THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: CLOUDY. Associated Press. Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. 322. ASIIKVILLi:, X. (, TUlvSDAV .!OKM;, SKITKMKKU 7, 1!M). PRICE FIVE CENTS. C0QKNOTJEALQU5 OF PEARY'S LATER SUCCESSAT POLE Declares Observations Will Help to Confirm His Own Discoveries DORS NOT EXPECT TUBE TO BE FOUND AGAIN He And Peary Are Friends And Controversy Between Them Not Likely (By AswK'laK'd Itpsh ) COPENHAOIiJJ, Sept. K. Coprnlui Ken was electrified (onight hy (he re port of Commodore Feu, y's announce ment that he had reached the North role. Dr. Cook was intensely Interest ed and said: "That is good news I hope Peary did get to the pole. His observations Jtnd reports on that ngion will cipii- iTm mine." Asked If there was any pos-slhillly of Peary's having found the tui(. con taining hie records, nr. Cook re plied: "I hope, pn, hut that is d'puhtlul on pccount of the drift." Ir. Cook added: "Commodore Peary would have leached the pole this year. I'robnhlv while I was In the Antic region last year hi route was several hundred jnlles east of mine. We are rivals, of ourse, hut the pole Is pood enough lor two. "That two men go to the pole along different paths." ennttnued the explo rer, "should furnish law additions to scientific knowledge, l'rohahly other parties will reach it In the next ten years, sibee every explorer is helped by the ,xperip nee of his pred ecessors just as Sverdrup's ohscrva tlons and reports were of Immeusui't Hble help to me. T ean say nothing more without kuppuhig further details than that I am glad of it." Cook IC.i M -led It? yvhlle Dr. Cook was conversing cas ually this morning with American friends the possibility of the denuu ment which electrilied (lie- world was laughingly suggested. Dr. t'ook re marked: "It is unite possihh' that Peary will turn up now He is ahoul due to get hack, it lie carried out his plans. We have always I" on friends. While of course we m r (Continued on pane four, i PEARY FOLLOWS ON COOK'S HEELS AND FINDS NORTH POLE Brief Message Announces to The World That Mystery of North Has Been Penetrated by Second American Explorer. You Have lo Show Him. laowMf jo C ONQRAT UL ATf you A NO PY THE VVY. would you niNn showing ne TH'E PROOF? NKW ViiHK, Sept. 6. Peary has yii eded II Indian ll.trhor via Cape As- 'I'he Voi k n. Sept. t; so, Press, New "Stars and stripes nail Nortli pole. (Signed ) "Inilfan Harhor Kay. N. Sept. I, I.. Hrooklui ' Poll- r. a. hed Ki sale (Signed) I'cary i Cape llcrhcrt N. V lose wit 'car " "Indian Harhor. via Cape Pay. N. I . Sept. -Tn The New York Times. New York. "1 have the pole April litl'i. Kxpeot iiii r i n - ('hateall llay, Septemher Ttii Secure control wire for ine there ami an-.tngp-expedite I raiisuiisspih, hig sto- r.v. (Signed) "Pi earv has succeeiled. a i 'j . N.rth pol, " he I'llt lCe- heflMi ' o) IS III 1") lt ng or a l i I 'i e la Cook seii; .aid. That was all. have so lew words pie a m eat I I on un it, r patriotic satisfaction, ago on Septemher I, Ir. . out from the Shetland Ih- I ilels the I'rM message of his success a inc.-:.- in,, which aroused a storm . f conlro.rsv around the world Tee ,la Itoluit 10 Pear, lost from view :,, Hie lai i of ice and unheard from -nice Aug'ist I '.mis. siartl'd the world t, a simitar inesNage sent from In dian harh ir. I.alrail,.r. There was i. ii ion . it left no douh. It 'lis aiiio'iinei d uiic'iuivocaily thai he 1.1,1 leaelod the lop of til 'hus tsi tripes .' :.g in I ouraKc " From out of the Antic darkness there were Hashed todav these mes sages win h stunned the sen ntilie .vorld am! thrilled the loan of ewry Kloni the hleak coast of Uihradoi Peary gave to the urn .1 the news that he had attained his g".il i (he Far nth. while at tie sane mo ment in I;, r off Iieiimark Ir. k'leiler ; k A. I'ii, k, of Hrooklvn. was dined and limn. -d hy royalty for the same achic eineii. lleiiinrknhlc Colllehlence. I'ndeiii ably Yankee gi It has con .piered tin frozen Nortli and there has heen treated a coincidence sin Ii at- the world will never sec ana.ii. Two Americans have planted the flag of their country in the land of ice whlci- man has sought to pene trate for lour centuries: and each, ig norant of (lie others conipest has 'lashed wnhin a period of fi laconic message of success waiting u oi Id. CooU in Id.-- lir't message to mtin,.n Has hrief hut non i ; foul was i veil hrief el' tp, , iii, "jinrs and Slri d is a to the his mil hut d to world. Hags with the stars and Hi, 1'nited States are tlnat- ice pin ks. proving the .! inirepid Americans. 'I old All (lie World. Willi I, ui a wort from Peary the .vorld waiis bi'oathli ssly for details, hut until tomorrow, when he should iiiic a: Chaliau hay, Uihrailor, waiting must suffice. Tin' ti M word or Peary's success ri ached New York at l-'.-i'-' o'clock this .iMcn .oii in a despatch to The .' sso. ial, ii Press. It contained the late amiei.nceinent o his nmimg ine nole. Almost simultaneously he had :i.iii-nutlc, the iieirs to London, re 1'iating d'amalicallv and simply. Stars and Stripes nailed to the Nortli pij,'." Ai Ho- same lime he similarly uhlseil the governor id New Kound land. Ilo Mi the old. and the new world were I hus apprised of his great prs.elicallv at the same Horn, nl. Mid the excitement which followed I M, sts to the high pitch of mt. re., t aroused over this climax of man s p' rseverance. NowHpHp' r extras were rushed from the press and those who read marvell ed nt the twist of the universe which had snatched tin mask from the North In si strange a manner. lake In. Cook's lirst message, p, aii's v, ,,s tantiliing in its hrlefncHs. and the nailing juitil n-. stimulated hy Cook'; . in I ess was left unsatisfied .',.r ;e. ,1 I r Cook, Pears resumed hi" loo, cs i d sosace Immedlateis 1 1 Til Hilled page lour. ) IT THAT OR. CAVORTING NEAR POLE Peary's Captain Wires That l'dy Was Tied V in Sack Hero of Five Days Left No Tracks. Similar to ( )ne in Which Dog Was Found. EVENTS A VI' AH APAHT! IDKNTFTV FNKNOWN (Hy Asws hited Pre-s ST. JOHN'S. N. K.. Si',i I'oni modore Hohert K. P' arv. v ho an llOlinced loihis I 1 1 1 1 he had disc isppp I the North nul,' on April ti "I III-' in li"l I pKTIC pIT. Ml' Ii . S' ,t '', -All das Sheriff C.istoii ,,,, d hi ,e,,,tios has ilragned ks on en I- anil qniz.eil residents in the ,! " s a in di: 1 1 i, i i l,,e! no: . "ine , Ine ,i no present year, found no n.i,e of In- 'ident. Frederick A c,Moi ,,t PiooUw. reported to the A olid live ill's that he had mad- the -uu. ,i s, in April of the preeeilin year. , h h'gl- ' , , , ,(. . I "I I ,1 I e. I . .1 1' 111 I-. S .Illd ,,,rh ,,f a ,',il)L' '.'.onian found i o, in,, -in an, , ai Is tin. i i ning. I"it I e s I ,., ' 1 1,. , ,- ,.fr. . , i , , i . i - , i . . - t ! ,i en in sain i 1 1 1 .s j news reached her.- toiiicht throiu-lii The Captain Rohert Bart let t l the i:.,,,s ; ))Ml evelt, Peary's ship. ' u notte to i h teau bay, Ijabnulor. Captain Hartleti i. -l.-gr i ,le , I t . n l stives hero that Pi-arv had I'lind '" nothing to Indk'ate that i'k had iiiiiik ! reaehed the pole. W'hll- I'earv il s ' Jf Ih, ,,- thai ,d a I ,l . , I l II - leel c, fH ill I I ol I" '11 ;" ti"' ;il,'l nlv a t-A 'in . an! the -O-'" of the ,, , j., , . , ,,,, .1.1 a! I" I A I u puts ,ss. ,,! n.' " s' " win- I "I I' I'll' a III UK ga ' ,....,....11 I lie torso is V. -1 1 1 I PI S i I o . . I , , I -IS ill" 1 1 ' " I tin afternoon THUS r TO CONTROL PRICE OF ILL COTTON CROWN Is Secret i'p,-a nidation Like Tohaceo pool jiiul Has Wide Conner, ions. MFLTIXC IN ATLANTA. not exprewsly repudiate I'r '""is contention In so mans ,,nl- hi statement may have an important "earing upon "'" s,mi,,. : ... p. or COOKS expiorauons , n ,,.! ..... la".rse cck The Roosevelt was in g",.,, ,..,,0,-1 s ;1J. , p,, , ,K ss is soui linn an1 Ihr crew all right. wired i '' .. . , 1, i.-.l ,l,ini, in Cantaln Bardett. In addition, and hoi'' ... 11,.. svoina n ""' reported that the schooner I h,s' The u :- t t" l-lh wi- k carrying supplies for the expedition, j (hi.oAl) f( , ,,.k ,v the am- met them off the est of Or. enlan.l. j ,,,, ,,,. ,i t-g us-d I". Cnmlnir south Hie Roos.-wlt pas-o , ,. I Etah and Cpernavik. Crep-nl., nd. A ,.,.,,,.,-. ,-; I n s.-."i where Or Cook had pre. e.L .1 Pens. jn ,,. dl he lo-ld I'r The Roosevelt todav 1.. no i"i Chateau Ray. l-ihri'l"r -villi I'earv' and parly on hoard. h-re ..he is do- I JiffJCOKE IS NOW tomorrow. I'hafau has ! , nrt ti . xi T,MrnTfl west of Castlp- and ll. nles Isli the northern shore of H-H- 1 -1 ' ( Liralla nnA Hoe east "f. P'11- I' '" r I-MS p i ,.',,.;,, I . i.e.-: x nien.h. ,s .,f I,:!''v''''l':,, 'the ,n., m... -tenmr N."n r . Isshch "-p." '!" "''', '" ,h" p""'- A IK" F.N S C. Sp-i.t - nient "t c z'c p admission In the rilv hospital f"r ' y,,rk ! rnmuinm iiiwaJW hs a oiling "f t" Th- Nani das' night IN VENEZUELA a '.m.i.i oi 'I'sl - (llV Asms lilted Press ) PI H M I .'.'; II A M. Ala.. Sept. II -Tip lillll annual ,,,in.ilon of the parin , r :' lv Pica I io na I and Co -operative uiloi, -.sill I,, gin tone, iron iipirnlllg I lei-gales Horn ad lli' potion produe inn stales ;ir, in alti li'lanee ulul i''pt on ,s ill be the prin ipal topic p,f ills ,'PISsioli The t ariii'-i nni"ii e. a s'-p-ret ho .III all llo :-p"i"l and rilual f.n, work p,f any lodgp-. It Is loin l,s, d ot farm, rs and has lor Its 10 ,111 ,,!., 1 I I he . Inn mat ion of t In,, InP.t and ini'l'il' 111.111 an. I llo uiprk'imir of llo- n.p directly from th, piodiper' to tip manufartiirer ad- llo union has numerous arch. , uses and if the plans ol tip hadirs ;iii' ialiid i'llt. m;in iippo ,s HI p. en . t. d pIot dig I Io- p 'innng yp-ai ,nd a -trorig lloit ss 111 he made to lot into tin' union esi ry eolloii grou , 1 11, Co South. 'I h' n not oiilv ss lll tin- niiddP man's prppits he saved tip 1. ..sot hut the market can l oiroilc'l for all Amerl-an ppptton I, eld ,ri llie union's s a n ilou-es it can .old ouls svloii lip; pli'p' Is Kat- 's'.o 1.,1-v. Tip' i'h a in In i' f Is to i'nakp' th" I'.iinppis unippli to the eoi ton erowr .shat th" tohaeco pp'ppl Ii I,, t h.' t'pp.a. , 0 pr',.lueers The s'S-i'-n Tii.-day s'lil h'- the ..n one op- T I , the puhlie. although th- mi on ssill p pniin ts me-ting l,,r .eseral ilass iPlirillg Op- p-xe'li-1 i , . s, - - i on. tin 1 p 1 1 p ' ' i . li ed for t In n-'pp.i.' s-ar and memheis an- not apppps, d I'P Sell for I' SS. fir xfir '. r: .; vorld LABOR HOSTSTURN OUT TO CELEBRATE THEIR OWN HOLIDAY NINETY LIVES SA VED FR OM SHIP AS SHE WAS BATTERED TO PIECES ON ROCKS One Small Boat Full of Wo men and Children Capsized But All Were Re'scued. Others Had to Bail Constantly To j Keep Afloat. (Hy Associated Press) ST. .lollN.S, N. P. Sept 6. Thril ling scenes attended the loss of the Allan line steamer Ijiureiitlan. hound from Hoston to Glasgow, which plied up "li the rocks near Cap- Race luring u dernic fog at li o'clock this morning. The vessel Is a tiplal wreck hut the fifty passengers and forty menihers ppf the crest cs-enpei'1 to lamt after a tryltnt experience The steam r relHiundid henvll.s whon It tttrut'k. ihu shock throwing most of the iihk- piengers frvm Mi1r teevths. They stam-peded for the decks wlthotvt 'ip- plng to dress, and for half an rppur northwest wind hanged the ship al.out I peoph, and It was only hy constant ami in,, situation le'camc so set Ions j hulling that (he life, hosts wero at 7 o'cIim k that orders were giveniallo t kepi In put (he hoats over. Twenty-live of the passengcils, mostly women and childlen were placed ill (he tll'st Jjoftt, hut unluckily the how tackle col laps ed and hi'M nil person were thrown Into the sea. Captain Imrle had ropes throssn over tin- side and wllhlng tlft en min utes those who had heen Innoersi'd were drawn on deck. Klnally six more llfs nonts wMW'(Wit ovp-r and the pasKPligcrs (rnnsfl'lTed In them. The seas. liowewr. cxpii- much excitement prevailed. A st Iff j sta nt I v drip'h I he shipwrecked Aliinit (en o'clock after the hnivt IiiipI heen adrift two hours, a boat from a nearby fishing vlllana was sighted. The (Ishlng hont piloted ths life ehaft lo a harbor whero thn pas ivngers and crow were tared tor iby the Usher-folk. A stt.iuiu;r left 8. Johns tonight to bring the shipwreck ed people to thl port. The i4turentain nvaa built at Oreen- ock, Hcotlaiul, by R. Htoeln and com puny 111 is. 2 and for many years was mimed the Polynesian. Nation's Worklnamen Are Proud of Tho Dignity of Their Position GREAT PARADES AND GENERAL RELAXATION Federation Officers Outlines Policy of Great Organ ization For Year IiOCISVII.I.K, Ky., Brut. In ft I.nhor Itiy add ress here at Phoenix Hill park, Frank Morrison, secretary of the Amerhaii Federation of Labor outlined the. political policy of th federal Ion for the comlnir year. ' "The American Federation of Lft bur." lie said, "will contlnu 1U po litical lainpulgti of electing lta frlendt and defeating thoan who are lndlf fen nl or iKwtlln lo the enaotmont of labor meiuturcs. We had our flrat Keiieral battle last year. We will ctm tinu our engagement In the congrea- slonnl Held until our meaaurea are atlopled." lie als.i scored Indiscriminate laau iiiip ti of Injunctions tn prevent laborlnf men from utrlking, which they have a legal right to do, "ami declared thai the steel trust as In the aaa of the MeKis-M Uoeka trouble, near Pllta hurg, had ohuand and mlarepreaenteA the government bureau of Immifr Hon." A great crowd hoard him. KHISCtl'H ClOIJpJHlUTIOK, HAN FI?ANCl8CO, 8pt. .-nftf thousand union men In thla oIt and Oakland, Bccordlng to an enlimate made by Cirand Marshal P. H. Mo- Crthy, pwrtlclpftted in today'i Jpbor, , lay paradre. A Joint eeietirait in waa hold by te unlona of the two cltle nt Hhtdl M iund park, the ortr be inf Clarence 8. Uarrow, of ChtoAgo. CRAZY ON ESCAPING Ai A FEW OTHER THINGS Is Now on IMh V;iv ( In sane Asylum After His Last, Ks( ,ie from Sheriff. (Special to The CHIm ii.) MARION. N 1.. Sept. C - In puts Sheriff oils I'o .irs of IP inh-rwiiiville has left Minion wllh la.sis llytler. famous Jail li' iker. lor Ital'lcli. where llytler .-.ill he o.iiImicI mi the jsyluin for the dangerous insane. Ilvdcr ssns eapinrt.d here hy In-puly Sheriff Harris, i,. ;i,r Ninth ' ose, mnl brought to iM.ti ton and Jandpil in iiiil Sheriff Ma hhtirii immediately Mimmiinli alt p ,s,'h the lleii'lei -ppu s'llle authorltle ami liny sent an of oP'cr here lor Co man. Ilyder Is a ,i ,inplon ,'i;i,,t from ihMh. ipflh'. is in d ansthing Isc that TPS pi hold I In oapll'.lls, ami in' s not vers i"S oiliir 1 Hip ipppppIc of his - , , 1 pf So in- lino' agpp he came very tpar making his la I ,s cape While I" in carried I" Itahigh hy Sheriff I'.l .'k .vi ll of I It i, i -tpoi p'pplinly, Ilsihi s apeii ii..m 1 1 - en .vindow wlnh' tt,e iraln is,., making forty miles an hour. lie rolh-pl (Ioaii a ftteep eml I.inel.l WpI up ami hrtike for tin si'Xids ion, the svols. liberty. ! lorn the piison i Fl I '., soup 1 1 m 1 a ko 1 1 he a rim. I I M 1 1 pe 1 r - .m the ae s 1 ,1 m ; last p's. m hs Ju 111 1, I , r vs H,,,;v .s as made I THIEF CUT OPEN MAT I'RESS LYNCHING PARTY ON THAU AND STOLE HIDDEN HOARD QE YOUNG NEGRO HAVISHEH Man Arrested in Marion Be lieved to lie Wanted in Mitchell for Crime. for hi It-Hp t a lie escap'-l Washington. I' lie had hep II ,, i" mailt- In in llah igli. I! ing from Hp near Stat'ssil' Kt Korome court. Mrs Mars .M lllrk, the alleged to be oared for rdy authcrities. day voted to keep of Mra. Klrk'a premises ...i t lo siea m- r t ar.p ,k.' !' It Norfolk. V.t . f 1 e to it; after tia s inu i en Mrs w 11,1, MMrr. AICI'STA. I'.a. Sept. C - Augusta hs- ,s oining Ifth gamtst played h.-rt las ami hv ' natlalpioga Ifpsing one court. Mrs Mars V. U,;,,-,,!,, .hs,' "s '!" "''.'" ,, j ,,, , ,, , ,,, won the - o,.l P-n-d leper, will continue nder sure. plan. n k .', r nant for th" South Atlantic ieague. at her horn.- hv the vessels ..n suspicion ,M'' , ,,T ' The lirst pennant waa won by Chatta The ci'v co inc:! t was lo he - '4 ' . . lV ,. n,K,ga . and a "st series will he play ep up th- tpiarantine I the coast of Jamaica n .pdU-d between 'Augusta and Chattanooga .remises to safeguard i encounter, d a hurrnane beginning Thursday. ,,.,., 1 some damage. Jl'IM.I HAIn.Mi 'I: I rt-ai hed ht-re 1 thin 1110 r 11 111 c p.r Judge Co,. Illdge of Ha pity. Iii-atli .1 lidge S.-i ms '.' Una In I H 1; . .1. J. Sams. ' Trinity F'r.t . this city. sis ii:m. S-pt. - Nc lay ppf th- phsith psi Atlantic ity N . v A . Sa ms. ,'isso. 1; promo I,. 11, h p p 1 t t ail, ed ,V ,1,;, lo t - hoi 11 in S'oit h t 'a 1 ' was Hp' son 'pf I: or ' merit ns of It t I'.f'lscttpa I p h 111 , h SM-cial lo The IIUcii ) M A It It in. N. ti -- A man ss Ipp Is hi Ip sed to hp- ppiip' tif the rntist daring loldpi-rs ami all arouipl crooks that I'V-r hit Ihis part of the slate, Otoige lla.ininell, ts ninv In tin' coun ty Jail auaitlng (he arrival of the of-'i.i-rs from Mitp-lodl county, where hi ss III he curried Ipp aiiMWp-r fp He charge of iniiisti breaking and roh- l.ers In I'loild tppell dasllght some one t nlpr'pl tin home of Hani Hppse. a l:ir iiip r of Mitchell county, some time ago 1 ml going Into his hed room cut the m. tltr- sa p, III" hed ami stole a sa'k of inoipy which contained t I In .ash llanimell bad hep 11 woiking aipppiml there and suspicion, for sever al r, ason-i. Imiup'thalt ly fell on hlin mid lo- made himself f-arit'. one lion, 1 1 o, dollars nwaid was ofleicil for his aoe.-t. i'llt for some time II ppp.s.i as if Ipp- had sklip-p Hp Stat' and -in , , ssfully esadt d the vigilance of I he oflicets. Win 11 be allied InlP) Ti 'oilman's hardsvare slpire IppiIis Ip 1111 k now llo:lv sv. liked Into the hands or un ifllter. Ilamliu-ll went in the store to cx p hange a small tallhro revolver f'pr a larpi on- svIiIIp- talking lo Mr. Vl .01 ! ma 11 Inputs' Sip I Iff l!av, p.ns- llig the ;-t'.re SUA tlielliail Hllll lllillU' dia'. Is i,a, ed hint under an est. Mil. -In II .oiililv oflicera are ixpip.p hen today I'p tiri'v linn (o tlurt ..,,111', lor trial BROTHERS FIGHT ALMOST TO DEATH Kii-cd on him and Shot II is Hat, from His Head Hut He H.seapcd. S Al.lsM. lixl . S'-pt f' As On salt ..! a II p IP oillltP r ht I s l-en hi, O, pis Sum la-, mi th" M'i: fai.n On miles south of Salem, I it M'Cmnis. ag'-'l fputs-ltve. Ii hit home in a serious condition Since the death "f William Mi r, i st, fattier ppf tin- men. who found pl'ad Ipi a Itarn six weeks III feeling has exinled between hrol hers. : re t WO Innls at Oin was ago. th" WASMINCT1 .N'. Sept fi For. cast North Carol. na Partly cloudy Tues day and .'e.ri' sday: light variable winds. CAPTAIN AND CREW ALL MASSACRED SYi.VKY S Sf.r. 1 Th.wap-; tfiin ni it'w "f thn Vrt xu h nrhoonr QmtHtf. friKHKf'l in r-rtiMlnsr .iibor-! 4-rn hav h en muMr-M '1 by natlvcH of Mji Mk oil'. l.MUin-! in lh- N-w Hi hrewfl. The wn.moI was driven anhoro hv a rttorrn and whllft utrandfd Hhp t wh aWi' kd fn fpitf it their tab born (Jt f-n th crfw w-re mtarrrr1 i to the Iat man A British wamhip la lnN-iRigating th. ocf urrtnee. 1 (Hy KnmH IhIhI IrrtM, ) IANV1MJ:. "h., H"t. 6 An turn- (I (HtH Ih tonlKht on thf -trail of an flghtfon y Hr olil nt (tro wIiohk narrui Iiuh not bcn !riii1 hT( whi thin afternoon t tnn i n crlmlfml an Hiiull on Mm font Matrox. liniKhtl of ThonniH Mftttnx who r'H(cn on John Ioc'h fnrrn. hImmj ;itx rnlhH from th'- ihIIwiiv Thn y filing Inrly W(is 'iiroiit- to .i mull box wh'Mi Htifl-rb-niy n tt ii k1'! from hfhlml by a rif Kro. Hhf nt niKw b''l mapiratly with lu-r Hwwrtlbtnt uno tun r.i't'iUnft In wrnat lnf Ui'tsvlf from tin: ri iitrheH of the nui n, A iki.mhc f Iti.t lift waa Immoiilati'lv ortth ni.fl itiifl utur pnrNiiInK hlrn for vi in! nill' H eiiine ni'iif ovfrtiiUin hi in Jir b' wit i omhIhk HI a lint on i i v it A loll' v "f shotrt Wfrr flroil Ht Hi tn and IiIk h; ft-l from hlM hffi'l !( (((H;ipi;i r'l Into th HitJoJnlh fort'stM ;ml i-bi'lt-'l hlN piirii'-rM MI'Mi'IhoiirHlM irtv'f nt 10 f tonlubt ,i ii ( wi'i'i put on HIm t rii II A In 1 i ' Hrt kh.vm that thp f Ifijr Ih contHlt'iil t h:it t h- iM'Rro w III b muKtit lM-fn HiinrlKA. O'DELLE MILLS PAY ALL DEBTS IN FULL (Ity AswM-lnletl ITess.) OHl'KNSH'HJO. N C, Sepl l In the Culled Slat' district curl here Ipp'lay. reet'tvii t'easar t'one. of (he tt'liell Opitlon Mills 111 t'oinor'l. made his final report It was ordered h 'Judge James I'. Hp.spI. the presplnptt Judge, that On- nun of ir,,r.nn re maining III Ol" hands of the receiver he distributed among the trcilil'irs of the bankrupt poii. p in. This makes a tolal of one hutelrp'pl t flits on the dol lar that Hie creditors haw gotten. The ease w ,s cloSJ d hy a JiuU'dal decree of Hit' court. FLASH PHONYCHECKS AND IS NOW IN JAIL OON'NOI.I.V SIM'.INOS. V c. Sept. A young white man. wanted In Washington, lii'hmoiid and N'eporl Ne.( -'. Vs.. for th" alleged passing of I ogllS che ks. Is belle''d to be In custody in the person of a prisoner In Ith" local Jail tonight The checks j.ere signed with the name of "Mills Tt. Itne. Jr.," the young man stating he was (he won of Mills H. I.ane, president of (he Cltlaentf and Southern bank of Savannah, and a vory wealthy dll.en of that place. Mr. Lane has stated the man l not hie eon. IHH.ITICIA.N OUATOIW. NOHrOMC Va., Bept. tx-UnJer . giorioua itinafiin n4 with tna hoii hiy spirit prevailing on all aldja. ! , t or day was observed here ' tsday. Mcfhanlral work of all kind waa u- pended while organised labor cele brated tho day with athletic sporte end speech-ttitiklng at Ocean View, nearby resort. fhe aratora at both Ihe Norfolk and Nnwaport Newa cele hratlons were Judge William II. Mann, democratic nominee for novae", nor or Virginia, and Captain W. II. j Kent, republican gubernatorial noml- ties. The former waa delayed In hit , nrrlvsl by an ".ooldwnt to hta train, ' siioke flrat at Oosan View. Captain ' Kent, ap aklng first at . .ewport New .v 1 1 1 go to Ocean View late thla after HARRIMAN HUS RELAPSE L Physician Announces That "t He is Seriously 111 But Kestinjr Well. (Hy AtwsdaU-d I'rraa.) AKI'KN N y., Sept. 6. K. H. Har rlmaii It not as welt as he W;U a week ug . on (hat day his personal reassurance led thu newspapers ot th country lo abandon the watch main taln. d f r four anxious day about the home, "Ii Tower hill. pr. W. O. I.yl", Mr llarrlnmn'8 principal phyal clan. (onl;:h( Rave ol a brief bulle tin from Ardeu house on hie patient' condition. The bulletin follow: "Mr. Hutiiman has suffered a re lapse. lie I ail a sharp attack of IndU gcstlpin on Sunday, but rnstnd com (ortubly to.luy. We hope tor the best." Two I u p id- nts at Arrten today seem ed to Indicate that Mr. Ilarrlman'a 'oiidilioii Ih again believed to, be aerl ous. A trained nurso was hastily .iiinimoii'd from rit. Luke.'a hospital ami arrived at Tower hill thla afterst noon. A second incident waa the. kiipIiI' ii i oat ponement of a lawn plc nl.- arrang'.l by Mr. Ilarrlman'a daughter" lor tho children of the. Kpiscwpal church here today. TWO NEW COTTON MILLS ARE PLANNED fUy AtPtsot lutml Prees).) flltKKNSHOJiri. N. C. Sept. . ' The furniture manufacturing- town f Thomasvllli-, twenty miles from her, will shortly be enlarged by the build ing of two cotton mills. J. W. Can non, a well known capitalist and cot ton manufacturer of Concord, Tf. C, will build one of the mills. The fac tory Is to cost from 1 159,000 to $209 000. ...J, The second mill, which la t be known as the Jewell Cotton Mills, will le ereetnd by a stock company, . composed of Charlotte and. Thomas ville people. J. L. Armfleld will be president, W. W. Hag-ood, vice-president, and T. J. LI I lard secretary and treasurer of the mills. v. the health of the community.