1 THE .ASHEVTUK fTTrZEX, TUESDAY. SEPTEM B ER.21, 1909. SOCIAL & PERSONAL Tin- W TMai.'i h r l-i opening :. 1' , I. I Mi l.iv In uinl o'rliii k th i J 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 i . emit Intercut .-vine, ,1 Mrs. Krvderk h i in millinery di-pai I nu n t which irlvm j.-mirHiif rid ph'Kvn Will I I I" act by hlk'h I"!' 'I flu' play today will (" ai of every clone rlpi hm iii.-i Hi' in Ui,- , lmrK " .if Kin Dial Hi. i ll,. St.. 1 Th. I ;i ii. I lie I ml liS- h.ils ehuvn, ratiRlnR In pile from clelit il'.lhn-' to w-venty-five diilbtB. Th, i.ntor mini, hiita for nmriiiiiK iii iih cv.n I.h.t In irlco and nr.- Hinart nn.l in K""il tuple. Tin clonk ;inil .mil .l.-pa r i mi ni I.h under I hi- aup. ilni. ml, m,' .r Mi-e. Kclmumla, of Halt Imore, h will show the Inli sl mr,., I ninl v. nintr Kuwna, which are u.i huinlH, mi,, iim could be tlcslrod. Tlii ;rh i s ary alno in I Ills department m thi iIIiik I" the quality and atyle of I In- . le-iiiine. In tho art department will In- h..ii Japanonii embrnl.l. rles, ri nalnHii hit and Mexican drawn work loin h clotha, center pleccii. and diiill.n ori ental ri)K, elder dovfn coml'm Ih anil blanket of a fine iinnllty Unit an. of fine worth. Mr. Kind ley Im-iie a mr d till Invitation to tin' liuli,' f ahIuj vllle to attend ihn opening today. The nnoiinrm,nt by Mra, TtlilR1y Prnn1man of thn ing:ii(fement or hut daughter, Julia, to Mr. Ii, Tuft Keiul, of California, will be of Intercut to the many frlpiidn of tho young people In Aihevllla and Blllmore. Mln I'ennl man la one of thn moat charming n ml attractive of tho younger girls and line Wen Very popular. Mr. Head In a graduate of Harvard, and hut year graduated from the Blltmoro School Of Forestry. Mr. Head nn-lved from California aeveral (lays mo. and will remain In the city until the wilding, irhleh oerurti aliorlly at All Soul' rtltireh, mitmnre. Mr I, end Im well known In Aahevllle atnl nunle many friends during hi rctii.lcii. e in this city. Frequently It becomes the pleasant fluty to chronicle the miccegfca of pen- i JH of Afhevllle or thorn- who have I llveA for a apace In tho "Land of the ' Sky,"' and have found laurels awaltlm? them 'out In tho world. Mr. Hubert Hauaen, of Cleveland, Ohio, a Krml . tiate of the Aahevllln arh.mi, has writ ten a piny "In (tlaaa Housem," which , "produced hy a utoek company In Ohrvetand last aenaon and haa been accepted for a metropolitan produo '"im, by a prominent manager. Mr. Raueen Is still tinder twenty-flv, and after Kradutitltm from the Anhevlllo chool entered Ynlr, where he won toonora In Eniliih ; Announcement wna made yralerday T the marrlajro of Mlw Kilxnhetli Pastor, of Lrxlnpton, ICy.. to Mr. ft. K. MeClaln, which occurred very quietly about a fortiilfsht ago In Aahevllle. 'Mr. McClnln la connected with the Southern railroad and hnlcl a TeaaonBllile pOHllion in the illx.:iti'li er'a office. Mr. and Mrs. M.riufn have Juat returned from a trip to vVaahington, Atlantic City and New Turk, and are at present at their home on Aahland avenue. . J Mra. Frederick ft. Pope, of Auku ta, Oa., intertalned Informally with a luncheon ye:-tcnlny at trie Woman's exchange. hlte re.aea simply ar ranged ftecoruted the tilble. Mr". lPMll 'RiK'Mk were: Mra. t'linrl I. MtfiOT, Mr. rnlTli'lil M IM In nl. Mrs. Thotnnfl Kettle, Mra. AITieii H. I'nr nard, 'Mra, Thottnn. or Ausuata, Mm. Pelaer lind Mtaa Alice WrlRlit, of Wil mington, N. C. ,4 The O. t. A. to the H. of I, K en . tertalh this evenltiR at Zohie, k.i hall, with a dutch mippvr follow, ,1 by a dance. Oanclmt bejHna at 9 o'elnek Jt .4 The Jewish Ladles' Aid mutely will meet this afternoon at 4 o'cloek at the temple on Spruce etreet. I Mm. Jttin.'n K. Kerr, who b in p. nl . Btveral yiani in Arh.-vlllc. ami who, lift for New York n few weeks .) i hag accepted a position In win, h much honor ait, n bed, that of n.i prano aololfit at Hip American church In Pari. Mr., K. i etudted In I'nrm ; under M. Jean l- lieake. the famous I t n.ir. and h. mi. mini ,-,- b m been li... K. ii I. .1 ..ii'l nm nl M -, In Inn M I H I' r.'eelve t' Mr. i Ua t ..ui,! ry In I be 1 arn . t. . I ! 'I'i.e j,..?, it Kill w ill' h it i,. 1 1 ; i . . r ' t ' 1 1 li m 'K'li ci.v I vv.e, nl'dreil at III,' KuKKi'H- k.nl.e'n aF.itiit teacb- I '.1 I IN Ml llll" , I. Jt it V. W. llrahain will not day nor Klvo the uHual ttn- l .11 In r limile in Vn lollu. ,. .,'hn !t. Iti.'iilley, whr llnaneed iln I :i . ,,i lb pule expedition,, and ; nil,, im wi li known' m AHhevllle 1 1 1 1 . . 1 1 L' 1 1 li..innl I In re, (fan; a i ii i. i i i riK Inter! iow w hich ap I .-- in The .New Vnrk Herald of .i, in, I. it. Tbe nrlii le in lllUHlrateil ih iiiiriibirH nl iili'itoKraphR taken 1 1. lb. nil, y ,,ii Inn various IiiiiiIh iiiilviiiiwn lamlH and a larce colored -.i.,l,li of Mi. Iliailby, which la an , , lietil liki iii-mm of Hie original. Mr. ami Mix. Ilni'lby are HtoppliiK at the llni.'l lirialnn In New York, where I lie f, inner Ih bealeged hy Interview ers, nianazliio writera, cranka and all manner of people who iihuuIIv follow In the train of celebrltlea. Mr. and Min Loekwood and their daughter, Mm. Hradley, have spent aeveral wln ti ih In aucceaalnn In AMhcvllle, and It I I mil unlikely that with Mr. Hradley I bey will be in the city for u few wccUh thlH winter, J Mlaa Ltbel Hurnelt, of II, avcrilani, ami Mr. Wiley Gentry were married .Sunday noon, at. the home of Ihn Krinim'a father, Mr. W. ,1. Uinlry. on llurriHV llle hill by 'Hqulre W. W. l'at tnn. The wmlilltiK wan a home affair, only a few Intimate friends being ! present. The y.iniiK couple will be ! a I homo nl 312 North Main Htrect j after (ictober Jul. k Thn Illnffham cadets had their first dance of thn season yeaterday after noon at the Mattery Park hotel, which very pIciiMtintlv InaiiKiiraled tho ie rlea of the winter season. Mrs. Holi er! HlnKham chaperoned. Mrs. Kld reclue has eliarue of the cluwtcs. Many of the youriitjer jjlrla were iresc-nt and the clcnice was most suc cessful. Later In the season several dunces will bo given by the cadets. It l rumored, with decorations, supper and all that Koc toward makliiK up tho more pr'jtcrtioua dance. A. New Department at Greene &, Co'js. Suits, Skirts and Coats Made to Measure , if Mo .Mi . v l nn nl i. 'I'll. M . you tn . '.lie We uill cli (HiMe v 1 1 1 I .. ma.l.' i The K;irrn i.fn ale I'hnajin. We Me tin 'i'bey ale lli.i-le i, ti'in of tiie famous Mi lin-nts of the Illl'.lii-.M. liwht iii our shop 'i nil iln i; any i a mammoth le 'ryplule Is in, ai l I HH Hiiiuples of , clnth you select. ii'i'le by the American Lad! r repiesentatlvea, i i'liirneymen tailors. u,,,l. , iiHii iir kayser. ' Then.- a, with every man-tail. ,i OI K ;i V1UVTEE We guarantee the ftvle, tit, workmanship : a, , i lit im prmi nl welch Ik not satisfactory. Tin Hal im Ills are the lalKes! coneeili of their kiln!. ih nam, ii. ii. Ann iiiih Knaianiee insures you 1 1 1 I r HI, b I I I'M. HHk iincl ally style, yuu TailnrliiK Co.. Ihp personal ilirec-man-tallored Kur il effect. nil materials. Ymi makcTH of bene ind their reputallon utmost service. La Grecque Corsets for every type of figure High Class Ladies Tailoring and Dress Makimr 12 Church Street. g" "1 Mr. K. W, farsli. clerk of tho U. M. court at I'cnsacolu, Klorldu, who, with ills family, has been a-pendlng the summer at. Wayneevlllo and other points In Ihti mountains, win hero yeaterday lo spend a few days before returnlUK home. Mr. und Mrs. W. V. Randolph and family, are occupying their new home In Proximity park. Mrs, Harry Connlfr and small son returned yesterday lo Montgomery, after a several weeks' visit to Mrs. C, It. Hcheusslcr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dnnnenberg, of Ooltlsboro, are In tho city visltlnR relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Danneiiberg two contemplating building a home in Ashevllle and residing In this city permanently. Mrs. Hnnson, Miss Margaret and Miss Hnrhara Hanson returned to New Orleans yesterday, after spending the slimmer with Mrs. t It. fkihues sler. Mr. Ttoyee Lynch, of Kalrvhw, left the hitter part of the week to enter the Maryland college of medicine ut llalllmoro, Md. Very Unusual Magnificent Solid Silver Window -AT viuiuxi ar;KiNa ANTIQUE ARTS CRAFT SHOP, 6 North PaJk Square. Every article in the window Solid Silver and ! Press Ginghams We have just opened up Htmie New Dress Ging hams, best quality Viade, known as tlie An derson Dress Oinghams, irom 15c to 25c yd 7.ff ft Mi m sV we will f Our Millinery ave Opening ffext Tuesday Sept ZSth r V IiWmu m fa J' on tlx It is not neeesfiarv to s;i- t hat tlx Yc rk fur the winter, where she will be Jollied by her slider, Miss Uomtliy O'llrlen, who has spent the Hummer In Ashevilie. Mrs. A. L. Tewjirrlved Sunday from nurnsville, N. C, where she has been visiting- her mother, Mrs. M. K. Stamper for two weeks. Mrs. Tew will return to her home in Kayette vlllo after a several nays' visit to her sister cm Vance street. Mr. (leorKe H. for a short stay. LoVall is In town Mr. Tart Head, of California, K u est at Klliciiinr In V Ictoi la. Is a lr. and Mrs. Paul riuiuln und Miss Pauline Piiiiiui will shortly move to Forest II 111. Hr. and Mrs. Charles A. Schenck expect to leave for New York In 111 bitter part of October, and will later return lo their home In ijcrmanv. Miss L'thel Taylor has none to Cln oltiiiall, and Is visiting her Rrsnd inotber prior to her wedding which takes place early In October. Miss Nell O'Brien has trone to Chnt lainmra. and will shortly Ko to New MISSKS' SAILOR SUITS at ages 10 to 16 arc an attractive item in our new stock. Quiet red and navy blues, nattily trimmed with nautical emblems in contrast ing color, black on red, red and white on blue. Material is a tight woven serge of proven dur ability. Prices are $8.50, $13.50 and $15.00. Thoroughly sea man ly sailor suits for young misses in their teens. lj J -w- A Hat Trunk tli.it will -;(rry six hats .tno-s the continent as fresh as fnun the milliner will )e a .popular new adjiunt to eerv woman's wardi'olie. If cosis only si L'.OO. a 1 id has a small divided top tray for veils, pins, gloves, trinkets, etc. A hat is pinned to a form on each side of the trunk, and this carries theiii without con tact elsewhere. You need this trunk. Miss Lillian Adams left Huntlny for New York, and has cnlered J'clham Manor school on the Hudson. Mr. Huberts Troy has gone to At lanta to enter the Georirla Tech, after a visit of several weeks lo relatives In Ashevllle. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Justice and son, of nirmliiKham, who have been at the Hatlery J'ark hotel for a week arc. vlsltintr Mr. and Mrs. Char les (I. I.e, at their home on Ashland aeiiue. Mr. Justice formerly lived In Ashevllle, where he has many con nections, but has been ciiKaged In business In UirmiiiKhain fur several years. Mr. Unbelt Harris has relumed from a brief trip to W'nshlnKi,,n, 1 1. ('.. and pussed through the city Sun day on bis way to Ulllsboro. SPECIAL LOW RATE FOR CELEBRATION The Southern railway yesterday an ouncea an extraordinarily low round trip rate t .,.Vlj York on account ot nucu.,,ti cei. ration the latter "t tin- i. u, nib. the man, I tri fiire belntr HmmI at L,:i.:,i. v ,, , i, ciiilvlent I,, on,, fur.. ,,UH ti r.'Kular roiin I tup rale Is JUil.li) These sin . i n rate tickets will be on sule here H.-ptmher L'll In :il. inelu alve, with the Iii.nl limit for ictuni tletober ioib. nn Hecount of th, iiuKniiuae ot the celebration II Is expected that It will nttrac't mank people fro'm this territory. Miss Holt, of Charlollc, Ashevillu for a few clays. N. C., Is In Mr. J. W. McKee, Jr., of Abbeville, S. C., Is In tho city for u few days on business. Or. and Mrs. Charles I,. Minor leave today for a visit lo VirKlnln ami the North. Mr and Mrs. A C Lee, of Savan- nah. I la., are vIsltliiR Mrs. s. I ,. ,.w- Inn nt their home on Soco street. luilRp and Mrs. Jeter C Ciii. baiil ba e r turned tr.nn a k isit I.. Jo, In,. I'rllcbai il's brother at Hakcrsk ille. Mr. M. C. Hoerner. cashier ..f the Napolean State hank, of Napoban. Ind.. and his brother. Mr. Charles II. Hoerner, bank organizer, of Liberty. Ky. nr. In Ashevllle for a short siav Hid are Kiiesls at Mrs llenrv's. Hay's Hair Health Never Fall to Bmtorc Ormy Hair lo Urn NatnrM Color aud Beauty. Hi..in, fallinir out, now tsmitlrly renieves dandruff. Isnola Dye. Rrfuse all subatitntoi. $1.00 anil Sit, Hm tips, by Mill or xt Pnnfiiists Send 2i . sump lor iH.ik, "Ths Care c( the flair " I'hllo Hav Sock. Co., 34 Clinton St., Newark, N. J. FOR RENT Storage space for house hold goods, tdean and dry. Inquire at The Asheville China Co., No. 8 North Pnck Square, I -bo no 381 Miss Mary Sue W ray in mis in Asbckille k isitinu Miss Kdnn Lvnch. ! I'i irk Ii w . p. the Kllestiol her In., tin r. It. Lynch,,1 in Halliiinii e. Mil 1 Mrs W. Allen Kinilel ami Mlss' Mllllile Kltnlel have relllllleil lifter pendinK sever..! days vMiintr Mrs .1 j k. W'rav an. I M i s. I '. A II, mi ,n l airk lew, N. c. I I Mr ;in,l lr. I Mw ir.l V I I, .11 nr I ,1.1, kiimkilte l'hl Hie eii.t n I ,1,.. Han, ry I'ark hotel. Just as Good as The Stieff Is setting to be one of th" preat talking points i t many dealers and iK' nts. li s a great ad vertisement for the ar ticle Stieff piano, but ik , fpel sorrv t,,i- n,,. f, i l.-kk- who think-, he i.s get ting Just as K.l kkbetl In buys the oth.-r pl um llnyrr, don't be f,.,,. - I Into taking the piano ml to be just an r.im.I a- tho Htlerr. Oct ill. .i i i lstlc, Utief f a ml on "ill have the hcvst piano made, without riiniiluK an, risk. Write 'I'mlay. Beautiful Trimmings forf all Wear Jt is hai'd to descrihe these beautiful trimmings hut we will give you some slight idea from the following: Handsome Bands in the very latest colors from 50 els. to $4.f) a yard. Alloversin Ha by Irish, Yenisc, Gold ll and Silver Irom ,f l.l!,) to f(j.; a yard. Mrs. Sproat, recently of Pittsburg is in charge of this Department. Sh! has had a great deal of experience i the largest Department Stores in th country, and we are sure she wi please our many customers. Time and time again we have been Vcquestcd put in a line of Millinery, and now we have it ai we hope to see all of our patrons here at the openii on Iln, ''Ktli nl' llii'u inc.iiflk ' i " . ..in ill, .III, 11, line will be first class in everv repnect. i - n few Aine of Press Qrnd ments and Movers At' i : . .... i i m are snowing a very nanusonie eo lection of separate garnitures in Je Pearl, Gold and Silver from $1.50 t $.".()() each. Jet Movers from :.o0 to .f9.(X") a yar with Jet Hands to match from 15 cts. t $2.50 a vard. HEP CROHS MATTRESSES. The lied Cross continues to give entire satisfaction. We have never had a complaint. from a ningb) "tie of the scores of j pure ha aers. BURTON & HOLT. VISITORS. SAV K MONEY, by having your teeth attended to by ls Always up-to-date. Painless and Reliable. Crown and Bridge work a upccialty. Popular price. SHELL HAIR PINS AND COMBS MISS CEUISE. Hrwooa 1Z 2 IHt MATTHEWS DKNTAt, PAlt I1OH8 25-28-27 New McAfee Bldjr., comer College and Spruce, opposite 1st. Bap tint Clinreh and near Cvar House. Phone 019. Residence Phone 972. People Who Drink Milk Want to know that it Is ham led In the proper manner that one point la featured her. All our veaaeler are thorough! cleansed in boiling water an! Hterllizecl. The utmost cleanl iicna prevails. Atl milk pasteurl Vm (I. Dozen quart J,i,cJi,.(?ts $1. Asheville Pure Milk Ccf E. Walnut St. Phone 55 BITUMINOUS ! AND ! ANTRACITE COALS Best quality in both kinds, j Full weight. Prompt deliv-j cry. Phone i:$0. ! Carolina Coal & Ice Company I M. WEBB & COMPANY MUlluery Importers No. Battery Park Place, Pnone 104 Mr. Unriiili c. the '.i n, -J lib' S ruins ,,el ),.. H-'nn. man.li ,if I White Siil.iiur ised tlirmiKli the il I in Kit pbur ill, r : M r I mil. III. C. Mei ,la t,n his av (., biv .-s.IImIIc. T.l-.n. The Who Spni.fcn lo.t. 1 u ill .-.Inn i h I - r Slice, K.-iful l-'i ItM-MI. II 1' MemtulllHer, l i t . ba-; ji.incl Ins ill. rj I'ark hlel. 1,11 Im nly i M. V. MOORE Mr. 1 :;tti 1 MiumufC Mr, i';inn I Mi tin i nt,'. w Rratl u;i (t it mi-cut lii.mi tin int. tur s-h"M. I. ;w (.nl. i l'r ih. ir limine in Ilufl.il.. N V. Miss .M. l.illitv lrutn h has V. . . .'Htu rlcil (Uf I'JlHiilUlt'l Ktlsilli'S! t ' lM. hiis iislKliotl to a ri pi tin- v h. m n r:i i tv in the K-i pt it rollout Sun Mareos. Tex. Mi.s Irwin U Sat unlay Ch.is. M. Slicll Mapnfnclni-er of the AriKtl,- SHeff. Shaw. anil Mu lt Srtf-daer I'laimi. 11 PATTOJf AVE. HnncliiK at Overlook Park this iiIiik s. it, p, M. to 1 1 P. M . lllllHlC. sol THEKN WMlKltooM 5 West Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. C. II. WIl.MOl Til, Manairei-. (Mentloa tM iwpcr.) 1 Fvery Effort Is Directed ToAai.l niakinc; Xlchols-Va lauiiilrv "i K sa I isfactory. Anil liiilinm; from the size of our Ir.! nl' i-.iiriiiiN the indication-' arc that cur , n,,rt:i are sti'-. es. ii. ASOEVILIE LAUNDRY J. A. NICHOLS. Mcr. Phone 05 Office Phone 114 Yard Phones 662 & 117 Southern Coal Company SUCCESSORS OF Bfue Ridge Coal Company , 11 Our Genuine Blue Gem and Jellico from Jellico, Tenn., cannot be excell ed. Try a ton-2000 pounds in every ton. Prompt Delivery. Office No. 14 North Pack Square. ) PEERLESS 1 Every Vcmaa MARVtLWhrrlino3pry 1'bO 9 Mr In at trrlttft fWmtMoai cojitpu- llUJlll-, Ll ll nUll.l U tt I U ft K I.. fteC-m.M (i.lMW. l.nA M ut Sljui... f l'I-.-Jlmeil l"MC 1 " rrvn t I full ertliif iin HIMuj4 to- Ladies' and Children's Sweaters A very ni.-o assortment of Sweaters can be found here for ladies and children, from 1.50 and $2.00-iii. Coat Sweaters for $10.00, in white and gray. Full line of Columbia Yams now in. Columbia J'ltiss. (icrniantown. S.iyoiiv mul (irinnan iCi.ut;..., , 1 " 1 "'! .tlllil arn in all colors. v '"t B H m BtVjyJ fMi1 i.l