f r THE WEATHER: SHOWERS VOL. XXV. NO. 321. I AT LOWELL TRACK He Kept The Lead Afier An Exciting Fight for Position 100.000 PEOPLE SAW THE RACE Harry Grant at One Time Had Chance For Vic tory But Fell (By Ass Intel 1'ress.) LOWKU.. Mass., Sept s. With the same daring coolness and Judg ment which have marked his exploits oti other motor tracks, Uoorge It R .bertson r'nivr his Simplex car 318 irlles to victory today over the Merri mack Valley circuit and left trailing; behind or out of commission, Mlxteen o.her asniiants for the Lowell tro phy In the second national Stock Chassis true. Robertson maintained a apeed in the five hours, fifty-two Itilnutes, oih and two-fifths fpi'unils. of 64.2 m'hs an hour, which was six tenths betrtr than the average made by .Lewis f-trang, the winner of la.it ytar's rare More than twenty minutes after Robertson had flown over the linish line, A. L. Poole, driving the Italian Isotta-Fru.chinl, Hashed under the wire In second place, having jumped Into that losltlon on the last lap. E. H. Parker in a Fiat captured thfrd mo-n ; and Hubert Biiiinin, in a Buick. fourth. Charles Kasl, in a Renault fin shed fifth. Huge Crowd. Nearly one hundred thousand per sons saw Robertson and Herbert I.ytle light It o.it for the lead In the first eleven laps of the lu.fi miles circuit. Then Robertson dashed to the fore and kepi the lead until tuonty of the thirty laps had been covered, when a clop of several minutes was required ,to stoke and oil up Harry (Slant, in fan Alio, and Ralph te l'lilnia. in a Flat, began cutting down Robertson's I' ad. but before they caught him the sturdy Siirplex driver was up and away. . Robertson's stop seemed to have robbed him of speed, for with less than forty miles to go, (Jr.-int caught him and took the lead loiter, how ever, as 'he Alco car was racing up the back stretch it capsized and broke Its chain, ;uid Robertson again took the lead and was never headed. GENERAL H. C. COIN DIED IN THE ROOSEVELT HOSPITAL YESTERDAY )V7'11 Known Army Veteran Slleeilinbs to all (iera J tion for Renal Disorder. -UFFEIvKD TWO V F A RS NEW YORK, Sept. . (! n 1 1. C Corbln. I' S. A , dii d In Itoos. volt hospital this rltv, l.iilay mOit an ..pi r ation for a renal di!or(lT. lMi r;il Corbln would have ben sixty-seven years old in a l u da. Airs Corbln anil cx-iSuvi-rnur My ' ron T. Herrlrk, i.t nliio. his i son.il friend, were at his bud-'i.Ie when death occurred. Oeneral Corbin has been suffering for two years from Hie malaily which ultimately resulted in his death. He wpnt to Carlsbad for treat inent on June 12 last. The waters api.'i'e. to have Improved iia Vondliion nfler two weeks stay and he returned to England, where hw former tioulde re curred and he went to Paris tu , i.iisult With physicians The tfeneral's trouble developed more seriously while lie was In Paris and he determined to return home With Mrs. Corbln he arrived her.- on Sunday last, and was taken to the Roosevelt hospital. The ..peralion was performed Tuesday morning. Following the operation General Corbln revived and the work of th. surgeon was regarded as a success; but at about mldniKht last nighl n weakness ot the heart developed and death ensued a few hours lawr General Corbtn's body was taken t. his home at Jltphwoo.l. i hevy Chase, near Washing!. m cobh tuoi m i: si:tti,ki. DETRO'T, Mich., Sept s -The De- i ur, i ii" i . t" It News says this afternoon that L Ty Cobb's trouble with the watch- iran of the Kuelid hot.-l at ('levelami. was amicnl.lv settb-.T to.liiv ly Mana irer Fred Avery of the Kuelid hotel and Prefi l. nt N'avtn ..f the Oelr.ot baseball i Int., w ho bad a conference over the long distance t.-b .h..ne. and tt-at there will be no prosecution of Cobb. A warrant had been issued In ('In. -land yeste-dav charging Cobb with an assault upon the hotel watchman. RDBERTSONHANGS OUT NEW RECORD THE LIES AND FLA GS ARE NAILED TOGETHER ON THE NORTH POLE Peaty on Way The Veracity Cook Who Claims Priority. NKW YoltK, SVpt. s Th.- Ih was hurled today nmn Tiling th- discovery of thp North if ! and Uu: foundation laid for in history ronti ovfrsy unpuralltlfd itmmn nder Hubert K. I Vary Is making unrertnin progress soiiltuard oiT tho roast of Labrador In his fdHi KtMserlt, but there ta iu from him today a Mi-sa?' aw discreet as hi liiin-i;iril HMi i lie has In en slow. II balbiiMes the . rarity of Dr. cYed ri. k A. 'uiik, of Brooklyn, and fur ther rompli.ati'K j situation which tin whole world Ik discussing. In effect prarv discredits Cook' claim with the intimation that he ( Peary ) and he alone, planted th American naff t the Not t h pole on April i;, JH()I. and that Mr. 'ook, wli asserts that he unfurled I h- fl:i al tlie pole on April 1 . 1H0N, mud .sub stantiate !:U claim. ink i.- Firm. At Copeiihaten, Ceiok, -!i'Hm hi rival's statement tonight, stood by hi? j?un, declined to i nter into a debate. arid calmly asserted that his record would sustain him. To prove hi rich! (tf discovery before the entire world beyond a "hadow of doubt he announced that he will dispatch n ship to lr'enland and brintc to Amer ira his Kskimo companions Then wlih their testimony and hlw data, he di clares that he will stand ready tu face all detractors In the nieantme IVarv r.nt inus his homeward journey n ;lie Tee scarred Hoosevelt and Is tonight at Hat I le harbor, I j brail or, more t ban fi ir hundred miles from North Syd ney. Cap'- lireton. the objective point of the homeward cruise through the Strait of Itelle Isle. -M rs. I'dnk is in ev York t on Ik hi and Mrs. I'eary hn left her home in Main.- on her way to Join her husband at North Sydney Though pressed for a 'tabmeiit. Mrs. Cook declined ab solutely tonight to say anything t'on- cerning her husband, Signal for War. By tho'e vvh iee tved won! f Mr Pook's discovery with sikeptlelsm. rommander Peary's challenge today was received with gra I lA ration; iby those who Itad been neutral It came as another surprise in a series of re niflakable happi-i'ings. white to Mr ( 'in ik "s su pn rl rr it was a sign a I fr war. 1'onk, if hi'- plans do not mis carry, will sail for the Tniicd Stales on Sundav next, and ,ill arri- here September 'J I . JU that time romman- NEGROES SAY THEY HEARD T HIE THE Court Martial At Atlanta, Brings ( )ut Some Rather Interest in"; KCKNK K'FIIFARSFD (Ily Ass.s-lat.-d I-r.-ss) j KAI.KI.ill. N. C H. pl. S. - The Hu- ATLANTA, liii,, M.-pl. k. l-'.tllow - I pr.'iue curl today affirmed the con ing a rebe u-al ,,f th.- s. .-n.-s incident I ."PI nt lonality of the half million dollar to the killiiiK ..f Private Kdward b. n.l Issi.c authorized hv tin- last le- Collller r( Mi Ph.-isoii. In which prhate On.ver Klani Indicated le h- had shot Culler on the .,r.l. r Lieutenant . . I Li .e burst to ' lir- lie t rial .1 lla.b hurst w as ,..,,..,i today bef .it the general court m ar- tial Th.- principal testimony of the morilllg w.is giell b two to glo eve wilii. sses. who described tie- chase -i ml shooting .,f emitter Tin- fwo n.-groes. fharl. s . igb-lree :riil litis Williams t.-M ilo-d lh.it they li.-ard th. lieutenant give the cni-h-'iiid T. . down ,.n liilu." after the tl. illg sc, li.nl f;i!..l to stop at tin- count,;. nd to h:i)t fotinsel for II -zb-hursi attempted I.. shake the t- tllllIIV gi. ll b tile lleglo' S llllt Hi. v h. l.l lo their st. h i Private pinkstoii. who ran out of the saloon with foiilt.-r said he halt ed when he h'-Mrd the command to lb. SO because le feafe.l t ll.lt lie Would be yl-.ot. He said it was against o-ders for I he men to he in a -aloon II- said ll-a! while C.mlt.r had tak.-n but four i-lass.-s of n..;t i t.e. r h-- w as .r.-H' well under the intloeni f d-ink. lb- heard the slu.i that kill ed fo niter, which was preceded by tt.e ..in iti.nid. "halt" H. did not bear the Lieutenant gic the n.m ii, and "tire." APPOINTMENTS FOR THE CENSUS IlKVrm.V. Mass. Sept. 8. The appointment of the following census superv isors was announce,! tonight: Georgia Fourth district. Kdward Thomas Moon. La Grange (democrat.) North Carolina Kirbth district, .lames I. fampbell. Norwood (repub lican!: tenth district. John W. Nor wood. Waynesville. (republican.) ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. ASllKVILhK, Home Challenges of Dt. Frederick ,,n n n '" ' kuk;M-iI i h. ."'Hsihlliiy of a ilmnmtic huh-hhk of tl,' two f:u '4 to ,;r' .Vary stah incut rWhrtin,; n'i I h 'Hk'.s at hi' ni nt rami- lirst t.i The A sMi M in t d 'i-css ral ly 'hi im riling. i.il-d Indian harlM.r. I,ahrador, the point thruugh . hich he tirst reported his .success bv v. ;i-b-ss It had piob ab bct-n ib-laed in transmission and read as follow--. "I have nailed the- Stars and Stripes to the North pole. This is authori tative and i oi r.-, t. Cook's story should not be taken too s.-riously The two Ksk i in os ulm a com pa n led him sa hr went no distance north and not nut of sight of land. ither members of the tribe corroborate their story." About thi-sano- time Mrs iVaryre-i'-iet the following nossage under the same date, b h having heu s.-nt v'u Cap- Hay N K : "i !ood nioi nliii,. I la ed by gale. Mon't let Cook si.-iy worry you Have bim nailed " To The Associated press the com- mander had sept the dispatch, reply ing to an urgent icipiest for an au thoritative statrnx nt and some com ment concerning Mr. Cook Believes Both. W'hth- Peary's assert ion of today is of a na I ore that makes Mr. 'ook's position oil.- of defense, the Brooklyn 'xphu er ve( has su p ii ir 1 1 i s bot h at iome and abroad Many of the con tinental silentists ate marking tim pending dev ebipments, w bile t hose who have formed no decided opinions n this country have assured a sim ilar stand. Professor William 11. Hi ewer f Vale, honorary president for life of the rrtle dub of Amerb-a of which both Pea ry and 'ook a re tin rn,be is teb- gi aphed to New Y ork today as fob lowv; ' I be.' that both Cook and Peary have reached the pole " Mr Thomas S. Medri k of Washing ton. N J, who was a surgt-on of the Pary exittditiou of promptly came to tho support of Dr. Cook today. He Paid: "The charge ( referring to Peary's statement -of today) may lessen Mr. fiii.k'n standing in popular estimation until his defence can be heard, but the s. j. nllli. world v, ill be affect, d oniv by si h-nt Hie dMi re pa in ies. I r. Nmk will iimbuihtedlv have scientilic rec- (Continued n page four. SUPREME COURT SAYS E UAL ( 'oin t Holds That Forms of Rri leediin I lav. F.eeu ( 'ompliei With. HALF MILLION ISSFF 'sialiir.- for tie- work of lie- stab- hos pital c.ln.liis.sioll In elibirgilli; the h i-;pilal l .r insane. Tin- valblitv ol lb.- i-; He was il. -( i ilo-d ..II the Kiotin.is ioai an a o ie ii . i ii i ii i I Ipulat- ing that C:.iiiiii of tin- proceeds I applied t . o.-tieits ,,f h.e-pilals at Mor i";litou am. I 1 . . I . I si o i . was ;i,,,p... on the final lending in the boose wilh oiit ihr.e .-.parali- da reitdiugs. '('he I.- lids were -old .IlllV I lo Hie Kaleigh Savings bank and lb., qu.-.-tion rais.-d tl..- sa inrs bank suing the state tr. usurer to settle the .1 1 i. I i t v . The c. urt holihi that tin- foriiKs of pro cedure r.-.,:iire.l b tin- constitution have lie.it coun-ll.-.l With, since the -1 no -u. 1 in. til created no additional debt or I l.ll'ell on the slate. no change ii. rate of int. rest or in tun. for pawn. t l. but im-r.-h directs ap plication of small amount to d. In Its of i list it ul ion . Hi. t,i was designed tr. aid MoKitis pri:ssi:s. I'NIi'N. S. C . Sept. S.-.J. K Morris recer!tl Southern railway and expres. agent at Santilk, this .oiintv, t..da pleaibii guilty of breach of trust are forgerv arid was s'rileiiee.i to rigbteet months In Hi.- stale j..-n it .-n t iarv Morris' bono- was formerly in M..tit vale. Va m:v hi i:cin.itY. WIN ST. I.N'-MAl.KM. N. f.. Sepl K -Th.- Maline MilP- of Winston-S.-ilein which is a large knitting ma n ufa. t ur InR concern, began work today on . building whii h will be used as bleach, ry. This bb arbery w ill be on. of th.- I trg.-st establishments of thi kind In the South N. ('.. TIU'USDAY MiiliXlNii, NKITKMHKK !, V.W. DR. COOK REPLIES TO PEARY'S SLURS ANbSA YS HE REACHED NORTH POLE Is Prepared to Prove His Statements Before Scientific Bodies of the World and Appeals to the Court of Last Resort the People Dr. Cook Is (Ily Associated Press.) COI'KMI ;l.;N, Ke(l. h - lliue Ih-cii to N,.t, M1,. Am I Kiihl lut nlKht when I licnrd ol' ('oiiiiiiuiich Peary's Niiiit-ss, If he soys Tie lias Inch l the M.le. I Ih-IIi-M' him. "I mil wIIMiir to Idi la. Ik. llmire uml wiirknl out oleriM I Ions iM'forc a Joliu Irllimiiil of (In- wli-ntlflc ImmIIiw or Hie uoi-lil. In ilno iimrse I Miull Is-pi-.are(J to nmke public an nn lloiineeiiicilt (hut will crTc-tilal-l.v dispel aiiy ilniilM, if (urns be sin hv of tUn.sfcM rttiit a rem li.il Um pulf Hut itorinc (iwt I am HirliiaiMl tlidt-HKf iiiiist ui-vaU( I 'vlll Kiilmitt at tin pii.s-r IIbj wit full story to the court if last resort ltx ii -o lie of the world." This Is Hr. 1-i-edei i. i A. Cook's re ply to fomnuiniler I' ary. foiiilng so (tulckly upon of her dra malle Incidents ol the wo I;, fommnn. iler Peary's dispul h .l.ll.Ulig thai Hr. Cook had actiiew l ihe tiiuiiiiih for which lie has I.. . n il and h .11. ored In Copenhagen lievuiul Ihc lot ol' any other j. rival.- p-ison, has K.en read here with f.iliugs "I aiiia.ineiil and eotu-ern. Hut In i-ioli himself seems in nil wise distil' I. . il. II pel'fei t 1- cool and Iillv Ulll when Confronted loin:;lil With grams from Hi,. l'iol,. Mates saingi that f on. inodore p. an had .b noun- ced bim as an hii-.si'i. Mis ib-mcni- ! PREPARING TO ENFORCE OIL INSPECTION LAW Will lie Xo Ali.iti liieilt Tax from .1 uly 1 on count of Injun. I imi. (Sie-lnl (o The ( illen.) Ill Ac i:ai.i:h;ii. n. that .fudge fonn. -Now deral F oliri has dissoi d.-r agaliist the .1 i ' Opel i' ainiiig or. of the II- - I in rill re Agi icull ui 'it instruc. clous parts ' I'llll Scope tl d ! his assist ' he ib-parl analysis o i he llispcc swing al t'-t rupl Ion - of half a old In tin ' "onnor . ting m-i . ibis eoin uinent re- lilmiriallng oil ins;,, , i--I" i ll. f ommissloiii i W A. Graham is g 11 i ions to all limpoi tors f Hie Stale o take of work and Hi. w. . h'-niist. Andr.-w Sync arils in the oil di isi ment of agrlculliii. specimens of oil III lors will be gotten "lice. There has been in the collection of th ' ' ill per gallon on all "late sin..- July I. ' pinion ill t he ease , general ali.nlioii as pleie nnd colnpreb. nsi pl'le with authorities. v &rgttimn i' 8H0WER& pl VASHI.'(;ToN, S-i-f -KfrraHi for North anliti : r anl warm r Thur.l;iv : Kr i nrobaldy ihoiAtrf; llht variable ' V J X I - Who is Who a The Pole ITS MirNE.I J ftfix In No Way Disturbed. or has not changed In the slightest from Hi.- day lie landed ul Copen hagen. Has Proofs. Dr. Cook s friends had urged him to their iitinoKt to make tiny statement possible for the public, but he hnd Sllld lepcHle.lh Huit nil he had to any for the pies, ill was that In- possessed l.toors (hat he hud visited (he North pole on April 21. I Uus Those proofs were convliii lug nnd In due time would be glwon to the world. When U was uggeted to him, that hl ease mlirht be ruined xinlesr lie K; nttrnW)rr'tatemeiif Immn- dliitnly. he smiled his iisunl (iilet smlli ami nske.l how 11 mint could he ruined by popular clamor calling him 1111 impoHter w lien he hn.l proofs ol his case which could and would he published, as he had offered t.. repeat, wh.-n they wcr- in proper form to he glvi'n out. Iteiririllng the ciitros mthj- over his alleg.-d Inking of Poiirfs slores. Iir i '..ok asserts that he has written and oth.r sat Ista. tory . id. nee that Pent v look bis stores, p.-rhaps believing him dead. "I lurry Whitney is personally nc .ii:i inl . .1 with all the tacts, and per- baps what he has to sn v when he re turns may be Interesting." added the explol et Thcn Cook retnarke.d itilct!v: "Make as little as oii can of this .'Hid don't sii v an thing disagreeable a hoiit Peary" 41 AFTER NEGRO ASSAILANT osse Armed to tlit ee Scouriii", the ( 'omit ry for Oscar Hern. (Ily hhih latrd I'r ) itANVii.i.i:. V:i . s- .t m ru.T Min M"nl;i :i r I i 1 1 i ;m -x IliiiK i-hriMi- al'ti-r h ;if ll- rn, th.- n- K'" U ;i 1 1 iii p I ' I 4'i'irtnnal asNanlt on M lK ( M ttli.X, tin Mixlt i.'ll l l ihiiiKhh r of Tliomai Maitov -r ti' ar LyiH-li H slation, )i ik ln-.-n in r - -t'lewH ; i iti iMirt,"t tonTKht ar th;i' ;i jnUMuint; j uic' ..f a huri'lri'il arincl n.-n, Home .tlKinr: anl k.hiim ruling. ,-iri Mill '.a his tf ul S w t.il linn s t I llf-K r. Y.if H'lll li' 111'" I'licK' , till t o K t. Km- ta.-t tliiit Uu- (.utsii.-l.H . . r rioi (.rKini'M '-f' ;i p- 't, uml th.' ti lth -tu uh di w- ii- fif' tl at him. tii-.v i i1 ol t h ir foil i k. Th' rn;in In. til hi(,-:ifi ie ' 'i in j.hi -1 1 tr a fit y ;i in Ii,!' colit I h m l fuf rt (milt ( V" ' f 1 1 ' In 1 ; t j into I'i 1 1 n I -; j, i,i con n -. in !h. '.iinilv of T-m-I Cun. I,l linn i,J ;ili-iii rnrn- rnth h frmn :i r.ul M m -l.ili'ii ami (In r' I llo of K'-HitiK in ' onirnunh'.ition with (hi a ' t ii a 1 hi ti'-, though t jmii t from I,. t h t, ti ctr - k a 1 1 1 .ii ii'l 1 r a n l 1 1 n Hta t Ion :-.l V that is i v Ht i 1 1 Ml iTo T'-MK CAPT. BEAL DIES AT RIPE OLD AGE SAI.ISIit'li V N. 'V. Hi t fol lowing a hfiK rlnK IMm vn l;f.t f nf more than a yar ..plain Thop It. Jh-al, ai-d 74 .'irM, oni- of Hallnbury'8 falinic nnd rrpMt hinhl '"(nn-'l cJt Izcnn diil at hN honi Imtc toilar. !!' WiiM h promin'nt l n m i im -'m m- a. a h'ail Inx fhuri iiman. f ra t-rnali.-t , anl hon ored ' 'onf'-ih'rat" h1IIit ha vln fought I hm iiKh th f.'iv il wir H Ih fnriv( hy fi wlf-' Mml on' bom. John M J-fl. a will known raiironl man of St. I,ouiP, and on- dniiKht-r, Mri John A. l!nniwy of Kallnhury. ? "I will 1 of enter Into any contro versy over the subject Willi Comiimi). ib r Peary, rurther thtiti lo say that if he says I have taken Ills Ksklmos, 'i reply Is t lint Ksklmos are no mads. Tin y are owned by nobody, mil are not private properly of eith er Commander Peary or myself "The F.vUlmos etmaged by me were pnbj ten Lines what they agreed to accompany me for. "As to the story that Commander I'eary sayn I took provision stored by him, my reply la that Peary took n y provision, obtaining them from uwrrnsTotiiaB nn tn plea (hot I had been so Ions' absent that lie was dm lo oigc.nlze relief stutfons for mo In ense I thotild be alive. For this I have ilociimeiilarv proof " Dr. iok told Captain Hverdrup nnd iitiottier friend tho day alter he had landed here (lint he hoped there wi.iild be no unpleasantness oyer sup pihH with the Peary party; Hint he had found some uf Peary's men In piissesMii.n of one of his depots and bud (inn. d them out unceremunlous-'V- II Is se-1 led Uml Cook will send ti ship bneb lo bring to America the D o Ksklni-. who nccoin pa 11 led him m the 'list staife of bis tourney lo the pole, as well 11s some of Hie pally v ho wcr sent back when the start o. ihe li.sf stage began Captain mm rdmp may commjind the expe.ll Red Hair Is the l-'irst Dan H'er Signal of an llnwcl come Disease. In ,'"'( i., Kept. K. fir. K. K Ty. zi-r. in charge of .aln.r research III ti e H.iM.ud lu. ill. al sellout, has llllllle lno-,.ii thai 'iinllghl may proiluce call. e lie H.'llil lllere Is dailg'T of calieer in s.uil'iirn, nnd thiit the sun is UI..-.I HJoly to cause cancer in per sons w li h r- d hail . I )r. T 'y.er Is a member of Ihe slat c. inc.-r commission, and 1 among Hi--.rl.l's foremost wpeclallsis on llo-dis-a-.-. He h is Kp' iil many yi.iis on Ho- tbiorv Hint the sun's ra- al-ill-. I', t so aft. el the tissues as to l.-.-i.l to latio.r lie has exchanged I -piiil. '.,th l-ail op. a II s p. ' I a I i t a, .ltd le.v. h.l.. il ha- been est a bli: lied le. I lo in I h"l oiig Ii l I hat I oo mil, Ii eKi.osure to the hoii may deeop the I, "CIS. Thirty Cases I'ro.sl. "'I'hirly lai.-s of c.-iiic-r fn.10 sun light have been pro .-il out tin wold.'' K.-.i I 1 tr. T-. . r. 'and I her. Is so line Ii .-. liKit.lc nf.,i m il ion ml Hie siilijc t at last rhat il Is time to we rn I In- public I'.edlc oh d p - i -- .IIS are lllo"! Hit' b l-i lie llffect'id. Twii . itseB ,.f sunburn cucer wre observed bv in rn It .ston Ibis sum in. r and each patont had Naming r.-d htilr. The sun's ray seem to have a . IiriCerOUS effect Oil .' Il"" 'f CCrtlllll inherited pi cllls rilien. hut all know posiilv. K now ts that red hair is the danger signal " It was told bv l)r Tvzz.-r that "peeling" arms an llk.-ly to be fol lowed by a cancerous growth lb tlii ally said that ih.- dlw ov. rv might l.-nil to Import ant developments In car eer treat in tit. as it nan ne.-n me general bel'ef ihat sunlight was Komi f . tho Ui.en. IIn warned every body, especially the person with rn.) hn Ir. not t.i take a sun bath to the point of blistering or shedding skin. Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. PRICK FIVE CENTS. DOGTORARRESTED FORTHEMURDERO IWABELLE MILLMAN Dr. Coorgo A. rrltch of Detroit Suspected of Connection With The Case OFFICE RECORDS ARE UNDER INSPFXTION Intimate Girl Friend of Tha Deceased Is Also Held In Custody (Ily ss.K-lalei IVrsn ) HIOTKOIT. Mich.. Kepi. 8 -Dr. Hi orge A I'rltch, a well known prao (iloner or Ibis elty was pi need u nil or iirreMt tniiigiii on suspicion in conneo llon with the denth of Miss Mbll MlllmaM, uf Ann Arbor, whose dds n einbered body wss round Monday H,ul TiivsiIhv In Iwo sacks, sunk In I'coise neck In the western suburbs of (IiIh city. i Miss Mnrtha Hennlnif, Intimat friend of the .tend Rlrl, also was taken I'.lo cusp iy as n witness. Hr. Filtch hn! In hjs pockets ttl In Hlilliey. Tim 111 rest of Dr. Frllch follnwod Hie hiii i led return of Kh. r!IT Oaston fioin Ann Arbor, where hn had spent most of (he day. looking up dun In the Mllli'ibn case. So uiiemeetortli. did Ihe acetie of Investlgittlon ahlft to l-. troll thnt (he Wayne eoun(y sher iffs rirrlval hero was til most slmul (mteous wlih Ihe arrival at ths Ann Arbor poHlofflce of Washington tsl epram authorl.lng I'ostniaster Prt t in an to luhmlt the records of th money order and registered latter de Pi rtments to tho Inspection of Mr, Uaston. All day this authorisation, had ben anxiously a walled by tha officials gaUiered at Ann Arbor In tha hope that the postofflne record voulil show who had been tha sender of u registered letter containing ni'ittance of money -which MUm MiU man received at her home Just before leaving on her Ul-iitsr. ed. trip JlO, &a-u iron inree wee KB ago. jj,,, R.'lccllve's riufoiiictit. Chief of Detectives McDonnell, res gi.rillng Ih. arrests, said: "We hine locked up Dr. George A. I'i'teh or suspicion of murdering Ma boile MIMionn. We have worked on the case all day anil would not arrest bim tonight iinlcus wo had sufficient c blence (o Justify our action." Tn answer lo a iiiestlon Captain Mc nuinll said said further: "Yes. we tiro holding the girl here I might." Dr. l-'rl.i h was previously arrested In entihoi (Ion wild (lie mysterious ib nib of Miss Killth Presley, proof rindcr for (he s(n( senate, who died ti :nler suspicious circumstances n De. Holt In April 1907. Two criminal P - nscciitbiriii were started after the I'ri'Hlcy I iigeily and when the case against n member of (he lower house of the loi;i, inttirc was thrown out of e ii. rt for lack of sufficient evidence., the case egalnst Dr. FrKch, which depended much upon the obtaining of a eonvlclii n of (he legislator, wu nolle pressed. AS BEING ENTIRELY OUT OF CLUTCHES OF DEATH I'liysi.-ians State That Fi nancier Is In No Imme diate Danger. TMKV (iAVK OXYOKN (Ily sHiM-lnteil lr.-ss ) TI'HM.l;, N. V.. Vpl. H Kdward II. Ilaiilman Is better. This slate no nt Is hi... on the assertion t' dny .1 Ho two nu n clos. st to him outslib .1 Ids liiiiri.ill.il. lamlly. Ills medl . .-i ...iMs.-r. Or. William ii. lyde, said "... Oils morning and reiterated it Into 'his afternoon. His spiritual adviser. ihc It, v. J. Holme Mi-loliiess, mail. He assertion 'n almost the same lan c.iage nfi. r visiting the sick man per- nally during the afternoon. limy far Mr ll.iirlnian has Im- t.lio.-.f uni Ho- pi .-else slate ol 111' health is still a matter of conjecture I the subject ..f a succession of alarming reiiu.rs Tin- official infor mation from tin- H.iiriman reshleno t.dav uttetiy tailed to oilier tnese re ports; and ther- seems to be Bomfl ground for Ho- peisi'd.nt If uncon firmed r. p. rts that he suffered a slight attach of Indigestion yesterday mil that ir. I.yb-'s re-assuring state ment at inid-dav referred to his Im-prevt-mert from this second seizure. There Is no doubt Ihat Mr. Harrl- man's reient condltTon has been des perate. Hviib-ncc of this was fur nished today by two empty oxygen (finks dial were sent down from Tow- llill this evening, to be returned to the manufacturer In New Torlt. F i:

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