THE SUNDAY' CITIZEN THE WEATHEB: SHOWERS 24 Pages Today VOL. XXV. NO. 334. TUFT'S GREETING nun cities is Popple Enter Into Festivities With Heavy Hearts as Gov. Johnson Lies III RECEPTION AT STATE CAPITAL IS OMITTED In Auditorium Speech Pays High Tribute to Executive of The State MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Sept. 18. President Taft came to the twin cities of Minnesota today and with the shadow of death hanging over the governor of the state, received a cor dial, but not a demonstrative wel come. The critical Illness of Gover nor Johnson, probably the most pop ular executive Minnesota has ever known, entered deeply Into the spirit of the day, and dreaded eventualities threatened for a time during the morning to seriously curtail the pro gram of entertainment both here and In 8t. Paul. The president fulfilled the program outlined for his recep tion, but at every pause in the rush ing from place to place he made anx ious Inquiries as to the latest word from the bedside of the governor, whose ilfe hung In the balance at St. Mary hospital In the little city of Rochester. President Taft was deeply affect ed soon after his arrival to receive a message of personal greeting from Governor Johnson. .The compliment was so unexpected under the circum stances and coming by dictation from the Hps of a man who was reported at the time as having but the frailest chance for life, it called out an im mediate response from Mr. Taft filled with expressions of sympathetic con cern .and fervent hope for a speedy recovery. Propliccy of Presidency. In his auditorium speech at St. Paul the president called out pro longed applause and cheering when "i "I unite with you In a fervent prayer to Jod that he may be spared to you and "to the country. With his ability, his courage, his great com mon sense, he cannot be spared. He Is too valuable, not alone to the peo ple Of this state, but to the people of (Oontlnned on page four.) OLD DISPUTE BETWEEN NICARAGUA AND THIS Central American Republi Buys Bark Its' Timber 'Concessions. PAYS $600,000 CASH WASHINGTON, Sept 18. Repre sentatives ofxhe Nlcaraguan govern ment and the George K, Emery com pany of Boston, whose claim glowing out of the .temporary annulment of the company's timber concession has been pending for some time, report agreement today, the Nlcaraguan gov ernment agreeing to pay the company J600.00O for the of the con cession and the company waiving all claims against the Nlcaraguan. The Issue has been a notable one and the delay of Nicaragua In failing to come to some basis of settlement came near resulting In the breaking off of friend ly relation between the United States and that country. Pedro Gonzales, the special commissioner who came from Nicaragua to arrange with Min ister Bsptnosa for the settlement of the claim made a statement covering the agreement t" the following effect: "In consideration of the payment by Nicaragua of $600,000, the Emery company transfers to our government all its steamers, railroad lines, tram roads, wharves, camps, shops, cattle, plant and equipment. In fact, every thing It possesses in Nicaragua, and surrenders Immediately all claim to the concession. This ordinarily would have had five years more to run The company releases all Its claims against Nicaragua and the latter relinquishes all counter claims against the com pany. The money Is to be paid to the company In eight Installments, run ning over a period of five years four of $50,000 each, and four of $100, 000 each." Mr. Gdniales says he thinks the. arrangement arrived at Is a good one and the result will be a strengthening of the relation between the United BUtes and Nicaragua. VICTORIA INN AND ADJACENT PARK SOLD YESTERDAY Valuable Hostelry And Fifteen Acres of Victoria Tract Pur chased by Mrs. A real estate transfer of Interesting magnitude was made yesterday when Mrs. John II farter purchased Victo ria Inn and the adjacent property fiom Mr. P. II. Kranch. Mr. John H. Ctrter, president of the American National hank, when seen by a Citi zen representative said that the prop el ty was not purchased for any speciltc purpose. hu that Mrs. Carter de sired to make an investment in Ashe- ville real estate and he recommended this one to her as being among the moBt desirable In the city. As to v.hether or not the property will be platted for development In" the near future, Mr. barter stated that Mrs Carter has time enough to decide what she will do with it in that line. The purchase includes the hotel and furnishings complete. and the Victoria trait of land, comprising fifteen acres. 11 has a frontage on Victoria road of about 1,600 feet commanding a fine view of the Swannanou valley and the Vanderbill mansion in the distance. That the property is valuable and an active commodity in the real ex tale market is shown by the fact thnt It has been sold four times this year, and each time at an advanced price. On February 5 Mr. Alex Porter pur chased It from the hoard of home missions of the Pretlbyterian church of the United States. A few days later the property pass ed into the hands of 'Mr. (Jay Green. who on the twenty-llfth of the nam-' month sold it to Mr. P. H. Branch. After closing a most successful season Mr. Branch Hnds that the business of Margo Terrace required so much of his rime that hi did not fuel like trying to run iHith places another sea son. .Under present arrangements Victoria Inn will close September 27. when the 1 roperty changes owner ship. The acquisition of this valuable property Is the lirst large purchase of Ashevtlle real CHtate by Mrs. Car ter, but doulltl"ss not the last, as her husband has invested freely In Ashe ville property. Mr. Carter stated yes terday that he has an abiding faith In the future of Ashevllle and he considered lnve?tment,,lo Jtswreal es tate as' Ventures of the highest "class. The following notice was posted at Victoria Inn yesterday afternoon: "Owing to the fact that this proper ty has been sold today, the hotel will be closed for :he season on Monday, the Tth lns.:inl. (.incuts desiring to remain in AsluWlle longer than the first of October will he furnished the L FORMALLY OPEN ROUSE lED'BYTI Now Owned hy Harvard Un i versify Through Efforts of Marie Corelli. STRATFORD-ON-AVON LONDON. Saturday, Sept II. The first public function which will be un dertaken by Whltelaw Field on hln return to Kngland, will he the opening of the Harvard house In St ratford-on-Avhn. The date of the function has hi en fixed by the ambassador him self for Ortober t, so that the cere mony may be coincident with the in stallation of fir. Lowell as the new president of Harvard university. The Harvard house was the home of Katherltie lingers, the mother of .John Harvard, ami fnon its threshold sin- went out to be married to Robert Harvard, of Southwark. From this union sprang the founder of Harvard university. It is chicly to Miss Marie Corelli. the novelist, that the tsift of Harvard house to Ame rica Is due She Ioiik cherished the idea that the Ktratford-on-Avon dwelling, where John Har vard's mother lived, and where ho himself must often have staved in childhood, should belong to Harvard university. Miss Corelli was strongly supported In her scheme by F.dw;ard Morris, of Chicago, who bought' the h" use and entrusted Miss Coridli with its repair and also its furnishing in the ntyle of the Harvard period. The work concluded. Mr. Morris presented the house , i Harvard university. H was accepted and is to be held In per petuity, under a body of trustee. The house is perhaps the most beautiful sixteenth Yentury building existing In Stratford-on-Avon. It Is a far more perfect specimen of a six teenth century abode than Shakes peare's birthplace.. The bouse will be open to the pub lic, and will be available to travelling Americans Cpr use as a resting place in Stratford. On the day of the opening Miss Corelli will entertain the ambassador and some hundred friends at luncheon at her residence, Mason Croft AS1IEVILLE, N. John H. Cat ter. desired accommodations at the Margo Terrace at 'In same rate ihey are now paying and will be transferred free of cost. Thanking you for your patronage here and soliciting a eon tlnuance of the same, 1 am., "Yours very truly, P. 11, BRANCH. "Proprietor " OMAHA'S TROLLEY SYSTEM n TIED UP BY I STRIKE Five Hundred Employes Stop Work on Eve of Bi (Jala Week. OMjXHA. Neb.. -"pi IS The street car system of omulin and Council Bluffs was unexpectedly put out of commission today by a strike of near ly live hundred rnotormon and con ductors. The tie-up was noj com plete hut service on every line was so seriously crippled that no attempt was made to run cars on schedule time. livery car line In the city, however Is out of commission tonight. The strike resulted from a failure of the employes of the street car company to reach an agreement with regard to wages, condition and hours of employment. The walk-out came so suddenly that the company was In no way prepared for It. It came at a time when Omaha was preparing o entertain the president of the United Stales and several na tional" convent ions of fraternal organi zations and other associations. President Taft will arrive In the city Monday afternoon and the ar rangements committee- Is making ex traocdlnary efforts to prevent any oc currence wnirn migni mar ins vmn to the city. Only one arrest resulted from the strike today. A union motorman rid ing on a Dodce street car created a dl: lurl mice and an officer on the car ari' -.led him. He was released on his own rec'iKhl.ance. GREATLY IMPROVED BOT STILL MCILLY ILL From His Bed Dictates Mes sage of Welcome to Pres ident Taft to His State FLOOD OF TELEGRAMS neiCHRSTKR, Minn. Sept. 18. A bulletin from St. Mary's hospital at i p. in., signed by Dr. W. J. MayoV -;a vn: "Wovernor Jolinson Ih better; he looks fine If he gets through tonight and tomorrow without having any noire trouble, we look for his recov ery. The wound look's fine and the governor says be feels very much im proved. His pulse is 102, tempera ture :tfl, respiration normal.' Doctors Mayo and McNevin will nut again visit the governor tonlKht un less his condition grows worse. I l.ate this afternoon flovernor John sons 'condition was such that the St. Mary's hospital authorities would not say delnlt ly that their patient would recover from the operation performed on him Wednesday morning. His con dition Is critical. Kvldence of the attention paid by the entire lountry to (iovernor John son's illness appcarH in the flood of telegrams which come here, the one ttlcgraph wire out of the city being burdened with messages. fiovernor Johnson so far forgot his own condition this morning, however, to dictate s" telegram of welcome to President Taft to be delivered by Kli S. Warner. Governor Johnson's message read: "Hearty nd sincere welcome to the state of Minnesota. (Jreatly regret my rUnees prevents my presence at your reception. (Signed) "JOHN A. JOHNSON." President Taft replied to fiovernor Johnson's telegram, the answer hav ing been transmitted by telephone. President Taft'B message said: "My, Dear Governor Johnson: "I am gr-atly distressed to hear of your serious Illness. I miss your smiling and courteous personal greet ing, which I have had every time 1 have come to the state heretofore, and I thank you from the bottom of (Continued on page four.) C, SUNDAY M(UNINi, KKPTKMHKU, 1!, l.KK. The CHIC A GO 'S CORK UPTION DRA GGED INTO Jury Commissioner Arrested Charged With Conspiring to Pack Juries Which Are CHICAOO. Sept. 18 llench war rants were lued today by Judge Baldwin of the Circuit mint for John J. Holland, members and secretary of the Cook county Jury commission; Nicholas A. Martin, secretary to Al derman Kenna of the lirst ward; and Willis J. Ilayburn, a real estate mini The charge against the three Is (hat they ((inspired to taw namea nf grand Jurors In a maimer other than that required by law. I'rlcnd of Inspector. Coming In the midst of the trial of Inspector MuCann for alleged grafting, the newt of ths action based n Hege4"tjjjjtNnR with "the Jury lists carfsea ieat excitement in legal and political circles. In criminal court circles the action was regarded ns the, fore-runner of a wholsesalo exposure of alleged run- piracies which may have effected E TO TRANSACT BUSINESS No Further Arrests Made and Many Go Hack to Their Old Stand. NEW YORK. Sept. IS. The book makers at Uravesend Hay race track lid business today as usual. Further trrests. or possibly another raid on he betting ring, which wax expected from the onnoum ement that Assis tant District Attorney Kldor, of Hrooklyn, had twenty additional war rants for alleged violators of the law. lid not occur, and even some of the men who were taken when the ring is raided yesterday, Were back to- lay anhelr usu.i I places laying odds in the manner which they believe is not a violation r,r the stale law. It seems tri be K- nerally understood that no further are-sts are liKoly nu ll the cases of Ho- men arrested on Friday are rilspos d of. District At torney Clark of dookdyn. claims lhat his cases this titro cover an entirely llfferent set of ircumslanees than xlsted a year when the book maker won by He decisions f Jus tice Oaynor and lastlce Him loiff The bookmaker, confident they are protected by lie d' cisions if a year ago, are cfintimon to lay iddx oil redlt anil pay el! ih,; next lay. Three men are eoneeiie I In such a Iran-s-' odds, another re- ' third make., the 1 dlowing day. Tiy and varied at ' possible devel'ip 1 the raid. 'barges i' county officials, alleged corruption, ictlon ; one layh i 1 cords Ihe b-t and settlement in tie Humors wer, Oraveaend todav rncnts as a revolt nvolvlng proline' hints at provirtk' ' nd other dew lepnient weri' spoken f, but none lo .k 'b flnlte form. moYimb i WA9HINC TON. Sept. Is Fore cast: North Carolina: Showers Bun day and Monday; moderate to brisk northeast winds. mm i End of The Straw Season. LIGHT OF INVESTIGATION Trying Police Inspector. Other Politicians Are Im plicated in the Charge. the drawing of other grand and putlt Juries. Hecauso of the sensational nature of the charges iignlnsl lnsiieetor Mo Oinn. who Is accused of -n'ocitilliig "hush n Ttcy" from disorderly houses In his district, cjpecial earn was ex eiclsed. It was believed, In drawing the grund Jury which Indicted hllll and In selecting Ihe members of the pi tit Jury now engaged In deciding on his guilt or Innocence. Jury NyMcm lloltcn. Commenting un the Issuance of the warrants and the cobs of the drastic action States Attorney Way man said today 1 s. fe-... vs3iV "We propose to throw the light on the darkest hole In Conk county and ulenn uit the Jury .commlsslloriiai's room, which Is rotten," Under the stale- law tho names, of prospective grand Jurors selected at YEGGMEN OPEN SAFE E Diamonds and Other Inci dentals Fall Into Yawning Sacks of the Kobbcrs. MACON. '"la.. Sept. IS Yeggmen Ot 3.30 o'clock this morning blew open a safe In Ihe store of K. W. Hinlth, within a slone't throw of Ihe city limits, and secured approximate ly $700 in cash, a pistol, two dia monds valued at J J Oil, a number of notes and mortgages ami other vul uahle doetimnrts. Ktitrance if the store was gained with blacksmith tools und nilro-glyc-erln was used fin the safe. A colored restaurant near Ihe store ' hoard the explosion hut though! ,11 wus mules kicking In a ijtable nearby. A sheriff's i.i.sse was formed after davllghl and a determined searc h li sllluiodhut no trace of the robbers has been gained. NEGRO GAVE THE POLICE QUICK RUN FDR MONEY Fights With Five. Officers and Throws Them Over board Hefore (Capture N V. W VOItK. Sept. IS. (Purge Ijauil.m-, a Jeim-y City iiouro, gave th New York police a r markahle chase today but tonight he Is safely locked up and under guard, charged with sPaling 1200 from Ihe trouser pockets or a friend, ljite today the big negro defeated three relays of patrolmen in a er', town race to the North river and diving In swain pow erfully for the Jersey shore. Half way across he was overhauled by a row boa I .but after being taken aboard he tlpp il live officers Into the water and only gave up fighting when he hud been b III under the- surface until exhausted. COSTLY IUAZK. OAIN'KHV! U.F. flu., Kept. 18. A dozen husln-hs houses comprising al most the entire business section of this city were detroyed by Are at an early hour this morning. The loss Is estimated at 150,000 with but little random from a sealed box routining the names of 1,C00 citkens who'have been examined for Jury service by tho Jury commissioners and their fitness eerlllled. A similar, method Is pro scribed for petit Jury lists. Jh-feimw KeiMin Victory. Tho three accused men are alleged to havo substituted other names for those drawn In the rogulur manner. The defense scored a victory today in Iho McCann trial when the court over-ruled , an attempt ty BUtes A t limif Wayman to Introduce evidence that McCann had spent large sums of money alnce he became Inspector and that he bought a 640 acre farm In Texas last Oetotbcr. McCann's testimony was completed this afternoon and court adjourned. E In Affidavit States That She Wan Not Criminally As sault ed. ROM 15, lilt, Kept. 1 8. Declaring that she was driven by the lash of conscience to tell the truth after hav Ing perjured herself on the witness sland, whore her testimony secured the conviction of Jack Worthlngtort, Harlow county farmer to twenty years In the penitent lary on tho charge of criminal nssalill, Itosa El rod, the alleged victim today made i sensational affladvit 111 which she says her story of the assault was a pure fabrication. The girl, accompanied by hor fatb appeared today before a notary and attorneys for Worthlnglon and b illed her whole story. She admitted having Illicit relations with Worthing (on, but sail they were by consent and Hint he was engaged to marry In r. Iter father, J. H. Klrod, swore die made the same confession to him, Holh father Mild (laughter declared Itrat the false; testimony lit the trial wan calmed by threats of death to Ihe Kin, made by enemies of Worhlng loii, who had discovered hlH relations with tho Klrod girl and wanted him lynched or Jailed. Wort hlnuton's attorneys will iw me aniiiuvit in a motion for a new trial now pending In the Appellato court. STATE POURS BOOZE INTO CITY SEWERS HfHMINOJIAM. Ala . Kept. IS. The first destruction of Honors under lh new Fuller bill was made late this af ternoon by the sheriff, under orders of Judge W. H. Fort. A total of itr.O quarts of whiskey and eight casks of the new bill, a claim of ownership M wer. Only one negro woman ap- lieared to lay claim to her share of the Jl'iuor. when the cases were called this afternoon. I'nder the provisions of the new bill, a elal mof ownership would make the owner guilty of vio lation of tho law unless they could come Into court and prove they had not been exiling It. The law assumes Jljie. defendant Ktill'y until he estab lishes Ms innocence. WILL OT IIAC'E. BRRUN, Sept. 18. It Is reported on good authority that kmperor Wil liam will not race his ycht Tor the America cup next year. IMiICK FIVE CENTS. PEARYSETSSAILFOB El SHIP, ROOSEVELT Harry Whitney Wllh Cook's Records Also Tacking In Direction of Home WOULD HAVE MADE HIS RECORDS EVEN DYING Peary Shows Spirit of Martyr In His Conversation with Reporters HATTLK HARBOR. Sept S. ( By Marconi wireless telegraph, via Capa Has". N. V., Kept. 18.-Th Arctlo stoumer HooKcvell, with Commands Pesry a lwrd, "sailed from her at I s. hv, today for Sydney. Cantaln Ilartlett received orders yesterday from Commander Peary to have the Kooseveit ready on Saturday mornlny for the voygg-o to Bydney and also to time his arrival at that port so that they may reach thsr about 11 1 NHISTRUSTY oclock Tuesday morning. Th latter Instruction w ro glwn In accordance " with a euggectlon contained to mitssngo received from the Sydney re ception oommjttep. Acting under In structions from II. I Brldgman, sec retary of Hie Ferny Arctlo club, Com mander Peary refnra leaving turned . over to the Clrenfcll hospital all the remaining provisions of his expedi tion. In Fncr of Death. (Yimmjmder I t sry was asked today what he would have dona If h had ftttlen sick ut the tnole with no on In the accompanying' party capbU of taking observations. To this ha replied: , My lost momenta would have been dnivotod: tfl( t iik Ing (ofheerratfonai, tn order to lenve the record. I would not permit anything to Interfere with , " that Important duty, nd ? I ., would have handed the records to the Eskl- -m to take to Mrs, IN.ary. If 1 bad , died within sight of tho pole I would . havw had to depend on my Eskimos to . tell how far they traveled from ' the lasl supporting party, or on my observations, . 1 . v Kwm! Well Arafod. "My reoorla are very complete und '': most carefully ktpl. They are sealed In skins and parchments, so that If thrown on tho o or In the water they . would probably-drift for years with , our sinking without being danj- , aged, and would eventually found. This . priceless package will not be opened until I arrive In New York,.1 v Commander Peary confirm the j statement that. four Eskimos were with him at the pole. He says that -' he has mada no statement different , from this. ? "Would you fx come at , American cltixon If you were offered command of the Itoonnvelt to T to Behring - Continued on Fag Three.) TRANS-CONTINENTAL MOTOR CUR RUN El IN WRECK AND DEATH Kclay Trip from Philadel phia to Heattlo Comes to (Jricf on First Day. UKPOUTER KILLED KBADINa. penn.. Sept. 1. The trans-continental automobile run from I'hlladolphla to Seattle, Wash,, under Ihe auspices of The Philadelphia Press ciimu to a sudden and sad end late this afternoon when the first relay car was wrecked at J'.obesonla, twelve miles west f here, causing tho death of one of the occupants of the ma chine ami the serious Injury ot sev eral of the other passengers. The dead man Is Henry 1 Bulkley, a reporter for Tho Press. William Hrown. of Philadelphia, was go serl- oiely Injured that he may die and vvllllam II. Hob n of the Acme Auto mobile nue, icy In Philadelphia, sus tained a deep laceration of the scalp. Clifford It. Kly. tho chauffeur, and A Carter, colored, a, valet, were slightly Injured. The machine was going through Kobesnnla at a twenty- tlve mile an hour clip when something went wrong with a rear tire. The car upset and Ilulkley was thrown Into the middle of the road, fracturing bis skull. When tho news of the accident reached The Press the run was call ed off. Tho run promhied to be an In teresting affair. The Press has ob tained from President Taft a, letter of greeting to President Chllbers;, of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition and had planned to carry It across the country by lelay of automobiles. The car wrecked left Philadelphia at 13.30 m. today. Mayor Reyburn giving the signal for the start. Bulkley was the courier bearing the message. ; Bulkley was twenty four year old and ft graduate of La fayette college. . .' , .