in a scrinns condition and asking In -r to mine in him with bearer. Tin hearer wa.s ap parently an old negress. The young woman, who wa.s of good family ami of more than ordinary sis-inl stand ing, wealth an, I In amy. oh, v. ,1 the summons. When upon a Ion, ly i In a buggy, supposed negress diuggi-d the young woman from tin- vehicle and attempted an assault. Me was driven off hy a pass.-rbv and .Miss Linton swiyre that sin- recoKiii..d Mitchell In the disguised iii'Ki''. The horse ami biiRgy use, I ,V the as sailant, was one that Mitch. II had hired from a local liveryman. Olrl finuii. Piit'dnii. Mitchell was convicted and sen tenced to the chniliKunc, for twelve monthB. The friends of Miss Linton contended that the penally wa.s in adequate and when Mitchell's friends applied for a pardo.i, the young girl's friends rallied to op.osv it The prison commission heard the case for two dayH. Mitchell's frienda argued that If he comimltted the crime, he mmr$i'.pew- ht4t wealthy, i had social position. Influence and a i charmlnir family. They also brought : certificates Irom physicians that the convict wotild endanger his life by serving on the eha in gn in? Some of the most Inflnenlial and pr ini-nl men In th slate appear, d on Ins In - O'ontlntied on page Imir ) THREE FATALLY HURT IN COLLAPSE OF MARION'S NEW FIVE STORY HOTEL Interior of I Inlf ( ' mij 1-1 I Structure h"; ills to (iroinul '.iri'viiiij; Workmen. CONSTIUCTION HAD. (Special lo The illen.) MARION, N. . AiiK'isi ::i With a mighty crash that i -mid b. heard for ten blocks, the middle wall of Marion hotel, under c on . ..f ei . c tiop, gave vvav about t o'clock Ibis afternoon and practically .ill d th, interior of the huibliui; fell live stories, carrv iiiK to tln ir .r ,b.Tl.. death Jim West, whin .. Kinks' Mountains, Ambrose sir mi'. white, of Low.-ll, and Jim I'mulers. of lluih erfordton. J.n k I'.-cl. of Marion, wa.s badly brulse.1. but will i v . r. Two ncKi'oixs were .--lihllv inniled. West's skull is el-lisle -.1. Ills ill's ,ir- brokeii and he suffered oiler ii.une--. Stroup's ribs arc broken, and lc sus tained serious Internal Injuries. I'..n der'.s ribs are broken, h.-ad mjiii'd and he i internally injur. . I, Th walks of tin- hot. 1 had he, n completed up to the nfth storv, and recently It has bi-. ii noticed thai lin y were out of plumb It is supposed that the i-ollapse wa.s din- to unstahli foundations in part, ami also in pari to the Inferior .pialitv of !i i k and faulty construct em. lu la im; tin foundations tie- -mi i ,i. tors went down only a few f. -t and th.- h.-av v walls that w re built up wr. to-, much for the s.,tt ,-attll uinb i n- at t.i. Some of tin- s t . I e,n.- is u.-,l in Me-eonstrin-tion also, w-r. n-ii n( tin proper bnKtll and did led -"I'l'i'lT the walls. It Is said that tin tin,-,- in- n in .M hurt cannot surv iv-- A I A A(i AINST T l l N V. NKW YoUKh. August ::i. The r -publican leaders of X.-w York imii end New York city formally d. i iar. J tolhy for fusion with tin- various" anti-Tammany rrganizati ms for the election of local candidate" this fall. I LONEHIGHWA YMAN HOLDS UP EXPRESS AT PISTOL'S POIN1 Compels Messenger to Unload Sacks of Bullion And Then Or ders Train to Get Away While he Makes Off With His Booty. (Ilv Asmh-IiiIciI Press.) LKW ISTl l.. !' nil.. August :i I - one ol t lie most a uilae in us and start- ling Imbl lips of a railroad train in the Last tor j earn, occurred on the: casletn slope of tin- Allegheny l n - tains early today when a lone hlgh wuvinan stopped a ponnsj Iviuiiii rail road express witli a ilvnaniite car tridge and at the point of a revolver compelled the enw to carry thous ands of dollars in coin and bullion Irmn an express car to it spot in Ihe wilderness. W hen the conductor of .the train attempted to jut. it. re ith the mb liel'.i plans lie was shot In the hands and the bold 1 1 . 1 n,l It succeeded ill ma k - ing g I his escape. In the darkness. however, he mistook a bag contain ing ten thousand new Lincoln pi uni's lor Hold coin and staggered a w a v Willi it. 1,-avinn tin- r.-al K'd.l bullion i mis-sinK. Put tin' express enmpauv in to be recov .red. Ilicials refuse to announce the t xael Kolihcr i.ot Away Win n the news ,. ihe robbery! reached the railroad and , nr. ss com- .ri uanv oiiieiais. iue i ii i o I . i ia 1 1 t 01 - iflu-tals. tlu-v t ii 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 .i t -1- di red every avuilall. del.-, live from the east and vv.-sit to the s. en.- in an . .rioi-i to lapture the auda. mils b,i n- .lit.. Hloodhoiiliils wen- al--,. nl u i his track, but up to a lab- hour lo inejit no trace of the man had bei n foil ml. The looted (lain wa.s m.i a n eiiKiin . t hi pi .-s- ca i : up of I sleeplnt; ca h.-s nil. d with pass.-n- '"W n savs then- live i.iit.'.- non K'-rs. At about I :lu a. in. it was sabs in his car. each containing a riuitiiiiLr llir.umh L.-w islon na now s. I considerable sum ol money but he w hen suddenly a dynamite cap ex- J did not know how i h, as they had ploib-d and the cim'ine drl.ei- brought '" en lo.-k.-.l at Washini;on ami could the train to a standstill Inn he only be opened by .-iib-t r. asnrv olfi was confioiii. ,1 by a masked tiKiire j ' b'lf -s- 1'uiis lie had two rill, s holdiiu; a, revolver in either hand. t tin- end of bis oir. bnl could in, I "Are there unv mail cars u this i ' I at Hu m after In- bad ..p. n -. I Ihe tl'iiin'.'" ibTuamleil the highwayman. "Nil," una the reply of the startled engineer. BiTleil Oiit Bullion. ., Tlie tueliie ciiiit..a then forced t- the point of (he gun to accompany the robber to the lirsit express ear A revolver w;is pointed at tin- in iter's load and t h rea I i-ni n tr to blow up II,,. car with dwindle Hn- n di her : forced the lllessi-mjel'v of III,- Inn rX-l prc-s ear- ami euMiiu- crew lo carri ! all the K,., iiml bullion stacked III i the tl 1st .ar to the sub of the I COTTON MILLS OF SOUTH MATERIAL THAN EVER Sei-retil I'V Ilcslcl 's li't pol t of Old 'l'o Movt'llit'llts ;i (ireal Surprise. KKKMT OF h'KPOK'T M-: H'iJ-;,.S, A'lKUt "I. St.. 1 1 n1 i ' s sh t . tig t luit ui jvf- t t - ii t hi lit I ) 'I il u r i mk th' ui him- n i.i I - .i l 'iwlint, at MM'lniKtit t'iiiKtit th.iii ( 'h f'iiv ,ui'I ih:il .ill lenn'-ls hal I- n I'l-'il.f n in ' 1 1 .iiM'tiinl of f-ottou ct.ii .siMNi'tl h sti t hi'Tii mills v;i,s the f'-;i- tllti .S (tf Id- iMltllial IT'p slut- UI' tit of Seer, i,irv 1 "f th1 N - a Oih;m.- i -Ht. iii i i ',ini;t', Tic il'rii iiH-n t ( ii uiH Hi-' pi 1 1 in i r '.I r f pot: i I S i ft -i i ' lb-sti r's annua! iii-w id Ih- coui lll. T. ia 1 ' a r. The ...ui i of tin- comnnti crop sin, w.d it ,, l th.- lirtesl on r nl. I ::.'::.. 4T. 7 Tin pr. v s largest cm iii.ttti ' cr..i was L;, r,r, :,. : s , inailelci in i !m I Ci 1ist M as. -u s t- t il w is .hi-, II i.7 1 .In)'. 'lie V r bill;.- I-Till for this year's r-.i wa- a surnm- to lie Iradc. in-,-1m.!iiiu boltl the tm ! I Hid the t.enrs and if tli tiKui'cs had I"-, i i.sin .1 while Iradin was uoing ,n it is I.a Id. I ha t ney w on Id b nl a - p! -."III; eft- Ct oil '.I I. ' S The n i ii i p. tr ' a ii I lealiire in tin- I . r I . In I I" I I" nt. of the I rop ! it-. If. wa.s tin- -I., I. in. -in on th- .im.. nut -.I i. -Hon iiivii'i' d bv sniilh-l in mills I u r rut; the v. 1 1 1 1 1 closed tod I II. Ci all the r-l "T'ls j . !- ana in br..k. 1 1 ' In total I., nil.- . . 7 : I a', s 'I In- p-'int was . - c H O. d bv I h. bail as I" inu even "i Ire .! - i n. i.-o , ,, li, , I C i ,1 Ihe size .f 1 to- cr,.. lis. i I I I W.I, t,i kill IIS oil I, ,,,l . - in h nua 1 1-' "' tin- many st,,ri'-s -d lie i-at , s p. i ii of eottoit in.inii f.i. 1 iring ' tl' - uith. Th.- s . oni pared vih L'. ',:-. "H'l las' i as e aeil J l'i.; ..mi !.. s- as-'li" ;il;.i. In Ih-,,,ii- ol p.. I r. . i.i. an. .tin r r- - ..rd wa.- br-.k. ll N't l-s-ipts at all p.el ,,f th. ,,.-.,ii w r. put al 1 ".mi -. I ". bales imams! l.';7!i.S4: l.,.-t year and ' . '- 1 '' :: two v ears i.t". Liverpool v.i-i h.t'.i the first chain- (Continued on page four.) I "..lulu, bo- I. K Colli nl i (it, ot 1 larnsbu i c, Ca .. who can,,- up while I Ids umk was being a ecu in pi ish. .1 vv i. order, d hack h tin' handlt. lm emi t ,,ne of his ivvnhris at him. or .uf the sleds penetrating Ins hand and the others) glazing his bod. Was a Cool I'ellovv. Despite the appearan. e ,d thr. e passi ng. ! s who had In en awakeiud h, the shi.otintr. Ihe robber c.i hn I v or dei eil I he crew back on the I l a in a ml cmpi-lle.: lb. Til to steam a vv a v . leav ing the bullion beside the tl'ai k ll wa.s reeov.-l. d later bv a posse sent on a s ) 1 1 -' ia I t rain When tin- train was leauiu;. In called ollt. Cloodbve .III. I I link. I hope to see oil ana in. It wa.s reported tmilKht thai in ad llilioll to the miSHllIK pel s several I In nisa lot dollars in iiiinncy was amount of their loss. Akith llamaker of l-vvison. sent 1 a sale to tile .s. elle "l n ly eive six bas I pennies on w hid , tin- s. ais had in.! been broken bnl which had n.-.-n cut ..pen vvnii a snaip " ' le to ascertain the content and mlotieil bv the roblicr in iIiskusI. SAI'IvS I I 1,1, Ol-' tfii:. Ii.lil!isniit:. I'niii . Annus! ::i " l-.xpress Mi ssiTiser Harper, of thi ll. I Iwoi'raiu winch was held up near l,cwls- door and had la-en covered by tin robber's revolver. With practically every detective and officer employed by the railroad, a.i iM4 by.l(ittl stBpUv employed hy (lie AdniitH Mxiiresa company, en Kci'ed ill a. search for the lone bandit, the -rc,iiT ion was made tonight bv I i-n ic- I v a n ia. railroad ulliors that hi. P I u Inns in n Is but a tew hours off. Tim 1 1 1 K 1 1 W a vTI I a 1 1 . II is Mil ill . look ' ""'n m bullion arid $:'"'i in peniinw IT. ui l'o car iind all of Ihl- has Iii-.-m loi ml ah. in; the rails but fl'i.'i. MRS. DUKE AFTER LIVELY DAY OF ADVENTURES GOES TO CELL FOR THE NIGHT Was liYady to .loy-ritle and Stop al Palmer House I ,tf IV' t I ill! I I .'1 1 1 .No AlollI'V. IIAPNT Pl.'M'KOK WIRK (111 -so. la I e, l-ress. ) j i il C ' ' ;i i. AuKii.-i :: I. Mis. Ah. . , . i.l. I ml , 1 1 v I w it. ..f loll-. s nl Ih, ii n-Ii I iii a ' '' I ' ,i hi I ml I I i ' ' i "ii II'- I l.i I urn Mis -c .Tin l-d t . ui 11; ht n pon . on ' a n ,-1 ii ' -. 1 1 1 1 1 . i ! , ' - on pa n v . i,c .1 lid inability to pay JIU a machine -In had used dui- .1 IV I . lor an -I M IS. I I'l k e creilteil I n.i in i a i tin c.i ! im r bous.-1 I In i I I III : ll i I . r .i in . a I .it I I la ihllliU I - I'lhn.i- d.-lli Hid' d 1 le b'-f l Slllt I and iv b- li a-k. d to na i.lvalic si, 1 1 . . -1 , -. . bill .hi i -m-.i ro v I. !., I,.- I. itl.d sh J. I - I I: I d She Wollbl I ST.. I I,. N , , 'bC'T'lot- l. i.t lu-r pi, I .-, ii pb op. i an, r- 1 1 til, an but I In- I, I. li ' 1 I ' 'us' I t" il I In I ., . .. .- Hi.'. - paid fm m ii'b an. . I..." r -le .V' ,.1 to lb. . 11111111.1.; It bilddlllK and I.. Id A .sistanl s:.,i.,'-- V'l-.Ttn I'.,'. thai relati-'S ol ,. r !"!-,,) r h, i-t. and vv r. ploltiru; I,, I a I . !,- i ll' . All.-r Ion our tln-l. I !.. vi-il'd a riumt.'r 'd iilni 1 he . ,, i s-, nu ll find I i 1 . 1 1 to in!' r e s I , l . rn i'l a plan lo final a b -ltd i,, s i - . Turk.-v from l,a ,, k i u ii -. . i M r - I oil . In,, I l . ,, u-.ui; a lined i ., i-. .in. .1. il.- fo, all tin se I r . ps and I i n tti- . ha li It", ur b m.-ilided Iiit j i,,.. m -, sle adunll. d she had I, ..lie. I SHUT .11 His ltol'M. WAS Ml N' i'l'i iN. iu;m "..- Il A -is . arm 1 in re l,., ,Khl I'n , nl Ta ft had iipi',.inl.-d A C Si v -. r ..f S. -attic. I. b, i,i,l..r it I'-IT-. to sue. e. ;. Wai l Mr Ward tias been nann-d to succeed W. 1-'. Willoui.'hle as seer, tary of Crto Ki'-n who is to is-.-oine assistant di ll" tor of the census. The Way Asheville Now Looks to The Other Teams. s"V 7 ill'' u Hi PONY AND MULE RACES WILL BE SEEN A Opening Day of the Midsummer Horse Show Featured Fast Urilliant suivshlne, lavond the opi'iniiK day of the Mid Summer Mors.- show at Riverside yesterday, and while the attendance was not as meat as hail been expected, it was up to ihe average of the lust days ol Horse shows ill previous years. It Is M'-iieraily uiHlcrslood that the second day of most Horiwv items Is (he best, ami a larcor crofi is expected at Uivcrsidc today, fir which sunn- at tractive features Ufa scheduled. The membeis uf thoj association feel greatly eiieoiiraKeit with the nhowlng male yesterday. Tho fonaonsuH of opinion w tha e-;vrtou rlaiiw shown yesterday mere, of a IiIkIi or der, and taken all round the show was a highly en .lliaide one. I TihIii.v'h iinl Allillcllvc. Tin- card for lliis alt. in i b- an atlraetive one, I in 1 1 1 1 1 1 IK He I i I h.w ih-ss pairs, tin nuxle 1 1 . 1 I III ss over 1 T. ' I in which III, lc an I -' -lillli -I. I Ihe pony Mini lie mid- la.i -c which caused nn it enlhu. i,i-m ve, leribiy. will be . aled. In lie- ioiii bin.'ition class ttii-, alb in i tlnrc ,-ire fourteen CI-'licS', llliTiulUli; -1 M 1 1 splendid is Mr- Ik 1 io Ii 's " Itaja Ii Mis. II II ISriuu's "I'aptain". . V. Hiii'Kiss' "I ,..iig I lisl.i m i '. I' i. 'ola ml .-. 'Iiiinb ". I'atlon A- Stik. I- iiher'fl "Lady Tab ", ami si vi la I , ,i h- i - ol b IK Ii 'il.i III v 'lass M, tin l i-i road Ids l-n a prize of J 7 .', ill I... a la I I I "I sp. id bet w en 1 1 A It 1 1 u I I ' l.i I ' T'-t" and ' I'n o c W ll-'ll'i- ' "Loiik lli; tain "id 'M il. " ami II. T. Mills' "Siih.-lnii " and -Ti id.." Tin- JiuIkiiik Mr. ".la, k ' ley Wii-, vei lc, irably coiinoeiil. d ! "ii yesier.iiiv. t - fact that Ii- le Id I I, AN ORPHANAGE FIRE .S,. ell Ijitllt rl'ols I lull! Five are 1.'-! Out of Si x en IIuihIii 'I ami V' y. Itv shocI,iIc Press.) NKW Vm:K Inn- ihiidi.ii. laehv's bone V'lgiiFt '.: I iati s of S . hibll. ii a wen soil-.. l. Ma Co. I. j a! d in I away Carl-: a 111'- Will' tile home ,V . ,1 p. i I n i , - -: ' It. Till" KM - dl - .1 ri in II .1 luc , ,, c; ; ,, i t i . d 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .; . . h lid I en in I 1 1 . in - . nlidueb il lc He ''over, ll to. 1. 1. lb.- I inn.. ., I There W .1 it , it ion, v I, , KjK,,.,- ,,f Sl b. of C.r-e.i.!... r. I, .-.I t ih. kit i , , l' I , i I was s- .illld - '1 and ,t all had i - a., d j.( ,,f , ,,. ,, , .1KH ,,, ,!,,. th, Ur, it was ki , . p . . until tin mi th- debris t-"i H W el f" d ll' WASIILMn ' cast: North ' interior; sln-w n.-sday; Thnrs i modi-rate north August 1 . l-'or.-dllia l-'air In the on tin- i oast Wed fair and e.silc-r; lids. '.Cf 'yyyi -HiiyiK. xTr- fV T RIVERSIDE Roadsters on the Card Today. Good Judging. no program with the names of x hlbilois was remarked upon. I'illC iUNWN. One of Ihe pI'cttleHt elllSHCH of till) alt.ruooii was Ihe ladles' Mingle har ness, driven by a lady: In this class Mr Arthur r.'n "ret", driven by Miss Mary SI i In-leather, wo awarded the blue ribbon, a popular award. Another event vvhl.h met with geii i nil approval was the capture of the red ribbon by Mis. J. II. A. Ilciinctl, driving Mrii. A. H. Doyle'H entry "Hajah", a. horse that ha. tkn many, ribbon &t other Hirr alionn. "Haiah" wu livUfui- trlmJUliL ajjuweil to advantage. Tin- single roadster class I IC waa llolher f.lvolTle. Thep- Were ten ell- Iri. is hi this class. and the a n m hi in m . ii I llial ill nville. S. i '.. look all I Ii l re ribbons was Kle.T.d with ehe.Ts. ' ,'SbuilovV'", II. .1 Mill-. I ile. 11V lib . look III Mt nil v.." W li llain.v lileciivllb. took 'coiul, and "Lung I n.-l a in. ", W. W. ISuigiss. ol lb.- sai ilv. third. I'onies Khun' Well. l ias- V. tin ihlliln n s h umus pmiv four Is nun when they were ridden ila.-.--, Iliad- a bin- a ppi a ra nee with Into the rliiK b lour lugro Ih.vb who s.mti iiitrles. I lurry i ira hn m' h u ng on for dear life. Two ,ol the "Sin i tin a 1 1 . a former prize vv inner, i i id. is were promptly dislodged from look Hn Mi". Katie nic Iraut's l hir seals and bit the dust while two "Mav". lo"k s.coiul. Julian Wood- jpnlis of b.-.-ls slruck wickedly to Hie ,.,,k i ' Low Cow". Hilrd and ciilfonl r,ar Tin- crowd iniiuil. The four Aibogiisl's "Ha.. I' took tie while. jrnubs. rlderb ss, and two of tln-ui In the pom. - un.ler snddb M isa j w II bout saddles, raced around the K.ilhcilin Hi, ml look lust wilb , i I n k lollow.-d by a -mii.iII army of ne--.t.ii ". Ilirrv i;iab.iiu-i "Swe.l- ;KI-,S vvho for a liiue, valnlv tried to beai I , ' l'-,w- ImuT . T'le i s id. Julian Wood, ocl.'s mm. " 1 1 1 1 1 I ami "1 1 IT. .1 . 1 Ar- .i.'l' fourth. i I i m b.r various colon d w ' i I.t i c In .Li it th. FOOTPADS BEAT AND ROR BAPTIST MINISTER After ( iett intf sfH ISind His Itndv in Saelv ami Leave Him in Woods. j i:l:ls"l'"l., T. im . Auk'ust :l. d I air. .-will Ca l .! I a ' mm i , . ,-, w a -i alia. I- ed a ml l"bl,. d In ,.K,; le I. a,,. bis vvhih- . ro tt nig lie I . a ." t - 'ia lie.n 1,1 a ins . n I oilte I ., hi !,,,,. i . . II. was probably fata II.- in I Ian -I j J ; . , r 1 a, , . !,,,,,, Mala,-, wle, had just i I in J-diiis-.i ili'v. vv , al- I I,-, tie buietiM at a l-oe I. a I , ai i; lie v. in .1 ' I.K in ol li I a i n ii. n I . b. .,' T and I i .- 1 1 I I , I I I . . I in I I ,v I ., I i was t I , . ' . , , d a lid I,. I..,.!., ,,. Hn p.-i,- Ib-cl,, j ''"!'' l! S s 7 :, ... as la In n. anal . sis I in , ,,b I't. !: . . Ma lone ! Ila f rui I . I li, altrnliui; il pa -s. rhv jinn an in, i I ,iiii, '. thai b will not! uuil wilt I.-- I en I - l SLAGLE'S MONEY FOUND ON SUSPECT (Ilv Ms-lalcil I'ress.) CLIST'il.. T'Ub. August Ik- Al 11 i,. nit o llu ,,1,. -I .,1 ,l"lin ('mill .-mil Ihalbs Ca, I '.bo tilk. n f I om -..-wport I" I 'I lin . ehilTKed v. lib ha. nit b. . 11 impli.aled in th'; murder and i-...ling of A tide w 4. iuoimi.i!. it is -ai.i. mk in. ills, as.- " SliiKb . in w - w.n rciived Inn- from i.,,,. in-. re ( n u u.-n 1 1 v aitioiii; m.n. , -shorn tin" evening that 4, 1'bl ol tin- .as. - w iii. I, ha..- (b-v.-l-was found on the pi rs. in of on" of . p. ,1 111 tills s..Ti-in have been tra.e Inse 111. ti. This ami, unt tallica with ' 1, 1,1, to corn bread, nun victim was the sum supposed to have been taken 'a boarding bouse k' epcr, but none of mm Slagle's pockets. Ho boarders, contiacted thu diseaw;. " PA RK TOD A Y by Some Fine Exhibits in best hay, Mrs ". 1. Austin's "Itobln A", looli the blue; W. H. lialThey'K "t'ash lto ", Hecund; .Mlsa llaoul'u "Lord Kevv" took third and Mrs, A. It. Uncle's "ItcX", fourth. A recent arrival In town, "Chief", owmil hy It ohm A Silk, leather (Ullll bindi. tisik the blue In t Iiikh K, the Hlnglc surrey, t'liambers & Weaver's "Dick", seeoml, uiul . 8. Kay's "Monogram", third. There were ten entire in china H, wall, trot nd cantor. W. H, Hay1 Hport". took the bltte. Henry Wtmb jr. 'too jo land's "Uiindy", third, Tho lost iiaiued horw I). O. Nolattd's etitry) .look the blue ribbon In the single .hnrm - Hs class Joseph Collier's "luindy I'" took the blue Iii i lass H lor the best Kray horse. III.- Mule Knee. It goes without saying that the uiosi popular class or the afleruooii was (In- mule race. for this event the tour tine little animals owned by III. It Millard wen- entered, and Ihe lai.-h h,- milinal - The race was flmilly pulled otT, ".In k", "Jill" and "Sunday" liikilo; tie ribbons. These , -, .- -i.-t-i.-jt f i 'ontliioeii on pae four) INCREASE OF PELLAGRA Six l.eatlisin Durham Have Aroused Doelor.s to Pe search. , (It.v Ass.x lmeii I'resv ) I Id'IMIAM. N. ". Aiimi' "I. j A la itiic.I by I In- i, .niih. I ol . ,, .ci . ' !,, Ilacia whli h li;,e b ... .1 ii, in I. ilv. local pl,'...e ' in l,.i, la ..., e. ' p. I llln-nls to I .. ..'. I lu- o, on '. tl j di-- ase Si ,1- a ' ha I , ' in : I ici Mia.. .,. . uir.-.J ,n Ihl s. .(,.,.. I An . 1,1 llllliii I -u -,,' 111 b! .-..I of p-,-,v , I I u J In H I -., a ho li.i . Hn .lc ... I li a in o- t il'C, r a . a I . d I . . i 1 1 . . I . ' a I - a dn l im I or v .. u - - o, a a I a;,, f ,, , 1. , I o I ; I, in- ' I a". I b.h, i n nil ' , ! .-1 e , I ml - ph.s , ra.lie ,,el a I ill, it. I pa mil acain-l e b.ialll npoii He t,,-,-,, be a I lie -ll. I"'t . li ne v, a r :i:,lln t llhat the illM-c has Us ..r.cin III .0,11 ! .......... .in- I.-.. I at. 111 .1 lc. l ai ,. ..... a ,,. ,., jll,,. in, ,,,,, latum -'t S- ! .11 ' -UTi is ! I lug condm . j I ir .impl.el.'. of He s,,l h-.ypitnl. !li,n nti 11 a par--' tnaiing .villi ; I w 1 I . e .as. S o' p. II.IKI-..IIM IlisailltV ' I Hlel ibaHi. T b I ' ' -1 ' ' ' 1 1 t li U of He ' 1 c-s wen- among woirnn, whi'h is MONTEREY SENDS OUT Gall FORI Iri HER TIME OF IEl The World's Charity Already Courlng In But Her Ne cessities Are Many RED CROSS APPEALS TO AMERICAN PEOPLE Klver Kecodesto Its Bod Leav ing Scores of Drowned in Arroyos (Itv mxititfi I'rcn. ) .MoN'l'i:i!i:V. Mexko, August J I 'I'olllK'ht ihe Ii ll 111 tier of bullies recivr' ed from ulom; tin shi.res of tho Han In I'litarlnn rlv.r, victims of th" flood, total npproxliiuilely a thousand. In Monterey nine hundred Is the total w-hlle mcuKi'e ri'ports from nlong tho ynllev Im reiiso thn number. Howmir, hut llttlo Is yet known us to tho Ion of liln and daiiiuge outshlo of this city. That the entire number Host wlJI ever be known la not probabltt iim many bodies must bo buried In th sands and mud. Other Town Destroyed. Heportd euntltiuo mu4Mrr from points down tho valley, but It la known that tho vlllaxn of San Fran cisco hum entirely destroyed, the town of Hun Juun badly damaged and tho town f Cniiuirit" on tho Itto Grands Is reported to liuve boun oompletely washed away. A rider from tho town of Cnder eyta, this tiile, the blt'tliplauB of tieneral (leroiilmo Trovlno, Hinted to Tho Ansociated I'ronn corrcMpoudont that twenty hoillen had been recover ed at that place, thwt hundred were mien float lug by with the Mood and that on hi trip from ('aUiiroytu to Mon terey there was Hint & doprenslon In tho ground or an arroyo which did not contain from one to ton bodies left thero by the receding Hood. A complete lurt uf tho dead la ahao lutoly unobtatnablo, but no Americana or other forelunert were loat M none of them roelrtod in fhe flooded diirtrlet. ttMtm of NUovo leon feu been flooded -end towarde Tnmplco in Ihe ntle of Ta iiuiullimfl alarming roportfi have been received. NotblnK definite la known, however. u tidexcnph communication has tint yel been opeiierl with thla (11 trlct. ? Itellcf rourtiift In. Hellef Iii the shape of money haa Is en pouring In from till eourcoe to day and Iuikc iiinuiints have been con triiuited from Ihe tlnllnil HlHtea t'b.ihcH. foiMl su, piles and money la needed to euro for tho houielesn and lesiiiuie, Tim resiionse hne been large find nobbi hut ue for tho mon ey will be I'liind anil more esiwlally when 4he fall reportH from down the vtillev' nre learniMl. The property loss Ih now estimated at between 1 1 2,000. 111)0 and 115,000. iiiiii in ibis illy wiiln ml counting the ihimiige to tin- ralli'iiula or down the .alley Iroin this city. The nillnaid situation reuialns un but offi.-Jals stain that a train will arrive early tomorrow from Lft iT'ln and that trains will leave for Im redo ;it lo o'clock tomorrow morn ing IE WITHOUT ANY EXECUTIVE ORDERS Ohjecl to of New Pow der ami I -isreiard Nation al I'm led Mine Workers. fllv A .siM-luti'il I'ress.) crrrsitt 1:1 ,'. Auusi :ii- i"nanc- .in,,, i,v National President I 1 ... lb. Nat ion, 1 I executive Is.aril a 1 1,. I t Mi,,,. Worker of I n , . 1. 1 a, niy thousand union mln j 1 ..ill I ik 1 i. no on sl rlke Iii the i C11 1 i.-i 1 u dt". r I. 1 tomorrow. ', I '1 -ii" I b nli rs .I. 1 reei th" strike fo.jiv .,iT.-r a. conference .ha. ban l.i--.. I... days belw.-cn (lie I'lttM- buiT; de-lrnt mil s-rjitnrs mid it II - ...,i 0 Hut. ils ov.r the use of black powder, ihe n.-vv explosive ordered by tin- 'tale in mining coal. A pr position rriiule tho conference I., liav a committee of five miner us., ..f other permlsslblo explosives was M!..-r!y oprs.scd by DIMrlct PTes I'b nt l eehnn and other local leader. I'lioii t ti li position cnnie the wide split !,. i v'i-ri Ihe national and dis till t oru a n i.a t tons, the miner ngre.. Ing bv 1 'te. to stand bv their dis trict !. -, dcrs. Pre id. nt Lewis dis-laro.. fionlght that In- would hold anidlier i-onfer-enee with the district In an effort to s-ltbs tlie dllT.renc.-s. District Pr. nt I-', .-han declares that whether- President Lnwls holds a c in'i rem or not he will order the 1111, hts to lav down their tools. The trouble between tho national and district organizations in the out growth of n long standing feud be tween President Iiovvie Hnd President I'lnhnn dated back to President Lew is' election to his present office.