TUK ASFIKVM I K ITZK V. MOV MAY, Si I'TKMMKR 2(t, IW9. HOME FOR INVALIDS f GLEANED FROM FALLOW FIELDS DISCOVERS COMET MAY BE SHOPLIFTER ON STARNES AVENUE OF FUN IN THE OLD NORTH STATE J I ll'ill II -4.MI4- I.. I t.t- Thu announiHTi.nl I .. : ' - -elgh News and Di-tnil- ' ' OUt that ni: idiiiimi it ''" M : ' contest fT new r i ! away live air-hii in . . I talk In thine I:kk.i It WUZ 'I I H"l 1 1 ' ! Bcrlbt-rs u 1 1 1 1 r it nnd I heir 11:1 !, . . 1 News utnj IHxIm I.. 1 t. JftelPRrani. W'b air n nl liur i.- ! 1 i 1 1 ' 1,1 annouru mint ; pi in " : 1 ' and I iiur ii' T . . .-1 -' ' teat this y mi: 1' it I : 1 ' ' bo udolu' "f Hi-t 1 - - Mil. long. Tli.-w - n " " 1 ;:i -you needn't !. -mm --d 1 ' ' alr-shlp liriiiKlim 1,11 ' Disturber uny .!,. ttosl. ltliiiiiiK.il ! 1 : ' I'ar'il'lirux- "1 'nil'. The Winl-nl.m.. M - i" 1 1 1,1 Ulllttencer coin.!, i.. f t - n hi f dill (if III!' HM'll W t I I Mil H 'I I hoped Is tin- Iiimi . i". "i -i' torlen. It ociininl. 1 not 1 m I ' 1 In fact, Tin- Mi .- 1 t . , - 1 w tortus, tn I tin- til Kt mm nl 1 BtiHki. HtcaltiiK 'I ' I'll''1' ""i ": 1 hen's nest Id mild mid tun ml. - .- . m pared to thu follow inn 'The story If vouched 1 it Li Mi J- A. ColHon, of AiihiiiiII- ! -. A lien of Capi. J J. '.,Ih " . "' Lilcsvllle township, father .1 Mi Culsnn, had 1m-.ii In tin of liv ing In tho hollow of 11 lam.- l.M ii i tree for smcrnl yeai'M llotli i-kkk uml J'ulinK I'hk'ketiH dliiin iiri d riotn Hi" Host a number of liin.n. Finally Mr, J. A CoIbiju and Mr. (J. W. ThraiilKill killed a largo snake- m-ar lh tr.-.-. and noticing that IiIm snak .whip look- ' ed very full they cut It open when out jumped live biddy. The hlil.ly lived to bt 1 hen and the strung" thlriK la that th. last egn of every riotlful she laya la shaped exactly like a sunke n tig, says MT. Colnon." 1 i'lilrkeiis or Woman? -"iy." May. the Jailer of till coun ty, la a wise man lliolnu ri In charge of the county's linnnllnK linum- - for many years In known 11 I'U things. It in told of It i ii 1 liii when a negro preacher I- limiiKhi In "In " 1 May asks him at once: "Chi. Uciik or woman?" The other day Kev. lln.vvi.. Of dark col ir, was hronnht In and ilin Uiual question was asked. . when Brown, without hesitancy, annuel-, d "woman." And this la tin- eluin.. against him. Brown hales from Rockingham county and was arrested on warrant for husturdy. tireaiw boro Record. (3la4 Tliey Have Siw . The BlaUavlllf IJanUuturk i-oinment- Ing on the trotiblca Ash. villi- Is hav ' Ing Wlh Its Auditorium takes unto . ItBelf the "Sour (IrHpes" coiisolalloii. It says: "All towna ahouhl have u public gathering place, and few of them have one that la aultabl. Hut see ing the difficulties the lnrm-r lowns have encountei'ed after th. y get wh.A they want, the smaller towns should feel like the Iredell man iil.mil the corn. A cltl.en of Iredell i-alb-d lit the home ,'f a nelnhlior mi 11 cold frosty morning and Imiiilred (or the 'men folks.' lie .is b'bl tiny Hire pulling corn "llugui the Lord,' said the caller, as he held his hands before ' the glowing lire ami r. lie. led on the dlaagrceHtd. woik, -I've 110 corn to pull.' I'erilMps we should be llcink lul we have no auditorium " Ti e .Smtli 1 tiolng ln. ly the Je.,1 .ml Hie julep in lb. cariphor Im!!.-. .il hist. I'Or the lollin le ll IS lia. ll--d :.lld the 1 Lb " diivs are pnsi . SPhat which makes Milwaukee ruinous does Hi. I foil 111 ifl ''i llll.'HM 1 And the lid 111 llok. S1.1I1 li e il oinhi s lock, d .'sliKliI 11 ; tu-lit can In-; . And the c-olc pap.. I'l.l.uiel and bis cronlci: Well nil sigh. 1 Jfor the wluskci How . iu longer and the Bouth in c,')i 1 1.; Jf- 6y the' still i 1.- -a ib.- bill-due In Kentfn. ;i 1 : : . , And the oh:y .bun;, rt 1 elim. nl iiiiim be dlpp -.1 up ii.-ii- Mo- rill N'awth ?'liu.-i'r. - i n- 1 nl. r gives his soda Kl 1 -s a sluo And dlsi-us-. I.., ! " with the Ko'th t'a'lln.i '1 ll Is USrbilS :li He f . . 1 1 1 1 i , 1 1 M to be winkful 1 ii. for the co. Mail 11 .lu ll no I the Souih i.- K"tm. It I:, "wat.-r. wt. not .. d..p I., ill ml V e no ton ei I. . . 1 ' I 1 yellow cry .--la I Ii 1 Wilt 11 th. T. doled and 'I. 1 h. ilen ral an.l ilu Jkfcet to tal;.- a little 11 and f th. FREE-A for the writer of !' i ing tho word-: " 'i lilt A or " Moores" on the Miiijc. i of- hat -., o'er ytiiir o ii m Lr.n.tt n i'c :il oi:r olii.-i "P. M. Montlav ii i;.: 'it , in i,:-'!il. The lirst .--.nl t"-t ..v.-.l limerick has a In ;nly li antitln r i ji e mi i In ever, contain lie urn .Is 'I ! , r, le C..I lil-l .1 lm 'I he if, IS III if ' ' line P i. i, " P In ll ll" Th, ml,. . . Tof lit and Kn.-.pl- b sell for 3 and J4 He : I., t., 8 hat makers. We think it's Hi day's your last t li.irn e to wm M V. r TTTTTTTTTT'I I T I J F V pni.k . p... I h I11I Ii- ato I I.. . Ii I "I I Ii. 1 - ' and Ho 'I II.- all I r. S.oi' i.l 1 I U I . . 1 la I I - .,. I aid dum Id, ll da, a . 1.1 .1. e, a 1 it ml.)- t. I lii ..iikIi I he I ell Itf liile n - I-. d' .p off to . 11 I.. Ip I I- II Ii i . r's t hip. I'm- in. n I b.-d-. now a 1. loinlless and lie- i-i.ili s.-rt-w liang.-lli blKll, All It. ,i III 1 long tin- l Ml tide, and t he .s.mlli is Mi.iug ilr. -N.W Yolk Hllll. Itntgiuis at Trhilt . In a i. ie.it ail.li.s-. to the stud, ills or Tl i nil . 0II1 lii- I T. K llgo Kcori the foibles of colb ge youlh and recalls bin own eaily slriiKKbs In a manner lliat Inilleales lie will make l.rogan shoes Ihe fashion at Trinity here after. "The people are nil kicking." said l)r Kilgo. in discussing the tail.Jnti. 'about tin- wist of living going u ll's ii"t th'- new tariff, It's' not tin-ti-ust; but Ilu- exlnivagunee ..f the people of our mm. Kveii the boot blacks have got It, tin- dravni. 11 bud the w lixhi-r vollli-ll. too' S1.110 I long lias got to be 1I0110 to slop 11. Why when I was a boy I went (0 s. a girl. Hlo- i.M il and I lm e'l, and we lull ll loved on less than IT. il week! Now yon college boys think II a dls- gn If you can't take her Ti worth of (lowers every visit! Anil Rlrls, 11 gr. at number of them, have on $25 suipj that tire charged to them; Now, w hen I was n college boy I went to school wlih n pair of brognna. Hut In a r me: I was at the depot this morning mil watched a gang of ne groes moving rails, and each one had 011 a pair of palciil leal hers. Nuw, I'll venture to say thai there's nyt u boy In Ibis chapel Willi a pair ot hrogiins on. There's Ililng Ihe extravagance at Trinity him got to sldp. and thai right now!" The l oipll'e. A fo.d I hen- was. who began to swear l l.ven km yuu or I) At a shirt and a ahue uml a shuck of hair (We called him thu uniplro who wasn't s.iuare) Hill Ilu- f"ol be called him names for Valr. Lvcn as you or I) Oh, the balls wu stop and the Mh s wc l"P And our beautiful clean base bits That nr.- spoiled by the umpire who I knows too much (And be knows that be knows too much For we bad o give him Ills. A fool there was, uml a ball he fouled I K .11 as 011 or I 1 The umpire y.llod "ran!" and the audience howled. (Hut tho uniplro only glared and S.'l.W led 1 While tho batter deeply and fiercely growled ( liven as ymi or Ii oh, Hi.- wrath imspoke. and the swea.s we choke. And Hie e . lii nl epithets hi. h b. long I" llie oinpiie w bo Know-, it all. (That fool id ail umpire 1,,. know.-: it Mill u.I all ..I 1 in caiio- np.-.l-i. The umpire With hallghtv pride w 1 till. .1. (I:111 a mi ..r II Hut that wa.-ul what Hi" audience Mll..l (Tin l.cidlv d- liiaiuli .1 Ins block I.. . p.M. .1 1 So oiio 1 I In.. I but be inoal- I-. I I : I, ,T, d. ( l is . n a- 11 I ' And II i-n 1 tl . . h iju, and ll Isn't the ' mni hat Ilia l.i -. p.. . ' 1 I ma I . I : s i . .nun .: 1 ' ,i i a 1 1 1 1. in . r ( I .r Pi f ' -I'l'1!'1 I Ii : . PI 1 1: 111 Id, n NEW HAT . ri si linierick coiit.ii Ml,lii, nl' ' ' l " th Ii . ri . I liif.ile li ,t-l I 'l nla ; I lie w nun ir.:; .li ;iiil'lisllt'i. IJere is ii.. It lines' 1 1 1 , hoW- iiiii.-t put in. , i in ,m ,t- Inl-N MOORE n r tton avi:. W. I HIM H M I 1 '.Ml I VW I Hi r Mklli 111 j j Waul- s, an- line t,, ulaio I.. Ill .In -I Win ll I, hitler. An an. ,1- -i win, .1. 11, . I, In I el I "ll i w 1 ll 1 1 1 II. I. noun. I . le, ... il ll Ihe i, a I . d l .11 to tie , .1 I), '. i m . In .1 b It. . a I I I h I. nil., r 1 I, In r ii .lie .1 . I i.l.s-1 : This lil,. d i i'i...r I'.uiiii, no, I. iv .-. a .1 , I ml .nil i till' .1 to 111. ll I to .l. k in, I I In , ..i 1 1 1 . .11.1 He I I. .IK I. I. So l.ir Hie I leill. , ,, I I no I u ill ma I . i ,l,,. I na k d . an I II to a a i , pril.g I le hill I'l o I . I a, I I, '. , 111 ha .. o ll ami mad. a I. nut pi, . I . l- r . . 1 1 1. m g.,u,. ,. .. .-s.. w by sh .nld not ihe land a--Hon. , r m e s. i ii It also ' Hoi Hi. SK la in obs.-i i , -r Is not al a I' p.lfl'.-d II , h Ills .1 it., in , I . 1 1, 'a' I lo . us to r (-.... I it as I in i I mall, i ..I I.,, t 1 1 1 1 , t-. and t,, I Ii mg I hat u ol i ,. i him i- lie . , i ,, o'''!lll,ll',. I" ha lor ol Hi, , oniel. I . W l iles to 'I In- I 'ill.en lo help him nut III epl.ilinii;: I In s I" Inn mi , hot so l.ir Th- l lli. u Ii . , I,. , ,1 iinahl.. ,, 'ml 'in o,,,. n i , , M, ,;, i,. ,h mi. i . al'hoocli il ha. i liil.r . w. d mi bo.lv in tin- cil v h ho might pos sibly know from the . press agent of lit niiy's sh-iws to Willie lint'f. The SUylanil asl louo in. r complains I" ause th,. conn I does nnl behave as a well is giil.il. ,1 comet s , fs anlics and "(hi- cupels ll mils up hi the beai.iia, swaing hither uml Ibllber Ilk.- a kit,- .,, nlndl., I by a siring held on earth, rising arid fell ing SO US lo , ll olie to h, llee Ulllt It Is sum. kind ,, aililieial liimvniks" In ipiote linn, ha- , lining, ,1 ip,. astronomer No one In this vicinity lias seen the ph. -noiiieiioii nu n! loiio, ami st. il Is not possible to g. l a si -icntlll, o,ion as the cause of It. Several explanation have been sug gested and they nr,. given lor what ever worth lin y may bine mo Is that If the comet is t utlifig up in thai way II is because II Is so glad to Li on Its way buck In earth again. It has been some sevenlv-fue years since II was here last, which is certainly long enough p. give any coinet a case of nostalgia Then, i.f course, it is e. ining toward the earlh tail lii si t and to express its gladness ll probably is wagging Its tall. Another suggestion Is thai the thing seen was not the comet at all, l.iil merely Ihe p dailies celebrating being found out by a display of llieworks cominonlv , all, ,1 the aurora bor. sills. This sugc.esl em is weak b. tans.- ei f. W people in Ihe World 1. Jon a- iii .. Ing found out. A third suggestion comes from a sk, p ileal person w In. briefly and bluntly said Unit tin- Skyland n-lmn,,-m. r would tb. m,. , haiiKc bis brand. And this Is as far as The ('ih.-.n can go. FRANK TURNER OF "RED BIRDS" IS DEAD I'latiu Turner who was well known lure dtllilUf the past Minim, r ,M- ,s work al lirst base and in riKht Ib-ld as a hasel. ill I i . r w nil I he Iteil I bl Ms .In d S i I in l,, al .,,,. sl a I ler an il In , nl' a w , , k of 1 1 pip, id I. . i . The I line, ll ,5 ,11 l e In Id tod. I V al I "in- o . lm Is at In . horn. in Wake i Tin an r i'l' i - In i c .lane I ami p'tied on tin- I ' .till until n de-hand-- ill two ll eek -i aril. The Inst pill nil the season In- pi, pied al first base ,indj Hie remainder at rlKht lid, I. He w.isj taken sick l-'rltiav a week aim and onj the tollnwilt.r s,in,lai he wa. 111. in; holm. lie 1 eellie.l f. I i It -I - - - U Ml I , I. i I I I Ida" n : 1,1 when In I a, a ' lain tor the w ,, e ami d I. , SiliiM.,, ' I .asl i , a i' ' ' i , r 1 , i r pi. 1 1 ml a I 'I i , ,, it 1 pel I. and l nl .1 l , plilalmil a- a I-,'': I I li. i' in th.s s i p.ti of the v p I I, I l.l-t till .. w I . w II Id.. .1 I i o v- km w lei -ml : ittt P. IP- I I .... . ball I I a I . ' n I , . I Hn in. ,. i i . i. ti to w , . in i.i . t ,, : S. , ,-!, .h II m ,, , Mi ... I Ilu, 1 1 w l I , M , ,,u Piniil i ' , liiinli III si I s- A top. . .line I I-. 1114 In I n -,. o. I I II C ' 1 , 11 1 l , A W V ' 1. le 1,11,1 , , ri , ,l In, n who w 1 il t I , a 1 , 1 I 1 1 ',,') left III I h nil V' 'I'l'. a- 'il Tin n,e in u: h t be k ii in ii .i "i a i M Hi if t .i nl .' and W i-- pi i . I I" m -1 ,. .s f lb., p. n . I I. . I r n III.-.. in, I i - 1 1 , i , r U . .in lit!- - ' ii, I I' .ill u p, a p. I ,- iii lb. m ,.: I, !, ... ..I 'i'lu p.. ...t "t" I In i- i , I P ,1 l"l nil art-.-: ami t nt me I ,, IP an, nl ,, a i :ii;i.iiil t h n -a 1,1 e l - to !' IS and Hie in.- s. . fi on ! : P. J sa. i me pen. . m ob- :. 1 . el , up: nn t:m in tu . nil,- .,1,1 iv ., , 1 1 ,!." a -Mil: . i. . , n sl.-i p. ,1 . o.e , ..la.l.iPP- I ,.l " , .! ,',s ;ni'i sis-, and .ns .nkini-, I,, i j , , e w Ho- , ,:,. end. .1 J A 1 1 lie -i is i;i!,: were s. nt t , , ' I ' I- Ihi-e dais, re-arrestel ami - :,l; I I , ' t.-r li,l,-i- .1.11 s. etc.. etc I - . ; p. i p. !i;.'l motion n in. b w as . i, Is p, a'ncpic ami ariiusn: ll s i.,a I.,,-: i,,i vhcthtt- tlie la.eranis - t a n thine out of It ; but presun Pah i eaod nl. elv iiiKriiMt was- in ,t,iu,-'d. i d w is i. m l 1., h is ii . Kht In i;o I ,! :r h k the viuiy tlai-s of the iram,. "'' . in ci TMd, n tn Hi.- s is , P, r n .. , d"li .MaKHZlne. (,' IN, I i s A t 1 villi IN j Nl inn i:.k . ..i:l. i S a- -I'.ppiii,-. 1 1, i t- Tbr, . ,11 V W Ii. 11 M . t. I ioiin Th- 1 1 1 1111 -ii III Hon-. t n: llolmi-s' e. nily of a pro, a hop lifting r n is to pen; -. oiin- woman , - u i I, ml to b " b'ch p., ' i , ,1 mini h- , ,,I i in lm i -i I d ml a. .. lib mal . go. Tl s Miss i . 'Ing t,. ; wlun - of si I ii l ' I ' ' - I ' , Sr. I .ek Ipes I, , I'll f.oln 111 1 C, I .I He pi. 'I..., I I hoi , lm stole a large - n stolen pre. edlllK , not y. I HI. people :e,. Ml 'In r .Ink ..f strong -'in to ',ia m caled In as earylng icccstlgai .... i- i occasion I I I'l g.lll. I - 11 I "Sei . Hill M . s 1 . mat. I, :,o in- . v pent-h . ' .mam ii of w h .. Ii hail i,. I ".in I lie stm'' , nly a d,, 'I n. t rial ..f I 'ie case I Ink, n fla, e II will la- r. . albs! by -. I I. a I about tin-, sumne . ;..i..t . . Vi I,,, w irs- a , Ink looking -mng Wuin.i f"l amsli 1 1 pe s;n nt seviii.il iiit.nl i i s. In i lm eii i nlMi h.- Tnoth, i i opplm. at a IP, .a l d 'li .: &".l "out on , 'u in la ill ml a' , tut.- It. .lb wtun.-n nieriierl ,- .,. , dm it. .1 aid rellneil urid made, tii nd.s aiming Hi- board, i i in the h. a .a uml also among the peopit f,f tin it i . Iiurlng ib. it- stay, however, ftmn time to lime small sums of mom articles ol wearing appirel and other thine- m v illi" WM" mls-K-d by s a rill ol lie em -.is but h,-.. mil suspt img lii" s. r lent- nolliin: milch wa- llioughl ol I' and llothPlitr was doin . Tile sunc iaiu:e, I'r, on ten lo liliv dollars si a lime, until hnally In on, grand haul tin total amount wils l-t.-ulit up c to atl lour iianor.-d ili:,i Annan-tin,-,', who me i-d nuilc .-...'. Mi 1 1 o 1 1 .- a I - ; Ii.' Ii. The .'.ti.-nr .aim in at hadim- t.. unfort.nal" eonipl. cations tot I' was abja. lately iniio-- s Pe t all ri' ire I he tin : I In a n the servant i. and family there iioihing to da hut lay it to snint He gin-sts. result was that si. n i ted aiicai r and i-M.b ibl, . v. u to this Mai aefi one' he- hi- . n.-pi loin; a.e to who got the liuilicl. 'I he line . I of Miss (Sonalee recall-t- lhi.se win, were at Ilu- In, us,- ,n the lime tlnC "lie wH-. I minor a l.ne' pall of tile al'leincon bile her un.lli it was mil driving and most id Hi, ol hers w ere i.ujp IIOSTON S I All,! KtV AS I-OHT. Sl'.A- I III ell It. I.melov. wl'lllllK al-oal the plans I'm- inakllltr l!..s..n " I sals that the r..-1-oii thai the ,'U ba llot ib-i. -lope. I as a seaport f that il has not bud proper terminal .h i. I opllietlts. I le II I lies "Nearer to lOlirope by ISO miles. I 1 1 : k 1 1 alls oilier i in porta ll t Am, linill pott. In the b.alt of the chief lu.iiiu I .u t urine- seciioii ..r a number of moM Importa nt American proilint-. iml with ready access to the open .. n .1 is diHicult to understand wipe ins ton has never vet . ntered mi a isnn pr, In u-ie plan for the com met, -Is 1 i nip. ot her most loliiahle oiuntn uml . ! a m up. .rl " Just as Good as The Sticff l.s o, UUr ( JM ,,f tin- k-ri at I ili.uiff p. .nils for main dealers and a Hi Ills ll -. ., (freal ad i , i t isi nn-ill l.,r the a r Inn. St. .-it plan--, loi1 " leel sol a l,,r ,f I ..w i In. lini,:, i he l.s .-t Hn" .last a- e mid ll he n In Puis ill, ether plana. i u llllier. .1 a t be fool ' 'I i- t.. t ike . the plain. I I" ! I as ir a 'P.- SI i. ll.-t ll , , ' it,, :P , 1 1 and I 'ui will i i.i e i 1 lest plan,, load,- H, rn mil m; 1 1 U ute I -ml 11 (has. M. Stiefi M.iiml n liner of llio Vl'tKlic Mi, -a. Shaw. and .Mu d Sell pi. lyor rirtll". M'l I III K WAHKHOOM ." rs Oado SI. Charh.t te, N. C. C. II ll.MOlTil, Manager. iMcntlou linn jmiwt.) Ae.ef .1 l ni.i I I, h e. h lal :.t-1,. , Moal. a nd a .'I N". J Slai n t I - 1 ... I ..I I-,..., . ,u... a d 11a t mil v.. uniM and : k in ibis cjly. ! boarding Ii I. is. d as a pi h at nil ill. Is. N f i, I I-- ma I,- lor the present I build , .,' .1 the groiimls. I nil. .here has been .nine ,it. ) i ii-.-. i l,i people living in th"! ll Hi I l!ci U-1, a in ...tl I., another boarding ', i p i'i".! under tin- , an- ol . ii -,, la ,i. .-'-in' months ago t,i-r. was objection to the use of a n rtain huililing in :lo city for su.-b purpo- ' - "I. Ho i , .,110.1 I ll.il I he ... Hue f lb,- ad imlinig pi'-perty was iltileastil, in value. A salt was Ii hd l,m h, ,,n j , I i , 1 1 wan not susl a , ne, in ! he ' '. , lllls I lie noliSe W ill he ,ipell' d under the new ma nagi ini-nl in tin-. nt ar l ot are. I MUNYON'S Eminent Doctors at Your Service Free NOT A PENNY TO PAY For the Fullest Medical Examin ation by Mail II mi aie in d l . .HI- I I it.eas, I an lo the cause o I. .1 Hi. i I i.l.li'...- a . i:. r I mim in : it. i.i lis .1 -,..u an . a m i na 1 1. lie, In., a, III,. Miinion". staff ami th v 'ill blank w Inch i-m v. Ml nil ..nt .ml re- turn to thi lu Til", w ill Mu n dla;;i.f.o ' our i-aae uml tell ,, u w hat to .h I aleollllely fH f . ball-. V ,o ,p,i j pul lourseir under anv ..blleatioll to I I Imln and til. v will imt feel hint ill h. mu I. Mow their a U ic-. If j il,,-, pr.-s, nl,., ,l ii n i oti's I : i-un 1 1 1, s a m! loil .1,-lie to lake the treatim-nt d : ,, s with a guaranlee of sail-Inch. m ..f i i i . . i i t ' refunded. Ad, Ire,-- Miiiiimi I., to.-.li I 'n. . :d d a ml J. He rso i, .Sis-.. I iiil.ol. iph.a. Pa . M". Ileal I .. p: . Try i n,i n TM.CI M soi)i iii; vm sm ri: r i; l I OTie.N T)l r INst nl s A SKIN : j OC-' VKI.VKTTi SMOO'I MMS : I V ui'll appi iiate Ms laluc after the ! i - i i lirst ti i i I MISS CRUISE. 7 j-J HALL RACKS 'I he pli 1 1 I e: t li lie a nd h, st mi I ,ie Unit .i.i- came in Asheiilh- rim i s :'; :.!) to khihi Beaumont Furniture Co. M Sontli .Main street, I'liono lllll-. The Home of l-'urnioire nliif.s. HAittiAiNS iv iij.:ik;i:s Shot (Juns. Itiries and l'lstols of -ill makes and ib-sc riplh.n, they are un c. I--fined pledltJS. f rent shot jtuns ami rifles by the d.tc or week. Leather Co, ids and Trunks la O n Specialty. II. I'IKI:i.STKlNS BITUMINOUS AND ANTRACITE COALS I'x'st tiiality in hoth kinds, i-'nll wt in'ht. I'roinpt deliv ery. i'l'iMiic i::o. Carolina Coal & Ice Company PEj3 Jw SI !u m ew ine of Jiand gags W't 1i;i f just impai-knl a lai-t shipment f hand la-;s lm' women, liiu'htly priced f'nun il to !j. ffeckvfear o the alest Jtyle This store is noted for its up-to-dateness in keep ing the very newest in Neckwear. Lately we have received several shipments of Neckwear. New 1, iicliin;s, sto.-ks, collars, etc., from 2.V up. Umbrellas for Rainy Weather Prepare now for the rainy " Wc can help yon iiiite a little hy siipplyin"; you with an um hrella that will ive von food sei vi--e. Urn- a hrelliis from 1 to . ............ u & . , . ,. . . , a., v 1ISI ivea, r,r .t..-.-j., of t,f having your teeth atb ruled to by lolts Always up-to-date. Painless and I. ! tellable. Crown and Ilrl.lge work m I u,ectHll v. rounlar iirlcca im waitukw's distal pau ioiis 2.i-2fl-21 New ,McAfe llliljr., corner l ollege nml Sr:ic, opposite 1st. Hnp tist ( liiir.ii mid in r Coup lloiute. ITiolie 911). lies), I, in, I ho o" 072. Tf yuu want "orx-!" gas oline you will have to leave your order or phone The Asheville China Co., No. 0 Norlh I'ruk Stpiare. l'lione .181 Office Phone 114 - Yard Phones 662 & 117 Southern Coal Company SUCCESSORS OF Blue Ridge Coal Company Our Genuine Blue Gem and Jellico from Jellico, Tenn., cannot be excell ed. Try a ton 2000 pounds in every ton. Prompt Delivery. Oflice No. 14 North Pack Square. Serviceable, Stylish Coat Suits AN ASSORTMENT OF GAKMENTS THAT AEE BE ING TALKED ABOUT. ('oaf Smts that are a H rait inu' every passer- by are ilu km. I v.i' have in sto( lor tins Tail. Ivveryone in it M'll' is a i-n ;?.) i"ii. Tin y air i loverly di'sined. snappy, .marl and 1 1 1 v j ' 1 . 1 1 1 in style, w .irktiianliip anil til. Wc . oinplcte ire sIioviim t hi,- season t lit line wc have ever i - are i i ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ol siii ecs.s, and vill lind its way d sonic well Visit our suit drpart meiit today, for il will be to voiir advaiitairc to ef.niie early and sec the entire as sort incut looh hese suit s o ver ami conv ince yourself thai all our assertions arc in every way correct. A Word About Our Prices We take particular pains in luiyitit; and sec that what wc get is the best and for the lowest prices. My so doing we give yon the full' benefit of getting the bert '. he market can a ft'ord w il h on ly a small prolit far mm ranges in prices from ' i.lltl People Who Drink Milk Want P. I-now that II is hand led in the proper manner that one point is featured here. All our vessels are thoroughly cleansed in boilin-r water and stcrill-'cd. The utmost cleanli ness prevails. All milk pasteur i. tl. Oozen quart tickets $1. Asheville Pure Milk Co. Walnut St. l'lione 554 ill WEBB & COMPANY MillHiery Importer j No- " largest and ino?t arrietl. This is because we know thai every arnient pleased ciiloiin r. lelves. Our suit assortment to .f :!.").( Id.