THE WEATHEE: CLOUD?. . .VOL. XXV. NO. 340. JUIMIOTITLEOF : PflSGOVERER Tahes President of American Geographical Society Into Confidence HE WILL LECTURE ON MONDAY NIGHT Dr. Huntington Says He Has Perfect Confidence In Cook NEW TOH:C, Sept. 24 For the first time since his arrival here Dr. Frederick A. Cook, the Arctic explor er took into his confidence today one of the leading American geographical authorities. Archer M. Huntington, president of the American Geographi cal society, with whom he had an hour's private conference. Whether Dr. Cook submitted some of his data to Dr. Huntington, or am plified his previous statement regard ing his trip, could not be ascertained, for upon leaving Dr. Huntington re fused to comment upon the meeting. Dr. Cook's friends, however, an nounced that Just before his depart ure Dr. Hunting had expressed per fect confidence in the statements of the explorer. Talks to Bradley. fr. Cook also had an. agreeable chit with his financial backer, John R. Bradley, whose liberality enabled him to make his Northern dash and to share the fame of that expedition. Last night 1T. Cook paid an eloquent tribute to Mr. Bradley and said that half thfi glory belonged to him. But most of Dr. Cook's waking , hours today were devoted to prepar ing the literary steps which lead to ctOf "iilatfbrm. "Which he will mount t Monday at the Carnegie Institute., ,8a carefully Is the explor- .: first , 'public appearance that he de clined many Invitations today for the HudsOn'-Fulton celebrations during tni week, although a glance from his writing table high up In the Waldorf Astoria swept over a vast sea of wav ing flags and decorations. HE RISKS MILLIONS TO ID, if IS FORGIVEN WHEN KNOT IS TIED i Son of Wealthy Magnate Elopes with Bride of His Choice. , HAVE WEDDING PlTTSBURO, ah-pt. 24. "I am more interested in the girl I love than in any prospects I may have," said young Stanley Kann. when he learn ed that his father, M. M Kann, mil lionaire president of the Pittsburg Pressed Steel company and director of the American Window Glass company opposed his marriage. He spoke of Miss Beatrice I-win. thle- seventeen year old daughter of Robert Lewln, a wealthy wholesale liquor dealer of this city. Then fol low d pirns for an elopement. Stanley watted vtoo-T the Lewln rcslden with r,ii automobile driven by his father's chauffeur, who was Sworn lo cer-icy. It was two boors beoe Mi'i F.w in found opportunity to Vteve the house jturreptitioiLsly. Then the was quickly bundled Into the auto ey h.-r daring fiance, rush id lo the La'e Kile Htatii.n. and a few horr later she was n Mushing b -tile- In I'ounj-town. Parental rclentanee followed, but the bri Jerrom's father instated on another ceremony besides the civil one before 'he would forgive his son. They will be -married next week, with all the' hi purtenam w of wed ding music, flowers and wedding gue.te by the Rev Ir. .7. Leonard Levy. Kann Is n student at the Penn sylvania state college. j, JlIKiK TTKNKIt HYING. EATONTON, Ola.. Sept. 24 Judge Joseph Sydney Turner is reported as itvlnv Phvsiclnns state, he cannot live through the right. He Is one of the best known library men of the SWUfh. He was for years Judge of Putnam countv court- He has been a rVrober of the state prison com mltwkm since Cover nor Atkinson's administration. THE BURGLAR SH0T70 DEATH BY W. A. Roffe. Civil Engineer. Kills Man Who Was Try ing to Enter HE HAD VISITED THEJROOMS BEFORE Thief is Identified as Man Who Came in Auto to Look at Apartments NEW YORK, Sept. 24 After tak ing the trouble to hire an automobile and in the guise of a prospective ten an go through the apartment he In tended to rob George Reigal, burglar, was shot to death yesterday morning by William A. Roffe, a civil engineer. At the time of the shootln Reigal was hunglng on a rope at the bath room window, having lowered himself from the roof. Mr. Roffe, whose office Is at No. 45 East Forty-second street, lives on the top floor of a five story house at No. 18888 Rathgafe avenue, the Bronx. As he has devoted much of his leisure time to shooting he Is an expert marksman. Shortly after three o'clock yester day morning Mr. Roffe was awakened by the breaking of glass. He lay awake In bed for a few seconds and then heard another noise, which led him to believe that there was a man In the bathroom. Wlthi-ut awakening his wife he went cautloualy to the bu reau, got his revolver and went to the bathroom, where he threw open the door. As he did so he saw a man whose body was about half way through the window. Without a word Mr. Roffe tired two shots, and the man dropped back and disap peared. Kunnltig to the window Mr. Roffe looked out and saw the man sliding down. He fired three mora shots as the man reached the bottom and disappeared In the darkness of the areaway. Returning to his bedroom Mr. Roffe quited tits" wife, who hart Keen awak ened. Then he telephoned to tho Tremont avenue station, and Police man Riser whs sent to the house. In the meantime the occupants of the house as well as adjoining houses were awakened, and many ran to the street, where search was made, but no trace could be found of the man. Investigation showed that the man (Continued on page four ) ACCUSED OF THE MURDER OE SIX FOUND GUILTLESS DF CRIME Bloodhounds as Usual, Took the Wrong Trail and Found Wrong Men. NO NEW DETAILS YET ROANOKE, Va.. Sept. 24. A tele phone ma?age tonight from Grundy, the county seat of Huchanan county, Virginia, says no developments have occurred today in the murder mys tery at Hurley in which six persons were killed and their bodies burned on last Wednesday. Invi-stlgatlon and search are still in progress, but aside from the liberation of Silas Justls and Wis two sons, who were thought to have been implicated In the murder, nothing has been brought to light. The Jiistlws proved their Innocence at a preliminary hearing this morn ing Kilns Justls Is no relation of the persons of the same name who were murdered. He and his two twins were arrested yesterday ;it their home after bloodhounds had hd to the house where they lived. They stoutly denied that they knew anything of the trag edy. OUR TAFT TO MEET PRESIDENT DIA3 MEXICO CITY, Sept. 24 The Mexican nd of lb.- pr-.k-ram for the meeting between Pre Villi. Tift and IXhx at El Paso has - completed anil s today sent to Washington by the Mexican state department. President I Ma., w ith bis staff, sev er il eubinet member, a battalion of presidential guards and a number of goiernment officials will leave Mexico City on the morning of October 12. FIHKH ON CAR. SAVANNAH. Oa. Sept 24 U R. Kirea. express rcc.-eenger on the Cen tral of Georgia, was fired upon In tils car near Mclntyre. Oa., this morn ing early by some person on thfl top on the car. The shots were fired through the trarsom. robbery doubt less being the motive. Sires sum moned help from the mail car but the man escaped. INTENDED VICTIM iASHEVlLLE CITIZEN. ASIIEVILLE, N. E LATERJEPORTS Sloops And Launches Lie Wrecked Along Shores of Louisiana STEAMERS ARRIVE WITH REFUGEES List of Dead From Monday's Hurricane Is Now Above One Hundred NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 21 With the lint of deail from Monday's tropi cal hurricane well above a hundrod tonight every Indication oints to a much larger Increase of the number of perished. MarfJsmall slujpR and launches are lying wrecked on the gulf shores of Louisiana and Mississ ippi and there seems to be little doubt but that at least some of their occupants were lost. Anxiety tor the safety of steamers bound for New Or leans during the hurricane period on the gulf has been relieved. Nearly all uf these vessels wi re many hours ate, but finally arrived at this port with the exception of the Uisteln. The CtHteln four days over-due iron Puerto Cortes, was reported by lo oming vessels today, to have gone aground off Seashore Light, near the mouth of the Mississippi rlv.T. No iss of life is reported. News of the loss of the oyster lug ger Washington, and the drowning of her captain, Donlmlc Bondy, tvas re ceived here today. The boat went down In Lake Pontchartraln. Many other vessels of this class are reported missing. The steamboat Williams, arrived at Morgan City. La., late today towing five disabled luggers and bringing In a number of refugees from the coast swept sections. The rescued families report having burled many bodies In the marshes. , . '. . HHWKBCKKD SAItm. TTHW ORLEANS, Sept. 24 Eleven Norwegian sailors, shipwrecked on August 25, off the coast Yucatan, nr rlved hero today on the steamship Nor, from I'rogresso. Their vessel, the Segal, went ashore at Cuyo, Yuca tan, and was a total loss. All on board escaped with their lives. SI ATE AND FEDERAL MOLE AT ATLANTA TO A Collector of Internal Reve nue Rucker Is Placed Under Arrest. UNDER BOND OP $1,000 ATLANTA, Oa., Sept. 24. The clash between the state and federal authorities growing out of the trouble over collection of Internal revenue taxes in Dade county, came to a cli max today in the arrest of H. A. Rucker, collector of Internal revenue In Atlanta. Rucker was served with a warrant of arrest for contempt of the Su(Mrior court of Oeorgla, ly Sheriff Thurman of Hade county, but wa later liberated on a bond of $1,000. At the same time he was orders to produce 'iucker, Hherlff Thurman was glv,eri another writ ordering him to produce Charles E. Stegall, govern ment store-keeper and ganger, who had refused to answer questions In court on the ndvle-i of Collator Rucker. Under the internal revenue lawn of the United i'lab-H government, it Is claimed by the federal officers, any official giving the Information re quested by the Ntate Judge Is liable to forfeiture of position, a fine of -11,000, lain imprisonmieU kjur one wir. TWO KILLED IN AN AUTO ACCIDENT AMERICl'S. (ia.. Sept. 24. One person was burned to death, anoth er Instantly killed and a third ser iously burned, when an alcoholic au tomobile, driven by John M-lendon, ran off an ejght foot embankment here early today. McLendon and Mls Viola Herman, one of his companion were pinioned beneath the wrecked car which caught fire. Ethel Hilt, another member of the party, al though severely burned, ran scream ing to this city, two miles distant and gave the alarm. Miss Herman's neck was broken by the fall and death was Instantan eous and McLendon was literally roasted alive. NUMBER ra PILINGUPWITHTH C, SATU RDAY MORNING, SKPTEBKIt 2.r, 190!). A i AFFAIRS OF THE WATERS PIERCE OIL COMPANY TO Judge Wilcox Issues Decree to That Effect and Prop erty Will Be Sold. VALUE IS $1,750,000. AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 24. An order was Issued this afternoon by Judge C. A. Wilcox, of the twenty-sixth dis trict, directing that X B. Eekbardt, receiver ol We Watera-Ptere 011 .company" proceed- Whow elay to advertise for.-4ktie at puMhT auction and to the -highest bidder all the property ef every kind and character of the Waters-Pierce OH company, with a view of speedily winding up the affairs of the company in Texas'. Tho order provides and directs the sale of the property on the first Tues day in December, 11109, In Austin. The sl is to made without further right of redemption and without further valuation or appraisement. The property Is valued at $1,750, 000 and Is to be sold In bulk. The terms of this order was agreed upon between the attorneys reprecentlng the company and states attorneys at an all day conference. Coincident with the issuance of this order, an order was issued this afternoon run. tinning until November 2it the rase of H. Clay I'lerce. HUSBAND KILLS HIS WIFE IN CHILDREN'S SICHT While She Was Asleep Me Crept Up and lilew Her Head off. ollKEXVILI-K, S. , Sept 24. One of the most brutal murders ever commltl-! here occurred this morn ing at the Wimdside mill village, a suburb of (Ireenvlll. . ,vhen Whit tial loway shot his v.ile .load and then killed himself in the presence of his three small children. Galloway ot his shot gun and ''arefully loaded both barrels, tii n r n-pt to I he side of thi lied, aim d -n his sleeping wife's bead and dlw h:irged the gun. blowing off her head. Then pl.o ing the gun on th floor he placed the muzzle at the side of hU) head and pulled the trheger, u.L.wIng hie head completely off. Galloway's little f""r year old daughter said her father also tre 1 to kill her. WASHIVITPrtV Hent. 24. FV.reenut for Mnrth Cmlin, Parllv el,m .1 v Hntiirilnv uul u.m.lnv. with nrotkuhle showers In east portion; cooler in extreme east poTthon aiuraay; orisx north winds. WOUKDJIP BTTHE COURT Melancholy Day For Dad. BEING AN ACCESSARY TO E She Will Have to Stand Trial with Man Who Shot Her Lord. FINALLY COLLAPSES HINKSVILLK, Oa., Sept. 24. For a few minutes today Mrs. Helen Faul ting faxed tho-membera pf the Liberty county grand jury and when she left them )t, wa to return to cell ,Jn thi county jatl.itvnra charged with being n -acessssty In th crime- tliat"-fnade br a wklow. She will stand trial next Tuesday with Charles Gordon, who Is charged with the murder of her husband, William N. Faulting, jr. Hitherto the young widow has not betrayed any emotion In the case but today when the grand jury had taken Its ac tion she was near collapse, sobbing in her cll. The arrest of Oordon and Mrs. Faulting is on the theory that Jr don killed the hushund rearing that punishment might be meted out to himself. TORNADO Ul'SV. MONTEREY, Mexico, Sept. 24. Report wna received In this city that a tornado bad si ruck the town on Montemorells, In this state and dalng considerable damage to property and crops in that vicinity. There was no loss of lift. SAYS THAT HE HAS READ ' THE REPORTS OF PEART (loieriil Thomas lluhhard Looks Them Over and Finds Them Interesting. HA It HAriltOR. Maine. Sept. 24 "I have read the records submitted by Commander Peary on the iiuestlon, has Cook been at the pole', and found In them much that Lr. Cook has not stated. They are veTy Interesting." General Thomas Hubbard, presi dent of the I'eary Arctic club made this statement today after a careful examination of the I'eary records on the controversy wnich were submit ted to him by Commander Peary at I liangor yesterday. Whllo General Hubbard would give no Intimation as lo the nature of the proofs which I Commander I'eary Is confident Will If.hiw that Dr. Cook wan not at tho i pole. It was apparent that he was iw.ll satisfied with the records before i him. Commander I'eary Is expected here Monday afternoon and will remain until 'Tuesday, during which time he "'M be a guest at tho home of Gen eral Hubbard. BUSY DAY FOK POLICE. OMAHA, Nb.. Sept. 24. It has been n busy day for the police. Klot calls have tome from almost all parts of the city there being seven such call within an hour this fifternoon. Notwithstanding the activity of the police not over half a dozen arrests were made, although dozens of cars Were stoned and several members of their crews were more or less Injured. A car was attacked In the downtown district and all tho windows broken and the wood work badly damaged. T POINT IN STRANGE AND BAFFLING ISLIP CASE Nurse Saya That Nelson Planned to Go Shooting With Schwartz. CLEARS UP MYSTERY CENTRAL 18LAP, N. Y., Sept. U, At the corcmer'a toold hafa today t dertormtno If possible, thB Derson .or persona who on last Thurs iay mtM-ning murdera Irving,. WM ott -tr wur tiwugrir ttt. that. NeUwh on the morning ha met death had planned to be a maraber of a dear shooting party. These facta District Attorney Furman learned during tho examination of Miss Oertrude Llpka, a nurse at the State Hospital for tha Insane, who was escorted to and from a dance at Bayshora by Nelson. Miss Llpke wua called aftsr tha dls trlct attorney had questioned , other witnesses who brought tha aeries of events up to the time when ah and Nelson departed from a dance Jiajl at Itayshore and started for Central, I llp. It wan then about half-past one o'clock on Thursday morning. , "During the ride hoirue, asked dis trict Attorney Furman, "did Nelson say anything about his plans after he left you at the hospital?" "He said that ho was to meet Hchwarts near his home and they were going out for deer after he had obtained his gun and a pair of over alls at his home." STOLEN AUTO THE MEANS OF DEAM YOUNG LAD Discharged Chauffeur Ad mits Driving Car That Killed Louis Doremus. t MORHIHTOWN, N. J, Bept, 24. Jamen ILinn in. a chauffeur, wafct ar retted here tonight and when; ax rulgneil before a police justice ad mitted he was the driver of the an tomoblle that ran over and kUlefl I on In Doremus al FsIrfleM i-esterday. Harmon woj arrested 'by Mr, Ooutll iler. state automobile Inspector, and Oirnelljs Holly, a patrolman. Harmon was committed to pall without ball, charged with violating tho provlskon of the automobile laws rogard'-itj, "joy rides." Ho Is In th jnploy of ftorge P. Schmidt, a New! York broker, who has a handsome place here. Schmidt Is In California. ami before going he discharged the chauffeur and sent the car to a gar age for repairs. Hannon went to the garage yesterday and took the car out without the knowledge of the manager. Hnnon told the Justice he wanted "Just one more ride" before Che au tomobile wax taken apart H de scribed the accident, asserting that two boys were wrestling together at one skle of the rood. Going nut eight miles an hour, ho declares, he turned his machine toward the op posite side. As he did so the boys broke apart and one ran directly. In front of the machine. Hannon says he atoppnd the machine within thtee lengths of Itself. Hannon's companions In the cftr were William Hnllon, a coachman and Joseph Johnson, a hackmcn. Hoth men corroborated Hannon's story of now the accident happened. As4v4.Ulcd Tress ; Leased Wire Reports. PRICE FIVE CENTS. E SHIFTED UPTO SIX 0' CLOCK THIS JEVE Sitting Sedately on TheNfttgh. boring Duties The Fall h ful Are Now Ready THE BOSS MAN HAS NEW REVELATION If Trick Ism Turned Tonight no More Baths For One Year NDOFTHEWORLO WEST mrXHUHY, Mass., fiept 84, Awaiting the wul of tha world, which they believe wlU come befoae, , six o'clock tomorrow hlf hi, the three ' hundred or more niembMre of f,h latter reign of the Apostolic church''.-' f who call themselves "Triune Itnmar.. skmlsts" and are popularly knowa aa "Holy Rollers," it-assembled tontfht' 'lf for a kmg watch meeting In their , Bethel at Ashriod, on Ihe main turn' pike between Poston and Plynouth, ' Hundreds uf curious people from the neighboring villages llngsred out- side to note the progress of eveata.1 but, as curtains at the windows of . the Bethel were all drawn otose, little of what occurred -within was evident to outsiders. Apparently thre wae 'I a praise service and exhortations and occasionally a voice pitched hlfb In. prayer was heard exclaiming: "O Lord, come soon: don't dlaap ' point us," . , . t OmturisI the Date. -, Although ten -o'clock thle forenoon waa originally aet aa tha hour of tho tomlne- of the end if all thltwre, the faithful ahowed little durapolntmant when one of the elder announced that he had had a new wslatlon , that the world would not be destroyed, until some time during the, twenty- . four hours beginning at six o'clock., tonight At four o'clock thla after noon the 4neetnf, which had contin ued all day, waa adjourned for up-l per, Utter the m timbers of b,t sect returned for the watch otjrvlce. ', ' i AThrouchout , the smewllng almost unprecedented ftthustaam and f error have fcewn, manifested. Thoee par. Wclttnf fotiid eif4m .'c'vtry, . e. t!orl ' of Mew England, . while some hav Journeyed irom. an far Virginia. " a , Aa the forenoon paed the devout r company decided, for reasons not sn- nounced to close the chapel, and- move acrose the road to the "Bethel," ; a lanpe frame structure betongtng to' the society, there to await tho end- Ail but "belleeera" were carefully ex-. eluded, true door were closed ami the curtains In the window lowered, 3 CITY OF 90THAM WAITS OFHUDSHTONFETE Two Weeks' Celebration , Bgina Today with Roar , of One Hundred Guns. N MILLIONS WILL 00 NEW YORK. Hepl. 24. The toiilght Is set for the great hlatorl- cl uaaeant on land and water which opens here tmmorrow and Will contin ue for two jvceks the fength of the stream that Hudson discovered and Fulton first navigated by team. All lay long the preparation ashore and afloat went on behind a curtain of driving rain and ntlsl. hut the weath er bureau promisee fair skies for to morrow 1 Wilbur Wright was buey it 'Gov ernor's island preptwlim for his ae rial flights. The great elevated; bat tery of forty ecareblights of 600,000 candle power each, which at night will ply up nnd ilun the Hudson tind throw oloreJ of a screen of smoke and eteam, la In olaee and neede but the touch of a button to bbixo Into blinding bright ness. The streets, shops, theatre and transit facilities f the city are pil tn ,n.priovliiK with tu greatest tlmatedr that bes sver been attrgct- l mated than nut srrr muii iirvi- ed lo New YorK. , , anotheb"auto1s V . THE DJSATH OF TWO TAMPA, Flu... Pt. Mr Lee meelo was kllledf and Mr. Alfred Mooney and Chadfeur Walter. Bee man were protiably ialally Injured to. night when th rea.; tire of the large touring car in which they were riding burst, causing the, rttr to dash Into a telephone jwle, 'recking tt and throwing' the occur. anta out great force. TI car wee making flfty miles an hoit-' nd tt to charged Ual , the chauffeur' rd been drinking. Mia. Stele' Itrad Ja crushed. Vi 51 n '-'C iit':b'.