THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: FAIR. Associated Press Leased Wire Reports. VOL. X.W. No. :i-29. ANllKYIU.K. X. ('.. 'ITK.Sn.U ),' I I. SI M'TKM IM 11. 1iu!i. J 'KICK FIVE CENTS. L ONEESKfMO ONLY IF OF PirSjUCCESS He Has Harped on Fact That Dr. cook Had no wit- nesses to His Feat ROOSEVELT'S CREW DESCRIBE EXPLOIT Peary's Men Travelled in Re lay Dropping off Until He Was Left Alone BATTLK llAIUlOlt, Labia. lor, Kept. 13. From me-iubei'st of tin Peary Arctic expedition m board the LIVING PROD steamer Roosevelt a tiiinibo.r nt I - -tails of the .lash l.i .In- polo Ii.iv. bten gleaned. These th tails an- a. follows: The only mm to reach th. were Commander Peary and mir Ks klmo, Eging Wan by name. Th.- mh er white members of th.. varum:-' parties that left Cap.- i''iliinil.u were sent back one by out as IVarv drew nearer daily to his objective. .Math, u llenaon an-d three Kskiinns, t fi onlv tither memibers of th- reduced party that made the tinnl dash, weje left one march south of the pole. Captain Robert A ami George Borup start.-d Fiihruarv l'T from Cap1 Columbia, with a iiiimnw of Eskimos and dogs on th.- mar. b acroHS the li e. heading in.iili. i m March 1, Commander I'eary bit Cape Columbia with his parly, consist nig of seven w hite men, s.-v. nt.-.-n P.sLi nios and 130 dogs. Marcli In ltclas. On March 4 Peary came iii with Partlett, had pitched Ills camp at the Hide of a. lead of water vvhiih it was Impossible t cross. Tin- con bined parties had to wait until Mar. h 11, seven days, before fi,riliei- ti . o; r. ss was possible. The sun was se.n for the first time March f.. ami a short way iron i the eighty-fourth parallel. ' The supply c f alcohol was running abort and Borup returned l.i Cap.- t'o lumbla for a fresh :i.nk. March M Borup overtook Peary a,ffaln and brought a supply of oil -and alcohol. The rtWidawMna Paeftwwr Hons G. Marvin joined Peary the same day. At this point Professor 1'onald H. McMillan wan sent back, his fc.-t hav ing be.-n badly fro., i' lb. tup re turned to land from x 3 with lj KskSmos. , The party now t .insisted 'f twelve men fen sledges ami eighty-liVc dugs. ((Vnilinutd on m'- foiir IT IS OM OFTHE POLE All l'l'PPPflflltS (f IlltlTlli'l tituial Law at Fault in This rartinilai- Case. MUST UK r.K'Ni:i) PAK1S, Sept I-. -The I't nips to day discussing the sover. ignl v of lh: Morth pole, expresses th. opiui - the relative the ice there might properly faita- the ques tion whether this P I ritoi v coin.-s un der the orilinHiy int.'i national rules applying fl land an. I He- Inch .-i c The paper insists, b..vv. v. r. ibit .- ploring expedilioin such a Cook's and Peary's cannot give title, and I" this end it quotes Calvo to lb. .-lit t I that the acquiring ..I sovereignly is involved with effective npaiioii, namely accompanied or followed bv the commencement of administrative organization or cuninen ial and in dustrlal exploitation. A majority ,.f the authorities agree, the pap. r cavs that the simple planting ..f the Hag C . not BUfficicnt. The Tenuis also again severely . rit Irizes Commander P.ary's acciisaii..n's against Dr. Cook as well as his "gen et a! grandiloquent attitude." saving In this connection: "Peary's patriotic ib .duration about taking possession ot the pob- in th--nanie of the president . . f the 1 7 n it . I States contrasts strongly, wilh lb. commercial spirit he ilisplav.-,) in copyrighting his storv " ROANOKE WINS THE VIRGINIA PENNANT KICHMi NI. Sepi, 1 :t. Prcshl. nts of the six iiginia League t lubs, as nn executiv e board, ni'-t In re t'Uught 4 and by unanimous vole settled the tjlispute arisitiR from the lie b. tue.-n tlKnatioke and Norfolk at the ..f xj-ie season by awrding the pennant to Roanoke The last game placed o, YPjorfolk last wis thrown vyt on the grt.iind that it should have played in Portsmouth ami that Wtt transfer was in violation of the yyfcistitulion of the association. imiTOPsy nmf mmSml SUTTON COULDN'T PEARYTOOKCOOK'S fei m.K IE FIRED SOOT STORES AND SKINS BS 's ilk Body of Young Marine Officer Killed at Naval Academy Is Exhumed MOTHER MISTAKEN AS TO BROKEN ARM Surgeons Declare Bullet Must Have Been Fired at Least Five Feel From Body W ASH I.MjTi in s- iit. 1 :: When lb, body of l.ieut. mint James N Sullen I P' tin- young marliii I. el VV h In:, death ah. ml lu v.ars :ikh at Al'liupoh:; was I' ll II 111 'll a( Alllllgtoil i'IHlllV tlllS llltllM'Hill. 1111 nutop-v p. I 1 1 ll 111 it by phv - it i:i II:; I t pl'e s. II 1 1 1 1 '-, llir navy ,1, p i rl lucid :l lul young Sut tol.s ll t r, ill -elosi ll til,- I.llt that v r. Il .l t il although a i t -ii - tusioli iva: f-illlnl ov.r lilt' tight eve. It had ti. . ii Mr-. Sutton's ctiiiti-n-li-.n Hint li. i s. tifs arm had been broken in the liplit which preceded bis death, and that this b. inn Hie i-it. till' Shot Which ended his lilt- ci.ljl.l not haf bet ii :tdf inlli. ti d. i I'ov.ilcr Knrns. )r li.-orne 'I'ully aiinlin. ..I Ibi-. cit, who i ipresili lit! Mrs. Sutlon at the autopsy, soul tmiirjit that tlo bolli l .iiin.l which caused bis death uas three inches nbt'W the i ikIi t .al and u as clean rut. Th. iv uas to. illdicalioll thnl the hair and scalp bad been burned b p.ivdei- Sur g. .n Spear. Imi i epl .s. lib tl tin- ton v .lepailiii. nl. declined l.i make a stale no nt l.iniUlt, saillH that be illlilld ed to make a r.p..rt d.i.ct I., lb na ' ilepa rt in. nl. .rai' 'onsciTiiled. Attorney V.ui I ke, assistant ct.iiii sel lor Mrs. Sntlt.ii. naid tonlKilt that he was convinced that the rhot had been tired it least live feet from the officer's head aud that the wound shows conclusively that it was a physical Imposnibility for Sutton to have tired the shot. A ll i- the autopsy had I n c.itii- .- tetl. 111. body was placed in a licv coffin, provided by the gov rnmeiit. and was rc-interred in the same grave after lb.- ground bad I n consecrated by i:.-v. Ril her Abmo ( litis, t St. Augustine's I'atbolic church, this i t Sra IS STILL ON THE REM PLATFORM OF THE His Latest Occupation the Discussion of De racv and l anil. TALKS AliOl'T DOLL liAI.I.AS. 'I'evas. Sept. l:t --Willi 1111 J. Itryan arrived here todav from .Missittll. Texas, lie spent the day ll' l't' in preparing, an outline of the ad dress he is to lb-liver here It inoirovv The subject of lilt- address is "lc -l .it y and t be Tal lit Mr. Pryaii said til it bis presence in 'I eyas was lor the purpn-e. hi.-! bi deliver a I w hi lure:-, s nl. to v isit bis (aim al Mr ..ii, which was reported in St.lile il.lller If. .Ill the Ii.. ...I-, ami thi..., ..- a ..I .os-ibil. il from Mi., other i.ui. n. deliver a feW .-llldtesses o 1 1 11 1 I'.t.l o " doe t l ilies 111 t oll lie. 1 1. ,11 w ll ll 1 be la n If ' ' 1 ' I o i u I III I I go I o A I 1 om:i to , isil my sol, Willi. mi. an I lit bride." In- said ' Tie . .IL l "I'll-. ..I, win re Willi. nil i.. attending Hi- mil v . r il V . I in . i. I..I-. r 1 , M r I'.l v i ii and 1 w ill celebrate .air tw. nt . 1,11b Wed. ting an tin ft s.t I v This wdl be al our home in N't bra-k.i. Th. . hiltlf -n will be He re. in ' . lob. r ..r . it . in .Mi . Pi-van and I vv . 1 1 go to Mission T.-v i We. p.-i t lo spt-n, I Cbrctuias will, Willi. m m Ar iz, tri. i '"I bis diss us.. I, ,u abo ill v, ho 'Ii " ov el-etl Hie Noltb p.,1.. Ills Mllere e,l in.- . ..iisi.lera blv .N . v I don't know .v In p.. In i. :. -boiii l .nl.i ii.t" l In thing. bit soon In. v I ' - w ..inb r. .1 vv hat polili. al bell. !' tin.-.' in-n Ho are talking al I have I ! -b.-ve il is. -al. to s iv lb. -v are tlernm rat'. Why.' Well jiot beau-.- ili'itmi rats have got us... I lo being out in the t ..hi an. I th.-v . an do th-ir best work tlu re 'I be North p-.b- . on. bin, lis art ideal l..r them littwn at Mision there vfis ti.. U I damage in Hi- town and very littb- my farm. With :,ll of the drv Weather it s. . nis that T.-vas in In a g.iod condition It is a spbndal state ami it is that ev.-n the presi dent of the I luted States is to a farm In Texas " corroborates Accusation . t.U'li T ' IM. HaratotoreMadotiynr. l'.U Ml Cook's Friends . , h f..J) 1M furs and"ivokv wr.Ke -J ' !l(k-H Peary Is Anxious to Get Home . A nJf wL I in Tin. For Hudson- p iiJi Fumade t- - r - j-tl ST. .l(ill. S. . I'.. Sept. 13. - Alan hilteii, v. ho boat : iv a in .if the I', arv auviliai v I'ti-aniel- l-ll ik In I HOI. o-I.un in l:i'is. bis oiiota to lb. polar . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v i - r- v lo.l.iy nil his . ..-.!i! mi,- be a vv much ..I I', arv in. I in. n ! I'. ir- s lie tv.iis o lb'- t-!r:!. in Hie su in.iner nl I she :,v of a week S-ilnev abtncsule the schooner John l: llradl. v ill vv h Ii 1 ir i -,..,k vv a.- ail lie; I or III bill, n . :i t - ihal Die iiladley was a I umlaut Iv .Uip.ett lor I oik'.- to. p. till ion. bivim: : up plies for at hasl l ! 1 1 v . :ir. He .-. iiilinn- I lie cba y ciatlc bv I ir I'oob al i open hagen H al I'. -arv I.C'I'le took Cook's pltt- is s. adding that not milv did the . r. .v ..I" the shm take Cook's hi.m'.n" IiiM .vie al l-:tah. but that boats vt ii I.. A mi.. ink , t hit iv mile !'t.Hlt. I" I' Illteic Cul'j pi'. (Visions ... ll o il VV I I'e Slol e. t liel e. 'I'.Miii r.-ici'vtiiing. billt-ii ii.liinil. .1. however. Ihal he ''id ll'tt know ii tins i.iiuival was by rangeiiiolil lelweeli ltulolphe Ifancke. who was It It in charge of ll.- prov isions tin, I'eary. or I'eary'n i - .r. s. ntal iv --. The boatswain al ji made the ulato ni. iil thai otb cook's and I'rancke'- co'letttotl 1.1' iVol'V all.) Skills. SKNle .l I'oiu v'.t -1 valuable, likew ise vv.-re tak t n lb- said thai the trouble vviib Peary's previous expeditions hail been the lack Ol Slll'plie--. lust. -ail Of re- I'laiiung away lor three v.-ar-. t'om TtiaudeT Peary was compelled to re turn after ulHitil tlfteon months, the real reason, Whit (en decl.-tred, was that he did .not have enoo'th supplies t i remain longer. i:;i:it ni iiomk. PdTI.I-: IIAKIKIK. Se,,. ;s. The AsM.ciai.,1 Pr.-ss lug Tin. mas liouglas arm il b.-re Ibis afternoon Com ni m-b-r IVurv'x Iimiimt Poos, veil was (com m ije.i on page four.) pIlwiment is" fast moving to the I'l'oinilieiit Men Decluit Their liil li in l!rookl n Lirer Is I'nsiiaken. K'Alt'l'.' TlXn.MOW M:W k;K. S. ,l. I.:. That polar polemics i le.t ttnlv generate hut maint.nii uu ibateil sn I, h. at n.--.. . I III.- piotil ol seeing a It d healing to b. ln e, bnl Miih I ir. i ,,,,k bom. w aid bound and ci-iiii net icb r I'earv now in too. I, vvilb l b. I ,i i ,- . I dents, l vv. welling Ir. iii,- tit ...nlbciing iffiim. i ion a re u w . . n t i .-d . . it a t 1 1 v a ! -ad', hoibiig ov.i. ' ' me i, I and r 1 1 1 ' i - in Ink i , I b 1 1 1 g .. ill. i r pr. a. idil v a lei I al In r gain I ban Pi t ioic- a .-. -1 1 1 u tl I . 1 1 that ( '. -n 1 1 v v. oil. I h i v . , l... I ,.,,. I solnllv b.-hiiitl I, an . ma n.l. r P. Stal. s na , In. I bold. ait in a I. 1 1 - r 1 1 o 1 1 1 Peal I lil. v i i i ! i i . I ' ma tl. pub- j Admilal H. lie tml.IV bV I ' .1 I t : I I Ii 1! S ' l-boli s.-c. I t I I I -V ol I be , , I,. , ,,,l, ,, A IIU I I- I w li i-di In. C .. .1 i - a iii. m If r. i ' ,j. ,ii i (,. td.ti I .ti.,.v , ,1 i:, Ins I. t '-r ti.. m th.. admiral nought with a etui.- .li ... In, il, . ,,,i. , it,,. ,,rth p.,lo ' .1 ir I 'i e,li. r, I, A i -.... ." In- said "V a.S tol . . .. , 11, A lie's I l-. 'I: a I a . . ban I v. . -a lin,. t i in. a .v . . X ,:,. .... ,,.,t-,,j mauv b-oii.. I :' I hiv.- ... i I in. . ii a ma ii ,,f in i.g-i il , . pi . ii, . lit x ami m... I Mv il i I a i o.,. "I have ., I -o I II be ,, her f, . bov k lo .v ii ban I . .P part Iran lie t ' III '1 bv I t r f. 1 1 1 a I :! . 1 1 .s . A itt-r a i:u oig ..I ii,,. , ii.. nun if. r I b. V i , 1 1 . , un-i i. a ton, Kill, I n . I:, i i. Stebbins, il c'lllil Ilia ',, g.'l'e the Club's .' I I I i t 1 1 1 1 . ..! tile I o, ,, . ! y "Th.- Arctic , : ,l, ,,f Aim i a a." In said has n .thing to do vmhi ll..- . ..ii !:.. . rsv ..or the di-- ovitv of tie i" ! At' fiat ll,.- r Is eleb teoog m' s Is l hat I ! Co,,k Is t be tlj.. .,v -. r. r ,,f fb. pole a n.l t hat Pearv rt-ab. il there. Our .inly d.-Hire l,s to honor th.- discoverer. Neither side ha." prov d it? ca.. to America, but sim (Continued ()n pog- four.) BANKERS MUST HEED DEMAND FOR Public Clamor for Postal Campaigns ('IIICACO. Sept. IS. (nil ..I' a mul tiplicity of conferences lodav pp Illlii nary b. tin convening of the Ihiiiv liflh annual conventton id the Ameri can Hankers' lujsocjuiioii, toiiioi i ivv . on.! fact stands out supreme in the opinion of the bankets, and that Is! th.- bill of lading question. Thai this will soon be settled In the opinion of the hundred anil more bunkers,. iar- ka. Kancs ami Texas laws have he n cur., a high Krade ..f men as Bupcr riers and shippers rcprescntal iv a s w bo eiiacled guaranteeing safely .if lie- ! vUors and exainlnets . held all-day coer on the j p. Thus It Is plain that public "Among the varloiiH regulations up subject I opinion In sunn, parts .if the conn- Th.- cry of the bankarii has bmn try, at least, is not satisfied with ti,o Pwed Uy your association, the.r been for a bill of Ia4lng which would conditions under wbieh .bank log U it which emi to mo ( tramtccjnp, make the tairrUu- -ttW It renponHl- 1 now efirrled on, or x'tllftViTi 'im'ffimTh j at tmiiwltwlw Pm IU1 'tWNtmtc. It In hie so that it would be a sale nego- I of protection w hich bank sup. rvl- j Unit snchiKs deposits, when taken by liable instrument. , h!oii has managed to give. commercial bunks and trust cniiipan- The ruilr mil t .pri-sental Iv is di I iml : "I think ll Is tbar thai the nailoii- hs should be required by law to be oppose the n soliii ions and ibis was, n bank act and most of the slate j segregated from other tb posits mid In taken by 'he bankers to i 1 1 1 1 . ah- a ' banking law i empower the superv ism , vested lit thorn- securities In each state closer degree of I: trnmny Hian h is to see that lie law Is oh. vol It i-.-- which are ionst, ie.l safest and best, prevailed "tnci h. retofote lb. .ar- j ma in. si In- N w York, Imw. er, after ' We are face I., face with postal sav lier's' liability tins been the ' tb.- panic nl 1 :i o s r. giv to I In- super- i bigs hanks legislation. It Is safe to bone of coiileniion. povv r n.. only to .III-, ci tin s.iv Unit no ie of m would favor this .Mr. .lay's ltccoiiini-nilalions. , I is-i,l iuua m , .,1 unsal,. and unsound i extciiMloit l government ncllvlly II The annual v-nthui ..I He Na- j pi.i. tii but al'i.r ..-(. t sli ps to sale depositories for sav ings could be tional Association "I National Super- tale possession of ami liquidate n n y : pi ' v hb d by Individual effolt. . visors of slate harks was In Id t,.,lay bunk which in gleets muler tliiettion "In my opinion th- postal ho vIiiks Pierre Jay. pr. si.b nt of tin asso. ia- ; "In addiiiou to r. eoinin. nding that Is a iiulmnul but a local Is tlon. delivered his annual a.lilr. ss. .provisions similar lo these existing If I sin-. The calf for It comes from the Mr. Jay. In rt . nn mending n nil .,i ui New Vol k l- . na.i .t 1 1, .v.-ry slate 1 West ami I he Sou lb where t here Is n, bunking laws In all stales, spoke in il is also recommended: ! savings bank leglsla I bin, and where favor of l.glsithtii which will in all : 1. That the -upci-v P or should be a banks lire Iar r. moved from nettle. e. I: ex Separate lie Ml Ills' .b poMt." I . I . t I ( I 1 1.1 III., r or Sllollld IlllVe Bolllc I MlelltS. .N't VV Voik, NlW l.'t I g I II I! 1 1 from ciiniiniTcial nnlr. II u i 1 "IIm 1 i .. t.giu.. d qua bb, a i en l.u the ' .'. w Jersey and p. unsv'lvunbi rail by doing this, ll, declared, that He ..flue. lot' lll.lll v.-cy llllle because the bgls- estalilislimetit of postal savings baiil." -'. That polili, s should play no , lalun n of those iiIiiIi m have provld- by the gov e rn iii . i , i can be prciciii. .1 TRADERS IN ILL STREET Minister from Trinitv A 1 I vises Youn;.'' Men to Takel 1 liin for Tlb ir Model. NKW VfjpK. cloW',1 of seVeia, bov -i in Wall hi i . bun Wilkinson. Ti in it v i Inn Ii i eulogy (d lb., l.i! man I ir. Wlnl chair at th i: I'-road streets banco at t In- i, b ,.l a crowd alea. "..Mr. Ilai i In i i inli." In said. I.f desired ill I,:-, l! I'e 1 Iflen ,1 111 o ma n would sa v ! . came ill t niil.i. I " I want you 1 I '.iiriinii ii. I lie. km v Mr. I In 1 1.. uttelel man in A : He was u 1 1 1 i g 1 1 1 i his lif. Man.-, alt. uml me alt ce . t tiari vv is M iv.h vi'iir ai'e. a, 'id pirhaps ,n : Hie sane hoslle ci. i:i. r.eioi'e. a HI. If, I I and lo.lciv . p.-v W ,1 ..f tb, el- i,'V of h. ,1. I, el . d al, Iw ard II II n l I n uioiiiil. ,1 a of W cl and the i 1 hour, am! I, al. , ( a g I ' In i ' left II. .!b,!g to ial and religious life Mi I bin I - e w lib ,v : In to (bur M r 11 told I :e V : i mv s, i: .'.a vv In re If v ed Mo all l Iii .,, i.;b i ini V, ,111,;: a, ell I t er iiiiiin tin r 1 1 1 1 : i 1 1 ; ,, i , in t .'.Oil llVe ,- lit t you r ill i. a. h ' WA.SIIIN'flTfi.V. cast for North c warmer Tuesday V irig v biudin-sa, hgb' - pt. r Pore I-a.r ari.l il's.lav iiior.-nH-variable uiruls. Peary Thinks He Has Found a New Member. a t v J V, A J WMWra GREATER SAFETY Savings Banks and Agitation of the Matter in Political Has Brought the Issue Squarely to the Front Say the Experts. Mi. Jay i-alil In putt: 'Since we :t. That he shoiihl have a freehand nu t in June ISIUS, n .tueslion in whit h I In sidcctliiK his asslslanls vv are vllllly Interest.. tl, the safety! 4. That his si a IT r hoilld he lal'Ke of bank th posits, has been made one j enough ,i make tliotouuh Heiiil-un-of lie iniijor Isijues of a great politl- ntial cxnmlniitluiiH. i-ul campaign. The result has been r And since I am no longer ii suli- the election of a president, pledged hj his platform to cr.c'e a postal k.-iv- ings haul In South Dakota, Nehrim- pari in hi" nppMiiiim. m ADMIRAL DEWEY TICKLED WITH FLEET'S SHOOTING ' --h res Marksmaiisliiji ol'jlsNota I'o.'-ses.sion lut Sub Aniei icin I miners JJesI jeel. only to IW for liihi in Hie W'.irhl. ! in- Dit.-li. W ASI I I.N' ITi iN, S. pi, l.i.. I ,,:. I I. "A . ', la, e ;;!,,w pb a: ill totkl , e. be I r id Hi I tin pi- tell. I V. 1 1 i i " : C g III li ! llf Ita . . to ! I,. l.t i : I and i,,i I 1 1, pi , !., i oil A'llllil.lll I w il b j i. 'port' , I Oie b re, or, I, raid i a 1 1 d I i . i a i . I , I I t I es 1 1 I 1 1 I... , ,o II, I. ,1 lo .'III 1 1 , 1 1 llf b ol -1,1 bllS on! . I . WOI . b. lb I. I f. gle.ll It, .1 II If I III lit, i I O i , I qilll toil llf II, ! Ini' loo. V. ,. A I l , , I ,l I 11 h I .1 I f n a '.. ,v I, , in. 1 1 1 ! I .,- I . i -1 spring ., ,1,1 e i V l-,l b , I II lit,. , :.. 1 1 ! .-.a-' III .end ballb hip If I. id . A lei In If," V I- I It , I sol I lb. I lops ill lb. wo. Id, !.,,- added I If oil, III , I Tin- a , III I al V, .'C In ha- -.11 e e I or t I,. 1. 1 I I ii,. 1. , s.m his : el u I ll t i , I ' o,c !..:, 1 1 - an in. V acn I i. i fi ' 1 1. i.f ,,i II a -pri tigs V.i. IP- a pp. al . d !,, b. ,i, ;,:, I lo ill b 'I II.- gem r il bond .( li:- Hi V. ol 'ii( ll Admiral I"'..., p.. fbii! w ill as.embp. soon1 b.r O i. ' vvoik. an impnrl.uiil ff.naie ! .-. b -, will I,, tip. suhiiiis- -'n S.. .In..' M'.tr ol a naval piogram P i :ic next - ion ..f o.n-; f-'. -s : More ship-' 'if eons., v, ,. ri.fJ ( ' b 1 1 1 -. " . i ' - I 1 1 ' . I Admirai l-eyi . in 1. 1, an. ailv "W.- m d I, i I.. . , our . .-.! inb.-bii,. n's ,p to the htgh- s- -lip ot . ft,. in v j ot . ft,. if v ' m,i:itior i.i. wi s. , I!IM:.-ca. p il-.. Sept. 1 ". IMoriot, tb. I r ni'li av l. ft in r.- today. Poinii r r.riiaius lure arid f.-r d vv. k 1: iml the Italian aviator will .utitirje th. ir flighls. TO DEPOSITS I visor. 1 may add that the salaries I pabl should be larKe euouKii to m- i'.l savings hank 1. gbdalion,' (TARIFF ODES MO T FOLLOW FLAG INTO THE CANAL ZONE W SIIINi;To, Sept. 1 .1. --The new I inn l.nv of August .'. Inst, iluis not . 1 1 . . I . I., th. lillimlaii i aiia.1 . , a. .a ding lo a ! Allot t . . I . I I i I l a I y ...l:iv -Tb- i b . isi oil given hv in I lug cral Uml.. II. Klli.. 1 1 of war, a tul a n noiinci .' anal -one In Iml one o. II po ". sslo ni" of the I 'mletl Ml. l. ill.iii Hit uu a iilng (( t llal t- I in ll. He bet laic I lb.- lai llf a. t. cm in, t, ling attoiiu general Iml i.ilb 1 I I a 'l .b. .1 lot In- use, ,,, cm I ' ' I e I , :tmr oil! I o ,,r the In:!' 0 Male.., for the ,s, nil rue! Inn and I u III. , r .1 -I,;,, 1 1 'I I II' - Illl!' ::: ' P.. a .iter. ' Hie t ..f ii,: til. p I ' . 1 1 1 . 1 II I , A I i The . d. l ion vv I I.. sent v rt .-in I'i . ,c ,11,111, III I ' I I - .1 1 1 1 f .11 ' to , onl ll v. III. b lb h . Is dm I POLICE BAFFLED IN MURDER CASE I i KTI : ' IT. Mf I,.. Sept. Kb - l-'.-w ,,, ,.v , , ,, , ,,,,,,, i ill f ed today III , M.,;, ;, Afi ; ,na n. l,..i. ,1,,,,,, ,(..., , ,i i,..,p, ,s found il, ;,,..., ,.,k . w ... k ago Toaclil sin i.fl if,-I'.-i i " looking for n nm. who Is :tlb,g VI l" Iviio.y null,, Iblua ,lJt n,, ,:,,. 'louiorrow It Is. a for. M, ,,,,,,..! v.,, h. miule l.v ' the j- ., h)UK !,,. , niv offer a h.,.) ( r,,v,,,, f,,r i,,. aitprehetiHlon or ,.,,'. a I ion of the slaver of the girl 'I'h $ 1 n.uiiii hail . of lr. Oorgo A I'tlteti, v. ho w --as arrested on suspi cion in ii. ctloii with, Hi- (use, was r.-new. ,1 today a n.l the doctor was iioHii.d by the court that he need not app. at again until ho was wanted by fhe court. MORGAN S PEOPLE FAIL TO GET INTO Judge Lovctt Succeeds Dead Kdllroad Wlzird In U. P. Executive Committee LOREE WILL PKOBABLY BE OPERATING MAN" Kunh-Lec Standard Oil Inter ests Still Paramount In Harrlman Roads Ni:W VtiPK, Sept. IS. The ron llii.-une i.f th, llari Imaii pollchm In the iiianagt 1 1 1 1 1 1 of tdilon Paclllc, Southern Paclllc and tin. chain of al lied railroads was made certain today temporarily at least, when Hubert 8. I.ov.ii, f,. i. I l.u riniaii's personal counsel and close f t i. ml, was elected to succeed Mr. I i n , iman nt the head f the executive committeB Of th Pub. ii Paclllc railroad. To atrength- n furl her the (luminance of ttm Hat i liiiiin bleu," Jacob 11. Sch Iff ami William Ito.kcifeller both heavily Interested in the llairlninn rtiterprlB i s. were elected illrectorn In place Of Mr. Ilarrlmnn uml the lata II. II. lingers, and also were chosen to plac on Uie executive rnminltlcfl. Isrm. for President, The Union Piiclllc still remains w it bout a pr. sldeut ax Mr. Harrlman occupied this position also. It III tin derslnoil, however. Hint an operating man-- prohiihly U K liree, prenldent of the Ihduwaro ntnl lludMnn, will bo el.a led to the place at tlvo annual inectlnif of the stockholder lo ba held on October 12. The office which Judffn Ixivett M suiued today In tho most Important In the niiinugeiuctit and financial iiuper vhtlnn of the Union r'aelllo, The (1 Inn-tors of th floiithern P clllc will meet tomorrow. It la taken, for, grunted that their action ta fully for'rtitnf"1)J,"T,"'.1T'il "THetitlni and that JiidKe Isivett will ha aeatnd aa chairman of that executive commit leo ulso, In Mr. Ilarrlnutn'a place, with Jacob 11. Hehiff or mime other partner In the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., ut Ida right hand ua director and itu-mbcr of the executive, committee. KcprcsciitM Himm IhHtcmImi Ant It stanttH today the executive oniiniiiee remains In Ilia parlance of the street, a 'Kuhn, Voeh-Htandard, oil," board, for beside Judge Lovett, Jaeob ll. Schirr unit Wlllinm Itocke-' feller, Hie members are If. C. Frlck if Ptttshur; Marvin Ifughlft, preai lent of Hie Chlcngo and Northwoiit rn, and Frank A. Viiuderllp of th National CPy bank. New York. The failure of the Morgan Inter sin to giiln a place on the rn-con- sli'iicted boar. I was il surprise to Wall si reel, where last weeks minora had iieen Riven credence. Judge l.ovell. who 111 view of ht new office, becomes for the moment one of the most prominent railroad men In the public eye. Horn In Toua forty-nine yearn ago, he entered the railroad himlnesa while a hoy, as a I in a month freight cleric for the Houston, Kast and Went Tex ts al llotisloa. While anrv ln as a fr. Igif clerk ho studied law it night, and eventually became a o.iunirv eoiinsel for the railroad, a dis trict counsel and then general coun n I. Ills in-xt step was membership In, a firm whbb represented the South ern Paciiic. lie heciiimi mi valuable to his : v i. in under Mr. Harrlman that be was made geiierul counsel, with .mi s at tloiisioii. Three yearn ago llairlmiin btoiiglit him to this city. TUFT MAY HAVE TD SE UNDER A FOREIGN FLAB niciii'.'in Shippings Scant' in New Oi'le.-irix Harbor 16 Is Unpolled. U ASH I Nt ;Ti IN. S. it. 1J. Depre iling the HiiggeHllun thai. PrcHldVnt la it i p.,i iv wh'ch will Inspect New . irh-iiit harbor on October 30 next uu: -t in. d .. the trip under a foreign ' a,:. A g Secretary of Commerce ,ii,l l.aiinc M.ll.iig, has advised th , oil, , tor oi customs of that sut that tll'oiis will be made to secure Amti- nil vessels for tin- presidcnt'a In. peet.ioii of N'.-vv orleana harbor and ilu. lower .M ise-i isippi. ,lr. Mi liary .:i)ll In his let lei- tlaletl i.Hluy: "The d.irtrneiit iu fi rs not to an. sivor flic legal question until effort liuve In en iiutd. , for which there ia ample i hoe, to secure American vea . Is f..r the pin pose. It In reluctant to bell, ve ihal al our principal gulf port Anitrban shipping ban ao dwin dled thai t ibb- the president of the I iilt.-d Stales and a relatively small body of representative Amerl-inn-! to spend a few hours on thai greatest American river with a VlevT to its improvement, they mult mak4 the trip under a foreign Bag." IRilN BOARDS

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