ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHEE Associated Press SHOWERS Leased Wire Reports VOL. XXV. NO. 3'. ASIIKYILU:, N. , THURSDAY MoUMNC, S! ;1T KM liKK 2:1, l!!. ruhT; vw'v: niNTs. lEeT s THE FAMILY OF SIX IS MURDERED: BODIES E Dastardly Crime Arouses The Citizenship of Virginia City to Frenzy SEARCH LEADS TO GRUESOME SIGHT Women And Little Children Fall Victim to Avarice of Unknown Fiends BLUEF1ELD, W. Va Kept 22. An entire family of six p. thoii.s were murdered and the bodies nf all but one of the victims were- burned with their home at Hurley, Hiuhanan county, Viriglnia, early today. The motive was evidently rubbery as the owner of the house, an aged woman known as "Aunt Hetty" Jut is, was generally supposed to kcap a large eum of money about the place. Mrs. JiiHlis, her son-in-law: (leorne Meadows, his wife and their three children were the victims. Meadows' body, badly mutilated, was found this morning, lying in the yard of his destroyed home, the funeral pyre of his loved ones. Two bullet hole througl. the body and a Kha.xtly wound in the neck, which almost se vered the head from the body, gave the discoverers their first evidence of the extent of the tragedy. Gruesome Sl(jlit. A search of the ruins of the house disclosed a sickening spectacle. The blackened masses of half-hurned flesh and charred boms of the two women and the three children wire found beneath the debris, each body brarlnR evidences of murder commit ted before the house was destroyed by Are, evidently for the purpose of hiding the crime. Trie elder woman's skull was upturned sonic distance from the remainder of her half burned body amid the smouldering ruins. Bloodhounds were rushed to the " scene and In ft short rlnie they (onk the trail of the supposed murderers In a cornfield which Joined the Justls home. There the footprints of three men were found Impressed In the soil soil. A posse of citizens. heavily armed, are following the hlondhouuds, bent on lynching the murderers IZ they are ca.ptnred E FLIGHTS Will BE FEATURE OF HUDSON-FULTON FETE Gfcnn H. Curtiss Says Thai He Will Attempt to Make Reniaikal.le Flight. MEETS THE AYR 101 ITS NEW YOil. Sept. 22. flight from Governor's Island across the lower bay and around the statue of liberty probably v. ill he Hie tlrst avia tion event du-ln? the II udson-.'utton ct lebratlon. Olenn H. Ciiiliss, winner of the first International aviation contest an nounced today thai he would attempt to make this flight as soon in pessi bleafter he hris assembled his mu chlne. Wilbur Wiirhi. who tins his ma chine almost in Using shape, met Curtiss l.e'.u- l"i the lust time since the latter n.iiMieil from his Euro pean trlunioo, Tile Ilieehng, wlii-li took place hi Wright's shed on iov ernor'8 Island, cordial. No ill feeling exists l.e,.ni-e l the suit which the v rich! brothers have Drought against tin- 1 1 ei 1 1 n g -l 'in l iss company for alb-red infringement of patents. FINED HIMSELF FOR SPEEDING AUTO VAXiolVKI: 1'. . Sept. '-'-Jn the police ...mi. Adolplnis Wit Hams, police in. mi Hale, lodge, 1 bl own ease and fined himself t' and costs for speeding his automobile, lb had Jlist disposed of two eases of ' speeding when his on n name was Culled. "Does that charge refer to m-?" asked the magistrate meekly of Mr. Kennedv. the prose otor. "Yes.'' said Mr Kennedy. "I think von have a right to try It yourself P. Is n"' worth while making a writ ten reuuest to another magistrate." His honor found that he had been going nineteen mil- an hour, when the law allows on'lv eight "Williams is ordered to pay $T and costs," said the court, BURNED WITH HDM 1 I. COOK FACES El Meets Newspaper Men And Freely Answers Volleys of Questions Fired at Him SHOWS DIARY WITH RECORDS OF TRIP After Meeting Thousdnds He Spends a Quiet Day In Bosom of Family NEW VtiltK, .Sept. "11. Dr. Fred erick A. Cook, seeking rest and se clusion with his family alter the boisterous welcome of yej-tcritay, de nied himself to interviewers today and remained in his suite at the Wal dorf Astoria until late this evening. when he submitted cheerfully to one of the seveiest cross-exa'mlnutions since he amiouneed his dtscoery of the North pole. The ordeal of the in terview, which was conducted by for ty newspaper representatives, includ ing several from foreign newspapers, proved at least that ho was not afraid to meet the public. Incidentally the city of New York officially rec ogniKcd his achievement today when V e board of aldermen passed a reso lution, commemorating his discovery and providing for a public reception at the city hall. The date of the re ception ill be announced later. As the questions asked with put by laymen they did not go deeply into the scietilllie aspect of the expedition. Hut lr. Cook was ready to answer Htiything pertinent to the issue. The most interesting phase of the Inter view was reached when lr. Cook uas asked If he would object to shoing his diary. He immediately rllted and, after retiring In Ins on. re- t urned w it li a small a i.t . which he showed lieel,. t honk to all. It ITt'i pages, with til'ty a riling of was thin I k containing h of which was tilled or sixty lines or penciled the most minute characters. I took of letnlls. The book, he said, contained con siderably more than one hundred thousand words while he has besides other books embracing his observa tions and other data. The Interviewers were rather se vere In regard to details but nothing Indicated thai the polar travelers memory was at fault een in the most ininule particulars. Sonn t i 11 1 -s when a petty question Indicated ig norance, he smiled with good liumor (Continned on page lour. LIEUT, PEif REACHES END OF HIS TALK ANO MAKES lit' Kims Into Wedding Par ty and Thinks Kic Is Tli row n at Him. GETS AN INVITATION I TRI'lto, Sept. -L'. Commander Robert I-;, ivary had no further.,, statements to make to. lay regarumg the polar coin rov ei sy while travelling Westward to his home In Kagle bay from Sydney The explorer with his family loll Sy.lneV early today and readier Truro tonight. Later tin Peary party d. parl. it for Portland The trip lo Ti nr.. ..erupt, d the entire day and at the station . nnnit" groups of people gathered to catch a glimpse of Ho- explorer. I om in. i ml. r I', i ry has r -ived an ll!MHti"l! '.. I-. Illlc l.el'.l' the lloVltl Scottish I ;, ..Klapiie,it soci. lv The II. III. I .mi. lo.l.n ill .1 i abl. grain from i:, I in l.n li P.llowi 'hat re ceived I rom Sc. t.d. 1 1 v -I S. K ' n je ri me -I lug I '.ililloiuel. I I'' .11 to lix a il,.e f..r a I, i I nr. iii I .on. Ion before lh. Po- ,1 il. -ograp I) e H '""I. ty. All CIllllMSl islie MoV. .t VVhidl galll e I . . I ,. I . v i;l..-g..w to llliv en I He ,, p., rl III of l.Vo W. aril I lis' COllpl. X id!..!.. I i manil'-r I ' u and t lire w t i.e at lic .ar ... mlow. Tie ex.lorer was tin ii i roinel of ap pi. nise wh. n he appear.. I on i h, platform, think- ing that Ho douc'iisl ration was in hi.s honor alon.-. hut lo- hastily f- tr. ated WlKH be observed that. lie was in tin mida of a wedding party. Another bridal ro.i at St-dlarton al.-o Kave Hi. explorer a h. ally round of cheers. I OP M HOMH. l:l, PASO. T.-vas. Sept. 22 A bomb was found totiu-ht in He- rear of th'- customs hons. ;tt Juiirii. M.-xico. a! T EWERS ANDSHOWSBOQKS few feet from ip. plattorm hbh had ni.ei ing of the National A .' o- ion been in.. I-d 'or the m . ling -U-tween of Cotton Mannfactiirers whp h began President Taft and President l.iaz on j here today. Prisiip nt Charles T October 1. Mora than thirty arre-ts Plunkett. of Adams, Mass.. In his an were made. Jaurez la' across the nual addres, reviewed cotton manu Mcxican bordei. facturlng condition In Europe. SAYTHEWORLD WILL COME TO FINAL El TOMORROW MORN Disciples of "Latter Reign" of Apostolic Church Have a Bug In Their Ears CURTAIN TO FALL ON MAN'S ESTATE Worldly Affairs Have Been Settled up And All Things Are Ripe And Ready WKST Id'XHIMtY, Sept I'lrm in Iheir conviction that the world Will come lo an end at 10 .njtirh next f'ridav forenoon, n colony of about thiee bundled members o the den oiu mat ion known as the "Latter K ign of the Apostolic Church'" are spending what they helicte to be their few remaining hours in prayer, song and exhortal lou. The scene of ih-ir religious ardor is "Ashdod" a Utile w len chapel mi the main Inrnplkc between llostoii and l'l. month In this town. Worldly tasks have been laid aside that the I ;i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 may prepare for the milleninm. The services ale ptaclicaMy contin uous. In all branches of tin worship the congregation participates, singing the In inns with fervo- interrupt ing prayer and exhortation with pious ejaculations. Take u Until . Occasionally the services at the chapel are suspended long enough to permit a trip to the neighboring pond, where the eoiicrts are bap tized. To feed the crowd that is attend ing the meetings, a big tent has been erected near the church, while the houses in the neighborhood and even the church horse shells furnish a lodging for the people, Note- of the faithful appear to have a shadow of it doubt that the world will end Friday forenoon. When ask ed what they will do if tin- expected event does not ma I r is I ize, most of them refuse to i ntortain suc h a sup- I position Some .surest that a love ! r ast be held lor ten das or so. while iol e ls still say Mint II Hie niillenlum j di s noi i nn n t'lida v it w ill come lle.t ' HI" at tile same season. I IS EXPECTED IN THE BEG DISPENSARY GRAFT CASE Trial of Kaniuni at Coliun hia Promises to Grow in Interest. TELL A I JO IT CHECKS (-(,,t mhia. S ".. S- pi 22. I'"' . . . f I'hesi. . roi in. r include - ,lf ll.,l board ol diieetors of the ii.-iiv. went on lb. stand today to . ,nl v against .1 (v l ai in. in .used of I. lib. ry. WvMe was exam ii,, ,1 ,i! I he re. oi .l-; at the dispen sary showing w here house, r pr. .v ni ed . I'.irnnin had i.-ieiv.d nrib-i"-f.,r thousand,, ol, s o w hlslo V Tomorrow he will be examined upon the p i r t j -olar alb s-aloli llial lo I. -eeive.l ;i 1. 1 ihe ol J I . 1 - " "ti a certain dale ):.!. I I .1. !:g. ca'di a l of the Conine 1. Milk of Ch-sf I. lo.l.iv teslilie.l Hi ll a diall for thai .ilnoiinl signed h. lailinm and in.ol. p.iv.ibb to 1 1 i: i v Sa line Is, was pa el at In dank and 1 hat W.v li' g.. the money The pap. i Itself ha- not I.e. n put in evident - as the slale lias been unable t , K, ii . 1 1 . i w ' v . r . it - culls., has been no i I througli halililjjg h H. pels Iron. ' li.-.-i. i lo I 'a i mini's fti'.-. This sc. ond i rv . v id. tic was I h- cause of inaiiv i. hp. lions I. nl dodge Mdu iligcr oVel -Illhll the defense at everV j point . The dot. -use end. a v or.-d to 1 show that the proMd. nl of the bank i ..f ),. st. r was def, ,. d f..i luavoi Jbv Ikiie. Saunols. s. .-called "mlddl. man" for W.v lie. and that this w. the moiive for lurning th. ease o-r t,, the (.rufo llti'ill Witnesses 1"! In,. prosecution, however, debit-. I i Hmt tie information was given voloo- itatilv to tin- attoriov - ten.-ral S- IIS..I i-.n. . I testimony is tomorrow. i-xpi Tl,l ltoIT IsfltOI'i:. f'.ULTT' ' W'.'il.S N. II: S'-pl At the eg bt V -sev eitt h annual I "v" ss f F K r-vif Of r . -soa.' . s - l I. v,,. DEATH TOLL NOW REACHES TOTAL OF FORTY-FOUR New Orleans and Adjacent Territory Slowly Recovering from First Effects of the Tropical Storm Property Loss Will Run Into the Millions Reports of Heavier Losses Current. NMW ORLEANS. Kept. 22. -Ihath list of gulf coast hur ried iii1 Terrebonne, definite 19; report ed !,(i, New Orleans, definite, 6. Pass Manohao, definite, H. hrciler, La., dclliiitc. 4. I lesair, La., dottlllte, 3, .l.n kson, MIms,, rteflnite L". Hilton Itouge, !,, deliulte 1. Madenville. l.n.; iellnlte 1. Ray HI. Louis. JMIhs., delinks 1. Doualdsvlll. , I.; rtellrcrte t.- ' firamery, La., ilellnlle 1, (liand Point, La., reported 4. Haratarla Pay. I -a., reported 1. Total definite 44. MiU oliLKAN'.s. Hepl. j:: -Urad-ually New Orleaie and the territory' him rounding Hie Cicgccnt city is r -covering from he lirst effects of (tie tro.ieal hurricane. whi'li starling Sundav. coniinu'd throughout Mon day and Motid i' niht Thirty -eight human lives ale now posiliv. ly known j to havie been (tainied as vp-llms of, the storm and tills, others are re-; ported to hav. i.e. n lost jn lower! Terrebonne parv port has not b. . i. bill as v el I his re- , n authenticated. j The I !v 1- s: vM.I run into t be to 1 1 1 ions. FRENCH OFFICER KILLED BY HIS 01 AEROPLANE C;it. I'Yrber Finally Meets Deal It I'.v M''.ms of That W'lii. li He Sin. lied. IP il l,i iCNK, :-' pt. 2 J i ..plain I i I..T, an officer 'he l-'reieh army. V'.as killed Heap- l-:e this lo.llling while testing hi- a plane. While in I he air the ma. b i turned ... . i ami I ben dashcl I i n I i ' . pi a m l . ilM-r was cm ie ) lo death t.v the motor. (.'aplam Loo had In i n d. ... past for tlo m Haul ie . in I h. atniv. H- wa f Hie ext. tisi.. Poll III Hell, V ll ' dina lo I I' .-r h. r ! 'I' se V ' I a I V . a I a ' I'm of t Ie II. n. . I of t he I I en, , -a- t Imo in - I r , r j-' , 1 riim- nt. I" rva -t it Paris, w here I he a I my coii'l'l, I H Kl'Iie,s . . p. I a iiielils 1 u a . i cm. I f - u a I.. , Willi tile ,.t,.... colliers, ale I l.. dirigible balloon I., Patrl", wa an ..up on,,, of Hi, '., .peral inn. i 'a p i. .in I', i Iiit s mi ' however, l.n.- , I ipiii-kly to c heavli-l -than hi ma. him- and Ie - s a ploneei ,n this held. &H0WER& WASIMNUT for North Car. ii er Thursday an variable wlndjj. pt. 22. I'orecast a Prabably sho i'riday; moderate There's A Chance For Peary Yel. 1HCU ' ( , v ', a , s-, OF COAST HURRICANE Miles and inllca of territory have I been laid waste. Crops have practically llen ruined. Hiilldlngs, cotton gins and sugar mills have been leveled. Nuw Orleans la still sadly crippled In the way of railroad facilities anil telegraph and tclcphoju.. eoiuiiiunlea lion with the outside world. It wa not until lonlgitt (hat the Western Union Telegraph company was able to get a. wire working out of the city. For two days the elty'n only conimu- nlentlon with tho nuUlde wtrrtil Syiui over an improvised long distance It phone circuit u '' The Associated! Press. Hnth the Illinois Central ami the Louisville and Nashville rallrouds have siiltered heavy loss. miles of their tracks having been washed away. II will be several weeks before the Loiilsvillle and Nashville will again be running (rains ov.r their own trucks. Prom early (.day. th" death list In the lower portion of T. rrelioiinc parish Increased as details of Hie hur ricaiie'M destruction were hourly re ceived, until lotiiglii it numbers nine teen It Is reported that fourteen others are missli.g; tlnv nr.. said to have been drowned or .-rushed in thei flying debris or vvrecK.-d nulls, dvve. lings and fl'dimi.' camp-- j Thrilling tales of narrow and daring i.s.ees .nine from the! slot m s,epi area. ' COMPELLED BY A DREAM TO CONFESS HIS GRIME I Ian nt m I Nijjlit and l);iy for Six Years ly I lis 'i tiiii, I ! lili aks 1 lie Sileiiee. Los AMIKI.KS. Cal., K.pi llaiitite.l lilghl and day by die. hum of Hie man vv botn ho b levd In had lor gold ;jy V'als ago In Connect I. ill , l.a.p.l.. Lov I known aa P. Ov.tnian, a Los Angel. s Jiuil. ileal, r, 1 1 u h 1 1 1 . 1 e 1 1 e d Ills stoiy to a iiielohaiit of this city, and a.M a I'Milt Love, is in i he i .unity Jail. A cording to the M,i, ,., ,e, 1 , slp.i ami i otil.eil S.. in Mill' r, a. peddler, ie :ir U'a i, i In, ry, 'oiin. I ,., , ia no ' Mill, r in a lonely i.pol a ah -t I de laine llo in Wnlei but y a'tel a lad him I or a ml, . Lov i t lu n shot I i , lie ml II,. ipii, dragged Hie into the hii .-In a ie arh.v and I, II him i h.-ie for . ad all' r rilling hut po, fa is. lie Hon oilnl'.'l "ti Hie wagon and drove to .,1. I'll! V, W ll'le he .jKp-.t-ll "if I lie lioi -c, wagon and Its contents, Willi the riioip-y thus procured, will, h a nciiiil. .1 to nea i y $ 1 noil, 1-ovln fb d. Ivovis ba lev.r be. ii abl. to tin, I ail tvli. lis . Ins l. tim di' d. and he "lifldcd tie iitloi in atioii of tiis mis 'l eft to He beat merchant, who piomplly in, 'lie -l the poll... "I coul. Inl I..-I until I found ..lit . I.cth'-r Mill, r wa . ad or led." said la ils. -'il kepi in.- awaka nUhts, and I . ..nld alu i.s s.- the Ml- nt. uptuin- taee wh rev. I I vs. lit. It was II ...nt.iiual nightmare, and I ihought It would drive into ira. I am glad tliat, he Is living, for It removes a great load from inc. . I will go back and face my accuser.) without a tremor." t uif u sr ivmn I ' Jr i - , , no r I y m jf f n I I I l ' l ! 1 ) ) jy ,7 .. 11 f One of the htlmn of the storm In Terrebonne parish was M. V, Hmlth of New Ihiihi, who, with hln brother, A. I''. Hmlth ami a (logon friends riimln up n fUhtnw party at Heabreexe The brother of tho drown ed man rciched llouniii, m., today IhrliiKlng the news of his hrotlior' death. Pleasure Craft and shipping of all kinds In. thd buyou Inlet were totally t)eroyert and ho Ittwi wlH t hivy Hlora liousca, sugar mills and dwell. lugs of every character at lloumii and olhi r villages suffered heavily and scarcely n structure was unlouchod by the hiirtlcaiie. The illumine l no by Ihn storm at (Irand Island, cheniern Ciiniliuiihi was very heaviv hut at these places there was no loss of life. The crop of I Hi-Hi) Islands were totally destroyed anil the orange groves wero (tripped clean of fruit and foliage. TWO MOHI-: hll.l l ll. Ni;W OKhliANK, Kept -i. News reached hole tonight I hat ten mi ni, hers of a parly troin Morgan city, La.. wcr- killed in Momlav's hurrl eane. They wen- In a tinning camp In Terrebonne parish. The dead: Captain ch.ulon i.rnul. two ladles and a child named Adams; three 1 1 'out iuu .1 on page hK ) AFTER THIRTY YEARS IN I Unlucky .huiirs O'ljmry Finds No 'leniency in tlic I'lllltAMCII'lllA. Hipt L'S. ArhT .srrvniK ii ' .nl Ihnly yt-nfH f hlt 1 J f -in ii)i'ir -in h.iifc':; . f mhi Iflf'-l I i ;tn-l ' --jn,: Ie4;n ni'Hi-y .l.'ini' ? 'li ir, .iii, i- "J.i' Iv Mulvy", an ..j. -i rri;m. vvi-i - - f 1 1 ' lir 1 -l In th'' I l 1 1 - J Slat- m Mi ti i' I ft In ro Ifidiiv tu t'N V-i(m in the ft' ii I'll n j ill ifl:;t.n .il Athifit.i, ;.(., -n it sitnlliir rhiirK1'. II" pi- i'l' 'I rullty hut ;t;-k- 1 fur ( l m- in y mi in "tint "f his M.K'- J 1 1 I w - M ' 1 '1 11 inn in f i.t int-; -1 ' i ! nr.- ,i id I hilt In m i , . ' i I ,i r . I " h- h'Voli'l r f i f m. 1 1 mil, -tin) iti th' h- . tlit'-r. M " i'l', I hi Ii 'linn hi 1m k i , '-j) a in,.; h f in Th" nnly wjtn. :-i at tin- 1,(1. il war. a m l1 I ifAl'f nHial.' wh'i i n i.i-l lh iMH-.f,. r a-i an 1. 1-1 nf ! r i -1 r t mrii a I I hi I i a i It t a I. ' n n ,! 1 1 a f .i a'. HE WON T RETURN WITHOUT PAPERS I ,! M I! I A , H. r , y-i-ld '22. 'Jt-nrK- V r ) - ( 1 1 f i k ' rt Murra.. a. ip-fo U in f.ulv lavi ! I'lfm-nli'l th- Sll lllpl ' 1' '1 L-t I M I ill I 'UIKM'MK il II' I If ru.vv Im !'! in 'hia'i ,i ( t i r-Ui-mI of the S'Mjth I'.'i-ihn.i anl h'.r ill-s to ;ht- u f- ni- ol lhi r yi-urt fT I'lrucrv, r t u .:, h n-lnrn hTc Wit h Mi( r- u i.kM i'-n i;iit fn Anfili atl'ii fnr th hi; whh t'-'lay 1 n ;ivi:rnor An- H1 I Murray (If 'I whil: th jury yuan tl--lihraiintc upon hi '.if- anl th if n U'tu v.nx iin;oii in hh alwnc f-. hftH ! ii In Cjinaila Hini- hid lljrht M urrav han (Ji'. in 1 hi neiro wife, ft U sniil, at his home, and married a white womun. E E All Day Long Ceasoloss Lino of People March .Silently Fast Tho Casket TEAKS FALL FI-'O.M ' EYLii OF MAK( HERS Commerce And Industry Will Stay Their Whoo's at Hour of Funeral ST l-iU l., Minn , K.'(.t. 22.- Irl by Mny..r IjiwI. i. the m, nili.-rn f Ihr ('.linn. hi r ninell nf Si. I'mil. the Kem- m.'.v cmiiilv olTlrliiln, tile hi'.i.lH of va- rimiM ileniiiineiiiM nnil emi'l'iyi inar. lie.l in u ,,v tl, n,0 slut.- til I'll at iKii.ii tinliiy ( limit the litBt Umv mi Hit. f ,( tinvernor Jtilin- II, W'llimi- Imily llei, nn Its WT tllldpr l.hi Kl'ent While (li.lue. All day Iiiiik u c. nm-lew line nf ponpln inn niieii lii'twi-t-n nira 'f ml lllliunoil piiHl tho t-KHkdt (111(1 nllrntly imlil a hint tiilnitti In the Jeail (oyer. 11. ir. 1..H1K I 'i' fine the iliinr of tho iiilt(i wnro thrnwii oim at Jl n'rlink tin. iimiln Ij.'ttan ti UnthiT. Tlicy t-Ainn h II i-Ihuhi-r of -fifty itml frniii nil pnrt of St. PUI ami vlflnlty. To many of thttmihls (Ie nth whii h iicrn.inul orrnw u Mhnwn liy this tfnrs whlrh xtrrartwd from tlii-lr ryeit. Durlnit (hn noun lunch hour thi IhrmiK Inc ichiii-iI. HumriMis m'ii and tlinlr clerkM DIIihI lh" Hptirtmnh. to tho i-ftplliil n ml thi' trem of human ity bci-aiiio mi ve rill tilm hg long. ImliiHiry Minim, All brnnt-hoti of rnmmtri-liil nn I munnfiifturliiK nctlvltloni will piiiief tomorrow for five mliititp during tho fiiiiernl nrvlctit. Th ftflloti I.limnril I Htate-wlfto (rnil nil cltli'd mi town' have liecn rcqumtcd to tvWov th , liittd of th twin rltl. Th rsllromlg THOU IS GAZ Oil EO OF GOV. JOHNSON of tho tat nd thr eltr rtlwy of Ml. I'll ii I, Mliini-spnlln nnrl ' Uulnth will utofi riinnlnif frte flvi trilinitf dtirliiK tho fuin-ral hour. Tomorro' mnrnlnit th bmly will bn tnlton to Ht. l'olnr, Mliih., Kt. I'nul City oltl-' cinlit and nicmbt-ra of m-veral local fraternal orKiini.tUlonB and poruonal ; frhnd of th Into Bovcrnor ai-com-panyln It, . Tho funoral will be hold from the ( TrvMbyttrrian t-hiiri h at Ht. PetiT, , 1 CLAIM THAI TAFT HAD HIS TAX SPEECH IN THE PICKLE FOR OLD DENVER hawycr l'urdy (lets a Micro ticnpc and J'ii'ks Out tin Flaws f.f It. I IK NKI'X Till': JOKER MU IKVII.I.K. Kv., H. it. 22. F"ol- IcW'tllK Hi" H MKC I'l I' III .if llnlt-Rfltf B 1.0- f..rii tin- Intel inl loniil Tax rnnti i imc In kihkIi.ii her.- Dial Pri'Mtilr-nt Taft hail jnii .'ih.. .l. liiye.l hlN c nrMiratloii lax iee. h mill! hl.i arrival In 1'i-n-i.r Tn.x.l.n lor lln- l-elii-ht of the I iii.-rniitl..ii!il an n. lalnni. ltwson .fur- lv. irnl. '-nl nf Hie .lepartmnnl of laxeH iiii'i .'sHeK-nienl,'. of New Vorlc . ily, ilellcr'al In I'.re Hie ansncla 1 inn I . , . I ri .y a .aer en pr.iiiiHfi 'lialiKefl In r.'.l. ral laiail"ii. The c..r"i: ui,,ii lax law. Mr rur l ,.il.l. Ih.ini(li I l.-l an exrlae ta in in. ,,,,,,i . ni li'ipe the phragn H'.nl.l .letniM'- Il when prem-ntod to till Sll,a tne '(Milt i;. in reality a. , I I III, nine . I -, . J nsl .how It eoul'l c ii e. in ,(i,i iii Hie reftnlaUon of 1 1 ' , Hi 1 1 , 1 1 1 a.iiMiy He- speaker if- a . , ,e , nn I'l li"l 'e -. nor fdlllit e niiilcrm.m'l He- t.-.--h:i!1 ,v for .inch rum lion ii"'- Ihe Km ei n nipnl al nd.v ban ."-."i t" r. ii In ' " Ihtouiih lh,. int. i I..I- , ', miner, , .-ininlwilnii i ml He Sic i a, I. OMIItl, I I, Milt ILL. I--KI-: i NT. Ohio.. K- pi. ' liarh I'. lark. I'. S. N , who - . 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Ihe haul', hip Mrr- .".II .Innm; th.- S.ani. h - . mcrieaii .tar, u.ik Ilk- t , ... n.mnl.v ill her.- to hiy. He . in,. li. . t.. make an a1-, in-- ai Hi-- .1. Ileal ion ol the gateway .1 tin li.nli ami Inlian trail of 1 7 7 r, nnil the llairison nnlllary trail f Ihe w ar of I I -' I.. morrow. I IIMIM. Ill Nil 11 'JTO. HKItl.lN, S. i'l -IJ roard Den- I.iiik. h'-i retarv Mali- for the .colo nlex. will mill f ir New Vork tumor- on ihe sl-aimr Oli-voland, to Htndy . ii ralKlnn In the South. Tho colonial office h.iH liecn' experlment- Iiik for the hint eight yean with cot ton planting In Germany.. -. I,.