THE ASHKVTLLE rTTTZKN', TTTURSI'AV, SKI'TKM UVM. 2?,, 1000. ' . 1 SOCIAL t& PERSONA! V. ' '. ttc,l The puliUc Is i mil ally In- The r;iin Im '" cowfnlly put a M" l" party kMihj which from rinl in. In at en; will wait an the In r. 'I I" -"i woods are most unlmitliiK d t1"' glorious autumn elicits t ti;i t 'mi' might reasonably rxim-l at H'l ": on are not muli HnlifliiK. Tin- haw are so well watered th'v n showing no Ino ln.iti..n to hanc.- 1 ft... .I..mll.,feu I . 1 1 -1 Tl I t I S . .... i , . . i 1 1 ,, .1 .tai ... n,t.-r Vrin..nt. vollK.' t Nah- inaoors unti I'mni 1,1 ' . are unpleasantly hiif.i til i i K- Nearly vile. all of the Mllll'liery i.pciilnKs The many ru rnls d Mr. Itavid , i. r III he Rlail I" Know he has r turned home from thn Hlltmore Inm where ill) amlt Tvent u miceess i . I .er.i!lnn pi-r Sprmail l.y Lr. J. ' II. H um". MIh Annln I.aurle Uqlrd left yenlr. I'll llllll! tlllllKH . are ovfr and there N notliintr Iso ' 1 1 do but peruse tin mull Ha I hois cata logues whh h nr.- m hi l.n.ail'a t "vr the country nl'' iiiiiK'is Tin 1 department stores nr. .-i-pc, I 1 1 alluring- and offer pane aft. r pais.- "f artl cle of clothing and u loinim-nt par ticularly dear to ivntnnnklnd The new lace collars, j.-wei.-d hat pins. .,r- nnmanli for III.- hair, the small ail-I l.mH. In lha toil. 1 are nulte new and! ,n attractive. Affr a rainy day h pataloeuea. however, tnul rhnniliii everything one mini. tlli1 ... skips ciear inn i'ii " . ' cost so very nun h. J The Aahevllle School of Musk ami Dramatic Art will Bluntly I u tho winter term and the flint puhlli- re cital of the ici ion was to have taken place tho last Thursday In Hcptvmber but has been poMpomd until early In October, until the arrival of Mrs. Harker. The "rHt recital will he (tlun by the faculty and the opening pro gram will be of special Interest. There re aeveral new members of the facul ty who will be henrd on thin occnHlon. The public recltala are anticipated as a Interesting pnrt of the wlnter'n - program Bad have become a grateful Institution, J . Benvl-Weekly rtrltals are feeing rv- en at the Manor by Miss May Klm liarly and Mr. M. V. t'liniiell which have created Intercut. Miss Klmher ly la a pianist of extraordinary tulent and Impart! to her playing a peculiar trennth and authority. Ax an ac companist. Miss Klmherly In espic hil ly gifted and an Inspiration to the gololst. Mr. On fell la glvltiK a aerle of classical program and his exci-l-Jent playing hut met with deserved approbation by the lurge audiences, composed chiefly by the guests ifrtd - cottagers at tho Manor. J . The Edward Buncombe chapter, t. A. R., will meit Friday afternoon at the resldenco of Mrs. t?harles M. elatt at Busbee. Tho tntln leaves the Ashe vllle dapot at ?.:o p. m., and returns to the city at .16 p. m. The subjects will be "The Ualtlo or tho Hanger" and "Bonhomme, Richard." . Mrs. W. 8vllyim entertained last evening at her honw on French Broad venue with a rilnner. given In honor of Mr. and Mrs. 1. rl. Newell of Charleston, S. The dcorntlons were pink and a large bunch of pink ''rosea occupied the center of the table. Mrs. Hyams guests were Mr. and Mrs. Newell, Mls Caroline Marques of New Tork, Miss Woodson. Miss Mary Xrost of Charleston, Mrs. Norn An derson of Bukersvllle, N. ('., anil Mr. Hyams. . M The engagement of Miss Gladys McLemore and Mr. Alexander llollln lias been announced ami the wedding takea place N'nvi iml'i'r 17. in I'olnm Ma, H. ('. Ais. McLemore has ninny friends In Ashevllle made during her frequent a IsKs here with her mother, and hist summer n the guest o! Mrs. Bufo llt:ipati'li'! lit VI. tori. i Inn, Mrs. IjiuIs M. Itourne gave the sec ond of a series i f informal t'as es terday aflernnon at her residence on Beard en avenue. The lea was given In honor of Mrs, Wllllum Hlveis of Manila, P. I., and Miss ltebu, Uinlg rs of Tarhoro. N. i ' - . Mrs. Thomas Kettle entertained with an Informal luncheon yesterday In honor of .Atic.-. Annette Lewis of New York. '1 In i' were twelve guests. Miss Lewis !i the guest yl Mr sr Tench Coxe at "Klonit ke " . Miss Ha. Iw 1 1 . . . l.i n. entertiiins In formally with a linn heon today at her home on on-et 111-ointalu, M There will an i; 1 01 and ice cream par! 0,1 l i j.l.n nii:hi ien by the Rcbek ih V. I est lievllle and the pi 'y will 10 Hie Odd Miss ('uridine Mnitii's returns U New York tod iv afKT a vliit to M fa V S. Hyams. Miss Mhpiimw will l-v Hiiine h-T work after a brief vacation as siipi rinti'ii lent of Ahe loiiK Lslund hospital Mrs. Henry I.uintnift. Mrs. Chase and Mrs. Halter hiivn .returned, after several months oibsenci and are at lo.nie of Mrs. I.ainSiert on Chest Uli nut si n et. 1 h Miss Ilerthn. Cnrren who has apent several weeks with her sister Mrs. I'reilerlik Haskell returns to Roston Humlay. Mr. K. 1,. llrown Is atlendlng the fair at MorrlHtuwn. Mr. Andrew Joyner, a -well known newspaper correspondent of . Greens boro, Is In the city, Mr. and Mrs. Itoblchoux anM fnm lly who have sptnt the suitianer In their summer home on Mjontford avenue leave the latter part of the mouth for New Orleans. Mr. Montgomery Boyd of Cynth iana. Ky., is In Ashevllle, for several days. .i t Mlsa Josephine Park'er of Canton. Miss., and Miss May Payne of Charles, ton, B. C, are the guests or Miss Cora Lee Driimmond nt her hoine nn Mag nolia street. Miss Virginia Williamson leaves shortly for New Orleans and will re turn to tho Hophio Neweonib xillege for hor second year. Miss Alice Druiiunond hns resumed after a three weeks visit to Mrs. Hurdlson at tho homo of the latter In West Ashevllle. Mr. K. Tl. Jeffrcss returned yester day from a several days trip to Chap, el Hill. . ' Mrs. J. B. Parker who has spent ewarnl weeks at Mlaa Harris' on Church streot hnr returned to Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. 1 en eh Coxe have r- tvtrned from RutherfordUm after short stay. Mr. Arthur M. 1'Teld has returned from A twft months camping trip through the Smokies. Mrs. Field and her sons returned about a fortnight ago. Mlsa Maria Drown haa returned from a visit to relatives In Boston ami In Parkersburg, W. Va, Mrs. Ixnils Maddox leaves today for Indianapolis for an extended vliiit Mr. and Mrn. Charles Selliert of ( Tncliiniitl are spending several Weeks In Ashevllle. Miss Johnnlo Cruise leaves today for New York to purchase a new line of hair goods and toilet requisites for lier establishment. Mrs M. Alexander and son, Louis leave Sunday for New York to attend the Hudson -Fulton celebration and also to visit Washington, Phlladel phla and other Kastcrn points. Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Webb and family who hnvn occupied the rest deuce of Mr. H M. Jones on Pearson drive during the summer returned yestcrdtiy to their home at Italelgh. Mr. and Mrs. James Holley and children have returned to their home In Ohio after spending several months In the city. Ilenn has rctiii le d to In r li .uie In 'oliimbia, H. C. Mrn. MrlinrriM and Mis :.!. -i.: McDonald who l;nt l "11 v4sitm Mrs. Alonzo It.wiluii. left last r for their Inline 111 Montgomery, Ala Mrs. Clarence Wurfi'-ld and .-mall daughter have returned to their home In Wa.M-ross, 'la, nfi. r spending a nunler of weeks at Huslo e Hall. Mr. Hobcrt Itedwood has c,,ne Cnliimblii to enter the I'nneiMtv ol Kouih Carolina. Mr. J. I,. Alexander and little Mi l''IMe. Alexander have returiied tiom a two weeks visit In New York. Mrs. A 'irajlaal and s'm IIiim.IiI of Marshallliui g are vlsHiij ilo- ,;,r enta of the fonner. It-v. and .Mrs J M.. Welborn 111 Woolsey. Miss Harriet M.neh has rilnriiol ftoin firainl Miili., havliiK .1, -cepted a p-i rnain i 1 position as seere tary of the y. w c A. MIhs Marsh was actively engaged in the work during the prin,; and lias since lo r departure been engaged 111 association work in 8a g I nn w Mich. LARGE AUDIENCES AT OPERA HOUSE NT. KI.MO" (ll'KMM. TTIC. AC TION OK ITIKATIIK M M:soN ( oinpiiin a i.himI One. ami Hull u illcoi es Si incd to II' l'lcas- f'licrewlil, FARMER THEED BT TICEH AND IT WASN'T A BLIND 0NE--DH. MERCY NO ! Tad to Tak-p to the Barn Koof When His Lord ship Left tlic Circus. Two large audlen" Twomtiey's dra matlzate" Dmiiis' more tr b'ss fan St. IJirio." at the fin aft. moon snd fveniin; like the book, la red :. 1 platitml. s and portra. -lmposii,,. stitijiigntlon ii'oiig illl and bitten.. . 11 Ins. a i:ii I cf ojii... 1 no nt Tas:n as a w h' l' 1 hut ,1 pp a r-d le 1 , c. I Hteadnuie AND NOW UK IS HAPPY . 1 1 -1 1 id 1 1 . n MNm V'ltitrnt'o Joihs who hnn Ix-pn viHlttiiK hrv loiisiii Miss Laur Ken noy 1i;ih rt luimvl to I'lmrlotte. Mfwi ("rHto f.nmpkln who hnn bopn 1 1 ; lil8bori,J virtitlnn In r r Mrs Kintnin BLACK TAFFETA WAISTS For $l.(Hl a il,iin (.lilnit'd waist, tucked front and i t es, jet hut tons, open front. " l.(U a waist with tucked yoke cfTect, kill iii!,r down the front, tucked bIccvcs, w open front. " $l.(M)a dressy waist, with net. yoke, tuck and ,je hut ton trimmed, open hack. " iC.00 a lain tailorod waist, jet huttons antl uck t rimmed, open front. " $"t.00a I'aney waist silk )raid trimmed col lar and yoke, jet huttons, open hack. The ahovc are all new fresh stock and in the lat est fashion. All sizes. Tl ai " 1110 1 1 v plain, open ka k All Ollll fs ,1 Sp. In I fa. 1)1) loo t -.leevo Plai k taffeta iv iisii, fancy and ' lent Wei., tunnel l J Ml to 8 SO. Ak for Hie Itargahi W11N1 Taldc On It are all sorts of waist odds ami 1 mis at sui-iilice prb e. ltnen, lingerie, crepe-de-chne. taffeta and co,,r. i( ;.lkM lust the thing for servant gifts or working wear Af. V. MOORE WOMEJT8 TOS, II PATTOI AVE. JAMKKTOWN. N. D., Rept. 22. When Pinery Ilursfh, a farmer living In the vicinity nr Hplrltwood went out to fetjd his stock ho was startled to '" a large Bengal tiger lying m his back in the shadow of his hay sUlck. When the tiger awoke, he emitted a aeries of blood curdling Jungle tries and slowly arose, preparing to ad vance toward Hunch. The farmer did not stand on ceremony, but climbed to tho top of the barn and prepared to defend himself with a pitchfork. The tlgermmcdlately took his sta tion heislde the wall of the 'barn and watted. Burat'h spent an unhapy half-hour treed on his own barn. Not knowing the disposition of tho tiger, he was afraid to descond, and his calls for help were unanswered. Furthermore, ho was afraid that some of the young er members of his family would enter the barnyard and be attacked by the tiger. Hursrh was rescued by passing neighbors, who secured the assistance of tils harvest hands. A lnaso was devised and cleverly thrown over the tiger's head and feet and he was tied to tho fence. Thn tiger escaped from, a circus which played 'n Kogera a few days since. The circus tent was blown down In a high wind and the animal cages overturned, and It Is bellewd that during the confusion ttie animal took to the trail and has since been at large. Two nights ago two young women were Injured while driving into Kek elson. Their horse became unman iigeulde, and it is believed that the horse saw the lifter on the prairie and was so alarmed at the unusual sight that It ran away. i' N . .1 .' Aurii-Ii ,s rom.uu I cMcrd.i. file pi. I'. , ,jlh ran ilie almost man "! I,;. 1 oiilai 1 ' t' III pel .1 flu- , o.l llo an "St. I-. 1 mo". Katherlne Rayri'ii- ns ' I'Mna Karl", and 'haf. Me D nald as "Al lan 1 la m inond" being 1 SI-- 'l;i 1 1 k 1 Mr l.lnsey Hall as -rloiilon f,eli;li ". u us also good. The t'l tv was care f'nllv slaced and went w tl vith both a llilletires, HcKrt Denied. A p port viiih current 't'r,;i to tile effect that the COllll'itl present 1 il "St. Kim.." lu re f. r 1 1 pi n . d for a dollar at Spartan!' n c. and other North I'arolina cities. An 1 xa in m;i t loo of The Spiirlanhurg .L inriil, Tin Charlotte observer ami I to S.ilishin v I'o.s-t showed that this p pott w.i - not true, the papers showing Hint the pricey were Ilie same as those that ruled here. r. hen asked about the 1. port Mr S. A- Sell!, ss sai l that In would not allow such conditions to elst in any city on his circuit. lie knew, however, that the St. Klmn company played at uniform prices. folium's minstrels will be the at traction nt the Oram! this nftcrnoon and tonight. FINE candies are not a matter of wealth, but of culture. Now NUNNALLY'S are higher priced, because the materials and the , making cost morebe- j cause they are better. Cultured people prefer ! them. If their candy allowance is limited, a j littleof NUNNALLY'S satisfies them better than a lot of some other, j A freah aupply always kepi by IC suit's OKI . sioltl-;. .11 I'.illoll Aieliue. "None Like Nunnally'g." Closed Saturday on Account Jioliday -.' . .;' .-".t''.j ,';".-;.y;..'o ':':..';v.v;;:; VISIIOKS. K.4VK MONEY, l,y liavlng your teeth attended to by s Always up lo d at" Painless and (Sellable. Crown and Bridge work s ipeclalty. Popular prices. The twins will also sell rcHldcm and business lota fronting on South, side avenue on September 2Xth il 10.30 a. m. MUN-YON'S Eminent Doctors at Your Sertlce Free NOT A PENNY TO PAY For the Fullest Medical Examin ation by Mall. Dlt MAl lUKWS DliNTAL PAR. l.OItM 2;i-2fl-27 New McAfee nidc., cornet olICKd anil Sjirm-e, oipisll 1st. Bap 'Isl CIiiiii li ami near Coui House I'liono 910. Hosldcmn l lione 972. M. WEBB & COMPANY MUIPaery Importers Sa. Battcrj Park Place. Phone I04 TWO ARE INJURED BY AN EXPLOSION Wf swrcp n wiiy all the i1h m s chiirRc.". Wo put Hip h m( r.iMlrnl Ul rut wit hln r tTytmily'- iviih ' (MirotirnK1 rvrry one who .tils m thlnkH Iim hHh to f lint out ixhi tly whm Il I M h(hI' of Ih-fillh Is. V'MI i-HIl K' I mir r.'incillcs hT at ynur ilrn nv nr imt nt h II. n y'u pri'fr: tlu-rr r Mfilirly ni -harK' for -x:t fii 1 1 1 ;i t i n . ThlH compnny hfive propiin-il spi-i lf li's for nt-nily cv ry (lisoHne, whi h arc Mold liy all (t r mkk I Hts. Srnd today fr a copy our inn! leal examination blank, win h ui- will mnll yfni pmniptly. and if ui will aiiMwep nil tho fii-Htion-: rrl urn iiiK Wanks to us. mir dut'tom will rut fully dlORnoso y-uir tiiso nhd ud.lf you fullv M ti n u ffitird ( "mih pa 11 , i and Jofferson Sts . Philadelphia. Ta. PltKMATriWi ntSriffAUOK OK rY- NAMJTK. II S S! H.KSI IIS In.Uirrd Moil aro (rtiij;hl Into Thta 1ty and Tnlcn to Mission Hospital. Whllr nt tempt in 1? t forre a 8th k if dynamite Ititi mi cponln in thn wall tif a harytt-K iiiitn1 aliil otir iuil from Stm-KlioiiM', Hot jMins, yontrrday mornlnR itnout tlir-t nVlark two oih-idyo. Tom rtofTitt and Char he lira z 1 , won- n. i i.msly tn.urMl tiy the pn-mlttnro cxploM.m whit h ir- ftiilted. J.ato yesl t lav attTinMUi tht woro hr.uiKht t. tho Mission hospital wh. ro tho hfl arm -f TrotTUt whs amputatod holuw ln. clbuw l( ts a red that Hr.i.HI will o- his siKht. hi roinpany with two otlor rm- plo . Ilraztdl and pr . fl 1 1 1 had niado in aperture in thr wall of th-- mini prla ratory to ttisrrt mir u pit co nt dynamite. Wh-tt tluy hoKati to in ert the oxphi,si e th y found tho peninn: In the wall too small. Oin f tho men then took a pleop of iron whlfh was nearby and br;an to pound the stick of dynamite into place. The ri sitlt w a premature explosion. The tin r two men were able t escape but riotTIt and Urnell wore hit by tlyinu pleoes of tuih and rook and rely Injured. I'ht v w ro imtnrdiat" ly taken to the housr mat In. where every atten- m possible In that remote omintry so.-t inn was Riven t hem. A fter the nnds were dressed as tnnoh as pos sible they were brought to Ashodle j n the atteriHion train and met bv nr. Hllliard. It wrs learned last niKhi that lV"(Tiit"s eyes wort, in jured as well as his arms. Ht.t. il III probably loso both eyos. rSJVi'ffitt Is twonty-otip years f aire nd ntminrrled and llraxeli Is ,'VJ and has a taftiiW. Hrothprs of both tho men came Into the city and are stay in here. OftMP O rense I.tniment never falls arc aU aches fl'tid pains. Just as Good as The Stieff Is Rotting tn be inn- uf the Kreat ! .ilk In m ntn fur mum'Tn .m.l iiki'IiIk. li i i grout i I oi'tl30nii'iii for tho ii tlnllc Slut! plaiin. Inn n o fool .'"Mi fur tho i i ,iw w hn t lniii.rt lli Ls fcW tlni; JiiNt .is kioiI iNli.'ti lio Imys Hi.- Ihcr iiIiiiiii lliiyrr. .1 n't lo f""l oil Int'i t .1 I- ill:: tlio l'i.1 li" Kill. I tn I"' ' as ni".l us t In- Si . " (lot Hi., in ti.itic Stu t! ami "n ulll Inivo il.. best pliuio iniiilo ii i. -"it riumlii II lly i lull i Ho Today. - Chas. 111. Stiell Maiiufiict uipr of tlio Artistic MiolT. SliaM, iiml .stieff N'll-pl ijrr l'lanos. st i hu;k wahkimmim Wit ivaile St. CharlcKe, N. C. '. 11. II MOITH, Mmiiior. (Mfiitlon tlila paper.) BUY MILK TICKETS A i,,- i ,. o iin.irlM "I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 K .,r $ I nil. 'I Iicmc lu l l ! ' .1,-, , ,'c, tin- lint- li'i milk, i i ii Mm .iii.I pliln CI I II in. Aaheville Pure Milk Co. E. Walnut St. I'lmnc ,"i51 ftosiery for idomen and Children ' iiwry tlit Ix'st ;iu'l largest assort -nicrii of Hosiery to hi' found in this city. Most, vh ii iicn know about our stock of Hose, but fh oro arc doubtless a few who do not. 'all in and take a look through our line at your earliest convenience. Hose I'm- women IVoin 10c tit ;.75 pr. I lose lur ( 'hildi tn from I Or to (i0r jxr. Jlose for (ifanl from 1,V to LTx- pr. Qal 4aces at 0ne-Jtalf Off Regular price Last Naturdav we off' "d the women of t I : it , ... . micmmc. ai i-a'-ts at Halt tiicir regular "f il'W.H 'Hi. I lei ....I.I 1 .i- ,1 i ' "'o 'i !4i cater (iianrny man we expe.-led to. Wc will sell on I'Viday'. Sept. 21, some nioi-e of these l.ares which range from l.V to L'.'ir pvr yard at one half their reg ular pri'-e. Be sure and take advantage of this extra ordinary value Friday. tard idide mmg Satins for Wraps and Juits We have a large stork of these satins in the plain and heringbone weave, full '.'Ai in. wide at ifl.OO a yard. Skinner's Sal in that is advertised antl used all ov er the Tinted States found here in inanv different eolors; 1 yd. wide for $1.50 rd. i l' fit . "L" -mn.i.N,,, ' f I 1.W 3 Al & W INDIAN COAL R)lf SATISFACTION F'Fi;V Tl.MF Carolina Coal & Ice Company z EVERYONE ADMIRES A PRETTY HAND It iloosn i t ; i U us I. m.;- tn ninlii' un slishtly nails shiipcly aiul nt t rant Ivc. Sociirc the services nf an cicrt man- MESS CRUISE. 27 Uajw,M,d st Very Unusual , Magnificent Solid Silver Window -AT VICTOR STERNS ANTIQUE ARTS and CRAFT SHOP, 6 North Pack Square. Every article in the window Solid Silver. r M VJ?, V 1 Ifl UK II ".aJS A OSlsL. U'nl -It I'M roirn-n- vs. i a A i.K Ttnir (iMjuyf itf f r It. If t'i i!l mi- i i v tiir M ft II V I. I., a- i .-ol no cllinr. Mil w ! li:iiu fT t l isttttl-.l l- -.k Ttile-! It fftfN full iMtrttcn'riiN fcud tiifH tN.iirt In lfll tllM tO iM.IIMt. (MHVI TRY CITIZEN WANT ADS FOR RESULTS. A New Department at Suits, Skirts and Coats Made to Measure An oxpi i inm ,.i fitter rlt;lit in nnr yliop takos nil thn measure ments. I'll" -tilis an sli.iun in a inn miml Ii pinfnllii, which v.e ask .Mm tn cnnio an. soi" K v ory pla te Is in aotnal rnlors. Wc will also show ni ISO samnlps of cloth, and any style you choose will be mailo In any clotH yon select Tho Karmcnts are inuilo by tho .American Ludies' Tailoring- Co., Chicago. W'u are their reyrc-sontatlves. They are mnilo hy Jmirneymen tailors under the personal direc tion of the famous Monsieur Kayser. These are mnn-tallored gar nients of the highest class, with every man-tailored effort. Ol ll (il VKWTKK V Ktintanlee the .vle, Mt, ..rkmntii.lili. ami materials. You a. . ,,i in (iirrinni uliicli i : ; 1 1 . t .' .if isfactm i The milkers or tlieae B.iniieiiis are tho largest cm,, en, ..f their Kind, and their reputation i.- national. Ami this Kuaiaiilee insure:, ..,u tlieir utmost service. La Grecque Corsets for every type of figure Greene & Co. High Class Ladies Tailoring and Dress Making. 12 Church Street. IH il THE FALL DRESS GOODS QUESTION Answered by a Peep at Our New Fall Assortment V' I fiV 1 1 4..ii .ire ill I lie m.i il..-i I." Kill I iress i; I .-!! "i I sure an. I I- isii cit st,.i, ..;.i' ,i-.; l-.r ,i isil.t'.r s , I i.e.i that .ii ale ol( .mi- ami i n- t t,,. k ..i t.iin .l'mwti ,l,-".s k. II il ii- l-c a ,!r. .-s -.'. e li.,w- it. II It is I. -i ,i -uit uc have ,t. I ' it is I"!' a skirt we have it. II It i- I'M I'kil.llen we have it. In lot it h .il. Ill mitt-is " it inav I"' I"! hut i ;' II Ii. i.i ill. i: It. no li.-Mi- II. i' 'it Sin's imIi I,.- t,, K i, .-., ;,, i,.iv. s.. ii l'.ilir;i ill make 1 1 1 a scit tlmt m.m , .in ,- ,., i... V. mo reus ... I. .rink's as . ..-,r i, ., , .,ti,.:, t, ill. .,. sertiueiii. tthicli is th. 1 1 . ii iii Ashe :t al ts .IU-. i "lurlii?. Mil. I: isjue We liter mi, once v "I! as t,,i -e.;n - es :,n I r I. -i.nir r-inl ill ike ,i;j ol l!..-.- I It. ma , ,i)iis m nil. i i:iit. I II I . ';. .1 I It. I. .1 111 t I,. 1 I 1 1 IT .1 lid M . a 1 I- e I I II I he 111 ih. i. ii . ! if. f th iii . hi I., innieiii.-.l The K"."ls,,es hein .r.ui,r than .11 .i.ii .iisl.n.t. ami ni'.f.- .1 ' 1 11 ,, J ,, ,a.jv , . ii, af.-i 111 .i i. e. aiul it needs our ins.eiti..n t jinli;o f..r ..urscir. He sur." iitnl vs 0111 dre..' jrn.trls department whi'o the assort -in- nt is hir-o an 1 ooni.l.'to mmt.

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