THE WEATHER: RAIN. VOL. XXVI, NO. 2. THE ROUGH Hie Miss Gonnally Also Gets A Prize In Southern Metro polis Society Even BOTH PARTICIPATED IN MIDSUMMER SHOW Southerners Get Their Inning on Second Day of The Southern Exhibition ATLANTA, (in., Oi l. -'. The sec ond pel foriniinet timiHbt of tin- At lanta horse hImw sin passed (In- open ing night in point ill' brilliancy, at tendance ii i in . -t--rt . Tin- np:n -iuiiM auditorium wan parked to capacity. Of the varied program, tin- rough rider drill by a clase id young women, led by Mrs. John Hall, id' Atlanta, wan tile crowning feature, the riding nf the khaki clad Imr bhiimi. r-1 1 -i 1 -Inft rnnndK of jlpplniiKc. Tin- coveted prize in this number was n $ :;! dia- iiiiiiiJ broiieb. won last year by Miss (,'liarleH Owena. Alia nta ns M in. Miss lCli-tinnr Itaoiil won In the rough rider drill; .Miss ('hallos ( mens .second; Miss Alary Ablridge Joins third; Miss I-'raneis Connolly fourth. The only entries of Alfred 1. Van derhilt took prizes. Madue and the Duke taking 1st uml bis lady Katliryn and Columbia second in tin- class for pairs of heavy harness horse?. Madue and the Duke, driven by .Mr. I'hinizy I'lillioun. of Atlanta, also won llrsl prize In the open elass for palm, la dies harness horses. Others llrst prize winners were: .laddie horses, southern throe' gaits: ' Dundee, II. M. Atkinson. Atlanta, rid den by Miss Atkinson. Mules, southern: Miss Atlanta, T. J. Turner. Atlanta. Ponies In harm sr. open: Andus, Laurel Farms. Gallatin, 'I'eiin. Combination horses, three Raits, open: Princess Soma, Mrs. It. T. Ijiwndes. Danville, Ky. fcne harness horses, .southern: Princess Patricia, O. M. Mct'ullough, Atlonta. Saddle horses, live gaits, southern: feopper Kins, JV N. MertUimifth, At lanta. Merc In Our Slmw Miss Rk-anor Ita.ntl and .Miss I-'r.-m- (('nntllllletl on Pairc J'our.) SPIRIT OF VENDETTA IS RAMPANT IN 0URT AI THE RIZZQ MURDER TRIAL Infuriated Mother of Mrtr U'irl (iirl lands lUow on Prisoner at Bar POLTCR 1NTKRFK1JK CTK'A, Nr. Y., Oct. l. Theodore i;i:'.:'.o. (lie Catabriaii vv lio. on Septem ber i it is i harmed, murdered st veii- viar-old Theresa lr pio. fatally i. me led two-ear-old f'erdinando Infusino and shot wilb intent lo kill l-'anu.v Infusino. si ,ars old. is now o.i trial for bis life before .lustiee I (inters. Just after 'In- op, nini; of court Mrs. I'.ll'laele I'nn opio. Mol her of TlnTeS-l, . m- ill throur.h (he lawvirs' eit- n -ii, . I'olb.v. ;, bv b.-r biisband's , l-l.-r. Hi:'. '.'.I.r lloliatZ.l. e.ieh , .in i'; ii!l :u arms. Colli vvolli'-ttj , ast m :i 1 i I . ' t ' rl, lines at Kizzo, wlloj ,..,( a I- : t i n a v from I he hem h. i.eoiiiii d -n. : d bv thr-e . "lie. men. ; ''be pri..oio r. s, .-in lc them. lookidj away. "'IW!S .drs. I' and trs l:,. n.,l:' i i-e i . , - era I miniit- s si I le : r lillh- ; not -if juror.- -v ,i 1 1 i ti .: c i . l If rl t Ii i -to, ii.-' s lor in a i 11" - thev i h i ii ii' 1 oa:. Mr 1'i-o.opio . :i i II saw the li;i:-'on.r. ,. - 1 ' - U - .ns: din-. Ill 'it 'or WiHi a , i M rs j loeopio stii't. -1 1- r halo i.. h.-r left , ,ini. and w Mi 1 1 . ' y- M.i'ii" .1 ? ' -I ,l t.'izz i full l! S . sudd, n . I le I .,, . I,, H-r'o I I- fol" t! ..Hie. I -' ' ,.l, v. ; ; 'a. Id : '". '' I' III'' ie'- , -. . i -y .i" if.-.- Id. .vv ! ... Ifiv.i's ear. ..' -'o- 'illie r;i)l- :iir him -' i I n dm. S roil Ib'.iiL'.ht Ii ' , ,i h.-r i-oiiKhiv. :'h 'u .'or-! He I -. r: : o.i 1, 1 111 , MISSRAOULWINSfN GLASS IN ATLANTA i. a Mash, and wo-iW h i " l n at !:izzo aueiin. onlv this tin- Chief ! I'n.phy V,!'-- 1. el .-.ell thill! ! T he otliei is carried the ' it' 'I "in in fr,,m lh" court room .v main for,".. I.Hile att.-iHion bad In- n alveil to ,s. Itonzmia. who stood boiaim: her. , -,,n, !:i .-ti" arm, i sib-nt s.. , t it"!', le tliis im iih-nt. S!i" wat. le d th. in i,-.i.i b.-r sister-in-la vv to tin- doer am', j ,i, n wl,.-. te... .'.irl -.l at IliZZo. D'-pu-j ,, ;,..,. T It. nipl-e eed-d h-r nlT alnl ;l .. ! ijian otle.-r. .lohn Oraiid". ,w -ni ,,. hi as.Mst-n.-. S'ill holdii.K h-rj h-- --aM- the ..irie. rs a bri fj (Coibinucil on I'airc four.) THE SAW VESSEL After Being Libelled Puts i Marshal Off And heads Tor High Seas AMOUNT INVOLVED ONLY TWENTY SEVEN DOLLAKb Revenue Cutters Are Sent Out to Round up Recalcitrant Bugeye WANIIIXGTi 'X, let. of the fi iN-nil si-ia ioi w ork this ul lei noon to gitivo craft in I In- Clu Word c;u;:c during L'u. Th o arms set to capture a lu ap.ake bay. Ho- afternoon from the I idled States dislrlc! atiur ney at Hahiuior.- that a v, ss, I hail been libeled anil ill rilslod of a watchman had bolted." lie asked aid in capturing the Imat which was already luakiiu: h..-id.av down tie t'liesapeake bay. Assistant I'niled Slates District A t - tonne I birr brooked no delay. A I'niled Slates marshal was walliu;; an opiHtrimiit.v I' s. I sail after (ho fugitive and regain possession. Mr. Ilarr t oiaiuuiiieal d with Assistant Secretary llallis of tie- treasury de partment. I 'a pta in Comma ndatii of the revenue cutter Apache on the ChesapeaKe. received tie- m singe. Iile tiiis afo rooim, ,oil came liiat the Apaclte was to take i Ii,- impa tient marshal aboard ai Annapolis and as evening aihaiu id llu i base was on. piiisued and pursuer headed down f'O' llle sea. ii:iisi:s id II A I.TI Mi i( K. Oct v y;-7 - i inly t. lllglll U receipt of tile Associated I'los- ihspatcb from a.- h in l-.i on did it become known outside Strictly offi cial cilol. s, i hat last Saturday a v es sel iindi r bud and in charge of a deputy I'nited Stales marshal bad ejected the latter ami. defying the whole power of tie- government sail ed away, wither no one seems lo know and Unit y. sterday the revenue cutter Apache went In pursuit, fol lowing appeals to Washington for 1 , 1 made by United States District Attor ney John C. Itosi The vessel the Apache is after. Is the Mnii.vr l-'re.ldie liavwoo.l. of St .Marx's county, this state. The is owned by .Jernmi (fniitiiiiK'tl mi pae;e four.) SCOTTISH RITE MASONS ELECT GANO!DATES TO TI Soiitliern Jurisdiction Adds to Short' list of Those who have IJeen Honored ONE ASIIKVI LLI- MAX WASHlxCTiix. net.. L' l tin lift v -- loin l h biennial session of (In snpr'-iiii meil of the S,.,tiish l:i(. - .Masons for the southern jurisiction j today a biiiK-.M-n "f Masons m vorioii j s.eiii'iis of Hi,- eoiintry vv . ,- I' ' t ' I ' t" the honorary t hirlv -t bird de::t of Ho- older. . moicr t h' se vv . : ': j AHIuitia: William Aldrieh, AM- t rieb: Janus i:-.vvioii. Pirniiimh lliom c .M. VI illi.i i. i .-. i i Is a l it-. ' i' '. Khii'T l'.i.'o..:s. 1 I'd j Si'i.m-.. Sam in S. hi mc. Hot spriim : i loolC- C. Wood. Little :..ei I1' 1 1 ' i ' ' I i . 'bore S i : 1 1 i v ;i fi . Tami'i C -rii I'h. iil.s Strotii.:. Savan nab l.oii i ; m. i : i i, la '. " .1. i eiraud. . v t i '! I- '" v le m .1. M, V, lV i , . i Mi .::-'!';' IJ.'l; 1 ai in ''.bile. M,r I : Ma n. V.-i ; it i -I l ohna ,v l ... Ash. il!. 'I', ii.: . . - ! Frank T M, i i i i'lioa It. A Men. v -.''.. i.'- .i .e li"i ".ii. Memphis. I I "be r.-slluaii. Nashville; Jrsei.i H. !'.!!. Xasavilb-: Waller I.. Ora . i M.-ni piii Cicirle-' S. I ,i . 1 1 i n. e 1 1 . M.-m j phis: bra. I II. 1', r, s. M, n,ph. T. v:is .T. W. Ibuvert. Dallis: It' ll Itfls-iu. Dallis: K. 1 '. .loins. Houston: j A. V. I-ane llallis; V. I'.. Iickhari, : I v l .1. M . i iri.rv . c, a I v i st ii it ; I. .1. Ornish e. Kl l'aso; Joseph S.-in. I" fti- r. il. it. "-ion; C. i:. Wabbn, He.iuiiii.nt : I.uis r.laloek. Dallis. "t'lie ii., will be conferred Tri ll. i v ev- n:ii" in : iris d v . Aotoiu.: llle .barters crallted were Altanla e..n'-islore ,'o. :'. Atl.-.rila. Oa., Carolina Coasistorv No. 1. Charott". V. c :.los. ph .Mortfi-rd I... dee of p- r- feeller,. H. I bll ebl. X. C. ; AII.C- l!l..'le U.,ne of Ccfeetion. N'o. 4. l-:iiab"th city. .V. C : Johivs.ui i:ial;e l b"b t perfection N'o. Wilming ton. N". c ;l'eihl"bem council Ka.losh X" 1.. Charleston. S. C. DEFIES THEPOWER OF GOVERN MENT ASHEflLEE CITIZEN. ASIIKVITJ.K.X.OTIIURSIXW MORNING, RICH GET ALL THE E T Home Missions Conference Develops Many Mild So cialistic Ideas SENATOR SMITH AND DR. KILGO SPEAKERS Both Refute The Idea That Church Is Doing All For The Mill Workers CI l. UI.i T Ti;, N. C, Oct. -JO. Con ditions among the lieople whif work ill the lollop mills or the South are much better (ban when these people lived on farms Is the consensus of re- purls made at today's st-slon of (he home inision conference of the Meth.. odit Kpiscopal Church South. lit liorls oiiluiiiiug n careful analysis of (be present condilions of mill em plojes w ere made by a 1 1 pn sontatlve of the board of missions of each Of llle districts of llle live southern slates repr. seiii. il. Tin -He reiorl.M al so indi. aie j-rent primress Is being made in church work anil in Hip wel-i fare work of the chiu-clv among the mill opei ai iv s. A movement it iiliniit lo be tunnelled for educational evangelism in mill villages. .Much iiib rest was evinced in the reports of llie el. -veil conference rep resentative by tin- deh-Kiitea. Dur ing the afterni tin- conference lis ten, d lo l:.-v. .1. A. Baldwin, of Chnr lotte, ami Itev. Dr. V. It. Ware, ol ( !n eiislioro. N. C.. wlio delivered ad dresses on "Methods of Work, lustitU-J lional and i:ducatiiiial." Senator Sinldi Sx-aks. With an address from I'nited Slates Senator I :. I . Smith of Smith Carolina on "The Industrial Devel opment in (he South and the Cotton Mill as air Kcoiii.nile 1 'rnblom" . the Home Mission conference rounded out a, da and iii':ht calculated to shod liKln on the iiiesti,,n of the relation of the church lo Hie industrial situa tion. Senator Smijh's address wan the feature of the day's sesslonx. llu mado an earnest plea for the cQtlwtt. mill op MWrtfrn. whom he characterised at men ami women as ripe and as tit for bid's kinitilom as the wealthier i a: ;..--i anions w hich the church in v rkimr. The I!. Id. he declared, is r- .lily lor tin- harvesters. The church (CiiiilliiiM'd m iae;c four.) RE TODK TOLL IN KISSES ii LANDS INJASTILt This !ay Young Clerk En joyed 1 1 iniself for a Brief Period MKT HIS WATERLOO HV YOIJK, "let. -ii. Disbelief il, tin- old axiom thaf kissinK ever goei ,y fuv-or. landed llarrv Donnelly, IS a clerk of ,o. -lull Hudson street, in :, ,.,. ,,( t),,. i -barb s street police ta. i j , ,n. niuht, and he has vowed never a.iain to salute unwilling Hps Marry. aeeoribiiK lo his historian, the police, and his chum, l-blvvard Ma-hoii.-y "f Nn ::7 ( ' l,i rkson street, stood KNOCKS THATAR COMING :c,u:i!'i! at tin l.eroy sireei eiiiranee oi ' ! Hudson I'ark In the afternoon, aim ,,i,.. ,,.,... u ri.-il lo 1..1KK d iiialld'-il as a i ' el Ii t e rslKn a kiss, anil Inn it was ;;ivin or taken, allowed I""' '!' '' "' ' '"' V'O'" " U'UOe.-I 'smacks" wen- bove-to and toll eolleibil, until half a down ttlrls to K.-ilnr start.-,! llirniisli the Kate. Ail iinsiispei tini; tb" llrst paid toll I., Hairy befori- sin- r-alizcd it and V. a i l"o siii psised lo protest, the po li.e say. 'l b-' i.y Harry was about I,, li:'s a in I her i:i rl v Inn her tiv com j icioiis" poiiiie. d uiion the youth, who nev. r b'-loie kn--w how sharp are lint;, r nails. s.- . ral sr. .re men and s, sill i o 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 Uli" Kl oup aim en- rai-i 'l tie irlils Ii. "civc it to him i .,,i , I,. r.'.unr A tn.-ixoiiy II- ' d-'d no ineeliti'. e. S .nn on.- ut;iresle,p liiat the Kills dm k tie boy in tin- park pond. Thev di iLTcinic Marry toward tin pool. Tie v w ere but a. few feel fi..m !h" water when th.- bid broke a.vav and d. .1. I'rK.-d by th" gleeful . rovi'l tie- u'iils pursued. Halles th. ti -rrilied youih ran plump' Into the arms of Tali-oilman Doheriy. who was on Hudson street, near (he main en Iran., of the park. I.. 15. DO.IIlt if:.d. COI-I'MHIA. S. C.. O.-t. '21.- I.. (!. Io.ier. a bsal capitalist and one of tin- direct. .rs of tin- National Kiv ers and Harbors Congress, die.l at his home here today. The Voice u i GRANT ADMITS FILING CHARGES A GAINST BILTMORE POSTMISTRESS Declares That Mrs. Reed Tried to Influence Him in Presence, of Hi8 Own Family ani I Also Sent Letters to S tate Chairman Which Showe d Her Attitude. . Will ' i V.. . ' Th R$ht over the Itlltmoro pot maslershlp which was suppomid to have been nettled by (he appointment of Mr. Bron Luther developed a new phasi) yeuterday when It was re purled oiijtliB etrcet that Mrs. Julia Uced had?; been displaced from the position ufpot mist row by rtmaon of f.h fact Jthnt ColUfresHina John O. Ormtitrfnit personally (lied oharicea of at t y m p t lrl hery. HcIhk anked -to explain hid position In the ftice ct tatencnu that ert charges of bribery were made against Mrs. Keed tb secure hnr removal an p0slmlstireB8 tit'rtjlimnre In order that one of hla supnifftiS-g mleht set th fcbultton. ContrrcfAnVtui- 'flTafifTilisf niuht, nwili! a brief gtatcment over the telephone to The Citizen which will be followed today he mild by u complete statement to the press, (ruin's Clm.Kc. "Mrs. lieed not only tried to bribe me. In the prum-ncc of my wife and daughter In my home to retain her in office, but she wrote a letter over her own signature to Stale Chairman S. H. Adams offering to bribe him" said Mr. ('.rant to The Citizen. "She then plai ' d hrr hands on my daiiKhter's should, rs and offered to bribe her to have herself retained In office." "I and my wile and my daughter mad" affidavits In these facts and 1 tiled these." "1 did not present the letter written by her to the stale chairman but I will present It lo llu; press to. lav." GYPSY SMITH LEADS HIS HOSTS INTO BABYLON Denizens ol' Ked Light Dis trict Startled hy an Un expected Invasion. ciircAOi , o.-t. no till' evangelist,' b-d a estimated at from persons tbroiiMh lh oKht distriet tonight. "Gypsy" Smith throng- variously r..!iiui to 1 ".il. linn South side red The police were povcrless tr cunt! o the crowds, as residents from all s.-. -lions of tin- city allied to view the remarkable spec tacle. Itann.-rs and toiehligbls n.ld.-rl to Ihe spectai ular .1. iiionstr.-itlon, and at inch corner street preachers exorted to the multitude on streets adjacent to the red light district car traffic was blocked. 'he police gave an order permitting (be demonstration, but today gave im other that was not published. It was '.. the denizens "f tb.- I the keep ers and the Inmates of the resorts, and In effect was If you show your self tonight during the parade. If a light shows from vour houses or If there Is any sign of life while the l'...r:ide is passing, vol might Just as ivell go out of business." WASHINGTON', "et. 20. Forecast: North Carolina: K iln and warmer Ihividnon College, Grasml Treasurer, Illchmortti suburb Is the. first mm Thursday. Krbl.iy iiartly cloudy; mod- Dr. F. . Ilawley, Chsarldtte, Grand munlty In the south to take this ad erate east winds becoming variable. Chaplain. vanced step. OCTOBER 21, l'XK). of Jacob And The Hand of Esau Give Further Statement. Mr. Grant referred 16 the difficulty f speaking nn Important matter over the telephone and that thers might be no mistake as to his posi tion said ha would today make, puhllo a complete statement of the. entire matter. v Trouble , K(rts. Recently friends of Mrs. Reed, per sonal and not political friends, sougpt to learn why It was that Mrs.' Heed 'Was removed as postmistress and Mr, Luther appointed In her stead after she had been Informed that President Taft ha4 informed Senator tjverman 'ttn4 Jt.tPX, Simmon .HawJuutaus ported the retention of the widow in office that he had directed that she should not be removed. The Inves tigation, It Is stuted, was made through a congressman who, it Is -Intl. mated Is a man of prominence. Mrs. Iteed's friends were amazed when they were Informed Jiy this congress man that her rcmovul was made pos sible by the filing with the postefflee department of an affidavit to the effect that Mrs. Iteed had tried to bribe Congressman Grant to retain her in office. It wus further stated that no opportunity was given Mrs. Heed to make reply to the charges In the affi davit, that no notice was given her of it. but that on the Resumption that the -charges were true her mmovul whs ordered, the President's direction being taken not to npply to any one who sought to retain Ijfflee by bri bery. CAUSE OE MAN'S DEATH Found Lifeless In His I loom At Hotel and Coroner Investigates. t r.KW YoltK, Oct. 20. Boon after II. A. Htev.-ns, superintendent of the I'n'led ri nl Supply company, with of I ,ci-s In the rintlrnn building, went to liU room In the Hotel Du Nord v ' i lcrday morning about 1 o'clock, he ordered (hat a bottle of milk nnd four ran eggs be sent to him. The re .( coming at such an hour caused oino comment In the office, as It was the llrst lime Mr. Stevens had asked for anything (o eat at night In the ten wrecks he ha.l been a guest at the himse. A maid went to Mr. Stevens' room fb'irlly before noon nnd found him lifeless in, the bed. The partly ellip tic. I milk bottle and two of the eggs were on the table. Coroner llarhiirger after a cursory vu initiation expressed an opinion that the man had died of apoplexy, but after hearing of the midnight re past said he would cause an autopsy to be performed today to ascertain if there was anything In the milk that might have caused the man's death. KNIGHTS OF HONOR ELECT OFFICERS RALEIGH. N. ('.; Oct. 20 The grand lodge Knights of Honor In ses sion here the pant two days elected J II. 8tokeley of AshevUle Grand !b' tator, K. J. PooTp-,' Wllllamston Vice Grand Dictator. P. C. Car'ron, States- ville. Grand Reporter. R C Sioflel.l. : . It was stated by the friends named that only strong Influence enabled the unnamed congressman to loftrn . M much as be hud, and that he was not Informed who mads the charges or even swho filed them, although they were statey from what they learned that Congressmsn Grant, eager to land his friends Luther, was respon sible." ''.; ''-'i;f ..'; '' ' The Mends -of Mrs. Reed arose In Indignation at these reflection on this lady, and Mrs, lieed was of. course deeply grieved and indignant not only at tha charges,' but by reason of the faet that fcstftllj uiienfllU 'VFIUBtfl existence she had been laboring un der such an accusation against which she hud had no opportunity to de fend herself. 1'ollthwl Hlorm. In the present critical and excited situation In republican politic when the Oront followers and those Of the opposition are at odds the new which came through Mrs. Reed' friends was enough to cause a commotion In po litical circles; The friends of the tenth district congressman, not being acquainted with the facte could do no more than express their confidence In Mr. Orant, and say that a statement that he would doubtless make would put him right. The opposition pro claimed that, Grant must necessarily have been responsible, directly or In directly, for the attack on a widow, fJonAiued on page four.) MARRIED IN HASTE SHE REPENTSJT LEISURE Cupid Gets a Baptism of Tears From a Bride of Twenty. Young CANTON, ()., Oct, 20. Miss Helen Lucille Jacob, aged twenty, daughter of the Rev. J. R. Jacob, of, Massllon, loped to i'ittsburg Saturday and was married to II. C. Mcllwaln, a motor cur salesman of New York. The Kev. Jacob dismissed his congregation Sunday night to go after his daughter. A marriage license was procured here also and bore fictitious names. Mr. Jacob says he will have the wed tinig contract annulled. "I was not In my right mind," sob bed the girl today. She spent most of the day In tears. When the Hev. Mr. Jacob met the iiinploln rittsburg, Mcllwaln said he ! u-l business In New York that de manded his immediate attention, on Ids promise to return and explain the I astor let him go. "My daughter declares she docs not runt to live with him now," said the lather tonight SUFFRAORETTS GET VOTE IN VIRGINIA RIGHMOND, Va., Oct. 20. The people of Glnter Park, the most fash ionable and the wealthiest suburb of Richmond, have formally extended the suffrage to women. At a meting of the Citizen's Association, last night, the governing body of the suburb, n constitution and by-laws were adop ted, on provision of which te that "all males and females, white and over twenty-one years old, owning property and living In Glnter Park and sub ncrlblng to the constitution and by laws, have a right to vote." The Associated Press. Leased Wire Reports. PRICK FIVI-: CENTO. STETSON TAUGHT AS SHE WAS TAUGffT Trustees Now Favor Pronoun, cod Ac;lon Rather Than A SHoni Course DEIFICATION IS AGAIN DISCUSSED Mrs. Stotson'i Friends Give Alleged Reason For Tlx) Present Controversy NEW YORK,' Oct. la.sivVltuUrfhf current In Mrs. Augusta 11. Htetsan'l thurch hits turned , ; str-img"1 rtgulntt rntnn. It wus learned Hint the ques ' t'on now agitating her trustees . Is whether to permit her, to sit submis sive nnd b effaced nr to make a fight. Tho present temper of the trustee favors hitting back, regarding , sny ot'itr course rs tantamount to eon fesslon of wrong. s , v 4 All the trustees hold that Mrs, Blet. son taught Only the doctrine the learn- td from Mrs, Eddy. Consideration to their course Is- deliberate, for they, rpprevlats that a report tin tho cms In , the line of their present IntpulBti would greatly strain relation with llotttnn, perhaps in ' thir breaking tolnt i i v.- s Those of the trustees who favor strong measures ha ve suggested points In reply to Uoston at follows: If Mrs, Htetson has been deified by her-students she; hrui followed the ex- umple of Mrs. Kddy, -- , 'Whatever ' shs has - taught pgnlnit the marriage - relation, Mrs. Kd.iy taught before her.- n Her teachings against matrimony; were based on the authority of Alt, fcddy. . . In respect to the deification of Mrs. Pddy there has been diKclosed s letter to Mrg, Eddy by the ttsV. M&itln Hin dell of Eau C1all , Wis., in Heptemb. r. 1S08. In whleh he wrote! "1 know Christ Jesus could never hnv.v been born of Mry bad ah been Jvipiop-r In thought of Heed, i can fee Hut It required a higher sense then Msry had for ths revelation . of Chrlstltin Science' , ;- - In printing this letter tho edltur wrota a headline.. rTh Deep Things cf God," and said: "Ths following wonderfully apppre ciatlve letter Is from a clergyman who a few years ago embraced hrleN :; ln Science nnd Is now engageu In lis healing ministry. Th aplrltnnt In s!ght Into the deep things of Ond dls-, closed by the letter Is remarklil," Ihs trustees who favor using this rnbllcatlon lm their anwr y Slr. Eddy was always willing, to hs , deified alone, although very nulck to !iftla Mrs. Stetson for permitting her students to "deify you and ms." In preparing to combat the ehargo . that Mrs. Stetson has Indulged In ether false te'aMiliig the, trustees hav Iiovlded themselveg with the test book In which Mrs, Kddy treated of rtemonology, a chapter omitted from the books In recent years, but which is yet Included In class Instruelte This subject relates to the power of thought to prolines death as well e .Ife. its Influence on Judges snfl turorg in trial esses and to tha dependence of spiritual development nn the r satlon of human generation.. Mrs. Stetson's adherents bllv that the circumstance which preclpl-. toted ths censur was ths annoim" ment of ths purchase of a site nn Uh -erslde drive for sn overflow church donendent upon the First church This called attention to her growing power, slid material wns then eiei"f found, they say, on which to build, charges. White Delegates Refuse to Participate Unless Negro Delegates Withdraw. -NORFOLK, Vn., Get. Several hundred Virginia oynter planters, ; packers, tongers and oiliera l.iteitst d generally In the oyster Indusiiy of this state met in convention at New . port News today for action looking to remedial oysi-r laws hy the general assembly In January. J-'ormer Sen ator James N. Htubbs. of Gloucester, was elected chairmun. The conen .i,. ha not more than opened when , Oeorge Parroattore, Heading large delegntlon from the counties eastern slvore, arose and declared that he and hl colk-HKues wowld not par ticipate un'ss the thtrty-tlve negro oystermen present retired, TlwAcha.r submitted the proposition to the ne Kroes. thenti elves and they finally d .rmlned to leave, but not without a protest : "','''' ! V . Senator S&tbbs took rm sla," 1 o'gA'nst the preatilng of 'he Ilaylor oysh-r survey nd opposed even an anie dmcat for the Mnilehlenlng of the 4ytft rock ilne- , GUI TOM