THE ASHEY1LLE CITIZEN THE WEATHER: PAIR. 12 Pages Today VOL. XXV. NO. 3L1. AS1IEV1LLK, X.C., MONDAY MORXINC, KKPTEMH VM (J, VMM). PRICE FIVE CENTS. CELEBRATION OF LABOR DAY WILL BE GRIM JOKE THERE Thousands Idle. Pennsylvania Tollers See Little Reason Tor .Making Holiday PROSPERITY HAS NOT RETURNED FOR THEM Wage Earners Still Kept on Basis Adopted During Panic of 1907 (By A.-mm luted ITess.) PITTSBURG, Pcnn, Kept, c. La bor Day In Pennsylvania presents a unique and grim anomaly. Nearl) thirty thousand men are idle an a re sult of strikes, look -mils and walkouts. The live thousand glaas workers or the American Glass company who par alyze the glass industry throughout the country; the thirty-live hundred unskilled and non-union strikers of the Pressed Steel Car company at Sdhoenville; the eighteen thousand organized but dissatisfied coal miners in this vicinity; and the five thousand union tin plate workers; all these and more will -aid In making the day sei apart for the workingman one to he remembered in labor circles for years to corns'. Still Get Panic Wanes. Families of the unemployed men, who have been subsisting for months on public funds, will tomorrow find with difficulty the means to spend the r day In pleasure seeking. The striking workmen of the var ious plants and mills declare that in spite of the fact that the manufac turing concerns are running full time, and are crowded with orders, the old "panic wage rates" instituted In 1907 apply In practically every operating plant. Upon this question In nearly every instance the score of large and small mrlkes In this district hae b-en call ed. Mayor Delicti Imw. Unique in Pennsylvania's many queer legal proceedings is the official act of James H. Chambers, mayor of Vandergi lit, a small town near here, who has Issued a proclamation to the e7UUie.t.X4Uo.XIaMP MBt he cele brated in his domain tomorrow.. This statement is in direct defiance to the state's decree, which sets aside the first Mond(iy in September as the woikingman'K day. Residents of Vandcrgrift are treat ing the matter us a Joke. The United (Continued on page two t SALOONS III ATLANTIC WIDE OPEN IN SPITE OF MAYOR SWS ARREST RpforiiiPi-s Out With Tlipir Lit tip Notebooks (Mting More Mvidt'iicc. GAMBLKRS LEAVK. (By Assoc-latcd I'ress ATLANTIC CITY, Sept. f. Atlantic City ignored the attcMnp's of the re formers to close down the Sunday liquor business today and. barring Sunday baseball, the report was as "wide open" as on any former Sun day of the season The decision to allow the saloons to open was reached by the politl. il and official heads of Ho resort at mid night last night w li n tb. action of the reformers in causing the arrest oi Mayor Stoy for failure to obey the order of Attorney General Wilson had removed the alternative of sawing tin head of the city government by los .ng the saloons toda Rev. Birley Hudson, leader of the ministerial coterie of reformers, de clared tonight that the failure of Mayor Stoy to close up the city todav will result In further action against him. Special detectives made a fur ther action against him Special de tectives made a circuit of the city saloons and more warrants will be Is sued on their testimony for additional arrests next week. The state detectives brought here by prosecutor Goldenburg to break up gambling have driven nearly gambling- house out ;if business. WILL ESTABLISH LINEN FACTORY (By Assoc InKtl Prex. ) RON'DA, N. '.. Kept, r, . Robert S. N'oah represeptlng a number of north ern capitalists has Just closed Ihe con tract for a site here for location of a linen manufacturing plant. The bullcHng and g. omuls which were formerly used by a match manufactur ing concern, was purchased for the new entemrise. Spruce, poplar and pine and the waste nrnducta of, corn and tobacco and straw will be the raw material used, H Is hoped to get the plant In operation in a few months. FROM MILK WAGON TO KING'S TABLE BY WAY Dr. Cook Invited to Dine With King Frederickis Honored Guest Among Distinguished Company Who Believe in Discovery. (Hy Associated lri-ss ) Cl il'KMI AC.K.Y Sepi r. Dr. Fre.1-ert.-k A Cook dined this evening with King 1'iedeilck at the nunim-i palace a tew utiles outside of CopentLa'-n. The kiln; summoned lr I Vh k to an atidien, e ve; ti-rdav as a formal rour- y. They engaged in an hoiir'i tall and while these royal audiences fund according (o etiquette he.mln utety described by the members of the court, Or. Cook mail-' such nn impression on 1 ne king that his maj sty immediately Instructed the court ha m,U'rla.ln to sum-mon Ihe explorer to dine with him tonight. The king invited Dr. c.eik to meet him yesterday only after having tin atrnmrnt make the closest po.t- Ihle Investigation into the merits of his storv. All the Danish explorer." re asked to give their opinions- of Ir. Cooks claims before the audi- noo was granted and their verdict was unanimously In his lavor. Aocordel Highest Honor. The dinner tonight was entirely the suit of the king's personal opinion regarding the explorer, who had .he eat on the king's right, an honor which Danes cannot remennher liiivng leen accorded another private person. mil members of the royal family ILsl- ned to his every word as hi roooutii- d the dangers and prlwili Mis of his olar Journey Dr. Cook was Immensely pleased udmy by the receipt of a telegram from President ''aft In which the resident of the United States extend. 1 his In-artiest congratulations on the announcement that Dr. ook had raehed the pole lie had to undergo i ritable ordeal today being botn- side with inel ions tmrded on evry intended lo test the accuracy of his ffirmations. Although after midnight when he reached his hotel al the end ot the first dav's trying experience, he sat no for two hours engaged in corres-1 pondence and In oonvesattnn with ommodore Hovgurd and froressor ilufsen. seeertarvf the leograpnicai society, the explorer was at.ut again fore seven o'clock ibis morning, reading translations M the cumincm In the Dutch ni-wspapers. Later he rived Commodore Sverdrup and out llarabl Moltke, a member of the ,D Hits i:i e lisc n expeiin , LITTLE REST FOR TUFT'S LAST WEEK OF VACATION BEFORE LONE J Much Work to do Shape l'i I'uhlic Business Against, His Absence. NOMHOOLK 'INCLITDKDIIH WKLL MKKD HEIMv (By Associated Press) iicri'lil V Muss Scot r. Rrgtn-i ning the last week of his stay in Rev-I eilv. President Tall tomorrow will ; sipeiid tin tneater part of Labor day on the grounds of the Myopia Hutu ,jul.. in the morning, playing golf. and in the afternoon alien. ling the annual horse -d,w. the fa: hionabb event of tile e;'l" Serretarv Rallinger is eNpe,t.-d tn Rew-rlv tomorrow and the pi . sident will take up with him the reports that have been mad- respecting the course of certain of the interior de partment oflieiaN in administering tlie conservation laws. The president s l:i-t e.-k of vaca tion Will be hi.: I l- Tuesday he Will gO to Rrookhlle. to be til- gllCSl of the Vale alumni -d Hostoti. all .lav. A luncheon, goll and ba- I all game ore on the program . . In. - day I h. president will b- isit-d bv tin- dins-tor of cen-nis. Mi. Murand. who will bring with bim lie- commission- of the various census sup.-iA isi-.ts j.-i to be ai'ls.illle.l Thursday Mr Tall a ill entertain at luncheon on l..:ird lb. vadit Mav- fl.w.-r the German enttanls ami "l- liciaD bo parte ipat. .1 in the sooner races off Mai bl. h. a.l and will Present tlie Taft cup to lb.- w limine ' irv. I ri.i.iv Mr Taft ha a ii.-icigomeiii to r;--n- I'rin.-e Kimw.sbl Kunl. ,Talidso,i of the el.. p. r-T of Japan Satunlav. the pi.-sid.-ni will r-view in H.-vei-b' a parade f .,11 Hi- grand army l-ots in Kssex oi.nty Tlie pre.-id.-nt motored int.. church ,hi morning in a driving downpour of rain. This afternoon he had a call from Genral Clarence Kd wards, chl-f of the insular bur-.ui in the war de partment, who has Just returned fro,,, trip obro.ol G. era,l e ards Is on- of Ihe presidents warmest friends. Vo date has been s-t for Mrs. Taft's return to lb- white house. II is likelv. however, 'bit she will re main here until October 1 r.. OF POLE piolhlv will illustrate Dr Cook's book. t'llll I IllCt'd I hie of the moid t he day w as an hit' "or Strohihi rg. the I'beiii All. exciting periods of rvjow with Profes leading Scandanu- vian astronomer who says that when he is to examine Dr. Cook's observations, he ran d. -clde within half a day whether the explorer has been al tin' pole. Several other ex perl Arctic explorers were closeted today in an eye to eye conversation with Lr Cook. When they came out I to y appeared thoroughly convinced of his absolute good fattli A lunc heon at the Ajiierl.un lega tion offen d fin cher opportunity to non-expert persons lo strengthen their already firm bllef In the explorer's narrative Then Dr. Cook disappeared from public view for an hour, during which time he submitted lo the cum era at a photographic studio. Tells Klntr His Story. The dinner at the royal castle at Charlottenlund was the scene of the trreatst enthusiasm. The king and every menmer of the royal family even the smallest children assembled Dr. Maurice F. Kuan, the American minlHtw ; the Hew Dr. Dane of Chlca i... no,! .evcral other mests eomidot " " m d tlie parly. The dinner passed off quietly, but after Hie dinner there wa a regular rush around Dr Cook who started a succinct recital of his adventures, whose graphic depletion gained from the calmness and candor of the speaker one after another of the royal ororiages piled him with ouestlons nnd marked their In telligent appreciation of the conditions in An tic sons and then walled ejitfcr ly while the explorer answered, al ways without hesitation Prince Wa.1 deimar. brother of the king, who Is I Melentitle sjillor. was extremely int esteil in the currents about the pole and the condition of the Ico. Prince and Princess G.sirge of GreoSe ala made pertinent Inquiries. The kliiK and nueen and everytoodj eore so greatly Interested in the ntnry that they remained In the drawlnr room much later than Is their us ton. As Dr Conk retired with Min ister lOgnn he was the center or r congratulatory group. II was easy U bo seen that the royal family hue Implicit faith In him. liVtntinued on page four.) OF NAVY fO TIKE PART T Fleet Will he Under W iiuind of llitfli IVinkiiiq; Officer. (Ry Associated Press) I.ONIioN, Sept f. Not since Giea Rlitaill adopted the db y of keep- ing the main ll-ei in home waters ha such a modern squadron as that which sails for New York al Ihe end of tin w eek to part i. Ip.a te in the Hudson Pulton relcbrat ion visile. 1 a forei'i country It is mad- up of the lollex ible. one of (lie latest of the Uritml 'hal tic-hip cruisers, the cruiser Drake the Duke of Kdlnrnirfrh and Argyll II wild make a notable artav In New York Infix.!- In command of tlo squadron U Admiral Sir Kdward Ho bar! Seymour, of whom Admiral Dew ev spoke S" higlilv after the im ideiii fit Manila Hay There are two .ei sions with r.-gard to the selection o Ad-miral S- moiir at tb- last nwmeii after Resr Admiral Frederick ' llainilton bad been api,inte.l In com manj. One is thai the foreign of tic- remiiidi-d tile admiralty of the es t.-eni in w hi. Ii Admiral S-vnioiir ivai held in tlo- I'nit.-d States, lb- wcom and the most probable is that l Iv apiM.iiilnicnt was mad on account .,i tile selection ,,f .vhn would hav but w bo Will be German .utmlia ranked l!ami!l.n Junior to Sir Kd ward S.- inoiir. Admiral Seymour's chief of sl.iP will be Captain Douglas R. I.. Ni.-h ol.sori. while bis tlag commander wd he V.. I"wther Ct,fton. who w..i his distinguishes service ;i Peking Ui:PRKSF.T I)I PKI.I.OWS, Kab igh NT. C. Sept. B. Eugene Albea. Winston-Salem, anil Chus F I.uinsiien. Raleigh, are to represent North Carolina Odd Fellowship, al the annual session of the Sovereign Grand D.dge which convenes at Seat tle. September 21. Mr. Albea takes the place of H. M. Shaw. Oxford, and Mr Duinsden of Perrin Riwbee. Ral eigh, both of whom have resigned. l.ieut. Com. B. E. Peary, whose SCIENTISTS AND EXPLORERS SPLIT ON DISCOVERY OF POLE Some Skeptical, Others Half Convmced, Others Abslutely Certain That Dr. Cook Is Not Perpetrating a Huge Fraud Upon The Whole World. SCIENTISTS AND (By AswcH'taled Press) RRl'SSIMS. Sept 5.- II has I n definitely decided, 'according to the announcement hers that lr. I'reder ick A Cook will deliver a lecture at Brussels. September 1!0 Elaborate preparations will le vtua.le to erect the cx-ploret. Ho will be recehed by Prince Albert, of Belgium, and per haps King Leopold. Professor Ri-colnte, director of Hie RrtiHxels observatory Insists Hint the explorer can e.lHlly prove his tacts to the sullslactlun of fclentlsts. "There has beelj 1 oiriw , aatunMf ment," he said VcJj.i Ir. Cook found himself 'on April L'l. 19nt. In iiitltudc 89 degrees .19 minutes and 4(1 seconds. .Now, the ngttres t..ii-six institute nr. nppronlmiilloii which an astronomer hin.s. li wdiiii min. with ilirrictilly. li is a. rensonal I.- re al It if corri"Ctions made to ob -. ia- tloiis till. en In round flRures. Tbci.--f. re after .prll -I. when be had practically airhcl at the p..l-. be mad.- a c-oroiib- iiary mar h of fourteen geogi-Mpbi-.d seconds, m.-r- - y. I suppose . lo ply to a p u bo uilKht ; had not r. I not go I :. Ilfty-llllle IX Seconds. Coll ll IS no .sslhl. r t' malevolent critic say (hat Dr. Co.. the pole If he di Ighly-nlne degr. llllll- vVr ites and f..ii might sav t hat I u WELLMAN STILL INSISTS THAT RE IS 001 TOO Cook's Discovery Is N'ol the Sanie Thin."; at all as His. Flying Adventure. ; (Ily Akmm-i.h PARIS Sept r, nl Pre-- ) X dispatch lo Ho .na g.."i an in i- VVcllioan while I city com online: .. lie was a..-l,.-.l woub I cliauc I del that li.- had He :i,!...l that It. C....k -ciuc.l ,!l proofs thereof Martin from elm i tori,w' with Wall parsing through ll. r. Cook's expedif. if Dr. Cook's so. his pla us, and he i -not modified thr'i the facts stated b, tuite possible, bill must be fill Hi lo I. thlrh Would be Olid tilo.lll' e ev ll experts could i nas III no w a in W.-ilmiin- , "trlclly oppos. I by Dr. C.,k , ma rka bb- ,b y Vol I ma u w i shed - '-y of a moi . .notion. lb- Is ppliti" will ii'.i lis .'ilishit, ha ig-d .aitd all ,'ie. Tli- she. I recoil, trilcled. ,1 hy sa i UK 'I !ISy if tllC eXploit l ct ..b.-erv;iti,,iH V- 1 verif v. The Cook ep 1 ' iilllillislled illtel. plans. Tb.-se at- .1 1 to tho.-.. forw.ll who iiccomplisli. il i h-al feat, while Mi i prove the ,11. , nodern mode of ! f the opinion tli.c get ah, ..i, I of Inn. not been grc-iily ' would Im. ready 11' has be.-n eoinpl. ' Mr. Wei I ma n . ,n , ! want to get to tie WASIIINGTriN. f-'. ; 't For-, ast for North 'nrolina: r or Monday and Tuesday; light varlal wind - 'f. ... ;'-: "'."II ' f f " ? ' Fr t TW !. i' t I . . s." x.j P friends still maintain that the North pole Itrely around the pole." M)R CAN'T PBOVK IT. 1.1CK ( illSERVATORY, fill.. Sept. r,. "Dr. Co. k with t ho Inslruments he carried, could have determined he position of the North pole with .-ii error .. less than live hundred reel." tonight declared Dr. W II. Aright, astronomer In charge rf l.lck ihscrvutory. "The only Instrument needed, ' said Dr. Wright, "was n sextant. With .litec obscrviitlons taken the same day Dr. Cook could have ileturmlued his position with a possible error of ',u than ten seconds of arc. Thitl would be, roughly, a thousand feel land Dr. Cool: sa.s posltU.l that Ih- pole was some w here w ithin a circle I .f lv- hundred IV. t radius within v.bhli Ik- himself wan sf. Hiding I "As tins observations . oil.! be by in:v om- with a t.ilr knowl i e Igc of roiioin . the discovci y rests on Dr Coil's v. -racily alone. i-'or in- .a 1 1 , I d.. not ihlnk him a ii.-iii w bo v..iil.l talu- his oi.H.-i with wis a:..! from whai I have rend. I belb y ii- made ti c journey. However, un til some one else limbs Dr. Cook's Hag and brass lube al the pole the mailer i - Hi: wilh Ills v. raoity aloin ." I'M" CI I II D i. nm: stipii:i. 'II N A . f, -Cudaln I DISSENSIONS AMONG STRIKERS BREAK OUT Leaders in Favor of Resinn- jnr Work, hut, AtfH.ilors Prevent It. fity 'MHM-liiteil Prcs ) I'l'I I SIU'MG. Si .l .', All but abandoning Ii,.m- Hull they will be n - in i:il.l in ib'-lr Jobs al Hie plant lb.- l'i, vs. , I Sl.-.d Car company the :!.:.n o "inking cmp!o cs of the con c. in in S. boon-, ill, tod.-,-, .tided it gl :;ii!i, m iss me'-tinc, bv vlol-nt .( r, I- .in,, .lit; I beiiisi-lv ef. T.i. duluict factions among Ihe "II Ik' I lone developed, olio led bv , 'ball mall C. A. Wise of the strikers ,-(,. nti... ...mmiti'-e and the oilier by li.-r,. nn.'itt:u li.-d orators who gain, .1 tb-ii-,ng i,y beapiiu; abuse .md ili-.e.'i.e ,,oli lb'- far plafil of;., ia Is M,.i- ! 111.- lb .1 I AO T. . , i . , 1 1 -1 1 , i: ll. in t l,.-ir 1 1 bronchi oi W ' I'H ilgo il.i 's mass 1 , i . of .- salt,, spirit of mob .aiefw and ndmlr.-rs lb- blood, Hot of tonight. t i ng. w lib ll ended cr,.s4 ,i-p,s s, was .all-. I ..rii'.icilh, t,, ,! abili'y of tbe xinl-., 'A oi ic in a bed v t om o iss tic advl r-lurniliy; to 'A' . Th- strlk- in II t b : bad all but convinced t 111' v.'.-re I'OW ell. -MS to tb- hold out :i.-i,c- I'.ll'." r aj Hi I I r sj mp.e hy or l Ii tel. wlon t be cur , ofnpany funds were low and "trik'iH on tile ebb turn, d th- lid- In ,f a cut ni'lai ion of the now eight weeks old : i r dispute. Anotlor n.eii iii' of the strikers will I,.- h-ld loiii 'iio-.y at which time tio ex. . utive committee bopew to have Hie m,ii r'-.'i'h an .fi-rcment on the ijii.-iiiori of r.-tuiiiiu to work i.kiimsvs kt im;. Ri:iM,I.V. Kept '. -The official sta tistics for the s. end ipiart.-r of l!t()9 show that 1 ,a r, I .,gs have been slaughtered for fo.uJ under govern ment inspection and i!9,7K.r, horses. Is waiting lo be discovered by him. iPrldlJof Nunscn returned here lost evening from Bergen Telegrams from all purls requesting an opinion en Dr. Cook's achievement awnllotl hint, hut. Captain Nunsen declared he did not wish to answer them, until the paitl.ulais are nuule public. To a cc. respondent, he suld that errors III ihe newspaper reports wire apparent .ind that celnln polms of the puldlsh od statement required elucidation nnd scleiitlllc explanation. Permonally, however, Captain Nan Mn declared h had tioitllilunctj In Dr Cpok'u tl-tistworthltiewi. He consider ed It punslble to reuch th North pole by the nld of dogs but he polnte.J out 'hut the placing of a sealed report and the planting of tin, stars and stripes in (be Ice were UHelew as the drill would lake them away from the spot when, they hud been laid down. MRs. Pi:.RY tiMJCNT. PORTLAND. Maine, Sept. 6. -Mrs. Hull, ll E. Poiiry, wife of the Arctic explorer, tonight rmiuested The A soclaled Press to say that she had hot said anything reflectltiR on Dr. Cook's rept.latlon as an explorer, as had been ri ported 111 aoine of the newspapers. Mrs. Peary said thMt for the past two days her mail has con- fContinticd on page six.) ATTEMPTS SUICIDE TO AVOID TWO UGLY CHARGES Prisoner Accused of Assault 4 on Sister-iii-Law Dungs Himself in Jail. MoN'ltOK, N. c, S-pt. 5 Mu Mollle Ayoixk, who charged VVIIwm Aco,-k, her In othcr-hi-law of inak lug a criminal .-ismiiiIi on her, died un der rallier si range clrciimstunon last Tnef,1a morning about 1 o'clock. She was laS-li si. k a few hHllirs before li-c ,.aih nnd grew- ra.pldly worn.- un til .bath mine. There is strong belief that Un- woman died of poison. Cor ori'-! li.-bl an initicftt late Tors day, and the verdict of the coroner' jury was that Hie woman db d of poi son unknown hands1. A.M-ock was arrested and placwl In Jell al Monroe on a warrant Issu-d it Ibe Instance of the woman Just aft-r the t rime was iummllteil Slmi bring 111 lall In- ha" attempted t,, , .,, lli.l suicide. When Ixputv Sin-riff Julian Gilf tllli went to glv-e flu- prisoners th.-li .lliin. r he found Hint Ay.-o.-k 'in, I tak en some tort'.-lfi a iop- and fawt e. si the rope ill III,, holes of 11 II U'otl I track' I. Which is fasteli-d lo Hie slrrl wall i.le.iil ,i.s huh as ri n ordluirj nmn's siioubl rs fi.,m Ho- and I used to fasten on. . n.t of a h.immocii ftn whlcli tli. ),ris..n. rs sleep. Th prisoner tmd l.-mcl the iiiiptoviscd ro a round bis nek after mailing one . t.d fattt to tbe bracket a.nd lutd thrown his weight on the rox- and when he did that bis head sllpp-d under the bnok-t, the ro- tightening at. 11! his and In t lyil londltion h- w.-ls found by Hi- d-pulv sheriff, and the would be suicide was In the middle of a bad II jc. too, for never could b- Im,,' unf iisti-insl himself, the smooth ste. l wall on the bock of Ihe cage affording no luind hold nnsl his head in OTicli a position under the Iron bra, kct the more he tried to pull it out th- tighter Ihe rope was drawn alHiut his neck, county physician H. D. Stewart wus called to at the pris oner and Ik was brought around all right, but he utijt In a erlous condi tion for some tlm:." 10 BUTTERED UP SUSPECTS NUY BE TRAIN WRECKERS Third Degree Falls to Wring From Them Anything Incriminating REWARD OF $25,000 OUT FOR CAPTURE Every Officer of B. & 0. Work. Ing to Ferret Out The Criminals (Hy AwM'lated NEW cast:,K. Penn., Sept. 5.- 4 '.tie-li-kged man and a one-eyd man ure in the New Castle jail, chril with belim suspicious persona. They were brought here from Ellwood Cltjf early today, and for twelv hour hav withstood the. Rrllllnc ordal of live, shrewd police official. In these two men, th pollc be lieve they have tho parpetrutori of the train wreck on tt Baltlmor ft Ohio railroad at Chwton aiding on I'llday night. Vor the jtppralionaloa the wreckers tha railroad haa of fi red a reward of 136,000 and rail road police from tha highest Official down to the huinbleet detective ara doing their utmkist to olear up tha mystery. ' '. ' After twelve hour rapid (Ira Quea Honing the police announced that they had been unable to lhak the1 dories of the two men, bat that tha examination Would be reeumed to morrow. " Traclnit Two fiuspecta. 1 ! Frank Coates, of Ellwood City, out of the inspects waa formerly a brake nan on the Pennsylvania railroad. A year ao he fell under a, Baltlmora ft Ohio train at Ellwood City and loat ' hi right leg. He received no dam ages. Herman McCumahy, ot -Ne Custle, the other man, loat hie right - eye several years ago in tr brawl. The police have wttneaee wh . awear that thf aaer tb-twa Btea " walking- from Ellwood to Wampum on Friday afternoon, from Wampum ' hack to Ellwood yesterday afternoon. The two town are about four mile) upon. Coates declare he alept In ho oar at Chewton all of Friday -nlglit, whllo Motomahy aaya that ha was enroule from) Kocheeter, Penn, to Wampum on Friday night s Ntrlkm Not (Jullty. , -. Members of the local lodge of Bale 1 ,imor Ohio nmchinUt who are o ' tt strike, indignantly deny an con ' nectlon between their order and thai ' dimister. 'i'liomas Ixathere, a strlkej loader, mid (hut the whereabout ol every striker on the eventful Friday . night 1 known. ' I, The crowbar and sledge hamman used to pry the rail out of alien ment are In the Naw Castle jail. BotUI are branded "P. & U E. railroad. The bloodhound which tracked ' b'lnd trail to a slaughter house have) ' In en withdrawn from tht aoen. The bodlci of the three man that met death In the wreck were vhlppeif to their respective hums today. Five patient recovered sufficiently to bet discharged from the HhenagO and New Castle hospitals. ! For unknown reasons the railroad detectives have refused to allow one! to photograph the wreck cen. HOTEL PROPRIETOR IS Unpaid Kmploycs Bring tha Smtiiru-r Season to Sud- den End. (Itv AsMtM'tated I'retMi ) MAS'" '11 f'-MTf.' It. Maae, Sept. S.'- The Cuban legation at the Hotel Mu cooomo has l-. n summarily thrown) out of lis iiiurlertt by the midden clos ing of Hie hotel, and Madame Oar i la-Mole., wife of the minister and bet ri day ol, baby, had to be re move.i n a stretcher from th hotaJ and conveyed to a neighboring cottage) In i lie town ambulance. The trouble started yesterday when Manager Autrtln A Dutton waa con fronted w-llh fifty of his employe what demand'Nl their wane. Manager Dutton rushed from th hotel followed by bell boy. waltreM ii, porter, and chef, and pelted hint with rocks and clubs, reached hill mo tor bout and headed out to nea, bound, prenunuibly for 1,U home in NevVl York. Notices were posted ajinounclnej that guests were expected to leave) at once, fleneral Velei, the Cuban minister Is In Washington With hia secretary. Under the care -of DTV Wawhbiirn, who was mimmoned from Itimton. Madam Velea and the btf were then removed to another cot tage. Madame Vci.-j! and her three eh!ld ren, it was stated, wilt remain her until she lias fully recovered hen strength. Tlie fuvmlly will then go to Now York. , ' i rStffl-'-J ,;