THE THE WEATHER: SHOWERS ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. 4 VOL. XXV. No. : iii; ASHKV1LLK. N. (., WKDNKMi.W MoliN IN(!, SKPTK.M ItKK S, 1!.. VMCK FIVE CENTS. THREE WHITE MEN 'RIVALRY BETWEEN AND ONE lilE6R00il COOK AND PEARY TRIAL FORASSAULT WILL PROFIT BOTH Unusual Spectacle !n Special Term Called In Georg ia Court LYNCHING SPIRIT IN MEASURE APPEASED Crimes When Committed Roused Citizens to Wrath ful Desire For Revenge CARTER RSVII.I.K. .. Sept ; At a special term m th. H.ut..w c ounty Superior .'mi l h. i .- j,,, k Worthlntfton, white, was tod.n e..n victed of criminal assault iip,,n mv. Mary Elrod, with n- oinm. hdnii"ti i,, mercy, and Has sent, -in i . I ,, twenty years In the penitential . I 'ml. Worthlngton. co-defendant, was. .i. quitted. The case nf Will ilnldcn, another white man, charged ulth ei iiinnally assaulting Miss Annie ihntn, Is now en trial. Although there w,m onsidei a Ide excitement In the northern part of liortow county tnllou ing the eonnnis. wlon of the assaults upon .Miss Kir.., I and Miss (icntr, and threats ! lynching were freely made, the . -c Itement was appeased when the special term of court was ordered to try the cases. An ITiiistitil Spectacle. While the verolet In the W.uth Ington case fails to meet Ihe approval of many of the hundreds of eiti.-ns from tile northern section tin- county, who are in attendance ii the court. II is not apprehended that there will l any attempt I., do either Of the W'OI tlilgitis violence The spectacle of three while men facing trial at the same term of , ,,ui t charged Mli .riminal assault a crime heretofore assoelaleil almnsi , exclusively with h certain I jm- of the negro is 1 1 1 1 J ; i r . 1 1 1 1 . . I in tlii- :;P0 ot American courts. The details ..I the assaults upon I lie two young women, as recited by tic in, wire re YtHtfmw. It Is certain that .1 ulo files or dering of the spinal term of .-..HIT v as all that pi t , , Mod at lea t an at telllpt to lVM. Il I l I III i e ill. n. Howard St..k. !. , a 1 1 i; r- . is in iiiil and will pi-., i i . tried I r 1 ..w on (lie i liali'. . .1 , I I n 1 1 n a 1 1 as sa lit lllg a " . in , , r "Id n i ' r . . en! A verdict In lh Hidden . a is . pei ted tomot i .. in. a inn,; DISORDERLY SOLDIER Olicvctl Order ( I'i r Iml Did Not lltiir Oil r t Fire in tin- Air. K AIDING A SALOON (P Aswm lilted I'ress ) ATLANTA. Sept. 7 The "I. Lieutenant L. ll.ih'hui t 'i"l I'm j vate Growr H. "I Ho .- n leenlti lnfanlr "ii ih.nie ot iinn slaughter growing out I the killiu;-, I of Private Kdwajil ' "llin I. "! rompany I), Sennieenth ialaiiti . '-u tho night ol August .. I "M i . I led 'he general conn inaitul at f"iij Mcpherson today ' The star witness "!' Ho in t .1 i proceedings was I'm an I. lain, v ie tired the shot v In. h I. ill' d 1 '".Iter Lieutenant llahdiur-1 h ol ial . ii a S'luad to Investigate a 'li nil I'. in ' n ii near-beer .sal""ii n- ai Ho t-u' ' I'proachlng the sal""li IW' thin i in nut and made for the r. s, iali 'lie was canturrd. hut I'oult.-r lail'- l t obey a. cominaiid I" hull and i h"t down by I'rnate Kin in. wh i lal. i.e. (r, hnve ailed under 1 1 r . I e I s I li'.m the lieutenant . 1 "Sir. If Lieutenant H a.leh 1 1 r I l"ld I me tn Are Into tic air I duliiT un d'-rstand It that wav" d-cl.ired TT, un. '"liter wax eseapieg fnuii iie I didn't know whether t" shoot " '"t. fi I asked in v "finer I uinler "miiI him simple . reply - . . h""'' "n that commaii'l I lind and i'..iil '"f fell." Klarn told th- n that be ''"I hoot with the delihei it.' aim "I 1,1 Ing Coulter, lh' aid that ' 1 "''! t."t swear that II ii' ha1 t say more than ni' i'l' ' . li""' Tut be heard ii'4lnng neo' F'rlvate KIiip i . smnh Ho ah. i no niber of the .-una,! uteh i I ' " i"it Hazlehurst l. ilil .1 H. I ''' I', who ran "id "I ""' sai e u with Coulter, i. hexed 111' .. tin Ilia nil '" halt and was left in his . barge whit. Mazlphnrst and Khun e..iit in ued 'n P'irsirtt of Cnullci. He did inn lea! Ihe order to tire H. t. si He d thai Plnknton wss Intoxi. ated. Klam said that Hp sic, "ting t""K place outside the res.-i at e ui A!Pr Houlter fell. Lieutenant Hh'h hurs: Mid to witness "why I tdd you l" Cre Into the air." Startling Prices Offered Cook For Ills Lecture And Book Already WILL KEEP DETAILS FRO.W PUBLICATION In First Public Address He Tells Little New About His Experiences ( It A-oelnted lie,., ' ' 'I'i:mi.c;i:x s. pi . . ... ., I lie in. .si renin 1 U., 1. 1. I . Iill ,. I . an n a ud' i !' a i , i ,i a li i. ill, 1 1, . Ill t II' illse.n ,., , ., II,, (.,., i ,h I I 1 '""k pl'olil I I .on II 1 1 , i , ""' Ml.' 'K t I. lie. I, , ... , . I I c eiwd l"'la ..It. I s I "I hi- i . I, . I at lei I 1 1 res al Inn. Hi. lull i r i , I ii " i' I v t ' H'-'ln eil ' Allien,. the hiKlieyl , ., , , , , g , , I In . a I j most Mart ling, an, I. il is I,. In .1. I , i ; ie"ll'l ail .11 sicdi .Mirk. In . pt t his "fl. r 1 lo- . ..nii .o ei .UNI Iill loll, . il l . i k is h.. I " I " -:iii me CI" w I'.-ari a I in- r 1 1 1 e i ' , i nil- 1 .1 1 ' nielli s 1 1 n . I, i lie , ni - a . i 1 I ' t 'd .is I i n. . I, in tie I , i a en l.ifge follow IIIK I.l it lit lit I" lo ""I, I lis I' i I ii re In in-. , ihe i ; ., H a S". i' U 0t-h. "A . n i .i I' led hill. I" Ho Illl.'lllial I..I1 he I, .el ill. . I 1 1 ' L' i " 11 "lit Willi I'.'l "I e. e his . pe'l It I 1 1 and he r . I ( . 1 I lo ,! la i , I '"li "I his ml. Ill , ,n l ,, il iih,,, ,. I. ills until I he, al I, n .. In I I. ITIllic I'lesciil- Miihll. The kiim and i f 1 1 1 1 I'lne- aiel ITilieess I' "I '. "t lllee... nil of the mi 1 II he I -, "I Ihe la in 1 1 v I "C t tie r u il Ii a la rue haI Nil 111;; "I I he Hoi I pi "linn. I ,e,.,l. in i ', , ,. ii .agon this allere.M.n c il , lie I K"ld 11,1 II pl'l M I" I o ' ..ok 111' .1.1 I l' llle el " , II , I lie I' ll' 'I to II pl"lel. Iill' atl'l ward. standing in Ironl of an im.uieiisc map of the Ar. ti regions'. M-filcfi i,.i. sunn on nl. . I . Ihe -.tars and s'rip'H. Iir l '""I. oiilli I his proi:r. s I" Ho- '..ilh ."l' 1 1 1 1 1 " , I u , 1 1 1 g lie- i ' I i i' I lie . i .. .'. ii pi ; a I, I I ha I In I , . . I'i.ii III I I ! II I t le I alol ' ". 1 1 Ii I g II Sll" e. II" .., I he I la I" ,1 ''l ' I Iale.l his A I. I I III phut Til" prio, lli n h. .1 He I -i "I in ,1 OIL INSPECTION LAW DISSOLVED BY COURT .linl'f 'nlllllT I l"l'l Th.ii i-h-h i issi I'lc I III'ICISH III Oil llllllhlli'l LAW IS OlM,K.TI li fspeelal I In II ien I I: m.i.I'.ii I . I. . ., .1 a I in I'. d .--lil' 'i il I, i I in I , ,oo pan. - i , -; i i ill,,' i , ' 1 1 ' l p. i , , i , i, l .1, pi II I- ii I , e I 1 1 . I . , ill P 1 " Tudg. N" ing llo He I da I I u !e an I , I i , ' : I h I lie I,., le all,', I , p la t hat ' , : In a. led t " , i'.,nt inu. d "ii p''" I .... , M&::$imk iiaitfr m mm mM mg$ Wva Wm Q4 To TKia Mahly Va( Wt Will jot &y tAi(Wll; T LWAIE Few Survivors :)an be Seen Marooned on Small Hill Where Town Stood OTHER VILLAGES ALSO MEXICAN TOWN IS SWEP OFF EARTH BlHUGETIDA niLXL-D rDrM n ,ahc '"unl ui'.igiie toiilghi A portion of SULFER FROM FLOODS1, n. i . , rt .,r th. tru.,u ..t n,e I il Ii I "It M ii i It lli H still iDiH.sillK- M'M jrire ilr;iKK n. K'CrHj tK In lln- Two American Ranchmen Are1 'lXX Caught High up on Moun tain Side bv Waters M ION Ii ii i IIS ;. , 7 Word a ! n I h.T, ..,,.,,l thai Hie ,, S-..I.. I , . Ma i ma a ..i i in Ho -I a t i. Ta in. I II 1 1 J a . . a I ' "II p'ele ll.lf I lie U e,e .). ! . e ia, . ompiei, p. ill.-. i ,h a n , aiih Hi.- c- 'tiers I. ;T hnrin dlv for lh. ii.i.ii ..I a li i Inn, h lo,, is 1 1 1 : 1 1 ; - t I'.Hn. Tim .m re ,, , m pa u lei I S. HI I i , .l". ,1 tloiii He Sllllaie ,, !, I I . I r I V .Mllllll .. brother "I Hie I h si , I I lal , a v, lii, li ,. - I 'I' a.l girl 1 1 1 1 H" ol has a I in,, 1 "Mil, i Worl, Ing H:i ii hie . I. d lh. p.. I "li . I.i II II I I X"' Slo ilff I, a. I his .1. piltu s le- has l.i.ii a hi. I., gel closer tha'ris. ,, i.,.. I.tlllihll llle .III. a ha .e Iioiii ,loi. Ho p. tit tni.t ilnv ale . a 1. 1 in: il but iii'.sl ,, II,,- sl ' Il-Ol Iill p.'llll re.eue pat ' I a ' S I I ' 1 1 1 S pill I. MlSK ll'lll,llg S ',' - ' ' ' ' II ! Ot - , mall hill. Ill .1, I tt. A h'vi. in IP laid lln 'I'1 ol a ' ' ol llle I" ' '-'I 'loin T i in p e , a ', I ha I I h ."',,, hit Hi. I ,"ll till l"i lh, in ighl,"i 1 1 - " " I "I Mai III 'I I.. I" ', 1, 1 "Il a I IV I ! " hoi .-. i in I le 'III sleaiiMir a IT el noon I L:l j I mo mil' I path . Ho I, II, hie gllll .l"lll: V Il I ' 1 1 MVVe.t .1,1,1 , 1 1" . I i ' Ihe pot a U.I 1 1 a , e I . I m a i .1 ..lining death a Ipl h I , U I .'.., Ill It ,c il- e. I X V Y, I M ll l. M I I , ' . . 'ITS ,s. ,a , .. . h I. .in I a I' i.', !".'.' I i ' llll'.l ma I it. 1 . ml i '. I hat ,,'e. I "V I v. helmed le, a ll""ll ., .p l.,i' ' I .. t le da mage . I "light ,. . , , . , ... a up.' e I hall I hat I lie post ,p , I il.i-llllg v a ! 'I"-' i 'I M l H lv . ''. I' '' i i 'I'I '. :- pt i A 'lis ! I.,!, ." ... i .,""i,.'i i ,, , "Ml.. II, I a hall I I "II. i .a., 1 1 i Il h"U iHl'l' .... ,1 , . .1 t o te. 'Iill lllg till I I I , ,1 I I I ' ill..' I . .1 , , I . ,,i I ,, ie I mm.. I t It. ud , , , .... , i , , "f tin- i a in p. ,'n . , ,, ., ., n, ; I ., d, I 111 Aid 1,1 Hen, , li a He- A a CADET NOT GUILTY I BUT WAS DISMISSED1 , i i, . i .. in, ii,, i, . ,11", hilt " , I I'ollil Mill (111 I g .till I Hind I "11 I h 1 e . I II d loll a t'oii Ho o, II I" .' I . ! II- I I SHOWERb WASH IN' IT' Veil,. al"iill and ..rtlna-st to , S' pi. T oi, i.i-i p. the hall iv '' the hotel Katur- i , ..tiled Wed,,, s ,,lV. stantlehl - i I the nfTirlailt in v a, ill ...t. rv ligl.thiM room at th. -I. a It waji gald , winds ' he, l too weak :vav lu bed. Four Familiar Faces. TKia Otie'a Af"ut To 5ritcj I'oitk With, a V(ll; MUTILATED REM AIMS Of DEAD GIRL IDENTIFIED Schoolmate Whom She Was Visiting Fajnts When She Sees Horrible Sight in the Morgue Po lice Working on a Clue. , ; ( l Assoclnted IVi-ss ) j I if: Tin i IT Mich , S. pi. 7, HI I In, li,.ni ihe ruthless l.nlle ..( ii nun .. an, I 'hrillilceli h s'Aalal ilas Inliiei sen In Ihe uahiy "1 Keotse ! eie I., the dismemhere'l h.oly of Miss Mac I" tie Mlllfliail, I Wen I -se e ears "I. I. "I Ann Arbor. Atnli.. IPs in the d Ann Ailmr ard Delrelt are uniting in a 1 1 ' s j I. i a t c emlcuvor to dve Ihe unsiery of Mlwi Mlllmairri iniurcler. MiH.i Mnilha Hi nnlnK "f iH-trnlt, a former school 14 f the Mtllman girl, idenlllli d the trndy. T h. St . ii. of Hi.' invest iiotl Ion of 'In murder shift''! tonight li"iii I ii -Iron lo .in flail. Aft. i prolong d iiiest ioiiing "t Iish IP lining, win. .delltllieil Ihe In el of III. Itoilv I 1 1 e I a f t ernoi in v. . i t - "einhig M,n hell, s as (lo- muHlai. d Ho. I . p. ,e. V ' I' Sollle "le U.ll l'gel. I till- g VIS llll.lldi t" inn is ii , , I n , 1 1 n girl w a I I I ;i tigled r a I lie I. .", a nd tie i nd il en ..f ill'll' lHlig Mtlan- l hM V. le f".. I"- 'iie I'.ind ..I a I. or ,l)Mea , ,,ii.,i i oo.l . a I I h. , , i in,.,. ,., , , ,,,, mi,,, u a , .,,1n Mi..f. I,,,,, In ,. am lichi ' I'1 'I I" lllllll I I , lo deal li I.. I h.a. I u.i 'Pe lollgoe giilali'.n The lo "I a Ml -e A . .1 a, i WILL INVESTIGATE RATES r TiTil't'i. - M;i ii. i IN Cll.'.l t iv "i i n i r 1 1 .im;i- I t inn ( 'iiiiiini sum. ii i,i:i'.ii S-pi i .i oil. ' I p a. I le u i"i, I' , S' .l- an m . ,, Iioiii a pen. I al' d .-. I , I' hi I .1 1 1 1 I :.. in 1 1 o. 11 ot t I Ig III IIP c .1 1 ' .1 II . I " ! I: I ' 1 1 II 111" 1.1' I Ml": ill ,., gilila and S eilli "Iill.. Ill ill. II I. I 111 , "II f "I II, It . ' l"li le I I., i . . . i I taring " I . I.. 'li 1.1 v I le. I .lie .it V.i l I, in.. ie h.-IOll ,,f He III I at' , I I "ill 'its inland '.'. .1 ion l"V d I, . .lies "I Virginia and a lie ir It tpe, t I '. in t. ' le I. I 1 ' . 'A I e '1,1 I Pill Il olid :iiii. l-'lat, ' II. t I ' lln Oil, a I , , , in and So, nil c,.,r. p,.: t WARRANT ISSUED FOR TIGERS' PITCHER ' I.l, V V. I A M i. .-"fit. " A warrant , h irgmg T . " Col li, right liepler "f He 1 1. ii.iii ".niermtn ItriKc-hall leagn . I'll iitsiill' v illi irrterit lo kill, wa W "I II "lit t"d I'lf" I 'St H e WTI Pain l:row n I. ' T. I.'h ai, atlornev I r 'ieoiie Stai ' '. night watihuian i ,i (I,,, Tin' lid 1, a ho was assaulted TKe TKii ia Another VvVrc All AtxiolA To $tc; tup hag as II lie cotilalulliK the t'uliK. The sack was lying under the luidge al., lit leu .Mtt'd.i up (dream, rloli til' phM'e where the f 1 I'M t Imik loiind evidence almost undiNput ahle licit ll.e body was thrown from the hinlg... SmTiimiI Male Idciillllcs Her. When Ihe c.inih or Ihe dead girl v.IK laid he'ole llle een of M Is.s llen- uliig she t:nv- It one itliiiii.' and dll'l.kod "c Hi, tin hei-'s," and (hen ft II lii ii r.iint Tlie yoiin woman In a few min ute!! watt taken to Ihe operating room and sli'inn the head op the Klhsn la ole. AH she nrll io, iih tfi nve up to violent fiobn. wns In inn! 1rrr Ht-ud 'hnl she Hallslled thai the dead girl w as her eliiim. Winn Ha had reeiMtti inilThT. nll I" he ipl e'd i . .lied slo ,,, ,,,w ,M a h. ll, had , lo I lei I oil I" Cl-ll her I I . , ., . w. , ago The la I woi ,ts ..I her were nil, led a week leu nlng li"t lo re w In II mi re Ma li. II, I hist Trhfn II I ai loin I'Uiiglil il'di't Wol'M, ' said Mas le ih , ' f"l I am going o . i lo see Inv sin on I illihi nlge streti and may ri inn in l!ni." It has sunt- Iih n li'iirii' il (hat the vtellin ii.o.r l' a. lied hi r eoiiMlira a 'Thai was Ihe last I saw of Pel' lllllll today III that awful morgue," s.ild M I . II. li ii mg ' T he III I da. slo was Willi no i he re, r, ,., a 1 , 1 1 . r from M I n ilea pt.IlM anil I he !',., dav sin wrote a letter " Paul Mi key. i of MinneapollH. 'ho vcas a student at Ann Arhor un til last t al I d-in'l what was n tin 1'lien. As tar a.s I know she c is in good le I II h '.'" man i am.- .i eail i.u h. r while lo WIIH VIMtillg Ilie She W II S Jl V I I ' I 1 1 l girl slid did not seem lo alliaet tti e i mot h " All. r Awlw I l'r;;il ly I lis) riictctl Inr MuitIit 'i iTir W'jik K'clnriictl. c'HAPI iiTTL. f . S. pt V lt"l. ' I . and h ' III I 'I . I ha I d. In til III a i u i '. I,,' II n all. g. .1, led and Kill . I W . . I I on' w nil and wound. I : . 'lie ' 1 1 j I ' I I i.l I la lid III I .1 1'l H , i I ,, , i ' . i . i i ... 1 1 . lei. w . r.i a . . i : I I I 1 1 ' , .' Hi S'lp. I 1 1 ' I t ' il I al I ,' i .", I l oi. '. , ill ' , a ii a II. g. d lie. "li 1 lie" l,f, ,i a I I , d le II, pu I ., ' i I ! i 1 1 . 1 and S lo i ' h in a I ' In "I . I i 1 1 1 ii 1 1 I , I a lei hand, II- to ' Pt I i.i I d -. a . h. II, g la I- Il I 1,1 "Ugh ', I . . . ' t . I .. i.-.i i y. Ii, ii Ho I'll, h a I .'. I. . . ' I hi .1 le I of I I "i ,en I I ,, a p . . . ' I "li ' h ' lie and ntt n . I It, I 111 , lig I I "le ,' I and l.a .1 , . ... . ii, , In ' lai land Th- I'rit' hauls "l.r , :, ! i "I "II d. I. n .. . hill I h.. . .,t t ' l a il. d Ihe I.O lol III He li.UK t" II" J'll'.' Hi'l SUggi M, . a 'I'll. I "t I , ' - ' or !' , "lid 'leg I . e niUI - 'hi Th. 1 I , 1 1 , I w a:: a sal pHHe. WENT FARTROM HOME TO COMMIT SUICIDE N l-.W V .1: I-. pt '. Th'- v of T I. h n, nli i h , r i y ' "hi old, a III' lilt' e Of He. W i"de. le grot I TV In m of Sehinnli ami Z rlo of New 'irlealm wiim foand in a room (n the ciilsey homo p.'iav cith his throat ut and llo arc lies in both arms sescred. A pninll ra.or blade, of the kind usKjll In safety razorM w a h found ic-ar thl body. No letter or note of anv kind wax left by the Hulchle to explain hie act. IVil TMa Ot yya Wtlk Hi ('ortlihuAl -In. AVIATOR IS KILLED M. Lefebvro Who Has Won Distinction in Air Moots Death on Trial Plight CAUSE OF ACCIDENT REMAINS MYSTERY Was Twenty Feet In Air When Machlno Careened And Came to Earth ,. .ll'VIM-K'ilt-OKiiic, Kraiue, .Sept. 7 - I;. Lefehvi't', the I'T. lu ll aviator. .i klllei! I,y a Tall Iioiii IiIh lol" P'aiu In which he was pia, II, log ,,i,,i the anal Held here today. M I.' 1' l' le Kimlaliu d inorlal III lurles when the maeiilne crashed In the ground Aid was lemhicd him hut he ill' d hooii alter, ihe caune of the aeeldeiit remaliiH u mystery. Thn liiaehlno I, n tin, ground eashy i. ml rhw around llo acroilrom.t at a height ,,r ah.uit iwen tv f"it. makliiK lh.luin giaialully Siiddi nlv wlihoiii appan nt i.ason it tilled slui'ily dowiiwaid aiut pro pelled by the foi.,. ,,f uM, ,,,,,1,,, -Itlll' li Ihe g. iiillil villi gnat Vlolelie, T in iiv l alt. i wa . pil, le ,1 out ,,n his In a.l and lav uiie. i.tei.nia iiiuldMt the Wleekage nf Ihe machine. W'lllllIK U iiiiIh lain. I linn ami , allied him to a shed ill"' , .p., ,,i w.,,, IniMiily Hnm leoin d Liu iml w il hsi a mil iik his mlii in lal I nn 1 1 . in lai n dp d wil Inn a I ' .'. , in u : i t- M. L.fehvie h.h.uged ,. Hm ,.w " had ol Ki en, I, ,, I., , ,,, ,. and i n un lilt" I 't ' 'HI I II" IH i "hly II few III, , lithl lit". II'' as a , ,,i., slant ill t ho I e 'nl at'i'lnl eon, p. nt ion,, a t Itht. im anil has I n lie. wit roi- hi dailnc and I et l li-Hsness. I lur lllg one ,,( lh.- III"-mis raeen he wa lined ? I loi i .-. I.l. "a Hying. S. v. nil m.,ulh ag'i M l.efelnie pni'lia . d a W nghl aeroplane and stalled al on. e mailing a m i i n d U" e, s,,, flK,M I" al The Hague. Af ti r his lh lliolu liati'.ns In Holland M la I. le, it dropp. d .oil ..I nlghl lor a while hill eallie hlol Into Ihe 1. r ' II .1 I llln IIH : Whi le he pll'de.l 11 W liglll Ilia, h I It " GRANTED SHORT RESPITE FROM DEATH i,c;p an;i:. na s. pi 7 in. .1 M TTIiot. ettiitl. 1,111, , I" . hanged 1.11 Se(,l. mhel IT. was totla, giant'-l It !' Pile Ulllll ' I' I'd.. I I I". I . , el I, "I 1 11 " .' n. N a t 111 tht , 1 1 11. "1, , I , 0,111 '1 islol y of I his , aunt . ha , I lea e he, n Sll'll II II me I "II ,1 v '"glled pelilleflll pre J'" 11 1 . .1 ill India II ol a ma II t oh. loin m i I o d 11 for in 11 1 dei A 1 M i' on w hen he hw.l roi '"lie I 1111 ' ill' Ii ale a IP.' 01 I he Iill 11 s he hall. and .,1 i'i o I. Hp ,11,- h" hood hoiro a p't'tion h. aring 11,011 than 'a- II,",, and iignituriH ll.l ' I" e pit'' I.'' d laii di 1 .'I. 1 1 ; 1.. it. .. 1 ". a hoi. Ilia II of the pie. IWLLI l IN OLI.IMON. It' ' M H-; 1: v., . ' ,i 7. Two men t-r, I 1 lit , I and f - or ' h- r ui"l e ,i h , 1 e , 11 -1 . i n )u 1 d I on Ig 1 1 1 111 a Hal t n I ' -.'Il l"l' la ' '. ' ' 1 1 I A ' 1 fl eight I t a m i on Ho .a f . II. tV Westi I n 1 a ,1 a 1 v al l( at It- 1 1 ' at. Va. kills u 11 1: imi ri.i:ias. I.VV'TIITT'll Va.. S. it 7 - At a iarni il le re 1"iilghl I'.luee Harris -hot ami 1. 1 J 1 ' . I lil Alfe. from whom lie had heiti Hei.aral'd and lid C'H (aped. HarrlM wiih ii eollrlt' offhr In tin HiihiirhH The country In helm? Hccitirecl for him. hut lie will hardly he captured tonight. WHEN AEROPLANE DASHED TO GROUND PEARY FAR AT SEA AND W WAITS FOR IDE DETAILS Uncertain When He Will Reach Point Where Ho Can Send Messages HUNDRED GO OUT TO MEET HIM ON RETURN Two Great Explorers at Op posite Side of Earth Paid Distinguished Honors (lly AsiH lnte.l lre3 ) Nt:w Vi'I'.K, 7 Itolx-rt E. ri ai , Inn Iuk "nulled the Ktar ami .'ttTpCH to the pole" on April 6, 10, as told In IiIh series of memagoi llasheil by wiiele.M yesterdtiy from the coast of Labrador. In .figuratively lest lo the world toiilnlit. homeward l oiiiul on hU ship the Jtoonevelt. ,ai fopenhiigen, Denmark, royalty coiiilniien to pay homage to t)T. Fred erick A CiMik. tho Hrooklyn explorer, who aniuninei- l nx duya mgo In a miunicr not unrdmllHr to Commander Peiiry a that he had unfurled the flag of Ii Im country at tho pole on April I, inns Nelihei Hiiw lndtcllon of Ihe olIjer'H tichlevnteiit; both will be In the l'nlieii Rtiitea before the cloee i t il.' preaetit inontli I 'oiiiinaiider Prary on the nooe- v. lt, iiccnrdliDf to U'Mt reckoning, wJ In the lclnlty of the utralght of Bell Isle, bet ! New I nundlund and the province of guebec tonight. But It In uncertain at wlmt ort he wilt lunch tiiHt to innpllfy th nuar newa of yesterday. f N May lie fte. Iniid. 'iiuate lelegrti'phlo facllltlea n the Uthnidor rtmut and the north went count of Nw Foundland may muve li l ii i to decided to proceed on Dmitri ward tu North Sydney, Nov Bitot la, hufore he trlvea to the world details, of hi triumph In the Tt .alMort UMiman4ei Fearv- tied 111 tended hi lipping at chateau My, I jihrndor. pomlbly tonight, but th telegraph ntnlion there wae a,lanthned Miine nine ago unit the RooeeVnlt i.i 1 1 si push her peme further nouth before tin- world ohtnlna ihe now. Am mIic comeH down to the New I "undland coiihI, I led by, and fur Hnr sotitli. KI. (liwirge buy, are at hand hnl whether Peary will avail li i iii-.ll of Huh.' point or continue io Not Hi Kviliu y. Cape Hreton, where he will haw every facility at hand ; m a matter id cuiijeci'tro tonight. It Ih mllen fl int Chateau tiay to j N'oi lh Sydney and the lime of hla ar rival can only he KUeaeed. Hut the' ItooMcvi'it may reach there late to iiiol row. WTih lu r hii'duind'K plana uncertain i ml Willi no HpeeUlc ineHimo to meet him Mm Peary l waiting at her (Cont Iniieil on pajjo four.) FRANTIC EFFORTS DF !!! Kc,oi, of His Death Set at' Ki sf by Visit to His -CIicpiTiiI Home. IS M KM MM I liAPlDLYi (tty Asso. Intwl Prewi.) A I i I P. -s . N V. Sept. After a, night of un. .a i.iiiit v It ' determln- I shortly all, a midnight laBt night Huii I II llarrliuan la not In aucn i In. a I nil. .ii iih earlier reporta mil. att d A pa I I v of newspaper men ... .h i ,ii tea. hlnir thn flarrlman , , a,,d iii talking lth I)r. Lyle, win, said ' -it, i .li .. i p ally that there waa no . ,,.!. I"r a hit tn and (hut Mr. liar. n.iii has had iio change for the i -j A glimpse of lh" .Inaljfi of the ilnriiman home le-emed lo hear OUt lr I. .ten statement that the ftnan- i. i h ."ii'liiion V..1H not critical. MM" ..null llaiiiman and the phyalclaa lilting "ii a M.fa laughing over i photograph ami Mm. Ilarrlnian .mid I... .- n lii an adjoining room. All tlii'i. wen- in evening dreaa and th. 're was no nign of any other pny sl'dan ahinit. This n lh" f 1 1 I time that any riewa- paper in " n intM' eer ac tunny renicii- I lh'' llarrlmaii home, an tt la IIJV . . . . . .. ...i .. . posslhle in pas.1 ilie niMiun vii I.e. HI, lam s.e. 'o hglit .mlii !' seen In the win Ihwh of Hi" bed room ertppoeed to t Mr llarrinian s and nothing whateret, iiuh In round to Indicate that ri-n in his home wim at hand. Shortly after ten o'clock; ther atue a rumor that the financier hadi di. cl In a nudden collapse. Where tht rumor came from no one could ay. It was given wide circulation before a term denial over the telephone front Dr. Lyle ot it at real.