1 THE ASHEVIL.LE CITIZEN. THE WEATHER: Associated Press. ' ';i Leased Wire Reports. i PAIR. VOL. XXV. NO. 353. AS11EVIL1.K, N. 0. FRIDAY MOKNINU, (XTOBKli S. 1!H)!. VUWV. FIVE CENTS. "The Last Straw" of The Season GOVEiORSOFlC." bIHLSAYS SHE WAS AMERICAN NAVY IS ACTUATED BY THE WILL OF HEALER p.. mm Miss Arthur Claims She Was Mentally Infuenced When She Sold Property MISS YOUNG'S EYE MADE HR QUAIL Two Women. One Strong The Other Weak. Figure in Unusual Case NEW VHK, Oft. 7. Christian Pclenca a? an operator in ri'ul es tate hid a hearing yesterday in equi ty term of the hui renie court In Hrooklyn W an action to compel Miss Agnes You.ig, a healer, to restore a niece of p.operty whuh Urdu M. Ar thur, a patient, onliirecl that she had de-i.ed away while unde- men tal influence. The nominal consider .'ition was $10,000, although the property glands assessed on the tax took at 511.000 mi J Miss Arthur values U '.t $16,000. There has act ually beer paid on it fS&0. The property is a tenement house at No. 282 Myrtle avenue at the cor ner of H;et stne At present It yields In lentals tl.iiOU a year. The plaintiff yestcrdnj undertook to show that "he heater had taken ad vantage her nerioi.s weakness to influence her unduly to part with the propenv at mrch less than value and to aciept payments for it at the healer's convenient e. Through' ut yeficrday's hearing the tw w nien presented widely con trasting types Miss Arthur went to court . Herded only hv her attorney. She wa pi ilnly d rooted, the lines of her face showed loni; nervous strain, ali i hrr in. nner was shrinking. Miss "ouns .ipi-'iired in the full panoply of the latest fashions. A cohort of h indsoin ?1;. gowned women on the spectator's bench .iinilod apprtmll ai her. She seated tic-self within the liar as It at a drawing room, never for ai liudant losing her pulse of confidence and composure. f ontrast in Types. When, Mis.' Arthur began fir 'sto ry her Vo'r was- thin and timid. Khe seemed In such haste to get through wi'h it that she ran her words t h,? her. Miss Voting sat "'lose by the v.iiness chair -md listened to the stoi ". ith an expression' of I Continue!1 on page four.) HE CLftlMS THAT PERRY Dr. Borcrgrevink Makes New Charge Against Vain glorious Lieutenant NOW IN CLOSE PLACE. COPFIXIIAOKN, O.l. 7. Captain C. K. lau'chgrevlnk. the untartlc ex plorer opposes the proposed subinis bion of Dr. Cook's records to tlie University ot Copenhagen and to the Anierl an Oeographu al society. He declared today that :his would not prove : iilsf.ictory, l h bodies being ' he thiiiK-'. prepossc: : ed in favor o!' Dr. Co. k. Captain Horchgrevlnk sug gests Ib't the geographical society of Cepeee. as an unprejudiced body should ! asked In s. Hie the matter. (In eii, and chrgymnn named l.ndv. i',s a oielllliel' of the Cape York million. a. ciaii ted with both li.ith ' ' and P.-ar... lilts opened a , , upau.a against jho latter. reit.-.r1t ing SOlee troatiio a. other eh .,n. e , liildrei. . eil use id allegations as to his ill l tlie K.-Mlnos. Among es in- alleles that Peary . .I a b Hid of w omen and i the ice v.i'li.oit f I. he hindered the rapid pro- los I'Mii-itiiiioi TO MEET MR. TAFT AT WILMINGTTON WASHINGTON, o.-t. 7 President Taft and his parly .hi th.ir return Irion Hieir nip aioiiiiil continent will l,e taken ,.ii a rube down the Cape (-ear Itiv r. I lie It' i e r S. m- Innle b:l.i been detail.,! to take the presidents! pJitv i" Wilmiiiuion. N. ' on November 9 -n a short trip d.iwn the river, when t li ,,,al re, eji lion committee will show On- president the conditions along that stream. The people of Wilmington are planning the deenrstion of the water Mont ami a great marine parade in conm-i lion with the visit. .?cm ion u:itv. KfV YD UK. Oct. 7, T. W. l.catv ,, A)lant:i. On., lormer lirst viec-pres-i.b tlt of the Hnulherii Kx press conipa Was . b eted president of that com pany at a diT-et tors' meeting here to-iay. NOT A BLUFF SAYS MMIRU. DEWEY Defends Nation's Sea Force From Attack of Congress man Landls FAVORS SUBSIDIES FOR MERCHANT MARINE More Trading Ships Desirable But Not Necessary For Defense WASHINGTON, Oct. 7. Defending with f haracleriKtic vigor, tlie American navy, Admiral O.-orge Dewey, today aHserted that not only js our navy not a "bluff" but thut he is contident that It wou "ive a good account of it self should war ever come. The admiral' remarks were called forth by a statement attributed to former Representative I.andis of In diana, w ho in a recent speech at Cin cinnati, ).. in advocating ship subsidy. Is reported to have said that "those' Americans who are informed consider I our navy a bluff." The expression I was characteristic by Admiral Dewey as an "unfortunate. Favors Ship Subsidy. Declaring that he saw no war clouds gathering on the horizon. Admiral Dewey discussed several phases of the navy. He expressed himself us heart ily in favor of ship subsidy legisla tion and made a strong plea for the f. linued cpbuilding of the navy. Referring to the remark attributed to Mr. l.amlis, Admiral Dewey said, that of course, what the former meant was that tlie navy would In; compara tively useless In time of war without necessary auxiliaries drawn from the merchant marine. The admiral ex pressed the belief that hfp subsidy legislation could be secured were It not for the use of tlie word "subsidy" which he said many people did n it liKe because tiny thought that It men r.t to give something for nothing. 'on lil Ituy Ships. ' r Hit American navy Is not quite so heljde-v-i as one might Imagine from Mr. Li t, iii remarks," said rhe ii.lnilr- al. "Ve have fifteen colliers and sev- eral transports already In the service. ! Of course,, thene would not be enough I In time or war. and 1 hope that we will continue to add to that number. If we were tii have a war. we could purchase as many fdiips ao we might j need. It would, of course, lie a great , deal better if we bad them already " i Tlie admiral declared that the 1 " r i j t I ti 'out intied on Page Three. I i MOTHER TELLS STRANGE STORY CONCERNING GIRL'S DISAPPEARANCE Claims She was Drugged and Her 1.") Year Old I laugh ter Was Kidnapped YOCT11 IS ACCI SED. ltos'l'i i.N. oet 7. Staling that she had been lilei "formed by a night Intruder, who robbed her of $2-0 and kidnapped her flteen year old daugh ter Mtldrelh. Mrs. flora V. Iliggins of lioxbury tob. the police an extraor dinary story tod iv which led them to look for John II. Hurnliam, who the distracted nmili. r alleges is the ab ductor and b":' ;.rsailant. A genera! a'arm wfls sent out to tlie police or great. - P.oston to arrest Piirnbam on sU-lit. police Captain Kvans of Ko.vl iiiy reipiesteil District Mtornev Hill '.- bring eliarges against 1 : 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 i tii li. li. ri the grand jury at once and it ..,.-mI,Ic to secure an in dictment warrant for his arrest on a charge of entiling the Iliggins girl I'roni her lion . I'.urnham is t weiity-l wo years old. : ltd mini e"ti rday nn .riling was em- Id ,1 i in liostoti. He la said, as John Harrs. i il.i s her experience a Iso Ullou V. it Mis. liigins d as lull, ms: "Mildr. ih end ! went to bed in the room oil the p. it lor ', u li last evening. I heard sum. one in the room and when I aw li. - s..v a ligure moving l.lol'g tile well hv the bed. I cried out to aw.ik. ii .XMIdreth. Then I got op to light a l.imp. but the man k no, I , ,1 tin' iii..t' h out of my hand mil Kno, k.-il no down. lie pulled a pillo.v sli i.er my head and put a stool, ing , er my mouth so I could nut cry out. He t i.-il- id a towel In chloro form and held it ov.-r my mouth. He look Mi,, troth into (he parlor Mid tool, lo-r i lotlns with her and loekcl the .I'.O lie lllllst llUVC llr.'SM- ed her licc.'s - she could not dress herself. She 1 ad been ill' in lied. Wh, n ! r-r tie il ciinsciouBness they wen gone. So was the $22 I had in the banl boo; pinned to my night gown. A Htrl , ase marked '!'. r. H.' tilled with eloh!tig wis also missing. "P.urnhafh list riot my daughter in licvei-c last fainiiier. lie came to my house yesti rday and said he had (Contlou-d on page four.) TAPT ROUGHING IT IN SIERRAS WITH GOOD BILL OF FARE Reaches Gateway to Yosemlte After All Day Wagon Trip Mountain Road REST FROM STRAIN OF SPEECH-MAKING Declares Day Among Won ders of Golden Gite Pleasantest WAV'ON'A, Calif., Oct 7 An all (lay st:o;e tide over liirlyf-our milts of mountain rad brought President Tn ft tonight to this ilttle Sierra re tuat, e gli. miles fi.un the entrance to the Mariposa grove of big trees, whither II Iiief exeiutlvo starts to morrow at sunrise Mr. Tall and his parly reached Winona betel in II. eh- stages at 5 p. 111., cue hour alter the scheduled lime, ,itie to the lingering In the Grouse (Ir. i k forest, near I'himiua pln, where the noon, day luncheon was scrvee' on improvised tables set at the fe.it of a hundred lowering pines. The day .vas clouiilcss-. the air like crystal ami every .vhi re was the ex hllira'ii.p, scent of pre s. No I, Ion Seen. News that mountain lions were In fecting !h" park hi id out hope of ii'ivein in c lor a time but not even lie tracks of one was seen on the i ad. The pre.-ldetit declared that tins mi" one of the most enjoyable days of lib: li'e. It was the first glimpse if the Yoseni.te and the Im ptcssiv, mi it mi nd iags the bracing mounta'ii air, tbf ri i il.im from the !pcoch-ri:ilwiig all e,i,,' rihuted to the pleasure : tlie lint day of roughing it in the Sierras. Mr. Tails consl.-inl companion to il iv w.m .l.din Muir. lite noted natur alist and explorer As h paused lnrut,h the outskirts ef the valiiy the president was aa hiLcd by a grtaled old California pi oneer. C.leln Clark, the tlrst White nan li make known the existence of he Rl "it Hcouoi.i (m i x which the presidei t villi sc.- tomorrow. Mr. i 'lark o in.w more ti.. n ninety years old. II' li' i s in Ho park and has a ,:( d licit lie be bint.. I among tile i 'out Iniiisl on page threw. LrlS ASIDE THE TOYS lie May he "Sore" Hut lie's Not Saying Anything al All Now. SHE'S "(I A NO A WW 111 ISTI I. anything ;am ca.'i; ( 1,1. 7 - When I have all to say In tin- iaz will he along lines thai will make people sil up and take notice," dei lan d tlie Itev. Anson II Itihlnsir. toe former llance of Miss (lazzani. "I want to keep out of the affair altogether. I or tw.. years 1 have been awiii from tin- scenes of tlie ti'-ejieni a -tii n and have tried hard j to forgei u. Tiicic ni, many icaons why 1 should not be drawn into tins Pair.' Mr. Itot'osoh would not say wh his engag' .iient to the heiress was token Tin- wi,. reaboiit;' of Miss Antoin ette tiazzai.i, the beautiful "two mil lion doll. u licit, s- - still remains a nivstery. Sic was rcpi rted es,rday to hav. 'elt tier marble paltn-e '.I Cornwall oti-t he-ll oosoli afl.r h ar- ing that -Mis. Marshall Clark, wife "f tlie I'liu .i , astrologer, had arrived in thi.i ciiy. The attorneys for Mrs Clark, who is suir.' .".,iss ihi-e.nii for J 1 .Mi.ioi'i for ali.-nath g tin- ariecllons of her liushaiid, -ti In't sc-m to lie worri d ovet lor ii!-,aipearanc' . Miss (Ja..aiii lias un.il I clol.er -'4 to lile her an ,;er to Airs. Chirks allegations. it was 'earned y st rdav that Mrs. Clark wit; remain n, this city uniil the trial comes up. She Is staying at the home of her friends. Ibr bus band is - ill in Ciicat,". I . P. P. II. liny, who is attorney fot Mi's lii..ani, said yesterday; "We h.je a slrong defense aril 1 n't inb ml to oii'lme I! in the in ws papers When the n, '-r time eniiiei we will lii ii.e It public and show up lie pi i .'' Delancey Nicolll, wl o is associated with M . llellarny m the defense of .Miss tPiz.-m. r.-ru'.'.l lo he '-eii y s terlay or to be interviewed on the t'4Se. i FAIR SWINGS STRIDE AND CROWD SWINGS WITH II Third Day of Haywood County Exhibition Full of Interesting Events With Good Racing Program at the End. Baby Show Leaves Mothers With Beautiful Rosettes and Heart burnings ' lluiii'Oinbe liny Program. 4 4- 10 a. m., Nxl-.lbltlon of horses. 12. Paradj of blue ribbon stock. 2 i. in., lialloon useension. 3 p. in., Iluces. WAYNKSVII.DK, Oct. 7. -Yenter-lay was live stock day st the Haywood county fair, and the Judging rsnged from burly Hereford bulls to buhle. It was also thu most. uoceHfiil day of the fiilr from thB,jitiinlpolnt of attendance ' and eveiititt there being fully 3,690 people inside the grounds during the daj, people from Waynes ville and all up the lino. Aslievllle sent n large contingent, Canton piled in Us hundreds,' elide did likewise, and from the oilier end of the line down as far a:- Murphy cairio train toads. And train loads 1, rings to mind the fact that th ro wa re train overloads The Southern rnilwai failed utterly lo provide ace, mmodations for the erovds. on the return trip from VVayn.'HVllle to Aslievllle last night i very coach v?ai tilled to suffocation, he aisles were lull, and women with balees In their arms had to stand for miles until th.' croud thinned out so they could get a seal. Another coach or two would .Ian made everybodv eniulortalile, but a m imum nf equip ment with a maximum of discomfort is nil the ene en;. gone ut the Southern has given I la wood in the best fair 't ever provhl' d (.oimI 1 arm I vliiblls. Put to return to tin- fair. Willi two VACCINATION LEADS TO DEATH FROM L Schoolboy Vaci inated Three Weeks Atfo, I'. ills Victim to l!loo(l Poisoning. .ll;l!S-Y CITY. N" I sou C. I'nd' in I. 1 ii sun of Percy K . 1 ' i m I !!'- Jerome (dace. 1:1 . . Oct. 7. Wll lie year old I'wood of No omlleld, N. J . ckjaw, folloiv weeks ago tip and all, tided . feeling no ill d: il vesterdav from I ing aceinatioii. Tlii ' ' boy was v.i ' mated school until o.st l-'ri,l .1' i ITects from tie- ' 11 n Snnd n' '.Viisoti iiain in his I'.".-. and itlon. complained o! II the evetlitie aid not open n the family house the bo id his jaus conwloiisrnss ek yesterdai i (led him. said be-n brought tilted the vac Isoning. told his par"!ils h' , ! 'lis month "ml". V i I physician rencm-.' tie was In great ; .mi:' I locked tight. lie 1 -j and died at four 'l I morning. I Ir Moore, w ho att I the lockjaw m.ic h. -I on by a fall " bieb r ' I clnatlon, ros'i Ping in I WAHIMNOTfiN. Oct. 7. Forecast fir Ninl. Carolina: '''air Friday and probably Saturday; moderate cast . inda INTO THE CARNIVAL stiecisBful days behind It, the manage ment provided one of Its best curds yesterday. It was a typical county fair, typical o' till counties, typical of Western North Carolina, and repre rentntivo of I lay wood county. The exhibits lrom thu live stock dow n to the I reserves und pickles In the woman's department ure good. lOspoclully noticeable are the fruit nnd farm products exhibits. ' The Wolfe ''reek tipples are so bis; that one could not take; a bite out of them at all unless he had a mouth like a Flor ida alligator; the pumpkins could never be use 1 cn llallow'een to m k grinning skill's t.ecausa they would far more resemble a lighted sphinx's head; the rut ibagus are so long nnd tar reaching thut one wonders where the rocky sub-soil of Haywood be gins, the corn end grains all towering like Jack's iicil.stalk. The whole list of farm prodiietr are ludicrous exag gerations of what ouch particular' va riety of fruit slid vegetable, should be. ;io, Housewifery. The thing that Impresses the visitor to the farm exhibit building, however, is tlie splendid housewifery shown by the women, our beholds thu luscious looking ciinn'd tilings', the mellow 'alies, tlie tempting Jams and preserves mill, ir It haopeiied to be about cnt ng time, on" i uns from the building with mouth watering and stomach 'rylng bccau'ie it Is denied. These tempting exhibits may In' a measure expl Mil the line array of ba ld, s that were a feature or yesterday's events. llahlcs Win l'rl's. And that hongs the baity show to the fore. Wln'e stock experts were lodging the Callo, sheep Mill tlugS, CAPITALISTS ARRIVE TO LOOK TIE ROAD OVER Norfolk and Southern To I'e Sold Saturday Hears Load of Magnates. p i:. I 'I 'o ;T. N ', Oct 7 A num icr of ciipltiosis and railroad men irrivd In i,' t, day oyer the Norfolk nd Southern railway on an Inspec I'oti tour of that comnaiiv's holdings, ,.v 1 1 1 h have lain advertised to be sold Saturday next at Richmond. Tlie party w.th -ompsel or Messrs. siars- di-n J. peri y, i In Irman of the hoard of directors of tit" Norfolk and Futh ,rti; K. T. Latib, general niiituigcr; IS. P I-'oster. i;, Hi-mi manger of the peacfert dlvi I'o', . other railroad peo ple; (ioveino.- Polther of Hhodi; Isl :ind und a number of capitalists and stockholders oi the I'nlon Trust, com pany of Prov'ocnce, u. I., and several v. w York bmkers. After looking ever the properly the partv. under an escort of some repre sentative citli' iis of Hoaiiiort. boarded tugs and tool; a trip over th" harbor. landing at th old historic port Ma con. where th'-,- enjoyed an oyster roast from the luncheon the party made nn in.oaei lion of the Inland waterways. 'P d will return to P.eau fort laic this itfernoon and travel In a special train tor Ooldsboro, N. C ADVAVt i: in roix. PH1LADKI.PHIA. Oct. 7 The had ing banks gave notice today that th rate for call loans would be advan ced tomorrow to live per cent. This Is the second advance within three weeks thu last previous change being xperts In domtstlo mntters In the persons of Col. .1. W. Howies, Mr. H. It. riotts nnd Mr. K. M. Qntnlun, nil (lunliilnl, by their own testimony, by numerous prigeny of their own, were passing on thu twenty odd babies whoso fond mothers held them up for these mere men to decide which WftS the finest, (if course their awards were unsatisfactory for every mother's baby of them wtis the finest that svor wore blue ribbons or a red frock, but according to their lights these thro Judtjes Kave the fpllc"'',''lslonr. In the cla.'T of brfblei 'under1 one vear Mrs, Hivrry 'Roths, won first prise; Mrs, Ed William second, 'nnd Mrs Tom Edwirds third. The four other mothers ' whose babies were In his clam said nothing but-not a sin gle iino of the Judges dared look them In the eye. In the over me and under two year old class there were twelve chubby youngsters crowing for recognition and only threo of them got what they deserved, snd they were Mrs. Mary Francis' baby who won first prlM, Mrs. 1). M. Venland's who got second and Mrs. John Tipton's who got third. Over two und under threo years WHS a scanty class, theru being but one bnby of that age In the county and that was Mrs. Lou Farmer's who got all threo prUes. One of the judges facetiously remarked that when a Haywood bah gets over two years old It Is so bl und husky that nobody would believe Its real nge and the mothers did not like to have their word questioned. Then the three prlso winner were called up and big streamers of blue, red und yellow were pinned tin them (Continued on page four,) T SAVED THEJfOUNB EIRE Heroic Business Man Badly Injured By Brindle Bull dog does to Own Hospital. NI'.W YoltK, Oct. 7. As Ixiuls A. j Menegeaux, prcrldent of the North Hudson hospital. I'nlon Hill, N. J., was driving along Hulls" Kerry road yester day afternoon, he saw, nenrlng Fulton street, a little nrl held at ouy by a brindle bulldog. The terrllled child crouched In the tingle of a stoop, while tho animal growled and snapped ut her ankles, which she tried to pro tect with her short skirt. Mr. Meliegeinix lashed the dog with his whip. The dog turned from the rl ii n! started ut Mr. MenegeaUX. The whip cut him across the mouth. The snap of the whip startefi me horse, and as Mr. Menegaux tried to Oiilet It the dog leaped Into the buggy and hit the driver's leg several times. Then, when Mr. Menegeaux tried to heat him off, the dog seized his thumb. Tho ferocious i.rilmal was muzr.led, but do strap was so loose that It did not linmner his laws. As Mr. Menegeaux was struggling vlth the horse, the dog was trying to finch Mr M elicited ii x's throat. A pns- .crtiv eined nn imntv barrel standing on the sidewalk, ami dropped It over the dog, which wus tiein unui inn ar rivnl of a. voterlnarv surgeon, who took it away for observation. Charles I'oeachle, a butcher on Ilroadway. I'nlon IIIII. owns tho animal. 'resident Menegeaux! was bitten , . , . . 1 V. l ...I n hB n-mrn tiOS- OUOiy, UUU Willi lllllllKU w aa.v " - -' plrSl where he is now a patient. The girl uttocked by the dog ran away as ai.on as It turned from her. and her name wus not lecrned. It Is believed the was unharnlcd. HN0S.C. MEET UT KING S MOUNTAIN Monument Commemoratleg Victory of The Colonists Is Unveiled UNCLE SAM'S LEAF TO DEAD WARRt'ORS Shart Is of Granite And Tells Its Mute Story to Passers-by kinos mountain, n. c, Oct. 1, With ohiu.ucnt oratory and an Impos ing military display, the monument o-ecieu 10 i oni'iiemoraie me battle or Kings Motiipi.in was dedicated today on the hnttle'l, 'd near this plc. Th governor of North and South Carolina and Tennessee and membsr of con yress and mull" other prominent la 'illi'lal life as n-ll a a lam concours of cltlsons were present. Soldier of the regular nnuy und the national guard and of threo state were pres- -cnt as trtbiiu to th Colonial troops ' who defeated the Urltlsh force In th " wilderness of Kings mountain on Oc tober 7, 1780. und thereby turned th tide of th revolution In favor of th American col-itue. vi ' ' ; The Kings Muuntaln chapter of th , Onughters of the American Hevolutlon "' hud charge of the day'' ceremonies. The principal oration was delivered by Dr. Henry K. Hnyder, president of ' Wofford rolleiie Other speaker In cluded Governor Ansel of Mouth Car olina, Qovernoi' Kltchn ot North Car olina and Congressman I), Ke Kin ley. Th monument whltm wu erected by th federal government f wa. d mlred by overj i,n who saw It. Th memorial occupies a conspicuous alt on th highest point of th battlefield. The granlt shaft which wa designed by McKlm, Mend and White of New York, stands JIR feet SlrK nd Is U feet square at the base. On th aide are fnur bronse ttiblets. Ths tablet on the faoa of the motium"" Inscribed u follow: "To commiiiiiorate th Victory of !" King Mountain, Oobibet T. tTtl.M" ' .4;-SU4-liv trin govrrnmctit of the United rlttttes, to the establishment of which th h truism ami patriotism of those who pMi'tlclpated In thl battle so largely contributed. National (luartt rigliL Tomnirow morning, beclnnlnc at nin o'olo;k th combined force of th national guard of North Carolina and Soutn Carolina will fight ovr again th famous baal, denjonttrat Ing to th rpectittors th movements ot the opposing irniles, taking th 1,1 ino posi'ions end lighting over th saimi gtou'td as did Ferguson's Ked Coats and (Sevier's patriots In 170. The provlr.ffial North Carolina troop , will be commanded by Colonel J. T. ilanlnei nnd the Mouth Carolina troops by Col, W, W, I-wta. Th governors and other distinguished guests remained over tonight for to trorrow's I attln and are being n-lertalni-d ut an Informal banquet at the Utile white tav.in here. WILL FINISH LAWSUIT Declares no Impropriety in Bis Appenring for Illin- tis Central. SUIT IS FOB TAXES. NAHU VI'-IjK, Oct. 7. A special dispatch from Chicago tonight ay that Becretary of War Dickinson will appear before the 1'llnols Hupreme court to argue a cno. for the Illinois Central liailroad coinpiiny (or which wua fnrmerlv uncoil co unite I. The state of Illinois Is the opposing party to the null. Judge liicklnsons a'tentlon belnc called lo the matter, mid the suit had already been argued by him In th lover court while jpibrnl counsel of the Itllmti (.'enlril io.i l. He said that It Involves a large amount of taxes to I he road ami hud required a great amount nf octal! of prepara tion. Jo emphatically declared that no question was Invo ved that In any vay iifr-a ted the government reiula- tlon of rallrogs. U was simply -qiKstlon of accounting under a con tr-ict. ' Kecretary Dickinson explained that when offered a ponib-n in President 'lafts cabinet he Informed the presi dent thar lie would u olve absolute ly his ciMinecthm with the railroad com puny but told him that at that !flgs nf tho stilt In qm-ntlonr lh torn. could not employ ni w counsel who would luve the faio'llarlty with the c:ie ri ii'blte to aigi.o It In April and that hi did not ferl it W right, -un-dcr o i-'1 conditions, lo abandon the iitse. '.

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