UNBAY CITIZEN THE WEATHEE: CLOUDY. 22 Pages Today VOL. XXV. NO. ?,2il ash k villi:, x. c, Sunday moi;in;, skptkmbku r, v.wx l'KIGE FIVE CENTS. TRAIN WRECKERS IFETED, FLATTERED, Pick The Loser. TOUGHSI DiTCH B.&D. FLYER FED. COOK BEARS T THE MILITIAMEN A! READY N BATTLE TO SUBMIT PROOF FRRDRIZE A CITY AND MAKE ESCAPE HONORS MODESTLi OF HIS DISCOVERY Bloods Flows In Fight And In habitants of Section Flee to Cellars EIGHTEEN MEN HOLD REGIMENT AT BAY Are Finally Found Hidden In Garret After House Is Shot to Pieces (fly Associated Press ) FRANK PORT, K;., K.-j.l 4 In one of the fiercest riots ev-r known in this city between militiamen and civilians Sergeant Ingrain Tat- of Someregt, Ky.. a mem In r of company K, Kentucky state guards ami .left Cook, a civilian were killed while William Nichols, Joe Conway and Alexander MN'allv were fatally shot. The riot began In a tenderloin sa loon following a brawl. Privates AVlllian Phillip and C. E. Toadevine, members of company li. who were mantling near Tate when he was kill ed Identified Joe Nichols a-s the man who fired the shot that killed 'their comrade. Nichols and eighteen oth ers were arrested. The house wan almost shot to pieces by the troops In their efforts to gain an entrance apparently to lynch the man whom they thought had killed Tate For more than an hour the eighteen men held the fort against the regiment and the res idents of that section of the city lleil to their hemes, putting out the lights and retreating to the cellars for safe ty. ,. Aft, Pi.,. Hurt, ..section of the city every person i -who attempted to leave was halted at. the point of a bayo net and every wagon was searched, hoping to find the man who had started the rlnt. Finally, after a con ference, '"olonel J K. Allen, com manding the Second regiment. Coun ty Judge James II. Pnlsg-rove and Chief of Police Mfingun. accom i tiled by other soldiers searched the build ing and In the top story foun.l the, men huddled together. They were all taken to Jail which is being guard ed tonight by the soldier VESSEL MAY PROVE TO BE IL, Was Suspected of Prepar-i intr to Filibuster in Vn- r - tral America. NOTHING WAS FoFNl)! I (By Associated Press ) NEW ORLEANS. Sept 4 As a sequel to a rumor of an alleged tili bustering expedition with designs against the gov, riiim-ms of .-vera I Central American r. publics w hich originated In ,N'ew orb-mis two weeks ago. the steamer F.llis. a Norwegian vessel under charter of the Cnit.d Fruit company, was held up late v , s terday off the Mississippi river passes and searched bv officers ..i tie- l'i d States revenue Dav.v N.. contraband goods were found and tin- st. inner was permitted to continue to Pol t Eimon. No official report lias vet be, n re ceived by the federal authorities In New Orleans. Following the receipt today of news of the search. Colonel Crawford H. Kills, manager of the United Fruit company placed tin mat ter in the hands of the company's counsel. It was reirt..l lo re todav that Captain Hansen, commanding the Ellis, would make a special report to the Norwegian consul at New i irb-atis upon his return to this port and that the holding up of the steamer might become ..n international affair. About two weeks ago a r- p 'it be came current here t" the effect that the Ellis bad been charter.-, I f..r a fili bustering expedition. The steamer sailed on her regular run tlo- sine day. The only. ground for the report apparently was that the Fills carri. d a small shipment of dynamite to I" used for blasting purposes by a Cen tral American railroad. Tin- report was denied and was forgotten until It reached Central America, where it created considerable excitement in some places. Lato tonight Manager Ellis ..f the United State Fruit company gave out a statement which indicated that thfcr was little likellihjM,d of the matter being- made an international Thousands of Dollars In -Sat chel May Have Been Booty Coveted REMOVED WHOLE RAIL FROM RAILROAD TRACK All Clues to Perpetrator of Outrage Lost to Eager Searchers ( Ity Associated Presis. ) NKU'CAHTl.K, peim., Sept 4- liver a hundred men, all meinh.rs of state, railway or private criminal catching rga n iztit ions. are here bought straightening out a mass ot U-w ihler ing clues that may lead to the dlsoov - ry of the person or peisons who eaily today pulled spikes Irom a sixty bet tail on the llaltimore and ohm tail road near the siding known on train schedules as Chewton. ditching the lioyal Ulue tlyer. en route from N. w York to Chicago, killing two persons and Injuring seventeen others. Tim dead are Engineer Charles A. hill and Haggage Master C-nrge Wh.ntcroft Clue after clue t.i those thought to he responsible for the deed was offer ed th me officers today, but each led to nothing, or worse, w hen the valua ble time consumes! In running down vague rumors wus considered lllood Diounds were worn out. tutoinohile hauffoiirs broke wpcod records and ifficial red tapo became entangled in the wild rush to be on the spot when the train wreckers w-re htoiiKhi to bay. Lost the Trail. The. train ditchers made across the marshy lields in the direction of Wam pum, three miles from the railroad, bloodhounds used by railroad detec tives; followed the trail from the wreck but after bringing up abruptly at a slaughtering pentnwrl by New Castle butchers at Wampum, the animals lost the seemingly fresh scent and re- fllMcd to be goaded on any further. Tonight the consensus of opinion was expressed by one of the Haltimoro and iihio police when he said: "The train vvr.ilM-is are in the vl- cillitv of New Castle They IlltAe not attempted to My nor will they They left the scene of their dastardly work and taking a round-about way came (Continued on 1'iui' Seven. 1 NATIONAL CONGRESS OF FARMERS AT RALEIGH WILL BE GREAT SUCCESS Nearly Thousand Dele-rates From All Over Country Are Expecied. NOTKl SPEAKERS (Ssial to The Cltl7.cn.) liAI.ElUH. N- .. Sept 4- For the Farmers' annual st I'r.si.leiit National congress to be In isinli- here November '! to X, H.-li. bam Cameron and ll.-orge M. W'liitak.r are Scorctarv li. conferring li ..f providing w ii li ev ery pr utilise of espe. lally ICSsf III speak- till. I f l.atiil Among tin els are to be man, 1'inv. rsitv K P. . liable Pr. sol. lit E A. Al.ler v of trginia ; President . I'mo rsitv of North i 'a rolina Supr- no bet Just ice Walter 'lark, ,ui t of North Carolina; Pr.-sident 1. 1 1 colli g. ,. agri ails. Major W. V lit. North Car olina lilt in . and no clianic A p, i iiah.tin. North Carolina commissi r .1 agriculture; pb Hv.le Pratt. Stale Prof John hert dogist .1 W II. F Mis I n no I , i ' .UKres.sm.in S. A Knapp. iil 'lai.nc. II Poe u ot b. rs f i .m a ...,k is especiallv altendalice. Th" i h nv entiori is bill confer, nc.-s irmg on agrieiil- I eiolloinic llles i. t.'irmers of the Tliele Will he . I. stance. The bright for v. i v principal work n.,t s p.. ch - ma k and resolutions tural problems lions that a IT. count rv dir.-. i lv President ' si v j, . -pre-id. nts Italti to the eff. will . ..in. : i -.in I..tittti.i K.ui (Jeolirla. oh.-, e in ia. K n t u- k ' Milllli-fl 1. 'i'"k jolliers -Th.-r. i tl i,. ion b is letters from and ..rh.-rs in mariv t t bat big delegations . o b These in. hid--a--. Arkansas. Ill.nojs, Alabama. VS . st 'ir T. nness.-e. 1- lorlda. riroa. N- w Mexico and ar- usually something 111;,. 7-11 .1. . tales from states ..th.-r than the nil.- in which th tigress Is hi id. Last v. ar there were over 1.1'di at Madison Wisconsin. It is learned that pr.-Jii rat ions are in progress for special iTirs of delegates from many distant slate- and for th- congress in Kaleigh this v. ar it Is the determina tion to accord the best acoommoda- (Continued on page four.) First Day In Copenhagen as Strenuous as Climb ing Icebergs KINGS AND PRINCES PAY HIM TRIBUTES Gets Into Party Clothes as Guest of Honor at Not able Banquet (lly Associated Press.) CtiPENIIAdEN. S.pt. -l)r Fred crick A. Cook stepped from the steam er Hans Kgeile In Copenhagen har bor on the arm id the crown prince ..1 lieiimark at ten o'clock tills morn ing, uiedi and looking like a sailor before the must He sal down to dinner at H o'clock tonight in the city hall, the :ucst of a brilliant company ot t he capitals most distinguished men and woin. n. He was arrayed In evening dnss provided by the king's tailor. The hour" betwicn the events were the busiest of III Clink's life They were hours of speech-making, hand shaking, bowing io clamoring crouds, and then after addressing the people who almost ton- him to pieces in their eagerness to see the discoverer of the pole. In. Cook was the recipient of formal welcomes at the hotels where he Is the government's guests, I iter h.. lunched wlih lu- Maurice K. Kagan. tin American minister, being Idicd incessantly lor an hour with .piewtloiis. He went through hundreds ..f telegrams, Including congratula tions from geographical societies of several nations, explorers and friends offers of .xplollation ranging front books to music hall engagements, anil tb. n hurried to the palace and gave the king and other members of the rovnl family a long account of his ad ventures. Answered AH Question. Returning to his hotel he received a battalion of correspondents vtIio subjected him to a merciless cross ex amination, demanding explanations of all the crltii Isms that have been level i .1 against his i la ims. 'H.'ese io stlons I ir. Cook answered with the best temper, frankly and fully What- it may be thought of lir. Cook c -w o-l'e. he has impressed all nil talk.-d with him here as n 1 1 'out iniii-d on pu;e t hree. LAST CURTAIN FALLS ON LIFE'S COMEDY FOR AN AMERICAN PLAYWRIGHT 'lyde Fit cli Passes Away al Chalons, France, of Appendicitis. WROTH MAN V PLAYS (Ity Asi lnl.d lress ) 'TIAI.11NS SCIl MA UNF. Sept. 4 Civile Filch, th.- Ameli.an play wriirhi died at tins evening ir. I1.1 tj .l.ieti lllii'iili-iliiim JHIIH'.- jthrei .. . I... k in the air. moon. The doc lot's 11 1 1. 1 his fri.iid, Eugene ilaulhlcr w. re present at ue bed .Ide. 11. died of a pp. nd i. -it is NEW VullK. S. pi 4 Clvde Filch e...t! the Hoot ,.ilih- of voilllgei A llty 11. a n Lira m i Eltiiira. N V . in t.-,l foi ...lleee a and gi.oluatil (ii lists. wts born al hi;:, ii.- w-is 111 llol.lel i,. HS. N. II on A111I1. rst in I .m; I loth ill scl I and In college In was an untiring niiialinr a'tor Oi leaving .oll.-k;. h. bt-Kall at ..rue t- wtil. toi th.- ma aziii. and publish ers In I'Vi hi lirst hover. "Tin Wave of Erie ' f,,llow.-,j j utile In t.-rv;il ot SU I e-c . 1 1 1 1 lit activities, hv "Some I ' o f I e.s 1 ,0 1 1 1 1 , nee and SlX Cill V el S.I I clis" ami "I'll. Smarl Het." Cohl mporrineoii with bis 'r.v.d ' l!i ttv s Finish " -1 playet bad a brie! run (it Ibe Huston thetitre but 110th ing from hi-, p.-n found inn prom Ineni e until the production .rf H-ai Humiiol" in I Vu bv the hue itn hiiiil Maiisllel.l. Thereafter the tilavs cam. in., and sometimes tin..- to the ve.n with on Hugging regularity ' Nat ban Hal. " "The Cwhov am the Ea'ly." "I'arhara lietchi.. "Sappho" (from the Fr.olii. "Th. climber-." "The Cirl and the Judge.' "The East k.f lle Tai.rs. rin r.irl With the Creen Eves," "Her own Way." "Her Ureal Matches." and hit terlv. "The ;irl Who Has Every thinn." "CirU." "The Win- Mouse (from lIk- Oermnni. and "The Hup pv Marriage." Still other plays of his are in rehearsal for the c!iiing sen son and the count In all Including (Continued on page four.) it JACK" BRADLEY MAN BEHIND COOK ALMOST A RESIDENT OF THIS CITY Has Spent Several Winters Here, Courted His Wife Here, and Last Spring Describ ed Preliminary Part of Polar Expedition to Audience at Battery Park Without Telling Them What It Meant. While all the world Is dlsi uanlng l)r FriileTh-k A. Cook's wonderful 11 lil. v eincnt In annexing the North pole and surrounding Arctic- regions j to the Insular and pelagrlc poHsonslons f tin- United States. Ashevllh- has 1 peculiar Interest In his accomplish ment because of the faot I bat Mr. J. H. Bradley who financed and en- luraged the enterprise counts this as one of his many hoou-a. Hardly less cnbsptcuoua In the great discovery than Dr. Cook him- "lf Is "Jack" llndley of New York, 'hlciigo, Palm H.-ach and Asheville, ind his friends lere, while not aware that he was the man behind a polar xiM-dllion, arc nol at all surprised that It was his energy, his pets, ver- nce, his determination and his cash that made the hn'!r of the discovery if the pole possible to Am rica and o at: American An Interesting Chip. There Is no more Interesting vis itor to Asheville than "Jack" Uratl :ey and w hen h conies h. re each .vlnler for a tav of s.v.t'a! weeks after the Palm lieach season closes he limits a h'.-l of fi lends u lm are always glad to so' him. His nomi nal connection vulh the Palm Hea.-h LOEB'S NET FOR GLOBE TROTTERS CATCHES WELL IVo I lurid red Seizures of of HaJrjr;il,e M.'lde ill the Fast Tim e Weeks. (lly A NEW Vol! Eo.-b In an 1 on the groiitu Increased vigil leers In bob prominent pi Ihelr arrival : "Two huiol made In lb. gates of th. tor "That vv-oi.i vigilant. ..I " s.-iztif en w 1 nlng of in. oe examined an iciig.-rs vv.-i-So large a 11 ' lakeii In il, is pelleil to ore s. . (i aitn ! "Not a 1 .11 at the , .,11. -si nger regai d arniiiatlou 'd gers on tie soclnted lress ) i; Kept. Collector noiview lotlay Juslilietl I - I' "good r.stlliH" the 1 ... of I he 1 llsloms of ! v m a lid .'--a rchlng I IIS on tie .1... I.S till 1 10 Europe 1 I seizures have been 1 Hire. nol,. al 1 he . Ks." said I In- colic - Pp.-ar to Justify the tlst o III s 111 1 n 'I'll . o-e 1 nil- after tie- b.-gm-. pass, iiij.-i v h nl h. . n 1 isserl and Die pas it to h-av . I h. do. ks. lit of goods iiaH be. -n that J shall be . ..111- a Special sal' of tie- nt has been r i-- h ed - office fr..rn a pas- . tile met hods of 11- tiigages and passen- WASH INCH iN. Kept. 4. Forecast North Caroline Parley cloudy Bun day, with cool, r in west portion; Mon day fair; mod. -r 'te variable winds. Casino bus given him an acquaint- mice isiverlng nlmost the entire world, ami bis worldwhle travels, and rainhling cxhcdltloiis Into unfre ouontcj parts of the world have made him familiar with every coun try, cv-ry nation, and afmoHt every thing that Is to be known of the out side of the plnnei. M'r. .IVrodley was Itorn k'st fall with his wife and remained until lha Florida season opened. Again In the spring he returned nnd spent mv i ral v" eeks at the llatlery Park hotel. While he was stuping there the re ports of his wlil.. travels and novel experiences spread among the guests nti. I at their re.iiesl he consented to entertain them one night with tin stories of his rumblings These he Illustrated with 11 st eroopt lean and those who were present now recall many of the Arctic scenes that he showed and dctorlhed. and rocog'hls'.c thai thev were a part and parcel of this very expedition which has (on on to the discovery of the pole. In desorMilng the plenties Mr. Uradlev said they were taken while lie was on a walrus bunting trip In the Arctic regions hut not a word did be breathe of his connection with KILLED HUSBAND BECAUSE: HE WAS NOT FAITHFUL lien 'ruined Pistol to ller Own Hreast nnd Will Proh.ililv Die. (lly AhfMM'ialed 1'resH ) NEW Vokk. Sept. I "I shot him. II, W.l-'- IHltl lie to mr. He VM1S going around with nlln-r women; so I made up inv mind to end It all This Is the explanation the polite i', Mr,', I lata liuiitli. r gave them wlo n lie . rushed int.. her little hat 11 HiooMvu this altr-ruooii and found ),. 1 bosb.ind dead and the woman dy ing, lleorge (lumber. Hie husband. Hi. lead. Mrs. Otinther had a Mullet wound in le i hn-asl. The revolvr was till in lei hand ' .N. ik'hi.ols sav that (lumber, who was . li. lull. 111 employed al a public gaiage. drove up to his home In an a .,1 oinobil. tliis afleinoon anil shortly afl.iw.ld th.v In aid sounds, of a . 1 0.1 1 1. I, of a struggle and of fund lllle h. I Fig ov . I -I 111 lied, then a Suc cession ..I r. v olver shots. Th. ib id limn was thirty-five years old and Ins wi'. ihlrty-lwo. Ill wife IS expe. t.;d to die ROADS CONGRESS WILL BE SUCCESS (sMilal Ut 'llii- t'ltlwn.) P.AI.EICM. N. , Sept. 4. Stale CieologlHt Joseph Il.V'de iTlltt IS herO for a da. or two after visiting seven teen lounties in the Western section of the slat.- with 1'nited Htates Road Expert H 11 He says the otrthiok for the s o 1 ess of the Appalachian Itoad congress at Asheville October fi Is especially line. He believes that the whole of the Piedmont mountain section of the state will h represented and that great good will be accom plished. There are also to be dele gates from (leorgl.i. South Carolina. Tennessee and Virginia, with at least four governors in attendance, fjover nur Kllililn, of North Carolina Is to attend. 11 polar expedition. In fact he was not very definite In his location ut places and most of (hose present un derstood that the views were taiien In Alaska. IMwrllMl Part of Trip. Now It develops that the very trip which he doscrlbsd that evening In the Mattery Parle bail room wut nana olht-r tiun tha 'praHtnlnarjr utflt ttn f tha, aadmn -which Dr. Cook has carried on to so con splctious a success Hut "Jack" Itrndley'a anlorinjrs in search of big game have carried him to the. darkest of dark Africa to wild and unfrequented parts of Asln, and If there Is a spot where giijiie abounds In the Untied Males t.hut he has not vJalted from Maine to California, ho doesn't know of It Therefore, when he wiui relating his experience in the Arctic region he Intersperwol thern with his experien ces In the tropic nnd In the JJunajtita, and In the wilds of three communis si that no one could suspect them underneath tho debonair, casual. gloho trotter and hunter of big gum ljr)r)j--)j-j-j-tjnj-l - mm VntliiiH'd on paw rour. ) COUNTY HOME KEEPER Became En raged at Inmates, Broke Into Their Rooms and Wounded One. (Special to The Citizen.) KINHTON, Sept. 4.-Hhortly sflei noon yesterday Mr. It Tur in-r, keeper of the county home, made a murderour assault upon two old white women who were Inmates of the home, shooting at them wllh 11 pistol Mrs Poard. one of lln women assaulted, was hit In tin- lefi breast, the hall entering above tin heart and passing through the breast came out on the left Hide. Inflicting but a slight wound It seems that Turner Is-cnme en raged at the two old women, both of whom were over 70 years or age, he cause they left the home est.rdav without permission. It was also salo that they hare nagged 111 him ev.-t since his taking charge of the Insti tutlon. Aliout two oviix k he went to Mrs Evans' room broke down the tlsir and .hot al her. Th.- ball, however, missed anil kultfe.' In the wall Tur ner then went 00' of tin: house snd around to tin- window or Mrs Hoard's rtsim anil shot at her through the window, tin: I ill p.-iietriU Ing her left breast. When last seen Turner was going up the road from the home cursing, shouting anil acting like a crazy man. in the absence from the cltv of the county superintendent of health. Iir. Fred Whlttaker. Ir F W. liar grove attended the wounded women The wounds nre not thought to be serious. Mr. John F. Hooker, chairman of the county commissioners, went out to the home when the matter was re ported to him and put Mr. L,. W. IllKitles In charge temporarily. Turner was arrested at o'clock by Deputy Sheriff Hartslleld and ar raigned before Magistrate Peetrlee who place'l hltn under I2() bond for trial tomorrow at t o'clock. Turner has the sympathy of many friends who believe that the assault was due to a temporary mental aberration. Gives Further Details of His Successful Search For The North Pole EXPLAINS HOW TRIP WAS MADE POSSIBLB Eskimos Are Not Stupid But Know The Earth Is Round (fly Associated Presa )' COPENHAtlEN, Hept. 4 -The Rioal detailed account of his polar Journal as yet given by Dr. Cook was falnsd from him by a large body ot nwip per correspondents whom he met thut evening. Dr. Cook at Ihe request oi I He correspondents consented to tn swer alt (jut stlons. First he was asked whether or not the first account ot hla discovery of the puis could be accounted as an tlrely hla own work. Ha replied In the affirmative, except tor tha obs vluiis errors In transmission. Ha than explained the doubt about tha thirty) thousand aquara miles dlscovtrsl, raying that he meant they war abUl to see fifteen miles on each aids during ihelr Journey to the pole and that therefore, a hitherto unknown tarrt tory of- 30,0(10 square- ml 1st WM 0WI discovered. I Tisik Olwervationa. 1 Dr. Cook proceeded to ahow thai he was fully competent to tak all obs aervatlons, saying that on pravloui X plurlng expeditions he had vary HttM observation work, Which usually tU -divided among tha mamber ot tha party. "ThU time," ha oontlnatd, "w had started out to reach tha pola and. nvsrythlng sis waa ot acondary con slderatioa. It was nnt . poaalbla t . carry certain tpparlua and It waa Irn poaalbla alio to atudy tha dat a " take soundings. We carried all teMMas snry simple Instrtimenta for aatronom leal observations and wa wsra vary; lucky to obtain observations virtually every day. The position noted must have been nearly corfoat. "We hud three chronometers, on watch, rompassos and pedometers. All were carefully controlled 'by each oth-, er from time to tlme!'( Tha watch, , however, got out of ol"fler. ' "We had all the mddarn. Instru ments which other explorers hava had ' Including thermometers, baromattrg and sextnnta of the latest . mod els. It Is possible that our observa tlons were better than thoaa of th arller days, but I do not assert that I am perfectly familiar with making? astronomical observations, specially In the polar regions. I think that all explorers will be satisfied with my, data." FlskliiMHt Not Dull. "Why should I sit down and Invanf observations''" he exclaimed. "1 did not do this thing for anything but sport, and because I take a real In terest in the problem. It would nog ((Viiitinued on pagu four.) BARBEE ACQUITTED OF ERING E Kvidenec of Self Confessed NYtfi o Left Jury No Alter native. (By Associated ITess ) DURHAM, N. C, Sept. 4 After ait hour and thirty minutes deliberation, th. Jury In the Harbee murder caa returned a verdict of not guilty to night an 1 the prisoner waa released alter eight months confinement. The jury had no trouble in reach ing the verdict, the evidence yester- lay or Solomon Hhepard, the confess ed murderer of Engineer Holt having confused 'be Issues that tha Jury, said tiny had to give the defendant tin benefit of the doubt.. Until Shepard teatitied the court speaking after wards, said the state had made out the rase. P.arb. e himself took the Stand, ad milled he had served a year for shoot ing In a train and had been acquit- tod of tha murder of Bill Cola tan years ago. A Win n the Jury acquitted him before the citizens or the city held an indig nation meeting. The foreman's an nouncement tonight was greeted With) inlbl applause. SC.ISII.II, IN HIGH LIFT. IIUNTVIIXE. Ala., 8ept. 4. WIJ. Hum U Council), a negro physician. and son of the well known negro edu cator, was arrested her today charged with burglary and attempted criminal assault upon a woman of hla own race. The woman claimed that Counclll broke Into her homo WhUa her husband waa away. -V . (Continued on page four.)

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