THE A S 1 1 E V I'LL K T I T f Z KN , TUESDAY, OCTOBKR, 1, lOOf). SOCIAL & PERSONAL The opening of I he fashion Lint vcn1iiK on Patton avenue mar the iuar attracted htrsse crcmiln of !- M r pie who, after 1111 limped ion which hinted a Knot) part of (ho evcnint;. wtTW amply repaid for their trouble. Thi new shop Is mlniirahly urraiiircd tho long srlas show cases anil those (hat line the wnlU lire well supplied with an excluniv.- Hoc of kooiIs that will appeal especially to women. The very latest chiffon shoulder scarfs, painted nnd ornamented with mara hout arc Known, the daintiest JhIioIm end litre collar, etr . humlkerchlefs :,nd smnll articles of ilresa of lace and linen are displayed. The hoe Mouses and srnwns are ipiiie new and very In expensive. There are hat pins of odd Hhape. xmart . alher hand hull and pockctbooks, Klovex. nnd French f-m-hroldered liiH'irle. H- An excellent line of ready made gowns are new In iVslisn and refined In cnlorlnnx. The xdk Jersey irowns which are the fad of the season are xhown In variety. - There are row tin for evening: wear, opera rnppH. Ionic coals, etc., at most n I tractive prhex. The nltcrlnK de partment at the rear of the shop l well nqulpped' and commodious, and convenient for the patron of the shop. The furn displayed were alxo In very (.nod style and Mr. l.owenbcln will shortly reclvo a lure conxlunment which will considerably Increase the present stock, althooxh the shop Is apparently fully stocked, one of the i novelties which will beeorno popular Is th French soap niado Into fruit fchapos and colored. These boxes of peaches, pear, bananas, apples, etc., i will make a favorite Christmas Rift Tit a hop is a great addition to the business district and the stock curried ts of a superior (trade, offering the ; latest styles and fashions In tlilnni that women wear. Jt J The aentor and Junior classes of Wnavervllle college went on a picnic and cheatnut hunt Saturday to the Klk mountain!. Tha trip was a lonK '' rough tramp through woods nnd fields and down precipitous mountain sldoa, hut every one had a moat enjoyable day, The party was composed of Mlssc Reeves, Ruth Grady, Gertie Wells, Helen Oash, I-uey Cat hey. f Pearl Thornhttrg, Eula Reeves. I.ll ' ; llan Daugherty, Messrs. Lomlnlrk, ' Faulkner, Marr, Iotsplerh, Palmer, ' Pltnpson, Clapp, Urown, Olll and '. Cook., . J The educational and social commit " tee Of the T. W. C. A., will give a party .Friday evening, October 22, for the purpose of announcing the edu cational work which will be launched next week, The embroidery class of which Mlaa Georgia t)ennls Is the teacher, met Itiat evening to organlne. Mlaa Bllcabeth Sinclair has been e- . cured to teach the Thursday night . Itible class. The class will have an eight week course of instruction be fore Christmas In the gospel of 'fit. , Unrk, and will have its first lesson Thursday of tills week at 7.80 o'clock. The ladle' of the Altar society of fit, Lawrence's church gave n supper Hunday evening In the Humlity school loom of the building In honor of the Visiting priest who assisted! In the dedication ceremonies. The room was lavishly decorated with greens which framed also a large picture of thi Into Jlr. Haphoal Gimstavino, which t ling on the wall. The table was covered with a cloth of Mexican drawn work and -was simply decorated with White c.hryannthemuma, and the Mimt Jt of the guest on the place curds wre wreathed with shamrocks. A picture of the church alxo appeared tin each of the cards. Thore .were twenty-six guesta, twenty-three of whom were priests. A vacant In memory of the lamented architect m given a place of honor. Hi a xon, Mr. Raphael Oiiastavlno, was one of the. guests at the supper. J The Catawba Hunt club recently held an annual meeting at which the old ohVcra were unanimously re-elected. lr. S. West ray Ilattle Is presi dent, Mr. W. V stnee Brown vice president and Mr. Thomas V. Chees- uorougn sccretm-v and treasurer. The club has huntlo.' privileges on a pre serve of several thousand acres near Hickory which eft' mix sonic of (hp lhiest huntinc. In i IPs sectl-m of the ountry. Miss Cynthia I'i.w.ine Pardee, of Rochester, l'a., mid Mr. Kugene Chrlstlcv llnmpton of this city were Married l;'M .-v. niug at the home of '!i- bride oil Spruce air. I. licv. I,. I, I.illance reinl (he in mini;,- service, the ceremony t:il;lnc, pi i, :,t ft o'clock. .Miss Pardee wax bi-co'Tilmtlv (Hired In a nn of white sill; Alter The ccremoin which 'V a few Intimate fi i, t. i 1"'ople, a we.ldiiii' xiir p. r Mr. and Mrs 1 1 . , n : , i . . , , r,2 sprio sir. nl .1.. Arnontf thoxi o wi-dihinr wi re Mr. :i r.d Handle, Miss M run ret Lewis. Mr and Mix. Nash. Miss Acnes luilan.y, llsx I'.lia Marie Haniltf. Mr Samuel A. 1 1 a in .! n and y.r P. A. Hampton. At the meeting held yesterday at he Henrietta many nu mbers of the Axxoelat.-d t'harllOs were present. There were a number of ladles and Mr. J. A. Nichols. Mr. J. M. Kloner anil Mr. II. T. Collins present and an ent husliiMl le meeting wax held In an effort to obtain one hundred and flfiy member for the American Woman's .(ague society, the object of which Is lo secure a suitable building for the accommodation of the Associated Charities and kindled clubs uiid lit erary societies In Aslievllle. The rnp dux opporandl of the matter was fully explained by Mr Jellord, represent ing tin- i.ewix publishing company l.nd by"lr. .T. M. Stoner who has been a member of the league fur Severn years. Full Information may be ob tained from Mr. II. T. Collins, pres ident of the local league. Mrs. R. T. Orlnnim has Issued In vltatloits lo an Informal dance which will be given Wednesday afternoon at lilngbam Heights for the cadets A number of girls of the younger set have been Invited to the dance. The Pluck Mountain Rod and (iun club will foregather at their lodge at I'.laok Mountain the latter part of the month which occnslon will he cele brntcd by the giving of a barbecue The hunting season for rpiall opens about, the 1 i of November and the members of Die club will as usual spend much of their time at the lodge There are n number of Aslievllle members. . J The Woman's club held an Interest ing meeting yesterday afternoon lit the residence of Mrs. Charity Husk Craig. Mrs. William J. Cocke read nn essay which was followed by the reading of the first two act of "Two Gentlemen of Verona," with Mr. Bolton a leader. The Tllngham cadet attended their I'sual Monday morning dancing class at the Battery Park hotel yesterday rndTicre were many of the younger girl present. The clanea are held by Mr. Kidredga Monday and Wednes day morning and until the football season Is a little further advanced the Monday afternoon dance will be Ir regular a the afternoon Is given over to practice. J J The Musical Art oclety hold It usual rehearsal Inst evening at the y. M. c, A. with a ood attendance. The large choru I rapidly (retting into shape. The muslo In rehearsal for the llrst concert of the society v til no doubt be of special interest. J Jl The Jewish Ladles' Aid society will meet Wednesday afternoon at the temple on Hpruce street at a. 30 o'clock, This will be the usual month ly tueclli;! of the society. YourLiver Ask yout doctor if he tou-j a tetter pill for a $luggth liver. Then folioat haJe.. He know,. Be'ter stir up yeur Jjver little 1 Not too much, just tittle, jutt enough to start tbe bile nicely. One of Ayer't Pill t bedtime is til you need. These pills ct directly on the liver. Made for the treatment of con stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick-bead-sche. Sold for oyer 60 years. Mr. and Mrs J. II Veirr and family have returned to I lie city afier sfe n I:iik Ho sumui'r al licir buriKa .i A ,11 WcNl Asia S llle. Mis. McCeney V,,,i, li . ft yester day tor Washington, I . '., and will be away a w ek or t n days. Mr. V. Minakuclil has returned to I Mrs. nil ri - ,1 New Mrs. H it. Uigur of Augusta Is vis iting her daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Ilaird, at the home ot tha latter on Cumberland avenue. Mr. If. H. Brlggs who ha been staying at Beaumont Lodge during the absence of Dr. Brigg on hi Ca nadian hunting trip has returned to the rty. Dr. BHgg hud a ucccs ful trip and after a live day hunt killed a moose. Mrs. T. C. Wetmore of Chlrst school has gone to New York to solicit funds for the school' maintenance. She will be away several months. Mr. nnd Mrs. S. P. Ra returned from a trip to New York and Baltimore. Mr. Kavciiel was In the latter city during tho visit of Dr. Cook and was present at the lecture by tho explorer. Ir. F. I Meriwether went to Trv- on yesterday on professional business Mlxa Cole of Wayncaville, is quite in ui tno .Meriwether liopilal. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. N. Bradley and Miss I.yda are attending the stale fair at Raleigh. Mr. W. H. Chadboiirne of Wilming ton, Is in the city on business Chapel Hill, as tin- condition Minukiji hi wlio was opcrnted cenlly is lavorabb. Mr. nnd Mrs. It. lioaslavlno Yotk who were heie d.r the lion left yesterday. Mr. Augustus II. Price of Hallsbury I In the clly for several days attend ing! the trial of the Whitney case. (jen. and Mrs. Theodore F. Tiavid ou I. a'. i the latter part of the w. k for New Orleans to attend tie- lilex to tbe Oulf deep waterway ongrexs which meets In lhat clly (ni .li.r ::a Qen. and Mrs. Davidson will be away a fortnight. Mr. anil Mrs. llarald Kces have ce turncd from Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. llobarl an guesls at the Manor. Mr. Hoharl ir the noted tennis champion. Mr. and Mrx. F. L. Holmes and Miss Minnie Holmes of Columbia. S c. in the city on (heir way to New York Mr. T.. K. Tucker and Miss Mary Tucker have returned to their bom In Palatka, Fin., after spending scv eral months In the city. Mr. nnd Mr. W. M Canaday hav returned from a several weeks visit b Indiana and Illinois. TO DOUBLE Tin ..:'..:-.-';-"'-;i -' h ''' j. .J' . -i :.'. - ..'.:::; press Cjoocfs Spec ial. AS Off I to sure ami take advantage of tliix Sficclal irl c. ixxl for all Hum week. On coloretl Dreaa (kmhIx Only. ' Cashier, Tiioiit;li Iiiiioci'iit, Suifides, ;ml Mol hcr-in-liiiw Falls Dead at News MINURAL ! U.N'T. W . el. IV- I- lank P Mr. Charlea S. Pnrmelee of New York Is In the city for a few days on cosiness and la at the Buttery Pari hotel. Mr and Mrs. liny Brown of Knox- vllle spent the week end with Mr. I! L. Fltzpatrlck nnd Mis Mlttio FltK pntrlck at their home on Orange street. Mr. Brown returned yester day to Knoxville. r Mr. nnd Mrs. Blodgett and Miss Deane return shortly to Boston after a stay at the Battery Park hotel. Mr Blodgett was formerly axxoclated with the late Mr. Oiiastavlno In buslriiBS and came to Axhevllle to witness th dedication ceremonies. Capt. R. P. Johnston- and Mr. Bar old Johnston have returned from Wilmington where they went to attend the Williams-Johnston wedding. Mr and Mrs. Johnston are In Washington at present and will arrive shortly In Aslievllle where they will he the guest of dipt, and Mrs. U. P. John ston. Rev. D. P. Lanlgan. is the guest of Mrs. Carson Seawell on French Brond avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Jarvls have returned to Chicago after a visit to Mrs. Lynn Cullen on French Brond avenue. Miss Rerthn Cunningham nnd Miss Sue Fuller have gone to Winston-Sa lem to visit relatives for several week. Mr. J. H. Hutchinson of Mobile Is at the Battery Park hotel. The Caloric Flrelea Cooker can he een In operation In our front win dow. This cooker will he given away during our Majostlo Range exhibit. You may win this. , Brown, Northup A Co., s:i Button Ave. HAS SMALLEST BOND ISSUE ON RECORD Beside the grave Oruccinnd cenn b i come, cusbler of lie- .lnon First National hank. who.x doors were closed las! week, commuted sui cide last night by taking carbolic uiid and ihen shooting himself in the lUhl lemple with a revolve. Mr. ,1-Oin '.'ray, sr . )lans one 's aged niolhci -ui-law, dmpped dead w b n she vlew- I Mx body. Phil Allen, Jr , lec-pn siiknl of the bank. Who lias In cm luub r arrest at his home since Friday laM, charged with embezzling $h;h.iiimi ,f the bank's funds, today said that Hans come was entirely innnceut nl wrong doing in with Ho- bank. MOTOK (Hit Mi:iTIii. The llrst meeting or tie- p e. illy fnllmil Asheville Motor club will l.e held In the board i f trade rooms at S o'clock tonight The Exceptional Equipment of the California Fig Syrup Co and t!ie scientific attainments oi" its clicmi.-ts hnve rendered possilJe the production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, in all of its excellence, by obtaining the pdre medic inal principlesof plants known to act most beneficially and combining them most skillfully, in the right proportions, with its wholesome and refreshing Syrup if California Figs. As there is only one genuine Syrup of Figs and FJixir of Senna and as the gi n uino Ja manufactured by an original method known to the Califo.-nia Fig Syrup Co. only, it is always necessary to buy the genuine to get its beneficial effects. A knowledge of the above facts enables one to decline imitations or to return theni if, upon viewing the package, the full name of the California FigSyrupCo. is not found printed en the front thereof. ffew JCine of Capes and presses Yesterday we received a large ship ment of stylish capes and dresses. In the rapes we are showing a beautiful selection in all the most desirable shades, priced reasonably from $10.00 to ffCiO.00. New line Kvcning dresses from $30 to $55. This is the first installment of evening dresses and we expert, more shipments during the next few days. Pretty line of Street Dresses fr :! 7.50 to $35.00. Jiealherbloom demonstration Con tinues All Cfhis iOeek lie sure and rail in and see our demonstration of the Heatherblooiii Petticoats. Thcv are the prettiest and best assortment ever brought to this city. Heatherblooiii is one of the most widely adver tised articles on the market today. Heatherblooiii Skirts f'onn $1.75 to $7.00. -SB ( TsIlT y 1 - PNEUMONIA kills It, toni ot thesundt. COWAN'S PREPARATION kills pneumonia by d stroylnf tbe congestion ftnd inflammation. Quick nrllcOorcoldi, croup, coufhs, grippe, paint and sorenen Id lungt and throat. Kiternal and barmleu, All druggists $1.00, 50c. !bc. We have all the latest nov els at $1..'55 each. Mountain City Stationery Co H. M. Nahikian, Prop. 23 Patton Av. A Piano 11 V 'Til "SSI (1 f I he vomit ivas .ti-rveil. "ill rcslih- Miss Harriet Johnson who visiting relatives In th,. city turned In her home in the liart of i ho suite. las ho n has re-eastcrn Mrs. Kc kman T.orl I :i rd has return ed 1 1 oni ;i several days visit to .Mrs. t'onally at Hlack Mountain. New Coats for Misses and Children A Single Trial liv the ' hou. -v.ivcs of Asheville has proven lo many of them that the Nichols Way Is far hetter and more sntisfnetory than the old fushioned washer woman way. Phone OB and let us do the rest. ASHEVILLE LAUNDRY I. A. NICHOLS, Mgr. l'hono 3 In again: All sizes of Flower Pots. See them at The Asheville China Co., No. 0 North Park Square. Phono 381 M. WEBB & COMPANY MUliaer) Importer No. I Ba.tte.rj PsJ-k PUotv Phono tM -VALUE La Pila, a 10c Cigar, for 5 eents. Try theni. Barbee, Wells' Smoke Shop. We can save you money on STOVES HEATERS, RANGES Beaumont Furniture Co. I LOGAN! Square. Plicae 797, Asheville. I Mereham Tailor, 14 N. Pack MTTI.E TOWN OP StU'TII 1UI.T MOItR WANTS WTi:it Uoinls are llonirht ly the Amerlcmi Nalloiial liaiik ol This 'lt.v. i There are all ages 2 to 1G in the following chil dren reefers and coats: Ifed flannel, sateen lined, douhle hreasted .. $.100. Sheperds plaid, sateen lined, double breasted, $5 00 Sheperds plaid, better quality, blk velvet collar $8 00 Copenhagen blue flannel $500 Navy blue and wine Kerseys, velvet collar ' ' $7 50 Red Kersey, blk velvet collar. ... 50 iiue lversey, rea nannei lining, Th coats for mlsae nro heaTT ChoriotJi In col ors! navy, brown, red, wine, lilaek, etc.: aires to 18 and prices ta.60 to $20.00. There Is an liitereHtinjr variety of designs, all fresh and new. Now Is the time to buy while stock are ronic plete and uncultod. n. V. MOORE WOMEN'S OtTFin E 11 PATTON AVE. Sonlh Ulllinnic may not lie tho hlir- rtmi ihiiimi in uie country lint It can at Isast claim credit for havintc the mullest hoiulcd dcht. South llilimore is a city in minia ture, with a mayor and hoard of al dermen and therefore while it could nave oorrowed money without honils It decided that it uuKht to have honds ! o evidence Its ,1,1,1 nn.l a., II i.u,,.,.i iriniature honds ten of them, each of the iinr value of $200, maturing se ilally at Intervals of a year apart for ten years, nnd, bearing Interest at the rate nf fi per rent. When the town decided that It mupt ! have such modern Improvements ir I sewer and water It called on Presi dent J. II. r.irtcr of the American I ,-hiik. .inn cxpiaineu me rase, i President Tarter pnmiptly told them I that If they could net the water he would furnish the money and when -Mr. Vandertiilt ntreed to permit the use of his supply, the money wns lorincomniK and the American Na tional hceame the owner of the bonds which are not the least prised by Its j bond department. The bank also he ume the depository for the villnue It Is believed that the bond Issue is the smallest on record. It does not represent the outlay for sewer and water lines because property owners will pay most of the expense. INSANE NEfiltO. Deputy Sheriffs Jordan nnd Wil liams yesterday placed in Jail an. In sane nesrro named John Ijiotv u iu,.,, they found on Oakdale street. The man had stripped himself of elothes. is an Instrument bought once in a lifetime. In buying ono do not depend upon looks merely iii(iilre as to Its Inmost parts, its tone, volume, its action and treiural con struction have an ex pert play it for V.m, loiiiK out Its sweetness and strenKth of tone, and t.yl it in every way. W, Invite you to visit our salesrooms' Kive our l'lanoH your most riiid examination and you will be our customer, for the St I. ft' always w ins out. Chas. M. Stieff Manufacturer of the ArtlstU- StlelT, Sluiw nnd Stleff Sclf-plajcr Pianos. Southern Wareroom 5 West Trade Slrwt. Charlotte, - - N. C. C. II. WILMltTII, Mngrr. (Mention thh paper) PURE MILK FOR BABY FEEDING Pure milk Is what your baby most neoiU to build muscle and tfssue. Pure milk prevents sickness and briiiRS a ruddy glow f Us checks. Our milk is P ASTIHItlZKO and abso lutely pure. Asheville Pure Milk Co. E. Walnut St. Phone 551 COAL IS AN INTERESTING ..SUBJECT NOW. And the best coal is demand ing most attention. M&VV Indian Coal Phone 130 Carolina Coal & Ice Company Trr"r T-rr m rr-tui wurinw tiwiiril JUST RECEIVED Large Assorted Line of SHELL HAIR PINS MISS CRUISE, 27 aK.d si. ADS FOR RESULTS. TRY CITIZEN WANT TELEGRAPHY l being taught at the Asheville Bus iness College by Mis lone Buck, an experienced operator from Missouri, If you are Interested please call. 3EJOIV S. SUOCKI.EY. Principal. GREENE & CO., Agents American Ladles Tailoring Company of Chicago. Made to measure Suits, Skirts and Coats. LA GRECQUE CORSETS VISITORS, SAVE M.OHKX, bj having your teeth attended to by u Always up-to-date. Pain leu and Reliable. Crown and Bridg work specialty. Popular prtoe. DR, MATTHEWS DEJJTAtT PAR tiORS 25-26-27 New McAfee Blilff., oornef JoIlcge and Spruce, opposite 1st Bap tist Church and near Conn House Phone 949. Residence Pbona tTS. WATCHK8 MY SPECIAUTY If you need a watch that will 4- keen time, w have them, and f at prices that are right Pine Watch Repairhuc. f J. E. CARPKNTER, 4- S2 Patton Am s4- NOTICE. Ncliic i io icby Hi-en that tlic I'n i.'ii Pliinil.iiiK C'liniianx . bcrtof'rc c.iiului tc, at No. 7 South Lexington Avenue, lias been purchased by the tinderslKiicil, anil that said business will be i r. i i 1 1 n t 1 1 at the abnvn yilaco. All accounts due said linn will be paid to the uiiili rslirneil. and all debts duf by said lii ui will be paid by the new lirm. w hit h w il! be the linn name of t'oinpam . This the 'llth .lav of October. 190! K J continued under fnion I'liimbinsl 1.1NIKEY. fAlllLi:. Now Is the Time 'Bucks Hot Blast Heaters ! are just tbe tiling for this J weather. They save fuel, but give out the heat. BURTON & HOLT ;) PEERLESS? Omit Special Sale OF SUITS AND COTTON GOODS WILL CONTINUE To-Day i The well known Munsing Underwear. We have lately received a large shipment af this popular Underwear for Ladies Misses and Children and we are pleased to say selling tine. It is the best fitting and best made Underwear for the money on the market Comes in Union Suits or Vests ami Pants Always ask for Munsing Underwear and be satisfied. , .... i 1 1

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