THE SUNDAY CFTIZKN, SKPT MI'.Klf, IM, l!iOf. SOCIAL & PERSONAL tli Mlsr, n..- i lrifr In tin- .!.!. f v i Vr in the mi.-' i"i ' ' .1 .Ashcv die and as ' 1 nr li r "i'iii" I'"- 1 embroidered In n..s in-' cint'-t elos.-! !.ct ' tier ri i i iUiiK iw m 1 .1 'i 'I I i hi' tec Mnriliu llriir.iu n vine, h r t-'lal f-' yde and lill'i m ' iiiKt out; viil'' ! twenty. T'" i'i 1 ' t ,eiiiy-flve cent. .' ' ciiiH-hI win. 'i -.-i - I'. i'K 1 ' " I ''' 1 ' " I 1 1 ' I fit of a lorn ! rlint 1 kindne .f Mil-" . ..1,-1 tlimil'll llnj;; M....I .- Hie V..I. . I Mirt received n ' h 1 -In-p 'm PaLum avenue. St J The lsille-- m-iv.i-- 'If Imui. un. in was ronclU'li '1 j.ter,i,tv f' " '" "' "' !h.' '".un' y ' " " "' i"' rtHon wlnnlnt' in" r the ham " enrm Present". 1 lv Mr 1-M.wa.rc I and Mr. J. J. Met Muski. v . and Allw Alice Brown II..- other. There were many spectnlor, nml iihiuI"-im who iivm nut l-iti. m In" nil. 1 n. ii.ii mul remained f..r pa ivhl. Ii wan k. i u i in the veranda. The musical pmiriain for I In- morn lio mill I'VHIilnir service nl tin- I li-l Baptist church today is ' Inn-rest The mornlmr ih.kihiii m on Pillows Prelude: "l.'anf.irc- iiI1..Ih Anthem; "Jul hate I" V" Offertory; "On I In Merciful . Ni v in Hiirlh-ll Mi-i Lucy Vance. iPoatluvie: "March ronlillchil-- l.einm'iiiM Evening acrvice: Pralniln: Rereeurc" fit Ibrui-k Anthem: "Not !'" 0 I"-.!" Smllh Offertory anthem: tin ' tm Over" N' flolo Ml Clara Wlilttlii:tii fnatlude: March" tjiinnml The vesper service this afternoon at th Y. W. A. In tin- llcnri.Hu l.Dllrtlllir on BoMli Main street will lie held at four o'clock. .Ml Klm-cnce Stephenson of Ihe Home Inilimlrlul achoitl will address the mwllni; nml KM Interektlnit miialCHl proinmi has been arranired by Miss Patsy rlmlth All young wlllieu of Afthevllle nml nnv v'altora who wonW carr to me are Invited to attend the acrvUt. M J I The rnarftnue of Mian Wlnervo. Van -'Meter in Hnrltmrieilil, Ohio, eeveral ' days awr will n f Interest to her many friend In Aahevllle, Mliw Van Meter hew vlsltnl In Ashevllle on aev- eral occAalonn and laat nmnmer win the vtiest of Alias IHnlny Rmlth. The if oil owl nr ati'ount f the WcddlnB ta ken from a BlrlnirnW, Ohio, paper wHi he .of ; interest; iuia Mtn rva Van .Meter and Chua. Ilsher tver ' truu-rled Thurmlay venlnir at half-paat five o'clock at th home of the brlde'a mother. 84 Eaat Oollere avenue. The weddlnit - was a quiet alffilr. only the mcmberi" and friends of tho Immedlnle fnmlly beln present. Pr. John A. ritory, n former pastor of the Mlnh Rlrect M. K, church, nort, of ( 'liuliiniii, per formed Ihe 1 11 ninny. (Hie hnie was (leooruli'i1 1.1 f. i ns und while na terf. 8n:l '1,,11 n I'IchkIiiK effect The liridti vs . Kiiwneil In elmplc V.'hl'e, nr.'' '.t.-i! il white Afler th cnir I.;-' i hm-i -mirse Hiipper Van rorved. .utC iiniin-dlatcly uller Hie lirldn' r u " . fl for it 1 1 vt.-int'-il lake T'ti. V. 1 Md Mm l-"w In r will tit al 'i-x- llH'ir film.!: nl tin Vrlde's lionm U' ii' Ocloher fli-Bl. n In n they -ri 1 1 (".''di. Arlr.on.i. where Mr. ! iiii r .D- 11 hirKe niiil.- rnneh. 'ihe h. . J I I -....iil,i: v .line tlnuKhl i l . -! ' '' n ' ' 1 1 fVlllcge K..1 I - . ; - III.:! 11'L-. 1 - i I' tie of fil 1 .. .: . initlleld, who wish lier mti 'h , . Mr. Vlalier 1." well kn' .1 U; S.i . nfleld people, ha -Jng fornn . r!v i vi" 1 1 "iv, and la a mn teanful ran '. . i Four It' I' ' . rv . ha 1 111 Irig entert ,1 . , . . 1 ,1 iy a 1 1 1 in t the m m . 1 l i t. I.0111M M. Bourne, t.r 1 . 1 i it ,,r tho Mis sion honpi 1 1 . ihlren. Who or riinged Hi . m :, iir. were llltle Mlsses En.'ly '( ;.ii. I.u. llle Janice. Marntirei .1 n r-i 1. .,n - Kinily McClotnl w ho ili-Hi-ri . . " it .1- at i.f credit ol' lheir Ini; . , I . nt. rprl-w. 'I h. I lldrcn kii .. . .. 1 1 nn 1 in, I. 1 i lia find "l-alith 1 : 1 .. . hi, Ii wen- Wi ll clone, , ! 1- I 1 hh- ii.s. In hi. h I . . I . 1 . 1 . 1 . i . , . nti-.l Mn" em. f.i .. '. ... ., . , 1 (.ii,, tin.'n Hll I ' r . 'I l 1 mm s "BATHROBKS at MOORES" should he on your shopping memo, when next up town. Blanket rohes in many pleasing color combinations are $4.00 to $10.00. Heavy and warm for around the house in winter. Terry cloth robes in light shades and dainty patterns are $5.00. Just the thing to jump into after the bath. Have you mth tin- I 1 t W'mlnili! Trunk i Aak .mi'liotly I hat nu 1 1. niir. 'I'lii' "1.1 It'll uii they will iH'Tor aa iii v with. mi ami . aii't un derstand how thin- iiiaunyvil In I'nii'. It cari'ios all volir dress clothes witliout lnussinr'. M. V. MOORE 1 I ' V - I iv .1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 r ;i t . ,1 r .1 ..nly li i - 1 . I w 1 :. il -.! ! h n ( I. Put in. J 111. -ii- - The f.n mil. h 11 11 .,r til.- mn ni..i. I ! - I 1 1 u .-. j - . f lii 1. r. si .111 I 1 1 1 .'l. 1 J - a 1. ml. 1 ..f Ki..'lf 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 .-. 1 -. . I . I il , . : - .-Hi lil-il "' ' 1 Van. I. 1 I... I I. .1.11 . i.r t,i- 'I' l- -' ".l. , 1-1 Jl I. Mil.. ., Will, I. ..Ill ..I llnj II,.- . IiiIiIlii nl II.. I. 11 illlH ... li- mi I tm Hi" I I. Mi- 'I '.. 111.. ,'.. III.- .111.I .Ml C. ,-,,,.i,. ... . 1.. . In. . 11 MH Hi.' , , n,.. , I, I,, I ;ri, l,i-,l)lv tim i I I ', . I I 1I..-1 1 . It I I ,!r! , -1, 1 w.-ij r li. til. , 1 1 1 1 . 11 1 v.- ami 1 1 1 i K ! -l.trlklllK waf M I mil. T! inf.r.t ( l llniile'. i I Ihe new ctlMilfi.r I- p", Inn'le i-T 'llll Inav.f and VTi lar.-. The Inlin tiirin-il iihrnptly a llllh- In I h. li 'I i- iiil u as In 1. 1 In ila . h n lari.;.. in I . ij. h I . Ir.-ni -whl.-h in era'. -fill hiiirl In, raiff ihppi-il cim t i K r, al In" . i .11 h .l nl I he emln Tlii-ii- wa.-i ennilii r hat vhh-h nun esp. . lull v . ii -.thiK an.l w.iiihl liaye tin. I.- any riiti nine. This laiae imiHli r.-imi Hliai'i" v... nliai nl Plnek Hill. Iii-h.-i- vv Mil a.'t.riifite hainlH or n risi- yelvel ruid rilihnn In Hti-iee around I tm ilrnnpliit 1. r 1 in. A hunch or cefl'; ii-driiii feutheri xlwidltiK' lo :i dnk pi-lniiiii color, ware nttuclel in mn Hidn of Ihe cc.iy.ti. Anntlii" hat ';n iiindc cnllrelv of n. Ilourii I. It. I. ;ln !--il I In r Hint." colored crenl.'d lord from New- i : h I -n . The heu-l of Hie rt.licl with Hh a I il- lipped in s f..rm ed Iiii- cuilv t'.iiiiiiliiK, Hie wlntr lireitklnK tin "-'crll- of tin- ouilhn The w-jlloiA pllii;- MppenrH I r.'.iia-n ' I e In Itio trimmirc; .f the dr. ..-i lial. A lurKe yellow pink 'id-. riccpienlH- SC'-ll in ilnlilll.! v. is fared Willi lilii.-k y.-c. t 4in.t i a.-ut- with nn ohloilir liin k". i.f h,.. i. .1 III of gold, Hcverjl pM-iii' I NJi'in .-i pink almded rfrcc'ljljr nilnhed Hits ery !- nl i fill model. here wer many unmrl tiHiues mad of feathers, frln By like Muck chrynnnthermims or Hnioolb hrunil of Idrda, nnj many of the nrnnmenli are made of Irldea cent feathers or Mdld cnlor, In Inter Inccd rliiu. There w nn a very tnau llhil while OieM-cr hat. Hie brim aliKhtly rollliw which depended im tlroly on n very opuletil willow plume ot white fur tr :m niliinr. This was one of the most Htrlklnif of Ihe dremt ht. The fnd of Ihn biiisoii aeenis to lie the enyeller hut. which Ih turn ed up mi the lift side Willi willKH or loii(f WB'-ltiK alruretleH. H Is a moat hocomlii atyle to nearly every one. The new styles are quite unlike those of liixt scaiKin hut porhajxi more universally becoming. J J The Mondny al'ternoon danoea (riven hy the HtiiKlniin cucletn begin tomor row at tho Hallery Park hotel and will he cont'ntifjl each week dnrlng Ihe winter. The dnnces will he chap eroned by Mrs. R. T. Orlnnan. Kneh !rltiiriliiy .evening u dance will hi Ktvien at the room of the TUng-ham Herman club at lllnirhani llelhtn Mrs. Kldrrdyr' will have ehiirne of the c-liixseH, An usual tho youniter itirlM will he Invited to attend I hi- Mftul-wenk ly iiiince. w'lin-n proniine in become inlto a fm-tor in tin' wh-IhI round of tho youiiKer wt durliiK Ihe V. lull t. Pr and M'n. W". M. Vines will he the guests of honor at a reception clvi-n Krldiiv iitlernoon nl the resl .! o.-e of M-. and Mrs. Oenrcro A. SI. ill. nil on Cn-ani-n ntla-i-l. Il.y Hie I ,n i'h-1 Aid Ho.l-lv ..r Ihe l-'li-st Mnptlst ihnr. h. A ir.-ni "ill Imitation I Isaued n (he lndjes i.f the chunli and run l: 1 1-kii ion t" nil-ml the ri-. cplion and ..- th.-ni an nppnrtunlt- nf welcom Ini- In- iiiim - Im retiniiM :i pai-ilni-.1 ih.- l-'ii-Mt li..1 in t allnr tin al,...iii-i- i.t Ih-.- i-iih. I r ami Ml-i Yum . an, I family ale at pic: .nil Hit. -..In at I In- I In! I cry I'ai k hotel. Mrs. Ii,, 1 : liiwliiiro entertained with n Inn. in . ii ycnterday fit Ulni; hant 11, Irlil A I I 'i- 1 line, 'eivi, eat ( '.III ml M. I h'.-l . i Mi.. .. II. II iill of M. iii .l in. T. an . ,-. i'i he iioIoImI, ami w ill H'liit 'II'.- l."'d Is Mv Sln-iliei-d." Mrs. llu'l i a. - ..inplloheil nmsl .-Inn nn t ). - - - in unusually line i out ra II .- -. h i. h Is t're.iieiit 1 In . 1 1 I in th .'mi... a ml in eon. ert In Mi-nipliip Mr.'. Hull 1 nl l-i.-neni the rtisK ..f Mi '. . I' .M 1 " ham. .lr. H.-1111I..IH .if A hil.atll.i. will .".UK at I he evi iiIiik Hi I ' I .. Mr .Sir.. I m lorn In en In ar.J 1 in '-rln "11 .... I . a.i.inf in th-- ty ami m.t.r.- .uit.- a 111. . i-fl at thi air.inLii..! al lh Hall. 1 y I ';n I. I...I. 1 .'nt in,; 1 In I' ll K . K . . 1.11 e nl . 11. J , Mih I'i. .1. ill. 1: I- .. . in. 11 .m 1 1 li all In I ..I ti .1 1 1 1 1 : 1 In -ii I.. ml.i at tin. Woiil.-l. . h.m. . Mn. Iiill..-il II. I 1 nn inh. i ' 'I III I hi I I a a t . 11 a Ih !!-. 1 . -." 1 1 . il 1..1 h 1. im 1 1 1 M Sniloii Mi-, nil, in ,n a I ,ui iiameiil. Alth..'il-rh Mil- llaf,.' ,i . ompim. d In tin l m i in m. n l i Mi s Sot!.. n tin- .iij.' i lia ;m .ii it u..M a . lo'c c mill. si Ai .u.liin.- ! im- Hut lain fiai.-lK Mis-. s'iiIi.iii siul Ihn I li ii nl hi 1- I s r . . .'II I." I a in ueli I i o it 1 .1- . TI 1 ' l - i - i the Allien. I II la I- h.i mpoill ami I KlIKllKll I I I v i h. mpimi. Mis. lull- '. , lilrf .nl Mm. II.ii .i j ala. a -t of tin . . I A-. pla-.. I- Mr. ami Mi . I. II .id ..I i-T. I.i.ukJ W in. ha - o'-i '. i'-.l I" Il I- ' ' ..11, p j ' . IP- I , -id Im Hie 1.:,-! -K j " l-; ' ' 1 v i i- h Hi iih, I a vein. I m l im i iji.i iml.-r ol their A-.hevlipj inl Mr Itl.hll. k ami fa in 1 1 v "f I'.rce-ns Iiiii.i hllV.i. . ..III. 1.. Aslu Vllle I" IllJlke their- lii. nn- ami nr.- neeupwiiK the I'm k hoinie i Il.-slnnt street. Mr. Victor A', illialns, formerlv ol HiIh city, who t now lo. -filed nt. .Mm timer, ini nt -.iriu-'l to Hint pi. . af ter Mpi'llilillK lim iM-'-li end here. I lev. ". M Wnnihi.ll nod Mrs 'aiiiholt are H.-.cii.linj. hiioc tluin with friends on llujii I ulrccl Mr and Mm. ('. N. WotTilicilt ami Mrs ciWlcl of Jacktcnnvllle. l-'ln.. are the xuetitM of IrleiulM here for mime lime. Mr. Tom C'ollinn formerly a rexl dint of this section, painted Ihrouith Ahevlll yesterday on hi way from hi former buinc: in Swain county I.. I Iklaliiiinn, wlicrc he l now localeii Mr. W. K. Klndley Iiiih returned from a biislneaa Hip to New York. Ml Mary I.owe leaves next week for Stanford, Conn., where aim will attend school till winter. Pr. H. Wostrny RutHe has returned from an Eastern trip of a fnrtnl-rht Mrs. II. A. C.ihh of New York and Miss Kntherlnn Hcnles of. New York lire spendlnir a few weeks at the Hat tery J'ark hole!. Mrs. Frnnk M. Weaver returned yrslerdny fr nil u week's visit to friends in Winston Halem. Mr. ivter late of flreenaborn Ih in the city on liiiHinesH lor aeveral days. pr. Charlc hcolt has returned froim Richmond, Vu., afler an abHence of a week. Mr. James I.. Alexander nnd daunh ter. Utile Miss Klsle Alexander, who hnve heen In Now York for u. week return lo Ashevllle this week. Mr. and Mrs J T. Miller and son who have Kpent several months in Asheville reliifii to their home in U'iliiUiiKton within several days. Mr Hoy h Swarlr h-fl yi.---tenlav for I 'harlot I vnv.i lie, Va . lo enter tin 1 li l crsity of V 1 ! Sin 111 Mr ("cell A. Moure leaves today for Doldis 1'Vrrv. Y.. where he will leach KliBllsh in the McKenzie n-hool. Mr. C. It llrnnnon has returned! from ruin lie . X. t. w here he has l-c-ri vlsitincr tricmla. Mrs. J. W .larrett has returned from a several ilavn visit at Marshall Mrs llnieu.y nnd Miti I'atlu-rliie lmena nt' thnver, I'ol.. nr.- MsitliiK Mr.s. Ih. He In Alheniaile park. M i .l.diii Ti i I Tiinitii. l-'ln . is vialtln? Ill tamlly who are visitiiiK at. the homo nl' Mrs. liooiBe Shufovd or tininiie Mn-el. Mr noltniucly I vl-IHin,' In a ilaiinhlei-. Mix. 'J'hoiuas .smith. on l lit stuul elrei (. llls Irina IinrklnH who has heen vi-iiim; n l ilive.s in lUrminitliam for :a'v-ial Wicks has returned lo town Mr ml Mrs Kilwnrd Kcllli of San -oito Klco. are si, 'iidni. Mini.- .1 na n time with Mr. nnd -Mis V. ; W lot Mis. rl irk'e of Halliard Is Hie ku.-sI I Mi-.. John Nichols al h.-r Inum ,.n I'll, si n ut .si reel. i',.n. nil. I M i -i '1'. I-'. I n v 1. 1 s. .ii have i , t ui in .1 H um t in if r.iKizy I a i in 1. I.- Ihcv ll.lVi spcllt il.l.s M is illi.-un on :i .several 1 Uilson lias re! n r in .1 chivs visit to I'ltts- hui-i;. M;-s X Pii. lai. I' Hal il-iuuhl. r. . ; iv . 11 n. returned vcsterdiv Irooi .. I- ui;thv visit with friends and l.-la-i iv'.' s ill 1 illj4t oil. a. Mr Carlisle I rale lea vie n.-t week fir A im. i poll- lo cnl.r Hu naval pr. -' a ,-ry M'hnnl. Mi I'lirsr t'rluht ami son leave t.. r N. v i-l k. Mi s !trn;lit w ill I.. A sin v l lie v il Inn t hi i .- i . I n i i iv . . k Mi-. I, mil i .l,,si-ph who lias h.-i-i tiMiitiK fin ml -- In the eilv has i. l-iru- .-.t I , , In I h i-nie ill SI 1 .oil IS. M . Mo m are of New York ,v hoj I i at tin Halti-n f-uk hotel s, .,.-,1 v.oeks his nolle lo nld 1'.. ut I'mtit'.irt. where hv will spemt th- vv -.liter yt'ii.-n. I Mr c. t;. M.-mmlnirer and Mlss it cr'miiurer have irne lo l-'lai Ko.kj Xpng Coat Jeaters for &)omen We have jus: ,iii,i kiil A IICW llll tll'l'M- Sweaters fi-ii' -V'iti u;. fall tJuits I Kililf Leopo'.c latest wliiin. pine tically completed, is a prhale rail way li-adinti from Ihe Hriicscl.s hi i -hurhau still Ion al l.aekcti t" tin pal ace, about a lulu' away. This rail way. altoKelh-r hidden frmn niuM. is liiMirimiMly app oil; limn it line maJcRiv uleps Into in e. v aim-1 w Ii i. h rmivcvs him dli' -I lo his a pa 1 1 iin-nl Tin- railway, lii' and 'litmus c..i $ l.JOO.IIOl). Just as Good as The Sticff Is i;.'t 1 1 ti c I., he mie of Hi. ,;reul l aii Ini? p. mils I." man. iealeis ;(mi :ik ills I : a ureal i I v . it i.senu : 1 1 I'cir tile ,il llslu- SI i. I i piillin, I'll! vv .- feel s... fur Ihe I I low W ho t I: . ' liM he is ii ,. line; 1 1 1 s i lie l.iivs I.' Ituur. . ill!,. ! sail .. 1. a- tin- a, a I I i Ii. s-' will l..i... mailc . (food vv In n other piano ai't be I'm. I ij the piain. .si as ! lot 111.- ami ou . IhmI pinno nt riiniiiii I : Will.. Tocluy. Chas. M. Slieii Maiiiifn. Inrcr of Lilt Allelic Ml. it, Shaw. and Mlcll Sell - layer Piano.-. Mil Tlll liN WAREKOOM ."t West I'rade St. te, N. 'C. C. II. W M, MO mi. Manairer. (Mention lids pasr.) Sfj j limJ ff J 1 m . .. . ' - - - ' ' " - -. ..' for Jadies. Misses and Juniors Our Selection of Kali Suits If you have not been up to invite you to inspect them at an Xpf We are most every three hundred suits on hand. We can give you suits in all sizes from a sixteen Misses' to a forty-six La dies'. Prices range from $12.50 to $17.50 for a Junior suit and $17.50 to $50.00 for a Misses' or Ladies' suit. We have done a much larger suit business this season than ever before. This shows that our Suit Department has succeeded beyond our expectations. Jpeqial Value in Broadcloth Capes Broadcloth Capes are in great demand. We had a great deal of trouble in securing the few that we have. We advise you to call in early and look them over. They are in Old Rose, Reseda, Olive, Peacock and other shades. Priced most reason ably at $10.00. COPYRIGHT SPFCIAIi VtUHS IN SIIKI.I. i'OMItS Sinnle pieces and in sets. A pretty iiHs.iilment to eelect from. MISS CRUISE. 27 st VISITORS, BAVK MOVEY, by having your teeth att-nded to bj i 'hvavl UD-IO-cllltO. I'alBiess anUjinai evil licini- u. rttnit-viior. llellable. Crown and Bridge upeclalty. Popnlfcr prlcea i..ttahl Crown and Bridge work nn M VTTHrcu's ii:ntai pnn- I.OItS 2.1-;-27 IV ew McAfeo BMr., corner College nnrl Sprnoe, opixisltc tat. Bap ilt hun li ami near Coup House. Phone 940. Ileslclcm e I'hone 972. - 'Im m i in receipt of new day and we now have If you want "good" gaa - line you will have to leave! your order or phone ! The Asheville China Co., I No. 6 Nortli Pack Souare. Phone 81 HALL RACKS I The prettiest line and best values j il PRICKS 30.50 TO WtO.OO Beaumont Furniture Co. 27 South Main street. Phono 1002. Tho Home of I'uiiiilurc Values. BARGAINS IN PliEOGKS Shot Guns, Hifles and Pistols of' all makes and description, tiny are un redeemed pledges. We rent .shut guns and rlflefc Ija the day or week. Leather Goods and Triaiks la Our Spi!cialty. II. Li. UN HKIjSTKIN'S Serviceable, Stylish Coal Suits t: ASSORTMENT OF GARMENTS THAT ARE BE ING TALKED ABOUT. Coat Suits that are att ractintr every passer-hy art liir Uiml we have in stock lor tliis tall. Kveryoite in it self is a creation. They are Miiart and uneualel in style, workmanship and fit. We are sliowinr this season the largest and wiost complete line we have ever carried. This is because we are confident ol' success, and know lliat every arnieiit will find its way, to sonic well pleased customer. Visit our suit department Monday, for it will he to your aifvantae to conic early and see the entire as sortment -look these suits over and convince yourself that all our assertions are in every way correct. A Word About Our Prices We fake particular pains in Imying and see that what we get is the best and for t he lowest prices. Hy so doing we give you the full benefit, of getting the best 1 ly a small profit for ourselves. Our suit, assortment, ranges in prices from l-".iO to ;5.M. PEERLESS DRY GOODS CO. Press Jkirts for fall (Osar A very pretty line from $0.(K) to $15.00. is Matchless. see our lines we early date. shipments of Suits between two and i' BITUMINOUS a Mn j a ntracitf Aa 1 ,wiw COALS Best quality in both kinds. j p..! .o-r-V,. Prnvnrvr AfMv- j ' " " v" r i CI V. 1 llOne loV. I Carolina Coal & Ice Company CITIZEN WANT ADS. BRING RESULTS. cleverly designed, snajijiy, he market can a ITord wit Iron-' " I 11 rATTOX AVE. t ' 'mitimieii on pat;..- m-v . u i I ! in l llll mf