(f ft TTTF, ASTTEVTTJJ': CTTiZTvV, W.TN J-SK W. SKITKMIiKI? 1. VM. "f Columbia, "t tut:''. a ' f i i ei in me r j , , , ir-fa. V If t j it -If if ill ft . L 00" jr. m.m,& PERSONAL The most " en i-.ii ! " Ashec-lll,- who.-v r i shortly I"' in.i'l" h..pi ( a v.-r dial minK Pat 'sinn hrn.""1, fro. k which I nt ! hi a i Hi' ..ri "" of Miss Moon- ' ii I'.'itl -n ir. en . i. Chanccn at tncntv five icus oh ars helm? I m .n n i . ' h i -u r i;.--r nomlt nting n h ! I The i- I .v . 1 1 (TO i O II Well I' I " ' 11 ' li .i I : t 'i Ii ' frock I v i r , ;,. i,-!-...iM" ;iii-! ' ot linen wlii'li c-i '" a veil ml the embroidery is '-' il'li'.ii'l tlnne The children nt pics, m rem, nated nr' Miim Maltha Ciai-aA, Mi' Hope ItoblnHoii. Mi Kb-aimr U.I llamson and Ml-s M.nihn I'.ul.n. ..4 Thf llorse Show Lull tliU evening I g I I III M,.- I I Wl 1 I. ii. Mi. Wild I i. i ! i i ' l:- n. ' .. . Mill-. 1 1. iinil .! i -in' I l.i r .i y. "iu Mi. I. I I I - I Ml .1 .1. , ,M ' 'losky til' I M i ill M' i . i r iit- i ,,r !; 1 1 1 in i. - i ,.. i ..ii in ,,r m " i i ii.-i i. k ' ', 1 1,. i in ,mii i" iii. ii,. i ,,t i in- i ., 1 1 ' I fl.'.l I I V ..II I,' I '..iv i . ! ' I I i I. I I'll - I.' Mi I I ill.' I i I In t j ' .v .. .in ..I ! 1 "II . I .Il'g. . , ( Mm K H. I ';i I Ii i M'.ii h Jis l.tturhed lor h'.liii' in ,l csivm pl uff r a ,1 l.i I., i M. r. A 1 1 . .1. 1 1. Arnold Mr J..hn S. Wiilt.-r I' ii nny V Hit. r ;ii, II,, ,-, i, I '" I 'i ,lt ll"l 1. ,,,, I Mr- Wiilifor.l an 'I t 'kiiinnt. r r l . i . r i . . I I , ,. v liming'. n ,ii. , ., . . , i i. iv .it 1 1,. I..,. i. , I .,, i. I 1. Mr s p. l:.n. : I "ill ii I , , i ,, 'p., , , .s ,, . K'l'-i-l hi II" I'.i'i. . I ;,, 1. ' I I ,1 n t M . ; .... My. IS 1 ' I ' I ' I . ' I SCHOOL days are the days when most of the im- rortant habits of life are ormed. Trach your children the duly use ol'y'v i.r Mir. in k hi A' t,. .Mr lli'ikiniin I , or r 1 1 la ril r'turn to Wai."I ih"itlv v.ln'1.- Ii'' vill .Kiii'iul nt the llHit.iy Pink li-l.-l will ! "' I 1 1 1 i .1,11, Iml. r ..f tlm . isiH., with on or tin' nanniK n m f "i m' ,m,.p ,, ,11 lll.i 1 il two wy.i nhow utiil v. Miss Klllllv S'liilnlli' h.'H re 1 1 1 1 n .-il t i 1 ' , 1 1 j 1 " ' 1 " 1 r , V.i . lifter H"iiilliic tin Hiiiiilii.r with .M Ihh Sullle I 'lurk. I nf tl,. 1'iUl.l I,.. attended by hcvi-ihI huinli' il mi' mi . The room Iimh been hanil.M"iii' ly il'" (irated for the ne. ii"l"ii, In ii'e cfal MMUpllment to the vIhIIium 'iiih Ii will lie nerved mul Spi nrn .n In t 1 .1 will nupiily the mtiNli ; There nr.- u number of yi.inik' l' 1- xt"ilnif nt the hotel nt renent find 111:1 nv ..nne iver yenterdiiy frum H.-ii-li-isi'ii . ill. nnrt nearby r1"!"'". who will niliinl Ihfl ball thin evenlmr. Mr. Alexninh 1 haw miide every nrrnnc'inent f.ir n wry Kiieee-Hful i.rfiilr 1. ml ... tli.itj MlH ,. ,.,,, (lf .irl,)W Will b a M-n ,.l. i,.,iiiil h. ii.l ..IT I" tl,- ,,,,.,,, l,.,K , ,,. u, visitor. Iniii' hut will In-Kin 11I Hi'" i.,..,., .. 1.1. let Mr f. , 1, "IH'tiilitiit 11 f' 1 Mr I', 1. ,- y in the ritj f,,, ill' iw. M Imk 1 -In j. 1 1, 1 . ,,,,, r, 1 , Mul'll.t,,,.,,. . y. ,,,.,, ,. li'K Hi" Humrii'-r aiIIi Mi i'. f (adulter. i.- ii-i sv. 1: Mr- ltl.,t !e,,ett of Ct.,,,-1,,11 Im Miiiloic fneri'ln in the city r.,r fi-w days. Mr. mid Mrs A. !". Siinfi.rd find Mihm I'.ri.-" in- of Krinxvlltti aru KiieatK nt the llntlery J'.uk ln.ti-1. Al iH Myrtle WiIIIihiin "luia (rine tn II. ii'l. iHonvllle to vihII IrleiidM for l"-.'l.ll ll.ljN. Hon. John A. Wall 11 ep. Jr., will re turn In bin home In lilrmiliihji in within H.'verul ilnyn after u two weekH at.iy In the elty. M 1mm Sue NuhI. of HillKhiTo mni Minn M.i iv follllm of Cnll.ld, N f , me hm nilinif a week In (ho i lly. Ml l.iila flny S'lllhiinflon 1h re roveilnK from her rectut IIIiicms 11ml will nhortly be nut. MIhh flabrlellii niul Minn Allvne 'i' in oi Hiii'Tton. rho pent lujct " inn i-i In AMhi-llle linve returned nl lire Kiii'MtB at lhi Hiittety I'ark I un u'lfHlllnB lnn t thirty o't loi k . Th baunnr Tor the benefit nf the Islntlley Tralnlnit mi-IiooI will he held Haturday afternoon lit the lower end of the lintlery I'ark Imti I Hie tmothn l)lii(t In I'hiiruo of 11 number "f hi llts vim arw InlereHti'd In the work Thorn will be an apron, fnney work, lee cream and oundy. ink'- mid other booth, fortunn wheel mid other nt tra'ilon. In rharite of the folkiwlnu lartlea, Mrs. I'hlllp H. Ilenrv. Mrx Theoelr F Pavldnon, Mm Km I i nn Ptlrtl. Mm C. K. Oll-i Mt 1 0 ' n Vurphe Ml" Pmwo M'. 'it' ri . 11'riTi nn-1 other. p.tl -. "! nf the fenfuren nf the hnyin i"-l number will be prettily dr. '(.' I mi I donttle1 for the nffnlr. Honie flue china will hIho he wild. The pnbtle !h niont (iirdlnlly Invited to attend the brninar 11ml wjll llnil rnnny useful nr ttclen nt renrmubl prleea otTeteii at for unle. ,t . Frlrlfly mernlnir nt hilf nl "r rtVloek S verv Inree brl.tire onrl- ..It' h ITtven nt Ibf Patterv fnr lot. I I : for the hcneflt of n lorn I -,...; t . M, ''"r Ktorkton h.-i returned WMch It l evp.ete-t w-)tl rer,M thei ""' " M ' ' " ' a "'I'1"' ' Uereos of "he hirlil rmrty triven 1 ;'' H'lnncra Klk. aom" time (tlnee 'or annlher ehnritv - A number ef oi-tete .WmrP .... i Mrs l'"n k es mid MIbr Klennnr ti nm In Hi- , ,i no! ""im 1 ' "! ' """" ' Kula .Sprlna; m llt',l ill ar-ill'K i 'II' t in t.llilu T ' I ' ' it'lili'h ftve n itoM ii- .k ill 1..- on 1 at Oannlchatr firiiK mors Vervl Mr- '' '- Champion of Churlea- .' Till'; V7;, ( AT. The Iml, it, ,t ,,r 11,,, ulihiultous ani- 'llll I ill II NV i'iil Z:i in Die .",,:,", Zone, h' lie,- Il,,- , li.-ili, i, tl,,,!. I ,,i,. I'on -hlbim. II, r , hi-f o, 1 iip.iti,,,, I-, H.1.1I, hli.K. She Ii n.-e, ns.irilv ;re-I'.-n -lou. Hln.e ti,. 11. wr opM-itt.-.y Upon the II put.-, I).. ,,s .f those Ho fol . Illh.lte t to he ,u, other " Theier,,re nn ., i,i,h I'.iik. Hh.-irp i lum ,,, a K ml., n puir Ift :i iiici KKltv of lor h, Inir Thi' phiz.i i'.'itl 1, re iiMUnlly f.-d hoiiM, , an, kept , xi, , ii,,,,, w hy K'tllev-alavi'M l-.ri'.wii hiiHlini,, ivlin ki-iii In r. -l h"t fr.siiu; , eiill.-d elty offle. q, to frv out the I,, I "f 1 I" Oil Upon , I he pi;i...' cats auhnlHt. Thin iu,-,h nN. ku(,. plh-H the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j r . . I amount of Ickmrc reiiulreil bv I'iIIiiiin I'onhlbns for Hcllilehllii; pui p, imi'.m Ah Ih the eii.se with III) fnllneH. Ih.y can nee h,f,l In ,,. ,nrk. Th. v h.ne even been know n to ih t,., ( ibirk lie, ,, that were never committed. Thev are piirli, ul.n y Inimical to fine fabrlin; ami will diatroy In a sniKie arternoon coiiclav,- the .b-llcute. ly woven t.'ip.Mtry of a r. pututloii ih.,1 hint taken three Km, ra I Ions to pro Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder and they will sonif1 day rise to call you blessed. It cleanses, beautifies and preserves the teeth and imparts purity and fragrance to the breath :mst in sefthmbeh , u.-'i i w hill is llk-j v In '- in-. ., M'l 1 In n ni 'II ln-iri 11 f .i COAL SUPPLY 1 ir-f.lv ..I' ;i,i, V I -..-.I It is MI'ST. Carolina Coal & Ice Company Ml 'J III Stylish Corsets for 0ell t jOressed iOomen "Ain't il Awful" Ifow Homo atrei"--! ncl .l.- il- rs w ill Inhrlcat. I l 11 o 1 1 1 r l.i v an ai; I. ! ' "I 1 it" hutd Mlaa Kdlth AnihrMon ban ri'liirni'd from HlKhlaiiil aft.r a vaiiitlon of several week. IVfr. J. P. QuiirloM ,,f Abbeville, in In town for m-veral tiny., on IiunI-liern piazza cat imiy he known hv Die careful ob server of 11 n 11 it 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 history-- the velvety dulcet, ninthly of her purr. Wise folk ran always debet It, and look Immediately for the pins In I1.1 'lllllllll"l, iIhwm Th. ie Is no r. 11,, dy for her. At tempts at extermination on ih,. purl of iiress and pulpit are useless, as the Kalley-slavn who br, d her are b ulon --anil they are Imbued with a whole some fear of her chiws. So like Ten Hyson's hnhhllnir. tiiirblliiK, bubhlin.. unmuzr.led brook, shn goes on for ever. our en-toiuers linn a piano "j ' . the Slii-rf fur e. -" 11 rii"ii. y. It sc 1,1 j,;.. customer knew 1 !,, ,p and knows th f. in M Sin IT has 1,. , to lllNl.-llll a 1 w ' ii' possible fi 1 Sell IIS Rood 1, , Sti.-IY, how coul I I lest money, I"li t bo To 1 I. buy your li.-irio rioni the 1 me liono.., firm of 1 'has. j y.lu .((, the "Id reliable. -ill '.'II , " 1 i ' ' Us ... h ll-SH in .I our Itelllpte.l I If It ilKfllt to 1 M'l Ih ' II It f-r QUEEN ZENORA ttr t-ll ymir iiato. tlif ntii l of your 'all Hfnl cxaitly u 'i.it i ant to jiiwvv, nr Mhc will Jiialw no ciiarKt's. HfH- fjfan.in at tho l.'-ad of h-r iro- i fi-sslmi ami dues not w i.Hii to be nit ..siirrtl by any "Hi. r Mamlanl th:i n hf-r nvn. i l r f-xprrii-in e a ii'! km.u lfMle of li'" an- lroad and pt f it 1 1 t. and ''l'"" tmiti.I lor inarwloits pow- r l niclinrnHhip t i- itiaK.- her al) tfint s!u- . lain; to l. th.- Qu'-.-n "t K'.Mlcrs. St iipcrnioiis re vela- I mi ii I. If I. 1 tons ac. "inii'lshed ' ii" ' il of her superior power. ' Week. 11IIIIK this slip ! .iii-l t a test re.i.liiiK. V I I 1 . Zf :t)i: 12 Ashflanil Avium, ''.'ill and he ion- in I I" I - 1 'is lit op e,i,r 1 in e 01 store ' Ii 1 h" ii' v 'I unijsten l.inht that '.-i..-s two-thirds Hie cm-rent W. A. WARD Kicr.Hhiui; i;ic tiiml. I'HONi: till HI X. Sq Heuiitl ilmilit (lie principal pai't of the costume tin- cni'set. A trim, iic.tt liun- dressed plainly is lar iiH'i i' tn lie ili'siicd t lian a beautiful dress, lav ishly trimmed, wln-n the enrsei dues not fit. The salesladies who have charge of this depart ment in Mil- stun-are experts at fitting them. You have nn idea how many corsets are sold in this jilace. hen a person oihc buys here, she is our patrmi always. I'm-the simple fact that our corsets tfive. sat isi'action both in style and wear. 1 1' von do nut buy vi, ur corsets here now, trv us one time, we are sure we can please vou. '. I!.. iJ. A: ;.. W. IV. . i s' and La Ueine ( 'orsets sell for if I'll) on up to .f.').(K) eatdi. !os.-ird Corset that lace in front are priced at cSo.t il I on up, K'edferu Corsets are Ic inu' sold at -f-'i, !f4, and .." each. I " M , J fej 3 - rr-r BCagg IIMIjil'ff THK NAKKl) Whlllill IlKYOM). ton, H. C, Is a gueat al Montford CottaitP. Ml Vera Webb and Minn Kath leen Van Hnose return to Hlrmlng hani toilay after a visit of a week to Ml an l.alaxe Oates. Miss Florence W.ttherly of Hlaek Monntiiln ia vls KliiK Miss Oates and will remain In Awhevllle a wei-k or bn day. Miss ontea and her nuests have ut re turned from a brief visit to Miss W'cuthorly Ht lllaek Mountain. Mlas l.iila Alexander and Mian Tv Alexander are visiting frlen.la m l, r destim lile fur several days. Hanrtmrme prlxea hav burn dnnnted by a number of lendlnir niprehanta hloh will add ronnhtcrahly to tlif Interest of h jramc. Light refresh itlPnta will bo aerverl alao evprythlnK If bclnr don to make the party a husr anccnas. T.ast year at a sltnlhn aWalr there were almost na many men playlna; aa women, and It la not un likely that they will nitiiln tin in evi dence thereby awtlllim- the fund. There will be a number of iflrla who Will serve refreshments, take eliarai Of the score cards, seat the aiiests. eto,, fuller piirtlculuis tielnir xlveii later. Rsther Chapter No. 12 Order of the Eastern 8trr will meet In r. Kulnr ses sion this evenliiK nt S "clock al!,w" liiKhler who b,ue .ent the Masonic hall, corner of llavwo,,, I and i"""n"'r 1,1 Ashevllle have retiinieil ColleRe slrtet. All visltinK iinnnlieis are cordially imlted A ibmilno dance wljl take the place Oif the usual I'lblay Informal dance at Battery i'ark this week. which promlaes to bo a most InterealinK sub stitute dominoes will bo of red. black, pink or any desired shade and masks will ho presented to the dancers In the dressltii; rooms, on their arrival at the hotel. Iioinliio dances are 11 1 wins iiiiiuiIiik. n Init to tin- fuel that the voluminous domi noes completely conceal the Identity of the wearers occnsloniiiK many mis takes and much curiosity. The usual j lnvtntlon list win be Invited. .4 .4 Mis. Anlhoiv o'lteilp was fciwii sn Informa Imi.ti supper 1.1 t e,u Inir by several f Men, Is at Ho Huiiery I'ark hotel, ,,,, 1,,. ,,, p,., ,,. iwrture to New Orleans Viiiouk tin Siiesls wei, Mis. k,Um, Itrluht. ills .nil.., t'.-isvnid, Ads ,1 .1 i l-'n rhi ne. I h Mr and Mrs. Henry Donaldson and o tlaiiKhlers who lime sunt th miner In Ashevllle have ret ni ne to their I101110 In W lliiilnnloii, N. ( Miss Harah Johnson has returned trnm I leiidersonvllle where ehe has 1 11 speiulliiK her vacMtloii and has resumed teaching at thu Montford school. Miss Mary James of Columbia, H 1 ., Is vlsltlnif the Misses IMarwhal! (or several days. Mis, .l.ihn A. Case and family will return to their bottle in Klorcnce. s c. att.r niendiiir thu nuniul. 1 So Ahtv ille. Mr .111. 1 M,s. Hoy Kaukin. babv I 'i'l niii-e. ol I'lvoti, ami Miss Minni. Sherrell ,,f statesv tile, n re the (tilcsls of Mr. and Mis .1. .;. Rankin at the home or the Inner on Met 1 imon uv,-. ntii'. Mr" 1:- c Sheinii t,ns returned from Sullivan's l.-.land where she v. s Kiie.tt of Mrs v. 11. (cillowav Prof. Wllllani James, of llarviml has "been talkliiK w ith his old friend Dr. Hodgson. The conversation Is re. markahle not only for what Hodg son had to say, but also for the fad that he has been dead for loin years, and thai the conversation was conducted lb run Kb Mrs. i'iper. the well known medium. Professor James Is not quite sure whether he was talking with Dr. HodgKon or otilv I,, a counterfeit, hut he tells the whole story In the "I't oceed ine.s of the American Society f,,r psychical Itesearch." It hi cms that Professor James ami Mrs James were present at Mrs Piper's slltlns, when Dr. Hodgson dropped In casually to make a call. "Well, well, well," said (he ,, teased Hodgson, who seems to be a Jovial sort of spook: "1 urn dellght . .1 " Alter some talk which could not exactly be called spiritual, the con versation drift.-,! around to the sub Ject of the world bevond. "Do jou live as men do?" asked rofessor James. "Do you wear clothing." nskod Mrs. James, who being a woman, Is inter ested In such mutters, 'und live in houses." "oh. jes, houses, replied the vis iting spirit, "hut not 1 lothlng. No. that Is absurd." When pressed for details about th, naked world bevond. Dr. Hodgson . ghost tactfully chang. , the sublect. Professor Jam. s is an eminent psychologist and a b-ariied 11111 11. hut. ilfe most of us. he Ins lingering loiibls about the geiilulueness of such conversations with the other world. Siu-cess. HI I I S Ol' (OMIlt IIUtMOXY. Ciias. M. Stieff Manufacturer of the Artistic Stieff. Shaw, anil Stieff Self -plan r Pianos I Mi , 1 . 2 r tjOLTUEltN , WAllKKOOM Vjt Tratlc St. Charlotte, N. C. O. II. WILMOn il, Manager. (Mertlon this paper ) SPIOCIAIj I'Olt A SIKHtT TIM K O.Vl.Y 'I'bf Willis Pliolo Ct., 2Vi Pat ion Avvii'.ie will make their regular t.'i.OO per do.eii Plioto-i at .l no per doz- n. other work I11 proportion. Ama "IT work fluishe" Our Big August Sale .iTonN ,-ns. selection of hiLfh gnilt- f iii tilt ut " nt 1" west pri. s Beaumont Furniture Co., .south .Main Slirct. If yon want "good" gas oline you will have to leave your order or phone The Asheville China Co., No. IS Vorlh Puck Square, Phone :;s I AL WEBB & COMPANY t CHICHESTER S PILLS l.iiilU-l AmU yoMr 1-niaclnl tt iii.cim'h.i r iiimond llruiin. i;iii in i(a an - uuld inr-i'iUu j-M-s, s.!!.- I will! HI tie Kii.li.-n. n omrr iiiit ol tnr lM(tirtfi. A i ( i ( III. 4 iri K-TKU R IMAMIIVI ItKVSI I'll.l.M. f.,r b ycativ known as ft-sl. Safest. A , Hi-Ic.1 to SOlDBYnRlGGISTSiVERYWhTP. Milliner j Importer No. Battery Park Place, Flume ion J A RICH DISPLAY of Raincoats and Capes Much sound advii. in t he huv i ng of You should EV Of (he newest fabrics and sh ies. see them eaiiv. Kaitiroat s and raineapes ,ire so indispensable and handy they should he se pecially ,i p.-;i ! i no- when so tastily and fashion ably designed as these new ones. ' 'J'here arc ( 'ravenrtte and silk ruhherized, and eoloriiio-s are tan, lilack, bine, jrrey, and nivy mixeil patterns, c, a , m ttes are warm s will as rainproof; Silk rubberized are rain proof a ii, o, ;ls a f,,;f1( oats $5 to $30. UPes $18 to $25. i iiks is I'liiili in, , ,,, , id,, j,, ii,,. Woman's Home Companion i,,r s, p tetiibt r. In r. mud to , o.,r it sav A lloor should .P the h.w. st or d.ukcst l"iie In a lo-on. then the walls, .iml the ceiling tlm Ilgbtest of highest This is the natural way and i lie sa fest to follow as a general rule. it gives a feeling ,,f tirinii.Ns and .-.olid il.v to the tloor, whereas, if the ,.... i Is reversed, and th" lloor Is light' t than the celling, one feels thill the celling is coming down tm one's head and Hint dodging Is the only way to i scape a blow. The tloor .should i-up-I'ot't the walls I,, color ,(s well ,,a In fact, bnl cue must be taken not to make the mistake of thinking thai strength of color Is ohti nsh eness of color. Strength of color in the right AIR FLOAT TALCUM CITIZEN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Take a package of Fine AIR FLOAT TALC Home with You of Fall Millinery Imported Models Tailored Hats French Novelties on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER SECOND M. WEBB CO. 6 Battery Park Place, Asheville, N. C 1 ITlVaiC bCnOOl !A health safeguard "'1 'l'h' use of milk that has iieen pasteurized is a safe guard o healt h. Our entire irodiict is pasteurized. AH vessels thoroiierhiy cleansed and sterilized. Phone fbil. Asheville Pure Milk Co .Miss Miff, of 37 Orange strei continue hit- primary school for ,,, , , ami gills Sept. 10. Complete course .'o home study. Modern nn t hols Phone 1CJ4. PARISIAN HAIR ORNAMENTS All the latest ami most aitrailP. l.oVeltos at lowest prices. MISS CRUISE. hhi st In Am H ' ' toot. t i-hi , : ,n , Mf. rr, 'i ( h '.;:, i 1 1 ..ni the on' in iiiM i i (!- pi i .lin-T I which t f r t"i li t rp srs. For Sale Everywhere VISITOHS. SAM; MONEY, by having your teeth attended to by i.s Always up-to-date. Painless and Keiiahle. Crown and Hrldjie work g upeeinity. Popular prlcea. i:::t:i;:nKma:msn:::i::::inu:inu:t:t:mtntt' Exhibition and Demonstration ot 1)11. MATTHEW'S DKXTAb PK-l-OKS 2.1-20-27 Now McAfee BKlg.. corner ollcsre ami Spruce, opposite 1st. Bap. 'is tliunh and near Cni Hon.se. """c ItesIrtciHe Phone 672, DOOMED, NO! Media no -Therapeutic manipulations will cor rect NIXKTY-F1VE PR It 'HT ,,f the ills of our bodiea. 1 give these ma nipulations by which oth ers are being curod, WHY Not VnC. C II. MIl.l.ftR, Mef liiino. Tlieraplst. 11 N. Spruce St. ( I'hone 071 CITIZEN WANT ADS jbking results ; R I V m laco w 1 1 1 make the scheme of ,!,-.-. j ation a successful and satb f Ing one. jH 'Ut Ol't IIISlV -ellfss Of Col'.f Will MIlkelH on i B t."t a :;:.! i T' ) .i. i i ' iiitri Ol c.'H'I Will Ml. i K, j a hiip'-l-'.M f.tiliir.' of it 'Tin- chief color of tin- rue sh.-uii M. V. MOORE WOMEN'S TKMsinN(;8. 11 PATTOV AYR he tl,,- , i,,er color of th" walls i...t necessarily the same tone. Put I motn.-iiig tones of the same si II Ihe "alls ate a soft v.ll,.v, a 'u.: with different shades of brow n ml to give the ii led note of cou, ,,, dull sort ie, and Pines. wo,i,l IclJ ""Il III th" room. This kin, I , r , I would also Ho well w ith gi.i'i oi- : blue walls. The pr.MNoliou ., th, 1 dtft. r nt colors In a rog may m-ik.- iil.lr It lor "t.e's special use in I ing a ink II is best to ba a fe "f one Ii i-iliim Incn t iMlr. w.ih i',,. other eollrs adding the snap that contrast I ves, and forming a '-itin... nioiis .'in.M deiiglitful w h"l- I' ..1 i'v. -i.-.jxn i WftW) ) 1m La Grccquc Corsets I I'-UUIIMH .; Sept. ;. 1 "Ml illMMIl.'; i,i to Selii tll. .'ill e litM't i-ulM-l icrr ill 1 Vl I 1'roin e 'o k Ik 1 1 . . 1 I'll' 111 C ! Ill 1 I (.r ;H ,-sT it stvle. n M!e a. 'HllpllMies oUilel' I'nl limine 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . t lllrlit tii th" Ioi'lt s.h;,-', hues and Wonderful lit of ( i ',-,,,. "olSel. i ( '"ine and Ii i ht r show j ho-. to a, , I,, j l.-lpehnev.. ;ii lio, rt. GREENE & CO. 12 CHURCH ST. ) PEERLESS New Fall Suits N e arc now ho i-i ;, Splen- ''"l " -"i fluent of Coat-Suit- f.ir Kal. th'' iievest styles and e,' -:- are shown here, and ;tt er iiioderate price. W ' he ::l.id to ; how on, our lipe. is ' ' H. B u