THE ASl'lEVTLLT: riTTZEX, : MONDAY; SEPTEMBER 6, 1900. . TTi'Tf TTT"TTT1 : CLEANED FROM FALLOW FIELDS f j OF HJY W TfE OLD NORTH STATE Cure I ' H il i : ! l e.l C of I!. -t The A ' -. .. in H.. 1. or ml ( 'I I !' " ' '' (111 'l-l. Ml' K IiK Is flh.r:i ! I cM-uns . C I. M H'lti;. : i - n '-I - I'r.'i'l ii. " M Ii..: Ii -r it ib- i- r ' i'-fi-' follow lut: .. "Til. i.'ie Ui ). 'fl ! 1 ' Ulsl a I . . I I ' -a, .. nai v ' . 1 1 ..... . lino . 1 1 i j ; . ' ' ..t ).!..' i 't - .I'M may- want I- i I. 1 ,- rerin-.l .. II. 1. 1 . I .r..rn til. x t . r i 'I I mother.' r. i..' 'h' I ! - oi. e line Is a, . ' ' P , I i a. tlilM niUTlll V. I1' ,-MlM'. Hi" ' bet wi-i'ii 1 lii ui ii: . n -.1 ' I" 'I . j b'- i iiiiiii' "'" "i ti 1 i mv rem. it f 'i I'm ... i . iif i ' i) ! 1 1.. 1 1 i .! sin ;. ;nr." I:fti-rl- i.l Itl'.oUiiile. lllockiulP .mil blliul III.' i Ihivp onii-oil ii" n ii 'l'i ni ii f h In In Hum mrl nl Hi m T)i.' WlllfOcro i I'l 'h . I. i IlloHt rem a I k a i I.' ami s'-!:'--)M Inlilcl. ." I'll.' ac i i !! i.i- i 1 . i 'ill i I'" il man while tnnler llm lull'i'-m , .1' llflK'll bl'lolCllh , III. I"IM I ui Overlook nil" IIIKl" Iii.IhIIIiK I'll' I" 'Um an 11 u hip. :i lei '.iiK t in i 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 o, hi frli nils ki .l him from :i 1 1 . in . t IriK t notify ('iiiiuh. I.iiilrmi :iii. .ill tile rest of Ihcin. Another in ... :i train Hill down on the Inn k in the (iarlii)cKH, liut vviih i.nillc.1 nut ul harrri'a way. Kllll niiothir want home anil hail tho hnritlh I t-. si-iit an nrftiiinent with tils tin il Ii i i - in I i w . 1 : 1 1 ( The Chronicle Buys: ".lint A nilci-Hiin, Known as "'I ah Jim," Innkeil np with new tuaini, or Mnekiiilo 'nontiHhinc In ki Suiiil.iv uitil nofOdH Mr. Orunt I Iciul reu s pasture I rul Rut lr to a timm-l Willi a hull ami wan Kori-d almoHt tn ilcuth. Itcpoits 3Mnduy Hy Unit ho t In it s. i i.uis cam ill Hun ami Ik nut i xpci l ii In In c. " Arr Will Marrtlnic. ICiimnientliiif on The New York AVr(iiid'M Htiitemt'til lliat man iai i are li'tomlHif mart' frcipieiit. 'J'he News ami ObwrviT Kiiyn: ."'Wi' ur not yet Inn rich In m.irrv. nrtd ImlllU liillpliH Kill) have !'ie old ldt Ihnt n woman In a "help ineel'' Innti-ftd of what a inodern miiii called lir, tt "litip-mi.-cal." A (orredpiiii dfl of Tho World ipioteH Ki lioiii'ii hDucr wlm Ihus ilidlrp ij it, "Miirrlturi., t Irup i't fur man by iiutun. ' II, lilixi Klvin I lllu poem You mailt know, my dear hoy, Thjit the dmrly prlm-d klas 'rilih ynu Biiiitch from the lipx Of a hnlf-willing ni Inn 1 nweeier hy far Than tho leRallzed KInkch Yiiu KWn the mm,' mill V.'boii yi.u'vr nmil her a Miniif H added, "ti mi 1 1 v chiiiiK r na tional poljiy nnil cnitilne ,i . , i ,-, I ,,n BnU not fret, iriiile In the d'yorce court." Utirtury ;i'm. Tin- follow Inlf excerptK taken from 111 r'iort of a rt'CKptlon intlilNhcd In Vh MorMtiloii Newn-lleralil a'o ho rich In their ilOHTlptloim, ,i vl'vli in Ihdlr porlrnyal of a feKllw scene, so. In Hlmrt. nfler the manlier of s vch ly dltor that thoy an- worth r. pm liuclnir. The new m hnol of Jonrnal Ifm thnt l about to he martial it one .f the atatH unlvf mltlcn Khould pn c rvo them an n modal for Inxti uttion of women who aplre to b umii iv -dltor. After tho preliminary de 1'ille of tho reception, tho reporter rays: "Within tho parlor thrwo rccolvlnir ere Mrs. t'aatlx, handsome of perwin i nd of riire chnrm of manner: Mrs l.'ivlnla Sheclz. Mix Matllila K-vvln. Mrs. Itohf. Anderson and Mm. V. 'I'. H.iKtn.. th lovlleHt Ji wcIb In tho can Vet of our cut. -fin mi,) love; Jim Janua It. Anderson and Mm. Hal .Uuxan.ler, i wo of our di-sc r cd ly popular and attractive younger wom en, and .Mrs. HolllnKsworth, whose MiNalllily of giitii and uraces cu ll. r..n. - In I al once I ht. pride and Joy oT ,.i,n r. lineil and cull in , d circle. "" 11 : KfO'iplliR "I i-i-i Inc. an ii'Hin an.1 wlnler. tn. m.o ninn, n,.,.n ami e I'lom! of In ,- i, nt , .,, ,,, ., l:Klc.' a ii. I dlu n h v l . Hi. , a, Unit NEW Linen and Silk Waists A c invite iiistc.-iinM of the newcomers in w ,'iists. 'I'l lev will lie i'i.ii n, 1 1 ii it e ent it im;' in tic ' ' .s 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 ' i i 1 1 ri.uii t.iiltU'eil. semi dress or i.'iiii-y, w h ieie , r , mi K kc. I'l:iiii t;iif !( il I me! i rl s. w it h ,u, ,ei, ifJ.'iO lo if.'.Jti) I-!'" n .Willi IhHTnW ul1 ,!e 1 il.n t -L irL'.riO to JNi.llll i ill ir if. wilh n;iri-ow or II lliil eUilil'iii.Ii red 1 1 l It ' 1 1 l;l;i.-k : I'.la.-k !. IL'.". KI,-" I: , i''.iU'' l.''!'t'i I.i, .l.iill l.'i IN t ,i. t rim ilc eliinc. il;iin or f;in,'V. .fS.oO to 10. oO -i;m fleets in eoloreil tal'fela " rl--',,) Tlii-. sii.i e is f i 1 1 1 1 1 r t in nadv w ea i inij, ai nt i is the t inn In simp. ftfrffTTT I. 1! nc ni '.kiIiI-. A i I rim !, f !. ' : .1 I ' . ' IS Ii. ... I ".) ..... ..... ' M ..r tx M.itild.i r i 1 x in ..,w. Il' i i a x I ' i w ( ci ,r .i I'll .r 'ii 'i.- ii . . .I an i it. t i . ! I.. . ' ' . Il ill vl I " I .1 ;, Mi. .Ii '.' I a ',! Ii. I ' Ii .. I I 'i i, iv lit " c . ... ,! th" ' .'. I.-'- 'I, V. I'l I .1, I i. L i 1 c.l 11 1 . . Al'll ' I I, i.l :i '. i I he ICkl'l Son or hail. A M 1 1 1 o ' 1 1 x I .nho. . t l ... i. 1 'v a : ;,l il,.. Icon. ..r .1 In. Ii-I ivl-o led ,i, . I,.ii rn..K il. uKliK-rx. 1 ni" ii .in il.U 111.- lilMi.iJi. lie, ,,lll,.ini, il I'.' I . " .'. . -1 1 1 , K il "!' ". W' I't O'll in III' Il I"' of i ,i l, Innif moiiiii In. ul. A n old ".'.lii-r-ii, .in, ,,,,1 (or On- h.iitic ,iil',,' H-. wii'h i .j' t ,. j . . a r - l a lull , , i a !! d ..i.l : ' K i I , hilt' Inn Ii , 1 1 a I ' I ; Tlic 1,1.1, op iltuWiliK lilin.'i-lf !o his ,f ul In ifiii. i cplt. d, 'Hi i li r. 1 .mi a ; li dn r .f men." i "Nou n ;o Ihc litshl kind of halt, :t!l lii lii,' wum lh li.lii t itian'B re Join,!' r. I Knew Winn lie U nnlcd. . Cltarlotte man, who happpnn to ; lie an alderman wilh it iiii-lviil a Id - t. t li'oni a t pew riier i iitii crii tin? a lid day which contained the follow ing itii iy unh' "(.'oii'i we m.tid yon licit I pc w r i t er '.' " Tin- aUlciman'H taio v inn"! have licen IlKlitlv tnrlilni; :,'i Iliiin:' more i .una nl ic ihan mioliin , u. f.,i ho answeie.l i i pioniplly I f I he w p. wi ite' i f. I e, , M a '. III:' y lid her lllnllR, othl'I w il'e ll"1' In a day ' r two he received ilie lol- I W 1 1 1 K I'lplv: "'I'llO tspeWlllcl Ii'- fen. , to In our former I. II, r 1 'It' : ii.l not 'i-he', and ace ii dinnK w- are a'laid lo P I It no forward. In oilier wordM wi offer you ti writing inaehliie and not 'i talklnK maclilni . ('h j'loll' I )l)Hi'l ver Contlnno) to KIhh In TciaM. With the doctors rryliiK out In cltoi'iis, that 1h tho criiMly old doclorH, klHhli K 1h a ilaneiToiia IIiIiik. Ilm . i t'V K'rni factory of ill.seii.He, heru i.omeH alonfr a Ti viih teacher with a i lsHlliK l'i atnt e in her Hchool. It'H In Die Hpt IliliK clasH and If a Kl'l lnlNa..H a word the hoy who Hpell.s II kcIh per iiiunIoii to klsH her, the ll-Mlll'M lilt nonni i il I i Imk that the kIiIh a-.- he rornliiK poor HpelleiH and the hoys nre I'nprovliiK rapidly, It lielnit a cuhii of ' I lovo my MpellliiK hook, hut oh, you KImhoh." Italclxh NfWH and tihscrvfr. "A fjrvlli TVm l'nr." lsn'l II time to call a hall ' We re cently noled lhal a New York loclor hail Induct d hundreds to aliandon all . oiiiuii wear un a. incaiiH lo neaiin. inow icmiH 111', KcIIiikk, of Hall!.. Clerk. Mich., iin-l iiilyiMH a return to tig IcHvi M clothes. That Is Kolnr "a Iodic t to far" unless a paradise can . mtp nlleil for all the Adams and h'ves. -- New s and llisc r er. Scouts Muslims. "The governor ,,f ij,,,h Carolina nlil to the Kovernor of South Caro lina, "NothlllK ilnlllK ' "Once In a while a man Is too proud lo hi-K and too honest to steal 1 1 the only alternative he has is to ki tn work. "1'eople who Kit mad about what the paper prints about them oni'ht to iltlnk of the tliltiKs the paper i outs about them and don't print and he I lia nk ful " -Cherokee S, out. Weekly Nature l aker. Our townsman, .Mr. T. II. I'. I'tiiin. 'i l iilshes tin- facta lor a new chapter to the volume of snake stories. The ehet il.iv there was picked up an ap ple on hla premises, In which Uti le was a small round hole as If made by i worm. 1'pon cutting the apple there was a urcen snake about S-im li. is billK'. ci'lly coiled within tile apple, '.'he snake IS of an e.ceediuKly poj:,ou outi variety and the fact (hat the r, p l.le la setkitiK a home in lb., apple makes it in r, saury that care lie . . t - , It-ed in hanillliiK apples Mnii- n il '' rpr.e. To a linicli .Member. A Wold ami a smile ,,, ,t .shake of the b.illd Would ba.e .,,,1 so much from '!'" I bo ''li' i . ,rn woman w ho si I aslil,-. 111 tile .lisle "ii pass. (1 I h I'i Hill v. i. le i il;i i I s . . . . , 1.L'- . . of 1.00 to 10.00 . . . . l.(H) lo S. "d ill'iSM', c,7..0 Iii tail,,'. , ii'e, I .-ni, .idlv with I'.ill fashions el of eer kind. Now llli ' .,', And 111 Mlili Thnt .ii..;.! I Moral I oil. (..II...-, ,' : I. II .'I' ' .'. i.i ' ii i . . ; . T!i In ii, a I , -tj.' I .i.i .ii! I., . ,, . na pr. it' her-, a i i. A, bill ions , i i . made lo I ! A , I I I I V I I O 1 1 I , 1 1 . I . , t,l people p., . i .l ;:H shall nut's." I 'I boil aha!' M.I ,. J. Thou shall ii"l i'l for a ii t i. Inif of w,oi 1 Thou shall rot j p" 'a 1 1 v In '. e, ! f , ,', . r .'. I. Tho II 1 1.,! I I,,. I v. .' , hell. I., K. I'll' '.. Thou si,.,, i,..t ! I I . H V of .la,,. I) Thou shil He i I (ill ret le lost Ih-.n sin,, ;, . I -, Hhonldst in -..,i:-- s, ,.,uii.'.s. 7. Tliou hha It t. ,1 I : . i n a a molt'l -. In i " i ii.!. a ml ui,. "oils Ida V has. I, a II. a ;, I ,.t In i albd 'fans." . . i, -I a t, 1 1 v .1 i i" i ,.. i.ii n ale. X. Thou shall ici l.-l 1 h , in .,1 1 i Cullei I , iKar. lie p,. in es of bii.seha a Ida'.ei-- Phi ii,e ii...tii.i'. wax in tie in af t In v u is . 1 ! 1 I 'i. 'I boo ,i,all i. ..f v.el'l to tin- . siilioua 1 1 lo pi a I i"li I" I, IMS Ihv hex! Kill or any other fellow's, for both Ra n 1 I.l i '.' and ol 1 1 er I a -.' ,iih. 111. Thou Kinit ,av line heed to tin-he m -v o i i ! 1 1 1 a a 1 ' inawuuiili as il Is support, , that a!l fj-.lealel ini'llit sin ll as tniiid'-r, Itisl. i-,,a li -.ilsii' si, I' HOC. ' heallliM, ptolanil'., and Kcneial wickedness hath ihpaiteil troin. out our people. The follnwinK 1 lipping Iroui a Kal elKh paper adds one more law lo the eoile and Ih .'nloption is on lln nut hoi II V of a Kleal nou-il l.i.l.i Tb. II p pine, sa -, m: "In a p,. a Ii m: f'-r i i" '. 'loi,. i IKliic on lln p. -lit of i'Iii, ii,, in ,.,,pi. IP v. Collin II m l;. - ai lid, a, on ol I he dun eae , I Ni Hi i ,n ..Ii 1 1 . i . Sun .lav niorn illK a I ' hi I ' I I'd ' II i , pa I ehiir. b. ela.' a ul oitu -hi 1 1 1 , with "dl Inking, eai.l .!a inc. ila m nil.-, ami oilier allik-ed Mini -il lir.ol'li. ' lb ha,d Kcaticlv more than diilai'il against the evil "I IT 1 1 1 1 1 j - away out '.' lime in an a ll I ' no, , I a I' lliau tliere ,Mis the familial, and .it limes, I ti m, -e n 1 1 ib-llant "lionlt, Inuil-'"' as some aulo driver iiia the f-'umal r i ii i t 1 1 bv law in 1 1 1 r ri ' i i 1 1 k tin- v i I in i n";t on and l'aleuton Hlr. ei , ni, r. win re lln slittelv old i Inireh slandsi. II reipiiied heroic effol t n, ll on I he pa ' t of I he IlloHl illKllilb'd chill ' 1 1 1 1 1 II to li-pr, sh II tiller lhal unhid ha. appealed un- SeemlV I-' Hplle ,, the pi'oW, e.'ltloll." LABOR DAY WILL BE GUJOkE THERE (Contliiueil rrom first pane ) States Sleel corporation lias a mill at VanderKilft but the workmen In the pat hay, always repaired to a camp several miles outside of town where they celebrate, the day. They have arrnnip-d to follow the .same pioieii u re I hia year. liirniai IN NIAV YOICK. NKVV VOHK, Sept f. -Willi no strike of connciicln e except that "I the hatteiH ill pli'Kro.s.H in Orealei .New York the Labor liny para, I" I" uiollow will llud mote mariluis in line and more ol" them with jibs than Inst year. A pproxiinalely -lii, 00(1 woik-rs with loi ty liand.s, i eprc-sentlii"; lil t v -iniii' unions of the I'entral l-"eilelat. il i ll Ion, will parade from t'cntral I'ark down Kii'tli avenue lo Wiusbinton Siual e, ill the nllcll M Will he K. lilies, atb b tlc evillt.s and speeches all over (he cltv. John mm "ml i presi- deiil ol' the A m c I , an l-'ederal loll "I Labor hoiay i o 1 1 1 1 a s I c 1 1 pt.. sent . n dltlons with nl a e.l r auo. ' l-'totu pci.sona! .-I .s.r a 1 1. ui ami ircneial in I orinat ion." In- said. ' 'il is ide lit to llle that lllnle un II ale em pl" e,l Pala y ami I lia I tnoi , ai ' lielliK enip!",,t than al anv time dui inr the last tweiilv two mouths. "Last Oeiaillber the estimate m.,e bv the America il I'". ,1- rat loll .,( I In nutnher "I ori;aiil.'.e,l noilaii, n ol tin t'nlled Slates at that time put Mi" lis Ml.- at one million, or ahoiil lliillo IWo pel i ll! of the hole." i -nuts on siiiiki:. i 11 It ' i P i, Sept. ... Labor I i.i , in I'lll.aiO hlllles II, IS. I,, Stlll-O 'I, llle 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ii e, iiiilit.tia, a 1 1 1 ' . -1 I a 1 1 1 1 in 'he si nil . a r Ml ii at am a ml a .till-' ..ii tlo- p. nt ol lie , a ii,b i Ih- al .,is .'ill ph i d III llle live all.l tell , elll I Ilea I el s. Tui'lll, ell III holises 111. 1 1 ll.l V e I . I use, ; o;i, ,e -. lb' ' ! Un low a. 1- i -. mil, ai .-ill I" a it . ' I ,1. The lialah- j,. h. .III. .1 lor ..i. i . w ill e.l I..- a-. In..- ,,s lie lo '.I in pi .- 1 ol-, ... I I...1 it I.. . i" - ! 'I lhal about ; a in. a union no a v. I n . , 1 1 - 1 1 RALEIGH TO HAVE NEW CITY BUILDING t--i . ial I.. I lie Citlrii I K ! .!' it ; 1 1 t . s. pi 1 1 a. . ) d I hat I" I , a a i;i,a! a I, ih ii..w 1.. oil III I l"l I , -V J I ", n, ! nil. I in.. 1 1 ami I'aM. ,1 1 ill 1 , ll I. .1 I.l HO I until ll, -pal .if I I s 1 p. 1 . 1 a s 1 1 . -1 1 : : , . ' ns Nat, ! I I I .at- hall P .. ha 11. 1--., 1110 1 1 , ' 1' 1, 1, Inis 11,,: , -,iiare tr.'iu Ka .1 .If hoi,. Mpiarc ll " V iliu im: 1 011 si n et 01 1 . 1 a 1, 1 1 i 1 , 1 1 1 1 u , !,. . :,i,,l oilier I , I. II, .h.WS 'I'll imp S SHDDT- E Both Thought She W-is d Bur lar Prowling Arodr.d The Ground TRAGEDY IN NICIN DUE TO SA1 MISTAKP; Wife Had Accomp iiiicd Hiu band on Profesbit-ndl Cdll dt Neighbors l!uus; ( I'.y Associated l a e. ) il I'.I.KHTii.N', s. t . d:s ' . . on In r lor a In M u .. . . ni a prominent ph, . ' .. -o j- t " ii . "ti lit . last nlx : i '-' I 'i 1 1., ui P. k i Mm. c. ...... i in v. ho had a, "iiipuiied her , .. i o i a i.' a "I 1 1 a r-pcrH, a i n tin' 'nine c, .mil y, on : 'i n v Jail lo -ant's han '-an ' ..I- ' plantation on M urn-1 , 1 I ' I Ii.' ha iii and Mr. A a Mil.-- on I he I I ' ll ; aireh of , i I, .ii ,. ai 1 1 supisM- w bi n tl, '1 III 1 1,' ila rk m as a figure pas- I -' i ml K'o Imvanls a nearby .ol l,e Ihk wht-n ti iiiili-,1, i h,. not a .-In. i nun and (' shool." Sal, I i, hand. To- '. , A I ll" lie .,. , I I, 1 ! . 'i I, in .i r I lie er. I. ...I . In a l iii:: i," I ,p y w t .am' j nl. .1 I -, .'il i I. e,l Ijr. H, ' in a liat ih ' . 1 1 1, 1 .1". "Shoot ii I , It ii mi. aii.l A . ant I! red I.- lo- . lam." Kuillli ,. , I I . t li",i 1 in : it nrf , I i a 111 I in a. .1 lo , In- creek I i Me. I: h.a in si i i I . I,- .1 t her. ' ie I, -nl. ol l ot Ii barrels .. I ,1 ,"li le. t iii Iii r ha.i k. e . i i ' i--1 1 1 1 a . ha iiiK penet rated t (, ! a, ea I I i e, I tile lie A S to ' . ' I i; '" . a npaiii. d I he lie. I.. . ,11 , o i oil' I La I- lo Mm I a i I T Two )l hers , iN'a nnw I y K aped A fler l' inf' 'arri' I 'nth r Seow, M'.W Yi iliK, Held. -. - I'u,, .miic Wonieii and a liulft v. en: iliowne.l in llle N'orth river Onlay ' la ll the lilisn line launch iiIkh. Iilim:kIiik ihee lo tin- Shellelill, .I. IS.'V .shol'e I-' " S, ,pe SUIT Holt hweat vvll'.d, well, i!...n alt.!' , ol 1 1 1 1 i UK" w II ll a freight eai ll., u Lin I, - i ntf out Into I he river I i a ; i i lip SK other . iSHeniO'i ,v , a , i ,,s lie. I The dead are I'atltei ,i . . Il'.eltt. live years old; .Vjii. 'il.eii nineteen. Stephens Weeks. u , ,, , N'ol I' the I hi losl i . i . i heal , I a i t, i i he la b a i a, k Nellie Ihnnin.s and Frani- W auei a ha id I- .'lit for Ili a : . .- Veil In r , ouhl v un iiml h.a !i ' i i a i ri. d under the Hi wi i l. , : .. Wanner hound 1 1 1 .- Klrl'H all', I" lor mile wilh his I.ii arm. ami k t. I, i m.; v it 1 1 his leet ami -imviiiK -i : ! i a 'i.- , ha ml. i,., ml,. , .el w al"l' I he was ul t.t 1 . ha sii-.l, a ml ... . . . up l a Inn Miss ( In N'T. Ill l. Al iss Jan i, t '!. al., ihniKli!' ' I o i ml Mis, V .1, ( I. hi t X , I' . - , i . I. - ; I , d . s i . , I ; , , u ,rmnK a I I I -in,-. I I VI . Ill i -., . .. ears 'I ! . '.,... I i i i ic. s will I" held tin ., : i , I I 1 : 1 1 1 ! I i . I ti t I n m is iinioi: j I i-rri;i HT -i . it., s. .i . . . Kol I" ' of tile . ' I ,, . ,i S 1 1 l',l- i 1 1 1 1 . , 1 1 .f h Is . ! m i Mill I ; cti-a ill-- .if-... a a , i list , i, 1 1 - :, .,., iii I li, , ,:, , 1 i ' t ' n . " a i a ' i . a. ieir a u i m . . . I st I II. I- I. a la: ' nail I I a 11, HUSBAND ADVISES FRIEND TO FINDS WIF DEAD a:at::mn::n:ni::::a::::::::::.:a::::::::n:r.i::::n::::::nt:::. OBBas!l Exhibition and Demonstration ot AX 1 ll IT - QZ fol .T'.'X r. i IMPROVEMENTS MADE IN STATE LIBRARY I pH lal lo The I ilicn ) l ; , i .1 . : . 1 1 ' c . ,-t . in. a ,e- ti- t ,,-nt !, ' in li , n i" I I". - I -t. ni. ir. i i n i i H.:, : .p ,'..pcr. YOU have probably noticed that when you take her a box of j the right kind of candy, she smiles and says: "Um! NUNNALLY'S!" She knows how delici- ous they are. And since j it is a pleasure to please others, you will find it very agreeableall around to follow this simple rule : Kvery time you go take her a box of A fresh supply alwavs kept by KWNOIl'S UKI'f. s'KUti:. :l I ration Xvcniic. "None Like Nunnally's." U s Strange How Little .id.-1.. . 1 1 1 . ".'. .. i. Belter Have a Heart to Heart ' 'I'hinl." n ilb "il h u ' i 1 1 0 I ' ' i i " 1 1 s to.llte v lo,! I a li V I ii I li a" a Ii. ,o I ) IISO e, i, e I, , , from lln- lime h"in II- l.m." lloS. lill'll ami huv I, n n ol l 'has. M . a'li. fl ami I !a I I Will II. - .1 ' ' llle I ' . 1 ' .1 i . I'll.le ;, nu ll',.. ui - 1 "I Ciias. M. SUefl Mnnufiu Hirer of the Artistic Stleff, Miaw, mill Slieff Self-plujer I'i.'inoM Mil I Ill lt.X WAIU IiOOM West Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. r. 11. wn.Moirru. Manager. (Ueptlon this paper.) La Grecque Corsets I Ii :: ': i 1 1 1 i m;' St ) i . (ll Ii a nl nl iiniiii:; 1 l.i 1 1 lo Sep; . t Ii. .. ; 1 c . 1 .1 1 1 . r.sei n re i i 1 ! !!:: 11:: Hi.. I!: f I j I'oll I e W ol'L l lie ' If l'i 1 . iuliil I :e-se lale.-sl ' t le-. Slle , I ' f 1 n ; 1 1 1 1 1 In-. v i'll't'l' l'i 1 1 ti 1 1 l i 1 ii : j . 1 . . . 1 im nl Willi I i ie I'.iil; I i.i 1 a ! '. ! 1 1 , t s ;i 11. 1 "ml. rl ; I lo ' ;' I.i i i i f ' j 1 1 1 '."sets; '"ii if .1 1 nl III her s in 1 w 1 I lo 1 1 . ,n , I In 1 1 I I' i f I t ? , V it ti Hi;; .'I I 11 1 1 Hi s ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1, ,1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 - I. GREENE & CO. 12 CHURCH ST. Hi:: Crib glankets blankets i',,i w i i ,' i i i , i . ,i-ir,ilili' :' ( V;i, ;l;illkit ,ll'i' S;t1 t!ii r 'I'll,' ir. tiling in llii , ., 'i ii 1 lit la mo' i ! ' i : -1 i ; n i a 1 1 . iii 75c to $1.50 each 'I'lic I ;l,i nk' i - 1 1 1 . t pi h 1 1! ,-ii $2.00 each. Itie mi 3 Closed Ml Day 7odai---Cabor )aij LATEST DESIGNS I'.al l.ll. I'.a ...'. .. , i.,l ,'ei I i ,11 I i, I . lo, 1. 1 . .1 -. . rK it- . i , p! a il 'I'll" ' . i ,. pi ... d a 1 1 .,. : ,o-l re i . MISS CRUISE. -7 Sl S. II. MICHAEL s Itl.l .1 IN II I Iii ll'l llllsj' ciclltihc llrillltirlil lir il lli-ca--c-ol the I ei I. i ist i-:. ij v i i i i . si i'i:, .-a ' M.I' i'l' K TM I :.T I -all id, THE HEALTH ( H' ' ' .1 I la ', ll, lbs III.- MILL .1, ; I s I i , I i ., -1 1 A,i li'a-.l. Lonthim.' ami am.,, i,.,,.. I'n lea ii. a ,. I.ii! .1. if . Asheville Pure Milk Co. I .. alniil SI. I'lionc I ANTHRACITE COAL hiivei t' 1 1 1 1 1 the I'eiinsyl-'- ,'ii,i,i ( 'olliei'ies. I'niforiii in sie. rcf'iilar in luirnin'. Carolina Coal & Ice Company i!i:.ii:tTi:n : i:sii:i;n III i:uki 1 CI.MMS. A 11 pel .on W hose share ol the KilMei 11 1 I I .1 II t III"!!' V (1 1 ah . ,11 1 , 1 v I 1 1 e 1 1 u 1 1 ,,',:. a I U .i.i,t. Attorn... ; l. '.ii. ., ,, Tr,,.-i 1:1.!., . I 1. 1' ' - W A l l Ill s MV SI I (Tl,rv ' ' ' 1 a I nee.l a wnlell t ilat ' K''1 i' time, we have Ih. m. ami a; 1 ri. .-s that are ri,-ht. l-'ilie Watch ncpairino;. 4 .1. K. I Alil'l N IT It. '-'.i I'alton Ave. 1 f Ill" t 1.. 5 1 plicalioiis f.,r a IK I It 1. p. W'l.lialll IryTj s-.'-ainV,'..!-!;; pW )PEERLES3(i Closed Today Our Advance Sale of Ladies Fall Suits Begins Tuesday Morning and End on Wednesday Evening Be sure and these suits, even wish to huv now. III and &ah obe Received ;i 1m ;i ii! i 1 nl assortment of Is ful' w inter use. ( .i'"i (lill-lv pl'l'lty Mild if - line ,V"ii WHiild (In well to i 'in , pili'i - J i ; t 1 1 1 U." - 1 IK'V ;i-c pl'K'Ctl - j it 'i i.ill rii' II.Ttli lidhcs arc VISIKilts, SAVK MONEY. I. li.nnii! your teeth attendud to by us Alwavsj iip-to-dute. Caluless and lleliable i rown and UJtdse work ,p. cialiy. I'opular prices. 1K. AI.ATTUKWS DENTAL PAK I.OKS 2.i-26-27 .New McAfee Bl.lg.. corner ""''K' S.riiec, oislie 1st. Uap- Isl t l.nrcl, a,l neaP Vulipt olLS Phone Bill. Ibwlilem e I honei 973. la l iib 111 up yrir (iffine or Htorn wilh I he new TuiiKsten Light that aves Iwo-third.s the current. W. A. WARD t 1'Aer.Mlilng KlootricaJ. . j I'HONI-: III) 10 N. i.ark Sq- M. WEBB & COMPANY MIIHcierj lui porter No. Mattery Pwk Place- Phone 1044 If you want "?oo4" gpis olinc vim will Lave (o leave j vour order or 1 iIkhk1 The Asheville China Co., No. North I'm 1, S(iuire. IMiono 381 COOK s'o l-:s ni: tin'i; sTo i;s I! N(.l,S. I T , IliK a .11 assoit.., 1 st,k at nilynn .1.1, pi : , Beaumont Furniture Co., 27 South Main Street. 1 DOOMED, NO! Mia liano-Therat"itlc manipiilationa will cor n , i MNKTV-FIVK I'Elt iT.'.Vr ,,f tin: ills of oar li",! i. s 1 e;i e those ma 11 ipnlat 1..11H by which otll- is ate le im; curod, WHY .i ' r vi ic. . II. MM I Ll!. Mliaii. riicrapist. I I N. Spruce St. l'liono U71 CITIZEN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS o 0 o 4 O s 9 e w 0 take a look at if you do not M. V. MOORE :?' WOMI N s riNL Al'l'ltl.j II P VITON K jj:::::uu:K:::!tait::::::in::::::::uiim::::;u::n::iu::ijn!