THE ASIIEVILLE CTTTKN", FKIDAY, OCTOBER 15,1009. SOCIAL (SL PERSONAL MlaS Elisabeth Porter enterttilned - Informally with a bridge party yeater- day mornlnr at her home on Starnes , aanua In honor of her gui-nt, Mr. E K. Usohsller of Atlanta. The aouve- , Ilr Wars pink rosea, whlrh were pre MDttt to the gueata by little Mlna Mary gachellor. 1'lnk cosmos end Chrysanthemums were uacd to duco- TSts tkl house. Mlas Torter'a guests war lira. C a Bryant, Mra. Julian M Woodcock) Mra. E. E. Kaehellor, Mra. Oeorfs R, Calvert, Mra. W. H. I'en land, Mra. J. C. Frltehurd, Mra. M. I.. ptevena, Mra. Frank Weaver, Mra. H. JR. Porter, Mlsa I.oulne Hamilton, Mimi Georgia Rankin, Mlaa Adelaide Por ter, MlM Carrie May Brown. J J Mlaa Bsrttia Hunter, daughter or - Mr. and Mra. J. C. Hunter of Aahevlll.i and Mr. Charlee F. Aiken, formerly of Brsvard, were married yeatorday morning at the home of the bride : on ftauthalde avenue by Ilev. IS. Iy sandar Orau. The wedding was very : quiet and only the members of the family and a few cloae frlenda were present The wedding occurred at the nrly hour of aix o'clock. Ths bride entered the parlor to the accompani ment ,-' of Mendelssohn's wedding march, and wore a becoming gown of whlta crepe da china. Mlaa Oeorgla Klmmons waa the bridesmaid and wore a gown of pale blue ellk mull. y Mr. Philip Hunter, a brother of the btids was beat man. The ring cere mony; Waa need. Mia Hunter has been lor a number of years atenogra- s . pher Ih tha ofllcea of the superintsnd nt of tha Southern railway, and haa j great many frlenda in the city. Mr. . AUea Is a traveling repreaentatlve of . R. J Reynolds Jk Co., of Wineton Balem, with beadquartera In Aahevllle. ' Mr. and Mra. Aiken left after the cer emony for a brief trip and will after November 1 realde at 90 Church atreet Tha monthly meeting of the Lad lea1 Mlaalonary aoclety of tha Flrat Prea- byterlan church waa held yesterday altera ooa at tha home of Mra: J. A. mualt MI4 Mri. D, H. Watson on Oroya atreet, tha occasion being mark to tat pressac of twenty-five ,,. members and proving ef unusual lit teres 'and attraction. Paper were read by Mra. J. F. Johnaton, Mra. M. C. Stockton, Mra. A. H. Mccormick, Mra, OufflD, Mra. 3. W. Bchartle and delegates wers elected to tha Mission- any Wtue aaaembly to be "held at Swansanoa November S and t. There waa a social hour and dainty refresh' riven u were served. Ths. Halloween dance ths n8 sf . the month at ths Battery Park hotel will be ths first ef ths special dance of ths1 winter which are featured by unique' and artistlo decorations. The dance last rear was one sf ths most boautlful of ths series and will be quailed this season. The autumnal tints which characterise this season ef the year ars unusually beautiful and for ths purpose ef decoration are . d l moult to surpass. The pumpkin Jnck o'lanterns blend . harmoniously . with the softer tints of the foliage and the weird little faces peeping out from among) the leaves give a fahol tui vista Into an enchanted world. The wearing of costumes on I tallow sen, which usually means dominoes or 'ghost Ilk sheets wrapped around ths figure with a pillow slip with holes cut for eyes, Is a matter of inclination . bat It Is pot unlikely this year, which : brought the rostume dances Into favor again, that the simple disguises will be adopted at ths Halloween dunce, which will bs an affair of much pic-, ttreaqueneaa. - J The wedding of Mlaa Selmo, Kraua daughter of Mr. and Mra. Maurice Kraua, and Mr. Walter Lewlaohn, youngest son of tha late Mr. Leonard I.ewlaohn, the copper king, occurred recently In Nbw York at the home of ths bride In West Beventy-alxth atreet. . Mr, Lewlaohn la a brother of Mr, Frederick Lewlaohn, who wna betot - man, and Mlaa Jennie Lewlaohn. and a brother-ln-lnw of Mr. PhlUp S. Henry of Aahevllle. Mr. end Mm. nenry wno weni hi incw York for a month's atay before their departure for Italy, were preuut t iho wed ding. Mlaa Krniid wore n white aatln gown end over It u white nitron coat trimmed with bninrin or itiixntan sa ble. A large liUi k velvet picture hat With a crown of ml. I. worn In pine of tin? iiiu hi vol! Mtm Kraua wore Beverl'"HtHn of beautiful pi run. me iinti;; v im lavishly tlcco rnteil with autumn '.cavt-n n:nl Amerl-1 can beauty roues. Mr. and Mrs. Lew l.iohn have gone iihroni (mil on their return will llvo In a pint merits at Rlierry'a. Mrs. James J. Conully relurna from Black Mountain the latter part of the month and will open Fernlhurat for the winter. Mrs. Conully Coxa la In Aahevllle ut present. Mlsa Ronnie Iteeves who haa been visiting frlenda In the Eaat for several months and who haa recently been the guest of Mrs. Fenton In Buffalo, Is expected to return shortly to Anhe vllle. Mr. and Mra. Chlpley and Mr and Mra. McClendon of Marshall who have bocn visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nich ols have returned to their homes. Colonel Alexander Helper arrived yesterday and la a guest of Mra. iiank Amlas at Bonnlvlcw. Tlecent arrivals at Bonnlvlew: Mr. and Mra. P. II. Bwart of Pittsburg. Pa.; Mrs. P. Maya, Charleston; Mlaa Coleman, Bt. Louis, Mo.; Mr. Carney, Miss Whipple, Boston. Mra. Thomna Settle leavoa within several days for Philadelphia and will be away several weeka. Father Joseph Kenpe of New Brunswick, N. J., and Father Duggan of Bordenton, N. Y., are guests at the flattery Park hotel for several days during the dedication ceremonies. Mr. F. B. Warner of Philadelphia Is In Aahevllle for a few days sn bus iness. Colonel and Mrs. Tripp whs spent the season at ths Battery Park hotel last year are expected shortly and will again be gueata at the hotel dur ing ths winter. Mr. Ti Wadley ftaoul who has been at Atlantic City sines his return from Germany, Is in ths city and a guest at ths Manor. Miss Hannah Ervrln la the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Brwln. Mr. V. R. Baker hag returned (rem trip to New York. Mrs. Mary Logan Bennett ef Ken tucky who has bsen In the city for a year has gons to Pennsylvania. Miss Bessie Beeves Is spending several duyg with Mrs. Frank Coxc ai Green river. Mr. Ottls Miller left yesterday for Wayeross, Ga., where he will spend tin-winter. Mrs. 0. 11. Henry and Mlsa Cecil Tfrnry have gone to Atlanta where they will remain during the winter. ASKS FIFTY DOLLARS FOR USING CHANGE OF 8CITCASK CAt'KKS A DAMAGE! 81IT Two Colored Boje In Dlwtgreeinfnt Over Clothes Which l it Nell her One. Mrs. Tench Coxe and her children and Miss Annstts Lewis who have boon spending ssvsral wseks at Flat Rock, leave today for Philadelphia for a stay et several weeks. Mlsa Kathleen Clark of Barnard. N. O., is visiting Miss Kats Nichols tut ths horns of ths latter on Liberty street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Rawls are expected to return today or tomorrow from New York whers they ent Im mediately aftor their wedding. Mr. J. M. Lnaey of Abingdon, Vs., is: in the city for several days on bus iness. Mr. and Mrs. Emory 8. Rockwell who were reesntly married In Chicago are spending their honeymoon at the cattery Park hotel. Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Minor whs have been In New Tork and Virginia for several wesks are ezpeoted to re turn within several days to the city. Mr. 8. A. Barbea has returned from a buslasss trip to New York, Balti more and ether Eastern cities. Mrs. A. B. Doyle returned yesterday from Europe after an absence of aev- eral months. Mra T. Mlnakucht underwent a sue veaaful operation for appendicitis at the Meriwether hospital yesterday and aa early recovery Is anticipated. Mrs. A. J. Lyman leaves Monday for Hartford, Conn., and will visit relattvee in New Tork before returning to Aahevllle. A common suit case full of clothes of sll sorts and descriptions is tin- cause of a rather Interesting suit to ho tried before Magistrate James this morning. Arthur Arnold, colored. will havs to explain his right to the possession of this choice collection of wearing apparel which ta claimed Ijj John Jones, also colored. It aeema that Jones and Arnold were once employees at the Henrietta but their amicable relations did not ocntlnue. At any rata Arnold left and scon afterwards Jones missed his case of clothing. When Arnold endeavor cd to redeem them he found it hard work and furthermore the clothes wculd not fit Arnold. Btralghtway Jones consulted a la yer and his anger arose. Ho did not want Arnold even to look at his clothes to aay nothing of trying to Wear them. Immediately ho took out a summons claiming IliO damages from Arnold for ths trouble of appro priating the few sundry clothes he had in his possession. They will appear this morning and txplaln matters. SANITARY LAWS TO BE ENFORCED NURSING MOTIIKRS i,how the beneficial effects of Scott's Emulsion in a very short time. It not only builds her up, but en riches the mother's milk and properly nourishes the child. Nearly all mothers who nurse their children should take this splendid food-tonic, not only to keep up their own strength but to properly nourish their children. Hik SALE BY ALU lill.(.(.lilS 11 jfeatfierbloom Demonstration Continues Jodaif CU lu today and M-lcct oucl oi uicmc oca tin nil skin. Priced SI. 75 to ST.(K(. ,l f. r ur :, . hk.'O U lI'M.k. SCtriT & IIOWNK, 409 Purl St.. Nw York nCHPKCTOIt BATS OAItEtESSNESS MUST BE ABATED Reports Art) that Housekeepers Careless In Disposition of Garbage, Let ths careless housewife and boarding housekeeper beware; par lous days are oomln for her. Fcr chance she may be haled before u magistrate to explain the whys and wherefores of her negligence In re gard to the observance of sanitary lawa of the city. The edict has gono forth from the office of the sanitary department in no uncertain tones that no more chicken heads and oth er such refuse shall be scattered about the yards. Offenders of this law will have to answer before the count if th la auggastlon from the depart ment la not complied with shortly. Within the past few waeks the san itary inspector haa been quietly pu trollng the different atreets and hlgh- ways of the city with a view to de termining the actual condition of the baok yards and alloys . And such a revelation) Chickens Galore. The Inspector had no Idea that there were ever so many chickens in Aahevllle as the number of heads ha found scattered about would Indi cate, And bones there waro enough bones to supply a glue factory for several months. Tomato cann, and ev ery other kind of can was there. Then appeared the edict. The men who drive the four wag ons of the city were notified to take the nnme of every offender and pro- Bent It to the Inspector. Notices will bo served soon and the work of cleaning up tho city will begin in earnest held April L'nil, 1910, in Cliniiel Hill. .Ww ii I. ;iiih and Chin lotti-sville. Tliis I ri.inK" lur ilelmte Will prohably lie i tine ;in iininial evenl e:ir thi1. .11. ale 11 Untried a Honllinide Inter. -m. '1'i.liiiie held the letuunpioriHhip iil'.nK th. iilf en.'iMt; Virginia lia.l prn.'i a w.iithy foe of Johns il..pkiiix ami . I ! i it middle Atluntlc onlv. rsiti. -s; and t'arolina was styled hy the l'nner:dt of tleorgla as "the Itaiwnoty ol l'n beatahlr Oehaling leamn " It Has nit strariKe, then that no one or tli.w uni vorsllles ,-li.iuld have t I'liimpli.'rl in the three-cornered contest. Virglnhi won from Carolina,' I'r.ini 'ii glnlH. anil Carolina fr,om 'I nlane. i H the last, three debated witli Virginia In. '.v ver. the University of .North Car olina haM won two. At a very enthuslatd ir ni' i liiiK ut the haHliithall association lilio .el. the following officers Were elerted ITesldent. H. M. Ha In 111 1 n 1 : vii pr. si dent. It. I.. Deal; secretary and treas urer. H. N. Taylor; mannger, T W. VoIIm; ti-mpyrsry captain, W A Har den. I'rnrlicej has. alread- l.eirnn. The llintortcal ' anclety in. I laxi Monday evening and elected their of ficers for the enauliiK year. Almm thirty men enrollefl as meinhei- a great deal of Interest has I. .-en nianl-fi-sted In the society nnil more im n ate expected to Join. T. A. J. X Special Values in J'weaters for friday We will sell for one day, Friday (today,) at special prices our lare assortment of Ladies' Coat Sweaters. We will offer them at Twenty Off for Friday oVily. This means you can buy $5 sweaters for $4, $4 sweaters for $3.20, $3 sweaters for $2.40. Cotton Siderdown (food Value for 2Sc yd. He have just imparked a shipment of outings and Cotton 1 The Cotton Kidordown eomesr in an a.'snri incut of colors vevv nice ete. prieed at '2'w - d. role outings with I ook and I'eaiT s pirlnre jirnued North "( yd. Other outinirs fnuii lOe nowi.iNo ToriiN.Mi:T. The regular weekly howling tourn ament will he held tonight at Al liermarle park. The members of tin elub aro requested to he present. yd. up. Our Millinery Department Very usy We are rushed in this department and you should make your t early date. Hats that are teny and they sell m a hurry. Priced upwards t 'a liililu lias t u i Hid new Wireless tl l.lishi', hetU'. l 'an. onvcr. ity wii-elcss stations. s.-i'ce is l.eing es I'lincj l!' and Hay's Hair Health N ver Falla to Restore Cray Hair to Its Natural Color and Brawl y. Moon"" UU'i'tf eut.aai. (Kiiivi-iv ri'iu'ivett Uaudruu. Iffnota Bye. Srhine all nubrtitutea. $1.00 sad UK: Mul'-rat Ilruififinn Scad 1.. Ump .,r 1..H, "Tlii' l aic et tho 1! 3 ir. " t'.iilotlan Hui't. Co.,34 Cllutua St., Newark, N J. Painful Dyspepsia A Form of Indigestion Caused In t.tislrlr Irritation from l iidlircnt rd I'ood in tll Stomach. No kind of dvsDeosla Is hotter marked than that known an "i'ain ful IndlKestlon. and It Is also a very common iiffectlon. Pain, generally, ol a dull charsalertiiisk felt after meuhi and alonir with tho Duin. soreness at the ilt of the sfoiriach often exlHts. und In sojjiu cases the soreness is tierrhanent. "rne "teTTtiemess is rom monlv restricted to a Dot In the mld dlo line of tho. bodv. ImmedlatL'lv be low the hrcaat-bone. It often extends tiDward under the bono, which roimeauentlv feels sore on nressure. or the tenderness Is felt toward either side. This tenderness 1m commontv associated with an un oleasani leellnt of heat "a bnrnini sensation" as It '. i termed bv some iivramiH. There Is also a "unawlna and "drasKlinr" as well an varl other anomalous sensniions comniaiii ed of after Inkine food, and seneralh within an hour after eatiss. An iniKlit be su '"used the lntensltv of the svmotoniH Is uroDoitlonate to the ouantltv and ouslltv of Hie meal When the stomach la emntv. a sen sation of cravluif or emutlness nives most trouble. This often causes a false HiuM'lIt. which bv Induelna the person to eat heartily asaravates the enllerimiH. Thirst eenera'lv causes much annovance: heartburn, wa brash, acldltv. nnusea. and headache are not infrcouent nttendnnta. 1 he toiiKue Is usuallv coated and from a inero Inspection of this ormin the condition of the stomach can olten be corrccllv told. It Is a common error with Dcrsons who Miffer from stomach haln rnuseil bv indlKestion ami saatrlc IrrltiUlon to l Vie such di UKS aa chlorodvtie. Ho t mail's Anodvne, and other "ualti HI) 1 1 i u.i-i 1 1 I.-? tiles' druKH Mlaa Eleanor Fakes Tins Rone to Ntw Tork to visit tin uncle and to meet her rousln. Miss Slayden, who haa been abroad dtirtnar the summer with Mlas tYylerlcka Brown. New Long Coats We are ghd to tell of Hie receipt of these Ion looked for coats. Those who liave awaited them will not be disap pointed. . Seven-eighth and full length, attrac- I tive new fabrics in broadcloth, kerseys, diagonals, unfinished worsteds etc., in green, grafc', navy, raisin, jterracotta, eheperds plaid and black. . Prices $12.50 to $40.00. M. V. MOORE ."Women's Outfitter. 11 PATTON AVU r N. C. VNIVKItSITY NOTICS. -f (rorrespcindence of The Cltlien.) CHAl'EL HILL, N. C. Oct. H. Dr. Joseph Hydo I'ratt, professor of economic geology and state geologist, and lr. Archibald Henderson, pro fessor of mathematics, have returned from Aahevllle, whero they attended tho Southern Appalachian Mood ltoads convention. Both Ir. l'ratt and Vr. Henderson played a leading part in ths convention. Dr. l'ratt was tho prime mover In tho organisation of this convention and was elected ita first president. Dr. Henderson, us the representative of the university, made an address on the part the uni versity has played in tho g-ood roads movement end in the econonilo life of ths state. Tho first geological sur vey made In the country was made by Dr. Dennlson Olmatead, onco pro fessor of geology in the university; and the university has related Itself to this movement by establishing a three years course in road engineer ing. Prof. E. K. Graham, denn of the college of liberal arts, has returned from Harvard whero he represented the university in the inauguration of President Lowell. In the academic procession of one hundred and ninety five European and American unlver sltlea, arranged according to ths dates of their founding, the University of North Carolina was forty-sixth, being proceeded by twenty-nine Kuropeon and sixteen American colleges and universities. He also actended the Na tional Association, of State Universities of America. The debating union, composed of W. R. Edmonde, H. B. Btacy, J. A. Hlghsmlth, C. W. Quuter and S. C. Kerr, met last week and completed arrangements for the triangular de bate between Carolina, Tulane and Virginia. This debate will probably be ITS mi MS reiiei. (711111 .1.. ,lui..k.. While alTord I i v' rellof to the dvsiieii ilr uain. thev have no effect what ever In riinovliiK the cause. S rt'A It TH DYiSPKPtilA TAH1.KTS remove tin- cause. Bv comoletelv di v,.Miinir all the food In tho slomaeli. there is no further nosslbllitv of the occurrence of this disagreeable f irm ol' dvsncnsla. with i' nalnlul maiiifes t,,(ions. and of er concurrent svnin tomv All of Hie irritation ol the st moh- linlnir und omach nerves as the result of the undigested loud Ivlns in "'at oriran and underKoimt fermentat1..n and decomposition. is uuicklv awiiv with. lint net onlv Ih the form of dvs nensia which is ucromnanicd liv nam .'iired throUKh the use of these dnres t'fvc tablets, but mIso uverv other l.irin of indlei stion. as I hero are main ktivla in which the fMiiiM" ouln d ...,r , in- but where there '-e inanv svioi. loins romtorlimr aginit. , , Stuart's livsoensia Tablets contain in a hlkihlv from, now erful auti-dVfli. colic Initrrdn'tits. M-bi.-h dlKcst ranidlv and tlmruuitnlv fond of everv kind including oroteid nitrates, rurho-hvdrntes. ete Bles k rii in will disinterirrato test '! Out! itrains of food. Purchase- a Uox from Your druir vIm .-nee mi ice 60 cents), and eet rii! of the nain. discomfort and other dlsiiarreeable svinntonis of dvsneiisla Also send iis oui- name and uddress for free snmnle onrltai'-e. Address I-. A. Stuart 1 :.0 Stuart Hide.. Mar shall. Mich You Get Everything A Good Laundry Can Furnish When you wear lin-' ens laundered the Nich ols "Way. ASIIEVILLE LAUNDRY I. A. NICHOLS, Mgr. Phone 85 The Ashevilhi School ofh Music and Dramatic Art rounded . 1907. FAfTIl'Y OP IXSTKUCTIO.V Pla iioforto Mil. I'. FI.AXIXGTOV IIAHKKIl MISS MINNIE WKHTAIJi MISS LILV JACKSON Klcim-iiuirj. and liiternicxliate I'lano- forte MISS KOBERTA OSBORNE M1H.S KATHLEEN JONES MH. JOHN V. STAHNES Oi'Knn MR. P. FLAXIXGTON HAHKER A. R. C. O., Iriiion Voice ( nlluro aial Itcperlory MISS EIHTK M. HA UK Ell MILS. J. G. STIJiELEATIIER Violin MR. M. r. CONN ELL Harmony and t'omrxwltlon MR. I". I liAXINGTON UARKER l.ansciiiincH MR. A. JULIAN LYMAN, B. A., M. A., M. L,A. Speech Arts and Dramatic Action MISS IRWIN L. CATON TUB AUDITORIUM. Phono 344. I Tist' 1-.: mm i '.idcrdown. I n IIkmii only lioit-e ;it an l to .t5().(K). J M. WESB & COMPANY atUUtaeo bnoortera No. Battery Park Place. Phono 104 COAL IS AN INTERESTING . SUBJECT NOW. And the host coal is deninnd in,' most attention. . M & W Indian Coal Phone l6p Carolina Coa! Ice Company Virimai aiTZiaaiZZiTjl VISITORS. 8AVK MONETr ly having your teeth attefided to by ta Always up-to-date. Painless and Reliable. Crown and Bridge work p?olalt7. Popular prices. DR. TELEGRAPHY Is being taught at tho Ashevllle Hus- VALUES. We have them in good smokes. A trial will con vince yon. Barbee, Wells' Smoke Shop.! MATTHEWS DKNTAli- PAR LORS 35-20-27 New McAfee BMg., corner College and Spruce, opposite 1st. Bap list Church and near Cons Hooset Phone 948. Residence PboiM 72. GREENE & CO., AecnlH Amerlinn T.n.liea T..ii.,rin.r Incss College by Mies lone Buck, an j Companv of Chicago. ; Made to measure Rre'in0, ,!.'Ze I Suits Skirts and Coats. 9E.VRY S. SIIOCKLEY, ,r,clpat LA qREnQTTTT CORSETS Now Is the Time In aurain: All .......... . , i i ni.t;j ti .. mviuibMu ,uy otauoney uo. i iwui-i iui ift: uiciii ai WATCHES MY SPECIALTY f If you need a watch that will keep time, we have them, and at prices that are right. FIdo Watch Repairiftg. J. E. CARPENTER. 32 Patton Ave. Just a few Billikens left at !$1.00 each. lor i 1 1 1 1 v illsaereeal.le ili.iconci rtlnu and ill ili Ihick's Hot lUast are just (lie filing weatlier. rPhe' savt tfivc out (he heat. BURTON & HOLT Heaters this fut hill The Asheville China Co., No. 6 North Pa(k Square. Pliono 381 ! CITIZEN WANT ADS. ' BRING RESULTS. A s I n -nil ili- H. M. Nahikiau, Prop. s 1'utton Ave. Tin latest things In Hair Goods AND j Ornaments Are lu re In ple.'iilng assortment. MISS CRTTTK'R si ny,w.ti st. 1 i MILK, CREAM, BUTTERMILK, ICE CREAM All pure. Prompt de liveries, hint ire product pasteurized. Asheville Pure Milk Co. K. Walnut St. Phone 551 I. I " . lit 1 a mmmt4t 1 Phone 70 Ami U t lis fur .mii Kiumlry pat-k- a';c this week. We Kvuranit-i' is fai't Ion, SWANNANOA LAUNDRY "We treat your laundry white h t ! 14 m mini Phone 70. Wateh for the Opening Announcement of the New Store. The Fashion, (Inc.) 1G Patton Ave. 1 ) PEERLESS Biankefis aedl Comforts If you need any Blankets or Comforts, crjve us a look before buying elsewhere. Cotton Blankets at 7fc, $1.00, $:2 up to .$100. AVhite Wool Blankets at $4. 4.r0, .$.", up to .li'..'),) Plaid Blankets at $l:2), .ft.(X), ).(K) and G.OO. We sell the Maish Laminated Cotton Down Com forts at $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, up to $.-).00. Down Comforts at .$7.r0 and $10.00.