THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: FAIR. Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. NO. ;L't;. Asiirv i u,K. x. , na tukim - ! u i ; . si: I Ti :i I '.! K 11, I'm' l'inci: FIVE CKNTS. Ml FLOOD LAYS WASTE ND ROOM FOR BOTH DR. C OOK READYTO RICH DISTRICT IN ! IN HUOSON-FULTON MEET HIS CRITICS HARRIMAN DIED OF n- - - :r" W A(M CANCER DECLARES VIENNA PHYSICIAN S0OTHERNMEXIC0! PARADE SAYS PEM i Scores of Lives Lost In Wa- Brldgman Declares. Only DIs ters That Swept Over coverer of Pole Won't P:av Miles of Country i If Cook's There CLOUDBURST CAUSED RIVER TO OVERFLOW Many Americans Reported In Precarious Situation In The District (By Associated I'rexs.) MEXICO CITY, Si pi. Id Another terrible flood has lisped tin- J ;i 11 1 1 1 -tepee district in the slat' id laxuca. fugar plantations ami mills liaw Vni destroyed, hundreds nf In ad nl ' : 1 1 1 have been killed and scores nf farm laborers base lust tlnar lis-.-- in the waters Tin- scene id 1 1 i - - latest in undatioln I" in (lie suulh-ni pail nf the republic, many miles fr.un Mon terey and Taniaiilipas Tlic Atosae river overflowed lis banks and -si. I miles of a rich loiinlry ssiih msas- tatlnK force. The Jnmiltepee disirici p. ime nf t.he richest on the Pacific coast and It Is said that 100,0110 persons will Buffer from this must re, , m ih,,,d uss -Ing to the (treat ana nl hind laid Id waste The Initial nverlluss nl' tin Atoyac river was caused by a cbnid burnt. The situation in tin- northern part of the republic is still serious in spite of the fact that the Moor sulT spite of the fact that the llnnd sull recelvJng their first relief. Anirrloanx l Dunirer. News of a number nf marooned Americans reuchi d here today: II seems that the I'resbs t.-i ion inlssimi school at San Juan has been cut off since the Hood A parly under the leadership of V. A. Itm-.s Is to no lo the rescue The pupils and teachers are reported to be sale, allhoutrh suf fering Jrqui want of food. A prtTif Americans ronsltiiiK of J. K. Ooddnrd and his mother. Stuart Ryan of Oklahoma and llinrh Co. k erell reached, loyanes yesterday os cu ing after a six .la is trip lo an o cart from the Santa nu n h u lu re they had been slaving The ranch was coinpb ti h inundated. The A met leans look refuse a nearby hill, malum; Unir escape with little more than tin- clothes tins had on their back RLLEGEO DISPENSARY ERRFTERS INDICTED B! COLUMBIA GRAND JURY , i Six Tint' Hills Iki'tui'iicil j Against Those H;iixlliin;' j Palinel to Stale's Hoi. ze j SEMI NOLK CASK I'P. (y AssoclHM'd I'ress COHJMH1A, S. '.. S i.i ' ' TtichlHnd cunty Kiand ju :l ' ternuoti rclurlied : H ue lulls :n lb.- so-called Kialt ca-.s in on vslth uui'chases of snppi I.i in Mate dispensary. The no n umb i in cietment arc: ."oaeph II. Wslie. I.. Whit H-sKm Roll Toll'ill. .In, Ii.- Kasslinson nrner dlspen.san dll e. tnl s, S . II 1'atlim. ex-dlsp. iisai s , .11.011 James S. Km num. M u i ui X ! "'" j man. John T Is. II I. ..buiioiis. liquor salesman, and I mm : "ei- lopt, reprisentalis.- " ., I t ' t pi ini concern. Wylie Holomoiis and Kails- luiu.-dj ..'.. .-..,. and,.! .1 lilt- j 'n.sses l.ef. .e th- er.,1,.1 iu.s. ..,.,..,,.d ,n T o l. n l '.i In b The sii- bills nr.- a- t.dloss- -ain-l -ikio'IIiok ' '' ...s Goodman ..lid "'" "hci and;., s.,i..,n, a f.-,, b, ,. r t:llnR a I line: anam-l try and gis 'UK a bub. , ,1111 II 111 IU Hi- iL'amsl lai - njtn, Kaivllnsotl. Wilie. Hla, k. cou spiracv to cVfraud tb. s.ate; ai-.auisl Goodman. Hoykin. Wei I itutn and Towill. oii.spir.ics t.. ib iiaun in. state: aeainst Hla. k im'tiiui; bnh. s .in, I relates AKainsI I la ss b nsoll. in, Knrlv Rluck. Wslie. Sob'limii lefraiid the j ss in, n , , c ,l,e ;, "' I" ' '' '"' siaie ann tamim i.-na, Invelved l.ielnB Ji :". mm. More indictment- s ill b. lll.l I" for.- the i:.-.. nd jui . uimi i .si . ! iX of the proli.ntel - ami ..111. i il Of the S.-lll'llole .S. .-Ml III. ' v.a re also iiidiiie.l bs tb. ur-ind jurs One bill cbaiKcs all m no n Jnhn V. ;.,rl'inRtom resid.-m .1 He ini': James St. .ho Vonnn. s. ,r. tan. ' '. .1 Cooper, p, aeial inaiiu". i' -'I "b- d- -funct Sonlh-rn lal. h.. i'iie. . uu n'mv of llabich. X. '. !' l.ns. -ii'e-ure'-'lsl.'nl ami a. tuns I lb- Southern l.ll-. C. .1 II rl- it. iaid lO hase , nmnfeted III. dell r-.r the Southern Ufe st... k. and oriille H. Hall, wli,, pass, d ..n the sa1",- ol t. Mnotr wilh consoiracs. br.-ach of ! COMMITTEE WANTS ROOSEVELT IN LINE The John R. Bradley Has Been Sold But Coufd be Eutered by Owners (Hy Assis-lnteil Press.) M-HV ViiltK. Sept. Ml Command er I'e.lts's Ship. Hie ItnnSeV ell . Will 111' "lie nl the featlll. s nl the llll.lsnll- ii 1 f 1 1 nasal parade nil the npenine nl I he cell III al n Til. I'nllntl i ; felerulll ssas leiei.fd hi I i' tonight "Ssdll.S , I '. R.. Sept 10 " II lldsnll - H'llll n I 'ell-Ill it inJl I'.UIl lllltlee 'I'eais Alelic i lull applies l"l .n sllmn f..r its steam, r It . solt uilli llie .nltll pole Ml lore. 11 1 ' 11 II IU I pa- i ades II ( '. Hi ldi;inan " A biiel reply was pr.unplls sent, alld Hie liOnSeW'lt Will lie impelled n a place ,,f honor lo the Half Moon and l 'brill. oil. which will lead the parade. In all probability I'ears himself will be nil hoard, Im,'. 'tiler Willi tile IliembelS nf the 'eai Alelic club and pussildy niher disi uib'uished i''l' I 11'. I'mili, it is eie. led. Will be in .Ww York cily al the time, bin tin c. -libra I i. ill committee regards il as unlikely that he wiil be invited to join the IVary parts. NOT ItOOM roll TWO. SVDNKV, X. S. Sept. 10 -Mr Rrulnmu n ill repls to bis applicallnli for a position lor Ihc It eell which is still at I'.altlc harbor, in the Hud snji- 1'iiltnii nasal parade, huiiehl re ecjSed the follow lm; 1.1. main from New York- "lliid.snn-Fulinn Celeln al ion Com mission proud to have Peary Arctic club's sleamer with North pole In naval parade. Hearty cotuirntulu thins." I . Vie ue. I I "K II H.lll. a-sist see's The prohahilits- is. suss Mr. Hi Mk man. that the I! ies ell ss 1 1 1 mmils I'eaell NeSS V.ok III tillie o . . I I I I . I la I e ill the le'tis'ill-. I.iueslloll.d Oil ceiniiiK 'lo- lepoil Ibat the suehl .l.illll IC. Hi'.'!. IP'S . IS hi. Il . olives e. I I I' l' In I ! I'.'.-ll 1 . 1 ll I . SS'.iild be 111 the ( i 'mil inued on p iue fniir. NEWSPAPERS LITIGATE OVER RIGHT TO REPRINT PEARY'S POLAR STORY World ;i:id Sun Slulr It IVdiii Lniploii ;nnl ('mnl I'pholtls Theft. (JOT Hi mm i FOR IT (Ity shiM'illlel l'less.) i-'v v n : K' . s. i.i in. -.Iii.1l- 1 ! a n. i , Hie rml.., siii.-s lii.ud , I1H , ., ,,., :, ,, l. ( al .nnllnverss t, !.-,, , n, lasnr of Tb. X, vs Voik Sun .'id The Ness V.. rk World, de l.-ll-blllls III I 'I n. . e. I 1 1 1 e blnlieht I.S The . u Vi.rk I ii es,las Tie Tillies . .Plained a t.'lupnrals illjuelloll lelriiniiiK Tin- Sun and Th" World I ' mil print inc. a us nl I'. .in s . i bh" aceniilil nl bl'J .l.s. ..leri hi' Il l' ll.'.ll ai'le.-d In lllll, I e. fn 'I II. ;(,,,,, . ,, ,1,, , . mi p. i.i ... l is that I The Tin.. " cpui.-hi -s is n u . nail) p, ,1,..,, ,-,,! .-,n.l ,h the i a : no i ''o' "id.-i. -n,,. sm ..blaim .1 I Hid World ,,,i T bur -, ss a-. .,t I w in I ' II ; I . S II III. ,. III U f - -. , t !', , ,n n i. ' nun. hil- i -. 'lie Tl Inok rlMl Step- I i . but In-- I. Hi' d H ni l s ,le, isu ,n , . .1,1 ! ,i. I vl b i. b . ni l. .1 I . a i b , - . I I u'l'i I r- ni . i.b . , ., a " ",.,, mil n T -.loll, ate I I ,1 III" lo 1 I . 1 I 11 1 1 - I lb, .1 u.l" A copy nf I'. l.ii su bin ill ed I . i ! I I. .It I be el.,, . I - - i I In lo ss pap. I In I, . I i. b lb. p ill a tin u ' - MISTOOK BROTHER FOR CHICKEN THIEF l:r i l.l l: III -'Il - I pr I II I l. ll I I s . r I s -: . . . . ,, s obi. .' , ' 'el IU'! I , lie. I lo be brothel I 1,1 I. ! I. lb I'' I S I, el I,, , ,, . ss , t --in b ut. I n l I -! ur ii, ,,. ,,.., p...k a Iim t.-n. Ii-"" ! I.iikui v.hi. h h.i.l ' - n i;p..-m bun -,,,. atll.oted 'be ult.'lith.n "I , ...u, tl. nlm ,-u-l ' K.m : w.-nt tl, i - - lu ,,,l III, I III", d lb I I.....I laklli" IT ( t in the f n alnmst instant d. alh SAYS I T. STEAD He Declares That Brooklyn Explorer Has Been Treat ed I.Ike a Pickpocket OTHERS HAVE El KM FAITH IN DOCTOR Explorer Will Face a Compe tent Tribunal And Tell Story to World Ma' Vt il!K. S. 1 0 William T Strjj.l lit a fahlr in Tin- A nn-i i. ,i u, k;i s. lr I'ook i;ivs i 'Mfiih.iK'ii l"in.n -i :i t rrn.M.ii, .ifiii hi incstui.' ! I Im- l'ni ! sii ii Ksl.. 1 1' . w 1 1 1 1- h tml.;ir(s n Iln' M-ani'i l.a 'oin It I ln hiiik'. II' II I :iri iv at lit isl.-s at II tli mxt lu.'inin. an. I S.itui-iav uill t-nihaiK tiofii I lu liiiif, hi 11m S( aiul.i na i t ii A 1 1 1 1 1. i n Im i al II uhi.Ji will i. .11 at I lu.ltiiiK !-. aally to tuke him :i In in i J ll will urine at N'v Viirli m Siit('iii,hi r I . 'Mk' wrst riit'iiii-H atlmit (hat iif sjH-nl mitii- tlian a t ar in I In Arctir rtKHiriM uilli ti .nihctl . ..m jianitKis, liaiiu; .1- alh 1miii ami lamhu' liKr all ithT Ann.- l.n-i.-wlllitiut th-' siii' ul lniiiii'ial ain. AlttT lliis st'll iinpisr. irlial In ouht n! on i lurmiif; to Utili.atioii l- tivatt-il as a ii'k(iM k -l rcii l Ihii,. who naliy niii'siinii ih- an u ia ol his null lusion- that h- dad I rat jH-.l t he jml'. Hut. ilay alUT Jay, dcHpilc tin al miltt'tl vmii Imt nl his An tit- sojou iai ami his i.ailni'ss ! lari- all lor tin i alls.- .if Arvtii- phaai i.tii. '.m.K Is assail. al with tin i imI'sI imputa! i'nH I iv a tii n tii'Mis v' i h r-; " v ha yiv.n an iiit! ft llnir hain; miiT t- 'i in t h- en us" of t he A i rl ! or in lirt'il in am ulli"i ransiv l-;ci woiil In say s is l w Istf. m ntiHr4 nnsul '1 . lOvt-ry hour lalna 4'illi'KruinH ami tflnprnnis an( 'uph- l allt-rs, tv- liiaiidint; that ,i- .hall lh r- aiul Uo 11 iiii-'Hrr this halhut;f with nnoniio v rl fill.- i il i mini ill tt 1 h- sj.mI . " rr you an ittlannaiM liar or nut '" I noli IC-imI tn MtTt nil 4'lmt'uH. tli. h -.1 n:- l.a.lK' i' t -lailv alol I i ! I- l' iians t l 1 hat v a i c ii" t ' mi ii'l r.-ls. t- . ii I to i UK 1 1 "tn j.i..,.ls i.i ih, i-itiiliarv aii- a l m it I ly ( ' ' I I I , I I I I l I I 1 I MM DR. 01 SERENE LEAVES ( 'l ow is ( 'heer 1 1 mi Wildly As He heaves Coie liaiii on Yaelit. hanks i i i : i . i in him (I'.l ssocillled Tress ) i'i 1 1 ' K , 1 1 A i I ! X . S.pi. in In , , . del 1,1 A I 'nnk b II I ',,,e,iai;, Il I his M fl, rili, ,n on the liist 'lac.,- ,,l ln , ,,, i in s b ui , ss a l ,1. a pp. nulls ha pps a id enlilid- ci and ssllli lb. , b. . r- ..! I , '. il . loss. I I llinilti: III hi cars As ae depart! d He .p..r.-i 1 .... I uh.m ou 1 be liii-li bride. ..I III, s . hi, Mel . H-.r. v. Im I'- I 1 1- , i , l' bin, In i b 1 1-,- 1 I , I I 1 1 I . I I . ' I II " III bill ill I , S e , I, e I . lb" I I . Ul I - nl lie- sp, ,. , , ,,S Th- i.i- Ii. i' il. .. i i is al i 'hi i-l i.iu- and In- UoUInSS al 1, "Ul. ss her, the s t o a 1 1 I d I i . . I .IT II 'Il 'l IU I U Hie I 'idled S' . s ,- .. ,, ..- Ill I 1 1 i 1. II I' b.-el, I I.I, I. . I P. In r - b . I . II is i . , l, d In- ss ill i. a.-b New , , k S. leinb.-i I . I'.. ! u. tb. ,-ini: p! ml. ..f tb. M. I i Ip-.i ss n di.issn up 1 1 1 - r - - ss as a I b .sal, , .a . in a , in tl..- . . , b 1 1 1 Ad in ' al I ' I '- I . b- n .11 "i p. . , b than I. . , I il . I'..- k I .r t. luimilK I" Ihe I'ni SI a I , - ' ml. , 'In- I ,,, i, mb lb, " Hi. ii . .1 .-Ii '. am! .) ibni-v.' lb- a ,1 inn i 1 s i , I - ire ,1 ,i u e tioir . n - s n urn ! -.' I. L.:i is .- iu I tia i I. i .. ... ,i, u -, i. .bit. -p. .' POLITICIANS FIGHT DUEL IN STREETS ( IU -fiilril lr's ) nr'; ii.u:. a: i , s.-j.t. in f-.i l. . - - i.t a 'I i I'M t. . a i ! i. i 1 1 1 Mm- la' ., , r ...M i'il fi.atii r- .lu.ltr.- I', tt ..f 1 11.- !a v. a in I i -i ii H v 'llM a U-1 .1 t no f I I I'.l T I I T 1 n - . a h.iit; tlllo- J.mIiI al .., jm nt . ' 1 1 L- i u ' 1 1 in :i t . . ) 10 I h'-r-' (i ,'i''-! niiiiii. a . h 1 1 . i i , h rn i ii - 'I w. r fi.J -j It.ltM wai h"t in th' a tnl Mi) f i h'tt if w i a ri n- iw -I thai il,, ;hp w . mmi'I w a-' Ti -t ;i t ill ,i n 1 1 'Ih.- I.i nun (ia.-s. - h-ati'-l Anl ),,.- iM'i'ii-nir :int '-r y:i f at 'I h I,, -, , n.. i -j h.-li i r t.l-.w '. iT" pa. '. I i:.o h arin'.l him 'Tf laTt-r an. I uli'-n lP, ITOt !! f lO" L t Tf-t t t'.IUL'ht I" 't II ijr'-w P V'l'aT-' in. I h.yaii tiniiL' .niptviin' tii'-ir rv..H-rw at a. h .th tr at i-Utf- rant-. R OMA NCR OF BARON RO THS CHILD AND CHIC A GO GIRL ENDED IN DEATH Refusal of Baron's Father A fter Seemingly Acquiescing In Engagement Drove the Young Man to Suicide. Mother Says Her Heart Is Broken. Daughter is Beneficiary Under Will. (Special lo The 'ltf-n.) Ml b ' ,UM ). Kept in. -The details ul Ihc llitKlc hue siory of the late liar, in I iskar Hotbs, bild and lu auli I ii I idea Menu tin- obi story of Ihe sirimni,. nf the Hii.ui ol a noble fanm .. . . .i... i. , .-.a, ..... ,.r . i.mi.. in inarri an Ameiuan Kirl-sscre re-! leabd toilay. A lew- hours after Ihe arrlsal ofj Ihe prosiraPMl souns' vsoiiuiu In i'hl-1 cano looay Mm. Hudolph Menu, the mother of iiim Cla, told thu entire stoy Shf rVitSirt tip nil thn my-l ters I bill surroiindeil iln- cas.' from Iln- time Ihe haion im'si sass lor .bnik'hlcr, last Mis, iinid be . n.1,-,1 hi-., life In despair .u Ihe limb -child pal in e In Vienna 1 llohlentally I Ml I an e ol 111. baron's suicide became kimssn Ii ssas in . I morels born use In .s as n..l pelllliltell t -US UO S O I I . il AnHUMI bill lo ll nl e I- llis t il II. 1 I b.ll IMS all, ct inn ssas pin ' b'S" . I.. . I ii-. !u" i 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 lint nieel nib, I s nl Im. I , Ul lis at let' the Insult 1 lllll bid In en lo-ap ' cd ..poll llis 11 e bs I lo Ul. That sin b .s 1 he . a-, ss i:- pms cd in a LliK b it. i - nl bs 1 In bal mi leu j lllilllll. s helm I took III- III"'. 'I'h il ; Ul. Il a let I . -I ..I ; SS III I "ii bis Im Il denied bs III, imilmchlbl j Mrs. Menu i -Hy cu, urnied tb, stoi s I but b. i I .iniht. i ,- i b. . b b i I.elleli.i.irS b Hie .-.,11 ol' hcl b .- and - aid 1 -' ' 1 s i- i I u lei ss a- madc a I't. r b. 1 ul be II I .1 used pa renin 1 porm I' ma I in a i i s 1 1,,- i: i i I " Allhoiik'h 1 ' 'lo O"' 1 "" ' J ss bal amoniil i '- II n ,1 iili'bl. i GREAT LOSS TB SOUTH Had .lust I !i"-cmi I'l.'ins for )eveloiinur I arts nl Smith Tliroiioji ( icoria 'ciil r.'il. V A HI IIN"I ' S. pt. 1 'i Pol.- ina ibli'-laMs fan . t : .V.rtl i Saturday ;i Ij . 1 s? I lids 'ih s ; I I s ii ' l .J I 1 .1 VI HARRIMAN'S DEATH IS CIIAT'l'AN' .. T.-nii S. pi 1 .. .lames I' .1 , . i "I ., .,, i , ,, i i,e Im s asm. i .1. - ! lal , I-: II. II in ami p . i ' ..-mi nl I lb- Alll;u-I 'eel I .1 I .1 ... ' . ' ' II -peak. II" ' KO aj ' ' " ' ,ih t.iiwirlii ': I do, nm ; w b it n. i Mr llarrin... i .- ' I know thai dealh .:. I - '' - nf i b,. Kr. neks b, pin'. - "I lb. South il "il'l b.s. i , eh i d I am III a --'O tnl I a-' ' ' I ' ' 1 a Mr. II,' s nil" I,' I u ' u hi lllinm. -.' ami I i, 'l ,1 : i, nlk'ia l.m r d. seln-m.-Smith's r,s-,- and P, 'iiob-i ' ' int. 1,-hIs .. t -re pin-..-, n Ol il 11 1 1 ies 'II.. sp.m one b um! I 1 d u ..n- of .p.;., .I'.iii!- the 1 ' I h. I ehabllll i "f 1 he t II...H r ,' i. railroad. d.-s e,,p,., , b n try I bi niis'h . , il- Inn s I .aid Mrs. Mi-Tin, "we were not Hied by an ai nl of the Austrlal government that she Is Klveti ii Iiu'ko part of the cslale the baron Inherited ft i his timl her. The yomiK haroti yas Im mensely rb Ii. iiolsvltlmtiiiidlm; his faiher had cut him off from Inheri tance." Huron's I 'ill her I'lm'IriilliiK. The palhetic Ian-well to M Ism Menn was of such u hormonal nature that Mm. Menn would not discuss It, except In a Riiiemj -way. Vnrt of fhd lrttr. dated S p 111. Jills I follows: lis Haillnk' 'dil: It is nosv ..o lat. I n- iis lo hope I cannot inaki'l on ins ss i I e. and bid one .1 bins I '- j 111:, ill for II ' deal b. I shall neyer see ' sou aiMiu lie member our happs bonis ,.K, I lor. n i r happy dr.amni n. s . r a i . p, . -uiie true m this ss u 1.1 " I Am, tint del., lopment ssas Ihc 1II1- ...sirs thai Ho- father ..I Huron llskarl i l,.l l. ale, I bs hi , abbs I.. his son thai I , m , .ii ,l . on ..-Ml In . I iiial'lillKe ' " Miss Mi nil. These rubles Here of Ul mosl dally ii.-iiiii'-ii,-,-. and all of fus Mi.-i'l,- loin- until the vnoiiiT man wlo a;:a ill limb I I be pa I ,-ulal roof. Misled bs I Id.-i Unroll. The lirsl nil-badllur lable from 1 1 a i ,. u I! ol Im. Ii lid I bal i.'ill'lnl such !.,S lo llie Snlllli; pi" lelld .'IM fill l,,.s l'..,ui i i' I ir Ib lbsi hibl Will I . , , IS . l oll. . ;.l p., I I- Send li-.e ul ii in. . e and ..lie r deiad ' 1 1 ss i (lit a su I a m a nil I bis i b.ii. sail Mr Menu thai en used b, . !, lor , humbler b, , .'.lie ; ,i Ibl r, 111 IIU Illbl ORGAN CAUSES A SPLIT AINU BAPTIST ELDERS I J iiu, i.i Cliui'ili Kent i ii I w ;iip li' I lissi'iisiniis o cr I nsl ruineiil . I (v-pei ial P. I he i lllrn ) l .'I.I l PI pl U Ih. Ill 1, nll.Mli II, I 1'lilllllhi- III s I ' I ' -I I' ll I lb h 111 I b I s. I lot ol .- , , , ' ; A I i l.a ma 1,. , . I ,,. Uilb i. I-. s 1,1 b. aim ,1 . I t a P., , pl l-l III. ' lllll: I" I! .1' ! .. ... I'm A l.a ami il ss , - an I il. .ii I I.M vi as a meet ,'U! of i j , . ' . , I . . l p I : ' I a I" e I J, t i- .11. T b i - ' , . . nt Ul. -.'. a slip Iti.l, I I ' o in , I I , .,, -. . ! I ' .hi mid -. p b . .1 ,.-'.'. Ilia' 1 In II. ' - ' I , If Im! I : , I pal., I a II, II. bill ol ,1 I,, nl da II' , Il 1 . In - I,,, b bad diasvn nil bin lu-s. I '.. . a i im si ii, -' -inn r- pb.' II , . II, U. ml. I b '.II.U that : p ub-bin ' III II.. I llinois.' i.ap- ' .... b ,b, ...Imll. il ,..., llisliu- I 'I; -I, I 111" -pid j ' , .i ii ,n bus i-lrin-li mu and liiMtallllii: ... f,,., Iln other ': I. Ll, t , . r. 1 1, l ,-. l in', I - u in." I'pori. I M (i' MM. Kill ( . . ft O. r. ,i, I i:...xvi; i.i:. t. n.. . s. pi i " I I i -m in p! a 1 1 a IT,- man.iif. r "f I Im , ' ,'..i,i,.i elm, bb.-d a nd iihm railroad. , , om ', , d pli'i- f m th.- entrance , .1,, ti:. n ! hi rmul into A'lKUSla ',i.. 1.'-. Vi in. harl.-t..n andi"e.d may bean old l.-acy Bwlndl. , , . I iVe Mi, ' a, ohm, l.idioad. II wn May 21 that llarnn Oskux reached I'lilcaxo on a trip around the world. As a lleiilenanl in tho Aus t i ln n army he had hsariied of Huriroon-il.-iu Kudulph Menu, sybo although a resblent of this United Htateii fur nearly elirhli eii year, still Ih an offlrer In tho Austrian army. Ho tho Huron decided to visit llllll. Huron ()akar vtaii Invitwl tn (llmmr at the Menu homo, and thore he mat Wins Menn. Th ia was thn heirlunliig of the romiinee. The huron fell In love ill lirsl slKUl He I I led lo pro pose that .-sieiiiuK' says Mrs. Menu, but tin- laitful .Sonne, unman asoldcd lifiil and he ssurf unalde then to ask Miss Menn for oer band. "After balliiiiK thai his falhcr ssoubl noi consi-nl lo the mulch. Hur on i iskar had hecoino dcspoliih-nt. It ssas Hot no mil, h this refusal, hosv , set. as iln- iiisnll thut he lhoti"hl had be, ii olTcred I, i bis llancee hy the failure of his family to recelso her as liny slloiibl, "l-iallv ill Ihe elelilllK of llaloil Os kin's death, his lal her had reieve. a parly of sniiHii ti.-nple, apparenttv lo cheer his son inknr received tlo-m as , heel-fully as he could, then e-. . used himself Then he wrole bl b.iessell In I I K ' I Iboliulll. HIII-- limes, lhal be' d ' 'b'.a more Ibull -tUSbmls islinllbl b.Se 11 lilllll.'in In ' inc ' The Kind of lb. -inh lhal SS e c. Ul Id nl lepl.Slf I" IliiU ." old baron wii' .1 niter a nord Sill LEGACY TO YOUNG WIDOW A FAKE I M'e;i ins of lluc ForluiK ,Siii(ciil I is)ellc(l h ('old Farts of I'YuikI. SH..'iiii io 'nu- oiim-ii.) 'Il:l ,ii.. Sepl Mb - Mis Haiti' lb 1 1 hai ha 1 1 Winders, a yoiini: si lib, . bin;- .,1 I : , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . I well., liill. s "om 'nle. b, si omb-ii ii i; who i- 'isiiik l' pl.,', a hoax on lor by imiiisim: h.i ' I, , ! 1 (iii.ikpi had b. en ss i b I In In ' Die late William II Ambrsnii ol London, K.llKlan,'. a fm r resblenl of Ti i, Inn and I 1 1 li.-r ,,i b, r lmi, i '.ye. I Ima il, ill:.' Ill II. Amb r soil, jl ll.r abb In iamb. i'S.m--lin b" II adl II , ,o'.:, I In' lll-'liev II I la e, 1.1 Ul lb d II, , I d Nol ' 1' lis I .ul," Imll, al iiiii llm' iln- p. r-ons u I drm-ed id n-.i b" l"iiml Mr. Wimp! map d I hi , ninli i.-nl ,s lib II I-' i m .i spa p- I i, I . ' Ul,-Se, b- I -, u, u, o nu a!'- si It ll u Ill'lll nf l.l .n.l,. ilot i She ss.r " ''" '- "- "" ' ' been bit In II I lire. alls. she nib e -a s'-. d Um Ii!, ..( .s Aipbl-on in i run,. sis- a, nliiil. 'I'h'- sou. ix man i , l.l vs 1,1.,. , I r I s i 1 1 II a ' 1 "i t hui,i-I buses Mrs. Win iii Jl Il'l Kll ' rei-il.-c ,n la ,ir.;iHK t h. h'U -- a halt A I : i ii i" , .. , , " in . - i..r blmmlic h.r si in i."-n H si es t hell ll 'mil "l I... 'n. -b' dm-' him hi.ln- in j.. Wind. 1 1 dots not intend t, spend an. iimto V in -ill effort lo ml bet lb- London b cm y unless she Im; i pi n..t ibat the cash Is) actually ,,s a it Inn her She f.ars the advertUO- "',k"1 "'"'"r a "'' Bellovo That no Operation Preceded Death. But family Is Reticent GREAT PROPERTIES TO REMAIN INTACT Schlff And Judge Lovett Will Look After Interest of Railroad Wizard illy 'xswslali'il Press.) AKliKN. N. V., Sept. 10 Arrni meuis for tin. iluncro.1 on HuiHlay ot l al si ai d II. llari'lmaii wrre coiuplete si today at a family council. l-'aiuils reisb.'S will h held at Allien house ul 111 o'clock: HundttJ mornlmr and holy communion will he celebrate. I nl it o'clock at St. .lohn's I'lplscupai church, Arden. Thl s. i s Ice u ill hp oppn to employe of the c-tuto and resldenta of tho neigh-, hnrhood. Tho Hew J. liolinea Mil (luliiesK, re, iar. f Ht John' wlll ds Itser a nieinurkal uddreas. Tho Imrhi; servb-o will tak plftra t.l Si John's nt 3 it. m. Thin will b ii.ndiictu.l by tho Hcv. William Crea well I ina ne, ICplsropal ultihop of Al bans, ami Archdnaron Nbon of 8U John the Dlvlnn of Now York, amiirt ed hy lr. Mctlulnenn. Inlermont will follow In Ihe Harrlnmn prlvata bury Ihk Ki'ound, a Uiim' throw aouthaaat of lh eluireh. It has Ime tl announced that tha o'clock service will ba private, but the member of th,( family and tha few frlcnda Invited la fcttond will fill tho llllld Kplw-'.pal chapel, wlth,lU cat In rapacity of barely one hundred and tl I t y Half tho populatloln of the nearby vlllanea will attend tho publlo aervlca. CnrrlaK ar already toetnn held ftt (sxhorbltant rates fur uhk on Sunday. Blasting Grave lu ftottk. Seventy mn toti4 on tha - Ardcq hillside in the poliflllir rain today, six ssere Wiintlnu a -ruvie from, tha solid rock of lli private grave yard) near HI John's rhureh; the othon wen. aiiiiNiihlnfr the thre mlloa of (Coiillntied on pKKi four.) NEW BUILDING AT STATE HOSPITAUS ACCEPTED Vill lc licady for Kcccptioa ..I' I'atu'iilH in About Tea lavs. I (Spe. Oil li TlMJ (1tl-n.) ltAl.i:n;i!, N. ('.. Mi.pi. lu.--Th Central huspltul at ltallh Will he inn ly In about ten days to reoelva more palu nis, as yesterday ten of tha new huibPi.rfa erected were Inspected and pr e im: satisfactory were re e. iied. In about i. ii days all the fur nllu." uill he placed III the building. 'lb.- bii.hiiiiKM completed were ln .p. cicl and received hy Ike rommlttise -b -it mil. . I :.y the stale hospital com. .,,, t!i. cuomiltee consisting ol ll i . s . A. Id win, of Durham, and Mr. Is Tl nis. urchltect of ItalelRh, nil m ull, men IjiI.ik Mr. 11. C. lb , kssiih, of ItalelKh, and Mr. R. F. I : n el.", , of Monroe, member of tha I,,, b... ii I of internal Improvement. The t. n uuILIIukm accepted for tha .'. ! th.- convalescent build" uic f.,r I'd) women, tho group of .in, e hiilldiiiKH for lemala epileptics; I,, k'l'iip of t lire. i building for mala pdepii'S ihe group of threa buiidiniis In accimiiiodale 10H conva . .-nl im i, Tlose 1 , 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 K a cust lu dll . Ii;lll,nl iiood of T' ,U0U. There are six morn new bulldlngf set lo b. Inspected and received, ,,,,,'mh lb ,- I.i ii ml i y, Ih" rongregat liiniig bn'blnius, the phsnl. iana. real i..,,, ,. ami th. l,u lid i iiK-i for nuraea. ,.,ik ,,n tins.- is h.-iiiK pushed and It ,s .xp..:",l that very shortly theaa , , b. in .ntiiie.SS lo h 'CUpled. rushing tlies.) buildiiiK'i lo comple ii . makes a busy scene mi the Cen i... I hospital "rounds. 'l'h roof la be in; put n Ihe lat sin concreta and, m ok bul'diinis i" b" used a a con ,i. d iii.K loom and quarters for ,,,pl i. 'Ih.- Iuirm laundry build hi;: . bii. k Is almost ready for tha All lb.- nine huildltiKx oompoa iui; Ihe three colonic fur advanced male palb uih and Mr.- male and fe uiab- pall, ib- and for male and fe , rpt.-d, , i d for the fiirnitirrc and . nor I nl rmr details. At each of ; h. sc thr o groups- resldencea fof ui nei s isnrs nl e li'lng co nst r uc ted, and near iue k-r ..ip a l.irKe coltnge for tha ranimr anil na r.lcner. The Spring uill manslnn Is a hundred and eight .....r; old, nhich was built by Theo p!i, las Holder, and lately sold to the i.ite bv ihe liriines fftmil.y Is being ri inted to he occupied by Or. Jenkln. and ssho is ill he In direct charge of Um tv. o md-uiies of epileptics and ad vanced male patients. Thla old build iue is to. if restored o as to ppeai" is It did j hundred years ago. trut ana grand lartens