H THE ASHE VILLE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: ...csociated Press : SHOWERS J Leased Wire Reports. VOL. XXV. N0.339. AS1IKV1I.LK, N. C, FRIDAY MOKXINU, KKI'TKMBKli '21, 1!0). PRICK FIVK CENTS. TAPS'S OURDSFDR THE FAVORITE SON Final Obsequies Are Held Over The Remains of Gov. Johnson HEAVENS WEEP AS THE GRAVE CLOSES Falling Tears And Flowers Pay Silent Tribute to Departed Great ' ST. PETER. Minn.. Sept. 23. The llttlo town of St. Peter, the birth place and final resting place of the late Governor John A. Johnson, held a concourse of people today, more than double its population. From the small towns and sur rounding counties as well as from the large cities of the state thousands gathered to pay a last tribute in the final ofbteeo.uRes over the remains of Minnesota's favorite son. The bulklings In the town were d aped In black and wfluite crepe, flags were half mast and pk'tuivp of the late governor, wreathed in the national colors, were seen c vf y where. But thse outward manifestations were but slightly indicative of the ideep, sincere pervading gloom. At e'atlons all along the road from St. Paul crowds were present to pay homage. Children's Tribute. School children with flags pointed downward lined thei street on each aide of the train, while small boys and grey haired mn stood with bared heads as the governor's body was hur ried toward Its resting place. As the governor's train pulled into the station here at 1 . 4 r. p. m., a heavy rain begun to fall but the thousands of persons stood with un covered heads. The sun appeared again before the profession reached the Presbyterian church. The body was escorted from tlna train to the church by company K, second infau- The streets and side win Iks' all the way from the station to the church Were llnKd with mourners who stood with bowed heads as the governor's body was carried past. 'As the funerpl car paused along the streets little girls lresed! In vhllo strewed flowers in Its path. All of the Moaroms of the local flower wardens (Continued on Page Four I NOBLE DOC DIES IN AN EFFORT TO SAVE THE LIFE OFTOUIC MASTER Their Bodies Are Found Together, Lying Across Deadly Third Rail. EXAMPLE TO MAN ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. Sept. 23. Silent but eloquent witness of a tragedy which a bird dog had sought to prevent the body of a hunter and. the body of his faithful dog were found this afternoon lying alongside the tracks of the Shore I'ast line In the meadows near this city. The cor oner has declared that the man was killed by contact with the third rail and that the dog lost his life, in the same manner while trying to save his master When the bodies were found that of the man lay with the head resting on the third rat . A mark on the 6kull shn-,.-l that death had follow ed contact with the charged rail The man wore turners dress and his rifle lay near him The body of the dog lay close to lh.it the man. There were no marks on tli" dog's burly, and this fact l-d the coroner lo the belief that the man was killed first and that the dog was killed by the electric current after it had Jumped on the man's hodv in an effort to save him. On an inv. lope in one of the man's pockets was the name "T. W. Sher man." A purse in another pocket contained J3.r, The condition of the tody indicated that diath had occur red only a hort time before it was found. IS NINTH DEATH FROM PELLAGRA fH A RI.OTTE. N. r. Spt 23. The ninth death from Cellagra since the prevalence of the disease in this community was announced occurred todav. the victim being Klla Hoyce. colored. The woman was twenty years old. All the cardinal symptoms noted In previous eases were present. There are now six cases under treat ment In Charlotte. FOLD MINNESOTA MURDERERS OF SIX ARE R UN TO EAR TH BY A VENGING M OB Father And Sons, Trailed by ' Bloodhounds, by Posse Bent BLUEFIELO, W. Va., Sept. 23. Tonight a. party of armed citizens have Simon T'larkenshlp nd his two sons surrounded In their home await lng the arrival of thin sheriff of Buch anan county. Virginia. They were led to this house by bloodhounds put on the trail of the murderers of the old lady known "Aunt Hetty Jus tis." her son-in-law and daughter und three children whose bfMlies wore Iburned In their home at Hurley, Va., The fhloodhnundjH .led the posse from the burned house into tuid across a corn Held and ovMr a moun tain to the home of Flankenshlp. An effort was made to haw the dogs pass but they continued to stop at this house. Til" nnmed citizens hold a coiiHultation and decided to Keep thin inmates prisoners in their own home until the arrival of the shleir Iff. Rloodliouilils ; Ruck. Last night tiie iiMnmiinolJ were taken on the trail and put up for the night at Hlaikey, Va.., this morn ing thoy readily picked it up. follow NSPEGTOR M'CtI IS FOUND GUILTY OY JURY Chicago's Police Inspector After Fair Trial Is Final ly Convicted. CHICAGO. Sept. 23.-r-Pollce In spector Kdwnrd Mi i ann. charged with grafting was found guilty by a jury which reported In Judge Hu.i' nes' court today. Sentence was mit pronounced and will! not htei until after the hearing of arguments for a new trial. The few" HrdVfB-,Kff' IhaetWWmale sen 7 tence In prison. The charges npnlnst the Inspector In charge of the Desplaines street dis trict were the most sensational aimed against a police official- In years. States Attorney Wnytnnn charged that graft aggregating iinnv thou sands of dollars bad been r.dleetcd from disorderly houses In return for protect ion. WILD 'JOY RIDES' IN TRE MUNICIPAL MOTORS OF LITTLE OLD NEW YORK Principal Stunts Were Pone at Night When Hats and Owls Hold Carnival. IT DIDN'T COST A CENT NEW YOU K . S-pt 2 3. Ta Wa of Joy riding hi Itr"oklyn wtp told yes terday vh'-n I he comrnittKionr-rs of accounts rr-stinif.-l t hHr in vphI igt ion Into th a dm tnli tr;itt'n f Hird S. Colrr, in trough prosidfTit . Ihmoml Iunni', forin-rly public works rom mi4sionr, thM'.v lifitit on methods employed by rPy ofilcials to obUiin high prirrd mil nniobibs. KocaiiRp of an ; n ri i nj? law which prevents Ihc expenditure of more than Jl.iion on it rn without pub lic bidding, a t:u- whs rented fur use in Mr, unn,,-s dp.i rt riH'iit for two months for $jr,n $jr,n, ami tt;iM Ihi n pur- cha.srd for :i.M) . i ,i chine. It vas th-n s . tind hand ma futi nd n csiry to spend another tl'.'i" lo rebuild the car and put 'n pioper cushions, mak- Inc the cost to lie city $2. 1 ".0. The name of Mr liilln-'. former chauffeur was withheld at the Invctl Katiou; f,,r iea...ois which the com missioner id' act inints said were im portant. His fir -1 dutv Ho- r haufTciir said, was to reai h Mr Iitintio's resi denee hi I'lofMct paiK wst at half past eight V lock every mornlnK and to take the Hiinee children to school. Then lie carried other members of the limine, family on various mis sions. He seldom went out on business, he declared, but w.'.s kept out late at night on pleasure trips with Mr. Online and friends What he espec ially disliked. Or. chauffeur said, was waitiint late a! night outside of ho tels on lmg Island. Mr. Ininne aim declared that h had indorsed Mr. 'ocr's note for J 2 5 . 0 ) 0 and "aid that h" experienced some diflii ulty In persuading the bor ouah pnrideiit to pay the obligation. "Wiis that why you resigned the office?" Commissioner Mitchell asked. "I resigned chieflv because of too much Oolerism." was the answer. objected to a lot of political method!." At e Surrounded on Quick Justice. ing it fur acver.il miles up a mountain hollow to the home of the parties who were already under suspicion. The trail pa-sard over a very rugged road, at onk place in which there was a high precipice, 'inc f the fleeing murdiircrs In letting liinvself down over this in some way cut hie band leaving son llmod on the ta-n 1 1 When the susplcioned iartlcs saw the hounds coming, Ihev were out In the. Held gathering corn. Tinny I milled late ly went to their homo and heavily armed themselves. The common wealth's attorn . who was loading the party, told them they were buh pectest f the ciinre and would have to prove all alibi. They stonily tnaiii tji i i vl tlielr innocence chalming they had just reicenily heard of it. One of them, .Simon Hlaiikenshlp, was phwed und or arrest and with the o their two is under guard. All will be glv-n a preMminaJ-y henring tomorrow morning if the na tives can bo controlled by officers during the nlglit. PRESIDENT DENIES II PARDON TO N. C. .John li. Powers Convicted at Stalesville Will Have to Serve His Term. WASHINGTON. Sept 23. The president has denied a pardon to John H. rowers, former superinten dent of construction of the South and Wt.stc rn railroad, who was convicted at Statesville. N. C. of peonage and charsed In the official papers with inflicting almost Inconceivably brutal rHhjhment on n negro employe. Powers was sentenced April 2.1. last, to fifteen months imprisonment. The papers fibd in tiie case show that while he was superintending the railroad construction through Mitchell land McDowell counties In North Cur jolinn with two hundred men under i h in. he heat and forced employes h.'o working, prevented them from ie.i inir. WYLIE SAYS HE TOOK IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FOR WHISKEY CRAFTS Stench of South Carolina Dispensary Crows Worse ns Trial Proceeds. FAKNl'M THE HEAD fOM'MHIA. S ('. Sept. 2:!. Sen sational testimony was given ny Jo seph li. U'vlie. a former member "I th slate dispensary hoard tit today'- si. hi In tin trial of James S. Kar- num. Hie lortner ii'iui-r ocuei i brewer, who is charged with bribery Wylie swore that he had r.iehed miiiUsl'Ais or bribes of several Ihoo- sanii dollars for ordering whiskey ami beer from houses represented by Kar- nUIII. Me also lesltlli-fl inai llieie was an iiriderstandliu; between tb'iu tiy whic h I'.iriiuin in nt the drafts pay able to Henry hauiuein, now mayor f Client, r. S. '.. who cached the same ati'l lorncl o-.er no- uno i-im i Wylie. Nearly $.10. OHO had be.-n re nlrii ny Into in this way. VVylle de clared. (l'irriK I tie i leven montns ne was a iv mlier of the dispensary board lie mad' these admissions, he testi fied, hecatis' his attoiney had advised him to tell the truth, nd that by do ing so In- would escape being prose cuted. Afterwards he made a written confession, he said, to Attorney fjeii eral l.yon A seero and thorough cross-examination by Attorney 1'. II Nelson, failed to shake the main por tion of Wylie'H testimony. NO CARS RUN IN OMAHA AFTER DARK fiMAUA. Neb.. Sept. 2.1. In view or tiie turbulent scene last m--'M and rreejuent annoying though not serious collisions between imported irewg anil strike sympathizers toda the street car company decided to cease attempting to run cars at night for an indefinite period. They claim that the usual number of cars was in ser vice today and that the regular sched ule were maintained. &CfiW JZJ News Item Congressman on his Southern trip. DR. COOK IN THE ARCTIC CLUB PROVES HIS TITLE Tells of His Trip and Says North Pole (NEW YORK, 8ept. 21. Cheered by a thousand men und women ns he entered the banquet hull on the arm of Kcar-Adnilral Wlnflold Huolt 81 hlcy, (retired). Dr. rrcdcrlck A. Cook told his story tonight before the most brilliant audience that he has addressed since he left the court of IieiniiHik. The banquet was given by the Arctic club of America of which Dr. Cook Is a member In recog nition or his last polar venture, which culminated in his arinuiincwtiunit that he had reached the. North pole. While there was no official repre sentative from either state or nation, tin- assemblage was cosmopolitan and enthusiastic. Crowded In tin great hall room of the Waldorf-Astoria they toasted the Brooklyn ex plorer and listened attentively lo his ricilal in the form or an after din ner address. Among those at I he table were ex plorers, some of whom know the dan gers anil suffering of the Arctic .one almost as w ell as I r. Cook himself. Men of science were there also, but the address was not technical. ;lory For All. Commander I'cary's name he did not mention except at the end of his speech, when he said: "There is glory enough for all!" Dr. Cook entered the hall at eight o'clock on the arm of Itear-Ailmii al Schley Me did not pause to greet old friends or to meet new ones, but walked direct to Ins seal while the guests cheered wildly. Their plauditn RETURNS TOHOME FOLD A Her Keintf Absent Two Years Meek Stone Conies Hack for Fatted Calf. ROANOKE, Va . Sept. U-i. After uri absence of ri a t ly two years, A. Meek Stone, or U '-. t lievllle, today re turned to the leoi" from which he. mysteriously di.-.aid" ared. Stone, the S"ti prominent cu. n last seen in Rout abandoned bis ! It was believed I, met with foul pi. "I a wealthy and "I Wytheville, was I.' , a day alter lie .nifirul young wile. . I IS people I ll.lt he i. i lid the ho.inokc i v, was ill .igg' d ' of him, all h'nit'li I a reward for It. river, near this There was no tr. his father offer- Some flays ago st-iie- sent word Iroui Oklahoma that I" was ready to re urn home. Hi wife expressed a willingness to r e;ve him and he was met at Illie If H by nwrnbers or Ills family. 8H0WER& WAHHINOToN. Sept., 23. Fore cast: North Carolina: Showers Fri day; cooIt In north and west; Satur day partly cloudy, showers near the oo'ast; variable shifting winds, In creasing on the coast. John And Bill. CI rant of this district will accompany President Taft FINE ADDRESS BEFORE That He Did Not Have to Get a License to Discover the Wanted No Fire-Works or Blare of the Trumpets Beforehand. the explorer answered merely with a mile, lie seated himself beneath the blue Hag of the Arctic club with llear-Admlral Schley on his right and l ural Moll I.e. the l'aiilsh minister, on the left. 1'atrlck K. Mctlowan, president of the board of aldermen, sat next to Kear-Admiral Schley, and In the chair at Mr. McGownn's right sat llird 8. Coler, president of the hor ougb Brooklyn., Dr. Couk'a. home town. Mrs. Cook did not nttctid the banquet proper, hut occupied a Iml-i-iiny box during the latter part of the evening. " No Kvenliig Clothes. The baii'iuet was to have been pre ceded by a reception, but after a long watt tile diners crowded Into the hall without a chance or pre viously shaking the hand of the ex plorer. The reason for Iir. Conk's delay was both amusing and at the s inii) time chtiraclei istlc of lr. Cook's simplicity It becanin known that he had landed In this country without having conventional evening clothes In his wardrobe and tho suit ordered slucn his arrival hero was late in being delivered. For that rea son the reception followed the din ner Instead of preceding It. The speakers In addition to Dr. Cook, were Hear-Admiral Hchley, Mr. McUowRii. llird H. Coler, Count Moltke, Professor Hrewer, honorary president of the Arctic ( luh, Repre sentative Iti iiiiott. New York, and LEAPS WITH WOMAN AS THE TRAIN HITS HIS GAR I'liieky I'elliam l'hysieian Iisks His lafe to Save His 'Riding Conijianion. I'KMfAM. N. Y . .Sept. L'.t Wblli returning Irom an aulotnobile trlji to Redding, 1 'omi . la I night I tr. Ivl win S Newell, a iirorninetil physhan nartowly s- ite, death at the pan bury crossing ot the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad. Iir. Newell cpent the day at a wo man frlend'H farm in Redding and toward evening they were Joined t y Mr. and Mrs. Waller C. Tn hhournc of I'elliam Heights, who wen- return nig Irom a motor trip tiiiough the lli rkshin-H. Afbr tea Mr and Mis. Ticlihourrie, 'iccornpanieil il.y to-. New ell ..ml hU rr'"iol, started In llieir m;o liines for I'e'batn. Whit" ros'iog the Hacks Or. New ell -lopped ri if machine fot a seeninl. he ld not see tin soil ! h lioll lid 1'lttS- le, i x press ti.iing along In his dl reiiioo until lu atuntion was call ed t it by several sharp toots of the Whi'He. Hevil lend for a second Or New ell grabl-d Is companion by the arm and Jumped. They cleared the ex press and were tin hurt. The locomo tive crashed into lb" Ir automobile and wrecked It. Mr and Mrs. Tichbmirne who were following were horrified. TOY WAKFAKK. MAfiRIO. Sept 23. An official d'spatch from M-lllla says that dm ral Marina, commanding the Spanish fores, attaches great Importance, to the occupation or Houk-Bcnl-Hlcar, which Is the meeting point or the various sections ot that tribe and the headquarters of the antl-foraign movement Charles Wake, of tho Explorer's club. John It. Ilradlcy, who furnished tho money for Or. Cook's expedition, was present, hut he did not apeak. I)r. Cook wild: "This Is one of the highest horror I over hope ,to receive. You repra net "nun or th ifrlghj (Mxplorora f Mucopo. and nenrly ail of thu Arctic e plorsra of sA ir erioa, i, Your waloMna 4a thai enlot"' uwant to th WrMMaoma a Jl norm tmm IHm workers, from men Who know and hav gone through tho snme experi ence, it is an appTBMiaitlon and a victory, tho highest which could faJI to the lot of any -rturnki:g travmtor. "Tho key to frigid endivor Is aub sluUraice. Thorn Is nothing- In tha n tlro realm of the ArcMo which 1s Im possible to man. If the. animal flros are supplied with adeqtinto fuol thnra Is no cnM too severe aiw no obstacle too great to surmount. No expedi tion has returned because, of urwca.1 sblo flmrrleirs or lilt xtMllH$n weather The exhausted food supply resulting from a limited means or transporta tion has turned every aspirant from his goal. In the ages or the polar qilfwt. muoh has been tried awd much has been learned. The most lmort ant leson Is that clvlllxed man, ir he will HuccfM, must bend to the uav agn sfimpliclty naivwiary. Tho prob lem belongs to modern man. hut for its exctittin we must hegM-n with the food and the menus of transportation or the wild man. Kven thte must be (Continued on page four.) WORK OF RESCUE AND REPAIRISj BID TASK New Orleans Relief Com mittee Finds Work More Colossal Than Expected. NKW ORI.KANH, Hept. 23.- Those engaged III tiie work of rescue and repair, made necessary by the West Indian hurricane, which swept fymls iana, and Mississippi last Monday have found their task a far more colossal one than they expected. Practically all or the Isolated coun try, sections of the storm -swept area, luive now been explorer, but until definite reports have bei n received from relb f parlies it will not be pos sible to form anything like an ac curate list of tin- dead and Injured A conservative estimate tonight or the number of people who lost their livs as a result of the hurricane place the total t one hundred. In spite or the work or thousands or men brought in ir, the railroad, telegraph and telephone companies. New Orleans and many other smaller cities In Hoiiislaria and Mississippi are Mill seriously handicapped In the way of communication with the outside world. Ki i.K.iors RitniNt;. HARCKMiNA. Kept. 23. Religious rioting at Castro yesterday resulting in the killing ot two men and the wounding or lifty-slx others. A re ligious procession with tho local priest at Its head was about to enter the church at Castro when It was at tacked by an armed mob. The priest and another man were killed Instant liy. UNCLE SAPyi CLOSES D0WN0N6IGBATCH OFSWFI MOBSMEN Small Party of Eighty-five Has Been Running "Con" on Innoconts Abroad GOVERNMENT MAIL THE CHOICE KOUTE They Operated Unmolested Until Their Profits Reach ed Half A Million COUNCIL RI.irKI'H, Iowa, Sept. 2. James C. Ma bray and eighty-four alleged Mfaoclutes were today ' Indict ed by the Onlled States grand Jury for the Southern district of lowi, , chiirgeil with connpi nu to dcfrau'l by Illegal use of the I'nlted St u tea mail. With tip' exception of Miibrsy and three or four olhtrs, none of these Indicted are In custody aiplj for that resson the names of the de fendants were not made public. It was stated that the list Include many persons known In criminal an nuls in all parts of the country ami that nearly every name la followed by from one to four aliases. Kach of theso alleged confnderate hud a number, which Is given hi one of the alinsea accredited to the defendant. Although spcclllc amounts are ntt.t mentioned In the Indictment, It la authoritatively stated that . the amounts lost by the alleged victim ot Mubray and other named Will ex ceed half a million dollars, The sums lost run up from $l,f0 to 130,009, the latter sum having been placed nn a rake horse, according to tho evl-' donee at hand, by a Missouri hanker. Victims In eighteen Utah a, the ter- rltory of Alaska and the Dominion of Canada are named In the Indlctmen. Indicating tho wide rante Vif tisrrl-' tory over which Mahray and M a--- aoclates are alleged to have plk-d th-r vocation. i-v As a basis of operation ther used. , according to Indictment, the cities of CWUWILJBIUW . Uavanport- Bur., llngton, Iowa, nt, fjoitls; tritfte Rock, Seattle, Denver and .-New Orlen. . which place It Is alleged ' victims were taken by the numnrou "steer or." U.S. TREASURER TREAT . ACCDUNTJF BUSINESS' Lee MeCluug of Yale Uni versity Has Been Ap pointed to Vacancy. ( IS KNOXVTLLE MAN WASHINGTON, Kept. 23. Lee Met Clung, I he treasurer of Vale uhlver-f slty has been selected a treasurer Of the United Stales to succeed Charle H. Treat. The following announcement In . connection with the appointment Was ' made today: "Mr. Charle II. Treat, on account of business matters, ha tendered hi resignation as treasurer to take effect the middle of October. The secretary of the treasury has asked him to re main until the fifth of November at which time his resignation will be ac cepted, . "The president has selected Mr. ' McCiung, the treasurer of Tale university to fill the vacancy. Mr, Medium's home Is Knoxvllle, Tcnn, his present resilience New Haven, be- . ing temporarily Incident to the useful work he has been doing for Yale uni versity, lie was previous to this time connected with the Hou thorn railway iiml expected, but for this appoint" ment. to rl urn to Tennessee to go into his tainllvH business In Knox vllle. The treasury department la de lighted to be able to secure Mr. Me dium's services as he has been, par ticularly sucetisfiil In modernizing triasury and accounting methods at Vale university." .. . . Mr. Met lung Is a republican. SOPE PERRY HAS MADE LAST RUN HPKNCFR, Hept. 23. A telegram received here tonight from Lynch burg, Va ' -innoiincHs the denth in St. Andrews Home, that city, at ! o'clock tonight of 'Engineer Hope Per ry, who was Injured fifteen , mile' from 'Lynchburg last night by lump ing from his ciikIiic- Traln No. 43, which Mr, Perry' en gine was pulling, was derailed and after reversing bis lever the engineer Jumped, receiving the Injuries which proved ratal. Mrs. Perry left Spencer IttBt night to be with her husband, and . will return-with the remain tomor- . row. The funeral will take place ihere, under the auspice of ' the Brother hood of Locomotive) Engineer. v

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