THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN. Associated Press. Leased Wire Reports. THE WEATHER: COOLER. VOL. XXV. NO. 365. ASIIEV1LLK, N. C, TUESDAY MOUSING, OCTOHEU 19. l!Oi. l'KMl'K riVK CENTS. CHAUFFEUR TELLS Spanish Stocks Going Up IE E MURDER OF MAYOR P AMAZED AS BANKROBBER WAS IIGHT MACHINE DEGENERATE SON STORY OF HIDING SDARSOVERTOVVER OF PROUD FAMILY DOCTOR'S GRIM French Aviator Makes Re markable Flight Over French Capitol ORVILLE WRIGHT WITNESSED THE EVENT Made Long Flight Before Un dertaking The Hazard ous Feat PARIS, Oct., 18. I'ount De Lam bert, the French aeroplaillst, Just be fore dark tonight accomplished one of the most remarkable and daring floats yet credited to heavier-than-air ma chines. Starting from the aerodrome at Juvlsy In a Wright aeroplane, he flew to. Paris, a distance of about thir teen miles. After meneuverlng over the city at 'an average height of four hudred feet, he ascended In gradually .diminishing circles and passed several hundred feet above the Kifel uwcr. He then returned to Juvlsy. Count De Lambert vvaa given a tre nieridou.s ovation on hia return to Juvisy. Orvllle Wright who was there with his sister, rushed forward and wrung the hands of the aviator as he alighted, pale but radiant. The ai.'iator said that throughout his trip Ihe had entire control of the ma chine. The only Inconvenience he Buf fered was from the throbbing of the engines and from difficulty in weeing, towards the end, In the gathering gloom. The official time of the flight was 49 minutes 39 seconds. The distance was roughly estimated at thirty-one miles and the height varied from three hundred to thirteen hundred feet. FNGIjAM FLYINti, TOO. 1'I.A.OKPOOI,. England. Oct. 18. At the close of today's fights In the avkiltpnjneef here, the French avi ator Karman, led In the speed contest having completed 17 V6 milt s In thir teen minutes. Rouesler. another e n. hniiui bad to his credit the hmg . st iti-ht. 22 miles In 32 minutes. !! n c'ontests are open until the end of the week. In the aviation contents at Ion-r..-'cr today. Lelon. driving a nicrlot monoplane won the Bradford cup and pi.r- of $200 for the fastest time In tei. i ircults of the course. puri i riiprn dv hiput unALLUiOLU ui muni OF 1H AGO Prof, Lambert's Remark able Advent, into Palmetto State Was Fleetest. MISTAKEN FOR SPY UNION, S. C, Oct. IS. The claim that A. B. Lambert and rt. Louis Von Phul. members of the Aero club of St. Louis, established new world's rec ords for long distance anil .speed in aeronautics, when ascending in their balloon in St. Louis. Mo., on Friday M'ternoon of last week at 5.:!0 o'clock ,.,.;,r Charlenti.n. .S t. on Saturday ,,,,,11 lug at It 'clock, having made ,u crate speed ui forty-four miles : hour, is challenged by parties here who have recuds showing that high er -.peed ihan this was attained in a I illoon voyage made forty-eight i.irs a-". The aeronautic refer , ,1 in was that of Professor T. S. I,, we. now h-ad of Lowe olwi rvt..ry. . ir Pasadena, Calif., who on April n. Ihiil. ascended in a balloon at Cin ni Ohio at :. :; a m . and at ; ::ii p. m of the same day landed ii Piarl lge in this county. Although j ,., the air only trne hours, professor I ...we covered an :i- line distance of. r live hundred miles, not Including w.eral hundred miles additional , .used by Ms liaMoon being caught in ., iir current and rati-.! im.i Virgin la. (hence to' tin- Smi.h Carolina sea , ,,,yt. before r.arhinm his landing near here. Professor Lowe's balloon voyage was not only an eventful one because it set a pace In aeronautics for dis tance traveled per hour not y.-t . uunl (i,l, but because, being at tli" out break of the Civil war. when sectional feeling was at high pitch, when he d.scended with his balloon In the ru r ,j Qcetion of this country, he was re L ii. led by some persons as Ixdng a -Yankee spy" and but for the action of cor b r heads, might have met wjth h-dilv injury. His descent-smon? these country ...,ipte. many of whom never saw a 1, .linen before, cause 1 exl-itcm-nt and r.inr incidents, which are recalled by cl ler residents. Mixed Drink. Horses. And Ac tresses Until His Last Act Was Best One FOUR WOMEN CLAIM POSSESSION OF BODY Gave up Brilliant Career In Los Angeles For Lure of Sporting Life CHICAfln, Met. IK. The identity of the robber who held up the High land Park bank last week and when mar capture killed himself has been established to the satisfaction of the police. He is thought by them to have Leen Lamar A. Harris, lawyer, orator, clubman and society man of Los An geles. A long distance telephone mes sage from an unknown woman In New ork tended to confirm the theory. She said: "If the bank . robber you have weighs ISO to 190 pounds, has prom inent features, large ears, light hair, and eyes of a brownish cast, he is my brother, L. A. Harris of Los Angeles, Cal. You will lind a scar on each side of the neck and scar pits on the lift check one inch from the mouth toward the ear on a line between the mouth and ear." The scars were found exactly as described while the woman held the phone. She continued: "1 will leave on the first train for Chicago. Please hold the body. You cannot have my name, as I do not intend to be annoyed by the notoriety that will be caused by it In New York." Actress Tells of Harris. May Harrington, an actress, was named today us the ' woman In blue" seen frequently with Harris here. The Identity of the woman was disclosed by James Lelghton, a vaudeville ac tor. "I am the woman referred to," ad mitted Mrs. Harrington. "1 met La mar Harris in Los Angeles and be fol lowed me up and down the coast. 1 learned from Lelghton last week thai be was here and called on him at the La Salle hotel. 'Lamar was always a good fellow and spent money freely He acted (Continued on Page Four.) PASSENGERS WAITED 4 Governor Sanders Tells of Grounding of Steamer An tilles in Gulf Storm SAVED BY WIRELESS NEW YOKK, Oct. 18. gers and part of the The jiassen- crew or ttic Southern Paclllc liner Antilles which ran aground off Die southeast cast of Florida a week ago. were landed here today by the steamship Cuius of the same line. Among the passen gers was Governor Jared V. San ders of ljuiisiana. who govs an inter estinc, account of the accident. c had experienced two days of heavy weather,'' b. said. capped on Monday morning by a hurricane in which oliserv at Ii ins were i 111 possi lib'. Neitln r Ihe apt.i n no i the passenger- f it much alarm, however, and most of ns had n tired wb-n shortly hi tore midnight Monday the Antilles struiK sandy l.nltoni wtfli a shock that brought evei lioily up in a min ute. Ther. was no palm and Cap'tain tvi-ne.-s -.He, I lis alt- r a hasty cs amii.alioii Hint th. boat was in no iM.iiiedi.'iie dang.-r. .Meanwhile the constant siduiler of the wireless ov erhead informed us thill le ws of our plight was being Hashed out to all the world From Monday night unlil Friday we laid in waiting the arrival of the CumuH which we learned had been sent to take us off. For nearly four das we did not see a sail or any oth er signs of life except an occasional ea full. With a calm sea again the p.'issi tigers lieguil. d the time as best they could. The ship lay in Hls.ut twenty-four feci of water with her nose nearly three f. et In the shifting sand." (Sovernor Sniiden will remain In New York until the latter part of the week 3nrt will then go to St. Iotiis w here he expcctF to meet President Tan. The captain of the Antilles and part of the crew are still on board the stranded liner directing the ef forts .to pull her off the shoal. It Is not believed she is seriously damaged. Mystery of Detroit Murder Is Cleared up by His Con- h fesslon REWARD BROUGHT EVIDENCE TO LIGHT Woman Probably Died Under Anaesthetic When on Surgeon's Table DETHOIT. Met IS. With the re arrest of Dr. Ocorge A. Flitch for causing the death of Miss Muybcllo Millman of Ann Arbor the police be lieve the mystery of Kcorse Creek has been solved. The polite have round Joseph W. Leach, an automobile driver, and Leuch. after a searching examination said he had taken the bans containing the dismembered body of Miss Mill man to the creek. Miss Millman. about twenty-seven years of age, told her mother on Au gust H that she was coming to De troit to visit a former schoolmate. Miss Martha Helming. (In September 6, a weighted bag containing the torso of u young woman was found In tes corse creek. The next day the head was found and Identified by Miss Hen nlng as that of her chum. On September 8, the day the corpse was buried at Ann Arbor, a third bag containing the rest of the body was found, and later the grave was opened so that all of th,c body could rest In the same place. The police i(ucslloned Miss Hennlng had her locked up one night and made a trip with her to Ann Arbor and then brought her back here. Shs said she knew that Miss Millman wished t.i undergo a" illegal opera tion and had mentioned tly name of Dr. Frltch. He was arrested, put In the sweat box, wild he had received one call from the girl and that she had left his office days before the finding of the body and thai he bad never seen her attain. He was finally released. A reward of $1,001) had been offer . 1 for the arrest of Hie young wo nan's slayer, and the police kept ut rk. The coroner, in Ihe hope that suosli.ntliil evidence would lie event- (Contiiiucil on page live.) PIT fSBURG DELIRIOUS M JOY GIVES CRACK TEAM 6BHT Dip Monster Parade Causes Ces sation of Street Traftie Down Town GET TIIEIK CHECKS PITTSHI'ltfJ, ' ' lx- Pittsburg b baseball mad tonight, the time offi cially set for. the gn at celebration ir honor of the Pittsburg baseball club winners In the world s championship Traffic along Fifth avenue In th. downtown section of the city was bandoned early in rtie evening for the monster parade. Such a piirade was never seen Ir ittsburg before L cl by Mayor Ma- gee and the mi ini.eis ol nis cai.mei and all the members of the Pittsburi baseball chili, practically every po litical club of Allegheny county wa.- In line as were about one hundred athletic organisations, tin- iiiemb. r inareliing in uniform. Kach section of the city constituted a. division o; the parade, while the business men and various trades unions man hec. in another class Forbes field wa: taxed to its capacity. Mayor Mage. Congressman Francis Ifurke and oth er prominent citizens of the city wen among those who made addresses each member of the ball club he Ian--introduced to the crowd anil forced to make a remark of some kind Mayor Mugee presented each player with a cheek Tor bis share of tin receipts of the world's series and pandemonium reigned as each man stepped to the platform to receive the award. Charlies fHahei Adams, tin pitcher who led hiH team maps t' victory three times during the gr"H series, was the recipient of a grea: vatlon. ami besides the check as his share of the receipts wan given it purse of over J1.0II0 as a testimon ial of his great work. IIF.I.Fi ATF.K NAM F.l. RAI.KIOH. N. O., OH.. 1. On-ver. nor Kltchin appointed 2 T, delegates in everv part of the state for the Na tional Farmers Congress, Raleigh. No vember 3 to S. Among them are U C. Crnwell and R. P. Hodges. Or. Geo. T. Winston, Asheville; J. K. Martin, Morganton. WEALTHY SPINSTER IN SEARCH OF A HUSBAND GETS BUNCOED ONCE Married Hootler and Paid $200 for Him Only to Find He Was Already Married. Has Another Hostler On Waiting List Until She Can Get Annulment; She Is Well Connected. . NEW YOItK, Oct. IS Miss Jcn nette Suffern, the eccentric heiress of Suffern, N. Y., and who Is renlly Mrs. lllscock until she gets a formal an nulment, said yesterday that she would l.nd a satisfactory husband If ahe has to keep on marrying and divorcing candidates until eighty yours old. She Is sixty-live years old now. "You can say, too,'" Miss Suffern added, "that I will not enlist the ser vices of a matchmaker again. Tlioy don't know their business, and besides they're too expensive.'! This statement, Mf Suffern admlt- l"U, HppitCU pill UVUiui ly ui iibthi Tobln, manager of Van Horn's livery j i'd. applied particularly to David table ut Kldgewood, N. J., who start- ed suit against her in the Kldgewood on Thursday night she and "my Bl Dlstrlct court yesterday, claiming she mnn" went to Justice Keys to be mar- agreed to give him $250 If he fur - nlshed her with "a man who would marry her." "I Introduced Miss .SefTern to Hob lllscock, a hostler at my stable," ox- ..l..n...l hi i.AKln ' ' A fr.u' honra iif- i ter she was married to lllscock by ,'ustlce of the Peace Keys nt Paterson. That was on September i. lllscock, 1 REVIEW THE M'CUE CASE Much Lititfatid Suit Will Come Decision. Insuranee to Final WASHINGTON, net. 18. The fiu preme court of tin United States to day anncuincod Its determination to review the flndlnus of the. lower courts In the case of Mcdie vs. the North western Mutual Insurance company This case Involves Hie question as to whether the ordinary life Insurance policy insures against hanging under sentence of the law. McCuo Is one of the heirs of the hit' Mayor McCue of Charlottesville, ,'s . who was handed a few years ago on the charge 'if mur dering his wife Tin- Insurane ' com pany refused to in . I payment on a policy amoiintinc ( $ I fi.000. The t'nlted States ! ml court lor the Western district ot irginlu decided In favor of the i - 1 1 n i -. n y . holding that death on the gallo.v was not ,,ne of the risks against which McCtr- was Insured, but the Court of Afioeals tor the fourth circuit r- v ers-d that find ing, and held in t . or of the Medic policy. The Hupi'iuc court will go over the entire re, or, I and decide lb. iase upon its merits NASIIVIU.F. I!WK CIX)SF,1. NASHVILLK. Tmn., Oct. lS.--The Chase city Savings i- ink which Hos-d its doors Haturdav, failed to re-ooen today. The bank's indebtedness vv is given as more than $300,000 and It was declared to In wholly insolvent In a peittlon grnnt'd today enlolnlnir William II. Green from acting is slgnee. COOLER WASFJIXfJTiiV fid. II. Forecast for North Carolina: Ptirtly cloudy and colder Tuesday and Wednesday mod erate north shifting to northeast winds. SUPREME COURT WIL Ml 1 1 It transpired, already had a wife, and has disappeared, but that Isn't my fault. - 1 carried out my contract when 1 got her a man who would marry her." Will Wed Her Klnion. Tobln didn't get mo a husband," Miss Huffern said, when seen at Pater son, where she Is staying with friends, "lllscock was already married, and my lawyer says I am Just as free as X ever was and can. marry .. 'my Bl inon.' " Miss Suffern explained "my Simon" was her latest prospective" hMSbnnd.. (JY. .... 1 ,1 V. ,i das. la a hA.tUi a Vtt rnr miu iiv am" ".. , - Morn's Rldgcwond stable, nut would till no more, other thnn to admit that ried. He refused to tie the knot, say ling he had married her once and be lleved she would have to get an an nulment. Matchmaker Tobln supplied the missing details. "Miss Suffern drove up to the sta ble on October 7." he sold, "and com plained that I hadn't furnished her mr tift ;miin,nriR llllli I III I ULUkUUtU I llll FROM MADDING CROWD ( Joes to "Brother Charlie's" Texas Ranch out of Heach of Committees. OREOORY, Texas, Oct. 1 S. Pres ident Tafl arrived here tonight short ly after 9 o'clock to spend four days on the ranch of Charles P. Tafl, his brother. Reports as to the slsse of this ranch vary from one hundred thou sand to two hundred thousand acre. In cither event, It uprouchea the pro portions of a principality and during the time hire the president will be sscluded from local commlteess, from the givers of bnnipiets and from the Microns duties on constant spi li ma king- Asked today what he was going to do on the ranch, the president re plied that he was going, for once on the trln to do as lie pleiLwd. This means that he will golf every morn ing over the links laid out mi II," ranch; that he will horseback ride in the afternoon and that he may go duck shooting, although he does not claim to tie much of a shot. The Slav at the ranch will In the tlrsi real rest the president will have had, for even the Yosemltc Valley, far from the Is-.Hti n paths, bad Its lo cal committee and Its Ironclad rub' of stage ri b s and Ms early hours of rid ing. Mr. Taft was met at the C.regory station tonight by his brother and a. number of bands from the ranch, which lbs three miles east of here. The ranch faces on the gulf of Mex ico. CANNOT COLLECT GAMBLING DEBTS WASHINGTON. Oct.. t. The Su preme court of the United States to day refuse! to take cognisance of tic cane of Majors vs. Williamson, Involv Ing responsibility for a note given to a debt fisumcd In connection with a speculation on the slock exchange. Tho debt was contracted by William son, In Memphis, Tenn., and a note was given with Mississippi real estate rr. km security. The laws or I Villi' w 1 . ., LMl, .... l.ll ttnti laws tho note could not bo collect!, with a husband. Blm62da that's his name was standing In the stable door in his overalls, and I advised him to tmeak to Miss Buffern If he was anx ious to get a rich wife. "Blmonds walked over to Miss 8uf fern's carriage, talked to her not mors 41mn o c minutes, cams hue k .and borrowed a dacerft stilt from on of th other men ana drova off with n. cum hack the other day and mid hA and Mlsa Buffsrn war aolng to bs married aoon. la the meantime he explained, aha was flvlns; him an allowance of 110 a day. Bo you she's really Indebted to me for Bl monds, too." Offer of Marrlaft-fl. Tohln evhllitted some letters he had received with offers of marriage to Miss Sueffrn. One, sinned "Frank It Ice. general doltvery, Brooklyn," said In nnrf "I am fifty-three years old and have been a widower for about seven years uu-ixrtrii'" ------ ( flonl InnPdl on Page yvwr.) www - MASONS MEET IN CDUNCIl I Three Sovereign Comman ders Meet With Southern .Jurisdiction. WASHINGTON. Oct. IR, Attended by the three masons of the highest standing in all America tho biennial nicotinic of the supreme council of the Scottish Kite of Krcemasonary for the Southern Jurisdiction of tho United HtaUs assembled here today. Sover eign (Jrand Commander James l- Richardson of the Southern jurisdic tion called the meeting to oroer, there being present among others, General Crocker iJtwrcnce, sovereign grand commander of the Northern Jurisdiction and Or. John M. fllbson, sovereign grand commander of the supreme council of Canada. An Increase of about tniny-iorce per cent In the total membership of the order of the Southern Jurisdiction was announced by Mr. Richardson, tho number of members who have received the thirty-second degree were 35,005, compared with 27,105. two years ago. It was announced that the next International conference of the Scot tish Rite would ! held In this city. While the date has not been fixed, It Is likely It will be In H12. Iiecernber 29. next being tha one- hundredth anniversary of the birth of Albert Pike, whom Mr. Richardson succeeded, the grand commander suggested that the supreme council provide for Its celebration In an ap orlut .manner. The royal order of Scotland, Includ ing the Northern and Southern Juris dictions of tho United Suites of which Mr. Richardson Is also provincial grand master, tonight conferred de grees upon about forty candidates. These degrees are conferred only up on thirty-second and thirty-third de gree masons. DCPKEE HKLKA8ED. rt.AI.EIGH, N. C, Oct. IS. W. M. thipree. the penitentiary guard Jailed without bail Saturday for the death of convict fleorge Murphy of Sans on 11.000 ball by agreement between . covernnr Kltchin. Solicitor Jones and I " others, the order Being maae Dy uniei (corpus writ allllTn SCOTTISH RITE NEWBERRY LAID TO BLIi TIGERS Grand Jury Returns Indiu ment For The Killing Newport's Fxecutlve HAD BEEN ACTIVE IN SUPPKESSING THEM Tragedy In The Eastern ort of The State SUrs The Whole corhmnlty nrcAi?i.'ORT. N. C. OH. m. Tha grand Jury today brought. In a bill of murder against 8. J. Sunders who had been arrested for the death ot H. Z. Mewberry of Newport, N. '., who wai shot to death Saturday night at tha ,loo- or his home there. Judire Quloa ordered the sheriff to summon two hundred tallsmen In order to (at a. Jury. The caae la set for Friday ut' 10 a. m. Handera today Is lockod In tha Cr teret county Jail hera, whlla his brother, B. K. Bandera, also Is under arrest, held aa an accessory, Tha prisoners wera brought hara last nlsht bv Sheriff Hancock, afur a coronaf's Jury at Newport tand returned S var diet that Mayor iNawnerry s aeatn resulted from gunshot wounds Inflicted, i, at .1 Banders and that his brothsr also was Implicated In the shooting. Prosecuted "Tlgera." Tha assassination of Mayor Nw i.rrv was tha direct outcome. It Is said, of tha prosecution ot "blind tl gar" caaea. The mayor rscanuy.. nan several persona arrested for Illegally, selling whlakey, and four bf ths man, Including tha two Banders brothers, bound over for court at Beaufort next Mnntnv . ft is alleged threats have been mftda against the mayor's life nnd after his assassination eiaiuruay , night suspicion wtia directed to ths Sanders brothers. Orest Sgeltemdnt prevailed .in new port after the tragedy oofurred Batur day night. Request for bloodhounds were sent to Tarboro, and the road In front ot th saayor's horn was Topd off In ths hope that the dogs might k. .i.i. in rendllv tilck UtJ th soent and lead ths authorities to the sasss- Ths desd man's wire was m m .., th. tin,, nf the murder, ana nis little daughter stood by his slds when he wae ehot. Word of ths shooting was sent to Beaufort and yesterday s.-ternoon county BolU ltor Abernethr, sccompa. nled by Sheriff Hancocg ana m cor ner's Jury went to Newport In spee. hit train. Upon arrival of ths train at Newport, ths Banders . brothers were arrested ana later ine toronw Jury ordered them beld, ,i LEPER QR NOT, EARLY IS I aaa. am ft Mflll t ft Trt DIM Mil m III POST BY GERM F1GHTER5 Neighbors Compel Kim to Move Again and He Can not Find Employment. NEVER HAD DISEASE NEW YOKK. Oct. II, John R. Wn.iu ih. former United States sul- dler whose Isolation eta an alleged lep. , r on a rem-rvallos Jul wasninh'vn w almost a year ended last July, nu . little Hat In Brooklyn yesterday where he has been living with his wife and two children, and went Into tho coun try. Early's sudden departure followed a visit he made yesterday to Dr. Aloa zo Blauvelt. assistant sanitary super intendent In charge of Brooklyn. He told th' doctor neighbors had threat ened th-y would compel the health department to drive him out of the flat house nnd Into quarantine If he did not move of his own accord. Dr. assured Early the health de partment couJd not Interfere with him. as leprwy i not iw.uuj -as a contaglotjs disease. It was sunrxsed that f.aily ".i.; continue to Hve In Ihe little llat wnn this assurance: but after " over with his wf during the evening he decided to pack up their few be longings and move to a larm ' -" nectlcut, where the owner "j them live until, spring, rent anil hoard free. w Dr. U Uuncnn PuV1- """"' , ,.,.. Cuncer hiBUltal New rora dkih ' - - -who has champirmedarly, said last "''Although h never bad the rst symptoms of lepiHy. snd s-lthough when I nnuiiy p-.muir - .i.- I...-..I...1 hi. tflkn wan 111 P iict condition, the treat'ment the poor fol low has had to put VP "" he went to housekVepin w'th his ramlly has teen unVeakabl". : ruder his wn najlJ he f HimV It impossible to procure emplcyuw nt. I 'Is neighbors shunned Jxt only him but all the members stJO tamUy,

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