THE ASHE VILLE CITIZEN. Associated Press. Leased Wire Reports. THE WEATHER: RAIN. PRICE FIVE CENTS. J VOL. XXV. NO. 3G1. ASHEVILLK, X. C, FHIDAY .MORNING, OOT015EU 15, 1!K). COL ABERNETHY IS KILLED Blf HIS 1 9 YEMOLD SON Father In Angry Passion Fir ed Three Shots at His Sick Boy THEY CLINCH AND GUN IS DISCHARGED Jury Returns Verdict Which Exonerates Young Reuben And He Is Released r,.T.nvit w r ir 14 lilonel Itobert L. Abernethy, owner of Open View farms near Mt. Holly, this coun ty, breeder of blooded stork, promoter of the famous annual Kivcr Rend rallies, and a man of many eccentric ities, was shot and almost instantly killed this mornitiK at his home, after having shot three times at his son Reuben, aged 19. The yciunK man had been ill and had got nut .of bed to take a dose of medicine. Ilia fath er became angry, heated words pass ed and the colonel reached for his pistol. He shot at the boy three times wfthout hitting him. The boy grap pled with his fattier and In the course of the struggle the pinto was dis charged twlc-y, one bullet striking the colonel In, he right temple and the other in the forehead. lie lived an hour but never regained consciousness. The boy was placed uutfar arrest and magistrate W. H Kutledge of Mount Holly empanelled a Jury to Investigate. The jury re turned a verdict at live o'clock this afternoon to the effect that Colonel Abernethy came to his death by a pistol in his own hands. There was no eye witness and the boy testified that he struggled with his father, but m-vcr got hold of the pistol. The On was released from cuBtody. Colonel Abernethy was at one time manager of General J. S. Carr's Occo oneechee farm at Durham. During the last campaign he ran for nomination for state senate from this county on the democratic ticket and was de feated. Until the jury's verdict was rendered reports were that young Arernethy fired the shots which kill ed his father. BUT BRIDEGROOM IS All The Lamps Were Trim med But John Noi'berg Heard' a Tlear Call SO WEDDING BULLS NRW YORK. ict 14 Today was the day set for the wedding of John I. Ni.rberg at Newport. Invitations v. re nent out a month ago, and his mutes at the torpedo station wen- to lit lend in a ltody and speed him on his honeymoon with a substantial pres ent. Hut now the prospective hi id. is plunged in grief and all of .'-r-1. erg's friends are mystiiied. for noth ing has been seen or heard of him b them since September 2',, when lo :. t out from Newport for Hall riw t,. ei,:;solt a spe, ialist in nervous dis eases regarding his condition. Service in (he Philippines upset hi. Iienlth lie eiili-t.d in the nay nine years a to. and was sturdy and rnluisl until alter his tropical detail 111. discharge papers gave him in cv.-l- I, nt record For inn. h of tune! lie was eiigamd in submarine work. I in which In- I.e. ame so skill. 1 thai le command, d tin submarine Shark j ir. many of its testing trips While thus engaged one dayjthe cover of the hatch fell on his bead. ' The accident aggravate, the effects ,,f th tropical climate and induced nervous depression and insomnia. He laid off from June to the end of Ali gn?!, when he felt Well enough to Kel hi ck into service It was ou inn to a rt lapse of his condition that he deci ded a fortnight ago to place himself under medical care. He is twenty-tUe years old, fair and ,,f L-nod height and weight, and phys irnlly hs the appearance of health, filp nervous trouble did not make him ri-cetitrle or appear to affect his brain, and he looked forward happily to his msrrtage. His friends fear that he mast have become mentally unbalan ced and that he may still be wander ing in that condition. LISTED AMONG MISSING TOMORROW'S GAME WILL DECIDE THE BIG CHAMPIONSHIP Dett oit Beats Pittsburg in Heart breaking Game Last Struggle of World Series Postponed Uutil Tomorrow. DETROIT, (let. 14. Detroit kept in the great light for tin world's championship by defeating Pittsburg D to 4 today in n. battle full of sensa tional and tliriliin;,- situations and tonight the iwo teams are tied with three victories each. The seventh und deciding game will lie played here Sat urday. A tear-ltispiriiiK rally in the ninth Inning by Pittsburg was stopped after one run was scored but three Detroit players were Injured In stem ming the rush of PltlMDurg runs lo the plate. Jones Hurt. Tom Jones, the Detroit first base man, was the most seriously hurt. His neek and spine were Injured In a collision with Wilson at first base and this resulted hi Pittsburg scoring its find run of that session. Charles Schmidt, the catcher, had hill right bg badly gashed in block ing Abstein off the plate In the liual Inning. The play that Mulshed the threat ening rally of the National league champions resulted in the injury of George Moriarty when he caught Wil son trying to steal third on Abbatlc chio's strike out in the same Inning. Moriarty's left knee was badly hurt when Wilson slid Into the hase. .Jones May Not 1'luy. It is practically certain that Jones will not be able to play In Saturday's decisive battle. Schmidt, it Is thought will be nble to play, and there is no doubt that Moriarty will be In the last game. " t , The Pittsburg team got away in the I lead by smashing out three runs on four successive hits off Mullin in the first inning. After that the great Mul lin was Invincible until the ninth when he weakened enoufc'h to get Into a dangerous situation, only to extri cate himself by another marvelous exhibition of pitching. Score: Detroit P. Jones, I. f.; Bush, s. s. ... AB R BH PO A c. f. 2 2 1 1 0 3 13 ft 7 ft Cobh, r. f. Crawford, c. f. : I. f Delehanty. 2 b Moriarty, :i b. T. Jones, 1 b. Mclntyre, 1 li. Schmidt ,c. . , Mullin, p. Totals. lft 27 1 1 PUTS SWEETHEART IN SAVE A NEGRO'S LIFE White Girl Declares' Accus ed Man is Innocent of Anv Crime. DKNOl'XCKS LOVKU WII.KKK-HAlMiK, ict. 14. Seem ingly conscience stricken. Miss Rosa lind Williams, a white gill, made alll dait today that Thomas Willis, col ored, convicted of murdering cVincroti Cool and sentenced to be hanged here ic t Thursday, is innocent of the crime. In her attempt to save Willis from tl.e gallows M isa Williams del i i ,era te : e.isls in its shadow Robert Vallee. a rreiiehman. w ho u .is h.-r sweetheart and s;ivs in h.-r atliidavit today: "I hae voluntarily made this state ir,. nt for i be purpose of helping to an innocent man. 1 will not sit b anil See tile law claim an innocent man without telling all I know ran .mine, this murder. Now that I have ib-iie that, m duty is done." Cameron Tool, a wealths of rue loir s, s. was killed on bis farm n. ir lo re last December Miss Wil liams swears that she. Vallee. and li.tivv Todd, colored. Viol's valet, e ,.-,. th.- only persons pri-s.-nt when .'....I wis killed. She Kan i 'ool re fused to 1 . 1 1 . 1 some monev to Vallee. Co v iiimrrcled. Vallee drew a large nwiher and struck Cool on the head with Its butt. Minor I! Schnerr, Willis' counsel, took h.-r affidavit to llurrlshurg to night Tie will beg f'overnor Stuart to reprieve Willis until the state board of pardons weighs the new testimony i. sii r. m ii.i, iiksion. WASH INiST'iN. net. It. Iiisconr aged in his search for health in the dry climate of th" Southwest. Third Assistant Postmaster Heneral Lrftwch announced today to the heads of the bureaus in his division that he In tended to resign. The written resigna tion, it Is understood will be forward ed to the president tomorrow but President Taft was notified today of Mr. Lawshe's decision. AH It Hll l'O A . II 1 0 1 Totals 34 4 i 21 II) 1 Hatted for t'limnitx In seventh. 'Hatted for Phillippe In ninth. Score by innings: Detroit . . 100 21 1 00 5 Pittsburg 300 000 001 --4 8u miliary: Two base hits: Wagner, Crawford, Delehanty, Schmidt, Cobb. Mullin. Hits: off Willis: seven In five innings: olT Cumnits: two in one; off Phillippe: one In two. Sacrifice hit: Clarke. Stolen bases: Miller, Bush, D. Jones. Double plays: liyrne to Abstein: Schmidt to Hush; Schmidt to Mi riarty. Left on bases: Detroit 9; Pittsburg 5. Hase on balls: off Mul lin 1; off Willis 4; off Cumnlts 1. Hit by pitcher: by Willis 1 (Hyrne). Struck out: by Mullin S; by Willis 1; by Phillippe 1. Time 2 00. Umpires Kvans, Klem, Johnstone and O'Lough lln. RK-UNIOX CIXSKS. DANVII.I.K. Vu.. Oct. 14. The grand encampment Confederate Vet erans of Virginia which has been in session here for three dayB, came to a close today after a most satisfac tory and successful re-union. The meeting place for next year will be in charge of the grand commander and his advisory committee. Fl'NNV NAOKIi. NORFOLK, Va.. Oct., 14. "We are nil patches on the same quilt, and we can't get away from it." argued Sec retary Nagel of the department of commerce and l.-iXiir here tonight em phuslitlhg the "national Idea" and urg ing a Virginia audience composed of both democratic and republican vot er:) to break away from traditions and to stand for the principles they be-li'-ve to he right irrespective of party. SHORT OF REAL BARON Was About, to Marry Eighth Wife When Law (Swoop ed Down on Him. WAS OFF TO WFDDIXO NKW VoCK. i let , 14. Arthur Zimmerman, w bo was arrested in Hamilton, lint, Suiidav, on a charge of bigamy made in Hiooklvn, is Hur on Arthur Zi iiiniernia n V.ui l.lcht.-ii stein, fin v years old. According to hi. admissions in letters to lirooklyn wives lie had committed bigamy sb. times and was about to marry an ightli wit.- when he was locked up. Two of bis Hrooklyn wives to bring .iiiiin. nnnn to justice !u; failed at fiist ;is tile district attorn y and nolice decided tnat the expense of his extradition would be too great. Later he wrote to one these wives that lie was about to marry again la--t Sunday night, and the two went again lo I In- district attorneys of fice and asked: "'tin you dare to let this man com mit another crime on the grouiH that N'ev York City. Is too poor to prosecute him in a foreign country'.'" Idstrlct Attorney Clarke then de cided to act and the baron was ar rested as he was about to leave Ham ilton for Niagara Falls for his eighth witlding. His Nemesis. The latest wife of th.- baron, who is known to all his acquaintances in this country as plain Mr. Zimmerman', is Mrs. I.ouisa H.ihl. a dressmaker who had been a widow nine years, had cared for three children and had paid out of the profits of her business for a Jti.mjll house. No. .ti Kast Thirt j' -second street, Klatbush. She Is an active worker in the Zlon Lutheran church, Iiedford and Sny der avenues. Iist winter Zimmerman was introduced to her at a reception of the Arlon Singing society of Brook lyn. They were married by the lie v. P. F. J ale-It, pastor of her church, on April ?5. Pittsburg Byrne, 3 b. I.each, c. f. . . Clarke, I f. Wagner, s s. . Miller. 2 b. Abstein, 1 b. , Wilson, r. f. . . (ilbson, c. Willis, p Camnitz, p. . . Hyatt . . .. Phillippe, p. . "Abbutlcellio cook's companion in mt. Mckinley says whole expedition is a fraud Makes Affidavit in Which He Shows Hia Own Lack of Integrity while Trying' , t& Show Up Dr. Cook's. Declares Explorer Never Reached Top... of Hpuntain K - As He Claims. ' 1 V ': ' ' NEW YORK. Oct 14. In The Globe this afternoon la printed a long story for tha purpose of show ing that Dr. Frederick A. Cook, never reached the top of Mt McKlnley as he has claimed to .hava dontv The story is based on urf" affidavit made try Edwin N. Barrlll who accompanied Cook on the expedition, and states In eeffct that he was the only person with Cooli at the time that he claims to have reached the top of the moun tain, and that Cook did not In fact, at any time, get nearer than four teen miles of the summit. Barrlll's affidavit nays at the outset that he was born tn Buffalo In 1X64, and now resides at Darby, Montana. He says ho was Hie only party pres ent with Dr. Cook when he claims to have reached the summit of Mount McKlnley and Hint he Is the party referred to as Harrllle or Edward Barrlllu in Dr. Cook's book entitled "To the Top of the Continent," bear ing upon the expedition to Mount McKlnley. Ho details his first meet ing with Dr. Cook at Missoula, where the latter was accompanied by Pro fessor Parker of Columbia university, fi. W. Porter and others. The organization of the Mount McKlnley expedition Is explained the! nil writings In my diary are by me, members consisting of Fred Prlntz, ajbut were made under the direction guide, Belmore Brown, nn artist and; i f Dr Cook. I also changed the dates naturalist of Taeoma; Walter Mil- during this time under bis direction, lor. a photographer of Seattle: Sam- The figures 12,000 on the date of Hep uel Beecher, who acted as cook fori timber 12 were changed by me at LURE OF TIE HOCK PILE TOO MUCH FOR JOHN WAY So He Surrenders on Call of Conscience and Returns to Convict Camp. OBKENRB' H!" N. C, Oct. 14 John Way, w ho c, I 9 0 .1 escaped from a convict camp in this county, today voluntarily surrendered and asked that he might be put to work on the roads to fill out Ms unexpired term His request was . implied with. Tin man says ho 1m", since his escape, traveled pretty much all over the country, but returned to one of the mill villages m ir here about a year ago. Being converted at a revival ser vice recently bis conscience troubled him to such an extent he declared that he concluded to give himself ut to the officers. WASHINGTON, Oct 14. Fore cast for North Carolina: Rain and colder Friday; Saturday fair with colder near the coast; brisk southwest to west winds. I k Sk MJk Hearst's Salome the party and Barrlll. Tha party Willed from Seattle May 17, 106, Barrlll recounts that th at start of the trip he prepared to keep an ax act diary and sets forth that this diary, marked exhibit A, attached to thr wtinavit," "ir'pockit "dlurir . kiipt by me durins all the time that Dr. Cook and I were together near Mount McKlnley and the same Is a truthful record, with the exception of the en tries and changes made by me thore on under the orders of Dr. Cook." ClinnKcd the l)w. The diary referred to by Burrlll as attached to the aflldavlt Is now in possession of The New York Globe. The affidavit then proceeds as fol lows: "i n the evening of September 9, lnofi. Dr. Cook and I started alone for the purpose of exploring Mount McKlnloy. Me informed mo Vifore starting that Ills purpose was to find a way of ascending the mountain, as he and Professor Parker Intended to climb the mountain the following year. "As shown by my diary, we took to the Iro on Hcptember 9. From and Including the ninth down to and in cluding the eighteenth of September, DERANGED BY ILL HEALTH SHE JUMPS TO HER DEATH Yoiinjr. 3 i i-l of Anson Coun ty Leaps Ii'lo Well In Sitflit of Brother. CIAHI.'iTTK. SC., Oct. 1 I Tem porarily deranged by III health Miss Carrie Hunter, twenty-three years old, lumped Into a well at the home of hi r sinter Mrs. 1 B. (lulledeg, In the Kouth.-rn part of Anson county at midnight last night and was almost instantly killed. Pursued by a broth- who divined her intention, she outran him and leaped Into tha well head first She was prominently con nected and recently hod a position 1th the Southern railroad here. TTV SOI.DIKH WAItFAIti:. COLON .Oct. 14. A dispatch reT c Ived hero by wireless telc.gra.phy from Hlueflelds, Nicaragua, says en eral Chamorra, a rebel leader, march ed on flreytown i and attacked and defeated the government tronos. nine men being killed. Oerirrnf Junn Ks- trnda Is reported to be marching on Cape firnelas, where 2.000 government troops have been concentrated to op pose him. NEW TRACK. TAMPA, Fla., Oct. 14. The new hundred thousand dollar racing plant of the Florlday state flair association will ho opened here on Thanksgiving for a meeting of one hundred days There will be several large stakes Stall room for one thousand- horses will be provided. Jit tha dictation 6t Or. CooK. ' On ' Bep. tembAr It DT. Cook directed m to top keeping my diary and teava the patrw-ttutrnlti" blank. I cannot4 afow ramamber tba exact date or flrures whlelj I had in my diary before 1 was so directed "to change them, tut I know the elevation under What now appears September It, was not to exceed ,ooo, and I think it was 8,000. "We quit any further attempts to ward ascending the mountain upon Hcptember 16, and returned to the boat, a gasoline launch, named Bol shey, which lay In the water at the foot of the glacier. We reached the launch on September 19, having trav eled twenty-six miles or mora on the top of the glucler from the place we quit climbing, on September 16, More Crookedness. "On September 16, when at our first camp returning from the glacier, I doctored and changed the entries therein from and Including September 9, down and Including September 11. Those changes were made under the orders of Dr. Cook. From the 12 to the 16 was written at the first camp returning on the night of the 16 and from the 16 to and Including the 16 was written In our last camp return ing on the evening of the 16, and writ ten solely under the dlctntlon of Dr. O-ok, and Just as he said. From and (Continued on l'ago Four.) FIGHTING THE TRUST THEY GDTHE BOTTOM Wa re-Kr onier People Who Sued American Co., De clared Bankrupt by Judge UlCHMONl). Va, Oct. 14. Judge Edmund Waddlll. Jr , In the United States Circuit court here today placed the Wnre-Kramer Tobacco company of Norfolk, Va., In Involuntary bank ruptcy. This concern, which conducted an independent cigarette manufacturing business, rc-cenlly sued the American Tobacco company and the .Weils Whltehead Tobac c o company, af Ral elght, N. C, claiming punitive dam ages In the amount of $1,000,000 for alleged acts damaging to the plaintiff company in violation of the Federal anti-trust laws. TORPEDOES OFF ON SOCIAL STUNTS WASHINGTON, Oct., 1 i. A trip to various coiuit poinln on tho Atlantic ocean to participate In local cclobrir tlons has been arranged for the tor pedo boats Ktringham, Dupont, Hlddle, and Hhubrlck, of the Atlantic torpodo floHllo. ITrom Charleaton, S, C, tfiey are to go to ifcivannah, from November lto 7 to take part in a carnival. The next day they go to Wilmington to be there; during the president's visit. Later In month, from November 23 to 27 tho boat are to be at Jacksonville, where a carnival Is to he held. After these boats get back to Charleston, they will be placed In reserve. The other boata of tb Atlantic flotilla. HIS RESIGNATON SUITS PRESIDENT II Brother Crane Will Never set Eyes on Celestial King. dom's Wonders MR. CRANE .SAYS HE FJ.ELS RELIEVED Mr. Taft Says He Feels It Necessary to Accept His 1 i Resignation ' YVAOHHNUi'UN, tHl. It. All dOUbt as to what action tha praatdttnt would lake with respect fa lh resignation of Charles R. Crane, nilnUrit dolf llhla , lihln. . - .li. : . . . ' . v.. nun,. niH Ulllim 0)- mfl . receipt today of a dispatch from Pre Ident Taft addressed to his secretary,' Mr. Carpenter, directing him. to oon vey to Mr. Crane announcement Of " fact that th resignation had bM ' " eentad. , iV" .". Tha telegram waa dated presoctt,' Aria., October it, arid reads as fol lows! t '.,'-r;':.'rM fl Convsy to Mr., Crane t following communication: .:;,-,:;,: ,..,-,-,!., ; "'1 concur In tha ltta und Atm , Of October II. which tha ,aseetaw of atato has laddrwsad to jrott 'and 1 1 greatly regrst that th circumstancea round to ist by him mak n neoeg- tr.ry-for m to accent r,u aimid n (Signed) , ,' "TAFT." Later Mr. Crane Issued this state "I am greatly-relleiisd liv Hit hh Ident' decision," There- has been no ' minute since learned th attitude of ' the denartmont nt iin, uliaii i . not oontemplttte(K thei possibility of a oontlnuanoe'toe my offiotat' relation witn tn deepest repugnance. Never- ' theless,,!' have felt tfaat tn nbllg- ' tlon to the eresident en to timmlt - him to deride the 1ssu . -i J ' , 'Laoeepteil th Chinese mlssihn M request and solely because of a surantte-nat-l eonid b and would -he permitted to be of servics to the cnun- tr In eonstnietlva work nt tha mi). . t Importance to It and of the ires I est interest to me. It na heen md perfectly clear that condition her were not and are not such as to make inn possioie,. to aemonstmte thia ha Involved a persona ! humiliation uoh a no self respecting man who 1 diafted Into the public service should b called on to endure, but t am grate '" ful indeed that I have had the test of official confidence and support her '' rather than In China and now rather ; than at some real crista Involving tha i honor or Interest to the nation," . Mr. Crane left here , tdSav at I " o'clock for New .York, , "' STORM PUT THE TIGKEflS TEMPOBARILY OUTOF "BIZ" Telephones, Too, Were Out of Commission for a Per iod Last Evening. MEMPII18, Tenn., Oct. 14. Both commercial telegraph companies and the Cumberland Telephone company1 report all wires lost to Nashville shortly after 6 o'clock tonight. C'ov Ington, Tenn., the furthest point north which could be reached reported a heavy wind storm. A few minute later this point also was lost, IloW serious whs the storm, however, la not yet ascertainable, At 8 o'clock wire communication) was secured with Chicago via Little iloek and Bt. Louis, A telephone report from Htanton, Tenn., forty miles east of M.-mphl Htates Hint a furious wind etorm pre vailed there at six o'clock, doing con nlderublo minor damage I HIT ATLANTA HARD. ATLANTA. Uu., Oct. H With th eky overcaet with a yellowish glow, a tierce ruin und hull Sturm, accompa nied by a heavy wind struck Atlanta) ut S.20 this lift. -mucin doing consider' able damage to plutr gl.'is. awnings, skylights, wrecking many chimneys, ur.d doing other damage of a minor character. Many telephones were put . out of rommlKHluti mid the telegraph companies report numerous wlrea prostrated. WILL ESTABLISH A, SELLING AGENCY CHARLOTTE. N. C Oct 14. Th executive committee of the Nortl . Carolina Cotton Manufacturers' asso ciation In session here, today adopted .. .,...,i,.i,.n lnoklntf to the establish nient of a commission selling agency - for tile yero mine oi io ounut . C. Phplps, a- prominent mill man ot Draper, N. C, w asked to prepare) ertlcies of agreement for usch aa agency to be suhmttted atth rcptilaf meeting of Ihe association for ppro vol and signatures. Th curtailment arreement of " the American associa tion was unnVnou,y endorsed ami sdopted. ' ' "' v?-, - . WHO TIESTHECAf